,.,- nv-nsf sr LUlpyiijiii wwMiwwraRinipcw v (Nteiar XXV ONTAKJO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921 NO. 16 SQhe altfl OWYHEE PROJECT WILL BE EXAMINED AT ONCE Senator Charles McNnry Win Tlmt Director of Reclamation Service Hum Ordered Englnc-crlnf De partment Ti Act Sonator Charles McNnry advised P. J. Onllaghor by wlro Tuesday Hint Hlroctor Davis of tlio Hoclamn tlon Service had IbhuoiI an order to Chief Engineer Woymouth to assign nt on co nn onglncor to mnko a ro oxamlnntlon of tlio Owylico I'rojcct. With this doflnlto assurance on tlio part of tlio director those who nro Interested In tlio promotion of tlio projoct boltavo that an onglncor wilt bo on tlio flctd In tlio course of a wcok or ten days to start work Tlio examination scheduled nl thin tlmo Is In co-oporntlon with tlio Btnto of Oregon In accordance with tlio hiotiBUro which Mr. CJnl Ingher socurod at tho last session of thu Ieglslnluro. RAILROADS GETTING HACK TO PHE-WAH DAV BARGAINS Another sign of tho return of tho roturn of tho railroads to pre-woi days was noted this week whon the .Union 1'aclflo Systom announced through Its local ngont horo, II. O Drano, tho ostahllshment of Homo seevkors rales. As In dnya gono by theso rates apply on tlio first nnd third Tuosday of each month from Omnhn, Kansas City and other river cities to tho wost nnd northwest To Ontario from these points the round trip rato Is 1G8.12 plus tho war lax of $4.0C. As yet, howovor, no tost bound tourist rates have bgon nnnouncod. SHEEP DOG GOES HAD AND BITES HERDER AT SHEEP CAMP Anlmn! Killed Immediately nnd Pasteur Treatment Will He Oh en Victim Oilier Arcndln News Items Ono of tho sheep dogs at tho Du pre sheep camp wont mad and bit ouo of tho mon on.iho hand Satur day. Tho dog was killed nt onco nnd sent to Dolso. Dr. Sarniln or Nyssa tologrnphed to Phllndolphln Saturday night for treatmont for tlio man as ho did not wish to tako any chances. J. C. Hunt tho sheepman is in Ilolso taking treatmont for blood poisoning in his log. It was report ed at camp that It might bo neces sary to nmputato his log. Mrs. Jako Zlttorcob who has boon mirroring with rhoumntlsm nil win tor has gono to Cnldwoll to bo treated by oloctrlo appliances. Her daughtor Mrs. Ilubon 8ours Is koop Ing houso for tho family whllo alio Is gone. ... Mrs. Chostor Lockoy who has boon BUfforlng with oar trouble for tho past throo weeks Is vory much Im provod. , A largo crowd of frlonds nnd neighbors gathered nt tho homo or Mr. nnd Mrs. Thorn Friday night and gavo thorn n' rogular old fash ioned surprlso party. Tho ladles all brought something good to eat and an onjoyablo ovenlng was spont by both young nnd old. After 8unday school next Sunday thoro will bo an all day singing and baskot picnic at tho school houso. Mr. Mathonoy sold his hay to Wil son nros. of Nyssa nt 15.00 por ton nov. Shields of Nyssa flllod his regular appointment horo Sunday nftomoon. His talk was highly ap probated by nil. Mrs. Shields ac companied him. frlonds from Ontnrlo wero visiting nt Messrs. Wolfo nnd Qulntley'a on tho Thomns Clagett ranch Sunday flVAnlnc Old friends from Cnldwoll wore visiting Mr. nnd Mrs, Thorn at their homo on Umg Street Sunday. Rev. Shields and wlfo took dinner with Mr. Mathonoy nnd family Sun- Master Bobby Hnmakor of Nyssa took dinner with Philip llarrett Sun- (lnY Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Lackoy, wlfo and little daughtor spent the weok end with relatlvos In Ontnrlo. Mr. and Mrs. Jonson and little son of Smlthvlllo, Utah, who have neon visiting Mrs. Jenson's Bister Mrs. Jim nenall. will make their home hero Indefinitely. They lllff the country fine and hnvo had their furniture shipped over hero from 8mTl!oV roads have all been drug in this vicinity and nro now in fine condition. . The materials have all been brought out from town to built a new south porch to the house on the Thomas Claggott ranch. "" Wolfe and Qulntlov who live on the ranch have started a nice lawn nnd built gravel walks to the out-build-ngs Last fall one of tho best po tato pits In the community was built on tho Place. They expect to stay with tho spud business Inde finitely. Mr. neckman nnd wife nre hero from Lewlaton. Idaho. Mr. Heck man Is looking for a location o ro into business nnd will probablv locate here, , , If. L. Chapman nnd wife returned Runday from a visit to rolatives and friends in Boise. BUSINESS BETTER HERE THAN EASTERN IDAHO HAVH A. J. IIAI.Ii A. J. Hall of Bolso, Insuranco ad Justor for this territory, who Is well known to many Ontarlana through lila visits horo to adjust Iobscb caus od by flro and other Cannes, was in tlio city on Wcdnodny. Unllko tho hustnesa In which most men nro on gaged, that of Mr. Unit's Is booming, for tlmos of depression nro generally accompanied by flro losses. As the result. Mr. Hnll doclarod that ho had novcr boon buslor than In tho pnst month, especially in Southeastern Idaho. "Tho pooplo up this way hnvo no roason to complain, as coin paroil with thoso of portions of Southern and Southeastern Idaho," said Mr. Halt, "for tho wheat farm ers hnvo boon badly hit." SOIL EXPERIMENTS TO BE MADE BY EXPERTS Assistant Professor Johnson of O. a To Tvtt Possibilities or He clalinlnK Alkiillod liimdN A. Win. W. Jolmsjon, assistant Prof. W. L. Powers of tho Department 01 Soils at thu Oregon Agrlcultura. Collogo arrived tho first of tho week to tako up cxporlmontal work on tlid Wurmsprlngs projoct In connection with dralnagu and alkali removal ex periments which have been arranged tor through h cooperative arrange ment between local people who are Interested In tho matter and tho De partment of Soils. It Is also Intend ed that a sot of fertilizer and crop rotation experiments should bo start ed which will delormlno tho valuo Of such practices on tho better types or Irrigated soils, rami Buroau com mitteemen on Soil Improvement and Irrigation have boon especially ac tive In bringing this matter to the front. Mr. Johnston Is an .oxporlonccd man In this lino of work-having been with tho Soils department suveral years during which tlmo ho has nerv ed ns Irrigation assistant nt the Hums Kxporlmout Station, and tins boon In chnrgo of similar experi mental work In Klamath Kallmann at Medford during recent years. jr. and Mrs. Harry .11. Clement woro Ontario visitors tho Inst of tho wook. Thoy camo down from tholr prosont homo In Baker to look after tholr locnl IntorostH nnd expressed tho hopo that n roturn of mall sor vlco on tho Ontario to Crane branch would bo mado so that thoy could again make Ontario tholr homo. O. E. Carman or Vale was an On tario visitor last Saturday. John Vines, Bon of Prank Vines, County Commissioner, spent Satur day nnd Sunday In Ontario. Mr. Vines who Is developing a big ranch on tho bonch oast of Vale was an aviator fpr tho U. 8. A. during the recent unpleasantnoss. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kennedy and tholr little daughtor wero down from Brogan Saturday, remaining over until Sunday. Tho stockmen about Brogan aro ploasod with tho prospects of good range Bays, Mr Konody, whllo ovoryono will be do lighted whon tho Vale to Jamleson Boctlon of tho John Day Highway is comploted. T. T. Kohout, managor or tho Blackaby Commercial Company at Jordan Valley was an Ontario visi tor on Saturday, to visit with his daughter Katherlno. While not oquallng tho 1920 record, buslnoss in Jordan Valley is encouraging, was Mr. Kohout's observation. Honry Wlthworth who groets trav elors to Welsor from his desk nt the Washington Hotel epont Saturday afternoon In Ontario looking nttor his local Interests accumulated dur ing yoars or rosldonce horo. Otto Blackaby who writes "Home dale, Idaho" when ho roglstors nwa' rrom homo, camo to Ontario for the week end to visit his father J. H Blackaby. J. 0. Magenhofmer, president of tho Mollno Farms Company o' Chicago, owners of tho Willow niver rarms came to Ontario Saturday to consult with Ivan E. Oakos his local representative From hore ho wont to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dixon of Port land wero tho guests this week o' Mr. and' Mrs. J. E. mompson, tholr rolatives. Mr. and Mrs, Dixon were enrouto for Rival. Colorado whore they will spend tho summer. Mrs. Elmo Pearson of Wolsor war the guest, last Thursday, of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs Frank Rader. Mrs. D. C. Anderburg visited at .Huntington Friday. Cholsey Boyer was In Huntington on business Friday. j F. nasmussen Is Uulld'nB a resl denco on property Just west ot Segulnes garage. LOCAL PERSONALS I WAR AGAINST PESTS All Over County Work Being Done To Deilny Rodents' Whoso .An mini Hoard Hill Huns Into t Thousand)! of Dollars Tho Farm Durcau bv tmn of n ro- volvlng rund mndo avallablo by the uouniy uourt nas iicen carrying on a battlo against tho vnrlous klndr of pests which nnnoy tho fnrmors of this section. This work has been going on ror over n year nnd Severn' thousnnd dollars wprth or poison nas ueon sold at cost to tho farmers As a result It Is nnfo to say Hint in numorablo rodents hnvo boon des troyod, becnuso ror ovory dollnt spont ror poison, scores or rodenu nro suppllod with tho dondly bait Tho saving In crops must amount to tons or thousands or dollars. In carrying this work forwnrd, the Ituronu has been cooporatlng with a numbor ot committeemen nnd tnor chants who havo kindly volunteer ed tholr Borvlcos In distributing Hit supplies. This makes It bosslblo to havo tho Buppllos within rench of most of tho fanners In the county a list or tneso supply stations fol lows. Farmers should apply for pois on at thoso placos where It Is the purpoHo of tho Buroau to nlwayr havo suppllos on hand so fnr us pos sible to anttclpato tho domands Spoclal requests aro nlso given at tention ror posts which nro not commonly bothorsomo. Ontario, Farm Durcau Office ! Vnlo, Bolso Payctto Lumber Com pany; Nyssa, Nyssn Trading Com pany; Jordan Valloy, Oeo, Porks; Jnmloson, J. L. Popo; Brogan, J. L. Hamstrcot; Bonlta, W. M. Mlllor; Malheur, Chas. Merfltt: Ironsldo, Ernest Locey; Oregon Slopo, Otto Moll); Itlvardalo, U. H. Splcer; Adrian, Holley Bros.; Home, W. F. Stlno. VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURISTS TO STAGE "COUNTV FAIR" Tho students or the Vocational Agriculture class aro planning to hold n fair with all tho usual attrac tions on Friday, April 20. Commit tees aro working on the attractions nnd thoy promlso to bo of a vory high class nature. Included In tho list aro tho minstrels, lollies and u numbor or amallor shows. In nil dltlon.to theso thoro will bo the odu cntlonnt oxhlblt or tho class, In this will bo shown tho work of tho stu dents nnd tho studontB will bo thoro to oxplnln tho principles or tho ox hlblt or which thoy nro In charge. A street pnrado, consisting of flouts or tho various shows and actlvltloB or tho class, will bo hold In tho morn Ing of tho fair. Tho procoeds of the J fair aro tn bo used to dnfrnv tho n. ponsos of tho stock-Judging team to' Unlou, Oregon In Juno. STOCK JUDGES TO COMPETE Tho class of Vocational Agricul ture is working hard on tho subject or stock Judging, Soon practically all tho work or tho class will bo dono In the Hold and It Is thou that tho class will be choson to roprosont tho school in competition with tho other Orogon Smith Hughes High Schools. Tho contost will bo lteld nt Union, Orogon, sonio tlmo In Juno. Tho proBpocta ror a successful team aro good. Scholarship to colleges will bo offorod as prizes. Thoro will also bo a loving cup to tho toam making tho hlghost ucoro nnd It Is tho hopo or tho class that tho cup can bo brought horo to decorato tho Agrlculturo rooms. Tho oxpensoa ot tho trip will bo dofrnyod by the Farmo'ra Fair which is to bo hold by tho Agrlculturo Club. TO GIVE PAHENTfl DINNER ,On Friday evening April 8th at 0 o'clock tho parents ot the mombors ot tho class and a few frlonds will bo tho guests of the Agricultural Club at a dlnnor. Tho object of tho dinner Is to bring about a closer union botween the parents and the work of tho Department. After dln nor speeches wilt be mado by soiue of the parents and frlonds and also by Bomo ot the members of the class In Agriculture. It Is posslblo that tho Stato Dlroctor of tho Smith Hughes Vocational Agriculture, E. E, Elliot, ot Salem, will attend. PREPARING SPRING PROGRAMS Tho High School band and orches tra aro rehearsing commencement music, The orChestra will play for tho May Foto and tho commence ment exorcises. Tho band Is plan ning on holding an open air con cert during commencement woek as thoy did last year. This year a moro pretentious program will bo offorod Theso concorts will mark the final appearance ror many students as mombors ot the High School' music organizations as tho number ot eon tors In both organizations Is large. In the band Newton Zahler, James Purcell, Donovan Poorman, Wynne Luscombe, Herbert Luscombo, Car roll Locey are seniors. Mabel Mad den and James Purcell nre tho sen ior members of tho orchestra. Pic tures ot both organizations will be taken soon. AGOIBH ELECT OFFICERS At a recent meeting ot the Voca tional Agricultural Class the follow ing otricers or the Agricultural Club were elected; President, Wynno Lus combe; Vice President, James Mc Creight; Secretary-treasurer, Ollbort Dean. The managing board lor the Farmers Fair was uIbo appointed by EINAL REHEARSALS ARE ON FOR LEGION SHOW "Fumbles (r 1020" Iftiiml lo Hand Show, With lis Handsome1 Cot- t ti in cm mid Settings Decline Critics Local Talent Excellent Each night at tho old 11 oyer stand in Oregon Street tho nlr Is riavored with tho melody of youthful voices and tho rythym ot dancing reel ns tho nrty young pooplo aro slowly rounding Into professional shnpo for tno big Legion show "Tho Fumbles or 1020", to bo staged nt tho Majes tic Thcntro Monday nnd Tuesday nights March 28 and 20th. Tho di rectors nro well plcasod with the mannor In which tho casto has re sponded nnd with tho talent they havo dlscovorcd. "You may say tor mo" said Danny Wnllnco today, "that Ontario has ovory right to be proud or tho talent displayed In both tho singing and dancing. Itnro ly havo I scon a cast learn so quickly and danco with moro grace and tho pooplo of Ontnrlo nro duo ror a groat surprise when they see tlllrt BilOW "Tho Fumbles or 1920" Is a dlt foront stylo or tho homo talont, It should bo called a professional show with a local cast, as the directors carry a stock or 700 costumes that hnvo been greatly praised In other cities ns bolng tho most beautiful soon In tho west. '.Among tho locnl pooplo who hnvo promlnont parts nro Mrs. HorHchol Brown, Mrs. I-cln Oxman, Miss Mnurlno Jouos, Jack Hldaway, Her schol Brown, Jack Weaver, Jack Gordon and many othera who havo proven tholr talent with n chorus or I0 girls and boys. LOCAL PERSONALS Miss Boulnh Schumnkor of Mid valo, Idaho spont tho weok end with Holou Blom. J. L. Kcpllngor ol Amarllla, Toxas has leased tho Courtney ranch about eight miles wost or Ontnrlo. Mr, Kopllngcr was In tho hotel buslnoss In Amarllla, but docldcd to locate near his son Charles Kcpllngor who has been farming In this vicinity for a yoar or two. Ho says he likes tho country horo but tho irrigation system ot farming is now to him. Itov, Charlos II. Blom was called to Mldvalo, Idaho, a former pastorato Friday to conduct tho funeral of C T. Heaves. Mrs. Blom nccnmpnnlod him. A son was born March 17th to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Hlckmnn who llvo on tho Dormnn ranch. Dr. W. J. Wooso was called to Welsor last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Qcorgo Huntor of Pendleton. Oregon loft ror home Wednesday nftor n wook's visit with Mr nnd Mrs. A. L. Huntor, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Norwood of Jamleson woro shopping In Ontario Wodnosday. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Zohnor, March 20th, Mr, and Mrs. H. E, Roberts, Okla homa Irlonds of Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Van Potton nrrlvod horo this wook and aro tho guests bf Mr. Van Pot ton whllo looking ovor this soctlon lor n buslnoss location. In Okla homa ror many years Mr. Roberts was a bankor, and not nn oil mnu, as tho public gonorally pictures everyone rrom that soctlon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan went to Juntura last wcok lor n short stay Mrs. Ryan was ono or tho singers at tho annual St. Patrick's day cntor talnment glvon by tho Catholic Ladles or Juntura and remained ovor ror a further visit with relatlvos and frlonds. Mr. Ryan returned Sat- urday. Miss Ella Brosnan of Vale spent tho weok ond with Mr. nnd Mrs. John Brosnnn. Mrs. O. W. Holland entertained hreo ot hor girl friends from Wels or last woek end. Thoy wore MIshos Noll Rhodes, Francos Horltngo and Zolla Leslie Mr. nnd Mrs. Bruce JCester of Vale woro guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Roberts and fumlly Sunday P, J. Luscombo, brother ot Rev. Wm. J. Luscombe, arrlvod In Ontario Thursday morning on his return from England after spending tho wlntor In his native country. C. C. Hofrees Is building a now homo In Villa Park addition. Mrs, Ina DeFoo and llttlo daugh tor Theresa Mae spent Tuosday with hor cousin Mrs. Frank Williams of Welser. WHITMAN GLEE CLUH WILL UK HERE FOR CONCERT SOON Tho Whitman Collogo aieo club will entertain Ontario music lovers next Thursday ovenlng at tho High School auditorium under tho auspices of th Junior class. Thu programs 'Which have been rocelved Indlcato a most delightful ontertaliimeut. tho class ns follews: Manager', Wynne Luscombe; Assistant Mana ger. Herbert Luscombo; Treasurer, ailbert Dean. Theso officers up polntod tho following committees ior the fair. Side Shows, Wendoll Thay or; Parade, Rob't. Llnzy; Grounds, Orvllle Brooks; Music, Joe Messoo; Outsldo Attractions, Thos. Amldon; Publicity, James McCrelght and Harry Neece; Construction, Guy So coy and Holla Holder; Minstrel, Gil bert Dean. The. club plans to en courage tryouts-for tho stock Judging (teams and also to promote Interest In the class on the part or the par ents and the townspeople. ANNOUNCEMENT OF BAZAAR TO HE HELD IN OCTOHEH 18 MADE Tho Catholic Ladles or Ontnrlo aro planning to hold tho most olo borato Bazaar ovor nttompted by them, this rail, and already have formulated tholr plans, ovon to tho point or nnmlng the dato. Tho Bazaar will bo hold on October in, 14 and 1G. Bosldo tho usual Bazaar features thoro will bo musical oiitortnlnmentH and an opening address will bo made by sonio well known spenkor. If all of tho articles offorod aro not sold during tho regular salo, an mic tion will bo hold on tho closing dny. ARABIC NOBLES ARE . HOSTS AT BIG PARTY Initial Gathering of New Oiuanli- tlon Attracts I loser Wanderers From Many Valley Points Decorations Pleating In ono or tho most elaborately np polntod functions given In Ontnrlo in many years, tho Malheur County Shrlno Club mado Its Initial bow, last ovonlng at tho Oregon Club rooms. Tho hall was transformed Into n bower of nrlontnl boauty, the effect heightened by a liberal uso ot the Shrlno colors, red, gold nnd green, togothor with four Inrgo paintings ot mystic desort sconos, wherein tho sphinx, tho pyramids, the camel and tho oasis woro prominently shown. All theso uiiilor tho subdued lights croalud the proper atmosphere for the gathering. About tho walls hung tho Nclmltar nnd croscnt of the order, whllo tho stars and stripes woro promlnont ovorywhoro. In ono end of tho hall handsome rugs, easy chairs, piano lamps etc transformed that Rcctlon Into parlor for cards, whllo tho romnlndor of tho room was open for dancing. Forty couples from Ontario, Vnlo, Nysst and Payette enjoyed tho evening In cards and dancing followed by n lunch sorvod nt I'lfors. Tho com mlttco In chnrgo of tho Inltlnl gath ering was: L. Adam, D. W, Power. O. Luohrs, Dr. E. S Fortuor and Harry Sploth. Among those who camo down from Vnlo were: Dr. and Mrs. Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. Sploth, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 0. Mentis, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Young. LOCAL PERSONALS Harry H. Cockrutn was n Portland visitor last wcok. Homer Maddux mado u trip to Nn in pa and Boise on Monday. Ooorge Vanderpool formerly of Ontnrlo nnd long n raurluir nenr Vnlo was In town on Tuosday on buslnoss, Paul Bollgman left last Friday for Crane nnd Bums to bo absent for sovornl days. Whllo In the Interior ho wilt do some special photograph' for tho cltlronsjof that region who Bont for him. I. E. Oakos wont-to Brogan and Jnmloson Tuosday on buslnoss, Mrs, P. J. Gnlhigher nnd won Thomns returned Monday from a short visit In Juntura Mrs Lucy Fox who has boon visit ing hor slstor and brnthor. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grelg, loft Tuesday for hor homo In Bussey, ovtn. Mrs. G. II. Smith and son George who havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs D, W. Powers left Runday for Wln nomucca, Novnda on nil extended stav boforo returning to tholr homo In Alaska. It. L Campbell, ot tho Bnniinck Motor Sales company of Boise was In Ontario Wednesday looking for on ngont to reprosent his company In this torrltory. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Staiibrnugh who have been for sovornl months at Bucoda, Washington returned to Ontario this week and will again make tholr homo here. Mrs. E. G Cnlvort of Payette was an ovor 'Sundny guost of Mrs. A M. Word. Charlie Fong, who for years kept tho Now Cafo left Ontario lust week expecting to sail for Ch'ua on tho 19th of March. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Marshall of Voltage, Orogon wero guests sovoral days tho last of the week with Mrs Marshall's sister Mrs. L. M. Soa weard. Mr. Marshall Is tho post master and also keeps a hotel uud gonoral storo at Voltage. Ho Is much tntorestod In the Hlttzeu Irri gation project In thnt vicinity. Mrs, W. W. Looney from Kingman Kolony was shopping In Ontario. Tuosday. C, P. Skow Is building n throo room addition to his rosldenco on Morfltt. St. Bon Rutherford Is driving n now Ford light delivery cnr. Mrs, Ella Pratt of Wolsor camo Sunday for a raw days visit with her daughter Mrs, Walter Cohlck. Manley Brlzondlno, former pro prietor or tho Welsor Hotel which ho recently sold to C J Brown, was In Ontario on business this weok. Tho mombors ot the Masonic fra ternity who nro Knight Templars will attend Easter services at Pay otto Sunday after which thoy will bo entertained at dlnnor by tho Wolser Commandry. Code Butlor returned to Boise rrom Los Angoles Tuesday on busi ness ror tho Goodyear Tiro Company with whom he Is employed, Mrs. Butler wont to Bolso Tuesday after noon tor a tow days. FUNDING OF WARRANTS APPROVED BY VOTERS Light Vole Cast Hut Only Nino NcgMthes Recorder During Dny Generally Speukliifr Slight Interest HIiomii Only nlno nogntlvo votes woro cnBt at tho election Tuosday where in voters npprovod the Issuanco of 1.18,000 of gonoral obligation bonds of the City of Ontario to fund tho present warrant indebtedness. The total voto was only 77 of which number C8 voted for tho bonds, so It wob manifest that llttlo Intorest was taken In the proceed ings which wero recognized ns mere ly oxtrnctlng tho City Council from nn embarrassing situation. Now tho warrants of tho City will bo replaced by bonds and slnco tho city council Is limiting oxpenses within Its nntlclpntod ruvenuo fur ther difficulty will bo avoided. COMMERCIAL CLUH MEETING POSTPONED TILL NEXT WEEK Owing to tho nbsunco from tho city of Secrotnry W. II. Doollttlo tho ComcrclM Club dlnnor which wns Bchoduled for Inst night wns postponed until next Wednesday night. At tho meeting tho question of kcoplng Ontario clean, tho Irriga tion problem nnd many other Im portant mnttors will bo considered. Socretnry Doollttlo rotiimod todoy and Is preparing for tho program which will ho especially Interesting. OTHER COMMUNITIES TO SEE OREGON SLOPE PLAY GIVEN FlrM Performance Makes Hit Willi "Home Folks" Audience Mmlc r,MHlnlly Good Nen Notes I'Yoiu the Hbifie The play, "Safety First", glvon at tho Park school Iioubo Friday ovon lng under tho direction or the Dram atln Commlttoo ot tho IjuIIok Club whs n decided biiccohS In ovory wny. Those who wero tumble to nttond missed n raro treat. Tho muslo wan oxcollent. Mr. nnd Mr. Wolehor returnod Wednesday from Northorn Idf.ho. Mr. Wolehor will form tho Ed l.nuer plnco the coming your. Mr. C, S, Graham, tho now ditch rider, ror tho coming season, ban begun his work getting things in shape buforo tho wnter Is turned In. Ho Is boarding with tho Mason dough family. Mrs Clifford Ayors from Now Plymouth spont tho past woek with hor parents Mr. nnd Mrs, Sklppou. Mr. nnd Mrs. L, R. Brelthuiipt spent Sunday on the Slope. Cnthorlno Simpson had her ton sils removed Tuesday morning, Dr.'s Payuo of Oiflorlo and McDonald of Payotta porforined tho operation. Sho hns boon suffering from rheu matic fever uud it Is hoped now that sho will gain rapidly In hoalth. Miss Blanche Culp Is nhlo to bo about tho houso again. Mrs. Allro Simpson Is n victim of tho grlppo this week. Dr Moon of Ontario gavo an In teresting talk nt the Park school houso last Sunday afternoon. Wo woro vory Borry to hoar of thl) dpath of Berulco Chatfleld In Payette last Friday Tho Chatfleld family formerly lived In this com munity nnd Borulcu attended tho Park school. Our sympathy goes, out to the family at this tlmo. Mrs. C G. Ileslup and daughter Mrs. Tom Ileslup will glvo nn East er Party Thursday ovonlng enter taining thirty-six guestH at COO. Tho ovont Is lu honor ot Mr. and Mrs, Carlos. Wilcox. Tho Itov. Mowo family of Puyette and Dr. Moon of Ontario woro guosts at tho Feldor home last Sunday. Local talent players who gavo the play "Safoty First" at tho Park school houso last Friday evening will glvo tho play in Nov; Plymouth next Tuesday ovenlng, March 29th Thoy oxpoct also to arrango dates for other near-by towns soon. Watch for tho bills announcing saiuo. Tom lloslup bought and slilppiid twenty dozen lions Inst Saturday lo a Portland firm, the price paid bolng 25c por llvo weight. FAHMEltS DIHCUHH PROPOSAL MADE HV BEET SUGAR COMPANV Tho farmers In tho vicinity of Cairo mot on Monday at tho Grange Hull to listen to n representative of tho Amalgamntod Sugar Company who' oxplnlnod various points about tho production of Sugnr beets nnd tho contracts which the company Is making with growers. At tho close of tho mooting Bevorol persons In dicated that they wore ready to grow beets provided Biifflclont ucreage could bo signed up. Tho company want a minimum of 300 acros within hauling distance of ono loading sta tion boforo It Is willing to provide tho loading facilities, If thoro Is sufriclont mtorost In tho matter, Mr, Armour, tho represontatlvo ot the company said ho would spend a llt tlo tlmo hero Interviewing those who wished to grow lieetB on their farms whoro ho could Inspect tho land be fore closing contractu,