The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 10, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 14
( "fiVt -
contract for nwii'.
Work Undertaken no Result of till
Passed liy IcglHlntiire Appropilnt
ln $.1,(100 for Ro-lNiiiiilimtlon
of Project by IT. H. tlowrn-
4 llll'llt.
Englncora for tho United 8lntoH
Reclamation Scrvlco wilt ro-nxunilno
tho OwyhooProJect nnd mny bo ex
pected In tlio Mold In tbo near fntttro.
Thin liifornmtlon wns rocolvod In
n telegram from Bcuntor C'lmrlcH L.
McNnry by 1. J. UnllnRhor ni whose
lustnnco a bill wns passed by tho
legislation npproprlntliiB $G,000 for
co-oporntlon with tho fodornl dopart
mont In thin work.
Sonntor McNory Indlcatod that tho
department had sont n contract to
tho Socrotary of Btnto for hi slnun
turo, but representative Gnlliiglior
doos not bollovo that oven thlo for
innllty Is nocossary In vlow ot tho
provisions of his bill which places
tho appropriation nt tho disposal of
tho reclamation department for Uh
Tho mossoRO rocolved also stated
that tho onglnoor nsslKnod to mnlto
tho ropo;t on tho project would be
detailed Immodlatoly and thoroforc
Mr. Gnllnglior bollovos that ho will
arrive hor In a fow days,
Just what tho outcomo of this ex
nmlnatlon will bo Is ot courso un
known, but with tho provlous favor
nblo reports and tho reductions that
liavo boon noted In construction
work It Is tho bollot ot thoso who
hnvo followod tho courso of tho pro
ject that It Is In a favorablo posi
tion for action.
Ilccont press dispatches havo ro
portod that tho now administration
contomplntos forwarding tho reclam
ation of nrld and swamp lands as
rapidly as possible In a fconforonce
with President Hnrdiifg whllo ho war
In Florida, Sonator McNnry outlined
tho lcRlslntlon which his committed
In tho Sonnto proposed to Introduce
nt an oarly dato and securod his en
dorsement. Tho principal moasuro
urRod by Bonator McNnry Is that cm
bodlod In tho Bmlth-Flotchor bill
which failed to pass In tho House at
tho Inst sosslon nftor hnvlng bcon
passod In tho Senate.
Whou (his bill becomos a Inw, as
It Is confidently bolloved It will tho
Rovornmont will tnko bonds of rrl
gntlou districts as Bpcurlty and Is
mio eavornmeut bonds with which
to finance projects. Tho projocts
howevor must first bo passed upon
by tho dopnrtmont. An examination
of tho Owylico projofct at this time,
thoroforo will placo It In a position
for enrly approval under tho now
plan, it Is bollovod.
lecturer to tell what
white huwii traffic ib
At tho Mothodlst church noxt
Monday ovonliiR, N. W. Pholps Btnte
Buporlntondont of tho World's Pur
ity Fodorntlon will dollvor a locturo
on "Tho Whllo Slnvo Traffic. Feel
ing tho Importnnco of this work
churches of tho city hnvo decldod to
mako tho meeting n union gnthorlng
of nil tholr congregations.
L. It. Drolthnupt is conflnod to
his homo with an attack of tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Oakes spoilt
Tuesday and Wednesday in Drognn
MrsT a. D. Smith and daughter
arrived Tuesday from Nonann, Alas
kn to visit her brothor and slstor,
Mr and Mrs, D. W. Powers.
A. R. McDonald, salesman for the
Ford flarago who has spent tho past
few woekB at tho homo of his par
ents In Ilontaln Jlomo roturnod to
Ontario this week and Is again at
work horo.
Miss Merle Tllnghnm Is assisting
Dr. Roberts In tho dental office
Wliat is Ontario to
It Is about tlmo that tho peoplo
of Ontario bogln thinking about tho
problem ot Irrigating tholr lawns
this suramor, saya Mayor W. II. Doo
llttle. "This is a matter In which tho city
government la not directly Interest
ed, but something must bo done,"
Bald the Mayor prior to his dopart
uro tor Tacoma Wednesday.
"If tho property owners want
gravity wator It Is tlmo for thorn to
I). P. Dearborn Inaugurated his
temporary occupancy of tho position
ot Potlco Judgo In tho nbsonco of
Judgo C. M. Steams, by hearing
two Ikiozo cases. Tlia first appear
nnro boforo his honor wnti Anion
lloothlor, chnrgod with accumulat
ing an oxcess pnekaga of In toxica t
Iiik lltiuor, contrary to tho ISth
nmendmout, tho stnto and rlty ordln
nncos in a do and provided for such
contingencies. Amos drow n planter
ot 30 slmolcnnn which ho paid.
Next en mo otio Don Wonncot who
wns pinched In n local rooming
Iioiiho nnd cnught with an ontlro
pint ot alcohol, also an nbrldgomont
ot tho 18th nmondmont. tho Vol-
Blond nnd other statutes, Don ha
croatod somo disturbance prior
his capture so ho was handed a $
flno, which falling to pay ho Is wor
I n it out nt Loo Noo's academy
Degress Conferred by Pntcllo, Si tin
nnd Ontario M"tlvrs This .Mouth
Marks Twenty-Third AnnUer-
snry llnuiuct Hertnl.
Moro tlin.ii S00 mombors ot Miiboii
lo order gathored nt tho lodga hall
ot Acacia Lodgo No. 118 'A. F. & A.
M. to pnrtlclpato In tho Initiation ot
four candidates Into tho M. M. do
groo last Thursday availing. It was
tho largest gathorlug of tho order
over stngod In Malhqur county, and
ono ot tho lnrgcst over hold In tho
Snnku rlvor valley.
Iucludod In tho host of mombors
prosout woro moro than 100 visit
ors from Washoo LoJgo No. 28 ot
Payette, Idaho, 20 mombors ot Nyssn
lodgo and flvo from Vnlo lodge, to
gether with somo flttoon or twenty
from other lodgos In Orogou and
Four candidates, O. II. Test. Wil
liam McKanzIo, A. L, McDowoll nnd
Stanley Mallett woro Initiated Into
tho mystorlos of tho Mnstor Mason
doirreo. and a banauot was sorved by
u commltteo from Star Chapter 0. 13.
S. consisting of Mrs. J. H. Rnsmus
son, Mrs. J. L. Bprlngor and Mrs.
D. 8. AndoUorg. Thrcff tnblos woro
sot for tho banquot nnd 181 visitors
nnd mombors ot tho Lodgo woro surv
ad. Many realizing hat tho effort to
feod thorn would dolay tho work,
wont homo for dinner nd roturnod
to hco tho Initiatory work.
First .Master Co-fors Degree
After Paul Walker, Master of tho
Washoo Lodgo conforrod tho f'rst
two dogroes, asslstod by tho Washoo
dogroo team, A. L. Hall, mastor of
tho Nysia Lodgo conforrcd tho third,
and Casslus II. Drown, the first
Mastor of Acacia Lodga conforrod
tho last dogreo.
Four of tho charter roombore of
Acacia Lodgt. woro prosont nt tbo
gathering last Thursday to rocnll tho
historic gathering nt which tbo ordor
was established In Ontnrlo twonty
threo years ngo. Tho twolvo chartor
mombors who wore: C. II. Drown,
a. L. King, C. W. Mnllett. B. H.
Tost, J. J. Cortrlght, H. W. Clomont,
William Mlllor, Ooo. W. Dlanton.
William A. Blsson, Jos. Farloy; J. J
Thomnson, nnd D. L. MUllgnn. Oi
tuoso all aro still living, and sovou
stilt llvo In Ontnrlo or vicinity. Tho
four charter mombora presont nt tho
gathering Inst Thursday night wore:
Judgo Drown, Judgo Tost, O. W.
Mnllett and II. W. Clomont.
Tho mombora of tho lodgo plan onl
mo regular iiiuuihik ui mu iuuku uu
Thursday March 23 to tnko noto of
tho fact that on that very dato Acacia
Lodge will be 23 years old.
Not In Its .history has tho lodgo
had so romarkablo a growth as tu
past year nnd a hnlf nnd It Is con
fidently bollovod that with tho np
pllcntlons now ponding 1021 will
surpnss by far any rocord mndo In
the paBt 23. In fact will moro than
double several years put togothor.
do About
Irrigation Water
act, and not wait, au Uioy did Inst
year until several vno signed nn
ngreomont for n number ot lots do
cllnod to tnko any.
"As a mattor of fact tho gravity
water users como Into direct compe
tition with the city water system,
but If tho people want that, kind ot
sorvlco they should bo getting tliei
mattor arranged for soon bo that tbo
ditches can bo put into condition to
carry wator."
S Al Portland Wednesday tlio Btnto lllnliwny Ooiiitiilmlon
Issued n blnnket order to the Engineering dcpnrtinrnt to nil
eillo for rointriictlon nil of tho Old Oregon TthII to Ontnrlo
us spun ns n seel bin wim leitdy for ronstrurtloii. .Tills nteniiM
(lint work will probably bo started on nil of the sections not )rt
under contract, on that tho cntlio road will bo finished this
'11 10 nboo Inforiiintlou was iccolved In detail In the Istuo
of Wednewlny's Orrgmilun which gave In detail (he state
ment of (ho meeting nt which tho order wns gien.
"This order menus (lint the road North will be completed
this J ear," wild Judgo E. H. Test, who wns very much elated
nt (ho antioiiiicriiient.. Other Ontario good roads enlliutlnMs
woro cminlly Jubilant. "This Is (ho best news wc have had
In jean," said It. It. Peterson, rlialnnnn' of tlio Oonuucrclnl
CIiiIi'h good road committee. This tent linen t wns repented
many t linen by business men on tlio street.
AVIIh this ntturanro on (bo part Of (ho commission It Is
probable (hat by fall (hero wilt bo n good gravel or pnved
fond nil the way from Ontario to Portland, Atdorln and oilier
const points,
.1. It. Dlmknby Offer To Pay Hnlf
Of Cost of Iiuprnilng Haefineiil
of Cnnicglo Library If Other
Half Is Hii1hciIIkm1
J. It. Dlncknby, prosldont of tho
Ontnrlo Nntlonnl Dank has mndo nn
offer to tho Llbrnry Hoard to sub
Hcrlbo half tho fund needed for tho
Improvement of tho bnsomont of tho
Cnrnoglo Library. Tho offor has
boon accepted and tho board plans
In tho near fttluro to open subscrlp
t'cr.B for tho othor hnlf.
Mr. Dlncknby's ojfor wns mndo
contingent upon tho subscription of
tho balanco nnd thoroforo tho bonrd
will npproclnto tho co-oporatlon of
othor public spirited cltlzons who aro
Invited to como forwnrd with offors
ot assistance.
Tho bnsomont of tho llbrnry which
la n lnrgo room was not flnlshod
whon tho building wns oroctod nnd
Is now ncodod for tho growing pat
ronage of tho Institution. , Tho room
whon complotod will provo a most
convonlont meeting plnco for public
gatherings, nnd will bo opon tor use
ot tho pooplo of tho county Just ns
Is tho library In all Its branches.
Tho Uhrnry board has not com
plotod Its plana for socurlng tho re
mainder ot tho fund but announce
inont will bo mndo of thoso nt nn
early dato.
Ontmlo Fnrui Loan AsmkIiiIIou Has
Pctidliur Many 1omii ltauchers
Tnko Noto of ItoHUmptlon .
May Do MoiiOih Deforo
Ioans aro Mndo
Dnnchers In Mainour county hnvo
taken noto ot tho fact that the
Farm Loan act has boon upheld by
tho United Stntoa Bupremo Court
and havo nlroady begun making ap
plication from tho Ontario Farm
Loan association for funds.
According to advlcoa rocolvod by
W. F. Homan, secretary ot tho local
nssoclatton, from tho Fodornl Loan
Dank nt Spokano, it will bo somo
tlmo boforo loans will bo mndo. Tho
dolay Is occasioned by tbo fact that
It will bo. nocossary to float an Issuo
of federal farm loan bonds to fin
ance additional loans. Also n now
sot of application blanks will bo us
ed and thoso havo not yot boon is
sued. Whon tho farm loan bank censed
to make loans ponding tho dotorraln
atlo ot tho validly of tlio act thoro
wero applications passed jipon in
this section totaling $100,000. Mr.
Homan is ot the opinion that thero
Is in sight right now ready for no
tion enough business to demand ot
the farm loan bank $250,000 for
Mainour county farmers.
Tho officors ot tho local associa
tion are: O. W. Dean, prosldont; A.
GrarnBo, vlco president; Han Oft, Ira
Dall and John Keogan, directors
Tho appraisal board consists ot C.
T. Lackey, Charles Thompson and
Itox Marquis.
Judgo Ooo. B. Davis of Vale -was
horo yesterday on his way to Dakor
to attend circuit court,
iirmu i mix
f' rrtn i mmnu
t N . KKU V
'Tho Fumbles of llttIO" IMrnvn-
Kiiuzn, Muxlrnl Comedy nnd
Minstrels Combined In Kl-
"borate Production.
Tho local Post ot Amorlcan Loglon
liqs signed contracts with tho Wal
laco Hlllman Producing Co. to stngo
tholr fatuous "Home Tnlont" show
"Tlio Fumblos of 11120" at tho
Majestic Thcntro In Ontario at an
oarly dato.
This Company hnvo for tho past
two yoars boon dovotlng Its tlmo to
tho production ot shows for tho ben
efit ot tho Legions thru out tho
country, and havo given groat satis
faction whoro ovor thoy havo shown.
Tlioy como to Ontario with tho ro
commondatlons ot ovor a hundrod
posts ot tho Amorlcnu Legion.
"Tho Fumblos" was producod In
Caldwell, Idaho last wcok nnd tho
locnl pooplo who saw It aro loud In
tholr pralso.
Tho producors carry with them a
stock ot ovor 700 costumos which
nro concadod to bo tho most bonutl
ful shown In tho wost, nlso tholr
sconory, which Is on pnr with tho
sconory gonornlly carrlod by tho bol
ter class ot road attractions. Thoro
aro three dlroctors with tho conipnn)'
each taking part in the show, Itodnoy
W. Hllllnni who for yoara wns pro
ducing musical comedy acts ovor tho
Pautagos circuit, Is tho dlroctor of
tho dancing. Ho Is assisted by Miss
Goltllo Soronsen who also does somo
wonderful dancing In tho show.
Sgt. Danny Wallace who Is known
by most of tho ovorsoas boys for tho
shows ho producod In Frnnca nftor
tho war and who was with tho tank
corps, Is manager of tho company
and dlrocts tho book, With throe
such peoplo at tho head of tho play
tho peoplo pf Ontario aro assurod
tho best homo talent show that ovor
played In tho city.
"Tho Fumblos" la In throo nets,
tho book Is wrltton by Danny Wal
laco with spoclal music by Itodnoy
Hlllam. Tho first act Is a musical
sntlro "DelJiDoholm" rich with
music and comedy. Tho socond act
Is tho mlnstrols which Is nlwnys a
hit. Tho third act Is "Cupid's Islo"
n musical comody with scenes In tho
south sea Island. It Is said to bo a
Bcroam from tho start.
Tho local legion boys who nro
planning on promoting movomonts
for tho bettormont of Ontnrlo will
nood nsslBtnuco in presenting this
production and nro asking for vol
unteers to assist In this effort. Tho
mombora of tho auxiliary aro co-op-orntlng
with tho loglon In putting on
tho show. Members, of tho auxili
ary will chaperon nt tho rohonrsals
and theso havo boon so arranged
that they will not conflict with
school work.
Farewell nnd Welcome Party
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hlnton gave
a surprise party Wcdnosdny ovon
Ing Mnrch 8th for Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Chennult and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm.
Miller. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chonault nro
leaving this week for La Grande
whoro they will mako their homo
Mr. and Mrs. Miller are moving to
tho Chenault plnco which thoy r o
cently purchased. Oamea woro on
Joyed, after which dollclous refresh
ments woro sorved. Thoso presont
were: Mesdames W- W. Hlnton, E.
F. Chonault, Wm. Miller, Chas Fish
or, Messrs, Paul Fisher, Hand and
Hilly Miller, Dllly Hones, Misses Al
vlna Miller, Elma Hones, Torvllla
Embody and Duby Hopes.
Mayor W. H Doollttlo left lost ev
ening on a business trip to Portland,
Tacoma, Seattle and othor coast
II. D. Jenne returned Tuosday
from n two weeks business trip to
Ground Is being broken just
north of the pavement on Illinois
street for a new bunzalow for Judgo
O. L. King.
Somowhoro out on tho Doulevnrd
Is tho meanest auto thief on record,
so far as Mainour county Is con
cerned. This auto tlilof of thirty
third degreo meanest domonstrntod
his cnllbro last Wednesday night
whon ho striped tho Dr. A. Q. Moora
car ot alt 11b movnblo parts, stole
tho doctors veterinary caso and near
ly nit his tnstrurmouts.
To bo stnllod In tho mud unnblo
to rench tho Hlckox ranch to which
ho had bcon called, and to hnvo to
hlko tho bnlnnco of tho wny wns
bnd enough for tho Doctor, hut to
hlko bnck ngnln In tho enrly morn
ing to find tiros, tools, colls nnd bat
lories of tho car gono, nnd hta sur
gical Instruments too wm rubbing
It In pretty hard, tho doctor bollovos.
OutMnndliifr Warrants 13mbnrrnsN
City Administration Bo Voters
Will Do Anked Tn Authorize
Doiids to Iteplaec Them
Ontario has n warrant Indebted
ness ot $38,000 which tho votors
wilt ho asked at n spoclal election to
bo hold Mnrch 22 to transform Into
bonds. Tho Indobtodncss of tho city
will not bo chnngod In nny mnnnor,
but tho form ot tho Indebtedness
will, thnt Is all that tho mnttor
amounts to.
Au ordlnnnco authorizing tho elec
tion wns ordorod at tho rogular
mooting of tho rlty council held Inst
Monday ovonlng nt tho city hall.
Clean-up Ordinance Considered
Tho 'council nlro had boforo It n
drnstlo ordlnanro prohibiting tho
kocplng of stocl of nny kind within
on arou not set forth, but which
was to havo bcon named.
Whllo all of tho counr.llmou were
In favor of tho purposo ot tho ordln
nnco ns road thoy doomed too dras
tic for Immodlato application nnd
inovod to mako it n special order of
business at nn ndjournod mooting
which Is to bo hold noxt Monday
Property Owners Appear
II. O. Doyor appeared boforo the
city c6uucll to again nsk that stop?
bo takon to romody tho trouhlo
which causo water to lodgo in the
DasomontH of tho downtown busi
ness section. Tho commltteo which
has boon invostlgntlng condll'onr
naked that furthor tlmo bo given t
boforo reporting.
Tho council rocolved nn offor for
tho painting ot tho wntor tower f(
S2G0, with all materials furnulio.i
Last year a similar offor wns made
for two coats nt $900. Tho mattor
was takon uudor advisement.
Compel Connections
Wntor Buporlntondont V, W
Chnmbors roportod thnt on tho wost
sldo ot tho tracks thoro aro 30
houses which havo loth sower nnd
wntor sorvlco ndjacent to tho pro-
porty which havo not connected.
Tho council ordered that thoy bo no
tified to connect boforo Mny 1.
Several petitions wore prcsonted
asking for sidewalks and graveling
and theso wero mado special ordors
for the adjournod mooting. Tho
water committor, was also roquestod
to consider tho mattor ot caring tor
tho car furntshod by tho wntor sup
erintendent It having boon called to
the attention ot tho council by
Councilman Udlck that the present
allowanco was Inadequate
Oregon and Idaho
According to press dispatches
from Washington D. C. Senator II
N. Stanflold ot Oregon and Sonator
Frank L, Gooding of Idaho celebrat
ed their entranco Into tho uppor
houso of Congress ny securing from
Secretary of War Woeks n postpone
ment ot the sale of 10,000,000
pounds of U S. Government wool
which haa boon stored at noston
Mint Heel Ion of Old Oregon Trait
Heel Ion of Columbia Hlghwny To
Do Let At April MeetliiK Dnl-
unco Heady For May Sleet-
lng, Probnbly
Final stops toward socurlng tho
right-of-way for tho Columbia Itlvor
Highway will bo tnkon this wook.
A. M. Johnson of Dead Ox Flat,
who was nnmod by tho Innd owners
through whoso property tho rend
will run; E. M. Qro'lg ot this city
who wns nnmod by tho county court;
nnd C. C. Hunt of Nyssn who wnn
ngrood to by tho othor nrbltrntors,
will npprnlso tho vnluos, damages,
and bonefltn which will result from
tho building of tho highway across
tho lands ot property ownora.
Mr. Grolg nnd Mr. Johnston nt a
mooting Bundny nttornoon aoloctcd
Mr. Hunt nnd togothor tho apprais
ers will stnrt tomorrow to vlow tho
various pnrcols of land lnvolvod.
This action was takon as tho ro
suit ot a notification rocolvod by tho
county court from tho stnto high
way commission last Frldny asking
thnt tho county funds, and tho rlghU
of-wny doods bo sent forward bo that
tbo contract can bo lot at tho April
County Judgo E. II. Tost wont to
Portland Sunday ovonlng to appear
boforo tho Highway Commission nt
tta mooting Tucsdny nnd to nssuro
that body that tbo (totalis requested
would bo enrod for Immodlatoly.
lU'jtcnf Hoiicit I'Vir Work
Dcsldo tho Old Orogon Trail mat
tor couslderod with tho Commission
Judgo Tost roponted tho provlous ro
quost tor co-oporatlon In tho con
struction ot tho Vnlo to Durrol sec
tion of tho Central Orogon Highway
nnd told tho commission thnt tho
county bad tho funds available for
co-oporatlon. f
Judgo Tost reports that tho bobv? ,,
alou ot tho commission this tlmq
wns tho most nctlvo In tho past year.
Every county of tho Btnto was ropro
sontod by delegations asking for Im
modlato construction of roads, Con
tracts for moro thnn n million dol
Inra worth of work wns lot.
Members of Congregntlnnnl and
United I'reb)tcilnn Dodlej Tn
Meet Tomorrow Night To
DIicims Proposals
For tho purposo of constdorlng
what might bo done to consolidate
tho congregations ot tho Uuttod
Prosbytorlan and tho Congrogntlonnl
churches ot this city a mooting will
bo held tomorrow ovonlng nt tho
Congregational church.
No doflnlto step has boon tnkon In
tho mattor but It has long boon on
tortalnod by mombors ot both
churches Informally. To bring about
such a result sovornl preliminary
Btops will bo nocossary and nr
raugmonta mado with tho boards of
tho churches, However these am
details which It Is bollovod can bo
Solons Secure
of U. S. Wool Sale
This sale was to havo boon hold to
day. Tho Westorn Sonntors, both of
whom ore woll known shoopmon de
monstrated to Socrotary Weoka tho
Injury that would havo resulted to
tho already embarrassed shoopmon
If tho govornraent sold Its wool nt
this tlmo, Just when tho 1921 clip
is ready to bo placed on tho markot.