The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 07, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 17
Idcn Advanced of Taking WnliT In
llMii to Center of City mill
Using Ditches for Dlitrlhu-
lion Temporarily Adding to
Plpo Mnei Gradually.
lloliovlng that tho ultlmato solution
ot tho Irrigation question which has
no lone baffled succeeding city
councils moans tho adoption ot an
under ground low prosBuro systom,
tho city council at Its mooting Mon
day night Initiated nctlou toward
that accomplishment.
As outlined by Mayor W. II. Doo
tlttlo nnd Councilman Ivan E. Oakos
tho plan calls for tho formation ot a
Ilancroft Improvement district for Ir
rigation In that Mcctlon of tho city
went ot tho railroad tracks nnd cast
of tho VUla l'nrk addition.
It Is proposed to tnko water from
tho rlvor somowhoro In tho Itlvor
h'iIo addition nnd plpo It In 18 Inch
concroto pipes nlong tho nlley bo
twoon Ulchnrdson and Vlrtuo stroots
to Washington nvcnuo nnd In 12
Inch plpo from Washington streot to
tho southern limits ot tho city. From
this main plpo lino n taw blocks, per
hups, ot latoral pipes will bo neves
nary for tho present) whllo tho re
mainder of tho distribution will be
mado through tho present existing
ditches. In tho future tho ditches
will bo roplacod with plpo lines
when conditions Justify tho expen
diture Tho proposed plan rocommends It
self, doclarod tho officials, In that It
avoids making n general obligation
for tho city In financing It, can bo
done chonply and at tho samo tlmo
all tho property within tho district
bears a portion ot tho cost of tho
It Is ostlmatod that tho Initial Im
provement will cost approximately
$15,000 and will bo homo by 2, COO
lots within tho district or $0.00 por
lot. Tho ontlro district of course
will boar tho cost ot tho pumping
systom and main plpo lino and tho
latorals will bo assessed against tho
property which thoy servo.
Tho Initial rosolutton doclnrlng
tho Council's Intention to thus solvo
tho problem, was passod at tho moot
ing Monday and will bo hoard at a
later mooting ot tho city body.
With this systom In uso tho
flooding ot tho collars and baso
monts about tho city which has bo
como froquont of lato and concern
ing which numerous protests have
boen filed with tho, council will bo
Htreet Improvement Proposed
Tho Council also passed tho Ini
tial resolution for tho formation of n
local Improvement district for the
purposo of grading nnd graveling
streots. Qonorally speaking the
district Includes Richardson, Vlrtuo
and Morfltt streets from tho Bouth
ond of tho city northward as far
as thoso stroets uro built up, and the
side streetB lending to them for from
two to four blocks each. 'Tho spec
ifications according to tho resolu
tion call for gravel six inches doep
over 16 foot of tho center of the
In this connection tho council dis
cussed, too, tho adoption of a chango
tin tho curbing specifications of the
city from H feet to 28 foot, with
soveral Intermediate distances of
fered as compromises however no
action was taken on tho matter.
At a meet of tho creditors ot E.
A. Plfer, held nt tho City Hall Mon
day before C. M. Stearns, roforeo In
bankruptcy, W. H. Doollttle was ap
, pointed trustee to represent tho
majority of the creditors. Tho firm
of Drooko & Gallagher was retain
ed by the trusteo and on Tuesday a
suit. In equity was started for a re
turn of tho restaurant property
which was taken by A Robinson by
virtue of a mortgage hold by him.
The creditors represented at the
meeting Monday filed claims which
were allowed totaling $3200.
"It Is funny how somo things
nro overlooked," rcmarkod n
memhor ot tho City Council at
tho closo of tho meeting' Mon
dny night, nftcr J. M. Patter
son had caltod tho attention ot
tho city fathers to tho fact, that
In Ontario thoro Is no place a
tired thirsty horse can refresh
Tho forco of Mr. Patterson's
remarks Impollod tho Council
to recommend that tho water
committee Investigate tho mat
ter and locate a convenient
alto for tho construction ot n
wntorlng trough.
Commllto .Men Appointed to luves
(ln to Sentiment. Iteport Unani
mously In Kilt or of Joining
Oregon Astoelntlon Plan
MemherNhlp Cumpnlgn
Committees of tho farm bureau
nnd commercial club organizations
ot Malheur nnd Pnyetto couutlos,
which hnvo boon studying tho fu
ture outlook, for tho marketing of
datry products from this section ot
tho country and Investigating prac
tical steps which might bo taken to
safeguard tho Interests of this
growing young Industry, hnvo do
cldod nftcr soveral conferences and
meotlngs to ask tho Oregon Dairy
man's Longuo to uccept member
ships from this section. Tho pro,-1
vulllng Heutlmout Is that this league J
which Is ulreudy strongly Intrench-
od with nonrly 3000 old members
nnd n good and sufficient working
management, offers an opportunity
to tlo up with something which Is
doflnlto ami reliable Tho Icaguu
controls twenty chooso factories and
flvo buttor fnctorlos, besides doing
a largo business In whole milk. Tho
enrollment In March was six hun
drod now members, so that tho mom
bcrshlp th probably about 3600 at
this tlmo.
: Is tho deslro of tho commltteo
In rhurgo nt nrrnugomonts that tho
farm bureau and commercial bodlos
of tho Interested couutlos tnko an
active Interest In this matter. It
Is planned to conduct a series of
meetings later In tho month and
speakers from tho Marketing depart
ment ot tho Agricultural College,
tho Oregon Dairyman's Loaguo and
others will ho Invltod to come.
Thoso meetings should bo attondod
by business moil and farmers In
geuoral, whothor thoy are dairymen
or not, as It will provide tho first
largo opportunity for all ot our cit
izens to become familiar with this
now cooperative movement for tho
marketing ot farm products which
promise to revolutionize marketing
prnct'-o within n short tlmo,
Commercial Club Members Request
Mayor To Procliilin Clean-up
Day mill Endorse. Councilman
(.'rein's Htnifil on Corral
Nuisance Abatement
Whllo tho olty council has Inaug
urated a clean-up campaign tho
Commercial club at Its mooting last
night, upon tho motion of "W. J.
Pinny, requeited llnHSIty council to
proclaim r. holiday for a general
clean-up of tho city, and thus secure
a greater co-oporallon In tho ei.'ort
to mako Ontario cleaner.
Further than that the club went
It was unanimously voted thnt tho
club ondorso the position taken by
Councilman E. M. (Jrelg In His ef
fort to abate tho nuisance caused
by filthy corrals.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fifer spent
few days In Boise this week.
Ioonl Commit ton Culls On U. H.
Heritor It. N. Htaiifleld At WeNer
On Tuesday unit Itcrelveo
Thnt Congress will, If tho special
session Is protracted, tnko up tho
question ot a basic reclamation net
fur arid Innds, Is tho opinion ot
Bonntor It. N. Stnnflold, who wos
seen nt his Wolsor offlco Tuesday
nftornoon by a commltteo from On-
tnrlo Interested In tho Owyhee dis
trict. "If congress succeeds In getting
tho omorgoncy tnrltf nnd tho taxa
tion measures through boforo tho
worm wenthor It Is probnhlo thnt an
adjournment wilt bo taken nnd tho
reclamation monsuro will bo dolaycd
until tho rcgulnr torm which opons
In pecomber," said tho Sonntor.
Concerning tho Owyhee project
tho Bonntor domonstrntcd n knowl
odgo of Its status, but doclarod
that between tho sovoral Oregon
projects that will bo cousldorcd It
would bo' out ot place for him to
dorlnro n protoronco. "It is up. to
you moil to fortify tho delegation
with facts concerning tho project
nnd nugmont tho reports thnt wilt
ho mado by the reclamation engin
eers. When tho reclamation depart
ment selects tho .Oregon projoct It
will recommoud then It Is tho duty
ot tho delegation to got behind thnt
particular projoct and socuro it.
".Vover In tho history of tho stato
so far as I know," ho said "was
thoro a better spirit of harmony and
H united purposo to urge tho claims
of Oregon boforo Congress.
Candidate Calls Too
In tho commltteo which called
upon Bonntor Stanflold wore: Mayor
i W. II. Doollttlo, Prosldont It. W
I Jones ot tho Comerclul Club, Itepro-
soutntlvo P. J. (lallagher, Ivan E.
I Oakcs, O. A. Kratz nnd George K.
Alkon ot tho Argus,
After tho conference
Irrigation mnttors, Mr,
who Is a enndtdato for tho position
ot United Stntos District Attorney
for Oregon hold n protracted confer
ence with tho sonntor. What was J
thO result, nolthor divulged, hut Mr.
Gallagher apparently wits nnythlng
but down cast on his rotum from
tho session.
Klfty Per Cent IncreaHu Noted In
Past Decade llurul Population
However Ilai Not .Maintained
SALEM, Or., March 30 Thoro
are approximately 92G.000 acres of
Irrigated land In Oregon, oxcluslvo
ot Dcschutos county, . which has
about 75,000 ncros under wator, ac
cording to a roport ot tho United
States consus bureau rocelvod today
at tho offices of Percy A. Cupper,
stato engineer.
In 1910 tho consus showod 080
acres ot Irrigated land In Oregon,
which, when compared with tho fi
gures made avallublo today, Indi
cates that the Irrigated lands In tho
state have Increased GO por cent dur
ing tho last decade.
Dosplto this Incroaso oj Irrigated
amis, however, tho rural uouulatlon
ot Oregon has not advanced as rap-1 . lon,ltifni nioco waa enlorablo
Idly as In somo of tho other states I ,hnt I)oa """' p,fco. ?,nB enJnmQ
In the west. In Idaho the increase , while Tho Sword ot rorrara, was
In rural population has 4ieon twice ( magnificently done,
as groat as In Oregon, whllo sovoral , particularly ploaslng was tho Blng
other wostorn statos have had slml- , of ,h unroll0 nl,a hass see
lar gains. .. . ... . , ,,, ,.
"The Increase In our rural noou-fiiou
lallon," said Mr. Cupper, "Is a vital
elomout In tax reduction As tho
population Increases waste ncreago
Is devoloped and tho lands Improved
evoutually become subject to taxa
tion. "Fortunately, under tho prosont
system ot handling Irrigation In Ore
gon, tho state Is not callod upon to
ndvnnco funds to' assist In this Im
portant phtiso ot agricultural devel
opment. While It Is true that tho
rtato guarantees Interest on Irriga
tion bonds, this obligation later falls
upon the respective districts Im
proved and no money Is required to
be ralsod for this purposo by taxa
tion." Mr. Cupper said the Oregon plan
of financing Irrigation projects had
received much favorable comment
and had resulted In tho adoption of
similar codes in the statos ot Wash
ington. Wyoming, Utah nud Arizona
Tho two children of Mr. and Mrs.
O. II. Graham, Itobort and Harbara,
are recovering from tho whooping
Friction In Department Results In
Act Inn by Chief Iiiils Krocsiln,
Jr. Who linn Served Faithfully
For Tlneo Venrs Pitst
Much to tho surprise ot many ot
tho council and most citizens, who
hnd no Intimation that any friction
oxlstcd .' In tho tiro dopartmont,
LouTs Kroessln, Jr. who has been
chief for tho paBt thrco years ten
dorod his resignation to tho City
Council at It meeting last Monday
ovcnlng. Ills nctlou was, accoptcd
nnd J. 11. Athorton, assistant chief,
wns promoted to tho head ot tho
In accepting Chief Krocssln's re
signation, mombors of tho Council
prlvntoly doclnrcd thoy did so re
luctantly for thoy rccognlzod thnt
hn had served tho city faithfully for
three years and had taken particu
lar Interest In tho dopartmont, striv
ing always for tho bottormbnt of
tho service; howovor, slnco tho pros
on co ot friction was known, and tho
chief's resignation was presented,
this was doomed tho best courso to
Protest Against Clrnn-Up
.1. M. Pattorson and Thomas Sher
man, castsldo residents who hnvo
stock corrals appeared before -tho
council to protest against n strict
enforcement ot n dally clean-up ot
thoso out-of -door onclosur6s. Mr.
Patterson claims that a literal oh
sorvnnco ot tho ordlnnnco would,
"put him out of business". He al
so nvored thnt though ho had lived
In practically ovory city from. On
tario to tho const no city had so
strict an ordinance. Mr. Sherman
doclarod that tho Etistsldo should he
oxompt slnco tho people thoro woro
so scatlorod, nnd tho prcsoucc ot
manure on the lots wns not n men
ace to tho city.
The. council listened to tho pro
tests hut ordorcd no chango In the
regulations. Slnco both Mr. Pat
torson nnd Mr. Sherman doclarod
they kopt their promlsos clean and
would haul tho rofuso nway and
koop It In covered box, Mayor Doo
llttlo told thorn to contluuo to keep
their plncos clonn nnd they would
not ho troubled. "Wo cannot lot ono
man maintain n corrnl nnd not let
overy ono else In the city do bo", do
clnrcd tho Mayor.
Cnnrert At Hchool Im.t Thurs.
dny Proves The Musical Trent of
Vear Header Good Too
Junior Clans Is Sponsor
To n crowd which filled tho High
School auditorium last Thursday
ovoulng tho Whitman Collcgo (Hoe
Club presontod tho vory best musi
cal nrocram given In Ontario this
yenr. Tho concert wns given undor
tho ausplcos of tho Junior class,
nnd was n buccoss from overy view
point. Porhups It would Oio n fair criti
cism of tho organization to say that
i ono numuer ni least, tseiiors, mo
! Dulldors, was a llttlo beyond gloo
-i..i. ..,. .t,
rendition ot
a"" " U,UB " "-
of Pnyotto who mado many frlonds
with his numbers and generosity In
lospondlng to encores.
Tho Jazz orchestra was a scream
and tho crowd so onjoyed It that
tho boys woro called back repeated
ly; while Harper Joy tho roader
convulsod tho nudlenco throughout
his portion of tho program. Mr. Joy
however, evidently forgot that Just
a yoar ago ho gavo his first selec
tion to nn Ontario nudlenco, yet It
Is ono that could bear repetition.
Walter Muollor tho accorapanlost
of tho gleo club prosented two solo
numbers on the piano most accept
ably and proved too that ho Is a
rnro accompanist.
Following the concert n danco was
held In the Wilson hall and during
the day tho visitors wero the guests
of the Junior class In an auto trip
over tho country. Tho visit of tho
club under tho direction of Howard
Ontario will contluuo
to bo
tho nctlvo operating hoadqunr-
tors of tho It, N. Stanflold cor-
porntlon, a two million dollar
concern which haB Just been
formed to tako ovor all tho
holdings of tho Junior Senator.
This was tho messago which
tho Senator gavo n commltteo
nt Wolsor Tuosday.
At tho samo tlmo tho Sona-
tor declared (hat ho hctlovod
that tho vory bottom hnd boon
reached In tho cattle and sheep
4- Industry nnd that from now on
tho trend would bo for tho bet-
tor. Such n chango must coma
ho declnrod or In flvo yours
we wilt hnvo n meat fnmlno In
this country. Tho Senator loft
Wolsor last night for Washing
Unorders of County To Plant Host
of Seed Experience tins Proven
llils Procedure Pnys Many
Vnrlelles Are Available To
Fnrmors ot tho county nro de
termined to hnvo somo good potato
seed this yoar, Many examples ot
tho lossos occasioned by tho uso of
poor scod were scon last yoar, this
being ono ot tho lessons pointed out
In tho Crop. Improvement tour last
summer. In ordor to got this good
seed, tho farm bureau has pooled
Ordors for certified Early Ohio,
Idaho Ilural and Netted Gom var
ieties. A carload order of tho Early
OIiIoh Is now on tho wny from
Minnesota, thoro bolng uoiio of this
certified sood closer than Mlnnosota
and South Dakota to bo had. A car
load of tho cortlfjod Hurals wns
purchasod in Idaho Falls which Is
tho only present sourco of suppy ot
this variety. Tho Netted Qom or
dor failed bncauso of Insufficient or
dors bolng put In to mnko up a car-
load and tho local frolght rato from
llond, Oregon, which Is tho only
plnco whoro corttflod sood ot that
varloty Is to be had Is too high to
mako Is practical to buy a less
Some other potato Beod which Is
not certified was also shlppod In by
tho farm bureau, but It Is this cer
tified stuff which meaiiB most to
tho bonoflt of farming. Tho po
tatoes aro all taken by farmorfl who
put In orders and cash In udvnnco
In order to mnko up tho pool and
provide tho funds to purchaso tho
sood. Tho mombors of tho poof will
socuro tholr seed at a vory reason
'ablo prlco bocauso of this mothod of
collective bargaining by which thoy
aro able to buy at a loss prlco and
snvo a groat deal on frolght ho
sides tmt tho main point Is they
will get a class of seed which would
not othorwlso bo uvnllablo undor
any circumstances, This will bo
reflected In bottor ylotds. Polo Ton
son, chairman of tho marketing com
mlttoo of tho farm buroau, Iiob
chargo of tho purchaso and distribu
tion ot this seed. Mr. Tonsen and
the farm bureau aro to bo comple
mented on tholr action both In pro
viding a mothod of doing the busi
ness and In accomplishing tho work
of bringing in this good sood,
Anothor of tho big dances givon
evory now and then by the Amorlcan
Legion Is scheduled for Friday even
ing. The muslo Is to bo furnlshod
by tho Idaho Five and tho Legion
men aro planning on making tho
dance ono of tho host ovor given
hero. Tho proceeds of tho function
aro to bo ndded to tho fund bolng
raised for the construction of a
Legion home.
Pratt was so enjoyabla to all that
thoy will bo wolcomed to Ontario
at any tlmotn tho future In fact
Ontario will look forward to their
W. O. Stone Successful Illddcr Asks
on 9l!!l,tH)0 for Grading nnd
Gravelling Fourteen anil
v Three Quarter Miles
W. S. Stono was tho successful
blddor for tho grading and grav
oiling ot tho first unit ot tho Old
Oregon Trail soctlon ot tho Colum
bia Highway In Malheur county
from Ontario northward.
Tho contract was awnrdod by tho
commission In Portland Wcdnosdny
following tho moat spirited bidding
on record for nu Oregon highway
contract, said Itoy A. Klein, secre
tary of tho commission In a tele
phono mcsBago Inst night.
"Tho commission wns highly grat
ified nt tho offers mado for this
ploco ot work," continued Mr. Kloln,
"for tho bid mado by Mr. Stono
wns $124,000 whllo tho engineer's
estimate for this soctlon was
$140,000. Tho commission waa
pleaaod with tho fact that bo many
offors woro mado and tho torrltory
roprcsontod by tho bidders for thoro
wero offors mado by firms alt tho
wny from Salt Lake to Seattlo, with
practically overy Intormodlato point
bolng roprosontod."
Whon tho mossngo from Mr.
Kloln was communicated to the
members ot tho Com;uorclnl Club nt
tho rogular monthly dlnnor thorn
wns no llttlo rojolclng, as woll as
expressions of wondorment at tho
prlco ut which tho contract was
Tho regular dlnnor of tho Com
morclnl Club wns Bchodulod to bo co
incident to tho letting of tho con
tract and was tho subject of Jubila
tion on tho part of tho mombors.
At tho mooting thoro was read tho
loiter Nvrltton by H. W. L. Nlomo
yor, secretary of tho Idaho Motor
Association to tho Oregon Motor As
sociation .nsklng that body to uso
Its Intluonco to hnvo tho building of
tho road stopped.. In hhMotter'Mr,
Nlomoyor doclarod that after an In
vestigation ho had mado In Wolser,
Pnyotto and In Ontario ho found that
thoro was no need for tho road and
furthor took upon himself to do
scrlbo tho country northward from
Ontario as a desert.
Tho club's roply to this lottor was
also read In whlrh propor npprocln
tton ot tho gratuitous Interposition
of tho Idaho men" Into Orogon af
fairs was polntod out.
J. A. Lnknoss presided at tho
mooting In tho absonco ot Prosldont
Jones and tho club considered at
length tho proposod markotlng pro
gram ot tho dairymen, endorsing
tho Bamo and pledging tho club's as
fllstnnco In tho campaign.
Ow)lieo Project Discussed
Tho status of tho Owyhee Burvdy
wns considered, too, and lottors In
forming tho club of tho appoint
ment of Mr. nond of tho nolso Pro
joct as tho onglnoor In chago of tho
survey woro rend. The club voted
to offor to Mr. Ilond all assistance
posslblo lu oxpodltlng tho work.
To have a wedding ring which
sho lost nlno yoara ago whllo n res
ident of Abordoon, Washington, re
turned to hor wob tho experience on
Joyod last wook by Mrs. Frod Bund
qutst who lives near Cairo, Tho ro
tum ot the ring is romarkablo In
many ways. After it was lost tho
yard about tho houso whoro It waa
lost was flllod in and though hours
woro spont In Boarch for it no t?aco
could bo found. Last wook tho
little son ot tho people who now
occupy tho promlsos in Abordoen
whllo playing In tho yard uncover
ed tho missing clrclo of gold and
whon his paronts read tho Inscrip
tion thoy Immediately started a
search for tho present address of
Mrs. Sundqulst, and Bent tho ring
to hor.
Porcy Luscombe, vho recently re
turned from England, went to nolso
Monday whoro ho has a position
awaiting him.