The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 07, 1921, Image 6

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Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Schweizor
woro hosts to a party ot ox-soldlors,
with their wives and mothers, Sat
urday ovonlng. Those proaont wero,
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Frank Friar, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hoy Howe, Mrs. Mary Hust, Thoo
Rust, Wlllio McQInnls, Mr. and
Mrs. Oco Schwelzer, Mrs. Otto
Schwolzor, Mrs. Ituth Sharo nnd
Qcorgo Kroth.
Thoso from tho Owyhee who at
tended tho Joint P. T. A. meeting
nt tho IColony school hotiso Friday
overling woro; Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M.
Lowo, Mrs. Chas. Schwolzcr, Mrs.
Frnnk Friar and Mrs. Chns Uradloy.
A vory Interesting mooting was re
ported. Mr. and Mrs, Druco Kestor,
U It. Drolthaupt. rounty agricul
tural agent, Mr. Wollman, county
club lendor nnd Mrs. J, I). Smith,
prcsldant ot tho county council,
woro present nt tho mooting. Mrs.
Kestor who In stato vlco prosldont
ovor tho district Including Lnko,
Klnmmath, Harney and Mainour
counties, gavo an Interesting address
on I'nrcnt-Tcnchor work.
Mrs. E. F. Pratt quotes from n
lottor from Mrs. Sarah Ilobortson
formorly ot Owyhee but now living
with hor daughter, Mrs. Mlnnlo
Mlmmor ot Pocatollo, In which sho
statos that silo has rocovorcd fully
from an oporatlon undcrgono at
Christmas tlmo and has gained 25
pounds in weight.
Mr. and Mrs. Frod Kllnglinck
woro business visitors to tho Onto
City Thursday, as woro also Mrs.
GtiB Schwolzor and daughter, Anna,
and Win. Pout nnd Oral Hlto.
Frod Kllngback Is moving and
loworlng his pumping plant, cutting
tho lift nbout two foot.
Tho two ainscock families woro
Ontario visitors Saturday. Llttlo
Viola ainscock stayed down for ,n
short visit with her aunt, Mrs. Nolllo
Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Smith nnd
linhy, Vivian, woro Nyasn visitors,
Rovorond Shlolds hold tho regular
monthly sorvlco at Clio school homo
Huday also conducting a communion
sorvlco. Tho weather was bo dls
ngroeablo that tho nttondnnco was
Bomowhat smallor than usual.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Honry Sllppoy woro
guests nt tho Hlto homo Sunday.
Johnny McQInnls was on over
night guest of Oerald DoIIord, Wed
nesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. T. Pratt and baby
daughtor, Esther of Emmott, vlsltodj
menus nnd romtivos in uwynco
Thursday nnd Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chan. Uradloy nnd
daughters Ruby nnd Altn, accom
panied by Mrs. Frnnk Friar nttond
od Euntor services In Ontnrlo Sunday
Ilov. Shlolds announces Hint ho
will hold communion services hero
noxt Sundny afternoon at 2:30
Tho Warren nnd Kolony Sunday
Schools wero roprcsanted In Eastor
picnics to Mltcholl mitto, Sunday
Tho Rundny School gavo n small
Knstor program to a largo and up
proclatlvo nudlonco. Tho numbors
wore: An Knstor play .by pupils In
Mrs. Friar's room; "Victory" acros
tic by sovon llttlo ehlldren: "Then
Christ Shall bo Htson Indcod", Kon-
notli McDounld, Hay Uohauna and
John Ulgclow; Vocal Duett, Mrs.
W. W. Smith and Mrs. Alvln Mc
QInnls; Duet, "Do You Know tho
Eastor Story?", John Ulgolow nnd
Konnes McDonald. Tho program
was followed by n sorvlco by llov.
Ulom, who was up from'Ontnrlo, ac
companied by Mr. Johnson.
T. M. Lowo and Thco Hust liuulo
a trip to Vnlo Saturdny.
Anna Schwolzor entertained a
numbor of frlouds nt dtunor Sunday.
Tho noxt wookly prayor mooting
will bo hold at tho Ilowo homo, Fri
day evening, April 8th. You nro
csrdlally Invited to nttend.
Manuel Qavlola with Ills wlto and
sovon ehlldron roturnod to tholr
homo In IIoIbo TucsUay aftor stay
ing horo for a short tlmo.
Qcorgo Dohannn, telegraphed
Tuesday to his wlfo In Colorado, In
structing her and tholr daughtor to
Join him horo.
Mrs. Qus Schwolzor visited her
daughter Mrs. Corn Qlascock, Sun
day. J. P. McQInnls nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hlto woro Frultlnnd visitors Tues
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Schwolzor nt
tonded tho piny "Way Down East"
In Nyssa.
Mr. and Mrs. Qcorgo Qlascock
woro guests at tho Watson homo
Eastor Sunday.
Mrs. Alvln McQInnls, accompanied
by hor aunt, Mrs. Maud Control! nnd
daughtor, Wanda, went to Nyssa
Saturday, wharo hor grandfather
J. S. Plnkston, presented her with
n flno roan Durham calf.
Tho J. W. Kygnr family had as
kuosIb Sunday tho Chas. Qarrlson
family nnd Mr. Lu do (loedo of Nys
sa. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Poutz "dedi
cated" tholr flno now porch by giv
ing n dnnco on It Saturday evening.
Messrs. A. Q. Kingman, S. D.
Ulgclow nnd II. Uostlck shipped n
carload of barloy from Adrian to
Parma the last of tno wcok.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. West mndo n
trlD to Vnlo. Monday.
Tho Eastor offering from tho
Sunday School donntod to tho or
phan homo In Portland, nmountcd
to $11.00.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mcatnnls and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvln McQInnls mndo
n business trip to Vnlo, Ontnrlo nnd
Pnyotto, Saturday.
WHITE LEGHORN buby chicks
$20 por hundred. Hatching eggs
$2.00 per BOttlug, $10.00 por hun
dred. Phono 20C-W A. U. Cain.
FOIt SALE Jersey bull calf.
Golden Glow Chief. Hoglstcrcd from
high class stock. For quick solo
phono or soo C. E. Dlbblo, Puyotto.
FOIt RENT Largo slooplng room
modorn house Phono 173-M. ICtf.
FOR RENT Furnished houso.
W. Jones.
FOR SALE At bargain, ono now
houso In Torruco Heights with or
chard and olghtcon lots. A Lohond.
FOR SALE Now Uulck Roadster
1020 Model. Mrs. T. 1). Flsor.
Phono 03-W. H. tf.
FOR SALE Mandarin Rostanrant
Oood business. Will soil cheap. In
qulro nt Mandarin Restaurant, On
tnrlo, Oregon. 1B-10.
LOST Cold wrist watch. Inltlnls
M. I. It. Liberal roward for return.
Ownor Margaret Roothlor. 17-18p
FOR SALE A fivo room houso
and threo lots oiP corner of Morfltt
Street nnd Kansas Ave. Ontario,
Oregon. Wood Thompson. 17-18 p
WANTED Lawn mower.
Cordon. Phono C0-W.
Lessens Labor
Goes Fartficr
-::: VB
Guar- $
1 tekliXMtMkJ&tt I
anteed I SgffBftft
v j i i. it
lU. r, i
si i
Mrs. Chns. Knrst returned Fri
day from u four weok's visit with
relatives nt Portland and Scattlo
and reports having a most delight
ful tlmo.
Tho Misses West spent Saturday
In Ilolso.
Tho C. M. Atlobcry family woro
dinner gucBts nt tho E. D. Shako
homo Sunday.
Sovornl of tho young people of
tho Blopo woro present nt tho open
ing of tho Warm Srprlngs Nntator
lum nbovo Wolscr Inst Wednesday
Miss Lola Ilartsho wuh vory pious
nntly surprised last Friday ovonlng
whon twonty of tho young peoplo
enmo In to holp hor colobrato hor
Hlxtconth birthday. Dollclous ro
frcshmonts woro served nt mid
night. Mr. and Mrs. Bullous nnd llttlo
son Harold nro nt linker this wcok
on business and visiting relatives.
Llttlo Paul Johnston was vory 111
laBt wook with dlphtherlu but Is
gottlng nlong flno now.
Mrs. Applognto of Payette Is stay
ing at tho Bullous homo this wook
during tho absence of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Mrs. Nlckorson of Mlddloton spont
Sunday with her paronts, Mr. and
Mrs. C a. Hcslup.
F. 11. Wilcox left for Minneapolis
Monday morning In rosponso to n
tologram Informing him his aged
mothor Is 111 with pnoumonln.
Tho baby of Mr. nnd Mrs. Carlos
Wilcox has tho whooping cough.
Mrs. JonaB Drown Is 111 this wook.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller mov
ed to tholr own ranch last week.
A pleasant ovenlng was spont at
tho Park school houso Inst Satur
day ovonlng when tho patrons of
tho school gathered to give a faro
woll party for Frod Lindsay who
has taught a sovon months term
hero and Is lonvlng for his homo In
Tho rending, "My Sister's Wod
ding", by Mrs. Arthur Miller, was
oxcollent and sho was callod back
Bovoral times for encores. Improve
ments neoded In our community
woro discussed and several holpful
suggestions woro brought out. Tho
ladles aorved a vory nice lunch.
Rev. Reed of Payette hold the
church sorvlco at tho Park school
houso Sunday. Tho nttondanco was
not as largo as usual owing to tho
bad weatbor.
Judgo Tost and Road Master
Joyce woro In this vicinity Wednes
day looking nftor Highway matters.
FOR SALE Oood seed Parley
cheap, Hay first cutting, $8 n ton.
second cutting $7 a ton. Two miles
straight west of town. John Mo
Icnaar. 1G-18 p.
FOR SALE Good R. 1. Red eggs
$1.00 BOttlug of 15 eggs. Lester
Turner. Phono 48-J. 10-23 p.
WANTED airl for general work.
Apply, Mrs. E. M. arolg. tf.
FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Por
cont ot Puro Bocd 00.82, insert mnt.
tor 00.18, weed seed 0.00, grado no.
1, 20o por lb, n't Troxoll Imp. Co,
70 ft. G Inch black Iron irrlg. plpa,
Russell Mnxflcld, Payette, Ida.
FOR SALE Chovrolot touring
car lq18 model In good condition
$30P . So mo tortus. Sco It nt tho
Ford Oorago, Phono 1C1-J. P. O. 11.
270, Ontnrlo.
FOR SALE At loss, than c.ost, n
now bungalow with all modorn con
veniences, located Just' north of
laundry. For appointment call O.
A. Kratz.
FOR 8ALI: 4 young pigs, Po
land China. Muko flnot brood sows.
Also pig houso nnd flolf-feodor. Hor
bort Luscombo, phono 103-R. 18p.
KOR RENT Front bed room
with bath. P, O. IIox 083 or In
quire Argus. 18.
buby chicks $18.00 per hundrod!
Hatching oggs $1.50 por sotting,
$10.00 per hundred. Phono 200. E.
Q. Llghtfoot. tf.
T is very evident that the public in gen
eral appreciate our new method of doing
-business, and that a very large number.
of people realize that a "Dollar Saved is a
Dollar Earned."
WE want to thank those who traded with
us in the past who do not find it convenient
to take advantage of our money saving
plan, and hope in the near future, they too
will see that a little inconvenience would save
them considerable money. Our prices re
main he same as last week's schedule, ex
cept PURE LARD, which is as follews:
No. 50 $8.25; No. 10 $1.65; No. 5 85c.
Remember These are not special prices,
but are for every day in the week.
--- - rii- ta--r-ii . nnjiru'in-ii..
I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
Hats that aro dlfforont nt Prices
that Appeal. Morris Mllllnory nnd
Kovolty Shop. Adv. 18.
WANTED To rent 6 room mod
orn houso. Must bo closo In. E. D.
Johnson. Qlobo Sorvlco Station.
WANTED Turkoy oggs, Addrces,
giving prlco; Mrs. llort Koplln, On
tnrlo. R. F. D. No. 1. 18-20.
WANTED To purchnso sldo car
for Indian Motorcycle Inqulro at
Argus Office tf.
FOR SALE Fumlturo, library
sot, range etc. Mrs. John Studo
baker. Phone C3-R. 18-10 p.
cab. Phono 120-W.
Loom baby
lllblo School, 10:00.
Morning Worship, 11:00 Subject:
"Christ's Teaching About Money"
Sorvlco nt Arcadia, 2:30.
Junior 11. V. P. U. 0:30.
Sonlor II. Y. P. U. 0:30.
lllblo Study Class, 0:30.
Oospol Sorvlco, 7:30. Subjoct;
"Fact, Faith, Feollng"
Prayor Sorvlco, Wodnosdny 7:30.
Eat at Fifors. All whlto holp. Adv.
Why not woar n "Palmyra" waist;
It menus, distinction- nnd quality.
Morris Millinery nnd Novolty Shop.
Adv. 18.
FOR SALE Small houso 12x14
good condition. Cheap. Tent houso
16x10, heavy duck, ideal for fam
ily uso. Phono 205-W-3 18p
FOR SALE Netted Com potatoes
Hill seloctod, throo yonrs grown nt
altitude thirty-six hundred feet. Not
Irrigated, free from disease Profes
sor nonnott In charge Agricultural
Extension Work of Idaho pro
nounces, clean and - best change.
A. E. Wood, Payette, Idaho, 18-10p
The Sign of
a Service I
At First-dasj Gtrage '
and other Dealers
n iiiNTna!. (flryti 1mrTr liiiM MgKgaMHijaajjjaajai
"Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight'' Is
ono of the bost examples ot tho vory
best In Hawaiian muslo nnd Is mus
ic par oxrollonco for waltzing feet
Ilrunswlck record 5008, Ontario
Furniture Co. Adv. 18,
(W. F. Cochran, Pastor)
10:00 Rlblo School.
11:00, Worship.
11:00 Worship. Sermon Tepic:
"Tho Personal Trust"
0:45, Young People's Meeting.
7:30, Worship.
Lecture on "In His Stops" with
tho uso of sixty storeoptlcau slides.
Tho book "In His Steps" by Shel
don, now editor of tho Now York
Christian Herald, has had n salo ot
3,000,000 copies.
A mooting of landowners callod
by F. Sundqulst, post control com
mitteeman ot tho Cairo farm bu
reau, was hold on March 30 at tho
Cairo Orango hall for tho purposo
ot docldltig on somd movo to got
concortod action against tho pockot
gophor post. After discussing tho
mattor fully, a motion prevailed fav
oring vigorous action nnd Mr. Sund
qulst was Instructed to soo that all
landowners woro. notlfiod to 11 go
phors. .Tho motion also provided
that thoso who failed to tako euro
ot tho pest but allowed thorn to In
croaso to tho dotrlmont ot tho neigh
bors, should be tVoated undor tho
provisions of tho rodent lnw up
on tho filing of a complaint by per
sons damaged,
Eat at Flfor's whoro wo
Adv. 18
Mother's duy Is May 8. Don't lot
mothor know this secrot but Ontario
Fumlturo Co. has somo beautiful
mothor Bongs t'hat would bo n ploas
nnt surprlso for hor. Ask for
"Mothor O' Mlno" Bting by Richard
Ilonolll. It goos right to tho heart.
Ilrunswlck rocord 1301C.
Men's & Boys' Suits
Porsons who hnvo obtalnod somo
of tho ground squlrrol poison being
distributed by tho farm bureau and
used it, report groat success. Ono
man near Mainour, who used tho
poison last year also, roported that
ho killed hundreds of squlrrelswvtth
tho first application. Two tons of
this poison was proparod recently
by E. E. Horn of tho Biological Sur
voy, working with tho agricultural
agent. The poison is made up ac
cording to a formula that calls for a
number ot ingredlonts not ordinar
ily used lu tho homo made dopo. It
contains strychnlno alkaloid as tho
death dealing Ingredient, the taste
of tho strychnlno being overcome by
uso ot snccarlno, syrup, salt, glycor
Ino, baking soda and other ingredl
onts. Nearly half of tho two ton
lot has already been distributed by
tho farm bureau.
With every Man's Suit
purchased will be given
a Dress Shirt FREE
With every Boy's Suit
purchased will be given
a belt FREE.
"O Promise Mo" Is ono of tho
prettiest songs In that Charming
musical comedy, "Robin Hood",
Rrunswlck rocord 5020 Ontario Fur
nlturo Co. Adv. 18
Men's "Bloch's" Suits,
Regular, 'price -$47.50
Sale price
$31. SO
Men's reg. $40.00 Suits,
Sale price
Men's reg. $27.50 Suits
Sale price
Boys' reg. $12.50 Suits
Sale Price
Boys' Reg. $7.50 Suits
Sale price
Boys' ($10 Blue Serge
Suits, sale price
These are only a few of the many
bargains we have to offer
The Store
Real Bargains,
' " -r wiTumnftatii irifMififf I