The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 24, 1921, Image 2

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' i
No clgnrotto has
thosamo dolicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Bocauso
TiiANSi'Kits ni:coitin:n
MAH. 12 TO .MA It. II)
Shoviff It. Leo Noo to II. N. Will-
Ington, NWV4BEU Sec. n-33-39
Jnn. 3, 1021. $12.81.
Jordan Vnlloy Hotel Co. to I.oiiIh
Ytiirranpo, I.ntn 10, 11 & 12, Sub
illvlfllnn C, Ulk. fi, Plonoor Add. to
J. V. Doc. 17, 102Q, 1100.00.
Jordan Vnlloy Hotel Coy to Jon
qui n Egonn, Lots 1 & 2, Subdivision
D, nik. G, I'lonocr Add. to J. V. Fob.
24, 1021. $100.00.
Loroy A. Jnyna to O. I). Iloyor,
Lot G, Dlock G, Toutschs Add. to
Nynmi. Nov. 3. 1020. $1G0.00.
Mnttio n. Chonntilt ot vlr to Myr-
tlo Mlllor, NSWUNWUSWU Sec
0; N16NEM8BW8EU Soc. 8-1 8-17
Mar. 7, 1021. $0,000.00.
U. 8. A. to Ilautlsta Homos, 8W14
813 Vi Soc. 0 J NW M NE .' 8E U SB 4
8oo. 7 J 8E1JNWM, SUNWVi Soc
8 j NWKNWW Soc. 17; NE',iNEV4
Hoc. 18-20-38. Jnn. 10, 1021.
U. 8. A. to Ooorgo II. Eddy. WH
813 U Soc. 20; SW4NWU. NBW
V..8EV18WU. WV4SKV. Soc. 20-21-J3.
Nov. 18, 1920.
John II. I'nRo ot ux to W. M
IluiiBiikor ot nl, LntH 1, 2 k ll. Soc.
3-21-iO Mnr. 8, 1021. $0,000.00.
U. 8. A. to Ooorgo linrpor, 814
813 U Soc. 30 J NVjNEU, K'iNW'i.
LotH 1 & 2, Sec. 31-10-40. August
G, 1020.
J. P. Dunnwoy ot tix to Dalton
IIIrkh, Undivided tj Int. In HVj
NBU, Nl&NEW Soc. 28-20-40. Mnr.
0, 1021. $10.00
I, CnrI llrookRblro to E. h. Wnls
ton, E'jNWViSWU Soc. 20-1G-47.
Oct. 10, 1020. $1.00
Win. II. Kvm ot ux to O. J. Hook
limn, B'jHEi'iNE'i Soc. 21; NEVi
NKVt Soc. 23-18-40. Mnr. 17, 1021.
Joseph T. Ilydo ot ux to Hnrry
I.nsator. HV&8WU Soc. 17; NtfSW
MSoc 20-lG-tO. Fnli. 11, 1021. $1.
Kllzn Evnim to J. 8. I'lnkHtou,
Mot oh k Hounds In Orntms Add. to
Nywn. Mnr. 14, 1921. $G0.00
J, It. Oliver ot ux to JnuiM Chirk
ot ux, NEUSEU Soc. 3G-33-39. Fob.
18, 1020. $1,00.
Loin Z. MoyorH to M. I). MeyorH ot
ux, NBM8EVJ Soc. 34; NWV,SWVt
Soc. 3G-13-42. Doc. 13, 1020. $800.
I.tniln B. Swltxor to Charles F.
OurHlor, NR Soc. 27-3G-37. Fob.
10, 1921. $800.00. '
Bilwnril Flfor ot ux to (loo. ' W.
Wnllor, LotH 31 nnd 32, Annex.
Mnr. 17, 1021. $800.00.
Ontario Nnt'l. Hank nnd Ontario Llvo
Stock Loan Co. March 10, 1021. Ho
covory of Wngos. $420.17.
Within n very short tluio ground
squlrrol cnmpnlBtiB will bo in full
swing throughout tho stnto of Ore
gon, hotter organized than ovcr bo
foro. Moro and moro farmers nro
nwakonlng to tho troniuftdous loss
occasioned by oven n sniall number
ot Bqulrrols. Thoy nro nlso becom
ing moro fnmilar with tho fact that
tho prevention of this loss Is com
paratively cheap nnd oasy.
Tho cost of tho poison put out by
tho county agent through tho farm
bureau organization is small indeed
compared with rosults socurod. Tho
tlmo spent In poisoning lo vory pro
Itnbly Invostod in ovory case. Jhoro
aro sovcrul things that should again
bo brought to mind at tho beginning
of tho work.
l'olson should bo distributed by
Bcntlorlng a tublospoonfiil at n tlmo
nlong squirrel trails and about tho
outranco to burrows, and not by
placing in holos. l'o'lson so placed
will not endanger llvo stock.
I'olsou early; one (lend squirrel In
March Is ns good as iilno In May.
Tho young, nvoraglng eight to tho
litter, aro born In April, (lot them
before this tlmo.
""Community poisoning Is tho only
successful solution of tho squirrel
problem ygt dovisod. It Is usoloss
for olio or n fow fnrmors to poison
If somu otio In tho neighborhood con
tinues to breed squirrels to rolnfost
tholr Innds. Tho fnrm huronu com
munity organization Is an Ideal or
ganization for this purpose. It Is
floxlblo nnd works efficiently and
quickly to accomplish tho work, dot
n community loader, got him to
work, mid got bohlnd him yourself
mid work Is n program that Insures
l'olson nil tho squirrels, not pnrt
of thorn. Tho nnuuni rnto ot In
creaso Is four fold nnd It Is nccos
snry to bo diligent Inilood If tboro
nro not moro HqulrrolH-ou your fnrm
In Hoptombor thnt In March.
I'oIhoii pnHturo nnd brush Innds ns
woll ns cultivated Holds. Campaigns
thnt covor only cultlvntod fields will
ho of vnluo but of con mo nowhoro
ns etfcctlvo ns those nlinod to cloan
In Oregon tho ndvnnco ot tho
squirrel poisoning I deli nnd tho form
ation ot fnrmors' organization!! to
carry out tho work Is sprondlng fnst.
A field swarming with squlrrolH Is
In ninny counties nn ludlcntlon of u
poor farmer and u poorer neighbor.
Tho vltnl thing II to "got togoth-
or." PoIhOii can bo socurod from tho
county agent or tho locnl loador in
your community.
Tho Illologlcnl Survey Is ready nnd
anxious to help you in ovory way
posslblo In such a cnmpnlgn, tho Ex
tension Borvlco ot tho Oregon Agri
cultural College Is ready to help,
your county agent Is thoro tor that
purpose, but unless you do your pnrt
the campaign will fall.
It overyono all nlong tho lino gots
into tho nnmo nnd dot's his bit this
will bo tho wonjt year for tho
ground squirrel In tho history of
Oregon. Let's go.
Assistant Hlologlst
GIG P. O. Illdg., Portland, Orogon.
Janunry 27, 1921,
pedal Price
on Cotton Felt
for Balance
of March Only
fcf-l'llLT NATTR&3.3 WbWW A
" -' " ,11 , Hi Wl .. Ml i"MITT I HI"
Wc will soil you this nil Cotloii Foiled Alnt-'
tress, built in layers, with good grndo of
Art Ticking, roll edge and well tul'U'tl, with
u bod and spring for,
v!p J m Jp
f v Stw jP?c
Scalcy Sanitary
Tuf fclcss Mattress
Luxuriously Comfortable, Economical, made
of pure selected long fibre cotton by our
patented air woven process, the Scaly is as
soft as any pillow. The Scaly is guaranteed
to keep in perfect condition for 20 years, we
make you terms of $1.00 and $2:00 a week
on their new reduced price of,
Ontario Furniture
H. L. Peterson, Undertaker
Ontario, Oregon
Mnrrlugo Miviimw
John William Mcdohoo nnd
Vnohoro. Mnrch 1G, 1021.
Complaints I'llcil In Clmilt Cojnl
It u by B. Ilnnos vs. ('laud llano.
Mnr. 3, 1021. Divorce.
J. W. Hoard vs. Sarah L. Coin.
Mnr. 10, 1921, Hocovory on Nolo.
John Mnddook vs. Amos Hoothlor,
In accordance with Instructions of
tho County j-'tpcutlvo Comuilttoo, n
meotlng of all laud owlinrs whore
gophor poisoning work 'was irbno
laBt fall was hold at the Mullet
RChool houso on Friday, Mnrch 18,
with Hex Marquis, County Chairman
of tho post control committee In tho
ohnlr. Tho mooting was woll at
tended nnd tho pros and cons of go
phor control pretty well dlscussod
Thoro was a division of soiitlment In
regard to tho offfoloncy ot tho cam
paign ot Inst fall. Snuio of those
presont favored tho campaign meth
ods nnd thought tho work was done
woll nnd ns cheap ns could ho done
by tho fnrmors thomsolvcs, but tho
provnlllug sontlmont wns thnt onch
farmer could destroy his own goph
ers chonpor. On tho mnttor ot com
pelling porsona who nro raising
gphora to Infest tho farms ot tholr
neighbors, to destroy tho posts, tho
sontlmont wns practically unanimous
In fnvor ot using tho rodent control
law and sending men upon tho laud
to do what tho owners will not.
At tho closo of tho meotlng tho
following motion was made nnd car
ried, "Thnt n plan bo adopted
whorohy laud ownors would bo noti
fied to proceed to dostroy tholr
gophors and In tho event ot any one
falling to mnko n ronsonahlo attempt
to do so and a complaint being filed
with .tho propor authority tho com
pulsory law should bo used to des
troy tho gophors nnd tho costs
charged In taxes."
instant heat
where needed
My Reputation
Is nt stako on ovory tiro I send
out of this storo.
I feol that I can unqualifiedly
recommend Qoodyoar Tires to overy
automobile ownor in 'Ontario.
"Here's Reed Tobacco"
says the Good Judge
That gives n man more
genuine chewing satis
faction than he ever got
out of the ordinary kilid.
so it costs less to chew
. this class of tobacco.
And the good, rich to
bacco taste gives u world
of satisfaction. .
Any man who uses the ,
Real Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
Put up in two styles
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco
.... X II -
Jnko Davis spout a fow days last
week In Vale having his broken
arm attended to, Ho hopos to bo
able to uso It again.
At tho try out hold Saturday oven
lug to docldo whom should bo sout
to Vale to tho Dcclumatory I'outest, I
ranulo Muys was winner. Her sub
ject "Making Illin I'eol at Home",
was rendered naturally nnd woll,
and wo ull hope for success for nor
In tho final contost. Tho four other
girls, Sylvia Thompson, Kloronco
Mays, Clara Schultz and Ilernk-o
Shroder deserve special credit for
tho manlier In which they gavo their
subjects. Tho school also gave an
Interesting program of piano solos
and duots, songs and drills. After
tho tryout a basket social was hold
baskets being sold by the shadows
of tho ownors and n vory pleasant
evening was enjojed.
Misses Huby Wilson, Gladys Pod
orson and Amelia Horn came up
from Jamlosou Saturday to attend
tho basket social.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Derrick an
nounce tlie arrival of a tlno baby boy
Saturday March 19,
Davo Lawrence of Prairie City is
visiting his brothers, Fred and Wal
ter Lawrence.
Mrs. Qlon Mathows left last week
for Wulla Walla.
Mr, and Mrs. Win, lloyd nro mov
lug Into tho houso vacated by Mr.
and Mrs. Mathows,
Mrs. Eldou Streams Is staving
with hor mother who Is 111 while her
husband Is working on tho Willow
CreeK Canyon ranch.
Claudo Davis left lust Thursday
for Vale to take a position.
Ford Garage
Seed Barley
Good, plump, uniform seed
barley for sale at ranch 7
miles west ot Ontario, on Vale
800 bUBbels Trlbl'and 600
bushels commpn barley.
D. P. Dearborn,
- Ontario R. F. D.
Savings Cluh
Wc Pay 5 per cent Interest
Compounded Semi-Annually
Is it not surprising that some persons, de
spite many bitter experiences, continue to fritter
away every cent of their earnings. Especially when
it lakes such little effort to insure oneself against
the many, unexpected and often embarrassing pre
dicaments that confront us all.
The Savings Habit is easily acquired, once
you determine to guard against adversisy; and after
it is acquired, sacrifice becomes a pleasure.
If you don't know the satisfaction of being
backed by a cash reserve you are missing one of
the greatest pleasures and comforts to be had.
Protect yourself against adversity.
Open a Savings Account here today.
Ask. for Escue.
Ontario National Bank
FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Per
cent of Puro Seed 09.82, Insert mat.
tor 00.18," weed seed 0.00, grade no.
1, 20a per lb. at Troxoll Imp. Co,
70 ft. 6 Inch black iron trrig. pipe,
Kussoll Maxfleld, Payette, Ida.
, 16-18
to have those
Side Oiji.3rta.insj
We can save you money on
eg-uine AutoCo
Fstablished here in 1910