c " toaarto XXV ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 192-1 NO. 1(3 0 ft-rait. ie AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANY WOULD REVIVE BEET RAISING IIXI) SUPKHINTENDKNT I.VDI. U'ATHS THAT COMPANY' IS IIEADV TO OONSIDEIt CON. tiiactino Loon aches or meets heme JTAII PRICES FIXED FORSEASON Itiinrlicr Asked to Prepare Ground I mill Ciiltlvnlo Willi .Miwlilhcri Company Ahsoihs V art of Freight, KiirnUlii'N Hoed uutl Ijithoi- With n proposition to iilniit ut leant 1000 ucroa to sugnr boolH of- ticlnlH of thu Amulg.uiiatod Sugar toiiipany will visit this suction of Malliuiir county an houii an thu rouds iicriult reasonable travel. Frank J. Armour, fluid mipurlu jendont of thu company with bond- Uiiiirlt rH at Wolsor huh In Ontario a I Hiuuriiny to runner investigate tho Hltuntluu mid to von fur with lo- ral tnuii. Ah Iiu outlined thu Hltiiatlou the rumpniiy will nbHorb u portion oi I tie frulKht rato on bouta from this tlon to thu company m plant tit I'aul, Idaho, and will furnish thu peed to thu growers, as wull iih kIvu to inu groworH inu nonoiu or ex pert ngrlrulturlata In growing tlio lieets. Thu runchor under thu torma of the contract will propuru thu Kround nuil plnnt thu sued and cultivate thu liueta with cultlvntora If ho can- liot furiilHh tho ndUlttounl Inhor for IhluiiliiK anil toppInK thu heats tho company will furnish this labor. A special plant for unloading thu EiiictH from wiikoiih will Iiu erected f thu company secures sufficient nintrnrtH to warrant It. ho that thu rancher will not hnvo to hnudlu thu iirodnct nftor IuiivIiik thu farm. Prko Fixed An ldia of tho prices at which cimtractH will lie lut nmy Iiu gained froin tno ngreemont rcaciiou ni Knit tako hotwoon tho KrowurH repre sented hy thu Utah Hlalu Farm IIu- renu nud tho company whoro, Inmed km a prlco of $7.00 for refined augur t Iiu KroworH aro to rocutvo i.04 pur iin ror iioutH, i.iiHt yonr mo prico tv.ni (12 per ton at inu rofinory, I .mi t year 1200 wagon londa of lin t:i delivered to thu company nt Welsor for which tho rnucliura wro paid 00.000, Thu conipiiny rcaluua, uccordlng to Mr Armour that not every randi er In a successful Htignr Iwet raiser, mid also thai not every rancli ia Hiillahlu for thlH crop. Thoreforo I lie rompany will contract only for hind that la Hiiltabrb for tho pur poses mid with tho understanding (hat proper rotation of cropa will lie followed hi) that the Industry will prosper your nftor year. Those who luivo coiiHiiierou mo ninttcr hero doclaro that tho trouble experienced when flrai sugar heotH vero attomptod In tula soctlon was duo to Inoxporlunco on tho part of everyone connoctod with tno inuua- Iry which wna In Its infancy. Tiipro hna l)oon mnrkQ( progress immIq In tm growth of huhmf huwtM mid It hits spread tliroiiKliout tho north west nt n rapid rato. Since many of tho nUnlf.i flolda if this roglon hnva boon plowod up, t a tho belief of animi of tnoso wiio hnvu studied tho situation that thla 1 1 ono way In which to put tho land Into profitable uso, Mrs Goargo Qilham has as a guoBt hor brother Union Cnrrlgnn ( f Pocatollo, Mrs. H. B- MoCnrty of Pnyotto is visiting her inothor. Mrs. Jacob Stroup. MrB. C L. Donovan of Contrnl City, Nebraska, who has boon spend ing tho wlntor In California cu.mo Thursday for n few days visit with Mr mid Mrs. C. E. 8ocoy. Sho loft Monday for home. Hon. P. J. Gnllnghor, accompanied hy Mrs. aallaghor, roturnod from Salem Saturday. Miss Louisa Uukor of Portland visited n day or two this wook with her frloud, Miss Urba Anderson. Frlonda horo have received word that Mrs. J. A. Walter of Long Beach, California, formerly of this flty Is critically III with bronchlnl pneumonia with but slight hope of her rocovory. K, J Harry Is slightly Improved. Ills daughters Mrs. U, II. Patton of I'ayotte and Mrs. L. M. Cnnron of tho St. Paul neighborhood havo Icen with him. II. D. Paul has boon enjoying a v'slt this week from his father who 1'vos in Peoria, Illinois. Tho Hoys' second basket ball team Played Huntington at Ontario last Irlday night, resulting In a sweep I ig victory for Ontario. Tho Girl's baBkot ball was de feated by the Vale QlrlB1 team at Vale Tuesday night. L Stowell is remodeling his house and building on n modern kitchen. Miss Kosulla Daws attended the Maho University Glee Club banquet and dance at Payette, last Friday night, LOCAL PERSONALS MWMiMMaMHMMMNMMMHMN OHINA.MAN CLEANS UP HUHHIHII ACCUMULATED .MANV YEAHS "Twcnty-flvo year Job. Mogott'om all, now lottoo cleaner, hn." That wnH tho oxclnmatlon thnt greeted Marshal H. C. Farmer when ho visited tho Chlnoso laundry on Becoinl Htrcut to bco whothor or not tho promises of tho now proprietor to clomi-up his back yard was bolng kopt. Jolm did not object to donning up hut ho did bollovo thnt ho had boon unkindly trcatod when ho was called on to do work thnt should hnvo boon dono yonra ngt. Nover-the-Iosh John did tho work. Load nftor IupiI of rubbish was carted away and now thu back yard of tho Chlnn mnn'H plnca Is splk and Hpnu. L IS NIFTY PUBLICATION Student lNlltoix mid lltisineas .Maim. Iter Aitiiiiki I'm Moutlily Issiiu of lllu.li Kchoid .hiiiriml I'lid June Hold Out Thu O. II. S. Squawk, u monthly publication, thu official organ of tho Ontario High School Studunt Itody, Hindu Its bow to publlo ravo' o.t TuuMilay moruluu. Thu pulillcutlon was wull patron- Uud by thu business inuu of tho city, mid was filled with Interesting uuwh Htorlua of thu High School evejits proving altogothur worthy of tho school. Thu Htnff of tho Squawk In clude: Hutli McC'ulloch, udtor-lu-chluf; Hugh Illgga, iiHslstant editor; Martin Mooro, business manager; Mitchell, Mooro, nthlollc; Alice Dor man, society; Ilia (Iramso. literary; My run Sucoy, uxchnuges; Donnld Parker, Jokes. Thu class reporters; William IllggH, seniors; Mildred I'opuland, Juulorri; Hopo Cnchrnu, Rophomorca mid Kdgnr Fortlor, fruHhmon. Miss Cnlherlnu Conway, faculty advisor passed on tho work of tho students, (iOINd TO INVIWTKJATK OIIKCON DAIUVMKNS M.V At a meeting of tho Farm flu roan's marketing commlttue It w;ii determined to und i iopi-osMitntlvo to InvoHtlgntu tho p!,i'i of itieriiUi i of tho Orowm iiiirymun'n I.wukuo, mid to hivltu lltu Cumuinrclnl Club to Hum! u 'oprusontitlvo for thu saitiu purpose. Tho huronu will bo repre sented by Peter Touseii of Nyssa whllo tho Commercial Club will bo roprosontod by B. C. Vnn Potion. They will leave horo this afternoon nud Join a similar committee from Payette. WHW M. A. Pntch of Itlverdalo w.to Ontario Monday, F, H. Harrison of Doad 0 Flat wns In town Monday. J. A. Sclmtldt Hihimed Monday from h visit to his family at SJovon son, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Karl inncKnuy vm. Itod Portland mid Byeona this wook. Mrs. Y W. HrooKovor vlaltod ovor Sunday with hor sister, Mrs Vnlorla Plughoff .ami family r.i Huntington, roturntng home Moii- The ForolKii MUstoimry Society of tho M. E. church mot with Mrs n. llonson Wodnesday. Judgo J. Q. Lamborsonja serious ly III nt his homo Is this city, Grandma Thomiut who was re ported 111 last week Is hotter. Mrs. Holen Strothors of Holso wni In Ontario tho first of the week. Mrs. Annie Jackson returned Feb ruary 2BtU Jrom a two month's stny with hor sister .Mrs. Thomas Lo gan's chlldron nt Corvnllts. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. S. n. Hober Friday 24th, n daughter who has been given the namo of Zena Mary Mrs. It. D. Thompson Is 111 at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Dnll. Mrs. Otis Mltohel of Welsor was In Ontnrlo Tuesday on business. Hugh Allen was a business visitor at Welsor last Friday. Miss I.oln Steen, of tho looal tele phone offlco, spent Sunday at her home In Cnldwoll. Nols Morgonsen of Unity traded his stock ranch near Unity for an eighty acre ranch near Fru'tlaud. Dr. G. A. Pogue U sitll very poorly- noy Currey and family of Juntura woro weok end guests of Mr and Mrs. T B. Flser. Mrs. John Dunphy of Nnmpa Is 111 nt the Nampa Hospital. luifv LOCAL PERSONALS in HIIKItll-T LOCATICS CHUDE STILL ON DEAD OX FLAT Sheriff I.oo Noo loented what Is believed to bo tho crudest liquor manufacturing plant yet Invomod. Tho distillery wus found In tho dry-lnnd section or nend Ox Flat and consisted of n gulvnnlzod Iron tank mid pipes. Llttlo mash or liquor woru found. Tho operators of tho still, I'otor Koouy mid Hur- roll Wilson, woro apprahcuded. Wil son guvo ball mid Kceuy was told to roport Inter. STATE FARM BUREAUS ADOPT SIMILAR PLAN Advancement of Agilililluinl Itiler usta of .Statu Promoted y t'tillcd Kffortt of 1'nriu lliiiciu's In All Heellon of (Ii'i'Kii Practically nil tho county ngontB In Eastern Oregon havo adopted work nlong tho following lines: (1) Adoption of Grimm alfalfa, (2) Ap plication of sulphur to atfnlfn, (3) Silos, (4) Pest conttot, (C) Hotter livestock. Many other pinna were adopted In dirroront countlos. These are com mon, however, to most counties nnd nro of fundamental Importance from mi economic standpoint. For Instiinco, there nro moro tjinn M),000 ncrcH of alfalfa land tho pro duction of which mny bo Increiised from twenty to fifty per cont by tho uso tf nrlmm alfalfa. There nro 100,000 acres of alfalfa which will return a ton per aero for every dollar oxpomlod for sulphur or land plaster. Tho coat of hoof, wool nud dairy production can bo reduced from twenty to fifty per cont by foodlug ensilage figuring tho cost of onsllngo production mid feeding value In com parison with liny crops. In Home district!) In certain coun ties pests, chiefly rnhulltt and ground squirrels, urn destroying moro range mid crops than tho livestock. Tho Klamnth County Farm Hurcnu, hniii died ton nnd ono-lult tons of poison Inst yonr for Its memnorfl nt n groat reduction In coh(. In somp countlos farm bureau innmbnrs Instead of purchasing livestock .Indiscriminate ly nt public Bales mid from specula tors, pool tholr orders nud have momliors of tho organization soloct stock doslrod. With difficult fliinuctn) situations fnclng tho (qrnieri these offlcloucy fnclori luH'omo moro Important than over. ('Alt lU'W LITTLi: OIHL W1IBN SHU UAItTS IN KltONT OK WW Little MUi Niuiml llrnnlff, olght yearn old, wna slightly hurt last Friday when hit by mi uutomobllo drlvon by 11. It. Udtck In front of tho Turner Music score, The Utile girl ran out from behind a wagon, not soqIuk Hie " n1' hofon Mr. Uillck could Rol l'10 cnr "topped one front whool had passed ovor her leg. Mr. Udlck npplM tll brakes about twenty feet from her, hut tho cnr went, suvernl feet by lt own piomitnlum. Tho llttlo girl Is not seriously Injured and will bo ulrlgl't In a fow days, although sho had a narrow escape from serious Injury FRUITLAND BENCH A large number of tho pntrono of tho Frultland schools gathered Frl day at tho High School assembly room to llston to ft splendid Wash ington program, two selections from WeU Krade'nnd High School. The iiumhors wero unuaually good and much onjoyod by the paronts.. Pre ceding tho program a. number of tho Idaho UnlverHlty Glee Club camo over and sang nnd plnyod. Tho crowd was so largo that throe grndos woro dismissed so that the tho program waa ovor when two grados woro dlsmlssod to that tho othor three could como In. Irult laiul needs a now high school build ing and gymnasium. Mrs. J. I- Leo was opornted upon Monday morning for appendicitis nt tho Holy ltosnry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ulroy havo ro turnod to nolso nftor visiting sever al weeks with Mrs. Ulrey's nleco. Mrs. L. a. Hoqloy and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lewis returnod Monday from Losttno Oregon where they went Just after Christmas to spend tholr honeymoon. Thoy will bo at homo on tho Jay Lowls ranch ono mile east of Frultland, Mrs Lowls Was Miss Mabel Eldredge. Mr. John Taggo who has boon a guest nt tho Win. Kauort homo re turned to his homo In Grand Island, Nebraska. N. E. nutchor of Lincoln, Nebras ka who has beon In the Payette Val ley for several years Is organizing tho Frult-growors Exchange. Ho has taken pvor tho large packing houses of Denny & Co. at Frultland and Elffe. He will move his family hero Miss Lulu Dayor nnd hor house owvhee settlers repudiate STORY OK McNARi RESISTANCE In a communlcailon to tho Argim restdontH of the Owyhee dhtrlct fur nish very dlfforent acconr.t of the capturo of William McNiuy tliun that prcsontcd In n Vnlu paper re cently. Many of tho people on the Owy hco tnko exception to the ncvonnt of tholr nctlon ns outlined In the -iowh story iioclnrlng thnt tnoy did nil thnt could bo dono In enll'ne officials at Vale and alat!tiK subduing tho tlrliik-crniiod mini. til" In TAKES OFFICE FRIDAY Wnthlugloii Center of World luler- et Nations Aunlt Inaiigiirnl Addri'HH To fiune iMieclgri Pol- Icy Chump Clark Piibici At Washington tomorrow Warren G. Harding ot Ohio mid Calvin Cool lilga of MnssachtMottH well lie Inaug urated President mid Vlcu Prcsl dent of tho United States respective ly. That this ovent Is of moro than national Importance la Indicated by tho fact that tho council of tho league of nations hna withheld an nouncement as to Its policy on inun dates until nftcr tho Inauguration, bollovtng that In his Inaugural ad dress Mr. Harding wilt give a clew as to his foreign policy. Aside from tho Inaugural, how over, nnothor event stlrri'l Winning ton; It wns thu death of Chump Clark tho venerable statesman from Missouri whoso death close.i one of the most picturesque of careers. For tho past 20 yenra Champ Clmk has been n national tlguro mid only nilssod nomination to tho presidency nt tho Baltimore convention In 1012 through the determined opposition of William Jennings Ilrynn. For eight years Mr. Clark was speaker of tho House mid for 10 year wns democratic floor loader. WINNint OK U)OAL CONT1WT to iu:pii:si;nt local school Tito girls of tho sixth, Hoventh nnd eighth grndes will hold n de clamatory contest nt thu high school Friday ovoiiIiik, March fourth, ho ginning nt seven thirty o'clock. Tho winner or this contest will represent our grudo school In tho county con test to bo hold at Vale. Mlldrod Johnson, "Llttlo Orphan Annlo"; Lulu Wolls, "Spnclally Jim"; Paulino Ncnl, "Llttlo Hoy llluo"; Sybil McDowell. "'What Llt tlo Girl Says"; Bstot Sngorn, "Mil's Attic"; Bloanor Wood. "Tho Smack In School"; l.ultt Hnirtold, "Illddy'e Trials Among tho Vnnklos"; Hazel Itutherford, "Durglor mil"; Mar guorlto lllodor, "Tho Usual Way." An admission will bo charged to pay oxponsen of our entry In the county contost. Tho program will Include 0 sponkers and music by tho II. S. Orchestra nud a solo by Miss lluth Roberts, Mr, nnd Mrs, John Norwood of Jnmleson wpro In Ontario Monday. Mm, Maty E. Wilson of Frultland la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kitty Walker. Mrs. J. I. Loo of Now Plymouth underwent nn operation for nppon (Ileitis ut Holy ltosnry Hospital Mon day Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Wnlkor mid children spent Sundny n Pnyotto. Mr, nnd Mrs, II. C. Hoyor return ed Monday from n business trip to Portland and othor coast potntH. Mrs, C, G. Plunoy returned Tues day from a fow days visit In llolso with her daughtor, Mrs. J. S, Athorton ot uonr Vale was operated on last weok for ap pendicitis at Holy Rosary Hospital. Mrs. A. Jnqulsli and daughtor Paulino roturnod Thursday from Portland. Mr. Cravon, Pres. of P. L. 8. Co. accompanied hy his wlfo nnd daugh ter, passed through Ontnrlo Friday roturntng to Portland from Crane. guest, Miss Hawl, of Wyoming leave this weok for nolso to do nursing stopping off horo from Los Angolos for n week's visit nt tho Joo IJayor homo. Tho Francos Wlllard Union hold n Silver Tea with Mrs. Gentry Wal ker last Thursday, Tho Frultland Amusomont Club hold n Hox Social Friday night at Johnson's Hall. About ?C0.00 woro renllzod. Warren Huhholl and family hnvo moved to Frultland from Ontario. F. M. Goodman wns n Holso visi tor tho weok ond. Ed. Williams and son Lowls, Lafo and Schuyler Itoyston havo gono to Canada, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. W. Orovor entor talned at a Washington party Tues day to which a numbor of guests wero Invited nnd enjoyed tholr hos pitality. Mr. and Mr3. M a. Puchort had as tholr all day and dlnnor guests Wednesday of this weok, Mr and Mrs. W. A. Colwoll, Mrs. Taylor of Clinton, 111., Mrs. Brocklohurst of California and Mrs. Nathan Todd of Payette. LOCAL PERSONALS PROPERTY OWNERS RESPONDING TO GENERAL CLEAN-UP EfEORT NK1HT MAIIHIIAI. LANDS HO AI-THIt INTi:iti:STIN(l MOLT Mght Marshal Jack Gordon Is wcnrlng n black eye. .Ernest llalloy. ( bo, Is III tho cltv linntlln will. his countonnnco resembling the bat-tlo-flold of tho Manic. Thcso arc tho results of n bnttlo between Cm offlcor nud thu bo at tho pnssonger rhpclliiod mi Invitation to spend the night in tho Jnll Instead of Hloipl'ig nt the station. Halloy resisted tr rest mid got In ono blow at the mnrslml. Later ho agreed to sign tin armlstlco nnd hold a peace par loy. Judgo C M. Btcnrim negotlnted tho pence. Ho handed Hnlley n $13 flno which with tho costs nro holug pnld by n Jail sentence, LEGION BOYS AT BIG SMOKER ENJOY BOUTS Dltcuss Plant Kor Permanent, Home Itecclvo Three Honorary Mem her Inltlnlo Two New Mem bers And Pop Program. Two boxing bouts of two rounds ouch, n wrostllng match, Initiation HtuntH for two now mombors, coffee, doughnuts, mid cob pipes, onch and nil enjoyed by some 30 muiqbora ot Ontnrlo Post No. G7 of tho Ameri can Loglon, woro features of tho Post's regular monthly social sosslon or smoker which wna hold Monday evening In tho Boyer building. But thoso woro not tho only mat ters which hold tho nttontlon of tho mon, for during tho business ses sion which proccded tho stunts, tho men recolved na honorary mombors Uncle Dick Iluhorford. nud II. A. McGregor, veterans of tho G. A. It. nnd George K. Aiken, editor of the Argua, , Tho honorary members did not hnvu to undergo tho throes of Initia tion, hut woro called upon for Im promptu tnlka. In tholr remarks each of them thanked tho Legion for tho honor conferred upon (lied mid plodged themselves to co-opor-nto In any way possMilo to further alms of tho Legion. Following tho report of tho com mltteo named to Invest Ignto possi bilities for securing n pormanent homo for tho ICglon, which wna mndo hy Fred Cmiflold; Undo Dick llulherford dcclnred his willingness to further tho movomont by subscrib ing for Htock In n building, iih did Mr McGregor nnd Mr. Alkon. Thon It wns doclded to sound out the sen timent of tho men on such a pro position nnd nn tho call for a stand ing voteiuoru tliun 30 members t'e dared tholr willingness to subscribe lo tho organization of n compnuy. Though tho mnttor has been con sidered by the Legion for soma tlmo no definite decision has beon mndo us to the typo of building desired or needed. That bolng the enso no de cision na to tho matter of finance can bo mndo If possible tho Legion would endeavor to servo tho needs of tho city ns well us tho Loglou's needs, If plans cun bo so urrnuged mid suitable location found. Following the bus'newi session Stanley Mllllklu uud Doll Stonor wero Initiated Into memnershlp and tho annual cards mid now buttons woro distributed. Then followod tho athletic pro gram which Included two bout wrostllng match hotweeu Jack Gor don and Del Stonor; Stonor got tho first fnll mid then nftor a strenuous second tustlo forfeited tho second fnll. Thero was no third bout for neither wrestlor was anxious for further oxorclso. Whllo at It, how ovor, thoy gave tho crowd plonty of sport. Tho next number was .a two box ing contest between II. B. Paul nnd H. M. Browno which made up In ac tion what was shy In sclonco. It was an honest to goodness draw. Speed nnd persoveronco vs. length of reach was exhibited In tho box ing match between W. O. Sullivan and Jack Gordon. It too wns a draw. "Herb Paul won tho honors In n bllndman'a buff papor fight with Dwlght Plerco which mado n decided hit. Tho legion meets twlco each mouth, the second and fourth Mon days. The first meeting of each IN MOTH BUSINESS AND ItKSI DENOHDISTUICTS BENEFICIAL itiHuim ami: noted tho THEME IS STILL .Mil. II I'D ME DONt: NEW ORDINANCE IS PLANNED Principal Sonne of Complaint Comes Kroni KeepliiK of Cm 1 1,, nud Chickens linpi-oK'ily Sewer Connections Show Increase Ai Itcstill of Publicity Thnt tho city council's determina tion to enforce tho hoalth nnd san itary ordinance la hnvlng Its ef fect can bo noted this wook. Sovor nl of tho most glaring exnmtilcs of .unsightly piles h.ivo boon removed nnd others nro being cared for. Proporty owners took nolo last weok of tho announcement of the council's determination nnd without waiting for further action on tho part of officials got busy and start ed to put tholr plu"es In order. Moore Milken Statement "Not only will it not bo necessary for tho city council to roquest mo to comply with tho he.ilth regulation, but I will gladly comply with tho ordors nnd take tho lead In such u work. If tho city council declare thnt cattlo and chickens cannot be kopt In tho city limits, I'll ngreo to thnt too. If nnyonu can point out whoro nny of my property ii not kopt n a first clnss manner I will glndly sco that It Is," said T II Mooro, In discussing tho coum.U'8 clean-up campaign nnd tho story In last weeks Argus concerning same Tho proporty alluded to In that story, wns not business property, but some lota on First street across from tho old Curler' burns Mr Mooro declares that th) delay In clonnlng this piece ot proporty was duo to tho fact that his team was busily engaged In hauling dltt from tho excavation nt tho hotol cornor and other work, but that ho had or dered the work dono on tho Sntur day prior lo thu ordor of the Coun cil nnd wna nbsont In Holso ovor the week end or It would hnvo been nt (ended to. That ho Is not only not opposed to a cleaner mid healthier city, hut Is willing, nud ban taken u lend In actually doing work of this kind Mr, Mooro cites the fnct thnt nil of his buildings nre connected with thu sowernge systems, all nro equipped with saultnry flush Tmslns, vont pipes nnd other modern plumbing devices, Playing No Favorites Mayor W. II. Doollttlo declnros that the council has dotormtnod that no favorites will bo played Evory- ono will bo required to comply with the law and that tho health com- mltteo Is to continue urrlvil nt work To sen to It that the campaign Is not to end with n sporadic effort tho council has Instructed Mnrslml II. (!. Fnrmor to Inspect tho alloys of tho city weokly. Evelyn Gnllaghor who has been qutto.111 Is roportod Improving Mrs; Floyd Hngar of Cambridge, Idaho who Hpont tho wook oud here visiting her parents, Mr nud Mri L Adam, roturnod homo Monday Ivan Onkos wont to Portland Tuosday on a short huslnota trip Mr. nud Mrs, J, D. Bllllngsloy ro turnod Friday from un oxtondod visit In California. Mra. Itny Wilson of Pnrmn Maho, waa nu Ontario visitor Tuesdny Mrs. Agnes Burnett who has been very HI ut tho homo ot her sou mul daughter, Mr, and Mrs. E M Greg, Is much bottor. Mrs. II. E, Bills who has been visiting her paronta, Mr. and M"s L. Adam, left yoslordoy for her home, in Portland. Miss Mnowood Ramsey who hna boon for tho past two years steno grapher In the lnw office ot Brnoko nnd Oallagher returned Sunday from Salem. Miss Uamsoy loft Tuesdu) for a fow days visit with her sister, Mrs. Perry Marshal, of Holso. beforo going to Bnkor whoro sho hits nc coptod a position with Attorney Jos eph Holluer. A son wns born to Mr mid Mri Charlos Brunor Monday. Fobrimry 28. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.oouard Wcoo re turned Sunday from Snutu Ana Cal ifornia whoro thoy spout tho wlntor Rov. Blom wna In Wolser last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown nro now occupying thj) houso in tho south part of town whoro Mr. and Mrs. Perry formerly lived. Miss Merle Blnghnm eutortuluod tho Club Sowing CIosh Thursday ovonlng. mouth Is for business only nud the second mooting Is the regular smok er In tho absence of Commnndor II. M Brown, vice commander Wll mor Boyer presided at Monday night's mooting. LOCAL PERSONALS 'I m