9 mm t XXV ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 19 EASTERN OREGON IS GIVEN BOOST BY YEON f STATU HIGHWAY COMMISHIONEK TELLS POHTLANI) FOLKS -. ' THAT HIGHWAY SYSTEM WILL 1IKM THEM DUALIZE AMIHTION TO HECOMK UltEAT CITY WANT JOHN DAY COMPLETED Demi Ox Mat Described Am Illclioat fkctlou of State Country Around Ontario mid Vnlo Will Impress Strangers With Oregon's I'OIIIDIIIlleS NO. 24 V,,Cl,,:'.liXN 8TA0K M'MVKH HACK IN MALHKUK COUNTY ON VIHIT J. A. Holiday who for years was o mnll contract stago drlvor bo twocn Canyon City nml Hums, Can yon nntl Monument and over othor routes In tho Intnrlnr rnnnlrv m-rlv. od In Ontario thin week for n visit with old tlmo friends. For tho poBt four years Mr. Holiday has boon oporatlng stago routes In tho Wyom ing country which ho declares lion been especially prosperous. VICTORY MEDALS ARE Honrtonlng Indeed to tho peoplo of Malheur county Is tho mossngo which Highway Commissioner John II. Yoon gavo tho Portland OrcRMi Ian of his Impressions Rained while on nn Inspection of this highways of this soctlon with his associates last wook. This 1b tho mossages which nppoarod in tho Bunday Issuo and ono for which Kastorn Oregon has long awalted: "I corao back moro convinced than over that tho main trunk roadi should bo built first," said ho. . Prior to tho tlmo tho commission ers mado tho trip W. II. Uarratt going all tho way" and It. A. llooth part of tho Journoy thoro was llttlo enthusiasm among tho officials to locato and push tho John Day high way oastward of I'ralrlo City. Tho Ditto mountains prosant engineering difficulties and call for costly con struction. Now, howovor, Mr. Yoon, doclarod tho John Day highway must bo built. Ho said that event ually tho natural road from tho oastorn odgo of tho stuto to Port land will bo tho John 1)n' highway. Highway Thought Important "This highway," confessed Mr. Yoon, "Is of groator Importance limn I had Imagined boforo making tho trip. Tho sconory Is wondorful, tho highway opons up an omplro which now lacks transportation, nml It Is tho shortest road to tho east. Thoro Is a lot of flno grading alroady dono on this highway and a good start has boon mado. Tho John Day highway simply will havo to bo completed. "Then thoro Is the Old Oregon trail, from Ontario to Pendleton, whera It connects with tho Columbia river highway. This Is n great traf tlo artory. Do you know that ovon now, In May, thoro havo boon 1C00 peoplo waiting for tho snow to dis appear from tho gap In tho Dluo mountains near Cabbago hill, Sj twoon La Qraudo and Pendleton so they can got through! All along tho Old Oregon trail tho highway Is undor construction or undor con tract. Portland to Heneflt "Whon thoso trunk lines aro com pleted the Old Oregon trail and tho John Day Highway, with tho Pacific Highway now opon, and Tho Dalles California under way, oil loading to Portland well, say, Portland's fu ture will bo Immense If taxpayers would only tako a run around tho stuto In a machine and sco tho roads which have beon built and those under contract, thoy would novor kick at the money spent on high ways. "Nothing will Impress strangers v traveling from the east more than when they arrive In Orogon and look at tho country around Ontario and Vale. It U a rich country, fertile and green. Irrigate and you are suro of a crop, as sure as the clock ticks. There Is no better land anywhere In the country than Dead Ox Plat, where the soil Is muny feet Legions I'IjIok Ko,undrnti Addrciio .Meeting At City Hull I (omit legislation Discussed - Com pensation Claim Adjusted JOHN J. JOYCE DIES FROM KNIFE WOUNDS K1. ICnrljtlit Asinllunt of Junturn Sheepman To Ho Tried On Mur der1 Charge Military Funeral Aeeoided Murdered Mini Hy Outnilo Post 8undny was n busy day In tho history of Ontario Post No. 07. Tho local post that day ontortnlnod tho four momborn of tho Oregon Legion Flying Squadron which Is traveling ovor tho stato on a multltudo of dutlos In connection with tho organ ization's activities. Of particular Importnnco to tho local men was tho nppoaranco hero of Copt. Ureen, U. 8. A. who dis tributed to do mombors of tho post tho official medal of sorvlco; and Clifford Wood who took up with n numbor of tho men tho ro-instnto. morit of their govornmont Insur ance potlcloB. Frank Elvers also took up tho adjustment of numer ous compensation claims. Tho principal speaker of tho ovon Ing wns Edward J. Elvers, stnto ad jutant of tho American Legion who nddrcssod tho mooting on tho pro visions of tho Soldier Donus nml Loan act which Is on tho ballot for tho Juno oloctlon. "Hy tho provisions of tho bill, with Its options for tho men to choso from, not flvo per cent will olect to tako tho cash bonus," ho said. "In fact tho Loglon men aro urging their members not to accept tho cash hut Instead to tako tho loan provisions. "Hy tho operation tho loan tho inxpnyors will, not uo caned upon to pny lucent of Increased, taxes, for tho loans will be1' repaid by mo mou who tnxo thorn nnd In tho moan tlmo, slnco most of tho loans will bo usod to dovolopo unculti vated land nt prosont tho property vnluos of tho stnto for taxntlon pur posos will bo enhnncod hy many millions of dollars." Iiorul Men Waiting Local mombors of tho Icglou to tho numbor of nt loast 25 havo signified their doslro to secure loans undor tho forms of tho act, and In most Instnncos thoy want to do so In order that thoy may purchaso farms nnd dovolopo thorn, say tho local offlcors of Ontario Post No. 07. It Is on this basis of sorvlco to tho men and to tho stato that tho loglon Is to wago Its campaign for n favorablo vote upon this bill. (Continued on Last Page) BODY OE ONTARIO BOY THOME Mrti. Vlnn Hoswell Notified Hint Tim Hody of Her Hon Jtobcrt Wlio Died In 1 Vance Will lUacli Now York May 21. Mrs. Vina noswol! rocelvod, word from tho Army officials that the body of her son Tlobort J. Iloawoll would reach Now York on May 21, It Is oxpectod that tho body will reach Ontario so that funeral sor- vlcos will bo held on Sunday 29th In connecting with tho Momorlal sorvlcos to bo hold that day. Tho local Araorlenn Loglon Post will preparo to accord tho last rites of a soldier for Young Dos well, though as yet they havo re ceived no official notification of tho service to bo held. Private Doswell who Itvod In On tario and In other Mainour County towns for years entered tho service soon after war was doclared and went over seas with ono of the early expeditionary forces. Ho died at Toul, Franco after a short III- noss. John J. Joyco, tho Juntura shoop mnn who was stabbod In tho nbdo men, by Ed Enrlght nt Junturn onrly Inst Tuesday morning dlod nt tho Holy llosary hospital early Sun day morning. As tho rosult of Joyco's death Enrlght, his assailant who wbb nrrostcd soon nftor tho crlmo will answer to a chnrgo of niurdor. Enrlght Is hold at tho County Jail at Vale. Joyco, tho murdorod man, wns nc corded n military funornl by tho mombors of Ontario Post of tho American Legion. Sixteen jox-sor-vlco men formod the escort for tho body from tho morguo to tho Church of tho Ulossod Sacrament whoro sor vlcos woro hold, and then to tho Catholic Ccmotory on tho hill west of tho city whoro aftor tho rites of tho church woro pronounced by Itov. P. J. Stack, taps was sounded by Post Ilugter J. II. Oordon nnd tho firing squad flrod a snlula ovor tho gruvo of tho dopartod comrado. Dosldo tho escort of Loglon mon n largo numbor of friends nnd mom bors of tho Knights of ColumbUB of which tho decoasod was n mom bor woro present nt tho services. Until last Saturday Joyco was ox pectod to rocovor. Ho had been nblo to tako nourlshmont dally and was In good spirits up to tho Inst. Tho loss of blood and tho shock of his wound howovor proved moro than his strength could bear so that when tho crisis camo his heart-fall-ed and ho passed (Away. j Mr. JoychwAsittflllJjuoNn lnfOn turlo and (pppuhtr. with all hlsjnc qunlutnucos. Industrious Jn business ho wns ono of tho younKOr"monwh'b returned from tho war nnd entered' tho shoop business on his own ac count, woothorlng tho ndvorso conditions. It Is possible that slnco n special torm of court la to bo hold In Juno that Judge Illggs may call n spoclul grand Jury to Investigate tho caso nnd that Enrlght cun bo trlod for his crlmo at an oarly dnto, othor wlso tho trial will bo delayed un til Soptombor, PENSEN LETS ONTARIO DOWN WITH LONE HIT Kmnictt flctN Itotengo On Home Grounds Uy Defeating CIohio'h Colts 2 to 0 New hill Twlih Stellar Hull Also Caldwell Hero Sunday Standing of tho Teams Nampn 2 0 1.000 Ontario 1 1 .000 Emmott 1 1 .000 Caldwell 0 0 .000 (IltANI) CHIEF OF PYTHIAN HIHTKIW VISITS ONTAUIO Frank Lynch was ln from the shearing plant near Homedale tho first of the week. Neighbors Rent Building so Chinese Laundry Has to Move After occupying the wooden shack on Nevada avenue for more than 18 years, the Chinese laundry was .compelled to move recently when neighbors succeeded ln renting the shack and have since been engaged In cleaning up the dump. The condition ln which the place was found wns a controllng argu ment against the further Introduo Hon of the oriental Into the life of America. It was worse than just dirty. It -was filthy, according to American standards, but must havo met with the approval of the many John Chinamen who have lived there and handled American linen sufficient to penult them to return of to China to epond tho balanco their lives. When tho Sake Cafe got tho pro perty, ln order to rid tho nostrils of its patrons from the offensive efluvla that pormeated that soctlon they did the best piece of "clean up work" Ontario has experienced In Its campaign for a cleaner and bet ter city. It was a bit of education In filthlnosa to seo .the condition In which the oriental lived and work ed. Days were required by men and teams to haul off the 'dirt but It Is gone now, and that section of the city Is clean for the first time In years. COMMISSIONER YEON IS HIUIj MALHEim HOOHTHIl That Malheur County added n. real friend In Highway Com- nilsslonor John 11. Yoon was ovldont from overy stntoinent Issued to tho press by him ou his roturn to Portland, among othora tho following from tho Journal was ono of tho most enthusiastic: John II. Yoon, who has re- turned from a vUlt to Eastorn Oregon In connection with stato highway work, Is onthus- lastlo over Malheur county. "Wo ought to send our over- plus of population Into Eastern Orogon," ho said. "I am as- tonlshed nt tho opportunities offored In Malheur county. It Is n wondorful Irrigated coun- try. They ralso tho products ovor thoro, and all Orogon should know about that section of tho stato." Emmott got sweet rovongo for tho victory whlchtOntarlo won from tho prune nlckofs. by turning tho tables nnd wlnnlngtho gamo played at Em nott last Sunday afternoon by tho Bcoro 6fjf2 to 0. It was as good a gamo as " tho score Indlcatos, doclaro nil tho loyal Ontario fans who Journoyod ovor to Emmott to witness tho pastlmtng. Though Ontario lost thoro was not ono fan who was not prouder of tho playing of tho locals than 'thoy woro nftor tho local victory. Tho defeat was In no sonso n dlsgrnco IUwas simply n caso of too much Ponson. Ponson In fact was tho cntlro show ho nnd Nowblll, Ontario's youthful twlrlor. Thcso youngstors Just had an Indian sign working on tho bnttors all nttornoon. Ponson'a sign was n llttlo bigger nnd moro baffling, so baffling ln fact that only ono Ontnrlan connected with his offorlngs solidly enough to re gister a snfo hit. This wns secur ed by Hud Young, Nowhlll's battery mnto, nnd It did not arrive nt n tlmo that meant n run. An Idoa of tho manner In fllngorn work may bo galnod from tho fact that Nowblll fanned 10 Emmott sluggora whllo PoiiBon whiffed 13 of Ontnrlo's. Whllo officially Em mott wns crodltod with six hits off Nowblll, two of thoso woro of tho scratchiest ordor. Emmott had ono earned run, that socurod In tho Bovonth whon Ponson scored on Hal ey's douhlo nftor ho hlmsolf had socurod a slnglo. Emmott'ri othor scoro wnn gnrncr- od In tho sixth when Dorau hit, Btolo second reached third on n flolder'u cholco nnd riimu homo on an Infield out. That Ponson workod consistently may bo furthor omphasltod by tho fact that Ontario had runners on tho paths In only tho first, fifth, sixth and eighth Innings; whllo In nil tho othor stanzas thoy wont out ono two throe. Emmott, too, had only a fow, chancoa to scoro but had tho punch whon tho opportunity camo. Caldwell Coming Sunday Tho noxt game will bo played horo Sunday afternoon whon Mana ger Clomo sonds hfs loam against Caldwoll tossera who havo lost both their games with Nampa by 0 to C scoros, Tho locals bollovo that In Ponson thoy faced tho hardest pitcher In tho leaguo and that tho game with Caldwoll will bo closo. Arrangements aro being mado for a Jitney to carry all who havo not cars to tho ball grounds. Tho car will loav tho Ontario Pharmacy overy 10 minutes during tho hour before tho gamo. Tho battlo starts at 2:30. Tho Scoro Mrs. Julia A. Ullycatt grand chief of tho Pythian Sisters of tho Grand Domain of Oregon was tho Ruost of Mystic Clrclo No. 22 of Ontario last ovonlng nt which tlmo sho mado nn official Inspection of tho work of tho order horo. Following tho ox amplification of tho dogrco work by tho local dogroo team, Mrs. Hllyeau mado a delightful talk on tho work of tho ordor nftor which n banquet wns sorvod. Asldo from tho local mombors of tho ordor thoro woro n numbor of visiting Pythian Sisters from Vnlo presont to enjoy tho festivities. COMMENCEMENT ENDS O.H.S. SCHOOL YEAR CLASH OF HO ADDED TO ALUMNI HOLES CLASH OF '17 STILL HOLDS HECOHD AH LAItO- i:ST CLASS IN HCHOOL8.J HISTOItY WITH 7 MEMHEHS CUT VALUES IN HALF W. li. Gllxon of Njitxn Appear He. foro Hecutliei Coiiiinltto of Farm lliiK'au Heekliiu; Alt Ion Com. inltteo To IueNtlgat( No Action Taken W. L. Gibson of Nyssa occupied tho attention of tho members of tho Farm Uuroau oxocutlvo commltteo for tho major portion of tho com inltteo mooting horo Inst Saturday 'nflornoon discussing his plan of usRossIng property In Malheur county, with him nppoarod David M. Graham, local ngont of tho Eastorn Orogon Land Company. It was tho contention of Mr. Gib son that nit tho property of tho county bo nssossod nt fifty per cent of Its present rate ou tho tux roles. no urged that tho commltteo sond n delegation to Vnlo to dumnnd this basis bo used by tho assessor. Mr. Graham nrguod that It tho prosont valuation Is corroct na of lost year, thou for this yoar tho fifty per com cut would bo ropru soutntlvo of tho decreased values through reduced earnings. In tho nbHouco of President V. V. Hlukox, Vlco Prcsldont A. A. Gut turldgo of tho commltteo told Messrs. Gibson and Graham that n commltteo from tho bureau wns looking Into such matters nnd that n mooting might bo hold to discuss It. Othor mombors of tho commit too doclarod that tho mnttor was out of thu provlnco of tho Farm Uuroau. Mr. Gibson urgod that n delega tion ho at Vale ou Wednesday of this wook, and doclarod that hu would gathor n crowd about Nyssa to bo prosont. Aftor tho mooting mombara of tho oxecutlvo commlttoo doclarod that In their opinion It wns not tho husiuess of tho Farm Uuroau to lu torforo will) tho work of tho county omcinis for an mat tno rarmeru woro Intorostod lu was In seeing Hint Justice bo dono to ovoryono, slnco no mnttor what figure was plnccd ou tho valuation roles tho nmount of monoy to bo raised would bo tho samo, tho levy would of uocosslty bo raised to secure this nmount. Miss ENIo Poolo Is Valedictorian J MUs Mabel Madden, Halutntorlnnf Ncutou Zahler, Misses Mnttlo Craig nnd Hilda Hrcckon Follow HAD CHECK AUTIBT PICKED UP HEHi: AND SENT TO CALDWELL Sidney Well, who attempted to pass a number of phony checks In Ontario Tuesday was arrestod by Marshal J. II. Gordon at tho re quest of liolso and Caldwell author. Itlog and sent to Caldwell whero he will servo a sentonco for similar activities. FAHMEHH WEEK UICTH MATHEWS FOIt BPKAKEH Dr. Shaller Mathews, dean of Chicago university, will spook bo fore Farmers week crowds at O. A C. on Juno 17 and 18. Ho Is a noted student, traveler, writer, and lecturer, and will consider church cooperation as a community factor. Itov. Luscombo has boon Invited by tho O. A. It. to preach tho Mem orial Day Sermon Sunday, morning May zatn, at li a. in. American Legion members oud their wives and Civil war and Spanish war vet erans and their wives are Invited to participate In the ceremonies C. C. Hunt was here Monday, Ontario Hustod, 3b Chapman, 3b Smith, cf Darnell, 2b Lackey, lb Gramso, If Long, o Test, rf Nowblll, p Sullivan, rf AD 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 0 1 11 0 10 0 1 0 TO ADDRESS MEETINGS Well Known Authority Coming To Ontuilo mid Cairo Wednesday, .May 2.1 Is Known Am Oiio of Norllmett'H Most Interest- I lift Speakers With tho grnduntlon last Friday ovonlng of tho class of 1021 tho school year ended. Thirty mombors of tho class rccolvod diplomas at tho hand of Prosldont W. W. Wood of tho School board and llstonod to nn nloquont commencement addross by Prof. 8. II. Potorson of O. A. C. Superintendent J. M. McDonald presented tho class to tho Hoard and Principal S. M. Ilotichcr an nouncod tho awards for scholarship standing ns follows; Miss Elslo Poolo, valedictorian; Miss Mabel Madden, snlutntorlan nnd tho fol lowing rnnklnir mombers: Newton Zahler, Miss Mattlo Craig. Miss Hilda Ilrackon. Miss Poolo thus won tho G0 scholarship offorod by tho colloRo union of Oregon and Miss Mnddon won tho Whltmnn Col lego scholarship of $100, with New ton Zahlor ns nltomato. Tho exorcises oponed with tho Invocation pronounced by Itov. W. J. Cochran; tho gloo club sang "Italia" which was followod by Prof. Potorson's nddross and song by Miss Huth McCulloch. Alumni Welcome Class Following tho oxorclRcn tho nn mini dlnnor of tho O. II. S. Alumni association wns' hold nt Flfor'a cafo. Tho association had for Its guests, tho mombors of tho faculty, Profes sor Potorson, nnd E, N. Conklln, formorly superintendent of Ontario's schools, as well ns tho class of 1021. Tho now class was wolcomod In to tho association by Crull Orcutt aftor which Earl Illackaby as toast, mastor callod upon ninny of tho old mnmbors for romlnlconcos of tho oarly days of O. II, S. Mr. Conk lln wns ono of thoso who thus re. spondod and recalled many Incldonts now dim mnmorlos with many of thoso prosont. Tho rounlon this year was tho largest ovor hold by tho association. It wns rovonlod by tho secretary's roport that with tho addition of tho class of '21 tho nlumnl rolo has 220 mombors nnd that tho class of '17 still has tho honor of bolng tho largest ovor graduated from tho local school, with tho class of '21 in Bccond place. Aftor tho banquet tho annual busluoMs mooting was hold whon tho following offlcors woro olected: Ernest Gramso, prosldont; Huth Mc Culloch, first vlco prosldont; Ralph Dunbar, socond Vlco prosldent: Irono Itador, Secretary; Paul Van Potton, treasurer; advisory board, Joy Hustod, Mnbol Maddon nnd Earl Dlackaby. Totals 30 0 I 24 8 3 Emmott Polly, lb 4 0 0 0 2 0 Huloy, ss 4 0 2 12 1 Lark, 2b 4 0 0 0 2 0 Doran, cf 4 12 10 0 Paris, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Otklns, 3b 4 0 12 10 Hall, It 3 0 0 0 0 0 Ponson, p 3 1112 0 McNutt, c 3 0 0 13 2 1 Totals Score: Ontario Emmett Summary: 33 2 0 27 7 3 00000000 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 110 x-2 Earned runs, Emmott 1; Two baso hits Haley, baso on balls off Nowblll nono, Ponson none; struck out by Nowblll 10, by Pensou 13; left on bases Ontario C; from Nyssa, Emmett7. flL C. L. (Farmor) Smith, ono of tho most accompllshod speakers ou agri cultural probloms lu thu Northwest, who for yoars has boon employed wltli tho O. W. It. & N. promoting Intonslvo agriculture along Its linos will addross two meetings In Ontar io noxt Wodnosdny, May 25, and ono mooting In tho afternoon at Cairo Grnugo Hall, In this campaign Farmor Smith la discussing tho prtfblum of dairy ing and hog raising in this section, and slnco thoro Iibh boon gonoral recognition of tho Importnnco of theso endeavors tho mossagu ho will bring Is of ospoclal Intorost at this tlmo. Tho first mooting will bo hold lu tho morning at tho City Hull and will bo for tho mombors of tho Hoys' and Girls' clubs of tho coun ty; tho socond will bo hold at the Orange hall In tho attornoon for tho raucbors, and tho third In tho ovonlng at tho City Hall tor tho ranchors who could not attond tho nttornoon mooting nnd tho business mon of tho county who aro as deep ly Interested In tho advancomout ot ngrlculturo, as tho ranchoru thorn solves. In A filarial Opportunity Ontario Is fortuuato to bo Includ ed lu this Itluery of Farmor Smith. For yoars, all ovor tho Northwest, ho has addressed audlonces and drawn crowds to hoar his niossago for ho Iioh been ono of tho Import nut factors In advancing tho farm ing buslnoss to Its presont dovelop mout In tho Northwest. Tho County Farm Duroau Is as sisting tho railroad authorities In holding tho niootlngs In this county nnd n gonoral attendance ot ranch ors and business mon will bo well ropald for tho hour spent lUtenlng to Mr. Smith, Geo, J. Mohler, trav eling suporvlsor ot ngrlculturo ot tho Union Pacific systom Is In chargo of tho party which Is com ing to Ontario noxt weok. Four Day Race Meet to be Hel'd Here Next Wednesday to Saturday Tho first raco moot of tho On. tnrlo Jockoy Club will ho hold at tho Fair around Track from Wednesday to Saturday of noxt weok, which will bo followod by a similar moot tho weok following at Wolsor, for tho folks dovn thoro aro awakonlug to tho Intorost In thu sport ot tho bang talis Secretary Tunny who Is listing tho entries for tho loal meat rccolv od work that Howard Dryden of New Moadows would reach horo Fri day with his string of four; M. Amldon of Caldwoll Is bringing his runner, Tramp, hero for tho moot and perhaps ono or two othor en tries; Curamlngs nt Ontario has thrco candidates for honors, and Jerry Watson will bo hero Satur day from Wolsor -with flvo runners. Ilandull Sago ot Nyssa will havo two or throo horses ready to faco tho startor as will tho Dlantou llrothors of Ontario and sovoral horses from Vale and tho uppor country aro axpocted. Tho moot will start Wednosday afternoon" at 3 o'clock and will con tinue) throughout tho week Local merchants are co-operating with tho club to promote tho success ot tho mooting oud It Is hoped to inaka tho event an annual ono. .-- AZ . . ISC i l v L vr V