THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1921. J ft r MORE THAN A THOUSAND different articles needed in your homes. China ware, Glass ware, Aluminum and Enameled wares. 6c, 10c, 15c, and 20c tables full of things which aro kitchon labor savors. Dolls, Toys, Notipns, Etc., Opposito Post Office. The Variety Store ONTARIO -:- -:- -:- OREGON Phillabaum & Allen successors to McDowell Company, Inc. Funeral Directors Licensed in Oregon, Idaho, Washington Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors Lady Assistant Hospital Ambulance. Service No Distance Too Far Office Phone 227 Residence Phone 227, 178 "PERMANENT AS Concrete jp CONCRETE IS THE FOUNDATION OP ALL PERMANENT STRUCTURES If You aro Building for Permanence, Use Concrete CONCRETE IRRIGATION PIPE CONCRETE DRAINAGE PIPE CONCRETE SEWER PIPE, Our plant is equipped with modern machinery, our methods of niunulneturc are those gained through years of experience, our labor is skilled, our pro 'duet is the best obtainable You get the benefit of every pound of cement used. ASK SATISFIED CUSTOMERS The test of any product is its service Our concrete pipo has been used in many of the biggest and best drainage and irrigation systems in this section. Ask for information, lot us refer you to thoso who havo used our product. Estimates furnished on your contemplated improve ments. ONTARIO COM PIPE CO. O. E. BINGHAM, imager Plants at Ontario, Oregon and Caldwell, Idaho. U. S. Tires BEGINNING MAY 1, 1921 We will do a strictly CASH BUSINESS We da all kinds of repairing Tires," Batteries, Mechanical or Ignition work and it is our de sire to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. Prompt Livery Service Anyplace, Anytime. (Hatfield Livery) SERVICE TIRE AND BATTERY COMPANY Dodge Cars Phone NOW Is the time to have those Side Curtains Repaired' "t F' ,iiru-i.ri ii,,iiiiii r- i "i-ii iirt i - - THE PYRAMIDS" Products Philadelphia Diamond Grid Batteries 182 Hupmobiles 1000NMMMM'00WNN00NSNNS0 We can save you money on COMPLETE NEW TOP SEGUE AUTO COMPANY Established here irulDIO MALHEUR COUNTY ItEAL ESTATE TltANSFEIlH IIKCOHDKD APIt. JO TO APIt. i!3 C. E. DoVol to Charles Jonos, S W4 Sec. 10-17-43. Oct. 28, 1920. 110.00. Adolph Ornmso ot ux to Anna E. Frnsor, Lots 1 and 2, Ulock 4. Tor rnco Heights Add. to Ontario. July 1, 1011. 1230.00 C. E. DoVol to Emma C. 1'rlco, NENWVi Sec. 30-10-43. April 10, 1021 $1.00. U. 8. A. to John M. Tylor. 8EU NWW, 8HNEU, NBEVi, NE4S , WU, Lota 3 and 4, Hoc. 31-14-38 I N. M. Davis ot ux to W. II. Mc- Eldownoy ot nl, BE U BWU Sec. 30- 18-47. Aprll'15, 1021. $1.00. Evorott E. Urown to L. O. Wos- loy, NWU, WH-NWU Soc. 24, 8V lUBWU. Soc. 13 SHU 812 U Soc. 14-27-38. Nov. 0, 1020. $2G0.00 O. II. IlUBBoll ot ux to Mnrgnrot U. ltUKHoll, 22.G8 acres In NKU, 'and 10 acres off E. sldo ot NWU rNEU Sec. 24-21-40. April 21, 1021. $1.00. Victor C. Hamilton ot ux to Jas. 8. 8tark, BUNWU Lots 2 and 3, and 4, Boo. 3; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Soc. 4-16-44. Mar. 31, 1920. $2,000. L. a. Wdsloy ot ux to C. E. Uur nott, NWU. WUNWU Soc. 24 1 8 WUBWU Sec. 13; 8EU8EW Soo. 14-27-38. April 1, 1021. $250.00. U. 8. A. to John J. Ackorman, 8 UBBU 8oc. 20; NWUNBVi, EH NEVA, NEUBBVi Sec. 32; WUBW U Sec. 33-15-40. Nov. 7, 1010. Tllllo Ackorman ot vlr to J. F. I'holan, SWSEU Soc. 20; NWUN EU. EUNHU. NEUSEU Soc. 3?: WUBWU Bcc. 33-1G-40. April 19, 1921. $2,000.00. Froomnn W. Klrwln ct nl to Ev orott Hotchklss, Lots 3, 4, G and 0, Ulock 7, Vnlo. Fob. 1, 1010. $1,100. Anna M. aoattlng ot vlr to Loo Furnstnhl ot nl, NWU NEW Soc. 20-31-41. Oct. 22, 1920. $1.00 U. 8. A. to Eloonora Maxtlold, S WUBWU Soc. 17; 88EU. NWU 8BU. 8EU8WU Sec. 18; NNE U, NBUNWU Sec. 10-10-40. May 17, 1020. Charlos Athorton ot ux to Itodgor W. Athorton, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and G. Mock 233. Ontario. Fob. 27, 1912. $1,000.00. Ooo. Donnolly at ux to Oco. Don nelly, 8WUNWU Sue. 1G-10-47. March 16, 1021, $1.00. P. 8. Wotttonhlllor ot ux to II. L. Allon, 8EUBEU Sec. 17-16-40; nl so lands In Hnrnoy County, April 0, 1021. $20,000.00. drovor O. Foster to Allco Foster Und. U Int. In Lot 0, NEU8WU, WUSEU Boo. 0-18-43. April 19, 1021. $1.00 E. A. Kornutt ot ux to First Ilnnk of Junturn. NEHNEU Soc. 2G-27-38; NEUNWU, NWUNEU. Lot 1. Bee. 30-27-39. April 14, 1021. $1.00. C. W. Polk ot ux to I'andn Shoop and Land Co. Lot 4, Soc. 10; Lots I and 2, Bee. 30-13-42; .NEUNBU SOC. 26-13-41. Fob. 16, 1010. $1.00. Bhorlff H. Loo Noo to First Na tional Dank, Vnlo BWU Soc 11; N NWU Boo. 14; EV4NEU Sec, 16-20-43. April 20, 1021 $008.01. J. N. Sawyors ut ux to Mlnnlu O. Miller, 8EU8EU Soc 14-20-44. Mar. 28, 1921. $1.00 U. 8. A. to Francis O. Miller, NW U, NH8WU. 8WU8WU Soc. 14-16-38. April 13, 1021. . U. 8. A. to Francis 8. Mlllor. N EU. NtfSBU. 8WUBBU. 8EU BWU Soc. 14-15-38. April 13, 1021 Win. Q. Flomlng ct ux to Frod nntr, Lots 2. 3, 4, BBUNWU. B BWU Soc. 7; Lot 1. 8EUNWU Soc 18-27-40. April 18, 1021 $600. Bhorlff II. Loo Noo to DoURlas Smith ot nl, 8WU8WJ8BU, Soc. 10-10-43. March 20, luai. yt.vio.ri Bhorlff II. Loo Noo to Douglas Smith ot nl, Lots 110 and 133, Jam- loson Acreago Tracts April 18, iusi. S3.104.84. Sheriff II. Loo Noo to Douglas Smith ot al, Lots 117 and 136, Jam- leson Acroago Tracts. April id, ivki S4. 937.42. Douglas Smith ot nl to Molluo Farms Co. 8UNWU8WU. NKU NWU BWU. BWU NWU NWU Sec 22-10-21. $1.00. Wm. E. PJorry ot ux to Wlllnrd Hanson Motes and Hounds In BWU BWU Boo. e-iO-47. Jan 14, 1020. $7,000.00. MAHUIAOF. LICENSES ISSUED DUItING WEEK Dartholomous J. Schram and Mario J. Bmlt. April 20, 1931. aionn Poncock and Ora Loo Tnpp. April 23, 1931. Charlos D. Short and Cccllo J Alspaugh. April 23,1921. COMPLAINTS FILED IN CIRCUIT COUltT DUIUNG WL'KK Frank Golden vs. Allen Ervlngton at nl. April 18, 1021. Foreclosure of Mtg. $1,144.30. Hnnnah M. Mltcholl vs. John W. Doals ot al. April 19, 1921. Parti tion of Property. J. A'. Kerr vs. Qco. II. Johnson ot ux. April 20, 1921. Forcclosuro of AUK. ?1,DUU.UU. Leo Uoby vs. Jordan Vnlloy Land & Water Co, April 20. 1921. no covory of monoy. $2,326.72. NOTICE TO CUKDITOnS Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed by tbo County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Malheur County as Administrator of the Estate of Sarah A. McCartney decoasod, All persons having clulrao against the ostato of said deceased aro hereby notified to present tbo samo, duly verified as by law reuulrod to tho Uudorslgnod, at Ontario, Oregon, within six months from tho data of tho first publication ot this Notice. WAUD CANFIELD, Administrator of the Estate ot Sarah A. Me Cartney, Deceased. Date ot First Publication, April 7th, 1921. Date of Last Publication, May 6th, 1921. A. A. WELLINGTON Transfer and Storage Alfalfa Meal at 91.23 Per Hack Delivered I'llOBO 102 SUMMONS In llio Circuit Court or tho Slnto of Oregon for .Malheur County O. L. King, Plaintiff, vs. It. B. Coffey, Dofondant, To It. B. Coffoy, dofondant, In tho Namo of tho Stato of Orogon, you aro horoby rcqulrod to appear and answor tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo ontttlcd suit within 03 dayB from tho dato ot tho first publication thereof, or for want thoroot plaintiff will apply to tho Court for ft aecrco In fore closure of Dollnnuoncy Tax Certifi cate No 1310 dated, Aitg. 1st, 1910 assigned to plaintiff ty Malheur County, Oregon, Oct, 20th, 1017 and fr tho Bum of $7.00 with Interest thproon from Aug, 1st, 1017 at tho rnto ot 1G per cent per milium and for tho foroclosuro of Cortttlcnto ot Delinquency No 1000 for dollnquont Taxes for tho year of 1010 datod Aug. 1st, 1010 and for tho sum ot $6.49 with tntorcst thereon from Aug. 1st, 1910 nt tho rnto ot 15 per cont por annum, And tho further sum ot $3.50 taxes paid for tho year ot 1917 with Interest thereon from tho 0th dny ot April, 1917 nt tho rnto of 1C por cont por annum and tor tho further sum of $3.70 with Interest thorcon from April Cth, 1018 at tho rato of 12 por cont por nnnum for taxes paid during tho year of 1018 and the further sum of $7.78 with Interest thorcon from tho 20th day ot Docombor 1020 for taxes paid for tho yoars ot 1019 and 1920 all on Lots Numborcd 1 and 2 In 111iMr fjn V A In Inn fltv nt Hn. tarlo, Malheur County, Stato ot Oro gon, togothor with costs and dis bursements In this suit. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thoroot tor Sixty throo Days, In tho Ontario Argus a Wookly Nows-pnpor publlshod In and of gonoral circulation In Mal heur County, Orogon, uudor and by vlrtuo ot an ordor ot tho Hon. Dalton Dlggs, Circuit Judge ot tho nbovo entitled court, datod Feb ruary 21st, 1021. Dato ot First publication, Fob. 24th, 1021, Dato ot last publication April 28th, 1021. C. McOONAOILL. Attorney for' Plaintiff, llosldonco, Ontario, Orogon. TllAIN SCHEDULE West Ilound No. 17 Pnstongor 3:47 A. M. Dally No. 6 Mall 0:20 P.M. Dally No. 10 Pnssongor 4:30 P.M. Dally No. 23 Passenger 2:01 P. M. Dally No, 86 Pastougor (Pony 0:33 A.M. Dally East Ilound No. 18 Pnssongor 1:10 A. M. Dally No. 80 Pnssongor (Pony) 7:60 A.M. Dally No, 4 Passongor 0:33 A.M. Dally No. 0 Mall 2:20 P.M. Dally No. 24 Passongor 4:30 P.M. Dally Oregon Hnstorn llrnnch West Hound No. 371 Mixed Vnlo-Crano Departs 10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 373 Mixed Valo-Urogan Doparts 12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 193 Passongor Vnlo Doparts 10:30 A.M. Sunday Only East Ilound No. 372 Mlxod from Crauo Arrlvo 2:60 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No, 374 Mlxod from Urogan Arrlvo 4:60 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 194 Passongor from Vale 3:05 P. M. Suudny Only NOTICE OF IIOND SALE NOTICE 18 HEnEUV OIVEN That sonlod proposals will bo rocolvod by tho Hoard ot Supervisors ot tho Kingman Colony Drainage District at tholr ottlco at Nyssa, Malheur County, Orogon, until tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, tho 4th day ot May, 1921, and Immed iately thoreaftor publicly opened, for tho purchase ot additional bonds ot said District In tho sum of Seven Thousand ($7000.00) Dollars, au thorized by resolution datod January 17, 1921, said bonds to bo datod March 1, 1921 In denominations of Five Hundrod ($600.00) Dollars, and maturing as follows, to-wlt: Maturity Number Principal March 1, 1920 101 $600.00 March 1, 1927 102 600.00 March 1, 1028 103 6(10.00 March 1, 1929 104 600.00 March 1, 1030 106 600.00 March 1, 1031 100 500.00 March 1, 1932 107 500.00 March 1, 1933 108 600.00 March 1, 1934 109 600.00 March 1, 1936 110 600.00 March 1, 1930 111 500.00 March 1, 1037 112 500.00 March 1, 1938 113 600.00 March 1, 1939 114 500.00 Bald bonds to boar Interest ot six per cont (0) per annum, payable semiannually on tho first day ot Septombor and March, principal and Interest puyablo In United Btatos Gold Cola at tho office ot tho Soc retnry of said District at Nyssa, Malheur County, Orogon, or at the Fiscal Agency of tho Stato ot Ore gon in Now York City, at tbo option ot tho holder. Said bids roust bo accompanied by a certified chock for ton por cont (10) ot said bid, samo to bo forfeited to tho District as liqui dated damages In the event tho suc cessful blddor falls to take up and pay tor said bonds within ton days after tho award. Said Dlds must bo unconditional as to legality and tho District will furnish tho successful bidder with the approving legal opinion ot Messrs. Teal, Minor and Wlnfroo,, ot Portland, Orogon. Tho Hoard reserves the right to rojoct any or all bids, lly order of the Board ot Super Visors of the Kingman Colony Drain ago District. FltANK D. HALL. Secretary. First publication March 31, 1921. Last publication, April 28, 1921. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that all persons are warned not to dump garbage or refuso of any nature up on tho lands of tho undersigned In soctlon 33, north and west of tho Fair grounds. Violators will be prosecuted according to law. Orcgon-Wostern Colonization Co. lly W. J. Plnney, Agent. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court ot tho Slnto of Oregon, for tho County of Mnlhcur lluby E. Hanos, Plaintiff. vs. Claudo Italics, Defendant. To Clnudo Hanos, tho abovo named Dofendant: IN TUB NAME OF TUB STATE OF OltEdON: You aro horoby required to appear and answor tho complaint filed against you In tho abovo ontltlod suit on or boforo tho expiration of bIx weeks from tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, tho Burna bolng tho laBt day of tho tlmo prescrlbod by order of tho court directing sorvlco ot summons In said suit to bo mado upon you by pub lication; and It you fall so to answor, tor want thorcof, tho plain tiff will apply to tho court for tho rollot'doniandod In tho said com plaint, to-wlt: For a docroo ot said court grant ing tho plaintiff n dlvofco from you, and awarding tho plaintiff tho cus tody ot Uuby Elmn Hanos and Claudo W. Hanos, tho minor child ren ot plaintiff and dofondant, and for all other relief domandod In snld complaint. You aro further notlttod that this summons Is sorvod upon you by pub lication In pursuanco of an ordor of Hon. B. II. Tost, County Judgo of Malheur County, Orogon, which or dor was mado and entorod In said cause on April G, 1921, and dlroctod that this summoiis bo publlshod onco each wook for six succcsslvo wooks In tho "Ontario Argus". Tho dato of tho first publication ot this sum mons Is April 7, 1021, nnd tho last publication on May 10, 1021. W. W. WOOD, Attorney for Plaintiff. My rosldonco nnd post offlco nd dross is at Ontario, Orcg6n. NOTICE TO KXTEIIMINATB aOPHEllH Evory porton, firm, co-partnor-hlp, company, or corporation re dding on, owning, leasing, occupy ing, possessing or having chargo ot or dominion ovor nny land, ditches, cnnnls or othor proporty, Infested with pockot gophors In Mnlhour County, Oregon, Is horoby notified to bogln nt onco to offoctlvoly ox tormlnuto nnd dostroy nil such pock et gophors. Tho following poison fur mixing nnd Instructions for uso thoroot Is tho mothod most oxpcdlont nnd of toctlvo to bo used tor tho extermin ation nnd destruction ot such pockot gophers, nnd Is horoby rocommond od, towlt, alkaloid strychnlno used on either swoot potatoes or carrots, mlxod nccardlng to tho following foi inula and mannor, tewlt: FOUMULA FOlt POIBONINO POCKET OOPHEItS Uecommondod by U. 8. Ulologlcal Burvoy nnd Extension Sorvlco of tho Oregon Agricultural Collcgo Bocuro ono-hnlt ounco Formula 1 II spoclal strychnlno, or In Uou thorcof, grind togothor In n morter: 1-8 ounco powdorod strychnlno alkaloid, 1-10 ounco saccharine Cut four quarts ot swoot potato, parsnip or carrot baits ono-half Inch iquaro and one Inch lojig and sprlnklo tho nbovo powdor ovor thorn, stirring until each bait Is coalod thoroughly. A bait may bo nlso mado for spring uso particularly, by mixing tho nbovo quantity of poison with ono-half pint ot thin starch pasto and applying tho samo to two quarts ot wheat In a manner to coat each grain. Introduco bnlt Into tho gophor runwny by probing with a sharpon nd stick botwoon tho mounds. When tho runway Is located, drop ono or two balls thru tho holo nnd cover rnrofully so as to oxcludo light. Uopeat opnrntlons aftor sovon days on any plnco showing fresh work, (t Is nocossury to got this poison In to tho runways or It will do no good to try to poison thoso rodnnta. For this purposo a probo should bo iisod, samples ot which may bo soon nt tho poison supply stations listed bolow and tho proper uso of which may bo learned by applying to tho underslgnod at his offlco at Vale, Orogon. Tho County Court of Malheur County tins socurod n quantity of strychnlno nnu n quantity morooi has boon mixed nnd Is now on salo to farmers and othor persons Inter ested at actual cost and may bo had by applying te: Vale, Ilolso Payette Liunbor Co. Ontario, Fnrm Iluroau offlco. Nys sa, NysHa Trndlng Co. Jordan Val toy. Ooo. Parks. JamloBon, J. L, Popo. Ilrogan, J. M. Hamstroet IlonlU. W. M. Mlllor. Malheur. Chas. Morfltt. Harper, Chas, Hush. Orogon Blopo, Otto Melll. ntvordnlo O. II. Splcor. Adrian, Holly nros. If any porson horoln designated ihall, within thirty days from tho first publication of this notlco fall to begin In good faith to extermin ate, oradlcato and destroy according to tho method aforesaid, or .by any othor effecttvo means, said pockot gophers herein designated, tho Coun ty Court of Malheur County, Oregon will appoint a person or persons to proceed with tho extermination nnd eradication of such pocket gophers, snd tho cost thereof Incurred will bo assessed to such land, ditches, canals, or othor proporty, and un less paid will becomo a loin against same, for tho extermination ot said pocket gophors. This notlco Is published pursuant to the statuto In such caso mado and provided and for two consecutive' wooks or threo Issues, and all por ions described theroln aro required to tako notlco thereof. Dated and published this 14th days of April, 1921. L, n. nrolthaupt, County Agont for Malheur County, Oregon. First publication, Apr. 14, 1921 Last publication, Apr. 28, 1921. LOST OU STOLEN Two ysnrl- log steors, brand left hip, (EH con nected). Please tako up and notify J. 3. Dlllard. 319-tf. OniFFITII ELECTMO SHOP All kinds of Electric wiring. Telo- phouo 228 J. U. Professional Cards DltS. It. A. MOON & WM. HALE Chiropractic Physicians Klectro-Tlicrnpcutlsts Splno A Ncrvo Specialists Phono i"H Ontario, Ore. DRS. WEESE & FOKTNEIt office, neuns: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Office ovor First National Uank. rolopuono No. 33 J. Ontario. Oro. DR.A.R.EOBERTS Dontiat Ilctwoon Ontario l'lmriiinr, ,, Depot. Phone 62 LESLIE 3. AKEU ATTOIIN1CV AND ACCOUNTANT INCOME TAX ADVIBEU Postofflco llulldlng Ontnrlo, Oregon Offices nlso nt R'M Idaho Iiulldlng llolsc, Idaho Phenes: Offlco lOD-U; lies. 170-1. Dlt. O. W. TYLKJt DENTI8T Ottlco In Wilson Dldg. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phono 117 tor Appointments. i "WELL DRILLING Spcclnl Equipment Speedy Sorvlco Soo O. B. Sanford Phono, -IS-W Ontario, Oregon PRANK BRITTINGHAM Phono 110-J Ontario, Oregon Long Hauling a Spocialty vi'o Always Deliver tho Goods YOUltS.FOR BUSINESS BRECKON & SHRIVER Auto Repairing. Acetylene Weltl inu: n specialty. Block west of Moore Hotel Electric Wiring All wiring done strictly ot state laws. We build up to a'standard, not down to a price. Griffith Electric Shop Telephone 228 J Dr. J. A. HcFall Eyesight Specialist KyegloNHctt mid Spectacles Exclusively Grinding Plant on Premises Phono 1-17-J For Appointment! lllackaby Jewelry Illdg. Ontario, Oregon Mans The Things You Go By We Make Them Turner Bros. Barney Pete Ontario CUT THE GRASS, Pont pull it Now Is tho tlmo to look ovor your lawn mower. Get tho blade thnrncuod and the work iiiK parts put in order. This will snvo you tlmo and iimka LAWN MOWING 1UHY Whon you want work llko this done Wo do It right, and quickly. MARSDEN MACHINE SHOP V. W. Marsdou, Prop.