-mHm 'fv?wiwy5nij HUJKftJiWaWT' THE ONTAHIO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1021 ' -.w,' LOCAL PERSONALS Mr. nnrt Mrs. I). V. Powers woro wcok oiitl visitors In IJoIbo. l'hll ABliford of Canyon City wns In town Monday. Mm. W. W. Lotson. Mr. and Mrs. A. S Ilrown and UoHlna (Moment wont to Hnlfwny. Oregon, Friday, March 11, to Institute a now Enstorn Star Chaptor. Mr. and Mm. Robert Walker and baby of Now Plymouth aro visiting Mr. Walker's mother, Mrs. Kitty Walker. Mrs. Codo Hutlor spunt Sunday with M. I). Albert of Wolscr. P. J. Connolly of Crono was In Ontario tho first of tho wcok. ('has. Plckorol, a rancher of near NyHBa stopped In Ontario Monday onrouto to Pnyotto to. attonil a cop vrntlon. n. 1). Hamhy of Falks Storo was trading In Ontario stondny. Pnt Johnson, a rnnchor of non Vnlo was an Ontnrlo visitor the first of tho wcok. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Crane waro In Ontnrlo this week. Mrs. T. J. Ilrosnan of Vale left Tuesday for homo tiftor n weeks vis it nt the John llrosiinu homo. Mrs. Paul Cayou was a Sunday visitor in llolso with bur friend Mrs Hobby. Mrs. Tliodo of Pnyctto was trad Ing In Ontario Monday. W. R. Loon was u Itlchflold, Idaho on Uuslncss this wcok. A. L. Wilson Btockmnti from tho Idaho slilo passed throtiKh Ontnrlo today with sovernl hundred head of rattlo taking them to tho OrcKon rniiRo. Mrs. J. A. Waltor of Long lloncli. Calif. Is slowly Improving from her rocont Illness. As soon ns Mrs. Wal ters Is well onoiiKh tho family ex pect to co mo hack to Ontario. John Mngnusou and family spent Tuesday with tholr parents In Fruit- land. Kd Harry Is still Improving from his rocont Illness. Mr, nnrt Mrs. It. R-ofonbnch and I,. A. HI 11 nclc of Wolscr wore dinner, guoHta of Mrs. Ornco llnrrlo Prlday evening. Jtui, 1 (). Ij. King left Saturday for Portland. MrH. Kelso Nowmnn of Joromo was shopping In Ontario Saturday. Dr. Wooso was called to Junturn tho first of tho wook. Miss O'llrlou has boon absent from hor school woik tho past wcok on account of lllnoss. Miss Rrma ICImo was oporntod on Tuosdny nt Holy rtosnry Hospital for nppondlcltls. Mrs. Noll Hod ford spent Sunday In llolso with MrH. W. S. Oakloy. Mrs. Onkloy accompanied her homo for a short vlult. Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Wood wuro up from Nampa this wcok giuwts of I)r nnrt Mrs. Wooso. Mrs. J. W. Summercamp nnrt dnughtor of Wolsor woro shopping In Ontario Tuosdny. Mrs, Henrietta Payno returned this wook from I. oh Angola whore Him spent tho wlntor. Mr. nnd MrH. Prod Halley roturnud this wook from Holso whero they spent tho wlntor nnd aro again nt homo nt tho St. Paul Orchards ranch. Poto nonnliiR of Parma wns In Ontnrlo Monday. , Mr. Dirks or tho Holso Credit Mon's Association was In Ontnrlo Monday nnd Tuesday. Joo Staples and family motored to Caldwoll Sunday cuIIIiir on Mm Staples parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Lees. Hon Iluor of Alton and Lewis Whnlosnlo Co. Portland wns calltuR on his Ontnrlo customers Tuesday. Mrs. Mary I.. Klnuo Is visiting her dniiRhtor Mrs. Clnudo Derrick at Jamlosan. District Suporlntoudent W. M. Hw Iiir of Holso, Idaho, ealled nt tho Methodist Parsonage, Tuesday. L, M. Ott who Iioh been book koopor for Kastorn Oregon Laud Company the past year loft Tuosdry with Mrs. Ott for Colorado whero he hns purchased n ranch uonr Denver Poto Tonson of NVssn, C. M. llouu inont of Adrian and County Llve ntock Commltteoman S, P. Ornhnm of Vnlo wore In nttondanco nt the Furm Hureau oxecutlvo meetliiK Sat urday March 13. W. L. Haddorly of Corvnllls. As sistant County Agent Leader was hero Monday for conforenco with Mr Hrelthnupt. He loft that ovoiiIiir for Hurns, Horbort Croutor of nakor who ha boon vtsltliiR his slstor Mrs W L Krtsthnm of Pnyotto was a guest Sunday and Monday of hU brother Claronco Croutor. Ho left Monday for Hnkor to go on his honiostond for tho summer. Ij. F. Mnrrlnnn of llolso who has charge of tho Western Union office during Mr. Trousdale's vacation leavoB Saturday for Mllford. Utah to tako chargo of tho Wostorn Union office thoro. Rvorett E. Horn of Portland of the weok to conduct a gopher campaign In connection with tho Farm Huroau Harry II, Wollman, County Club Lender, mndo trips to Cairo, Adrian nnd Kingman Kolony this week to orgnnlzo boy's and girl's clubs. T, M. Hubbard of Council, Idaho, brought his boh, who has Inflamma tory rhoumatlsm, to Holy Rosary Hospital Monday. Ooorgo N. MiiBgrovo, shcopmuu of Pnyotto vicinity wns In town Wcdnos dny on bushiest. Mr. Musgrovo Is ono of Payette's Councilman nnd saya Pnyotto Is nlmost rendy for a paving program, and Is nlwnyfl fight ing for n cleaner city. Judgo C. M. Steams returned Tuesday from Hot Lnko whero h hns been recuperating tho past week K. C. Van Pettcn was In Now Plymouth on biulness from Drewsey tho first of tho week. Horn, .it Holy Hosary Hospital Tuesday, March Ifi, to Mrs. Joe Carter of Juutura, a daughter. Mrs. W. W. Rose wnB horo from aionns Ferry, Irtnho, Thursdny to attond Uncle Tommy Harton's birth day celebration. Itnlph Dunbar left Saturday for Long Ilench, Cnl.. whoro ho was summoned by tho sorlous Illness rf his mother, who Is Hpomllng the winter In California. Word received Tuosdny from Long llcnch stated that Mrs. Dunbar Is bettor Mrs. H. L. Chapman Is visiting relatives nnd friends In Hotso, Hugh Allen mndo it busines.i trl;i to HoIkc Wednesday y fiam J. P. Mcatnnls nnd family. Mr. nnd Mrs. J., S. Qlnsrock, Mr nnd Mrs. Joo Glascock, tho DeDord family Hugh and Guy Glenn, Mini K.ito Whipple, Fred Pullen ami oo Mendluhi. H. Walters removed n band of owes and lambs from tho Cnutroll ranch Friday. They woro taken to tho Huffman ranch nt Mitchell Hutto whoro thoy will bo fed ensllngo. Goo. Olnscock has Improved his plnco by tho addition of n bnrn. Mrs. J. S, (Ilascock and children, John and Allen, made n visit to On tario, Saturday. An oxecutlvo meeting of tho Coun ty Council bonrd will bo hold nt tho J. 11. Smith homo Sunday afternoon, March 20, to discuss thu council meeting to be held In Nyssn In April. T. L, Dellord purchased n load of ground barley from Fred Kllnglmck Thursday, for sheep food. CALL FOIl 1IIDS Hldn will bo considered nt noon Mnrch 22ud. nt tho offlco of Stuart M. French for tho following werk: Tho hauling of mntorlnl from tho frolght depot nt Wolscr; tho erection of olectrlcnl pumping equipment; tho furnishing of material and labor for fifty yards of concrete werk: furnishing material and labor for constructing two small trestles; for completion of tho grading for the plpo line. Information Is available r.t tho offlco of Stuart M. French, engineer for SHdo Irrigation District, it Welt er, Idaho, Illds requested on basis of ensh payment nlso on basis of payment In bonds of the District. Slldo Irrigation District, I. Ynnt, Secrelnry lfi. THREE LINKS AND ItEllKICAIIH ENMOV Hid HASKET HOCIAI j vory successful basket imdnl nnd entertnlninent win given Satur day night by tho Odd Fellows and Itobokah to their famll.rj tntl frlonds. A program consisting of selections by Congregational Orohn tra, song by Mr. Sensomnn. musical numbers by Itnlph Oyer, Jim. Pur coll and Mnbol Mnddnn vnr-- enjoy ed. Numbers woro drawn for bus kets and nftor lunch cards nnd dancing woro tho order of tho even lug. Tho proceeds of tho o'ltorfnln mont nro to bo spent for roinodol jug tho hnll. ALLOTTED SPAN IS PASSED BY MANY ONTARIO CITIZENS Few Cities in this Section Cun lomt Of Mnro Actlvo Citizens (her Thrcc-Scoro ami Ton Illrthilay of ono Colo- Iirntcd. W. C T. U. To Meet Tho monthly meeting of tho W C. T. U. will bo hold nt Hie home of Mrs. Ornmso. Tuosdny, March 22 nt 2:30 P. M. All momber.i nnd friends nro cordially Invited, A 'Hot will lenvo McDowell's storo at 2:IC The following program will bo given Music. Mrs. Daisy Socey: "Why wo nro Whlto Hlbbonors Today" Loador Mrs. KeefojZlthor solo, Mrs. Patter son; "Tho life of Neal Dow" Mrs. Hobor; Solo by Mrs. J. T. Joyce. Itoadlng Mrs. W. K. Lees; Music by W. C. T. U. Trio. IRISH PAHTV C1IVI..V In honor of tholr slstor Mrs. 0. IJ. Smith of Nonnnn, Alaska who Is tholr guest, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Powers entortnlned nt an Irish party last ovonlng. Tho gueslH nrrlved In a riot of greon costumes. Tho women nffected pretty paper gowns of vnrlod designs whllo tho Irish comedlnn wns tho populnr role of the mon. Dancing wns tho principal diversion of tho ovonlng. Tho ladle of tho tinliifonil Oulld wish to nnnuiinro Hint their Raster snlo of aprons and rooked food, will bo held Saturday afternoon. Mtircli 2Cth, nt K. A. FrnsorV storo. Every body wolenmo Tho Itoynl Neighbors will observe their first anniversary wlln n birth day party, Monday. March 21, nfter tho lodge meeting. Woodmen nnd Hovnl Nnlghbors Invited, (linneti nnd eats. This evening Is guest night of tlm Music Club which Is being held nt the homo of Mrs. R. (. VnnPelter Tho Monday Hrldgo Club met this week nt tho homo of Mrs. (leo. K. Aiken. Mrs. L. Adam wns hostess to the Tuesday nrldgo club this woek. Tho Wednesday llrhlgo club nut nt tho homo of Mrs. J. P. Hillings ley. Mr nnd Mrs. Frnnl: ll.iilor ore entertaining tl." Imperial dub .this ovonlng. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Rusmuss'ui en tertained the Fortnightly club Satur day evening. The Muslo Club met nt the home of Mr W W. Wood Saturday. Tho Catholic Altar Soolety mot this weok with Mrs. Orln Hoyer Mrs. L. It. Hrolthnupt was hos tess this afternoon to tho Woman' Club. MAJESTIC Tuosdn . Wodnosdny "THR WHIRLWIND" n. W. Ingnlls can -vliid matures as good as now. n call Phono 131 Tho Oarage Tho Flxlt Shop your nr- Olvo mo Ontnrlo OWYHEE NEWS NOTES (Continued from pape 8) Willlo and Donald Mediants have boon doing sonio work on Willie's ranch up the river lately prepara tory to spring seodlug. Tho old Owyhee still maintains on I to a high standard of wator hav ing been tho highest In 4 yonrs. John Wall left for Crouton Tuos dny on the trull of his farm horses which had apparently loft for their old homo thoro. Thoao from Owyhco who nttondod tho play "Safotv First" which was prosoutort nt tho 'oluy school house Ontario has many citizens who havo passed tho allotted ago of thivo scoro and ten. Among them nro; "Grandma" Whltosldos. nged 01 j "Aunt Hetty" doodmnii, 80; "Undo Ooorgo" Hlnnton, 81; "(Iramlmn" Hntflold, 81, Jacob Stroup, 87; Mr. nnd Mrs. Stroup settled nt thu foot of Malheur Hutto, In 1S73 and havo boon continuous residents of this vicinity and Wnshou for the past 18 years, Mr. Stroup was hero for a short tlmo hofnro. that date. Ono of tho host known of tho "old timers" Is Undo Tommy Hnrton who eolohrated his 00th birthday last Thursday, March 10 assisted by near ly 100 pioneers nnd members of the Methodist church nt tho church. Hosldes being ono of the oldest cltlzons In numbor of yenrs, "Undo Tomm'y" Is ono of tho oldest resi dents of Ontnrlo, having sottlcd on his homestead, most of which I now within the city limits, thirty-eight yenrs ago, heroro tho town wuh locat ed. Part of fills homestend is now embraced In tho Ontario fair grounds. Mr. Hnrton wns horn n Knnxvlllo, Tonn., March 10, 1831. When but four years old ho moved with his parents to Illinois. In 18C1 when Lincoln cnlled for voluntoom " Uncle Tommy" responded, serving his country until tho close of tho re bolllon. Ho en in 0 to this state In 1883 settling on his homestend on which part of tho town of Ontnrlo is now located. Ilov. Win. I.uscombo, pastor of tho church, offlclnted ns master of coromonles and rend n poom which ho had wrltton for tho occasion Seated on tho rostrum with "Undo Tommy" ns gliosis of honor were throo formor comrades who woro tho hluo, "Undo Dick" lluthorford, J A. Hnrtlott nnd M. Hnchmnn, Ilov. Mil lor, his formor pnstor, who enmo from flooding, Idaho to nttenrt w colouration, and Rd nutlor iinolher plonoor nnd promlnont officer of tho church, Orations on tho splendid nnd ex emplary llfo of "Undo Tommy" woro delivered by C. Mcaonnglll. How W. J. Mlllor and Ilov Wm I.uscombo. "Undo Tommy" gnvo nn Interesting rovlow of hi long nnd eventful llfo from early childhood to tho present tlmo. Tho ovonlng entertnlnment wb opened by l.eonnrd Fox road'ng the 103 Psalm. This was follnwod bv n plnilo solo by Miss Iluth Huberts, othor numbers wero n reflation bv ltttlo Laura Gregg; Duett, "Scatter Soeds of Kindness," A. L. McDowell nnd daughter, Miss Sybil McDowell; duet, Mrs J. F. Joyco and V. L. Mc- I Dowoll; "Have Thy Own Way Lord." Among thoso prosont to pay I10111 ngo to "Undo Tommy" woro sovoral nged ploneors, Including "Undo Dick" Ilutherford, who colobrnted h's 81st birthday February 22; Mrs. Mary Welch, who settled on n home stead, whloh Is now Ulvorfcldo ad dition to Ontario 12 years ago hav ing located horo In 1879. Mrs. R Doty, who is 89; M. Hachman. !3. The ceremony closed with the unveiling of a llfo sized photograph of "Undo Tommy" 111 hU "(1. A 11 uniform by the donor, Paul Sellg man, after which "V-iclo Tommy" nnd tho other honored ujU reoeh FAMOUS OLD FRIlltV WIIjIi PASS WHKN HKHIWAV IS COMPLRTRD (Contlnuod from Pngo Ono) tho Holso basin In 1 S 0 2 , there wns n groat rush from Raglo valley and othor placer sections of Oregon to tho Idaho field To caro for this trnfflo a man who ownod tho ferry then had to build a uov boat nnrt wont up Into Hiirnt rlvor canyon -md necurcd big Cottonwood tlmheit which ho brought with grent difficul ty to tho Snnko rlvor. "During ono of tho Indian upris ings of tho enrly day, so I havo been told, tho ferry was attacked about tho tlmo nn emigrant train was crossing. Tho IndlniiH did not so euro tho forry, but they stayed near by nnd tho emigrants wore held thoro for nearly threo months. "Whllo thoro wero other ferries ncrosa tho rlvor, Including that nt Glemm Ferry, nnd 0110 nenr Ilome dato, tho ono nt Clonus Ferry and Olds Forry woro tho most used. This was on account of tho narrow road around Hock Point, near the Slides opposite Wolser. "Tho condition ()f that road in tho early day may ho apprecl.itod b) tho experience of n stockman named Dooey, who lost six hornet and his ontlro buckaroo outfit whllo trying to pass tho point during n Htngo of high wnter. "The ferry has not ulwnys boon a source of blessing to Its owner At times It I111H been 11 prosperoiii proporty. This wns truo In tho vory early days before tho railroad, but from 1884 to 1912 It wns subject to many tribulations. With the coming of tho nuto toiinlst, starting In about 1912 It again became a monoy ntnker. Last year for ex ample wo carried about 10 ears per day ncross tho rlvor Tho present ferry In largo enough to carry eight sinull cars or six largo one, more than twlco what tho ferries of the early day could transport. "During Its half contury and mn.'e of existence tho forry tins hnd many owners, After Olds established It for tho Hudson Uny company It pas-tod Into vnrlous hands Including (leorgn Oreen who sold tho old Ilii' llorso iiilnn down tho rlvor to take the forry. jt another tlmo It was operated by a Bciuuwmoii who with his Umatilla Indian wife raised a largo family on tho Imtiks of the Snnko rlvor. The Pnckwoods of Hakor, and n mini named Darr. whoso daughter was Mrs. Jas J. Far ley of Ontario operated tho Ferry nlso, Thni' Owner Driiuii "Threo of tho owners of tho ferry havo been drowned whllo opoii-llng It during high wnter. One of these Oeorgo Hnrper went to his death In n pecullnr ninnner Ho wns drag ging a cnblo ncross tho river, when In Home manlier the cnbl twisted nbout his ankle and drugged him Into tho stream. When tho coblo was pulled to tho Idaho iihor.t his body wns brought with It. "My father bought ferrv or' glunlly from n Mr. Sndo In 1908 The business then was at n low ebb. Hn contlnuod to operate It until my brother Carl took charge of It. Ho sold It to Walter HurgoiM In 1910, hut In tho fall, with V W tho Ontnrlo Wnter System, he bought It back. I inircli 1 -ed Mr Chambers, now Superintendent of with my brother have operated t ' since then. "Ye wo expect to see It puss this year. Wo know It had to renin sonio tlmo, nnd nlrendv have offer" for tho equipment. Tliy wuut the hunt down tho rlvor and wo win iry to tnka it thoro, though that will bo a hard task. Though Olds Ferry will pass this year It has withstood the bnt tlo for n longor season than any of ItH contemporaries or nny of Its ri vns. Iho old Iironnnii ferry wrlrb oporntod at tho mouth of tho Mal heur was built to compete with It In tho enrly dnvs. It passed year ngo, whllo Olds Ferry rontlnued to sail from tho hanks of the Snake regularly, Dur'ng tho past few yoarfl wo havo kopt the ferrv ru nlng night nnd dny, but this fall wo will probably como back to Ouliii'lo to live." "'Til Wr'-rK' OLD ORl)IN,NCKS DKCIjjMIEI) SUFFICIENT Prlilnv AVAnln, li ttin nnaivnll Ttli'l, School are- Mr and Mrs Chas 'ed tho hearty congratulation! of the Schwelzer and fnmliv Mrs tins canmt,inin nt ili. dn nf whi li Stnto Hlologlcal Survey arrived this schwelror nnd family. Mr and Mrs rofroaj,mpl8 WOro rved (Continued from pngo 1) thorn In here and try tho orHiiunce out." "You bring them In and wa run prosecuto thorn," observed City Ai tornoy P. J. Gallagher. Suspend License Marshal Farmer called nttontlon to tho fact that to get around the card table license tho Hlg I pool hall had established a long tnblo at which two games wero bolng played. This stntemont was coiif'rmed by Night Marshal J. 11. Cordon. After a short discussion n motion prevail ed to suspend tho license for card tnblos at that Institution for CO days. This order wns mode of fee tivo Wodnosdny. Speed Ordlnnnces Up Too Tho council ordered signs rondo directing nutolstB to slow down whllo passing tho public schools to S miles per hour, nnd also directed the mar shals to onforco moro stringently tho auto trnfflo regulations. FOR RENT 2 lnrso light hnise. koeping rooms, partly furnished. No children. Phono 149-H. 1C. FOR SALR Horses for sale at Oroinso Ranch. Inquire Mooro Hofl 15, MAJESTIC Tuesday Wednesday THE WHUUjWIXD An Exclusive St le or PRINTZES? Super-Value? We can promise an exclusive style to every PRINTZESS customer. We stand back of the Label which is sewn into the collar of every PR1NTZESS garment. The Label is your guarantee of style, quality, and value. Styles that have always been authorita tive, quality in all-wool fabrics, in linings that are guaranteed for two season's wear and the expert tailoring of the garments which are also guaranteed to hold their shape for at least two seasons. Value in the fact that PRINTZESS is as low priced as most garments which are not guaranteed. You must wear a PRINTZESS to fully appreci ate its lasting charm. Exclusive Distributors 4 ztm Distinction in Dress Look for this guarantee label New Voiles Are Here in profusion of patterns and colors. They are the new shades of blues, browns, etc. Our 50 cent Voiles are as good as some we have seen elsewhere at 75c. Ask to see them. Prices range from 50c to $2.00 a yard for the 40-inch width. New Beads and Girdles 75-inch combination, red, navy and brown wooden and cut jet beads. 5-strand tassels strung with wooden and jet beads. Rader Bros. Co. lilt mi The Cash Grocery Announcement We carry a complete stock of groceries. Our quick turnover insures a new clean and fresh line at the lowest market price. We can take care of your wants in anything in our lino. Our garden seeds are here, we liavo them in package .and bulk. We solicit your patronage. C. P. SKQ Prop. 4