The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 12, 1921, Image 5

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See Our Water Systems
We have new and second hand Pressure Tanks,
Motors and Pumps, and will be pleased to give
you any information for installing pumps.
H. R. Udick
Ontario, Oregon
Phono 152-M
We Save You Money
Ladies' Mahogany Oxfords, med. heel M'5
Misses' Oxfords, same as above - 4J.UJ
Men's brown Elk Work Shoes, half bellus ro ic
tongue, size 6 to 10 - - - spj.JJ
Gingham, 32 inch Blue Wing Zephyr plaid nnr
and plain colors, per yd. - - CCl
Have received a shipment of Muslin Sheeting,
Pillow Tubing. 'Toweling, Sateen, Challies, Per
cales, etc. Prices right.
JUST received a snappy assortment of
Suits for Special Sale. They are all good
lookings styles and at prices that will
please you, on sale
Hats, Waists, Skirts, and Dresses
and many things that appeal to well dressed women
Morris Millinery & Novelty Shop
" nil llf
nr ifit
AU.M tiA
tj, recr rv
Ml MW fc.
NO one need bo stingy or selfish to prac
tice thrift. It may require selfdenial
atttimes, but it always Drings a good
Start right now by starting an account
with the Ontario National Bank.
6 interest paid on Savings Accounts.
vL Jfo)&r 4
Summer Excursions
VIA 3'
(Union Pacific System)
Omaha, "
St, Joseph
or KansaB Qlty . ,, $. 87,(10-
Chicago -
Mllwaukeo 10G.80
St. Louts 101.40
St, Paul or
Minneapolis 105.00
Memphis 111. CO
Ft. Worth,
Dallas or
Houston 109.20
Tickets good three months hut not
to exceed October 31,
Dtivo Crnttock and family of
llvlcs, Oregon nro guests of Mrs.
Crattock's father Ocorgo Howo.
Mrs. Margarot Murphy of Uoulah
was trading In Ontario Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm, Dlott of Uurtis who
has been n pntlout nt Holy Hosary
Hospital, left for her homo today.
E. S. Ingalls, of Idaho Power Co.,
now located at Uolso spont Sunday
huro with his family.
Mrs. Claruncu Wood of Nninpu Is
visiting at tlio homo of Dr. and Mrs.
Several changes among tlio Gold
en KuIo'h oiuployccs havo taken
placa tccuiitly. Mrs. Kay Johnson
of Frultlund will tuto tlio placo of
Mrs. Maudo Prostoy who has ro
slgnod, and Mrs. Jonnlo Mustard
has her former position as cashier.
Mm. J A. Walter and soiib spent
Sunday In Wclscr visiting Mrs.
Walter's slstor, Mrs. Geo. Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. John MagtiUBon
from near Cairo spont tlio week
end nt Frultlnnd, tlio guests of Mr
Mugnuson'H parents. They return
el Monday spending tlio day with
Mr. and MrH. Kd liurry who arc
Mrs. MagnuMon's grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dyron Duntoii and
family of Meridian aro visiting nt
tlio J. A. Williams homo this wook.
Mr. Duuton Is In tho real ostnto
business at Meridian.
Joo llulknap was a Uolso visitor
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Itusk roturn
od to Ontario Satin tiny from a short
wuddlng trip nnd nro living In the
0. L. King houso which Mr. Husk
bought recently.
. A convention of tho ltoboknh
Lodges of Malheur County was hold
at Nyssa Tuesday. Quito n number
from Ontario jvuro In nttondanco,
nlso Nyssn, Vale, Hums, nnd
Jordan Valloy wcro well represent
ed. Mrs. L. H. Pattou nnd son Karl
motored over from French Idaho
Sunday nnd spont tho day at tho
Kd Horry homo.
A. K. Ilrocount, O. S. L. flromnn,
has been transferred to a run bo
twecn Ulonns Furry and Hunting
ton, with uonaauarturH nt uienns
Ferry. Tho family will remain In
Misses Dottlo nnd Fern Crummott
of Unkor woro In Ontario Wednes
day on tholr way to tliolr parents
homo near Vnlo whoro thoy will
visit for n short tlmo.
Kd Pattern and wlfo enmo ovor
from French, Idaho, to hoar tho
llaccnlaurcuto sermon Sunday even
J. A. Wnltur Is nutting In cotnont
walks, planting a lawn and other
wise improving his property on mo
cast nldo.
P. J, LuHcombo of Uolso, Idaho;
was u guest ovor Sunday at tho
Mothodlst Parsonago.
Mrs. Al Koho of Nnmpn was a
guest of Mrs, Charlotte Scholos,
llelu Athorton nnd family vlsltod
at B. K. Inglo's Sunday.
C. U. Stovor nnd Curt Inglo woro
nt Now Plymouth Monday.
Mrs. M. K. Cronln In having her
homo remodeled. A bathroom and
sovoral modonr convonloncos will
bo nddod.
Holon Anderson roturnod Monday
from Drewsey whoro sho has just
finished teaching a term of school.
Mrs, Harry Howo wont to Pay
otto Monday whoro sho Joined hor
mother Mrs. W, L. Kollor and thoy
wont to French nnd spout tho day
nt tho Kd Pntton homo.
Mrs. Tom Doston and son of Vale
woro in Ontario o business Sun
day and Monday, and also vlsltod
tho II. It. Udlck family.
Jainos Tumbull of Crowley, Oro
gon Is visiting frlonds ln Ontario.
Mrs. J. A. Walter and son Mol
vln left todny for Dakor whoro Mrs,
Wnltor will bo oporated on at n
Dakor hospital.
Rollo Itoso nnd brldo of Durns
aro Visiting relatives In Ontario
nnd vicinity tho past two weoks.
C. U. Stovor wont to Llttlo Wil
low, Idaho today to assist L. II. Pat
ton in bringing sovoral cars of cat
tlo down to ship to Portland mar
kets. Mrs. Marvin Albort of Payette
who rocontly undorwont nn opera
tion at Holy Nonary Hospital left
for hor homo Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Martin Is very sorlous
ly ill nt hor homo on tho oast sldo.
Mrs. Martha Drodorlck and
daughtoro ontortalnod Dela Athor
tonn ml family Sunday oveulng.
Mrs, Art Sanford has gono to
Salt Lnko for a short visit with hep
Miss Ileryl Stlth loayes Friday for
her homo In Terry, Montana, going
by tho way of Portland whore she
will visit friends and relatives. Miss
.Stlth will toach horo noxt year.
Miss Christine Abbott returned to
her homo near Caldwell for a short
visit boforo going to Corvallls for
tho term of Summer School where
sho will tako post graduate work
Miss Ituth Susoman leaves Friday
for her homo In Portland.
Miss Lola Thomas with hor moth
er and sister, leavo at ouco to muke
their home In California.
R. W .Smith of Now Plymouth
was trading I Ontario Wednesday.
Dr. E. A. Daus, who with Mrs.
Daus, has been visiting his family
here for some weeks received orders
to report for duty at Naval Hospital
at Mare Island and loft Wednesday
for that place.
Mrs. Fern Yernell of Nampa was
hero tho first of tho week visiting
hor relatives, tho Athorton family.
Mrs, Wm. Iloso of Olonns Ferry
was a business visitor hero Tues
day and Wednesday,
Mrs. C. C. Morton of Olds Forry
who underwent an operation at the
hospital last week Is gaining rapid
ly. Mr. Morto,, returned to his
home tho end of tho week.
Nathan Alexander of Uolso wns In
Ontalo Monday and Tuesday of
this week, Ho drovo ovor to Uolso
Tuesday accompanied by Miss Geor
gia Hull who returned by tho utter
noon train,
Mrs. Sylvia Morgan has rented tho
Flscr apartment houso, recently
purchased by Wm. Husk.
Mrs. J. II. Hawkins and daughter
Mldgo of Wotsor woro In Ontario
Monday and Tuesday, visiting
friends and shopping.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wood Thompson
loft Friday for Nampa whoro thoy
havo rented a flvo ncro tract for
tho Bummor.
Miss Mary llautch, n teacher in
tho Parma schools, undorwont a
minor operation at Holy Hosary
Hospital Friday.
Tho Misses Lois Printing and Ella
Louisa Kolsoy of Nampa woro wook
oud guests of Miss Margarot Ulack
nby. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Oakcs septit
tho week end In Dolso..
Mrs. W. H. Howlaud who .has
boon 111 In Uolso Is roportod to bo
recovering nicely,
. K, II. Urumbaugh nnd llttlo son
of Parma woro In town Friday.
II. It. Caldwell has moved to Em
mott, Idaho.
Horn, May C, to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Wayno Allen of Urogan, nt tho homo
of Mrs. F. T. Akors, a son.
Itov. W. C. Adair of Wolser was,
horo Monday consulting Ontnrlo i
Mr. and Mrs. Androw Asp nnd
Mrs. Walter Matsoti of Parma woro
in Ontnrlo Monday.
Mrs, Joo Howry Is down from
Crowley visiting MrH, John Pros
nan for a fow days.
Mrs. Mary Martin who has been
in poor health tor tho last onr Is
qulto 111.
O. W. Hnw Is erecting n cottage
on tho cast sldo.
Tho framo work of Mrs. J. W.
Schnlcs now residence Is nbout up.
Ilnrry McDonald Is building nn
addition to his rosldonco Just cast
of tho castsldo school building.
Mrs. A. Christiansen's pupils nro
rehearsing for n musical recital
which will bo given this month.
J. A, Lnckncss wan In Nyssa on
business Monday.
Mrs. A. A. Wales nnd daughter
of Uolso wcro last wook end visi
tors of Mrs. T. I). Flsor.
Mrs. Leo Flsor of Nnmpa spont
Sunday nt tho T. D. Flsor homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Dunphy who
haro been for soino tlmo residents
ot Nnmpn will return to Ontnrlo
Sundny to llvo. Thoy will occupy
tho Dalto,, 'Dlggs houso for tho
summer while- tho Dlggs family nro
at tho ranch.
Harold Ittco arrived from Walla
Walla, Washington, Monday on n
visit to his brother Fred Itlco and
11. n. Crondy nnd wlfo vlsltod
Dolso Frldny.
Mrs. Courtnoy arrived from
Ornngo. California Saturdny on n
visit to hor son A. W. Courtnoy and
J. D. Fnhy and wlfo nro horo from
Wostfnll. Mr. Fahy undorwont n
surgical operation nt Holy Hosary
Hospital Monday morning for ulsora
of tho stomach.
"f THEN in need of good things
to eat call on us.
Our line is complete, our stock
fresh, our prices lower.
We deliver the goods twice daily.
Every day is Special Day.
Cash and quick turnover is what
counts. That's our motto.
Phone 1G5 C. P. Skow, Prop. Ontario, Ore.
Tho "last day ot school" was ap
propriately observed by tho Ontario
airls Club nt n pnrty hold at tho
homo of Mrs. Lnruo Illacknby
Tuesday evening.
The girls, drossod ns kiddles, gavo
tho usual last day program nnd
presented "Teachor", who was Miss
Mary Jnno Sawoll with n quantity
of Inst day gifts which turnod out
to bo both protty nnd usotul articles
which Miss Sewell will find useful
upon hor return to Mnryvlllo, Mis
souri whore sho Is soon to bo mar
rlod to Sherman Montgomery, n bus
iness man of that city. Tho good
wishes of tho club will follow hor
In hor now venture Tho Club will
hold n lawn picnic nt tho homo of
Mrs. II. II. Whitney, Tuosdny, May
24, Everybody bring u lunch.
Tho Monday Drldgo Club mot
this week with Mrs I) W. Powers.
Tho Wednesday llrldgo Club gavo
u party yesterday afternoon nt tho
homo of Mrs. E. C un Potion,
Thoy had ns their guests tho mem
bers of tho Monday mid tho Tues
day Drldgo Clubs.
Mrs, Albert Chrlstnlnson wnB tho
victim of a plen.mnt surprise party
Tuosdny evening In honor . of hor
birthday. Frlonds to tho number
of twonty-flvo woro present.
FOIl SALE 8 room houso with
2 barns. Now ono woll built. Tlmo
given, or bargain for cash. Also
piano. Mrs.Wm. Korchor. 23.
(W. F. Cochran, Pastor)
10:00 Dlblo School.
11:00 Worship. Sormon Tepic:
"A Moro Excellent Way."
7:00 Young Peoplo's Mooting.
8:00, Worship.
Dr. Vnn Wators, Episcopal Mis
sionary for Eastern Oregon will hold
services at tho Masonlo Hall Sun
dny morning nt 11 o'clock, preced
ing which Holy Communion will bo
celebrated at 10:30. A cordial In
vitation Is oxtondod to all who do
slro to nttond.
A stag party was hold at tho
homo ot County Itoad Mastor J. F.
Joyco Monday ovontng, May 0, In
honor of Mr. Joyco's birthday, nt
which a number of Mr. Joyce's near
neighbors nnd huslnoss associates
woro prosont. Flvo Hundred was
Indulgod in by tho gontloimm pros
ont nftor which a dollctous luncheon
wns sorvod by Mrs. Joyco.
Mrs. A. S, Drown ontortalnod
Friday afternoon with four tables
of bridge
Miss Margarot Dlackuby was hos
tess Saturday ovonlng at a dauco
glvon nt tho homo of hor parents,
Mr, and Mrs. J, It. Dlackaby, Ton
couplos enjoyed tho evening festiv
ities, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Oakcs ontor
talnod tho Fortnightly Club Satur
day ovonlng.
Mrs. W. J. Wooso ontortalnod a
n it in bo r of frlonds Inst Thursday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. O. I.
Ilazeltlno who wiih hor houso guost.
Mrs. Ilazeltlno loft Friday for her
homo In llaker,
Tho Altar Sooloty of tho Catholic
Church moats Friday with Mrs.
Eugouo McCoy,
Woat Hound
No. 17 Pnaonnor 3:47 A. M. Dnlly
No. C Mall 0:20 P. M. Dully
No. 10 Pauongor 4:30 P.M. Dally
No. 23 PnsBongor 2:01 P. M, Dally
No. 8S Passougor
(Pony 0:33 A.M. Dnlly
East Uound
No. 18 Pauongor 1:10 A. M. Dally
No. 80 Passenger
(Pony) 7:C0 A.M. Dally
No. 4 Passenger 0:33 A. M. Dally
No. G Mall 2:20 P. M. Dally
No. 24 Passougor 4:30 P.M. Dally
Oregon Kimtcrn llrnnch
West Uound
No. 371 Mlxod Vnlo-Crnno Depart
10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 373 Mlxod Valo-Drogan Doparts
12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 103 Passougor Vale Dopurts
10:30 A.M. Sunday uniy
East Hound
No. 372 Mlxod from Crnno Arrlvo
2:C0 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 374 Mlxod from Drogau Arrlvo
4:50 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 104 Passongor from Vale
3:05 P.M. Sunday Only
FOIl SALE Chonp, two now Dig
4 McCormtck Mowers, used ono son
son, I). O. Dooth, Ontnrlo, tf
The Saddler
Formerly of Wlnnt'iiiucrn
P. O, Itov 1)71. Sacramento
.Mnnufartun'r of Finn Had
(His, Hi Idiot, ('Imps Itoataw,
IteliiK, Mexican Hand .Made
Kilter Mounted Hits, Spurn,
llcmNtiilN, Conchas & etc.
Wrltu for Pilco Ll-t
As made to the Comptroller of the Currency at tho close of
Business April 28th, 1021
I mmmmmmmtmmmmmHm
I Loans and Discounts fG0G,802.8G
I Overdrafts 338.C2
1' nonds and Warrants 99.1G5.27
I Hanking Houso and Fix-
I tures 39.181.GG
I OAHII , U!.'I,M7.H:
1 ' $708,570.14
I "
flSLaniT BitgTTTiT;fl tltr iFHfiiitti fffftnmfHTTBTnTT ifHTItirHTTlf !! ITUTrTP - -smnniiiMi riffffHflffrTTl T T ITff if1 1 --! " F-TjmflCHminimM
Capital 50,000.00
Surplus and Profits 0 1,305. 02
Circulation ,11,400.00
Fodoral Ilosorvo Dank
hoc u rod by Govornmout
Obligations 30,000.00
Dills ro-dlscouuted 51,318.04
Ontnrlo City Honda &
Warrants sold under
ro-purclmso agreement 34,090.99