",Wt r.rT r" THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL S8, 1021. A I, k . i '. j ? I 1 Funeral Directors Six State Licenses Lady Assistant When Desired Modern Chapel Room iiHIBPPPWSi KINGMAN KOLONY Ambuience Service With all Modern Conveniences H. L. Peterson Phone 37-J ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. C. R. Augustus Phone 76-M ANNOUNCING Thermoid Cord and Fabric TIRES Answering the demand that conies to ail real SERVICE STATIONS For TIRE SERVICE We Have Added to Our Lines the Thermoid Cord and FabricTires Made with Crolidc Compound The Thermoid Is a wonder Tire, its users rccord from 50 to 100 percent, more than the conventional Six Thousand mile guarantee. The Thermoid is a Non-porous Tire whose tread bears the brunt of wear. In Ford sizes 7500 is the guarantee. We make our own adjustments. GLOBE SERVICE STATION E. D. Johnson, Prop. The Globe ia always at your service. Gas, Oils, Free Air and Wator, Crank Caso Service and a Completo line of Accessories. SAFETY FIRST YOU often hear that slogan. Its ns true with banking as with railroading or any other public enterprise. IT is safety first for our depositors. We keep this constantly in mind. That's why wo are so careful about our loans and our reserves. That's why wo carry fire and burglar insurance. We want every depositor to feel sure that the money entrusted to us will be ready any time it is requested. That's why our depositors have confidence in this bank. They know their funds are safe when in our old-established, reliable Bank. FIRST NATIONAL BANK "A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY" Ontario - .- - Oregon Mrs. M. M. Maxwell and MIbs Corlno Maxwell apont last Sunday with their Blstor and family, Mrs. Tyler of Now Plymouth, Idaho. Miss Mnson, Principle, of tho Ros well, Idaho Schools, spent tho wcok ond with hor sister, Mrs. W. Ed wards. Mrs. Hoy Crouch U entertaining Miss Tack of Salt Lake City, Utah. II. S. Burroughs of New Plymouth Idaho visited his Kingman ranch Monday. Mr. Durroughs who has n fruit ranch- at Now Plymouth re ports 16 degrees abovo, and fruit growers smudging their orchards. Tho official tomperaturo reported this wcok In this vicinity Is rathor dlsqulotlng, 29 degroos Saturday night and 28 dogrecs Sunday night. Fear Is folt that early fruits nro damaged to soma extent. Tho Short Lino Irrigation Co. turnod water Into tho canals this wcok. Junior Lynch took posses sion of his quarters' nt tho pump station. Ivor Chrlstenscn and family mov od this wook to tho II. Walters dry ranch. Kcnnoth Vandorpool Is homo with his father on tho ranch after an ex tended visit with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Dullard of Arcadia. E. F. Pratt and family loft this wcok for tholr homo nt Ironsldo, taking with thorn nbout 100 head of cattlo to summer rango. Frank Martin, who has spent tho wlntor with his son, Conrad Martin nnd family, left for arangovlllo, Idaho, Monday last, whoro he will spend somo time with a daughter. Mr. and' Mrs. Orrln Wollaco and son aro In Wclsor, Idaho for a fow days visiting Mr. Wallace's sister who will bo romombcrcd hero as Mltfs Pearl Wallace Tho Young Pooplo'g Class hold tholr regular business nnd social session Friday ovontng, April 29. Mrs. A. O. Kingman, Miss Flor onco Kingman nnd Mrs. It. K. Over Maurlco L. Judd, oast of Parmu, Maurice L. Judd, east Of P arma, last Thursday. Mrs. Edltha Scott, Miss Ellon Scott, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. II. Ovor strcot, II. II. Scott and Ilobt. B. Ovorstrcot woro delightfully enter tained nt dlnnor In tho homo of Mrs, Edna 8tark of Itoswall, Idaho, on tho evening of April 20th., by tho lloswoll Young Pcoplo. who rocontly gnvo tho plnylot, "Safoty First" to n highly pleased nudlonco In King man Kolony. Don't forgot tho rogular P. T. A. mooting. May 0th at 2:30 P. M. a largo nttondnnco Is desired. 8ovoral matters of buslnoss enmo boforo tho meeting ns woll as oloctlon of of ficers for tho onsulng yonr. P. A. Kingman, F. T. Morgan nnd Hnrva Otts mado a business trip to Ontario and vicinity tho first of this wook. Tho County council of tho P. T. A. which moots nt Nyssa April 30, should havo a good ropro sontntlon from this community. A himlncRs session at 11 A. M. with an Intorostlng program beginning nt 1:30 p. ni. Is plannou; Tuosdoy Mrs. Cowglll Assistant 8tato Club loader will meet tho Girls Sowing Club at 11 A. M. May 9. At tho samo hour Harry Woll man, County Club Loader will moot with tho Pig Club. A Joint club mooting Is planned and nn Invita tion oxtondod to all paronts ond thoso Intorcsted to attond this moot ing. County Agont nrelthnupt has ar ranged for a meotlng of fnrmors of this section Monday, May 2nd nt 2:00 at Adrian. Pnul Mohl, flold agont In marketing for Oregon, will dollvor n locturo on "Succossful Co oporatlvo Markotlug Among Farm ors" This Is n subject of vital Im portance to tho growor at mis umo ond one upon which wo can recolvo valuablo Information. Mr, Mohl hns mado a study of tho subjoct. Corao out to this meotlng ond got tho principles underlying co-oporatlvo mnrkotlng first hand. This may bo tho foro-runnor of co-operative mar keting In this section. HEAR YEA! HEAR YEA! THAT'S the cry of the Auctioneer when selling off a lot of old and second hand furniture. And you will pay a big price for his goods because some one is going on your good judgment and wants that article. i You can buy New Furniture V here at our store for LESS MONEY, and no one to raise your bid. Everything Marked in Plain Figures Buy now while closing out this Bank rupt Stock. - Mcdowell S3 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FURNITURE CO. ONTARIO OREGON J. A. SCHMIDT, Broker BlllllllJIIJllllllllllliilllllllllillllllllllWIill AT ONTARIO HOTELS I II I Rrad Moss was a Durns visitor ono day last week. The Robeknh Lodge Is to hold a mooting ond social ovenlng ottor Lodgo on Saturday evonlng. Mrs. Tom Howard has been very sick tho past week. Mrs. n. E, Dunton has been taking care of her at prosout. Sho Is reported bettor. John Gearheart ond family visit ed at tho homo of Archlo Myora this past week. Tho community at largo has hod n general ditch cleaning. The big ditch and Johnson ditch ond sovoral Bmall ditches nro ready to carry their wator supply, Tho death of Avery Itlchey of Juntura was quite a shock to the various citizens of Drewsey. Dee Woodruff of Burns passed thru Drewsey enroute to Juntura ono day last week. Joo Llllard was a business visitor at Drewsey one day this past week. Ooorgo Riley and wlfo wero Drew sey visitors Saturday ovenlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rink Myers went over to Rurns this past week on business. Victor Cleveland came down from Van one day last week on business. George RHoy has a new Fairbanks-Morse wind mill erected nt his ranch. He says, "there's some class to pumping now." Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace Capps made o trip to Drewsey Friday. WANTED .TO KENT Responsible party doslros to ront -I or 6 room houso. Inquire at tho Argus offico. FOK SALE aood R. 1, Hod eggs $1.00 sotting of IS eggs. Lestor Turner. Phono 4 8-J. 10-23 p. i" NOTICE All persons owning ond keoplng swine within the city limits of tho City of Ontario aro hereby uotltlod that to do so Is contrary to the or dinances of said city and If they continue so to keep swlno within the city limits prosecutions will be uecessary. PIANO TUNING Following nro somo of thoso reg istered at Ontario hotols tho past woek: MOOHE: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ward, Tom Ferguson, Parma; Fred Lund, Nyssa; E. J, Morrison, Jam toson; A. 1). Andorson, Wolsor; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Prltchott, Vale; Miss N. D. Valllant, San Francisco; J. S. Davis, Dolso; Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Johnston, Iloulah; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Longer, Casper, Wyo.; It. W. Dlckorson, Parma; Mrs. Zimmerman nnd family, Amor. Falls; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ewlng, Portland; Mr Wal ter Weaver, Wolppo; W. F. Jllco, Caldwell; Hoy A. Dates, Dolse: For rest Jonos, Juntura: I). W. Tlllot- son, Iioulah; L. II. Allon, Vole; Mary E. Illack, Wonatche. Wn.j Mrs. Frank Kllno, Harry J. Neely, Spokane; A. E. Drown, Crane; H. V. Gunn, Corvallls; II. Knight, Mt. Home; Druco Donnls, LoGrnndo; C, M. McDanlol, Winifred Knowlton, Uoluo; Chas. McGeo, Rlversldo; H, Muoggo, W. E, Palmor, Daker; Mrs. Dooth, Hngorman, Ida; E. T, Swan, I. Gates, Vale; Mrs. Angle Murphy, Iloulah; Mrs. It. E. Mills, Hurley, Ida.; F. Lucas, Weston; Earl aib bons, Payette; Joo 8. Howry, Crow ley; Geo, H, Loerch and wlfo, Fruit land; O. It. Edmond, Dolso; J. W. Crawford, nurns; Donald McLcod, Harper; J. Frank Hoguo, Iloleo; W, E. Smith, Taffonlsh, WobIi.; Mr, and Mrs, K. a. Martin, Portland; A. S, Truscott, Cambridge: L. E. Dunn. Twin Fnlls; Mrs. Abbott Wil liams, Vale; P. M. Farls, Portland; It. M. Evans, Laurens. Ia.: E. E. Elliott, Salem; E. D, Doxeo, Corval lls; It. It. Coopor, Yakima . CARTER: J. F. need, nrogan; Goo. Rlack, Gooding; II. D, Saun ders, Princeton, Or.; W. A, Jack eson, Dolse; John Lien Nyssa; Geo, Foon, Crane; J. S. Redsull, Vale; A. G. McCarty, New Plymouth; Dave Glenn, Ileulah: W. L, Pence, WeBtfall; Edna N. Johnson, Dakor; James Declmo Nampa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lynch, Nyssa; C. C. Cryder, Idaho Falls; Howard Lant, Clarenco Merrill. Eugene; W. P. Allen, Jun tura; Mrs, Elbert George, Crane; D. H. Carsen. Welser: Phil Sullivan, Daker; A. Mlntzer, Nampa; C, T. Itlloy, Drewsey: O. Anderson, Glonns Ferry: Harry Washburn, Daker: Frank Dubako, Payette; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peacock, Dolso; C. Cohen. Emmett; C. S. Skinner, Owy heo; G. E. Hurd. Henry Page, Port Pert land: John Martin, Huntington; L. ' J Welty, Council, Ida; Mr. and! Mrs. W. F. Thorp, Corvallls; Den ; Purcell, II. Kutch, Payette; M, A. Howell, Heppner: D. Dlevans, En terprise, M. II. Deck, Caldwell; A Mlntzer, A. J. Nelson, Nampa; J L. Dalton, North Powder. -BUY A HOME PRODUCT HOMEY Guaranteed Pure Honey and Corn SYRUP AT ALL STORES None Better for Cooking REPAIRS for all tho hay machinery. Lots got thoso re pairs today whilo tho getting is good. Wo havo tho gonuino International repairs and our stock is complete. They fit close, wear longor and aro hotter in quality. Bowaro of "mado for" and "will 'fit" im itations. . . Don't wait until the season is pn, wo havo them now. Roference Mrs. Cox, Mrs, Aiken, Mrs, -Drelthaupt, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Laxon, Mrs. Luehrs, Mrs. Castlemau Rev, Lus combo and many others In this city. Please leave ordore with Mrs, Cox or Mrs. Aiken. L. N. Hockett. Wolaer, Idaho. 19-20-p. WHITE LEGHORN HENS 12.00 baby chicks $18.00 per hundred! Hatching eggs $1.60 per setting, $10.00 per hundred. Phone 206. E. G. Lightfoot. tf. PIANO FOR SALE $200. Inquire at Paul Qrlffln's near. East side school bouse. 20-21 p. I TROXELL IMPLEMENT COMPANY ONTARIO, OREGON A I 1 I