The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 12, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 23
Only Delay lit Getting Engineering
Dnlii Will Delay letting of Con-
,' tract Visitors Entertained At
Vale and Huntington Hen
County llond-
"I huvo just naked Englnocr Kol
loy when ho will lmvo tliu engineer
ing dntn complutu bo tlio contract
from tlio Slldo to Huntington cnn
bo let, mid ho tolls mo Hint It will
bo ready for tlio Juno nicotine"
Bald Highway Commissioner John
11. Yoon, nt HuiitliiKton, In answer
to tlio question which has boon up
pormost In tlio hiIiuIh of tlio pcoplo
of ICnBtom Malheur county for many
Tlio highway commissioner de
clared that tlio road from Cairo to
Nyssa la ono of tlio bolt roads of
Its typo In tlio stnto, and woro high
ly ploasod with the concroto road
from Ontario to tlio bridge. They
oxprossod themselves pleased too
'with tlio grndo which W. C. Stono
In building from Ontario north
across Dead Ox Flat; and woro am
phntla In tholr upprovnl of the
Iitiproo Vnlc-limilciou llond
lloth CommlsHlonerH woro dlsup
polntod at tlio condition of the Vale
to JnmlcHon section of the John
Day Highway. Mr. llurratt pro
nounced It a wnHto of money to put
on only 8 fcot of surface and Bald
that lntor this must ho Improved
to a full 10 foot road.
Tlio commissioners party which
Included bcsldo the two commission
ers numod above; Assistant Chlof
Engtnoor C. C. Kolloy and Division
Engineer II. H. Ilnldock logothor
with tho following llakor county
meu: Jiulgo J. I.. Dodsou, ex-Jndgo
William Dudy, W, E, Meacham, sec
retary of tho llakor County Cham
bor of Commorco and W. C. Cnldor
woro mot at Ironside Monday by tho
following delegation from Vale and
Ontario; Judgo 13. II. Tost, Com
missioners F. M. Vinos and 0. W.
Doan, J. It. lllacknby, E. (.'. Van
I'otton, 1. J. aallaghor, Ooorgo K.
Alkon, of Ontario; Loo Schmidt,
Jullon Hurloy, Lloyd Itlchos, and
Messrs. Colo and McIIugh of Vale
and J. A. Kennody of Hrogan, and
tho drlvo was mado to Vale for
dinner which was sorvod by tho
Vale Chamber of Commorco follow
ing a trip up tho Central Oregon
Highway to tho Ilurrolt ranch. In
tho ovenlng tho Commissioners with
tho Ontario delegation drovo to
this city whoro an Informal confor
enco was hold between tho Stnto
Commissioners und tho County
Court concerning co-operation In tho
construction of a highway from
Ontario through tho Mnlhour Vnlley.
Tho 8tato Commissioners asked tho
County Court to put Its doferreil
paymont plan In writing and pro
sont It nt tho next meeting to bo
ahold In Portland.
Beu AH Oregon Itouto
On Tuesday tho commissioners
with tho local delegation wont to
Nyssa and to tho Snako Itlvor
bridge horo to view tho highways
and thon left ovor the Old Orogon
Trnll to Huntington. This trip as
tonlshed, not tho commissioners
nlono, but many of tho local delega
tion, few of whom had hlthorto
made tho trip over this, which was
declared ono of tho most pictur
esque rohds In all Oregon, a fitting
companion to the Columbia Itlver
Highway. Deslde tho members of
tho local delegation who went to
Ironside there wore on this trip:
Mayor W. H. Doollttle, Councilman
E. M. Qrelg, E. W. Howland, J. F.
Joyce and W. C. Stone.
At Huntington the entire party
were the guests of the Huntington
Commercial Club at a chicken din
ner which was very much enjoyed.
Short talks were made by Secretary
Itubb of the Huntington Club, and
by Commlslsoners Veon and Darratt
' and by Judge Test.
Side Roads Must Walt
According to the Baker Herald
Owing to tho fnct that n Hpecltil
rato could not bu secured on short
uutlcu the plans for nn excursion to
Riverside and then to tho Warm
BprlugH Dam, have been abandoned
for tho present. Interest In the
excursion was. (general, Tho com
mercial club had a letter from Kates
Morton of Harper asking that reser
vations ho mado for at toast 30 pas
sungcrs from that point, hut since
It wascertaln that It would cost nt
toast $12. CO por pasHonger for tho
round trip tlio officials of tho Com
mercial club dccldod to nhnu'don
tho undertaking at this time.
Krtiool Hoard Urge Those Who Can.
hi Attend College to Continue
Munition At Home Cmllls
('nit Ho UmmI In I'll! ii iii
College Work
l'lans for tlio Ontario High School
for tho year 1021-22 are already
being mado. Our enrollment ts
showing a gradual and healthy In
crease. Last year tho total was
171; this year 11)2. Next year nt
least 21C ore uxpocted. Wo believe
that tho community's Investment In
our school plan should produce thu
largest returns possible not only for
students who oxpoct to graduate
but also fur those who huvo already
graduated. There ore quite u few
young people In tho community who
do not oxpoct to leave Ontario to
do adlllonal bcIiooI work In a col-
logo or University, hut who may bu
Intorestod In doing further work In
our own high school.
Our high school offerH it total of
4S'j separate courses or units of
work us follews:
English 4, History 3, Clvlcn Vt,
Mathematics 3, Sclencu 4 I.utln 2,
Manuel Training 1, Domestic Art 2,
Domestic Science 1, Military Drill 2,
Typewriting 2, Shorthand 2, Hook-
keeping 1, Com. Geography V4, Com.
Law Mi, Vocational Agrlculturo 8,
Toucher Training 2, Hand 2, Or
chestra 2, Oloo Club 2, Vocational
Domestic Scloncu 4, Total 48 ft,
tiluco only 10 of theso units nro
required for graduation, there nro
many studios which, ovou our grad
uates, have not completed. Tho at
tention of former graduates of the
high school Is called to tho fact
thut they could attend high school
sovoral years, It they bo doslro, and
take no courso which thoy huvo nl
ready studlod.
Ontario young people who huvo
tlnlshod school lioro In tho past fow
yoara can come back and Boloct
coursos In which thoy nro particular
ly Intorestod. Formor service men
who were In tho army or navy dur
ing tho recent war can take high
school work with us und receive
from tho Stnto of Oregon, 41 2-3
cents nn hour for overy hour they
attend school. Tho University of
Orogon will glvo credit on college
work for additional work dona In
our high school provided tho right
courses uro solocted nud examina
tions given by tho University aro
passed. Throe former graduates
lmvo already indicated thut they
will enroll next fall. Anyone inter
ested In this work Is Invited to soo
Supt. J. M. McDonald und discuss
possible courses with him.
Word has been recelvod of tho
death of Mrs. Allco Greer, The do-
ceased passed away, April 27, 1921,
at the homo of her daughter, Mrs.
II, V. Caldwell of Ontario, Califor
nia, after a vory 'short Illness.
Mrs. Qreer was tho widow of It.
I). Qreor, who at ono time was ono
of tho owners' of tho Mainour Mer
cantile Storo. Sho was a pioneer of
Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Tho
news of her death will bring sorrow
to her mnny old "time frlonds of
Ontario and vicinity. Sho Is sur
vived by two daughters, Mrs. Villa
Davis of McMlnnvllle, Oregon and
Mrs. II. V. Caldwell of Ontario,
California and a sister In Southern
tho commissioners told an audlonce
of Good Hoads enthusiasts at Daker
Tuesday evening that, at present,
the commission could not entertain
propositions to completo side roads
whllo the malaiJulehways were un
completed. jj ;.
Vnlley OH ami (las Company Ha
Completed Picllmlntiry Organiza
tion mill In I'repat'lng To Enlist
HiiIisci Ibers To Initial Funds
At n meeting hold In tho city
hull Tuesday evening tho twolvo
cash subscribers to tho Valley Oil
and Oas Company discussed und sot
tied subjects of Importance to tho
Equlpmont for drilling purposos
was discussed and thu commlttco
composed of It. W. Swngler, II. II.
Tunny and K. C. Van I'otton mado
It cloar to those presont that drill
ing matorial Is moro plentiful than
In tho past and that tho company
will havo llttlo troublo In that di
rection when tho time arrives to
oqulp for action.
Tho form of subscription blank
and tlio tlrno of payments wcro tho
next Important subject discussed
nnd tho mooting agreed on both
It was tho Intontlon of tho com
pany to begin advertising on n largo
scalo to start things oft but old
man "Iltuo Sky Law" says not to
advertise until half tho capital
stock hns boon subscribed, so that
part of tho evening's proceedings
was hurriedly passod over.
E. C. Van I'otton wns roplacod
on tho subscription or money-raising
commlttco by C. F. Cox, and It
is now tho Intontlon of tho com
mlttco to Btnrt a rout live cam
paign In that direction not Inter than
Monday of noxt wcok.
"With good luck nnd a llttlo help
from all, tho Vnlloy Uns & Oil
Company Bliould begin drilling not
lntor than tho mlddlo of Juno on
ono of Its picked spots", says ono
of tho mon intorestod.
"It may ho well to romombor nt
this tlmo that several havo nldoil
tho work so far accomplished dur
ing thu past year In a limited fin
ancial way, that n fow huvo stood
tho brunt of tho burden, that ull
Intorestod so far havo worked with
tho ono Idea In vlow, und that Is
to bring tho Snnko Itlvor Vnlloy In
to Its own by putting It on tho map
us nn oil und gas fluid. And theso
same mon, who live right horo
among you, fool confident of success
In their undertaking if you will now
Join thorn nud make It your vonturo
as woll ns tholrs."
John J, Jojco of Juuturn In Hospital
Suffering From Wound Deceiv
ed When I In Kndcutorcd To
Calm Enraged Man
John J. Joyco, veteran of world
war and ono of tho woll known
mombors of thu Joyco family who
lives nt Juuturn is lying nt tho Holy
Itosary Hospital fighting for his
llfo as tho result of his well-Intended
efforts to settlo a quarrel at Jun
tura early Tuesday morning. Tho
Injured man has a wound In his
stomach inflicted by a man named
Ed Enrlght. who Is bolng hold nt
Vale ponding tho result of Joyce's
According to tho story of the af
fray, which reached Ontario Enrlght
became enraged when ho was scuf
fling with a man nauiod Conroy of
Juuturn at a danco and threatened
to got it gun nnd kill Conroy. Ho
loft the danco to get the weapon
and Joyce followed In an attompt
to dissuade him and was himself
suddenly attacked by Enrlght, who
used n Jack knife and cut Joyco In
the pit of the stomach.
Dr. W. E. Hedgos was callod Im
mediately and aftor giving tho vic
tim first aid brought him to On
tario Tuesday where an operation
was performed. Late today Joyco
was still living and hopes were en
tertained for his recovery, though
tho chances of such a fortunate re
sult were deemod small.
Sheriff Lee Noe west to Juntura
Tuesday to securo Enrlght and Is
holding htm at Vale pending the
outcome of Joyce's Injuries.
E. W. Howland drovo to Dolse
Sunday and was accompanied home
by Mrs. Howland who has been
quite 111 In the Dolse hospital.
Ontario l'oit No. (17 Unanimously
Adopts Itexuliitlon Condemning
Action of Solicitor General
and Demands Action
Ily n unanimous volo tho mombors
of Ontario Post passed n resolution
condemning tho action of Solicitor
Gonoral Frlersou In connection with
his uctlon In tho Albors case. Tho
following Is tho resolution voicing
tho toolings of tho mombors of tho
post, nud of tho community general
ly: r
"WHEHEAS, It hns coma to our
notice that tho Dopartmont of Jus
tice of tho United Stntos hag ad
mitted error In trlnl of Honry Al
bors, alleged violator of tho espion
age net, and who Is uiulor convic
tion for said violation, nnd
"WHEItEAS, this conviction has
been confirmed by tho Circuit Court
of Appeals, and such action by tho
Dopartmont of Justlco has prevent
ed tho United Stntos Supremo Court
from Judicially passing upon this
nppcal, and
"WHEItEAS, wo fool that the
Solicitor Gonoral has exceeded his
authority, nnd has usurped tho pow
er of tho Court, which nctlon Is, in
our estimation, nn Insult to true
American cltlzonshlp. Therefore
"HE IT KESOLVED by tho Ontar
io I'osl No. 07, of tho Amurlcnn
Legion, of Ontario, Oregon, that
said action Is condemned In tho
strongest tortus, nnd n ro-trlal is
"A copy of this ltosolutloii to bo
forwarded to nil momburs of Con
gress from Orogon, to tho Attorney
Gonoral of tho Uultod States, to Na
tional nnd Statu Headquarters of tho
American Legion, to tho local pross
and to that of Portland, Orogon,
nnd to Hood Itlvor Tost No. 22 for
publication nnd ndvlco ns official
pctton of tho Ontario Post No, 07,
of tho American Legion."
I horoby cortlfy thnt tho- nhovo
ltosolutloii wns duly rend, prosontod
anil miHxml liv n iinnnlniiiiiH vnln nt
tho Mombors presont at tho regular
monthly meeting or Ontario I'ost
No. 07, American Legion, Ontario,
Oregon, on tho ninth day of May,
W. F. Escuo, I'ost Adjutant.
lioral Financial Institution Ends
Flint CirMirate Llfo nud Is (Jlen
New Stmt Following Mot
Hlgld Examination
On May 9, following tho most
rigid examination provided by the
comptroller of currency tho First
National bank of Ontario rocelvod
Its new chnrtor. Tho original char
ter, which liko all national hank
charters had but 20 years duration,
oxplrod on that data and uuw
chartors nro Issued only upon a
detorminatlon of tho charactor of
tho bank seeking them.
In commoniorutlng this event In
tho llfo of tho bank Its officers In
a letter to Its patrons called atten
tion to tho fact that the First Na
tional Dank of Ontario ts tho oldest
National bank In Malheur, Harney,
Lake, Deschuttes or Grant Counties,
and that when It was originally
chartered and lauuchod upon Its ca
reer Ontnrlo was but a llttlo village.
Then, too, the bank was located
In a frame shack, and Ontario hud
none of tho ovldonccs of prosperity
which aro now probont overywhoro.
Vheu tho bank was founded On
tario had no water system, no elec
tric lights, no telephones were horo
thon nor was there a sowerago sys
tem in the city; whllo such a thing
as a paved street was not dreamed
During tho Ufe-ttmo of tho bank
Mainour county has shown wonder
ful growth and development. Tho
bridges across Snako rlvor at Ontar
io, I'ayetto, Nyssa. Welsor and Illg
Iloud hovo been built, tho Ontario
Nyssa, tho Payetto-Oregon Slope,
the Slide, the Crystal, the Joseph
and tho Warmsprlngs Irrigation sys
tems have been constructed as well
(Continued on Last Page.
B. C. Von rotten tins what Is bo
llovod a utilquu record In Masonic
work, which record was completed
last Thursday night when as acting
Master of Acucla lodge ha conferred
tho M. M. docreo upon his sou Paul.
YoarH ngo, ns Mnstcr of a lodgo In
Oklahoma ho conferee! this degrea
upon hts father, and thus ho can
say, what fow other mon In Amorl
en can, thnt ho hns conferred tho
degreo both on his father und his
son. At Inst Thursday's session II.
C. l'lnnoy nlso received thu degreo
nnd n banquet wns nerved to a
gathering of nearly SO members.
0. H. CLASS OF '21
Thirty Members Will Ho Added To
Alumni Kolo Of School At E-
crclscs lYIilny Ihcnlng Clans
Day ICxercUes Held Today
i Thirty now mombors will bo ndd
cd to tho nlumnl rolo of tho On
tnrlo High School tomorrow night
whou tho cluss of 1021 rocolvos Its
dlplomns nt tho commencement ox
erclsos. The graduation of this
class will mark thu cnil of ono of
tho most successful yours In tho
history of tho school. In kuoplng
with tho school yoar'H record tho
class Is ono of tho largest ovor
Tho commencement nddross will
bo tlollverod by Professor Potorsou
of O. A. C. und tho dlplomns will
bu prosontod by W. W, Wood, pros
Ident of tho school board.
Tho commencement wcok nctlvt
tlos opened Sunday with tho bac-
calauroata sermon which was de
livered by Itev. W. J. Liiscomba of
tho Methodist church, nt tho Ilnp
tlst church.
Today, (Thursday) was class day
nud thu gruduatos nnd students, ns
woll ns tunny nlumnl nnd friends
gathered to wltnoss tho Interesting
oxorclsos Included In tho following
Music, Orchestra; President's
Prbclnmatlon, Mabel Madden; Class
Diagnosis, Wynno Luscombo; His
tory Clnss Voyngo, Mnttlo Crulg;
Class Inventory, Catherine Noob;
Piano Solo, 'olda Mclluluy; Class
Prophecy, Mary Lackoy; Trombotio
Solo, James Purcell; Cluss Poem,
Hazel McCullough; Cluss Declara
tion of Independence Ilosslo Hiithor
ford; Class Chnrgo, Herhort Lus
combe; Class Grouch, Carroll Locoy;
Music, Orchestra; (llftatory, Otto
Phlllnbaum; Chorus, Soulor Hoys;
Class Will, Jack Weaver; Class
Song, Senior Class.
Tho members of tho class who
will rocelvo diplomas nt tlio exor
cises Friday night nre:
Win. IIIkkh. Hilda Ilreck Mat
tie Craig, Gilbert Doan, Gladys
Franklin, Mildred Frost, Irving
Harris, Leland Hess, Mario Kollor,
Mnry Lackey, Carroll Locoy, Ernos
tluo Locoy, Herbert Luscombo,
Wynno Luscombo, Mabel Madden,
Ilazol McCullough, Iluth McCulloch,
Xelda McIInloy, Mitchell Mooro,
Cathorlno Noob, Harry Neoco, Elslo
I'Solo, Donuvnu Poormau, Juntos
Purcoll, Lois Itatcllffo, Hessln lluth
erford, Ocln Hlckoy, Jack Weaver,
Newton Zahlor, Otto Phlllabaum.
i.niu'n ivv'ini. i.'ii.'i it im.rl
,-.,h ,,', .-.' ...,
Last Friday ut Vulo tho nthlotlo
boys nnd girls of tho county sout
won the honors by n comfortable
margin with Ontario's riprosonta
tlvoti socond. Other schools of tho
county woro well represented but
tho contost settled to tho strugglo
betweon tho old tlmo rivals.
Itodnoy Illllam, director of Fum
bles of 1920 recently presented In
Ontario, Is roported seriously 111
at llakor.
H. VanDyko of Nyssa, government
crop roportor of tho county is horo
today collecting farm statistics.
Dr. E. S. Fortner was callod to
Vale today on buslnboss.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. (larland It IlogurB of Ontario,
May 7.
game scoitn n TO I IS
Hal I ling of Lik'iiN Feature damn
PlleliciN Twirl (Imiil Hall Hut
SiipiMiK of Holli Sides Wabbles
At Critical MoiiioiiIn Game
Ontario eolobrnted tho opening of
thu 1921 bnso ball season by win
ning from Emmott horo Inst Sun
day. Tho score wns 5 to 4, hut
that tolls only part of tho story.
Perhaps the most surprhed bunch
of people In tho Snuku river val
ley wns the aggregation of fans
from Ontnrlo who gnthorod to wlt
noss tho porformntiro, Thoy did
not expect to soo Ontario win, but
woro determined to root faithfully
lo encourngo tho homo boys. Em
mott fans ton woro surprised, for
thoy catno expecting victory.
Nowblll whn stnrtcd tho twirling
for Ontario got off to n good start
and Emmott wont ono, two throe In
tho first, nnd did llkowlso In tho
second; but in tho third tho
visitors scored tholr first run
by n lilt, nn error nnd n sacrifice
In thu fourth tho visitors had tholr
big session taking throe runs on two
hits, two urrors nnd n sacrifice.
Hut that untied tholr scoring far
Ernlo Wolls who succeeded Now
blll hold thorn holploss during tho
romnlndor of tho nftornoon, wind-In)-
up his porformnnco by wlfflng
two In tho ninth nnd forcing thu
Inst battor to ground to hlmsolf.
Ontario StarlN Scoring
Tho locals took tho load In tho
first inning. Chapmuit scored with
ono down nn a combination on nn
error nud n fleldor's choice; Darnell
nlso scored by n similar routo. In
tho third tho locals chalked up an
other on Chapman's hit, after which
ho stole second nnd camo homo on
Darnell's hit nnd a wild pitch by
Pensoii which MoNutt let pass him.
With that lend Ontario blow up
temporarily nud let Emmott take
tho lead In tho fourth nud hold It
until tho seventh canto whon Wolls
opened with it clean 'single, stole
second, wont to third on Hand's
sacrifice nnd scored on Smith's
grnundod to socond. Ontario's
winning run camo ovor In tho eighth
whan Ditrnoll got a llfo on Polly's
error, stole second nnd scorod on
Hustcd's screaming doublo to loft
Tho pitching of tho local twlrllers
was tho real feature Thoy hold
visitors to three lono hits, nil of
which wore mado off Nowblll;
though tho visitors scoros cannot
bo charged to him, for nil woro
mado pnsslblo by bobbles of tho
supporting cast. Manager Clemo
will take his warriors to Emmott
Sunday for n return gamo.
Thu summary of tho gatno wns as
follews: ,
Hiiuuett AH II It () A IS
Polly, lb 10 0 8 0 1
Hallay, 3b 4 11110
Otklns, mi 4 0 12 10
Drown, 2b 4 0 0 3 3 1
Paris, If 4 110 0 0
Hull rf 4 0 0 0 0 0
Lurk, of 4 11112
MoNutt. o 2 0 0 9 0 0
Poiison. p 3 0 0 0 11 0
Totals 33 3 4 24 17 4
Ontario AH II It O A E
Hand, a 3 2 0 7 10
Chapman, m 3 12 13 1
Smith, ct 3 12 111
Darnell, lb 4 1 2 14 0 1
Wolls, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0
llamunn, rf 10 0 10 0
Tost, 2b 4 0 0 0 12
Hustod 3b 4 2 0 3 11
Ornrnso, If 3 0 0 0 0 0
Sulllvun, U 10 0 0 0 0
Nowblll p 2 10 0 0 0
E. Wolls, p 1110 0 0
Totals 31 7 C 27 18 0
Scoio by hillings
Emmott 001300000-4
Ontnrlo 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 -G
Summary: Karnod runs Ontario
1; Emmott 1; two bnso hit Hustod;
baso on balls off Ponsou 3; Nowblll;
hit by pltchor, Chapman; wild
pitch Ponsou, htruck out by Now
blll 3; Wells G by Ponsou 8; wild
pitch Ponsou.