The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 31, 1921, Image 5

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f I 1
HOME MADE CANDY,. Pure and Sweet
Priced right to soil Immediately. None Lower Priced, Quality Considered.
Fifer's Cafe & Confectionery, Wig White, Prop.
WIHTH LKOHOIIN baby clilcka
$20 por hundred. Hatclilng eggs
$2.00 por BOttlng, $10.00 por liun
drod. Phono 20tl-W A. IJ. Colli.
FOR BALK Jorsoy bull cnlf.
(Indian Clow Chlof. HeglBtcrod from
IiIrIi cIobs Btock. For quick milo
phono or boo C. K. Dibble, Payette.
mod'orn Iioubo.
-Largo Blcoplng room
l'hono 173-M. lOtf.
Ilrunswlck records enn bo played
on any phonograph with stool or
flhro nocdlos. Ontario Furnlturo Co.
FOIl KENT Furnished Iioubo. II.
W. Jones.
FOIl KENT FurnlHhcd Bleeping
room n prlvnto family, lliono 110-lt
Host homomado caudles at Flfor's
Cnfo and Confoctlonory. Adv.
FOIl BALK At bargain, ono now
Iioubo In Terraco Heights with or
chard and clRlitcon lots. A Lohcad.
FOIl SALE Now Uiilck Itoadstor
1020 Modol. Mrs. T. I). FlBor.
l'hono 03-W. 14. tf
FOIl SALE Mandarin ltcstnurant
Good business. Will soil cheap. In
qulro at Mandarin Ilcstaurntit, On
tario, Orogon. ( 1G-10.
All kinds of Electric wiring. Tele
phono 228 J. tt.
WANTED Orgnnlzurs Assistants,
Dig Salary. C. E. Wilson. Pnyolto,
Ida. llox 341. 10-17 p
LOST Gold wrist watch. Initials
M. I. II. Liberal roward for return.
Ownor Margaret lloclhlor. 17-18p
FOIl SALE A flvo room Iioubo
nnd thrco lots on corner of Morfltt
Stroet and Kansas Avo. Ontario,
Oregon. Wood Thompson. 17-18 p.
forte boIo played by Ieopold God
owsky; a satisfying piano record
1002. Ontario Furnlturo Co. 17
FOIl KENT 2 largo light houso
kooplng rooms partly furnished, No
children. Phono 140-lt. 1G
Tho City of Ontario, Mainour
County, Oregon, offers for snlo Its
negotiable, general municipal bonds
In tho b urn of Thlrty-olght Thotis
and ($38,000.00) Dollnrs, bcnrlug
lntorost nj, not moro than Blx por
cent por annum, to become duo and
payable In ton years from May 1st,
1021, tho dato of Issuo. Interest
thereon payablo Beml-niinunlly.
Illds for the samo must bo sub
mitted In writing and will bo receiv
ed subject to tho legality of tho
bonds. No bids will bo rccolved or
considered for Iobs than tho par
valuo of said bonds. An uncondi
tional certified chock payablo to tho
Trcasuror of tho City of Ontario for
an amount equal to flvo por cent
of each bid must nccoiupany tho
Illds wilt bo rccolved subject to
tho condition that tho blddor to
whom tho snlo Is awarded will
olthor confirm or reject tho samo
within ten days aftor receiving tho
transcript of proceedings from mild
Tho Common Council of tho City
of Ontario rosorves tho right to re
ject any or all bids. All bids for
bonds must bo filed wtth tho He
cordor of said City on or beforo
7:30 o'clock p. m. on tho 14th day
of April 1021 nnd thereafter on
said day all bids will bo opened In
open Council mooting and action
taken thoroon.
Hy order of tho Common Council
of tho City of Ontario, Oregon,
mrfdo this 24th day of March A. I)
W. H. DOOLITTE, Mayor.
CLAY M. STL'AHNS, City Hccordor
1st Publication, Mar. 31, 1021.
Last Publication, April 14, 1021
sealed proposals will bo rccolved by
tho Doard of Supervisors of the
Kingman Colony Drainage District
nt their offlco nt Nyssa, Malheur
County, Oregon, until tho hour of
2 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, tho
4th day of May, 1021, and Immed
iately thereafter publicly opened,
for tho purchaso of additional bonds
of said District In tho sum of Sovcn
Thousand ($7000.00) Dollars, au
thorized by resolution dated January
17. 1021, said bonds to bo dated
March 1, 1021 In denominations of
Flvo Hundred (IG00.00) Dollars,
and maturing as follows, to-wlt:
Maturity Nunibar Principal
March 1, 102G 101 $500.00
March 1, 1027 102 C00. 00
March 1, 1028 103 COO. 00
March 1, 1029 104 G0O.OO
March 1, 1030 10G G00.00
March 1, 1031 100 G0O.0O
WE will sell for Cash Only, and will not sell' goods on -credit.
These are new economic conditions that we must meet and we
realize that the man who sells ior cred;t is at a great disadvan
tage in competition with the man who sells for cash. We are cutting our
prices to the extent that our customers will be amply compensated for
the inconvenience that may be incurred by having to pay cash. We
hope that no one 'will be offended, as we must treat all alike. Under the
credit system many times credit is given to those who do not need to
ask it, and refused to those who need it. A bad system it is and one
that loses us friends, and friends are the greatest assets one can have.
We feel sure our new prices will be attractive to you, and we hereby
submit the following prices for your appreval:
Flour $1.94
Dutch Cleanser ....: 11
Sugar, 10 lbs. for 1.00
Head Kice, 5 lbs 38
Sax Oats 02
Glass Jolly 26
Lemons ; 32
Oysters ; 17
LJkg. Oatmeal . . . . : . . " . ..35
Corn, 3 cans , 40
Tomatoes, !l cans 40,
Apricots, . . . ' 24
Peaches 26
Blackberries, 28
'.) lb. can M. T. B. Coffee 1.34
B. Coffee, 1 lb 39
B. Coffee, 3 lbs 1.14
It. Club Coffeo 34
Quart Can Catsup, 26
Carnation Milk, 14 3 cans. . .40
Ilebo Alilk, Can 10
10c can P. and Beans, 3 cans .25
20c can P. anil Beans 16
Corn Flakes 10
Sardines 08
Soap White, 5 for 25
Or. Flour 57
Corn Meal 39
Wesson Oil, Pt 34
Wesson Oil, Quart 66
Mazola, Pt 38
Mazola, Qt 65
Snowdrift, 2 lbs 48
Snowdrift, 4 lbs 92
Snowdrift, 8 lbs 1.68
Dark Syrup, gal 44
Dark Syrup, 1 gal 85
Light, Syrup, i gal 52
Light Syrup, 1 gal 98
Cottolene, 5 lbs 87
Wheat -Hearts 29
Swifts W. Powder 32
Oolden Hod ... 24
Lux, 2 for 25
Byzon B. Powder, 36
Tree Tea, 8 oz 36
Tree Tea, 1G oz 67
Bulk Japan Tea 44
Brown Beans 08
Whito Beans 08
Macaroni, Bulk, lb 09
.Loin Steak ...'. 24
T. Bono Steak 26
Hound Steak 19
Shoulder Steak 14
Pot Boast 11 to .14
Bib Boil . 09
Shoulder Boil 12
Prim Bib 19
Hump Boast ' 16
Pork Chops, Loin 26
Pork Steak 23
Pork Boast, Ham 26
Pork Boast, Shoulder 22
Port Boast, Loin 25
Sparc Bibs 16
5 lbs Lard 95
30 lbs. Lard . . 1.90
Veal Steak. Bd 28
Veal, Steak, Shoulder 17
Veal Chops, Bib 24
Veal Chops, Loin 26
Veal Stew 07
Veal Boast, Shoulder 16
Lamb Chops, Shoulder 18
Lamb Chops, Loin . , 27
Leg of Lamb . , 26
Shoulder Lamb . 16
Lamb Stew .' 04
Smoked Ham ,33
Bacon , . .34 to .50
Pork Sausage 17
Hamberger 14
If you patronize us we will reward you with the. best quality goods at
the lowest possible prices.
March 1, 1032 107 COO. 00
March 1, 1033 108... C00. 00
March 1, 1034 100 C00.00
March 1, 103S 110 000.00
March 1, 103C 111........ 500.00
March 1, 1037 112 G0O.00
March 1, 1038 113 G0O.00
March 1, 1030 114 GOO.OO
Said bonds to boar Interest nt six
per cent (O'e) per annum, payablo
semiannually on tho first day of
September and March, principal and
Interest payablo In United States
Gold Coin at tho offlco of the Sec
rotury of said District at Nyssa,
Malheur County, Oregon, or nt tho
Fiscal Agency of tho Stato of Ore
gon in Now York City, nt tho option
of tho holder.
Said bids must bo nccompanlcd
by a certified chock for ton por
cent (10) of said bid, same to bo
forfeited to tho District as liqui
dated damages In tho event tho suc
cessful bidder falls to tako up and
pay for said bonds within ton days
after tho award.
Said Illds must bo unconditional
as to tcgullty and tho District will
furulH.1i the successful bidder with
tho approving legal opinion of
Messrs. Teal, Minor nnd Wlnfrco. of
Portland, Oregon.
Tho Hoard rosorves tho right "to
reject any or all bids.
Uy order of tho Doard of Super
visors of tho Kingman Colony Drain
ago District.
FUAN1C D. HALL, Socrotiiry.
First publication March 31, 1021.
Last publication, April 28, 1021.
I'rlnrlpal of School on Oicgou Slope
itclurim lo Illinois Itonil To
School Home Completely (Juiv-
oiled Oilier Xt'Hi limit
Tho children of tho Park School
and tho t anchors, Fred Lindsay and
Miss West, gave a Cantata ontltled
"Yo Llttlo Old Folks Concort" last
Thursday oveiilng at tho I'ark school
house. Much credit Is duo tho teach
ors for the splondld Blnglng by tho
children. Tho program was greatly
enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. DoMout Judd and
daughter Margurot of New Plymouth
spent Sunday with the Ira Culler
The Lower Iload Is graveled now
to tho Park school house. Aftor a
winter llko tho ono Just pust wo
fool that this Is n much needed lm
provomont. Mr. nnd Mrs, John Ilnrtsho and
family spout Sunday with relatives
In Wolsor.
Fred Lindsay has very satisfactor
ily completed tho sovcn months
torni for which ho was hired as
tonchor of tho uppor grades of tho
Park School will lcavo next
wook for his homo In Illlnlos to
take up his work there. Tho re
maining Uo months of tho school
yoar will bo taught by Mrs. Kuehl
Miss West and the children of
tho sovonth mid olghth grades gnvo
n party for Mr. Llnday at tho llur
roll homo Friday ovonlug.
Mr mid Mrs Sulloiis spoilt Knst
or with the Henry Ilnrkor family
noar OntaTlo.
Mrs. Lias rocolvod word Friday
of a fluo llttlo granddnughtor which
arrived at tho Smock home In Ta
coma, Washington,
Miss lllancho Culp Is Improving
In health under tho caro of Doctor
Wooso of Ontario,
Itov ltuohl preached n very In
teresting sorinon to a largo gather
ing at tho Park School Iioubo Bun
dny. Mrs. K. Frost gnvo u birthday din
nor Sunday colehratlug tho birth
days of both -Mr. Frost and his
daughter, Mrs. Jonas llrowu. Covors
woro laid for twenty guests. The
docorntlons wero In yollnw and
whlto. Tho flna hlg birthday cakos
with caudles formed lovely confer
pieces Mrs, Km oat Schmidt from
Nebraska was among tho guests.
Sovoral of our people attendod the
plcturo show, "Tho Passion Play'
nt tho Emma Saturday evening
Cathorlno Simpson rocolvod n box
of beautiful flowors Saturday from
her former toachor Miss Olntt of
Woodburii, Orogon.
Mr and Mrs. C. A Knrst nnd tho
I), M. Ilouls family wero dinner
guests ut the P M. Iloals homo Hun
Mr and Mrs. Bullous woro busi
ness collars In Ontario Monday
Jim Carlco and cjilldron and Mrs
Shenror spent Sundny nt tho Tom
Carlco homo.
Tho Simpson family will niovo
this wook to tho Wilcox ranch mat
has boon occupied by tho Simpson
Mrs. Frost entortalued tho Ludlos
Club last Thursday afternoon witn
Miss Maud Culp assisting. Mrs.
Sullons and Mrs, Johnston and Mrs.
Melll each gnvo Intorostlng pupors
on "Child Welfare". An excellent
lunch was sorvod, tho decorations
bolng BUggestlvo of Knstor.
"CIIA.Y IlLUES" Is a fox trot.
This Is a real live dauco, with musi
cal At nernard Blnglng tho chorus
UruiiBwlck rocord 2072. Ontario Fur
nlturo Co.
Mrs Dlanch Corby, Christian
Sctonco Lecturer, will speak nt tho
Commercial Club llooms at Payette,
Tuesday ovonlug at 8 P. M Kvory
body wolcomo.
Tho Ilrunswlck Itocords for April
aro hero, Ontario Furnlturo Co. 17
Chiropractic Physicians
Elect lo-Tliernpoiillits
Splno & Neio HpeclnlMi
l'hono IHH Ontailo, Ore.
T. 0. Murehlson, F. Murchlson
nnd Mr. Hobertson, sheepmen of
Folly Farm Ore., woro In Ontario
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McDnnlols of
Hums woro, In Ontario tho first of
tho wcok, Thoy loft Tuesday ovon
lug for Wyoming whoro Mr. McDan
lols will cngngo In Farm Uurcau
Misses Harriot Smith nnd Hard
Uurbrldgo of Wolsor woro shopping
In Ontario Saturday.
Misses ThomaD nnd Debnttci,
teachers at the Intcrmoiiiitnlti In
stitute at Wolscr wero Ontario shop
pers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. nrtitzmnti,
farmorly of Lawlston, Idaho, aro
now managing tho local Hub store
Mr. Ashbaugh who liaB had chargo
of tho stora up to this tlmo will
probably remain In Ontnrlo
Mrs II. C. Whltworth of Wolsor
attondod tho Tucsdny llrldge Club
which met with Mrs. E. A. Frasor.
. Mrs. John Duuphy who was 111 In
n Nampa hospital n short time
sluco Is very much Improved In
henltl and nblo to return to her
Thero will bo n business meeting
of tho Ladles Aid of tho Congrogn-
llnttttt "Mi (Irs It o tti rtlntrnli mi I'M-
day afternoon April the 8th at 2' 30.
Dan Onllaghor of Jiinturn wns a
weak end visitor at the homo of Mr
and Mrs. P. J, Onllaghor.
Mrs. J. A. McFall went to Cald
well yostcrday, roturnltig today.
Ivan Oakcs spent tho first part
of the weok In Jnmlcson.
Miss Ocorgla Hull mado n busi
ness trip to Ilolso tho first of the
Miss Luollii Cnllln was a Ilolso
visiter on Friday.
W. T. Campbell of Juntura, Ore
gon was In Ontnrlo on busliioss last
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Flsor of Nampa
woro wcok ond visitors nt the T, II.
Flsor homo.
Miss Luclln Cnllln wns n guest
Inst week end of Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Duuphy of Nnmpa.
Misses Corn nnd Hthol McNulty
woro Knstor guests 'of tho J. P
Johnson family of Ilolso.
A. J. Olovor of Ilolso loft Wed
nesday for Moxlco to look after his
business Intorcsts there.
J. A. Williams loft Sunday for
Etigeno where ho wns called by tho
Illness of his fnthor who Is getting
quite old nnd fceblo.
Horn, Tuosdny, March 20, to Mr
nnd Mrs. Mnrk Christiansen, n son
Lesllo J. Akor loft for Portland
Monday on luminous.
O. F Nceco, who hns been quite
til, Is reported ns Improving.
Frank Winston wns horo from his
ranch nonMtoiiltn this wook. Ho re
ports the snow off In Cow Vnllny
but says that thoro Ih nbout .four
feet In tho surrounding mountains
yet Ho pnssed through two feet of
snow on his way to Ontnrlo.
Mrs. Fred Illco nnd Mrs. J. It.
Gregg visited Payette Friday.
Hlton Fullor, tho fourtoen year
old son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Win Fullor
of Council, Idaho, died at Holy Ilos
ary Hospital laBt Thursday nftor
undergoing n surgical operation The
body, nccompnnlod by tho fnthor nnd
mother of tho deceased, wns nhtppoit
to" Council for burial Saturday.
Mrs. nilznbeth Low'e, of Now Ply
mouth, ngod 77 years, died at Holy
Ilosnry Hospital Thursday, Bho
wns tho mother of L T I.owo The
funornl took plnco at Now Plymouth
Kastor Sunday and was conducted
by Itov Win Luscombo of Ontnrlo.
Docoasod wns n untlvn of Ohio.
Louise, tho Infant ilnugliter of Mr
and Mrs Ouy Btlnglo. who dlod noar
Kmtnott, Idaho, Sunday was brought
horo Mondny for burial. Tho fun
eral sorvlcos woro conductod by Itov
Chns. Illom.
Mrs Sid Day of Ilolso was visiting
hor mother, Mrs Jns Stlnglo, In
Ontnrlo this wook.
E II Ilnrous Is confined to his
homo with nn utliick of rhoumntlsm.
Clifford Johnson, son of Mr nnd
Mrs. Curt Johnson, gnvo a party Sat
urday afternoon to a number of his
young friends In honor of his ninth
birthday Rlgbteoii guoslH wero
present nnd nn onjoynblo nfternoon
was spent In gnmes and childish
nmusfiiionts ltefroshments woro
sorvod ,
Miss Mildred Pnormnii who Is
elorklng nt the (lolden Itulo Storo In
Ilolso spout Sunday with hor parents
Mr nnd Mrs II L Poorman.
Mr and Mrs. A M Taylor stoppod
In Ontario last week with friends
onrnuto to California Mr. Taylor
formerly Superintendent of P. L. 8
Company with hoadquartors nt Harp
er. Oregon, has roslgnod his position
nnd will ongngo In similar work in
Mrs I. K Uurbrldgo of Wolsor
was shopping In Ontnrlo Tuosday
Nathan Aloxnndor of linker stop
pod In Ontnrlo Tuesday onrnuto
homo after spondlng Kastor at Ilolso-
n.i,.ni v Art nn nf Cllfdon. In
land, arrived In Ontnrlo March 24.
and wilt ongngo In tho shoop IiubI
iiohs with his brothor John R. Acton
with Jionilqunrtorn at Juntura Mr,
Acton did not lonvo his native
country on account of tho troubles
thore. but says that conditions nro
as bad If not worso than tho reports
which Imvo reached this country
Mr and Mrs Kdsoll Orovur of
rtolso drovo to Ontnrlo Saturday nnd
wero nccompnnlod homo by Miss
Ooorgla Hull who spout Raster with
them. , , .,
C It Caldwoll purchased tho
rosldenco on North Orogon street
whoro ho has lived for some time of
V J. Pltzor. ,
Jos J Ituzlokn, o formor resldont
of this vicinity, after seven yonrs
nbsonco hns returned to Ontario nnd
will rcsldo on his flvo ncro ranch
Kouthwost of town. Mr Iluitckn
Bays that ho has boen about every
whoro and Is mighty glad to got
back horo
Mrs Mlldron Parker wont to
Nnmpa Sunday nnd brought nor
smnll daughter Doris homo with hor
for a wcoka visit.