The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 12, 1921, Image 2

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    &&W$ne iwip
i ii jmiii lfHIWHWl"lw'3F'
Brunswick Records
There la something different nbout Brunswick records, a
somcthlng'of warmth, life and color a reality that makes
you feel as though the personality of the singer or musician
were In the very room with you. Hear theie new Brunt
wick reeordt.
YgJ j At.ent . Tenor .... CW.a
0 I Paloma (The Dove) . (In Spaniih) Rleluril Bontlll
1.23 ( Funiculi, FunleuU (A Merry Ufa) . Baritone
RithuJ Btntlli tod Mil Trio
JM f Make Believe . Fox Trot . . Mia Joni' Ottneilra
IC3 Do You Ever Think of Mo . Fox Trot
lilto Jonti Crcatilra
50 f Loto Bird . Fox Trot . . . Mo Jcnei Orclmtra
' 1 1 Never Reallied . Fox Trot . Mia Joom' Oftlulra
1031J Hummln . Fox Trot . RqJrWIidoifriCilifarnltBi
1. Na-Jo (Na.Ho) . Fox Trot
1576 J
L Dream? Hawaii
o (Na.Ho) . Fox Trot . Rud Wiedo.f t't CildoraUoi
M?JJ Spread Yo Stuff . Fox Trot . Banl Kratitr'i Orcbtitra
6jc I WanfWanj Blue . Fox Trot Baalt Kruier'i 0rtb..!ra
JW I Mizlo . Fox Trot . . Cftca Drelbcri' Noftll Dud
"" Arabia . One Step . . Crica Brolatf I' NortHr Utud
Saw Ye Mr Savior . Baritone . . Uoji Sioanion
Shepherd, Show Me How To Go . Baritone
Lloyd Slmooioo
J05J f Evening Chlmei . Violin Flute Harp . Coadolr Trie
bic 1 Love'a Old Sweet Song . Violin-Flute-Harp
Hawaiian Player)
Frank Ftrtra tad Aatnoar Frinellat
(Hawaiian Playert)
riuk rcrtra na Aaiaear rraacaui
10M f Sweet Mamma (Papa'a Getting- Mad) . Tenor
65 At Dtreird with Cut Futoo'a Orcktitra
L Strut, Mlia Utile . Tenor
Al Bnurd wlta Cut Ftat.a'i Orckulra
2041 f Rebecca (Came Back From Mecca) . 7Vnor BillrJont
6Jc llLlkelt. Tenor an J Baritone BlUy Jeti tod Eiaut litre
Mammy'a Little Sunny Honey Boy . Duet
Inai Audi y aad Sn A in
Love In Ulae Time . Baritone . . . Eiatit litre
10V f Scandinavia HtmInr HU Qonttt
b"e I In the Heart of Dear Old Italy . Milt Quuttl
,, f Kitten on the Keya . Novelty Ragtime Piano Solo
J 1 ZnCetftiy
(My Pet . Novelty Ragtime Piano Solo . ZtiCoafrcy
Any phonograph can play Brunswick Records
Ontario Furniture Co.
sS " juanaiqaamt-ajn m-wrm m " "' V"'r'J"'?Sl
A Sulky Rake That Gives
Extra Service
There's real economy in buying n John Deere
Sulky Rnke. Because of its better construction, better
material used, and the adjustments provided to keep
it in Eood working order, it will give you more years
of satisfactory service than any other rake wc have
ever seen.
Its heavy angle steel
frame never sags the nd
justablc tie rod keeps the
frame true, always.
The heavy steel wheels
with an extra number of
staggered spokes, pro
tected by the channel steel
tire, are interchangeable,
giving double wear on the
The arched steel axles
give the proper pitch to
the wheels the wheels
never pull in at the top
and out at the bottom.
The dump rods are re
versible, giving double
wear at this important
point. Tooth holder ac
commodates almost any
desired number of teeth.
You can maintain the
good working quulities of
the John Deere Rake for
And from the operating
standpoint, it is simple
and easy to handle.
Wo want you to coma In and see this better hay rake.
FOR SALE Second hand furni
ture store. Both new and second
hand goodB. Oood location, flood
buslnoss. Apply Argus. 774tf
FOR SALE Good II. 1. Hod oggH
$1,00 sotting of 15 eggs. Lester
Turner. Phone 48-J. 1G-23 p.
FOR SALE Oood Trebt Seed or
Peed Burloy, f 1.50 per cwt. John
Moleuanr, 2 miles west of Ontario.
I am making up car load ship
ment of small Tractor Threshing
Machines, and will be glad to see
anyone Interested In small Thresh
ers. V. 1). Staples, Ford Garage,
Following nro somu of those rcg
(stored nt Ontario hotels the past
MOORE' W. W. JohtiBton, Mar
lon Gentry, D. A. Oloro. F. M
Vines, Vnlo; J. W. Galloway, Ed
R. Coulter, Win. R. Ewlng, A. I),
Ilohrer, Mr, and Mrs, John Bohror,
WclBor; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Nichols,
Mr nnd Mrs. W. It. Lofton, Ilert
Laurence, Ironside; John Conroy.
Ilerthn Johnson, Juntura; Mr. and
Mrs. I). II. Sexton, Deer Lodge,
Mont : M. E. Shaw, Twin Fnllsj W
G Cowden, Cnldwoll; John I).
Wells, W. R. Hlnshnw, Albert Pnrk,
S. II. Wilkin, Nnmpa: Win. Bnlrd.
John L. Hand, M. Hoiibo, A. II.
Pnckwced, W. E. Menchum, W. O.
C'nlder. J. L. Dodson, E. M. Wols
tnnn, Wm. Duby, linker! Donald Mc
Leod, Hnrper; Mrs. Alvlo Nugent,
Pocntolloj Opal O. Downs, J. Fel
lows, Rob't. M. Davlnr, C. B. Mc
C'onnoll, J. J. Doncgnn, Burns; II.
N. Stlcknoy, Watson; N. W. Scott,
tloulah; Wm lllnnchnrd, Wnllsburg
Wn.j P. R. Senrs, Jnmloson; Mr
nnd Mrs. D. G. Cooporfl, Suntex;
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gannon, Downoy
Idn; II. G. DnvlB, Darby, Mont.; II
('. Turner, C'oor da Aleno; II. U.
Mundy, Hurley: V. A. Lnlng, Glcnns
Ferry; Mr. nnd Mrs. A". O. Brunzolt,
Mny Hrunzoll, Nam pa; Inez Gates,
Union, Or ; Frank L. ItcndrlcksMt.
Home; N. Alexander, Bolso; Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. M. Fnrrls, Portland;
Mr nnd Mrs. L. R. Hnglcr, Bolso;
M. J. Conlcy, LnGrando; C. W. Ap
plegato, Now Orleans. Ln.
CARTER: A. V. Clark, Crowley;
Pearl Truman, Adam Murray, Ralph
Truman, Juntura; Amos Hoothler,
Rtversldo; Irn Cnrlllo, Cambrldgo;
W. L. Rutherford. Ynklma, Wn.s
W T. Johnson, Q. B. Carsons, Nnm-
pa; Ray Schaoffor, Wallowa, Or.;
(. E, Williams nnd son, Morldlnn,
J. F Ollvor, Eche: N. Pnpnlnu,
Bnkor; Geo. It, Wlntors, Now Ply
mouth; L. D. Butler, Crnno; John
Scott, Ln Grnndo; A. A. Clnypool,
Fred Hlnchco, Vnlo; Hert James,
Crnno; Roy Oavlola, Pnyotto; C. W.
Parr, Jr.. Will Colo, Caldwell; C. E.
Sponco, Oregon City, R. W. Gakolcr,
LnGrando; Cathorlno M. Rogers,
Mrs Wm. Zulman, St. Maries, Idn.;
M J. Shclton, Brogan; Dan Wlno,
Miles City, Mont.; J. It. Orrlon, J.
L. Lnmberson, Wcstfalt; Francis
Ellis, Emmett; C. Cook, W. G. Roso,
Welsor; J. L. Hnmmnck, Bonltn;
Lolnnd Fnunland, Frultland, L. C.
Mnrston, Harper; It. Aloxnndcr,
APR. :i( TO MAY 7
May M. Plnnoy ot vlr to John
Studobnkor ot ux, NHNEUSEU
NEU Sec. G-18-47. April 22, 1021.
Chas. II. Trousdalo et ux to Al
bort Grimes nt ux. All ot Block 200,
Ontnrlo. May 2, 1021. $3G0.00.
W. M. Aborcromblo ct ux to S.
E, Aborcromblo. NtfBWHSWVi Sec
28-15-47. Mnr 27, 1921. $1,000.00.
Mnrk I. Draper ot ux to Dora
Dunlop, Lots 10, 17, 18. 10 nnd 20,
Block 127; Lots 11, 12 ft 13, Block
44, Ontario. April 30, 1921. $1,00.
John Alva Lnwrcnco ot ux to W. R.
Lofton, SHBWU, SWU8BH. Soc.
22; 8V 8WU Soc. 23; N'HSWU
Sec. 20; NWNEU Sec. 27; 8WU
8B, 8EU8WIJ Soc. 30; NBWN
WW, NWUNEU 8cc. 31-14-38.
April 27, 1921. $3,500.00.
Edmund Ilutlor to Iam Bnmnttor,
NWU8WU8EU Soc. 5-18-47. Mny
3, 1921. $2,1000.00.
A. L, Chanco ot ux to Frnnk
Rndor. I)ts 18, 19 and 20, Block
138, Ontnrlo. Dec. 29, 1920. $5,000.
Hebo E, Trousdalo to Chas. If.
Trousdalo, NEUSWU nnd all S. of
Rlvor In 8BUNWU Soc. 32-17-47,
May '5, 1921. $1,00.
Charles Altschul ot ux to Oregon
& Western Colon. Co, NVi Bee. 15-18-46,
April 30, 1921. $1,400.00.
C C Taylor, ot ux to Herbert
Stownrt. EWNWViNEU, 8WNE
' Soc. 17-18-47. Dec. 2, 1020. $1
Ida II. Carey to Andrew Hulshlzor
SB li BE Bee, 13; NKKK Boo
24-13-40 May 3. 1921. $1,200.00.
Commerce Mortgage Securities
Co. to Malheur Land Co, Holdings
on Willow Creok. May 4. 1921. $1,
J. T. Logan ot ux to Dorn B Mlr-
gon, Lots 4 and u, iiiock TJ, un
tnrla. April 9, 1921. $700.00.
Malheur County vs. P. M. Bonis,
Adm., nnd Margarot W. Muller ot
nl. May 4, 1921. Condemnation ot
rond right of way.
Malheur County vs. Otis Thayer.
May 4, 1921, Condemnation ot road
right of way.
Tomato plans aftor bolng trans
planted to tho garden nro subjected
to various things that causo them to
bo handicapped In their growth, say
tho O. A, C. Experiment station
specialists. They should not be
transplanted Into the field until
tho wonthor has settled and there
Is no more danger of frost unless
they can bo covered at night. If
sot out In April or early May they
aro subjected to cold winds and
Tho plants aro also subjoct to
Injury by two Insects which can
readily bo controlled, Tho cut
worm can ba checked by tho placing
of a poisoned bran mash around the
plants, and tho flee beetle by dust
ing tho plants with poworeu arsen
ate of lead or the "one-ln'aH" dust.
FOR SALE Ono 3 cylinder Har
dlo spray outfit comploto In good
working order. Also one 7 foot
disc, A. R. Albee, Phone 207-M-2.
FOR SALE Chevrolet touring
car 1U8 model In good condition
$300 , Some terms, Seo It at the
Ford Garage, Phono 151-J. P. O. B.
276, Ontario. 14,tf.
FOR RENT Good pasture, plen
ty ot water, three and ono-half
mllos west ot Ontario. $1,75 per
month, yearlings $1.25. No stock
moved till settled for. C. V. Onr-
I rett. tf.
This report covers tour weeks
during which tho main proJoctB.
given nttcntlon woro marketing,
farm records and pest control. Sor
oral othor projects woro given at
tention ll"d n largo amount of rou
tine work nttonded to,
'Market Iiik
Tho marketing committee ot tho
Farm Bureau held n mooting on tho
2Gth to confor with Pnul Mohl, mar
keting specialist, concerning ndvls
nble preceduro for tho cooperative
marketing of several leading fnrm
products grown In tho county.
Specific recommendations wcro
mndo for marketing ot poultry pro
ducts nnd wheat, nnd plans sug
gested for dairy products, hay, wool
nnd potatoes. A special commlttco
ot threo was nppolntcd to hnndlo
tho pooling ot wool and lambs.
Upon Invltntlon of tho Idaho
poultrymon, a commlttco composed
of Chnlrmnn Tonscn of tho mnrkot
Ing committee, chnlrmnn I'aln of tho
Poultry commltteo, Pnul Mohl, mar
keting specialist, U. L. Upson, mnu
ngor of tho Pacific Poultry Produc
ers association nnd tho county agent,
attended a poultry marketing con
ference nt Bolso on tho 30th. Tho
result of this meeting wnn tho ap
pointment ot a commlttco, una mem
ber from each Interested county to
nscortnln tho demand tor a poultry
marketing organization, sccuro fig
uros on tho number ot hens In tho
territory, nnd otherwlso attend to
tho preliminary work necessary In
bringing nbout such organization.
Tho gonernl sentiment scorned fnv
ornhlo to organization of southeast-
Oregon wlUi (southwest-Idaho Into
n brnnch of tho Pacific Poultry Pro
Othor Important work along mnr
kotlng lines consisted of n sorlcs of
oducatlonnl mooting whora Paul
Mohl locturod on tho "principles of
successful cooporatlvo marketing."
In nil, nlna such meetings woro
hold, only tho first flvo of which
enmo during tho period covered by
this roport. Thcso meetings wcro
well attended nnd tho subject mat
tor presented was highly appreciated
by thoso who woro prosnnt. Tho
result shoudl bo to make tho farm
on ot tho county bettor nblo to
Judgo regarding tho morlts of var
ious cooporatlvo markotlng schemes
whon presented to thorn.
Kiirni Records
Work In this department consist
ed chiefly In tho compilation of n
mass of data secured during tho
wlntor, showing 1920 financial re
turns from 82 Irrigated farms un
dor projects using electrical power
for pumping purposes. It. V. Gunn,
farm managomont specialist, spent
nbout n wook on this project, tabu
lating tho figures shown, on tho In
dividual reports. Tho complotod ro
port shows many facts concerning
farm business in tho Snnko River
valley ot valuo In connection with
marketing nnd production projocts
and othor work ot tho farm bureau.
Pest Control
Work In this department consist
ed of distribution of poisons by snlo
ns provided for through tho revolv
ing fund account; completion ot tho
experimental work In gopher poison
ing by tho Biological Survey, tho
result of which was favnrablo to a
wheat bait treated with Piper's
special stryclinlno stuck on with
starch panto; publication ot no
tlcos to exterminate pocket gophor.s;
nnd tho filing of n roquest with tho
Biological 8urvoy for asslstauco In
controllng groundhogs In tho Mnl
hour community.
Soil Impro fluent
Chairman Bunnell nnd committee
man Carman of tho committee on
soil Improvement mndo progress
with collections for local support
for tho experimental dralnngo and
alkali work In progress near Vnlo
undor tho supervision ot tho Do
pnrtmout of Bolls of Oregon Agri
cultural College. This work Is mak
ing good progress and tho method
used to dig tho canal by uso of
water promises to bo an experiment
which nlono Is worth many times tho
cost of tho entire project.
Other Project Work
Soma tlmo was dovoted to live
stock Improvement work by giving
asslstauco to tho Adrian Bull As
sociation. A test of Tangier pons
was arrangod by placing scod fur
nished by tho Crops Department of
tho Agricultural Collogo with chair
man Fry of tho crop Improvement
commltteo for trial. Ono day was
spont at tho Union Experiment
Station to study tho results secured
thero ln experimental feeding tests
on steors, calves and sheep. Tho
Horticultural commltteo hold a
Mnoetlng on tho 27th to discuss work
for tho sonson. F. L, Ballard, As
sistant County Agont Leader met
with tho farm bureau exocutlvo
commlttco on the 9th and spent
sorno tlmo In conference with tho
county agont.
The routine work during tho per
iod ot this report consisted of at
tending C committee meetings; 5
farm bureau educational nicotines.
and 3 other meetings; 14 farm vis
its wcro mado; 3 demonstrations
wcro vlsltod; monthly reports and
farm buroati news written: 96 per
sonal business lotters and 42 circu
lar letters ot 540 copies written;
16 articles for tho proas written;
117 porsons called at tho offices on
business; and other miscellaneous
work Impractical to record, performed.
VkVLurr"' M&-
MeCormiek -and
Machines speed up Hay 'Harvest
mllERE are two big reasons for speeding up the
- cost of labor and the pressure of other work.
McCormick and Deering Mowers are light draft,
easy to handle arid can be depended upon to cut hay
every minute.
McCormick Hakes get all the hay.
V M J T I IB I f I JT y f Jr ill M m 1 I1 ft n
fn llwf i I I I I il I V 1 I I rl I I I III
Z iV?v VV V wA-J-J-jjiJ J-LL-j L I uV
1 Funeral Directors
Six State Licenses
Lady Assistant When Desired
Modern Chapel Rcom
BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaMlEBaBmmmQMa?4B9 1 MlMn nfcf .v -aammmmmmmmmmmmmmmV
Ambulence Service With all Modern Conveniences
H. L. Peterson
Phone 37-J
C. R. Augustus
Phone 76-M
Six. Call at Ford Oarage. tf.
FOR RENT -Large sleeping room
modorn house. Phone 173-M. 16tt-
EGGS for setting from extra
good laying White Leghorn stock.
$1,00 per setting; $7.00 per hun
dred. W. T. Parker, Ontario. Phone
113-R. 21-24 p.
FOR 8ALE New Oliver Type
writer, For particulars call C, F
Funk at tho Palace Barber Shop,
Ontario, Or. 20 tf
FOR SALE: New Bulck Roadster
1920 Model. Mrs. T. B. Fiser.
Phono 93-W 14. tf
Speedy; Steady; Clean; Hot
rphis is the story of the new perfection. An
J- all blue flame for most ordinary cooking pur
poses; and for fast cooking.
There is the high flame with the clean white tips.
Its the hottest. And at any speed there is no
smoke- Always visible thru the Mica Door. Call
and let us show you how the Perfection works,
3,000,000 in use today.
McNulty &
Ontario, Oregon