tfEllW tttei0 ttm !'t '; XXV ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THU J? GD AY, APRIL 14, 1921 NO. 19 v I IS ASKED 10 DROP COUNTY AGENT 'UTITIO.V 1JHINO CIRCULATKR IN TKRRITOHY AIIOUT CITY RKQUKHTINO AHOL1TION OK COUNTY AONT AND CLUH WORK WANT ALL EXPENSES REDUCED Work Holng Rone Quietly Hut It. Mooting Willi Opposition Front Pvi-hoiim A('imliittil With Work Misleading HlntpmciiiH v Hcljng Made N rotltlotiH nsklng tho County Coun to drop tlio work of tlio County Ai;cnt, tlio County Club Lcndor, nnd to In ovory wiiy posslblo rcduco tho oxponsos of tho county In bolng clr- cuinica iidoiii tlio torrltory nround thn city. Ho far tin known, tlio po vtltlonn linvii not boon clrculntod nmong tho business moil, or among any lnrgo number of rnncliors who uro fnmlllur with (ho work of tho Knnu llurcnii. Kor a tlmo tho petitions resolv ed sumo support but from Into ro portH that huvo coino In tho clr ciilntorH, who nro working for nomo unknown croup, hnvo round thnt tholr efforts nro not' bolng encour aged nnd Hint real opposition will ho found In tho offqrt to q nwny with progrosRlvo of forts tho ranch ers huvo nndorlakon to solvo tholr problauiH. Ono of tho porsoiiR to whom tho petition win prnscntod, nnd who ro- riiHod tn sign It, doc In rod that tho petition not forth n- gloomy plcturo or .tho .taxpayers condition. An Investigation reveals tho fnct Hint whoi) tho fax budget (or tills year whs prepared, with tho Item for the County Agent work Included nut n hIiirIo titxpuyor protestod. . Whon tlio petitions woro prosontcd In tlio vicinity of Nyssa no oncour URomont wns rocolvod, according to tho roportn which hnvo reached tho Argun, In fact In no noctlon whoro tho work of tho Kami lluroau Is .known and whoro tho rnncliors hnvo co-oporAtod nro the. pott!otiorR receiving ncournKoiiient. Tho fnctH of tho case nro flint all of tlui Increase- mada In tnxes this your Is duo olthor to tho Incroaso In stato taxea duo to Incronsod appro priations by (ha InHlilalure, or to I bo direct voto of tho pooplo In tho Increased mlllago lax for hlRhor education. County taxes In Mainour county liavo bean roduced nenrly 60 por cout. This fact tlio potlttonors liuvo ontlruly ovorlookod. HCIIOOJ, KUIi:itINTKM)i:.Tfl AltUANdK 1X)H TltAUK MKKT Huturdny, March 10 a mcotlng of tlio principals nnd superintendents or tho Malheur County sctioola was Ijold nt tho Ontario HIkIi School for tho purposo of completing arrnnge lueuts far n county trnct meat to bo hold nt VnlQ tho first weuk n May. Huporlntoiidunts Lusty or Nyssa, Ager or Vnlo mid Principal Uoucbor J or Ontnrlo attondQil. Tho moot will (ncludo all or tho usual ovonts for bqtl) boys nnd girls, jrto participants will bo divided tn to throo classes according to ago. Thoro will bo 41 evonts, oach count ing 15 points, Klrut place counts 5 points, socoud placo i, third placo 3, fourth placo 8, nnd fifth placo 1. Tho team having tho most points at tho oud of tho must will reculvo n largo loving cup, given by the Com mercial club of Vale. Each Individ ual wlnnor will bo given n ribbon. rnociiuM Classos for Hoys and QlrU "A" Class, boys or girls 18 years of ago or under on May 0, 1021, "11" ClasH, boys or girls 13. or 14 years of ago on May 0, 1981. "C" Class, boys or girls 15 to 21 years of ngo on May 0, 1831, l'lf'tcrnm of Kvonts (K vents called at 10 A. M. and 1:30 P, M.) HOYS Classes und Kvcnts . "C", 100 yd. D(Bb, 120 Hurdle. Haskot Hall for baskets, NOON, 100 yd, Dash, Dase nail or Distance. 440 yd. School Relay race, 4 best runners to a team, each to run 110 yds. GIIILS Classesniiil KvenU "A", 50 yd. Dash, 120 Hurdlo, Ail-Up Indian Club, NOON, 100 yd. Dash, Potato Itace. B", 50 yd. Dash, 120 Hurdle, AH-Up Indian Club, NOON 100 yd. Dash, Potato Itaco. "ASO yd. Dash, 120 Hurdlo, Polo Vtfilt, Ilun D. Jump, Hun HI Jump, NOON, 100 yd. Dash, 220 yd. Hun, Shot Put 81bs. "D", 50 yd. Dash, 120 Hurdle, Hun III Jump, Polo Vault, Run D. Jump, NOON, 100 yd. Dash, 220 yd. Run, Shot Put. 'C", 100 yd.. Dash, 120 Hurdje, Run D. Jump, Run HI Jump, Pole Vnult, NOON, 220 yd. Run, 440 yd. Run, Javelin Throw, Shot Put, MOTOR TROUULH IH CAUHK OK DKLAY OK T1IIH 18HUK Argus rendors who drlvo autoB need not bo told or tho oxnsporntlons or motor troublo to npproclato bow bntrilng thoy nro Boniotlmos. Yot wo , niUBt toll you that tho burning or bonrlngs nnd tha ruining or Insulators on tlio motor or tlio 4- lluotypo hatflod us for two dnys, all of Thursday nnd Krl- day, nnd caused tha dolay In this issue of tho Argus. Ow- Ing to tho dolay n numbor of s stories hnvo not rocolved tha attention duo them, nnd others had to bo loft out ontlruly. GRANGE LEADER TO HOLD MEETING HERE O. K. Hpenco to Address Ontliorlug At Culm (Irniigo Hull on Krldny May ( H M i.'imt visit to Malheur County C. B, Hponce, uinRtor of the Oregon Stato Orango wltl visit Mnl hour county for tho first tlmo next 11102' h whon bo comos to address a mooting at tho Cairo OraiiRo Hall on the ovonlng of May 0. Mr. Uponco who s oim qf tho best known ioaiorn of thq fnnn move ment In tho wont has long hcon mnstor or tlio stato graiiRo and iiIho a prominent member of tha State :nrm iiuronu Fouornlion. Miuixfleld Coining Too Ilosldo tho nddrosscs of Mr. Sponco tho ranchers of tho County will hnvo an opportunity of hearing Uoo. 12. Mansflold., nrasldont of tha StiMq Knrm lirnu Federation who will hold n series of mootlnHs In tho county, according to ndvlco ro colved by V. V. Ulchox, president of tho County Farm Ilurnau. Tho dntos of Mr. Mansfield's meetings hnvo not been determined, but will bo an nounced lator. Mrs. R. II, Crisp s vsllln.g rohv lives nt fjlnnn. Kerry. Mrs, Chaptmin, of llplso In visit ing her son, H. l(. Olmpiiinii. Win, Taylor linn purolmsed n roal doiico and four lots on tho east side. Horn, nt Junturn, Krldny, April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Joo Tipton, it son Mrs, Tipton was Mluu Ponrl Carter formerly of Ontarlq, J. Q, Phllnbnum 'roturpod Sntur-j day from Junturn to tiring tho body ot a son or Mr. nnd Mrs, Krnnk Ryan hurled, nt Mnt Placo sovon yoars ago, to Inter It In tho Catholic cemetery horo. Ha roturnod Wed. nouday from Nnmpa with thn oiy of a socoiuj son Unt hud boon bur led (hero aud rolnterrod tho ro mains by the wide or his brother. Mrs, Ilonry Qrlfflii, Rod Cross re presontatlvo ror ti8 eootlun return j eu Tuosuay irom roruand wiier shu had been to placo Mrs, Cook ot Kingman. Colony In t sanatnrlum. 0. K. StanflQia f Vnlo wns nn Ontario visitor Wodpcsduy. Hon Stewart camo down rrom Kolly Kami, In Hnrnoy county, w consult local physicians. Mr. fitow art reports that the slioepmon who ifoed In tho dosort tho past wlntoi brought tlielr flocks through In good ohapo, Sam Cremo of Wolsor spent .Tues day In Ontario, Mrs. J. liradborry or Nampa was In Ontario Tuesday, Mrs. Jacob Printing or Nampa visltod In Ontario Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs,. Louis Kelsoy motor ed up rrom Nampa Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. h. Sprout return cd Krlday Irom California whoro they fliiont tho winter. They mudd tho trip by unto from Long Iltueii In six days. Mrs. O. IC. Avery who handles a lino of goods for a prominent Chi cago firm is a guest of .Mrs. Oraco larrle at Hotel Mnoro whllo In On tario. K. 11. Hall left last week for I.os Angeles. Ho expect to roMirn to Ontario soon by auto accompnuled by Mrs. Dull, Rev. Reed, former pastor or Pres byterian church or Payette. iiceom panted by Mrs. Reed and hoiuo friends woro Sunday - vUltoru In Ontario. W. C. Stone or Portland, who was awarded contract ror the. highway has been In Ontario slnco Sunday lining up the work. David Ornham roturned Monday rrom a several days stay at Port land. J. A. Schmidt or McDowoII Furni ture Co, was a business visitor lit La Orande tho last ot the week, go ing from thero to Walla Walla and to his home nt Freewater, Oregon, returning Tuesday. K. M. Dean of Nyssa was an On tario visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Shlmp ot Little Willow country was shopping in On tario Monday, j LOCAL PERSONALS AT ItouofllH of Agricultural Training Ijiuidod lly Ho)t TlioiusoUe mill Ity Kutlici-tt Who llitu Kolhmed lutci out Hhown lly Hons Tho sixteen boys In tho clnHs In Agrlculturo at tha High School wcro hosts, Inst Krldny ovcnlnit at n chicken dinner In honor of their futhors, ubd tho members of thu board of education. Tho dinner was Hurved by tlio girls or tho do inoHtlc sclenco dopnrtmeiit nnd wnB nn ovout which tho "dnds" will not Boon forgot. Wynno LiiBconibo, president of tlio cIubs presided as toastmnstor nnd James McCrolgbt was tho spokesman of tho buys. Iloth boys (old of tho scopo of tho work car rlod on In this class und of tho lionoflls which huvo ben derived. J C. McCrolgbt, a. W. Demi and others or mo "Unas" present declared thut nlnco tho couruo was Btartad their boys bad shown grentor Intorosi In sciiooi work thnn ovor botoro. Judge v, W, Wood, Dr. W. J. Wooso, Rev. V. J. Luscombo nnd others or tho mon prcsont discussed tho placo or tho school nnd or vo cational training jn tlio schomo or inodorn Ilfo, comparing this with tho limited advantages of tholr day. Among tho otbor speakers wero Sup- uiiiiiuiiuuiu in ncuooifl j, ai. McDon nld, Prof. M, U. Thomw who gavo a broader view of tho alms of tho course nnd nsked for tho co-opora- uun oi wio pnroins. a. K. Alkeu spoko on (ho attltudo or tho public toward tho school. NYSSA LODGE HOLDS EXTENDED SESSION Ontario, Vnlo anil Panmi .Members Join in lnlUallhg Tvn Canillilntm Idaho Uriiuil .Master (lives Ix'rturo Masons from Ontario, Vnlo and Parma Joiirueyod to Nyssa Monday night to bo prwont at tho Initiatory cession of Golden llulo- Lodgo A. K. A. M. nnd to onjoy tho bnnquot which followed. Th6 Ontario ofricors. Ralph Dun bnr, master, C. K. Trow, senior anion ami jinrry ciomont, Junior Wnnloil. assisted bv tha ilnirrnn tnnm conforod work on tho first enndl dato Initiated, wldlo tho Nyssa inon lod. by Frunk Hnll, mnstor. K. M. uonn, sonior warden and Krod tho'secoSIOr WBrdU Pr""''0'1 f0r Rx.Ornud Master Coffin of Idnhn delighted thn gatborlng with an olo quont nml unlquo lectura on Mas onry and following tho locturo tho mombors ropnlrod to thq busomunt of tm Prosbytorlnn church whoro tliq women ot tho Kastorn Star had prepared an olnbornto dlnuor. It was onrly morning boforo tho dele gation rrom Ontario re turn oil homo. IUIU HKABON WHV .MAMIKUIt COUNTY TAXICH INCRIUSKI) Doforo Jumptne to tho con clusion that tho County Court Is to be blamed for tho In croaso In taxes In Malheur County, view tho tablo given bolow of tho Stato taxos which tho proporty owners of this county hnvo been called upon to pay slnco 1010, which In round numbers wore as follows 1910 .. 31,000 1017 30,000 1918 37.000 1919 42,000 1920 05,000 1921 102,000 Note that tha Incroaso from 1920 to 1921 Is almost 100, 000 or nearly 150 per cent In croaso, and In fact 500 per cent Incroaso over 1910. This In croaso la attributable to tho at' rirmntlvo voto of tho pooplo Increasing tho mtllago tax for higher education and for the primary education. W. T. Loioy, a mining man from thn Cook Inlet mining district ot Aluuka In in town visiting his inotli er, Mrs. D. Leroy. Mr Leroy la highly Impressed with tho appear, ancq of this country nnd will boosv It on his return to tho north, be snys. O. A. Kief, Mrs. L. L. Hlckox. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Orln Hull drove to Caldwell Sunday. Mr. Hlckox U orapio)eJ by tho Concrete Plpo Co of Caldwell and the family expect to move there soon Willard Hober and family moved to Caldwoll Wednesday where Mr Hober has employment with the Concrote Pipe Company. Rev. W. K. Cochran left Tuesday ror King Hill, Idaho to attend ttu meeting oi tho Presbytery. Mrs. T J Urosnan and Miss Klla nrosnan or Vale visited at tho John Drosnan homo this weok. LOCAL PERSONALS MEN TO ABATE NUISANCE County Officials Visit Hccno of He- . cent (Int-biige. Dumping on Ijotvcr Ilend Ox Mm by WeNei' Of. flclnls und Holiness Men Welsor officials nnd business mon, whon they started tholr cam paign to clonn up tholr city so lectod Oregon as tho duniDlne ground, carting In nil, soma two hundred wagon loads of filth and rubbish to tho flat on tho Oregon sldo opposlto that city. Not only that, I.' ;hus boon tho practlco lor Wolsc mon to haul all tho dond ani mals and other uolsomo objects from their town to Oregon for disposal. Upon complaint havlnir boon lodged by tho pooplo living on the lowor Dond Ox Klat, County Judge 13. It. TcBt, District Attomoy It. I). Lytlo and County Health Orriccr Drawn, visited tho scono of Wolsor's nctlvltlos yestorday and filed notlco upon ino mniio men mat me prnc tlco must bo stopped, and stopped immouinioiy. "Tbero nro many wnys In which tho prnctlco can bo and will bo stopped," said Mr. Lytlo yostorday, nttor tho bobbIou nt Wolsor. "If thoy do not comply with tho order given today wo will sea that thoy do so It It Is nocossnry to call upon tho fodoral health authorities to pro hibit tho transportation of such ma terial across tho stato line. How over, our stato nuisance laws nro sufficient to stop thu prnctlco ef fectively, INTERESTTAKEN IN CLUBWORK A great donl or Intorost linn boon shown in Roys nnd Olrls Club work In Malheur County this year Dur ing tho month or March, 14 clubs completed tholr organization, soled od their local club lender nnd bo- gnu nctlvo work on tholr projocts. 130 mombors woro enrolled for tho various projects during this tlmo, making n total enrollment up to tho first day ot April ot 236. This club work Is conducted by tha Kxtanslou Sorvlco ot tha Oregon Agrtcillturo College nnd tho United Stntos Department ot Agrlculturo, cooperating .with tho Stato Depart ment ot Education, Tho objects of Club Work nro to Intorest tho boys and girls lu farm activities, to train tholr hands and minds by productive employment, to tench tho Club mombors tho latost and host mothoiU for conducting oach of tho various projocts, to do volop leaders, to train for acblovo ineuti nnd to tach tho vnluo of sorvlco for others. Not only aro tho comimtnltlas in gonoral showing ail active Intorest In thn work, but certain Individuals throughout tho county aro going fur thor and giving tholr tlmo and inonoy, tor tho d'lroct benefit of tho boys aud girls. Oraliam Parks, of Ontario, Is not only acting ns tho local club loador for tho Ontario Poultry Club, but Is giving troo to nny poultry club niombor In the Cairo Kami Ruroau Community a sotting ot his pure brod HhQdo Island Red oggs. A. R Cain, or Ontario, Is otror ing to any motnber ot tho Poultry club lu Malheur County a sotting ot puro-brcd Whlto Leghorn oggs, thoy In return, giving him ono pullet ralsod from thoso oggs. Mr. nrumback, In tho nig Ilond community Is furnishing free seed to nny niombor ot a corn club lu tho county. Mr. Fry, ot Nyssa has or forod to furnish freo seod to tho merabora of tho Nyssa Corn Club, Tho local loadora aro vory Im portant factors In tho success ot tho club work. Too much crodlt cannot bo glvon to theso men and womon, who nro'glvlng up tholr valuablo time to tho boys and girls ot tho county. n. K. Inglo Is qulto sick at hlb homo on tho Boulevard. Ho recolv od n tolegrnm stating that his brotlu or, Will Inglo, bad dlod at his homo in Kansas. Mr and Mrs. n. Roynolds, formo residents who lett Ontario threo years ago ror Twin Falls, nro mak ing arrangements to roturn to On tario within a couple or weeks. Their son, Kred Reynolds, a banket or Lakevlow, Oregon, purchased the Orlffin ranch two and threo quarter miles Southwest or or Ontario where his paronts will llvo. Mr. Reynolds says that thoy aro glad to get back to Ontario among their manj friends. Fred Loos was operated on Fri day at Portland for cataract on ono or his oyes. Misses Nettlo, Lane and Margaret McDonald of Rolso woro week end visitors of tholr undo, Donald Mc-Konsle. LOCAL PERSONALS I 4. KIHDAV, AI'RIIj 2a M OKKICIAL CIjUAN-UP day Mayor W. II. Doollttlo has issued a proclamation, found elsowhoro In this Isstio, declar ing Krlday, April 22 ns "Clean Up" day In Ontario. Ho bns nsked nil tho business housos to closo during tha afternoon, and tho schools likewise In ordor that tlio work may bo prosecuted with vigor. TO START ROAD WORK '. W. Stone or Portland Subleiw Work Over Kullro font nut . .Makci Ontario Headiiiiarlei-H and I,ets Contrnct for l'lpo Work started this wcok on tho Old Oregon Trail north of Ontario. C. W. Slono ot Portland tho general contractor ror tho work arrived MondnyMarnlng nnd with him camo a number or sub contractors who hava taken sections ot tho work. Mr, Stono tins sublet most or tho work and will maka this city bis hondquurtors. Ho lot ono contrnct ror 5000 feet or concrete plpo to tha locnl concroto company nnd mndo other arrangements to prosocuto tho work ns rapidly as posslblo. Tho county court was busily engaged this ook In clearing up rlght-or-wny mattors, socurlng deeds rrom tho mon whoso claims woro abrltrated and In ono or two Instnncos pre paring tho necessary papors ror con demnation suits. H.VAKK IHVKIt VAM.KY PILL POUNDKRH HOLD MKLT1NG Tho nunrtcrly mooting or tho Snnko Rlvor valley druggists' associ ation was hold Tuosday or this wcok horo lu Ontnrlo. Tho men gathorod hero during tho afternoon nnd had tholr dlnuor togothor nt tho Klfor Caro hnd following that bold n bus iness session nt tho City Hall. Thoro woro 20 pill pounders from tha various towns nil tha wny rrom Rolsa to Huntington in tho gather ing. This Is tho tlrst mooting ot tho association ovor hold In Ontnrlo, Mrs. II. I-:. Roberts of Poncn, Ok 'aliotna who has boon visiting at the Van Potion homo loft Sunday for her formor homo In Olknhoma whoro alio will visit for soma tlmo boforo returning to this country whom they will rosldo, ns Mr. Roberts recontlly purchased tlie Nyssa Hardwaro storo at Nyssa. Miss Paulino Johnson underwent a minor operation nt Holy Rosary llospltnl Monday, I. J. Dickson and family of Km molt woro In Ontnrlo Sundny nnd Monday visiting Mr. Dickson's sis tor, Mrs. Jcnnutto Kvnns. Mrs. Loroy Hull und llltlo sou oi Olonn's Kerry who havo boon visit ing at La Orande stopped In On tnrln Sunday for a short visit with Mr. Hull's sister, Miss Ooorgla Hull Mrs. John uumphy of Nnmpa Is visiting airs. k. v. vnn potton. Mr. and Mrs. Shorry Johnson -ot Nyssa woro Tuesday Ontario shop, pors. Tho Christian Kndoavor societies of tho Congregatlonnl and Prosby torlnn churches hold two mooting minuay nt cougrogntionai Church both afternoon and ovonlng. Renro- Bontntives of tno Vnlo Christian Church nnd Nyssa Prosbyterlan 15 n doavor soclotlcs woro also present. It being n got together mooting foi discussion ot plans for crontlng In torost and onthuslnm nmong tho young people. Tho Congregational Church orchestra furnlsbod muslo for tho ovonlng mooting Mario Kahy was called to hoi homo In West fall Sundny by the sorlons Illness of hor bother. Word wns rocolved Inter that ho passed away nt 3:00 Mondny morning. Mrs. Dick Davis was visiting grandma Thomns Tuesday aftor noon. Roso McConnoll is spending tho wook at tho homo or hor paronth soiitii or t'ruitinnd. Mrsl Oono McCoy leR Friday to visit hor mothor at Halnos, Oregon O. K. Pollock who tins boon with tho Kastern Orogon Land Co. for sovornl months loft for nolso Mon. Kday from which placo ho will go to Portland and coast cities. Fred Courtnny camo ovor from Payette Saturday after his sinnl! daughter Rita who has been stay ing with hor grand paronts for the past few months. Frank Irvlngton moved to tho An dorson ranch near Malheur Ilutto Monday. Mrs. aeorgo Ollham mado a shopping trip to Rolso Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanafln spout it fow days In Rolso last weok visiting friends. Joe Watanabe roturnod Wednes day from n throo months visit t(. Japan, bringing with him n brldo Ho encountered rougbt sons In crossing Ho says tho travol bo tweon United States and Japan Is heavy 'Thero woro about ono hun dred and firty Americana on hnnra thn ship, the balance being Japanos who like himself had been on a visit to their formor homo nnd wore re turning to tho land of their adop. tlon. LOCAL PERSONALS f" ' -Li! -Hi POWER COMPANY FILES HIIOl'I.I) I'HTITIO.V UK RANTi:i MAMIHUIt'H POWKH HIM, WIMj UK INCItKAMKI) UP. WARDS OK 9lU(),()0() I'KU ANNUM. ORGANIZED ACTION NECESSARY Main Ilui-den Kails on Irrigation Users Who Remain Apathetic Trusting Commission to Art Kiuoi-iihly Willi. out Kvidcncc Tho Idaho Powor Company of fored Its prepared record proof bo foro tho Idaho Public 8orvlco Com mission, on April G nt Rolso, to show tho purported valuation of Its ontlro Iilnnt. This report consIstH of thirty six Inrgo bound volumes, re- poncu to nnvo cost 1200,000 mid nbout ono nnd bnlf years tlmo or n Inrgu rorco or oHtco and Hold ox ports. It sorves nH tho basis upon which the company bases Its claim ror Incrcnscs In power rntos which will nil but spoil ruin ror thoso who nro compelled to pay them, declared laud owners who havo used power ror Irrigation ror years. Tho hearing was continued until May 10, in ordor to pormlt power users to bo propnrod to crosn ox nmlno and submit prooL Tho proor which has boon, nnd will bo, sub mitted In Idnho, togothor with tho proof submitted In Orogon, will bo considered by both tho Idnho and Orogon Commissions In fixing tho vnluntlon of tho Idaho Powor Com pany plants and upon this, rntos for sorvlco will be dotormlnod somotlmo later. Oroatly lucrensod rates, particul arly for Irrigation usos, hnvo boon nppllod for by tho company. A temporary Incroaso was granted thorn n year ago, but tho flnnl rntcs woro held up ponding n determina tion of tho vnluo of tho tiroDortv Should thoso Incronsos ho grantod, tho lrrlgntlonlsts or Mnlhour county will bo rorcod to deliver up approxi mately 1100,000 por annum ad ditional toll or go out or buslnoss. Taking all buslnoss Into considera tion, tho county's powor bill will be Increased by a sum fnr In excess of all county taxos, tho extra bunion falling upon torrltory dovoloped Inrgoly bocniiso of contracts which woro entered Into with tho powor roumpnny which seomed to mnko such development prnctlcal. Tho burden of dofonso Is going to rail upon tho powor usors to prosont tholr side of tho rnso and to bolp tho commtsson out In analysing tho val uations plnrod by thn Powor Com pnny upon Its properties, nnd lu do tarmliilng whnt fair ratos nro for tho different clnses of powor users. Roth tho Idaho hud Orogon commissions nro overworked nnd hnmporod by lark of funds to mnko Investiga tions; bosldos, tho Orogon Commis sion nt tho prosont tlmo, baa par ticularly honvy mattors ponding bo foro It which will roqulro much of Its tlmo. Thoro Is groat nood ror Immodlntn action on tho part or thn powor usors In nssombllng data to provo boforo tho commission whnt tholr sldo of tho matter Is. It will not do for tho caso to bo prosontcd to tho Public Sorvlco Commission on n nno-slded basis, showing only thn powor company's sldo which will naturally bo mado ns favorable to thn petitioners ns posslblo. Otlior wlso, tho commission may bo power less and without ovldenco or under standing of thn real situation and tho rights or parties to mnko what will bo actually, or considered to bo. nn oqultahlo decision from tho stand point of tho powor users. As usual, however, tho powor users do not Room to bo orgnulzod and rondy. Tho farm bureau has boon endeavoring to bring tlio ton or twolvo Irrigation districts In tho county togothor ror ovor n yonr and bus rocoutly mot with partial suc cors. Tho bureau has nlso busied Itself In socurlng dntn to show tho actual returns from a Irago numbor of fnrms unilor districts using power nnd has boon partly buccosbMI In Its otrortB along this Una. Sovornl In dividuals havo devoted no (nconsld nrablo tlmo mid inonoy In tho cause Rut on tho wbolo tho users seem tn lm anathtlo nnd without Interest In r this vltnl mattor, scorning to profor to lot It go by default. Sovoral or tho Individuals who hnvo bnrno tho burden doe'dod to lot tho usors In gonornl toko tholr mcdlclno and loso tholr property unless thoro la somo disposition shown to back up tholr efforts. AMKIUOAN I.KOION KORMH HALL TRAM OK ITH OWN Ontnrlo Post of tho Amorlcnn Log Ion has a ball team. Tho players all come from Ontario and all nro mombors of tho Post. At tho flrBt practice gamo hold yostordoy to got tho boys togothor, thoy played tho Hleh School nlno nnd of courso woro defeated by tho youngsters 11 to 2. It wns tho first tlmo In years many of tho Legion men havo thrown a ban. but thoy expect to round into Bhapo soon. The following was tho Initial line up: Honry Casiuay. oi Stonor. Fred Test, Dwlght Plorco, Jack Qordon, Frod QramRo. 8. M. Ilouciior, C. M Tylor and irving Harris. Dr. Tylor Is tho manager ol tho aggregation nnd they expect to play otbor Legion teams In tho val ley this summer.