The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 24, 1921, Image 5

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"Permanent as the Pyramids"
I I llll Illl
Concrete is Hie Foundation of all Permanent
If You Arc Building For Permanence Use Concrete
Concrete Irrigation Pipe
Concrete Drainage Pipe
Concrete Sewer Pipe
Our plant is equipped with modern machinery,
our methods of manufacture are those gained
through years of experience, our labor is skilled,
our product is the best obtainable. You get the
benefit of every pound of cement used.
Ask Satisfied Customers
The test of any product is its service. Our con
crete pipe has been used iir mnny of the biggest
and best drainage and irrigation systems in this
section. Ask for information, let us refer you to
those who have used our product.
Estimates furnished on your contemplated im
provements. Ontario Concrete Pipe Co.
C. 13. BINGHAM, Manager
Plants at Ontario, Oregon and Caldwell, Idaho
Our continual efforts to give our patrons the
best possiblo service, and our endeavor to place our
profession in high public respect has met with deep
Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers
II. L. Peterson C. R. Augustus
Ontario Furniture Co,
PI i j. a:- ..pp.. ..l ",... 41. , ,..!!
constituie consiruewvi' nmri. uu wu -u-
being of the people.
The Ontario National Bank takes an ear
nest interest in the public welfare, and
seeks n increase the usefulness of its service.
Wodnosdny night tlio neighbors
planned a nurprlso on Mr. ntul Mrs,
Clydo Hunt and took refreshments
of enko, coffoo and sandwiches and
wont to tholr liomo, ns n fnrowoll
Thoy movo this wcok to tlio Pointer
plnco In Whltloy Bottom.
Tom Harris Bpont tlio wcok end In
Pnrinn visiting tils undo, Hobort
'Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo Hunt, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Karl Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Joo
Illvisli woro dinner guests Sunday
or Mr. ana Mrs. Tom Harris.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Door and fnmtly
Sundaycd at tlio Walter Qorham
T'rnf Wlart fnnntin. In Ittn tfull-
lnnd Hlgli School resigned Monday.
j ivodk iiko no was eiocica uy mo
Board to his prcsont position which
ho hnB flllod horo during tlio past
yoar. Ho and his wlto, who tonchos
tlio fifth grado will return to
Colorado, tholr former homo.
T. M. Shlrloy, of BoIbo, Is visiting
thlB weok with Mr. nnd Mrs. It. 8.
Miss Fern Llnck will nrrlvo this
Tuesday night from Lawlstou whore
slio has hocii nttondlng tlio Normal.
Sho Is 111 with nppondlcltls and lms
como homo for nn operation. ,
Hormon Smith hnB gono to Mon-
Mr ntiil Mra TTminrmnn nt Wnlunr
... .. "..:: v. .."" ; . ,v
, vinuuu ou.iuu ui iiiu liuiliu
Mrs. Nora Maxflold of Wolscr, nnd
son Voriion Maxflold of Scnttlo wero
guests tlio past wook of Mrs. A. T.
Mrs. Sam Phillips has gono to
Grand Islam! Nebraska, to vlsl' her
daughter. Clio will visit two uons
tlioro, alro
Mrs. Clmrlcn Stovons was cnllod
lust weak 'J yiemo, Wnshl-igton, on
account ot II n serious Miichs of liar
CharloB Wolkor of Clinton, Illin
ois visited last wook with his sister,
Mrs. John Tackott.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell enter
tained to a Hook party Satunhy
ovonlng Tholr gnosis wor Supt.
nnd Mr ChnrUs Miller, Mr. nnd
Mrs. II. W. Clrovor, Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
J. Hnnsol, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles
Coon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Irn Dnlzoll.
tn anliinlfiv MmtnniM Mflrtlinn.
Spnlnhowor, Stotlor, Dougherty, Miss
itupp iook moir dinner ana njioiu mu
day with Mrs. Uuth VnnDerKnr.
Ilnrntun nf lior lilrllulnv sho Wns
tonderod nn apron shower.
Mr. nun mrs. r. w. i.owib wyi an
llmlr illnnnr nnil nil tlnv guests Frl-
,lnv Mr. nml Mm. E. K. Nokes. Mr.
nnd Mrs. N. J. Onrman, nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hnrry T. i.owib nnil innuiy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. 11. KlmUson had
.... timii. iiiminp iritoiitR Rnnilnv Mrs.
Taylor, of Grand Island, Nobrnska.
Mr mill Mrs. w. A. i;oiwoii, ir. unu
Mrs. Ed Jonos.
Mr, nnd Mrs. C. I. hoiiomiock, wr.
nnd -Mrs. J. K. Smith nnd two daugh
ters, Mr. Meokor nnd Miss Yost wor
.llminr niinnln RlllnlnV at the Wllllnm
Hollonbork homo,
P. K. Johnson IB loaning n car m
hny nnd shipping from Ilucklnghnm
Btntlon. . .
A I'ordson trnrtor demonstration
wns had nt tlio H. R. Wllfong farm
HI .Miiln .
Mr. nnil Mrs. rurcou nnu mm, i-.
At tlio Parent Teachers' mooting
Friday night tlioro waro qulto n
number of good addresses on Civic
Improvement and particularly pleas
lng musical numbor by tho Urcthron
quartet. A largo crowd was out
bolng numbered among them tho
young men of tho community. Dough
nuts and coffco wcio served nt tho
closo ot a soclnl hour. Tho doilghnutB
loft woro sold nt fifteen cents por
dozon nnd tho money placed In tho
flower fund for tho sick.
Mr. Dutton nniWho Frank Shuler
family wero illnuor guests nt tlio K,
I Pratt homo Sunday.
Evelyn Dollord was nn overnight
guost of Miss Ituby Uoed of tho
Kolony, SuriMny.
MIbs Vera Neoh wns n guost nt
tho Ulto homo Monday night.
J. II. Hlgolow of Nyssa visited nt
tho 8. D. lllgolow homo Wodncsdny.
A numbor of ox-soldlors nnd their
wives mot ut tho Lowe homo Satur
day ovenlng, whoro a pleasant social
ovonlng was enjoyed. It wnB decid
ed to hold regular fortnightly meet
ings for n whllo. Possibilities of
fnrttilntr nn niivlllnrv (n fhn Alllnrl-
enn Legion nro bolng discussed. At
tho closo or tlio ovoning roircsnmoiuH
woro served. Guests prcsont wore:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Bchwolzor, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Itny Howo, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Vranl t.'rlnr nnil Mnnrl. Wlllln Mp-
of M. J Qlnnls nnd Tlico llust.
1110 IXIlIlKIIIltn .11.1.1. IU o..'.
guests of tho Dollord's Saturday.
Goo. O'Dnnnon nnd 10 .year old
son Hay of Western Kansas Is In
Owyhee In search of n location, hnv
Ing heard favornblo roports of tho
country from tho Pulton's whom they
know In tho cast. Thoy nro mnklng
tholr headquarters nt tho T. M,
Lowo homo whllo nwnltlng tho ar
rival, of tho rest of tho family.
Wnr.l linn tinnn rneftlvnd Hint UOf-
don nickorson, now of Ironside, hut
formerly well known In this vicinity,
had tho mlsforluno to loso his houso
by flro rocently.
"Grandpa" Ilrndloy nnd Mrs
Chns. Ilrndloy visited nt tho Dollord
homo Thursday nftornoon.
John Wnll wns obliged to mnko n
second trip. Inst wcok, to Crcston In
senrth of his horses.
II. Waltors took n bunch of cattlo
,1... !,.. Imnn fnn.llnc on tho 1)0-
nord ranch nil winter to Itny Can
..11. mUrn llinv will feed till bo-
Vig tnkon out on tho rnngf.
T. A. met nt tho school houso V el
nosday to confer with tho county
club lender. Harry Wo Imnn, , nbo
tnklng up boys nnd girls club work
In Owyhee. No club Is prwnUwt w
vol but ono (s nntlclpnted In tho
near future ,.
Dr. Rnrazon wns cnllcd to the
. i . rri,.,rinlnv. nn the on.e
of's? Chnrks "Cook 'who with her
baby hns been llvlim Ihcro for the
last two months, o B In vcrv ponr
Ileal I Mrs. Ml"!! in imi inn
in nilitton to mnny other . hpmn
itnttoa. mid ts in poor liemin ner-
BOlf. . .. ' .. ,. i. nn
"Grandpa" urouiny. 'mi -
vears old 'Owylmo ohlenl p'nneer.
??..... i-i. ni i,n v. P Pra t hone
Sunday, driving over with tho homo
and liuggv. . .. nrft
m a n ii ivi ra it i' iii'i i
' pln linS nnd parerlng tholr house.
mid Mrs. 8. " " , ftppy, The' nlso snv that Jesio
number of SS. son of Mr nml Mrs Newt
homo nt n ? nson formerly of Owyhee w to
JTi?V!J!!!JSJ? .... , I, r !Ti
n nniii,iu-nrii nml situ woro illnnori ''"'. ...i t.L v. i' iPrntl nnd son
' . . .. c.. n n nnlllnp.l r. nil" """',.. ...l frnlll
..i . 'riinniinv iivihiiiih '''
I.01I1S milim-i """"" . T.-i f- nn.l
inn Hiiiiuajr. Kmniott wuero i noy "","
Miss Ilontrlco Hill Is holplng. out i '"" ,Inrry irntt mid family. Thev
nt tho 11. Woods homo this wook. . . .,mt ,oy (mni tlmm wen
Bnturdny ovoiung mr. nun mm.
fnnngtor ontortnlneil n
vnlini linnllln At tlintr
....... Alt rmirtrt n cnod llmo
I'iiiij. .... .," -- --
Mr. nnil mrs. i-ran iiniiniim -ii-inrtnlned
to illnuor Sunday Mr. nnd
Mm cbnrlos L Illch mid family. In
tho nftornoon Mr. mid Mrs. E. A
ninlr woro callers nororo leavniK mr
tholr now homo In Cnllfornln.
W A PAlwnll In 111 Pnvotto this
weok roofing tho homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. N. Todd.
MIsb Lulu TncKeti is in v rauo,
Oregon on her claim.
Ilriien fnmnboll ha- moved to Npw
Plymouth nnd Joo Dlvlsh linsenfbd
tho placo occupied y air. ihihjiijum.
ir nmi-Mri John Dnuchortv vis
ited Friday nnd Saturday with Mr
and Mrs. M, w. nnasen. inuy ru
friends of Mr. Madson'B sister.
IT 11 llnnmnr. Jr. Is Buffering with
a caso of moaslos. tho second time In
two wooks. This Is an unheard of
nan nnil It la lllflt n llttlo lilt llttnl
on tho yoar old youngster that he
should bo tho ono solectod to try nn
oxporlmont on.
ii.. TiAiTiilcW. nt ProHton. Iown.
has como to bo with hor daughtor,
Mrs. Molvin rorponior who ib mtuv
orlng from a long Illness.
Tho w p T. II meets this Thurs
day with Mrs. P, A. Polly. Mrs. II
w. firover Is tho loader, nnd tho BUb-
hect Is "Health."
TI10 UOUniy iiihiiiuiu iur mo
T. U. Is to bo hold In Payette March
29. A public speaker will no present
from outBldo of tho county.
Tho Bum 01 1 was Bucuruu irom
tho box social at Sunnysldo Friday
nicht. to bo used for playground
equipment. .,
Tlio r rnncen Yiiir um "
give 3 for first prize, 2 for second.
$1 for third for best essnys ngnlnst
tho ubo of tho clgaretto. Tho wtnnors
nr n.n nnnioii will clvo tholr Danerf
at tho Mothers' Clrclo meeting In
Frultland on April i.
Thn nmllirnn Church will haVO
timir RflHter nrocram at ten o'clock
fiunday morning. The oxerclses nt
the M. K, rnurcn win no ui iv-.iu.
whon tho Sunday School will tnko
uev, C. , roaa, wno nas uiwn
.nlln.l linrn tn InVA chnrCTO Of tllO
church pastorato proachod Sunday.
110 roiurnea io i-ocmuuu una muu
and will return April 7th to tnko
permanent charge of tho church
Tho Brethren congregation had an
all day meeting Sunday, bringing -i
i,.i.if.i illnnnr Tho nililn Institute
meetings were held in tho morning,
a program In tho morning and again
in tho evening. This series will
closo Thursday ovenlng. Several
Dnuilal irmalrnl numbers will ho
given nt the Church of tho nrothren
Sunday evening.
wrSontiy-iho Injh,-Ijmr.
than n yenr nun ir-wkiuk h
for nn ntisesB In his lei? caused l.v
tho old wound which refiifes to heal
lurry Pratt. Jr famlParly known
an "nustor" camo down with them
roturnlnK to Emniolt Wodnnsdny
with a horso ho camo to got
Dr. and Mrs. noynolds, of Nyssft
woro gnosis nt tho liny Control!
homo, Sunday. ,
Llttlo Viola OInBeock Is vlslllng
hor Aunt Mrs. Nelllo Nowblll.
It suroly did seom good tn henr
tho old 'phono ring ngnln after a
three days rest.
MrB. Frank Nowblll nnd son
Charles woro In Owyhee Saturday.
,Mr, Nowblll visited with Mrs. Hlgo
low whllo Charley ma some worn
about tho comotory.
Mr. and Mrs. George Glascock nnd
family motored to Ontario Friday
l,.l..nlnp. Immn wltli 111 (1111 Mr. 01(18-
cock's sister, Mrs. Delhi Itohlnon
nnd threo ilnughtorB. FroncoH, Win-!
nun. nnd Juanltn who vlsltod with i
thorn until Sunday when thoy took
them homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank Nowblll nnd
son Chnrles of Ontario vlsttod with
Mr and Mrs. Goo. ainscork nnd fnm
lly, Sunday.
Settle Your Irrigation
Problem with
American Wood Pipe
In one year of water shortage American Wood
Pipe will repay its initial cost in water it save3.
More lasting than iron, and rustless wood pipo
is tho ideal carrier of irrigating water.
American Wood Pipe is banded with galvanized
wire, to keep it tight, and the joints are snug.
It is easy to lay, and fit together.
It is cheaper to end your irrigating
troubles with American Wood Pipe
now, once for all, than it will ever lie
later, because time and loss can never
really be made up again.
Come in and talk fliis over with the
yard manager, just to get a line on the
cost and further details concerning the
best way to transport water.
Ontario Yard, Geo. McClain, Mgr.
Boise Payette Lumber
WHAT you lose
thru baking failure
must be added to baking
costs it lias to be paid for.
Calumet Baking Powder
will save you allot that Be
cause when you use It there are
no failures no losses. Every bak
ing Ii oweet and palatable and
stay moist, tender and delldoua to
tho lost tasty bite.
That 8 a big saving but
that isn't all. You save when
you buy Calumet and you saro
when you use It.
It is reasonable in cost and
possesses more than the or-
dlaary leavening strength. You pay
lets and use less. You got the most
la purity, dependability and whole
OBMaeaa. In every way it is the
best way to keep down bak
ing costs. Tint's what has mads It
the world'a bluest selling baking
powder baa kept it the favorite
of millions of housewives for more
thaa thirty years.
Pouoil can of Calumet contains full
16 oa. Some baking powders come ta
12 or. Instead of 16 ox. cans. Bo aura
you get a pound when you want k.
Suntlilns CfcVe
t cup of butter.
Hi cups granu
lated sugar. 215
cups flour, 1 cup
water, 2 level
teaspoons Calu
met Baking
Powder, 1 tea
spoon lemon,
yolks of 9 eggs.
Tt.n mlv In thm
regular way.
Condensed Itoport ot
ok ontahio, oiti:;o.
As .Matin to tlio Comptroller of tho ('imi'iiry ut tlio Closo of lliislncss,
lVliiuaiy SMttt, 1021.
Loans and niucounts.... $508,4 GO, 09
Overdrafts , 331.17
nonds and Warrauta.... 00.C3S.8r.
DankliiK IIoubo and
Fixtures 39.181.CC
OAHH - l.'ID.iiM.H.I
Surplus and I'roflts
Vodornl Kosorvo Hunk
secured by Govern
ment Obligations
Illllg re-dUcouuted
Securities sold undor
ro-purchaBo a e r o o-ment
CO, 000. 00
12, COO. 00
Deposits ni(l,Hlil,:il