T10E ONTARIO AllOUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1921 ,; is "Try It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge And you will find how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of tho1 ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to-, bacco taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up In two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco mssmsmmsmtjmjMkMiiiMMB POK 8ALI1 -Unhlla Hull. Mrs, Wood Thompson. 20 p. Knt nt Filer's whoru wo employ AMERICANS. Adv. Our hats will ploaso you In prlco ntnl stylo. Morris Millinery niul Novolty Shop. Adv. Jfe&3s?v MBH. LOCAL PERSONALS MUIE-TEAM BORM SOAP CHIPS Work Porecfif . -At- . s jn. rra&nmcj MQchmesL Guaranteed v7wxsiW (J 1 J f ffyl iff v BORAX f?i Amy 2i?t,lm IM 1.11 . ,. ?i.l.'-V. .l';1 jK W 'I . t tr!fci i , P.. I Nil 1 W fewww ixrrritacn .totjuatz nn.vtia-.rtnu BORAX l?if it m-w , r r p r& vi J XXtm.-ihbvM I'MI A. J. Toborg, contractor for tho firm four miles of Old Oregon Troll rond out of Ontario wns In town on Wednesday purchasing cump sup pllos. II. A. Jefferson of Nyssa was trad ing In Ontnrlo Wednosdny, Mrs. Chnrlotto Scholcs Is building a modern bungalow on tho lota ad joining her present rcsldcnco on the cast Hi do. It will ho occupied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo Ilrndbury who arc moving hero from Nampn. Mr. Urndbury Is cnglnoor on tho Ilrogan branch. Mrs. Myrtlo Ilrcosco of Nnmpn Is houso-koepor nt thu Kd Nelson homo taking tho plnco of Mrs. Craig who loft recently for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy of Ilrogan wore In Ontario over Sunday. Thcron Northrop was an OntnrloJ visitor irom uonu ux i'iai over tho wcok end. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Frnsor wore callod to Mlddloton early Sunday morning by tho serious Illness of Mrs. Frasor's brothor T. II. Holland. Mr. Hollnnd who had boon 111 for soma tlmo with pneumonia wns very low whon tho messngo renchod On tario but ralllod aftor Mr. and Mr Krasor rouuhed his bedside and has continued to Improvo slnco Sunday, bo much so that Mrr. Frasor was nblo to return homo TuoHday o oil ing. Mr. Krasor mado thu trip to Mlddloton by enr to bring her homo. Prod Sago who oporntos tho Sago nineties In tho McDormltt country its In Ontario this wcok. On Tues day Itandnll Sago and his son Mil lard wore In Ontario on business, A. A. Wales of Ilolso was In On tnrlo Tuosdny to look after his pro porty horo. Mrs. Fred Canfleld wont to Vale on Tuesday for a short visit with rolatlvos. Thu K. 1'. Lodge hnnquot which wns to havo been held Wednesday night wns postponed until near tho first of May. Data will bo given later. Mrs, actio McCoy returned Wed nesday from Unities, Oregon accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Cochran. Frank Hrlttlnghnm, It. W. Athor ton, nnd Herman Cnldwoll with tliolr families drlvo to Kmmutt Sunday mid woro guests of Mrs. Cnld well's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. F. I'enlc. Mrs. David Qrnhnm Is down from Jtinturn for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Derrick of Jnmloson woro Sundny visitors of Mrs. Mnry E. Kinney who lives west of Ontario. Mrs. W. W. Lotson and Mrs. II. I.. Potorson woro Ilolso visitors Wed nesday. Mrs. S. E. Worloy formorly of Pocntollo Is visiting her sister Mrs, Ooo. II. ailhnm. Mr. nnd Mrs. Worloy nro moving from 1'ocntollo to Uakcr. Mrs. llort Fox was brought home from tho hospital Friday whoro sho rocontly underwent n surgical opor atlon. Mrs. J. 0. Mcdcc and dnughtor, Mnrgarot, of Nyssa wcro visiting friends In Ontario Saturday. C. II. Itlgdon, an old frlond of tho Dufflold family when they lived In tho Wlllnmetto valley Is visiting with thorn at their ranch homo on tho river north of tho city. Mrs. Henry Whltworth and Mrs. C. 10. Konyon of Wolsor woro out of town guests nt tho Tuesday brldgo this week whon tho club mot nt tho homo of Mrs. E. M. Orolg. Mr. Whltworth nnd Mr. Kon yon drovo them over nnd spont tho nftornoon visiting with old tlmo friends. J. O. Phllnbnum roturnod Wednosdny from Junturn whero ho hnd chnrgo of tho funorni or a. b. Itlchoy who dlod at that plnco. Tho funorni sorvlces took placo at tho Prosbytorlnn church In Junturn, Mr. (Irnhnin officiating. Avory Smith Itlchoy wns horn nt Kingston, Cnld woll county, Missouri, Septombcr 0, 1870, and died at Junturn, Oregon, April 16, 1921, nt tho ngo of 44 years sovon months nnd 10 days. Ho leavos n wlfo nnd four children to mourn his loss. Ho Is also survived by his father and mothor, threo brothors nnd eight Blstors. Docoas cd was well known In Ontnrlo, his children having nttended school horo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvoy Hoblus of Nnmpn wero guests of Miss Luulla Callln Sunday. Mrs. Omar Khun returned Tues day from a wcok's visit with friends In Bolso. Tho J. A. Walter family arrived from California, Wcdnesdny and woro more tlinn glad to got back, as California camo near losing Its rcputntlon for sunshine tho past wlntor. nMU I v A K ocie M m ONTAHIO HHIUNHHH ATTEND IIOIHi: TI3IPMJ BPHINO SESSION A number of Ontario mombors of tho Mystic Shrlno woro In Ilolso this wcok to bo prosont nt tho spring coromonlnl sosslon of El Kornh Tom plo. Thoio who wntchod tho novlcos trond tho burning sands wore: I). W. Powers, II. I Potorson, O. 0. Luohrs, A. I Cocurum, Dr. It. O. Pnyno, J. A. Schmidt, J. C. Mc Crolght. To bo present at tho func tions glvon for tho wives of tho visiting Shrlnors Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Potorson, Mrs. Luohrs, Mrs Cock rum, Mrs. Pnyno, Mrs. W. H. Ilrooko nnd Mrs. McCrolght also wont to tho Idaho capital. Most of tho pilgrims to tho shrlno returned homo today. i mi ' "ii in Ontario Girl's Club held n party Tuosdny night nt tho homo of Mm D. W. Powers. Somo "stnrs" of tho silent drntnn nppcarod In n most "thrilling" porformnnco nnd Quito enrnou away thoir appreciative mi dlonco. Tho Club's first work will bo to ralsa money toward tho fund necessary for finishing tho library basomont. A danco will bo glvon In tho Wilson Hnll on May 6. Evory ono Is Invltod to buy a tlckot and como. AH orgnnlzntloiis or groups who nro desirous of n freo mooting plnco which a finished llbrnry nudi torlutn will provldo, Bhould cooper ate. Mondny ovonlng a largo company of Methodist people mndo a surprise visit at tho Pnrsonngo, tho occasion being tho Ulrthday of tho PaBtor. A pleasant ovonlng was spent nnd many substantial gifts mndo to the pnrsonngo folks. Tho Sock Social given by tho Ladles Aid of tho Methodist Church Inst Thursday ovonlng wns a sue coss socially and financially. The proceeds woro 933,00. Mrs. J, II. drogg will entertain tho W. C. T. U. Tuesday" nftornoon at her homo on tho east sldo, Tuesday wns Mrs. Charles Athor ton's fifty-fifth birthday, nnd the occnslon for n surprlsa party Hint ovonlng by her sons, J, II. nnd It W. Athorton and families who brought refreshments with them nnd spont tho ovonlng with thoir paroiiM. Miss Laurn Gregg eolobrated her sixth birthday Saturday by Inviting n number of her young friends to n party at tho homo of hor parents, Thoro woro twonty-flvo guests pres ents and childhood gnmos woro In dulged In on tho lawn nttor which rofreshmonts woro served. W. W. Drooko wns tho host for tho pinochle club at his homo south west of town Saturday ovonlng. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Wood ontor- talnod at thoir homo Inst Saturday ovonlng. Sovon tnblcs of miction woro plnyod nnd dancing Indulged In during tho ovonlng. High honors woro takon by Mro. J, It. Dlncknhy nnd Ivan E. Oakcs. Tho Tuesday brldgo club mot th's weok nt tho homo of Mrs. E. M. Orolg. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Vnn Potion woro tho host nnd hostess for tho Imporlnl club Thursday ovonlng. Ontario mombors of tho Knights of Columbus and tliolr ladlos woro tho guosts of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Onllaghor at thoir homo last Friday ovonlng. Dancing and enrds ontor tnlnod tho guests. Mrs, P. J. Onllaghor ontortalnod tho Mondny brldgo club this wook. Tho Woman's Club moots today with Mrs. A. a. Mooro. r IT'S A FACT THAT CASH AND CARRY Goes a long way in cutting clown high cost of living.and that is the nim of everyone nowadays, and that is our aim in starting the Cash and Carry System. Eliminat ing the high cost of delivering and credit system enables us to sell our Meats and Groceries at a close margin, thus giving you the benefit. REMEMBER, these are not Special Prices, but are for every day in the week. Every article in our store has been reduced. WHY PAY MORE? A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Come and see for yourself. I.ulu Steak . . . T llono Stonk Hound Stonk . Shoulder Stonk Pot Itonst It t ltlb Hull Shoulder Poll , ., Prime lllb Hump Itonst . . . . Pork Chops, I.olu Park Stonk Pork Itoast, Hum Pork Hoat. Shoulder Pnrl: Itonst, Loin Bparo It I tin , , , No, 5 Lard ,'..,.,.,, No. 10 Lard Veal Stonk, Uil Veal Stonk, Shoulder .... Von! Chops, lllb Vo.U Chops, Loin Veal Stow Venl HoaM, Shnulrter . . Lnmh Chops, Shoulder . Lamb Chops, Loin .... Log of Lamb Hliouldor Lnmh Lnmh Stow ....,.,.., tt .1! I ,'.!l .III .11 o .11 .01) It .11) .10 ,'M .2.1 .'JO .1!3 .10 .83 1.03 .8 .7 .'J I .20 .07 .10 .18 .27 .'-'(I .10 .01 llncon ill to .SO Pork Sausage 17 Hamborger 11 Flour 1.01 Dutch Cleanser II Sugar, 10 lbti. for l.oo Head lilco, & lbs 8 Sax Oats nt Glass Jelly i Lemons , . :w Oysters (',.. 17 Pkg. Oatmeal !M Corn, 3 cntm 10 Tomatoes,, 3 cans :3 Apricots Ul Peaches , .so Ulnckborrles 28 3 lb. can M. J. I). Coffoo.... l.itt I). Coffeo, 1 lb IW 11, Coffoo, 3 lbs 1,1 i It Club Coffeo lit Quart Can Catsup 20 Cnrnntlon Milk, 14c, 3 cans ,10 Hebo Milk, can to 10c can P and Ueans,3 cans .23 20c P. Henna to Macaroni, Hulk, lb. , 01) for lbs lbs gal. Corn Flakes Sardlnos , . . Soap, White, S Or Flour Corn Moal Peas por can Wosson Oil, Pt. .. Wesson Oil, Quart Maiola, Pt Muzola, Qt. Snowdrift, '. Snowdrift, 4 Snowdrift H Dark Syrup, 1 gal Light Syrup, i gal. Light Syrup, 1 gal ....... Cottoleno, 5 lbs Wheat Hearts Swifts W. Powder Uoldon Hod Lux, 2 for Hyson JJ. Powder Tree Ton, 8 oz Tree Tea, 16 oz Hulk Japan Tea , . , Drown Heans White Deans .10 .08 .23 .37 .! .10 .ill .00 .it8 .03, .18 .02 .11 .83 .32 .08 .87 .20 .02 .21 .23 .30 .30 .07 .44 .08 .08 LIST YEAR'S CLUB WINNERS RECEIVE CERTIFICATES Tho cortlflcatos of nchlovomont that woro won by Clubs In Malheur County havo arrived and will bo distributed within tho noxt fow dnys.1 Tho Clubs which had 70 por com or moro of thoir mombors finish tho projoct aro glvon those achievement cortlflcatos, Tho club winning 0110 of thoso cortlflcatos is worthy of spoclal com mondatlon. Tho local club loador cannot bo glvon too much crodlt for bringing tho mombors through to tho finish, bocauso It Is only with undlmlnlshlng Intorost and the giv ing of a largo amount of tlmo that tho beBt results aro obtalnod, Following aro the names of tho cluba winning nchlovomont cortlfl catos and tho porcontago of tho mom bora who flnlsbod tho projects: Ontario Sowing Club 100, Doulta Sowing Club 1007c, Ontario Cooking Club 03, Junior Improvement Club 100, Ontario Potato Club 80, Nyssa Corn Club 80. Nyssa Poland China Pig Club 100, On tario Sewing Club 83 Vale Sowing Club 100, Nyssa Sowing Club 80 Nyssa Sowing Club 80, Parma 80 wing Club 100, If you patronize us we will reward you with the best quality goods at the lowest possible prices. ONTARIO MEAT & GROCERY CO. Dnr illfinlnv nt nnvnltlna mnkna shopping a pleasure. Morris Millin ery and Novolty Bhop. auv. Eat at Flfers whore tho food, sor vlcoa and price aro right. Adv. Wear a "Palmyre" waist. It moans distinction and quality. Mor ris Mllllnory and Novolty Shop. Ad, NEAII EAST 11ELIEF Mrs. E. T. Allen, a returned work (if from tho Near En', hpoKc ut Ibo Mothodla', Chinch Sunday morn- lag and at n union moiling nt thu Frcsbyterlan Ohu;cn Sundny e cu ing. Mrs. AUon alfco visited ie High School and the West and East Sldo graded schools Tuesday rao-n-Ing. At each school sho gave a very Interesting account of condi tions over there. Tho campaign for funds Is now on. The cause Is worthy. Lot us each do our part Rev. Win. J. Luscombe Is tho local chairman. Sweaters that pleaso the Individ ual. Morris Millinery and Novelty Shop. Adv. Try FIFEIVS CAFE next. Adv, Just recolved a qew lino of spring suits, dressos and skirts. Morris Mllllnory and Novolty Shop, Adv. Is Your Old Washer Worth $10.00? WE'LL ALLOW YOU $10 ON IT ANYWAY WHEN YOU BUY YOUR NEW AUTOMAT IC ELECTRIC WASHER THIS MONTH. Time is Growing Short The cud of April is not far off. This $10 reduction by trading in an old washer lowers the term price of the Automatic to .$100 ami you may pay it $10 down and $10 a month, quickly disposing of the cost. Then you will have a machine you may de pend on giving service. Whenever a part wears out or needs adjusting, even many years in the future, you may also depend upon the Idaho Power Company to take care of it. Chosen Type of Washer The Idaho Power Company tested nianv machines nr modcatp jvien in id ' osc the Auto matic for Ha all round excellence, its simple meelmninu and sturdv endurance. IF YOU HAVEN'T AN OLD WASHER You will receive free with the purchase of an Automatic during April 1 Standard electric liouso iron with cord. ' 5-pound package Hurley washing machine soap. COME IN AND SEE THE AUTOMATIC OPERATED AT THE ELECTRIC SHOP Idaho Power Company You'll Save Money by Remodeling Now You who havo been waiting for lower prices be fore you laid that hardwood floor, renewed those old walls and ceilings, re-roofed the liouso or barn, or built the garage this message is directed to you. i Do you know that lumber nnd building mater ials aro down in many instances 35 por cent' Do you knew: that you can ropair or remodel much cheaper than nt any time in tho past four years? Do you rcalizo that ovory day you wait not only inconveniences you but costs real money? REPAHIS STOP DEPRECIATION Do your repairing and remodeling at tho pres ent low prices and get tho benofit now. Wo aro well supplied with all kinds of good lumber and building materials. Come in and do a little figuring with our sales manager and you will see the big advantage of acting now. Geo. McClain, Sales Mgr., Ontario, Ore. Boise Payette Lumber Company MORE THAN A THOUSAND different articles needed in your homes. China ware, Glass ware, Aluminum and Enameled wares. 5c, 10c, 15c, and 20c tables full of things which are kitchen labor savers. Dolls, Toys, Notions, Etc., Opposite Post Office. The Variety Store ONTARIO -:- -:- -:. OREGON t jg - vJ -&f'..t i-eim-iifitm fiau&nmmirlwtMm m