The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 03, 1921, Image 7

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    rj? w?f ? . -"
for hale
WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks
?20 por hundred. Ilatcliinir eggs
$2.00 por sotting, $10.00 por liutt
dred. Phono 20C-W A. 1). Cnln.
FORD FOR HALE Good second
hnud Ford for buIo, at n bargain, for
particulars boo C. P. Tunic nt Tlin
Palnco Harbor Shop. Ontario 12-tf.
. FOR SALE Puro llhodo Island
Hod Kerb. $1.00 por dotting. L. I).
aordon, lloulo 1. 12-17 1'.
FOIl SALE Fresh cows, Reed
inllkorH. Imiulro A. F, Htirr, nour
Vnlloy Vlow School Ilonso.
FOH SALE Oood iicod Imrloy,
choap. Two tntloM straight wcBt of
Ontario. John Molomuir. U-Hl'.
FOR BALK Chovralot Touring car
In good condition Choap for caBh.
Boo J. II. Gordon
HAY FOIt SALE $8.00 por ton,
two tnllos west of Ontario. A. 1).
Cain. tf.
(inutility. Qnnllly Ruaranlocd satis
factory; sound, uncut, frco from (lis-,
ensc. and of Marchnutablo slzo.
Prlco $1.C0 por hundred. Will trado
for Iiorh or Bheop. Try a sack. Wolfo
and Qulnby, 11. F. I). Ontario, or
phono 34-R Ontario. 880-7 tf
FOIt BALK Half Horso 1'owcr
Century Three I'hnso Motor, In Reed
condition. Boo J. II. Gordon or phono
00-W. ' tf.
Mrs. A. T. Clirlstuiiscn, teacher uf
piano, Phono 170-W. rl tf
All kinds of Electric wiring. Tele
phone 228 J. tf
ing steers, brand loft hip, (Ell con
tinrtcd). PIoobo tnko up and notify
J. J. Dlllnrd. OlDtf.
I48THAY NOTICI4 Cttmp to ni)
plnco foro part of winter, ouo Hod
Durham bull. No flash mark, spot
In tot-ahead. Llttlo while on top of
tall and In both flanks. 3 yearn old.
Ilrttnd Horseshoe on rlRht hip. Own
er may have Mimo by paying for
onru and cost of advertising. J. II
Sotiwonrd, Ontario, r.rorfon. 13-'3p
llrunswlck records will day with
stool, tungsten or fiber noedlos on
any make of phonogrnph.
"Knoo Deep In Juno" would bo nn
explanatory nntno boflttlng Juno
that eulortntulng, vigorous and stun
Hinting Fox Trot on llrunswlck re
cord 2004. Ontario Furnlturo Co.
KLBN-ZA-RO The wondortttl
wnshlng powder, ohenper mndt) limn
bought.- Formula nnd 5 other vul
unblo'OiiMi, 50c. This nd and 20c
bring thorn nil. Discount to iigonis,
llox 24 ICImnma, Idaho. '12-13-14
l. j. a Kim
lly virtue of an execution In I'o.o
closuro, duly lusnod by the Clerk of
tho Circuit Court of the Stato of
Orogou, for the County or Mulhttur,
dated tho 17th, day of February.
U021, In u cortnlit milt in tho wild
Circuit Court for sstit State uml
County, wherein DnuglOH Rmlth, Al
bert U. Lostor uud Wllllnm Huttor
worth, Trustoes, as plaintiffs, recov
ered Judgment agnlnst Louis J. Oos
trich, oh defendant, In cho first cause
of suit, for tho sum of Ten Hundred
Fifty-four & No-100 ($1054.00) Dol
lars, with Interest thoreou from snld
3 1st, doy of August, 1912, at tho
rnto of six per cent per annum and
One Hundred Flvo nnd No-100
($106.00) Dollars Attorney's foes,
nnd tho fitrthor sum of Twenty-four
& No-100 ($24.00) Dollars nunual
malntonnnco charge, with Interest
thoreon at six porcent per annum
from tho 31st, day of October 191G:
nnd tho further sum or Twenty-eight
ft 11-100 ($28.11) Usoh paid, with
Intorest thoreon- at six per cent-por
annum from tho 1st diiy of April.
1917; and on tho socond cnuso of
Hiilt, for tho sum of Threo Hundred
Mighty-two & 50-100 ($382 50) Dol
lars, with Interest thereon at the
rato of six per cent pur annum from
tho 31st day of August, 1011, and
the fitrthor sum of Hlx & No-100
($6.00) Dollars malntonnnco, with
Intorest thereon at the rata of six
per cent per annum from the 3Ut.
day of October, 1916, and for tho
Phillabaum & Allen
successors to
McDowell Company, Inc.
Funeral Directors
Licensed in Oregon, Idaho, Washingtr n
Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors
Lady Assistant
Hospital Ambulance Service
No Distance Too Far
Office Phone 227 Residence Phone 227, 178
further sum of Six & 78-100 ($C78)
Dollarn taxes paid, with Interest
thereon nt tho rnto of bIx por cent
por niinuni front tho 1st day of
April, 1017, and tho further sum of
Tltlrty-olRht & No-100 ($38.00) Dol
lars ottornoj's fees, which Judgment
was enrolled and docketed lit tho
Clorlc'B offlco of said Court In said
County on tho 25th day of January,
HY GIVEN, That I will on tho 2Gth
dny of March, 1021, nt tho hour of
11:30 o'clock In tno forenoon of
said day, at tho north mtitn entrance
door of tho Court Ilonso at Vnlo, In
said County and State, sell at pub
lic auction to tho highest bidder or
mtldors, ror cash, the following des
cribed real property, to-wlt:
On tho first cattBo of suit: Lot
110 of tho Jatnloson Acrcago
Tracts, as numbered nd designated
on tho official pint recordod In the
ornco of tlio County Clork of Mai
nour County, Oregon, bolng a sub
division of part of Suction in, In
Township 10 South, ltnngo 43 E. W.
M., containing 0.2 ncros, moro or
And on tho second cnuso of stilt;
Lot 133 of JnmloHdn Acrcago Tracts,
as numbered nnd designated on tho
official plat recorded In tho offlco of
tho County Clork of Malheur County,
Oregon, bolng a sub-division of part
of Section 15, In Township 1C South,
Hnngo -13 E. W. M , containing 1.5
acres, moro or less.
Tho nbovo real properly with Its
appurtenance Inkoh and levied up
on an the property tit the. tinld de
fendant, Louis J. Oostrlch, by vir
tue of n mortgage given thereon by
tho nbovo nntnrtl defendant, or as
much thoreof as tuny bo necessary
to satisfy said judgmont In favor of
Douglas Sinllh, Albert O. Lester nnd
William Huttorworth, Trusteo, to
gether with nil costs and dlshurso
tnotitn that havo or ninny nrctiro
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 21st day
of Fohrtiary, 1021.
II. I.KR NOB, sheriff
lly C. W. Clonn. Depul
Pp' of first publication Fflbrunrv
24th. 1021.
Dato of last pttbllrntlbn, March 21th
Oslo of Sflln. Miiroh 20th, 1021, a
11:30 A. M.
tlv virtue of in Execution In Fore
closure, duly lustied by tho Clerk of
the Circuit Court or tho SJsto of Ore
gon, for tho County or Mnlliour. tint
ed the 17th day of February 1021.
In a certain suit In the said Clrrit"
Court for said Slain of Count'
wherolu Doughts Smith, Albert O.
Loster and William Huttorworth
Trustee, us Plnlnlirf'H. recovored
Judgment ngnlnst Frnik Hri,rti
as Dofendiint, In the um of Hnvnn
loen Hundred Fifty . No-100.
($1750 00) Dollnrs. with Intercut
thereon from wild 15th dny of Au-
uit. llui. at the rnto or six por cent
per minimi, nnd tho further sum of
Onn Hundred Sovonty-flve ft Nn-100.
($175.00) Dollnrs Attorney's fees,
nnd tho further sum of Fifty k No
100 $50 00) Dollnrs water malnton
nnco, togother Willi Uiterost tneroou
at tno rnto of six per ceiu por annum
fltneo tho lOth dny of August, 1910s
2,.,,,JL,8.,lr.l,iQrv'')lm..of llf,yno.
31-100 ($5 32) Dollnrs taxos paid,
toBPtlier with Intorptt thoreon since
tho 10th 'dny of August. 1910. nt
tho rato of Plx per ont por n nun in
until paid, which Jtidgmont wns on
rolliMl nnd docketed In tho Clerk's
offlco of Mild County In said County
on tho 25th dnv of January. 1921
IIV (JIVEN, That I rill on the 20th.
day of March, 1021. nt tho hour of
11 o'clock. In tho forenoon of said
dny at the north main entrance door
of the Court House, at Vnlo, in said
Countv and Stale, sell at public mic
tion to tho highest and boit bidder
or bidders for cash the follow!"!" dos
crlbed real proporty, o-wlt;
The South wost o"arter of the
Southwest qunrlor of tho SotP'nst
quarter (8WU BWV. 8EV) of Sec
tion Sixteen (10), In Township "x
toon (16) South, Rnngo Forty-t. eo
(43) E. W. M., containing tott (10)
ncrosj-togolhcr with ton (10) sharof
of tho capital stock of tho Orchard!
Water Compnny, n corporation ropro
sentlng water nppurtoiiaut to snld
Tho above real property with IU
nppurtonaiicos tnkon and levied upon
as the proporty of tho said dofon
dant. Frank Heckman, by vlrtuo o'
a mortgngo given thereon by thf
nbovo nnmod dofendnnt, or as mucl
thoreof as may bo nocowary to aatls
fy said Judgment In favor of Doug
Ins Smith, Albert G. Loster nnd Wll
Ham Huttorworth, Trtmeos, togethoi
with nil coats and dlsbursemouti'
that havo or may-nocruo-
Datod at Vale, Oregon, this 21s'
day of February, 1921.
II. LEW NOE, Sheriff
Hy C. W. Olonn. Deputy
Dato of first publication, Fobruur)
24th 1921
bato'of last publication, M&reh, 24th
1921, 1TK
Daito'of 8ale, March 26th, 1921. ;
11 A. M.
In tho County Court of the Stnto ol
Oregon For Malheur County
Notice Is horoby given by A. L,
Cockrttm, ndmlnlstrntor of tho cs
tnto of Harney Hnrrnll, docensed,
that ho has filed In tho County
Court of tho Stato of Oregon for
Mnlliour County, his Final Account
and Petition ror Distribution or snld
ontrtc, and that tho 25th dny of
March, 1021, at 11 o'clock A. M.,
at tho County Court room In tho
County Court Houso nt Vulo, Mnl
liour County, Oregon Is set ns tho
tlmo nnd plnco for hearing objec
tions to snld final account and pe
tition for distribution, nnd nil por
sons having objections thereto should
appear at said tlmo and plncn, and
show cause, If any exists, why snld
Final Account should not bo ap
proved anil allowed, and satd cstato
distributed In nccordnnco with said
Potltlon tor Distribution.
Administrator of tho Estate ol
Harney Hnrrnll, Deceased.
First Publication, Feb. 24, 1921.
Lnst Publication, March 24, 1021.
Notlco Is horoby given that the
undersigned administratrix of the
ostato of Joseph W. Scliolos, de
ceased, has filed In tho County
Court of Mnlliour County, Oregon,
hor flnnl account of her administra
tion upon snld cstntoi nnd Hint Sat
urday, tho 2Cth day of March, 1021,
at tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. of
said day, at tho court nouso In Vnlo,
Oregon, has boon duly fixed by snld
court as tho tlmo plnco for
hearing snld flnnl nrrouut, and set
tling snld ostnto. All parsons Inter
ested lit snld ostntu aro horaby not I-
fld to uppf.-ir nt snld ttino and Placo
and fllo their objections In writing,
If any tnoro aro, to said - final ac
count and contest tho snmo
Dono nnd dated and first publish-
ed this 24th day of February, 1921
Administratrix or tho ostato of
Joseph W. Hrholos, rtereasod.
W. W. WOOD. Hltornoy.for estate.
First Publication, Feb. 21, 1021.
Last Publication, March 24, 1021.
In the Circuit Coin I or the Htnle of
Oregon for .Malheur County
G. L. King, Plnllltltf,
It. IC. Coffey, DofentlMit,
To H. E. Coffey, itefendaiit. In
the Name of tin Stato of Oregon,
you aro horoby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you (it tho above untitled
still within 03 thus from tho dnto of
the first publication thereof, or ror
want thoreof plaintiff will apply
to the Court for n decree In fore
closure of Delinquency Tux Certifi
cate No 131 C dated, 1st, ID 10
assigned to plaintiff ny Malheur
County, Oregon, Oct. 20th. 1017 and
fr tliiubtnii of $7.00 with Inti rest
theiooit from Aug. 1st, 1,917 ut tho
rata of 15 per cent per uiintim and
for tho foreclosure of Curt'flrntn of
Delinquency No 1000 for delinquent
.n - nvn - tnr itm vimr nt mm .intmi
AllK UK ma ,lll(l ror 10 of
$5.49 with litlorost thereon from
AuK ,8t 101rt llt tllp r,0 of 15 ,ier
L0Ilt ,l0r ,, Ann tho furthor
Hl of 3iBo Inxon pnltl for tlio yonr
ot 1917 with Intorest thoreon from
tho 0th day ot April, 1917 at tho
rato of 15 per rout por milium nnd
for tho furthor sum of $3.70 with
Interest thoreou from April Cth,
1018 at tho rnto of 12 por cont per
annum for taxes paid during thf
year of 1918 and tho furthor sum
of $7 78 with tntorost thereon from
the S9th dny of December 1920 for
taxes paid for tho yoars or 1919 and
1020 all on LotH Numbered 1 and 2
In Hlock No. 74 In tho City or On
tario, Mnlliour County, State of Ore
gon, togother with costs and din
burgQinouta In this suit.
This Summons is served upon you
by publication thoreof for Sixty
throo Days, In tho Ontario Argus a
Wcokly Nows-papor published In
and of general circulation In Mal
heur County, Oregon, under mid hy
vlrtuo ot ait ordor or tho Hon
Daltou Hlggs, Circuit Judge of
tho nbovo ontltlod court, dutod Feb
ruary 21st, 1921,
Dato of First publication, Feb
24th, 1921, Dato ot last publication
April 28th, 1921.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
Rosldonco, Ontario, Oregon.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Offlco at Vulo, Oregon,
Fobruury 4, 1921.
NOTICE Is horoby given that Clay
ton Orvlllu Douglas, of Payette, Ida
ho, who, on Mnrch 31sf, 1910, imide
Hnmostond Entry 04313 for SWV
NEU, NBEli, Sec. 19.WV48WV,,
BEUSWtf, Soc. 20. KttNWli, So"
29, T. 10. S.. R. 40, E., and lplio
on Jan. 20, 1920, mndo Add'l. lid
hhitry, No. 05441, for SViNKU.
NBVi SB H, Sec. 24 T. 10, 8., It
45 E.. Lot 2 and 8EU8WM, Soctlon
19, Township 1G South, Rnngo 4C
East, Wlllamotlo Meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to make Flnnl
Throo Year Proof, to outnhltsh claim
to tho land above described, bofore
Roglstor and Receiver., U. S. Land
Offlco, at Vale, Oregon, on tho 15th
day ot Maroh, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Rryson Hlco, of Payette, Idaho.
George Harper, ot Ontario, Orogon,
Hartley Soroson, Henry Crow, both
of Wolser, Idaho.
THOS. JONES Roglstor
All tho world dnncea In Spain
Dollboa, tho grea't Fronch writer of
bewitching Hallots, gavo us a tone
li-- iure worthy of Valosquoz when
lie painted In sound tho dancing
"Maids of Cablz". This Hrunswlck
record Numbor 10021, as sung by
M'ss Ren, will be found an ovor In
creasing delight, llrunswlck records
can bo obtained only at Ontario Fur
nlturo Co. Adv
FOR SALE 1918 Dodge Road-
qIap A 1 PftTirilHnti Phrtnn VliMnr
-.Qreip, Frultland. ' 12-13 P
lly virtue of alt Exectitjou In Fore
closure, duly Issued by tho Clerk of
tho Circuit Court or tho Stnto of
Oregon, ror tho County or Mnlliour,
datud tho 9th, tiny of February,
1921, In a certain suit In tho suld
Circuit Court for said Stnto nnd
County, wherein R W. Bungler, as
administrator of the Estate of
mourns i;roiucrs, ijccouboiI, ns J
l'iniiuirr, recovered judgment
against John McGlvern and Nancy
McOtvorn.'as Dofcudnnts, In the sum
of Eight Hundred Ninety &. No-100,
($890.00) Dollnrs, with Intorest
thoreon rrom snld Cth, dny of Jan
uary, 1917, nt tho rata of nine per
cont por nniium, nnd tho further
sum of Ono Hundred Forty &. No
100, ($140.00) Dollnrs attorney's
fees, nnd tho further sum of Seven
teen & 20-100 ($17.20) Dollars
costs, nnd tho further sum of Flvo
Hundred St. No-100 ($.'00.00) Dol
lars, with Interest theicnu at the
rato tit it 1 no per cont per minimi
from tho 23rd, dny of January.. 1017.
and the further sum of Ono llundted
Ninety-eight & 51-100 ($198 51)
Dollnrs, wltli intorest tliereou nt tho
rnle of six per cont por nnuiim from
the 4th, tiny of Jnnunry, 1920 for
taxos pttld, which Judgment wns en
rolled nnd docketed In the Clerk'
offlco of snld Court In said County
on tho 7th, day of February 1921.
HY GIVEN, That I will on tho 12th,
day of Mnrch 1921, nt tho hour of
2 o'clock In the nftornoou of snld
day, at the north mntii eiitrnnco
door of tho Court Houso ut Vale,
lit snld County and Stato, sell at
public auction to the highest mid
host bidder or bidders tor cash, tho
following described rent property,
All of Dloclt Two Hundred Forty-
ono (241) In tho City of Ontario,
Mnlliour County, Oregon, according
to tho offlclnl plats and maps of said
city on fllo and or record In tho
offlco or tho County Clork or Mal
heur County, Oregon togotlior with
tho tenements, horedltnmonts and
nppurtanances thereunto belonging
or In auywlso apportioning
Tho nbovo real property with thu
tenements, hereditaments mid ap
purtenances thereunto bulouglng or
In any wlso appertaining takon and
levied upon as the property or tho
said defendants, John McGUcni nnd
Nuiioy McGlvern, by virtue or a
mortgage given thoreon by tho above
named dofondntits, or so iiiueli there
of its may he necessary to salUfy
said Judgment -lit favor of R. W.
HwuRlur, ns administrator or tho Es
tate or Thomas Crothets, Deceased,
tonethor with all costs and dlshum -
iiiculH that havo or may nceruo.
Dated at Vulo, Oregon, this 9th,
day or February, 1931.
II. i.i;i: .NUi-;, Miiernt.
Hy O. W. (lloiiu. Deputy.
Dale of First Publication, February
10th, 1921.
Date of Inst publication March 10th,
Data of sale March 12th, 1921. at
2 P. M.
lit The Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon ror the County of Malheur
Mary Jau& Jnnoy. II. N. Macomb,
Dossa Macomb, aoorgo W, Hlanlon,
Jr., Ellon L. Hlaiiton; also all othor
portions or portion unknown claim
ing any right, title, ostnto, Hon or In
torest In the real ostuto described In
tho complaint horoln;
To Mary Juno Junoy, II. N. Ma
comb, Desu Macomb, George W
lllaiiton, Jr., Ellen L, Hlaittnu, nnd
ulso nil other'porsons or parties un
known claiming any right, tltlo, os
tato, Hon or Interest In tho roal os
tato described In tho complaint hero
You and onch of you aro horoby
roqutrod to appear n'ld answer tho
complaint tiled agnlnst you lit tho
nbovo entitled suit on or boforo tho
expiration of six wooks from tho
dnto of the tlrst publication of thU
summons, tho snmo bolng tho last
day of tho tlmo proscribed by ordor
ot tho court directing service of
Bummons In said cnuso to ho mndo
upon you by publication; and If you
fall so to answer, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho urt
for tho rollof domanded In snld com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a dncroo of said court qutot
Ing plulntlffs tltlo to Lots Number
ed 14, 15 and 10 in Hlock 44 In
tho City of Ontnrlo. Mainour County.
,. -.i... ..,.... i ... .....i
lion. wtotoV intent In said reni
ostato. and that plaintiff's tltlo to
i im snmo Is Reed nnd valid as
against you, nnd for all other rollof
demanded In snld complaint.
You nro furthor notified that this
summons Is sorved upon you by pub
lication In pursuance of nn ordor of
the Hon. Dalton Hlggs, Judjo of this
Court, which said ordor was mado
nnd ontered In said catn-a on Febru
ary 2nd, 1921, and dtrectod that
this summons bo published onco
each weok for six succotmtvo woaks
In tHo "Ontario Argus." Tho first
publication of this summons Is on
Feb. 3, 1921, and tho last publica
tion Is on March 17, 1921.
- Attornoy for Plaintiff
My rcsldonce nnd pott offico nd
dross Is at Ontario, Orogon.
ESTRAY Cumo to my placo,
about 2 miles northwost of Ontario
on Malheur river, ono Jersey cow,
dark head with light strip on back
and crumpled horns, coming fresh
soon. Ownor may havo samo by
paying for cost ot caring for animal,
and for this advertisement. Robort
H. LoRoy, Ontnrlo, 12-14.
FOR SALE Oood sood burloy
choap; hay first cutting $8 a ton,
second cutting $7 a ton. Two
miles Btralght west of town. John
Molenaar. 11-14 P.
l"?.KO,J " ?''. "B"IH "" ..'"", '".wll do Ivor tho samo free of ox.
In the Clicult Cotnt of the Htuto of
Oicgon, For tho County of Malheur
Sylvia E. Morgan, Plaintiff.
auy P. Morgan, Defendant.
To Guy P. Morgan, the' nbovo
nnmod Defendnnt:
You aro hereby reutilred to nttnr
nnd niiBWor tho coinnlntnt Med
against you in tho nboo entiled
suit on or before tho expiration of
six weoks from tho dnto of tho first
publication of this summons, tho
snmo bolng tho last day of tho
tlmo prescribed by ordor of the court
directing service of summons In snld
suit to bo mndo upon you by publi
cation; nnd If you fall solo answer,
for wnnt thereof, the tilulntlff will
apply to tho court for th roller de
manded In the said complaint, to
wlt: For u decree of snld court grant
ing tho plaintiff a divorce from you,
and awarding plaintiff thu custody
or Mildred Lucllo Morgan, tho lulu
or child of plaintiff nntl defendant,
and granting plulntttt an undivided
oue-thlrd Interest In your land In
Mnlliour County, Oregon, described
ns tho E.4 of 8.E.U of Sec 14,
and W.V4 of H.W. of Sec. 13, In
,Twp. 17 S. It. 40 E. W. M., nliil
awarding plaintiff reasonable ali
mony, suit money ind attorneys fees
out or your property, and for all
other relief demanded In said com
nlnlnt. You nro further notified that
tjiis summons Is served upon you by
liuuiicniiuu in iiurnuiiuct! ui an ur
dcr of tho Hon. Dnlton Hlggs, Juilgo
of snld Court, which order was inntlo
nnd entered In snld cnuso on Fob.
2, 1021, nnd directed that this sum
mons bo published onco each wcok
for six succosslvo weoka In tho "On
tario Argus." Tho dnto of tho first
publication of this sttn-monn li Feb
17, 1921, and tlin laot puiillcatlon
Is on Mnrch 31. 1021.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
My rosldonco and post ofMce ad
dress Is nt Ontnrlo, Oregon,
Thnt Slide Irrigation District, Mnl
liour County, 8tato of OroRon, IntondB
to Isauo, nogotlnto and sell, and
horoby Invites scaled bids for, tho
negotiable coupon bonds of snld
Slide Irrigation District, First Sorlos
authorized at an election held with
in snld district on Octobor 11th,
1020. In thu nmtnint or Nlnoty Flvo
Thousand Dollars, tho funds to bo
dorlvcd thorofrom to bo used for uo-
fraying tho necessary expanses of or-
gnnlintlnu of snld district, construc
tion ot works nnd aystom ami main
temuico and operation ot tho Bamo,
or any ono or moro of sold pur
pones. All bids tor said bonds must bo
sealed bids filed with 1. Ynnt, Sec
retary of Slldo Irrigation District ot
Wolsor, Idaho, on or boforo tho hour
of 2 o'clock P. M. on tho 28th day
of Mnrch, 1021, ut which snld hour
all bids will bo opened, nnd must
bo accompanied by nn unconditional
cortlflnd check In the sum of 3
ot tho price bid, snld chock to be
held us liquidated damages by Slide
Irrigation District lit tho event the
bidder refuses to take up and pay
for said bonds It said bid Is accept
ed. Each bid shuf! specify tho rnto of
Interest, nnd tho prlco In lawful
monoy of tho United States of Amor
lea bid for (A) bonds not boarlnic
tho cortlficnto of tho Securities Com
mission of tho Stato of Orogou, (11)
bonds bearing tho certificate of tho
Securltloa Commission of the Stnto
ot Orogon, nnd (C) bonds boarlng
tho cortlflrnto of tho Securltloa Com
mission of tho Stato of Orogou uud
upon which Interest la guaranteed by
tho Stnto of Oregon for not to ox
reed throo yoars, or for either of
the samo
Tho said bonds shall bo negotiable
In form, and payablo In gold coin
of tho Unltod 8tatos of Amorlca of
tho prosont standard ot wolghU and
riiinnpmi. or In Its oitulvnlont. nnd
shall bear dato tho 1st day of Jan-
unry, 1921 and sbnll ioar intoresi
nt in nxrend a& nor annum, pay-
ablo Boml-nnnuully, snld bonds to bu
In denominations of not less than
$100.00 or moro tnnn i,uuu.uu,
with Interest coupon nttaciion tor
onch homl-aiinual Instnllmont of In
terost, tho prlncloal of Bnld bonds
to mature sorlnllln annual amountH
approximately equal, principal and
Intorest, In not loss than ten yoars
nor moro than twenty yonra nftor
rim nnnrd of DlrectorH '.OMorvos
tho right to roject any and all bids
offorod, but If said bonds aro sold
ohango or transportation eludes to
any city of tho Un td BUtes. ti i
nnrMindnr to furnish 111" lllllO
graphod bonds and to remit tho
purchnso prlco freo ot oxohaiigo to
tho bank to bo doslgnatod by tho
Dated this February 14th, 1921.
Hy W, D. Patch, Chulrman
I. Yant, Socrotnry.
Wo havo had loft on our bauds
stored In public warohouso In Pay
oteo, n strictly high grade piano. For
quick salo to rcsponstblo party big
discount will bo glvon. Easy to'rms.
Wrlto at onco for particulars to Tho
Donvor Music Company, Denvor, Col
orado. 11-12-13.
FOR SALE Tent houso 16xlC,
Linoleum covorod floor, fitted with
scroons and awnings on four stdos
Lined and stalnod. Ideal summar
houso. Prlco $160. AIho bungalow
houso 12x14, $85.00. Phono 205-W-3
11-12 p.
Hurr Wants young calvos
phono 209-W-2, Ontario,
Professional Cards
9 to 12 and 2 to 5
Offlco over First National Hank
rolrphODo No 33 J Outurlo Ore.
Hctwocii Ontario Pimm,
Phono 52
Pnitoffko Itullillng
Ontnrlo, Oregon
Offices also nt B1U Idaho Hulldinu;
llolsc, Idaho
Phenes: Offlco lOO-H; Res. 170-J
Acuto or Chronic Dlsoasos
RooniB oor Post Offlco
fjjj. (;. XYLKK
Ottlco In Wilson Dldg.
Office Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p. in.
Phono 117 for Appointments.
Spcclnl Equipment
Speedy Service
See 0. B. Sanford
Phono, -IS-W
Ontario, Oregon
Tho powor ot your auto en
glno comes from tho cyllndors
and this Is tho Only Shop In
Malheur county that has a
This permits us to do this nc
curato machine work to a
hair, and do It quickly
Now Is thu tlmo to hove your
engine ovorhuulod.
Ontario, Otegoti
Phono lltl-J
.Ontario, Oregon
Long Hauling a Specialty
Wo Altvit)H Del her (he (JoniN
Electric Wiring
All wiring done strictly
ot stato laws.
We build up to a standard,
not down to a price.
Griffith Electric Shop
Tolophonu 228 .1
Dr. J. A. McFall
ICjtmlght Kpcclnllht
E) cglnxsci anil Spectacle ,
Grinding Plant on Preinbiet
Phono M7-J For AppolnfmcnU
lllarkaby Jewelry llldg.
Ontario, Oregon
The Things You Go By
We Make Them
Turner Bros.
FOR SALE Nine room
Phono 31-M for Information
13-17 p
FOR SALE - Incubator. 1C0 egg
capacity Phono 201-J-2. 13-14p