The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 03, 1921, Image 3

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No cfgaretto has
the same delicious
flavor as Luoky
Strike. Because
Mrs. W. J. Shutter vlsttod Mrs.
thnrlos JolniBon Tliursilny nftor-
Miss Mnry Cnrllsa vtsltcil Sundny
tlio Jess Drown homo.
II. II. Wooil loft Fr'idny for Bnn
Charles Lundgrcn lino boon work-
ig on his rancli noar NyBBn thin
rook Mr. Lungron oxpoctn to movo
I Is family thcro nn soon ns tlio roads
Mr and Mrs. Charles Johnson
ero business visitors In Ontario
rlday Miss Ida nccompnnlod thorn
onto to spend tho wrok ond.
Miss Edith Ooodwntor Is visiting
Iss Mnry Carllss this week. Miss
oodwntor expects to roturn to hor
omo In 1'ortlnnd Boon.
Tom Johnson movod Into tho
ouio formorly occupied by Mr.
onnot Frldny. Mr. Johnson Is so
n to work for Mr. Clnronco Hoos.
Mr, Mcleod In feeding his Bhoop
i l)r Wooso's placo noar Ontario.
Johnnlu Johnson ontorod bcIiooI
Ib wook.
Mrs, McMurron nnd Mm. Albee
sltod tho Rchool Friday afternoon.
Tlio now song books tor tho Sun-
Biy hcIiooI arrived thin wcok. Thoro
III ho choir prnotlco ovory Wcdnos-
Kiy at tho School house. Mrs. Chan.
hnsou will dlroct tho singing.
Tho chllclron enjoyed n half hoi-
ay Washington's Htrthdny.
Mr nnd Mra, Aloxnmlor nro visit-
r Mrs Aloxnndor'n pnronts Mr.
nd Mrs. W S. Itoon.
Quito n nunihor attended Sundny
chool Sunday. It Is hopod Hint tho
reachliiK Borvlro can bo continued
xt Sunday slnco tho roads aro lm
rovlng rapidly.
Iloatrlco Griffin spoilt Tuesday
ftornonn with Abhlo McMurron.
Tho following "pupils hnvo- boon
olthor absent nor tardy for tho past
Virglnln nnd Cloudlno DuPro, Eg
fiort Oft, llnrold, Losllo nnd Law
ronco Albee, David Griffin, llohort
Knylor, Alvnh IiiBrnham, Abblo Mc
Murron, Ilontrlco Qrlffln, Paul Mool
lor, Sorono McMurron, Victor Ilollslo,
Dorothy Knylor, Froddlo Moollor,
George Moollor.
Mrs. K, C, IiiBrnham wns very
plonBantly surprlsod Wcdnosdny
ovcnltiB by quite- n number of hor
friends who enmo tu to help hor ccl
obrato hor birthday.
A party was glvon at tho Carllss
homo on tho Inland Friday ovonlng.
TIioho ntlondlnB from Vnlloy VIow
woroj B. C. Ingrnhnm nnd family,
Mr. and Mrs. Noah, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Itcod, and Mrs. Griffith.
. iikino used incur,
(Ily W. A. Ilnrtlett)
Lnst weok wo proved from Stato
and Govornmont reports on local oil
dovolopmon that oil wolls In tho
past hnvo not boon drlllod in tho
right places, to propor dopths, nor"
with tho best cqulpmont.
Tho most importnnt faotor ho
twoon tho falluro and success of an
oil tost In a now district Is tho se
lection of tho well by competent
geologists. Tho fact Is rocognlzod
today by practically all tho now com
panies operating or preparing to
drill in tho Snnko Itlvor Vnlloy bo
tweon Nnmpa and Wolsor, nnd thoro
nro nix or eight of theso companies
backed by tho business men nnd
bnnkors of half a dozen cities. Nnm
pa, Ontario, nnd I'ayotto companies
hnvo alt had competent and exper
ienced geologists in tho field, in nd
dltlou to tho vniunblo field work
done by tho Stato and U. S. Gcolog
Jcnl Survoy. Boino of theso com
panion hnvo been censured because
thoy did not hnvo two or throo wolls
already drilling, but whon It Is un
derstood that tho Roologlcat and
structural work must bo dono first,
In ordor to avoid tho mistakes mndo
In tho past, It Is far hotter to takn
moro tlmo nnd suo that our oil
wolls nro drlllod In tho right placos
and with tho host oqulpmont.
Tho tmportnnco of geological and
( structural study In oil well drilling
.In omphnslxod by Victor Klcglor, nu-
thor of Popular Oil and Geology, rn
which ho says, "Wo havo dwelt
upon tho ndvlsnblllty of employing
petroleum geologists whon wild cat
ting. Tho finding of oil wns for
morly n wild gamble Nowdays It
nood not bo. During tho exploita
tion of tho older American tloldn,
tho ratio of produotlvo woIIh to all
wolls drlllod was vary small; hut
sclonco has studied petroleum's gon
ohIb nnd occurrcnco, and theories
hnvo boon dvolvod nnd tostod In
practice by skilled, educated men
until tho factor of uncertainty In
drilling for natural oil has boon
radically roducod and is becoming
Binnllor all tho tlmo.
"It Is thoroughly rocognlzod by
ovory largo, successful oil company.
A fow yonr ago, during tho wild-
"Permanent as the Pyramids"
Concrete is the Foundation of all Permanent
If You Are Building For Permanence Use Concrete
Concrete Irrigation Pipe
Concrete Drainage-Pipe
Concrete Sewer Pipe
Our plant is equipped with modern machinery,
our methods ef manufacture are those gained
through years of experience, our labor ii skilled,
our product is the best obtainable. You get the
baneQt of every pound of cement used.
Ask Satisfied Customers
The test of any product is its service. Our con
crete pipe has been used in many of the biggest
and best drainage and irrigation systems in this
section. Ask for information, let us refer you to
those who have used our product.
Estimates furnished on your contemplated im
provements. Ontario Concrete Pipe Co.
C. E. BINGHAM, Manager
Plants at Ontario, Oregon and Caldwell, Idaho
catting of fields in Kansas and Ok
lahoma, success In bringing In oil
wolls wnH consldcrubly loss THAN
ONE PEUCENT, Now, with scien
tific guldanco avallnblo, tho uyoruRo
Is around BIXTV-DIGHT percent,
and it would ho nttll larger If It
woro not that noma concerns still
consider it economy to curtail tho
geologists' fco or Hnlnry. Falso
Whon tho stnto nnd govorniiiont
reports on our locnl oil nnd gas ro
houcob nro mndo public, thoy will un
doubtedly bring tu u numhor of oil
drilling rompuiilon from tho big oil
con tors of this country, In addition
to tho drilling which Is holng plnn
nod by local companies.1 So tho
prospects nro that this vnlloy will
ho thoroughly tested HiIb summer
Jn a Bclantltlc, buslnoss-llka mnnnor,
ns It nover wns boforo.
Largo sums ot money nro going
out of thin district ovory year in
stock invostmonts in tho ToxnB, Ok
lahoma and Wyoming fluids. If
this monoy wara Invested In locnl
oil companies which nro officered
and managed by good, careful, and
consclontlotiB local business mon, n
numbor of oil wells could bo drilled,'
nnd tho Investment would probably
bo groat deal safer than whon tho
money is Invested In distant flotds,
which tho stock-buyer hns novor
scon; with mon nbout whoso busi
ness ability nnd honesty they know
nothing. It Is no wonder that such
Investments fall. Tho money Invest
ed locally, remains nt homo nnd
helps to onrlch this district; nnd if
tho oil or gas tosts aro as successful
as geologists predict, this valley will
share In thu greatest wealth'produc
lug industry known tV innn, nnd
every resident will ho benefited.
In Tlio Cliciill Com I of the State of
Oicgon for tho Count) of Malheur
John A. Flock, Plaintiff,
May 12. Flock, Dofoudnut
To May 13. Flock, tho nbovo nam
ed Dofeudnut:
You uro boroby rpqu'red to ap
pear and nnswor tho complaint filed
against you In tho nbovo antlttbd
suit on or boforo tho oxplrntlon of
dx weeks from tho ditto of tho first
publication of this summons, tho
snmo holng tho last day of tho tlmo
proscribed by order of tho courr
directing sorvlro ot buuhuvih In said
suit to bo mndo upon you by publi
cation; nnd If you full so to nnswor.
for wnnt thereof, tho pntlntlff will
apply to tho court for tho relief do
nmuded In tho said complaint, to
wit: For n docrco of ntd court dis
solving tho bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff nnd dofen
dnnt, nnd granting the plaintiff nn
absolute dlvorco from ou, and for
all other relief doinnmbtd (n tho snld
Cemplnlnt. "
You nro further iinttflnd that till
summons Is sorod upon you by pub
lication In purBUniuo of mi order of
tho linn. Dalton Mgns, utidgo of
tho Court, which ordor wr.s mnde
and entered In said causa on Febru
nry 2, 1921, nnd directed that this
summons bo published once each
week for six successive wookfl In tho
"Ontario Argus." Tho dnto of t)io
first publication of this summons Is
March 3, 1021, nnd tho last puniica-
Hon (s on April 14, 1021 i
Attorney for tho 1'ialntlff.
My residence nnd post offlco '
nddrcsa Is nt Ontario, Oregon.
Although this Is tho first yoar
tho course has been established,
taking Into consideration tho diffi
culty In starting It, thoro Is going
to bo much good gotten out of tho
courso In "Vocational Agriculture"
Anyone taking this courso will bo
moro fitted to go out m life. Even
If ho does not mnko a farmer out
of himself ho enn't help but gut n
lot of good out of It.
I like our flold trips tho best of
any as It tenches us tho different
kinds ot nutmuls. Even nftor study
ing tho typos and learning to tull tho
dlfforont kinds from tho d'tcusstons
in clnss ono cannot do it success
fully unless ho get out nnd study
tho animals thomsalvc:.
Wo got snmo work In tho shop
which will onahlo tin to donnythlng
wo wnnt to, this Is ono ot tho bust
features in the courso, Another Is
that wa holp to carry on n project
for six months nnd at tho ond of
tho term, bcsldos tcnchfng us some
thing about what wo hnvo taken up,
will nlso mnko some money for us.
Thot Project of dairying is some
thing which tnkes n groat doal of
thought and enro In ordor to mnko
a success ot it, I took up this pro
ject hocauso I was moro Interested
In it than any ot tho other projects,
nnd this project is holng urged by
ovoryono. f
Last month I stnrtod In with 2
cows, but rocontly I bought1 3 moro
All tho milk Is recorded on n book.
This shows tho decrease or Incrouso
In milk por day. Each cow Is ro-,
cordod separately and In this way I
can toll which cow brings tho pro
fit. I mndo off of this project for
tho month of January, $51 2C,
which shows that it ovorythtng Is
takon caro ot thoro is a profit In it.
Thou the milk Is soparated and
tho cream shipped to Spokane. The
skim milk is fod to hogs and this
is a big part of profit mndo.
Tho project which I started No-1
vember 1, 1021 Is the production of
hogs for tho mitrket. Tho first thing1
I had to consider before choosing tho
project, was what brood of livestock
I liked most nlso whnt typo of live
stock I was suited to tako enro of
mill hnlidlo host. So tills is tllO
method I used nftor choosing tho
hog project".
Tho first thing I hnd to do was
to build a hog house, and I being nn
nmatour thought It host to refer to
tho Unltod States Agrlculturo Hullo
tins on tho housing of hogs. I built
this particular house named tho
Joyhouso at n cost of $G.GG and tho
lumbor and touclng, nails and hinges
tl.CC making tho whole houso and
nppnratus costing $7.20.
Tho typo of hog wns tho noxt
thing to consider and nfte,r roforrlng
to tho dlfforont roforoncos and us
ing my own Judgment I decided to
koop tho Poland Chlnn brood So
I purchased a Poland Chlnn Ilrood
Sow nnd four Pigs. And nftor this
I studied tho tablo of foods so us
to ho nhlo to net intelligently In
choosing tho feodB. And now I hnvo
complotod nil tljoso undertakings
nnd nm gottlng nlong fluo with tho
preject: Produotlon of hogs for tho
Early ogg laying Is a characteris
tic ot tho good laying lion. Lato
laying Is another characteristic ot a
good layor. Soloctlon of good layers
thus lengthons tho laying period
both at the boglnntng and end of
tho yonr. Poultry, O. A. C.
FOIt SALE Early Kurokns, Ear
ly Hoso, Early Ohlos; also Ilurals
and Kottod Goms.
Hox BO, NAMPA. IDAHO. 13-10
Laying longevity of lions Is largo
ly a mattor of brooding. Tho lion
that lays host In hor pullot year Is
tho host layor In subsoquont yours,
and ono effect of tho nroodlng work
ot this department Is to lougthon
tho profltnblo laying ago. This will
greatly roduco tho production cost
by making It unnocossnry to repro
duce tho flook so frequently ns horo
toforo found nocossary. Poultry,
O. A. C.
My Reputation.
Is at etako ou ovory tiro I sond
out of this store.
I fool that I can unqualifiedly
recommend Goodyonr Tiro to ovory
automobile owner In Ontario.
Orogon and all othor westoru
statos, as well as Canada, woro re
presented at tho mooting of forest
entomollglsts hold rocontly ut Coour
d' Alono, Idaho, to consldor chiefly
who is taking tho lead In control
mothods of tho yellow plno hark
boetlo represented tho agricultural
collogo and discussed some results
of his Investigations. Entomology,
O. A. C.
Ford Garage
to have those
JSxd Oxxirtaiin
We can save you money on
Established here in 1910
All the bright, snappy, New Spring styles
aro now here.
The recent arrival of our New Spring shoes
from Utz & Dunn Co., allows us to assure
you we nover had u more complete or at
tractive line to show our patrons.
They're ready for your inspection. Whether
you prefer tho extromo styles or the more
conservative, your size and model is here.
The store where style is paramount.
. GO. Ontario, Ore.
FORDSON tractor
jj ,, t...,Js
20 Horse Powor for Pumping, Grinding Ornlu, Cutting Hay Hun
nlng your Ensilage Cuttor.
10 Horuo Powor for Plowing Harrowing DUelug, Etc.
Tho chonpost power avallnblo at this tlmo. Ask for the booklet,
Tho Fordson nt Work.
Tho Fordson takes the Home place In tho truotor field ns tho
Ford car In tho Automobile fluid, Moro for tho Money always.
Ontario, Oregon
4 m &8Jr I2
The Success
of our customers has helped us,
and our success has helped them.
You, too, will find our co-operation
an advantage
" c.y,v.
bfarnTMvmkXtmaaoM. rtmttarjur jaaaMMarAarjMt.tkVa?
ksnaokecusaujak "fc .,tz. -..yMJ- .,1" t-T..-.1-rj