The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 10, 1921, Image 12

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    IH llllHwf
Mar old W. ltcndon Named "House
fnllicr" At O. A. O. Dolmtlnjt
Ability Declared Secret of
Popularity AVItli Co-eds
Ml3 Kllen Hcolt 1'itv.ont.s Interest
ing1 Address on Trend of Kducn
lloiml Work In Kmnpo ns
Observed While Over
There Other King
man Kolony Notes
Your Easter Coat or Suit is Here
To Harold V. Itondon, of Port
land, but who In reality la stilt
claimed by Ontario ns ono of ltd
boys, lias boon signally bonorotl l
bis claBsmntcs at O. A. C. according
to an announcement In Wednesday's
Orogonlnn. Mr. Iloadon Uvod with
bis pnrontn on tho lloulovnrd for
many yonra, and graduated from
tho Ontario High School with tin
class of 1018.
Sneaking of his Intost honors the
Orcgonlan said: Harold W. Itondon
of Portland, promlnont Junior In
enmmorco, and motnbor of tho I -am li
do ChL Alpha fraternity, hns boon
chosen leading sorority "housefath
er" by his classmates. Hoadon'i
wldo activities on tho rumpus am'
nt n rccont convention In tho oast
nt which ho represented IiIh frator
nlty, hnvo won for him this recog
nition. Itondon Is assistant editor of the
Ilenvor annual, n momhor of Alphn
Kappa Psl, honorary enmmorco fra
ternity, Sigma Delta Chi, profes
sional Journalism fraternity, and of
tho llaromoter staff. Ho was n
momhor of thn varsity dobata squad
last yoar, and In this way developed
n fluoncy of speoch which now
brings him Into such popularity
with tho co-eds.
Crane, Vnlo nnil ltobliiclli Agents
Coino to Ontario to Meet With
VUltlng Officers Claude
Chrlsteiisen Promoteil
Tho Ontario offlco of the Stand
ard Oil Company was tho srono Sat
urday of n convention of Standard
Oil Company agents In Southonstorn
Oregon. Tho local ngontn from
Crnno, Vnlo and Itoblnotto, togothor
with Agent O. II. Test nnd his crow
gnthored to meet with four repres
entatives from tho hondauarters In
TIiq visiting officials woro outhus
liiHtlo over tho prospects for business
this year and canto to confor with
tho IoohI mon on various special
sales campaigns to bo conducted l
tho cninpnuy.
Tho vlHltlng offlolnls were: II. 1)
Kntrchlld, nsHlstnut sales manager.
W. O. Oliver, advertising manager.
W. 0. Munro lubricating engineer
nnd J. C. IMwnrds, oftloteney man
Tho out of town audits were. II
L. Colo, VHle, C. P. Turner, Crane
nnd Mr. I'lsher nt lloblnettn. ami
Prank Mulkny, book keeper nt the
Vnlo station,
Iooal Hoy Promoteil
Clnudo TOirlstlnnson who for the
pnst several years has been employ
ed nt tho local plant In various en
parltlos was promoted Inst week to
the position of uestetnnt speolsl
ngnut nt In flrando. Mr Christian
sen loft Saturday evening for his
new position.
Tho largest and most onthuslnstlo
meeting In tho history of tho King
man Kolony P. T. A. occurred nt I If
regular sosslon on Mnrch 4th, with
Mrs. Annn II I'rltchett presiding.
The High School songs nnd Miss
MrCrenry'n violin solo wore heartily
oncorod. Miss Jnunltn Olgelow wa
tho accompanist Miss Oeo. C. Hood
i sketch of tho life of tho
fnundorer of the Association, Mrs
ore nirnoy. Mrs. Dollord rem"
what the National Congress of
Mothors oxpocts of local organiza
tions. Miss Bllon Scott, who has Just re
turned from an extended stay In
Knglnnd, Prnnco, Bcotlnnd, Holland
nnd Holglum, ns well ns having re
cently bcon In tho Eastern nnd mid
dle Weetoru cities gavo nil lllumlnnt
Ing account of hor observations both
abroad and nt home, of the tendenrv
of sports nnd social nctlvltles to ab
sorb moro than their duo shnro o."
tho time nnd strength of High School
nnd College Students.
' Qtirt mttirfnfl ttint tl II rl tl fif linr km-
on yenrs nbsenco a startling trend
nwny from good solid study wns ob
sorvable, which tho speaker assert
od was and should be the prlmo neo
etwlly of schooling. Not that she
deplored dancing or 011110110 in
their schools, but she contended they
wero taking tlmo which should be
given to obtaining tho ossentlslH of
knowlodge, and that thoy had no
buslneH taking tho place of honeet
hard study, 8ho roportod Kngland
especially given over to sports to the
detriment of the standard of scholar
ship nmong Kngllsh youths. She
suggested ns a remedy In tho United
States tlist women should tnko It
upon themselves to servo more often
upon school Imnrds, being us muoh,
It not mora, luterostod In tho wel
fare of the young than are men.
Mrs. K. T.' Pratt waltl that school
hoards had a duty In this matter,
nml that the P. T. A. oould get hnok
of no bolter work than to domnnd
u higher standard of scholarship In
our high schools nnd moro democra
tic Ideals In our collogoH.
Mr. Parsons guvo n short talk urg
ing tho fathers to take n more ncttvo
Intorest In the work of tho P. T. A.
Aftor discussion of tho Hoys' and
Olrls' club work It was decldod to
hold tho noxt regular mooting In tho
ovenlng ns moro would bo nblo to
Mrs. Alvln Mcdlnnls snug a, beau
tiful until- nniiiioii "Momorlos" with
Mrs. Claud Smith nccompnntng at
tho piano.
EASTER: Day of Lilies, Sunshine, the First Breath of Spring
A New Hat and the New Suit
Will yours, the suit, bo all that you have dreamed? Will
it be the expression of your own individuality? Will it
be the style, the art the material that was MADE for
It can be, and it will bo if you will take (we almost said
trouble, but instead it's a pleasure) the time to make your
choice from the charming new Spring Printzess Models.
Quality, and wear expressed in terms of material. Style,
'dash, charm expressed in terms of tailoring. And all ex
pressed in terms of value that will astonish you.
The earlier you call the wider your choice.
Rader Bros. Co.
jfrm '"
V1 Wi llvCJ
I ill
Sheriff Ieo Noo Ties V Number of
Cars nt Vnlo -Ontmlii Hns Its
Negligent Drivers Too Sister
States Co-oporatlnir
Miss Vera Neob, tonchor of tho
Jowor grades In the Kingman Kol
ony School, wtiR n woek end visitor
In hor home In Ontnrlo.
m- r.n.1 Mn Klniinnn. Miss KIllK-
man, Mr. Skntt nnd II. II. Scott were
Parma visitor I'rldny of Inst weok
attending the l'nrmora Convention
In that oily.
Mr. and Mr. P. T. Morgan nnd
fHinlly accompanied by Mrs. Conrad
Martin nnd Juliette motored to Par
inn Saturday visiting the dentist
while there.
J. n. Hoard of Wetser, Idaho, was
n visitor In the Kolony the pt week
looking over prospects, for renting
laud lu this seetlou.
W. I. Prltehett ault work on the
drainage on 8turday and went to
Vale on Monday to resume connec
tions with the Slate Highway.
"A Shocking Night," n fonturo
comedy stnrrlug Kddlo Lyons and
Uo Moron, tho Unlvorsal fuu-fltug-ors,
will opon nt tho Mnjestlo Thon
tor on Wodnesdny, March 10. It Is
said that tho production la funnier
thnn "La La Luclllo" and "Once n
Plumber ," rccont successes of the
Unlvorsnl, stars.
Tho story Is n . parlor, bedroom
and kltohun force raised to tho 'nth
power nnd glvos tho two famous
screon Jostors tho opportunity of
tholr careers to put over boiiio of
tho rlb-crncklng stuutH that they
hnvo long hoped to work Into
fenturo comedies,
Ono infallible rule of tho stnrs Is
that tho girls who play opposlto
thorn must bo .sparkling honutlcH.
In "A Shocking Night," tholr selec
tion of fomlnlno foils Is moro than
Iloniitlful Altn Allen, who played
opposite Max Llndor In his hlg com
edy, "Sovon Years Had Luck," bj
one of tho fortunnto girls and Lil
lian Hall, who has Just boon featur
ed by Maurice Tournour In "Tho
Last of tho MohlcniiB" Is the other.
Mrs. Lucy Pox arrived Inst Thurs
day for n month's visit nt tho homo
of her Hlstor nnd brother, Mr. nnd
Mrs. K. M, Orolg.
Ivan Onkos roturuod Saturday
from n business trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mra. E. W. Howland
moved this weok Into an apartment
In tho former 0. L. King houso.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. MaPnll spent
tho weok end In Caldwell visiting
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Oxmnii woro
down from JnmloHou tho flmt of tho
KOU KHNT by first of April, 5
room modorn houso. Closo In. Mrs,
0. 0. Plnnoy. 14-tf.
FOIt SALC Now lltilck Itondster
1920 Modol. Mrs, T. II. Flsor.
Phono 93-W. 14. tf
FOR ItnNT CO ncros, 35 In cul
tlvntlou, 2 room houso, 2 mile
from Vale, good laud und plonty of
wiiter. O. n. Cnrmnn, Vnlo, Ore.
C. O. Canflold, of Iroustdo woro
Ontnrlo visitors this weok.
Jny SalUmnn, Inspoctor for tho
motor vehlolo division of the Oregon
Department of Stnto which has the
enforcement of tho registration laws
In chnrgo was In Ontario Wodnesdny
giving tho local nutolsts tho "onco
over." As tho result of bis visit
n number of chocks stnrtod for Sn
lom as tho noeossnry preliminary for
further oporatlon of cars.
Up nt Vnlo Shorlff Leo Noe start
ed n rigid enforcement of tho regu
lations by tlolng up n big bunch of
ears which wore rambling around
with 1020 licenses tags or no tags
nt nil. Sevoral trucks used on the
road construction work from Vnle to
Jnmloson woro Includod.
Ono of tho difficulties which the
local offlcors find In onforolng the
regulations Is tho numbor of Idaho
cars which come horo without nnv
llconso nt all. However thoy will
coino to grief aftor March 15. for
through co-operation of tho vohlole
dopartmonts of tho two stntos nn
ngroomont has bcon reached to start
plrklng delinquents up nftor that
dnto. !
Tlie iNew Home -of The Camels
$ ONTARIO (fUfl9
t J?it33HBffP9?vsmT
Ml oHTAmo .g
fm oni gnJ irA?
(WlS.K'iJ'PJi I iFwW
a. vi. . &
Department Store
Department Store
Department Store
New Spring Shoes faster Waists
If styles and prices
are of any interest
to you, you will al
ways visit our shoe
department before
buying shoes. New
models at special
Just received. Many
new vaists for East
er needs. Every
lady needs a new
spring waist. Here
you will find them at
just the price you
wish to pay.
New Spring Jersey
Jackets and Plaid
One of the New
Sport Dress Ideas
for this spring, See
these in our New
Show Rooms. '
Department Store
, New Spring
Dress Goods
Thousands of yards
of the newest spring
dress goods novelties
have been arriving
for our New Dress
Goods Department,
and we want you to
see them