The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1921, Image 8

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Mlea Chrlatlno Abbot hus us n
guest this vcok Miss Kcltti Bolko of
Corvnllls, Miss Solku anil Miss Ab
bot woro classmates at O. A. C. grad
uating with tho clnss or 1910. Miss
Solku Is connected with tho exten
planning n collogo courso In 0. A.
In Ontario In endeavoring to Interest
Bomo of tho young pcoplo who uro
planning a college conro In O A
0. A party was given Wcdnosduy
ovonlng at tho W. L. Turner homo
In lionor of Miss Solka
Mrs. Fred Lnurcnco and Mrs. W.
Molthatn of Ironside woro shopping
In Ontario Wednesday. They loft
Wednosdny evening Tor Payette.
Harry Itccd of Itrogan was In On
tario this week.
Davo Logan of llrpgau Is In On
tario for u fow days stay.
Mrs. Thomas Logan wont to Pro
gan Monday for a fow days before
leaving for Corvallls whoro she will
stay tho balanco of tho Rchool year
with hor children who aro In school
Mrs Rmnia Howry loft Mondn)
for Daker.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Alexander of
fascado Locks, Oregon, arrived hero
this wook for a visit with Mrs. Alex
ander's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs W S
Hees of tho Vnlloy View district.
Miss Maywood Itanisoy who for
tho past two years has been employ
ed nt tho law offices of llrooko &
Gallagher nnd moro recently has
been Iloprcsontatlvo Gnllaghor's sec
rotary at Salem has, according to
ndvlccs received by friends this
wook, resigned hor position horo to
accept a similar posljlou at Daker.
Mrs. Fred Cnnflcld returned Mon
day from Vale whoro sho visited
over tho week end,
Gerald Btauflold en mo down from
Vale yostorday on business.
Arthur Means was among the Vale
mon In Ontario yesterday on busi
ness. Iran E. Onkos and David Graham
drovo to Jamlcson yesterday on bus
iness. Codo nutlor loft Saturday for Los
Angeles whoro ho has ncceptcd a
position' with tho Goodrich Tiro Co.
Mrs. Duller expects to Join him
thoro soon.
Jim McEwen of Illvorsldo was In
Ontario Tuesday.
Mrs. Tom Jones of Vale was
shopping In Ontario Tuesday and
Will Flsor or Cntno was In town
tho first of tho wook,
Miss Chrlstlno Abbott, accompan
ied by Lester Turner, spont Sunday
nt hor homo lit Caldwoll.
Mrs. N. C. Long has gono to I-n
Grando for an oxtonded viclt.
MrH. Joo Carter of Juntura and
Mrs. Joo Tipton of Crane, who woro
horo to attend tho funeral or tholr
grundmothor, Mrs. E. Stowart, re
turned homo Tuesday.
Mrs. W. A. Coughnnour of Payette
is visiting hor parents, Mr and Mrs.
Jncob Stroup, who nrn both III.
Hov. W. J. Mlllor, field socrotury
or aoodlug Collego, was In Ontar
io this wook assisting Hov. Win.
Luscombo In a now church building
Key. Jllom of Otitariu preaihud
nt tho school lidiigo liero Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday nights of
this week.
Mr. Juiibom of SmIthillo, Utah
who Is visiting relattvos hero was
called back to Utah Saturday on
K, U. Conkllii of Culio was visit
ing Arcadia school Monday.
C. W. llarrutt who lias boon quite
sick fur the past week is slowly Im
proving. Mrs. Clara Thompson, teacher of
lower grades, returned lo hor home
at noon Monday with soro throat.
Wolfe and Qulnby havo bought
24 pigs to feed thulr hnrloy and
stnull potatoes to. They cook tho
feed In a vat and claim tho pigs
aro doing woll.
K. llutlor, Jr. wife nud little son
woro visiting at Frank Edwards'
Monday evening.
Hov. Shields. Pastor of tho Pres
byterian church nt Nysmi filled his
regular appointment hero Sunday
Miss Until Hnrrott and small
brother Philip wont to Ontario Wed
nesday to havo dental work done.
John Hunt went to lioiso Friday
to visit his family.
Mrs. Al Thompson nnd two child
ren wero visiting at ira Hall's Tues
day. Chester Lackey was In Ontario on
business Frldny.
Thlrly-soon nttenrted tho com
munity singing at Ira Hall's Friday
night nnd till report i pleasant time.
Tho singing noxt Frldny night will
bo hold at Mr. Mathoneys.
Clydo Long, wlfo and little son
hnvo returned from an oxtonded
visit to frlouds at llunetngtun.
Mrs. H. 1). Thompson who hn,s
been visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Os
car Nluco near Ontario ts now visit
ing another daughter Mrs. Ira Hall
of this plnco.
Mr. Hunt is building a now collar
liotiso which adds quite n bit to tho
looks or tho placo.
Tho cronmery at Itanium, center
of a little" cutovor" community In
Northern Minnesota, paid 1282,200.
00 for eggs and $814,324.03 for
cream brought In by patrons during
tho decado ending Hocembor '31,
1920. Tho grand total for eggs nud
cream during tho ten years was
?l,0DC,r91.fi9, Bays Tho Farm Nows
or tho University of Mlnnosotu. Eggs
and cream marketed by farmers nt
Itanium in 1920 brought cash re
turns of moro than n quarter of a
million dollars, or, to bo oxact,
II20S.C23.19. Thoso flguros havo
I just boon transmitted by tho cream-
Miss Novln. who has been nurs-,or' ll10" ,0 tlm Agricultural extension
lug nt tho hospital, returned to. her
Jiomo nt Wolsor Monday.
Mrs. W. V. Lotson wont to N'yssn
Monday on buslnoss lu connection
with tho Star lodgo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L, Dans enjoyed
a visit from tholr sou Harry II.
Daus of Portland. Mr. Daus cuino
to spend sovornl dny-B but wns rail
ed homo by a mossago tolling of tho
tllnoss or his daughter. Mr and
Mrs, Daus aro oxpoctlng u visit soon
from anothor son, Dr. Ernest A
Daus who for somotlmo past hus
boon chief surgeon nt thA Naval
station at St. Thomas, In tho Virgin
Island. Ho has bcon transferred to
tho Pacific Coast and will visit here
onrouto to his now station.
My Reputation
la at stako on every tiro I send
out or this store.
I fool that I can unqualifiedly
recommend Goodyoar Illros to every
automobile owner In Ontario,
division or tho state unlvorslty
In 1011, tho rirst year of tho do
cnilo, fS.004.-t7 wns paid for egg.
Only In one year, 1913, did tho egg
inoiioy fall bolow that of tho pro
vlous yoar. In all othor yours thero
was n consistent Incronso until, In
1920, tho egg money amounted to
$09,793.00. Starting tho doendo
with $2B,7C7.09 paid out In 1911
for croam, $198,730.13 was paid for
this product In 1920. Kucli year
showod a Htouily gain. Making duo
allowance for tho hlglior prices paid
tho last fow years for both products,
tho number of eggs murkoted In
creased at least flvo-fold unil tho
quantity of cream nt least threo-fold.
Every croam day nt Itanium Mon
day, Wednesday, nnd Friday an nv
orago of $4415 Is paid out for oggs
Itanium's farms are small, averag
ing no more than 90 acres with an
avorngo of but 31 aoros cleared to
tho farm. Tho farmors grow rough
ago for Oiolr dairy stock, and pota
toes and other root crops. They
haven't tho cleared land for very
much grain nnd are constant buyers
of this kind of feed.
Ford Garage
Sunday Services
10 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Preaching,
"The Wnstod Tnlont".
C:4G P. M. Epworth League.
7:30 Preochlng "The Poril of n.
The New Silk
Styles on dis
play commenc
ing Monday.
WO Wish tO flYlirAtu nnr r...lliJ
, -- -- - ,-. w., h.titllllliu
iur mu iuuiiv KiniinnaBOA n.i.i .
ill shown us In our hour of sorrow
on account of tho death of our be
loved mother, Sarah McCartnoy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S II. Terwllllgor.
nSrt,J!r- Ward Canflold
Mrs. Sadie Landlngham,
Goorco Clnrlf.
William Clark.
,uT')? S0W)1"1 smoker to bo glvon by
legion is solieduled for Monday
ovonlng nt the city Hall. At this
sow Ion there will be number of in
Itiationa preceding the lUt of nth
letlc ovenu. Interest in the pot
has iuoroased of late nnd tho com
mlttee in charge has n good pro
Rram lined up for the Momlav meii
Mr. and Mrs. n. p iinvo. i.
. ... . MWJVt .Vii
Jafjt Friday for San Francisco on a
buying trip.
anotiikit nohtiiwest cow
i:st.iu,isiii:h would kkcohd
Soattle, Wash. Feb. IS When
Mother Gooso' cclohraled cow Jump
ed over the moon sho set a bovlnu
altitude record which Is yet unequal
ed, but a Western Washington cow
has Just broken nil long dlstnnco re
curds for milk and butter production
and won for herself u placo In tho
hall of fame.
Scgls Ploterjo Prospect Is tho
nnmo of this now world champion
and .sho Is an honored member of
tho famous Holstcln ticrd owned by
tho Carnation Milk Stock Farms. In
a tost lasting 3Cfi days, Prospect
produced 37,381.1 pounds or milk,
containing 1.I4S.CS pounds of but
ter, exceeding the previous record,
held by Tllllo Alcnrtra of California,
by .1,058 pounds of milk and 12(i
pounds of butter.
In ono year this marvelous milk'
maker produced a quantity oqunl
to 22 j times her own weight of
lfir.O pounds. Expressed In terms of
liquid lnensure. tho total production
was 17.T.20 quarts, nn avorngo or 18
quarts per day Her greatest single
dii) s yield was 120.3 pounds or milk
containing G 041 pounds or buttor.
During thu entlio year ol thu test,
which was mndu under tho super
vision or ofriclnls or tho Washington
Stnto College and of tho Maintain
Frleslnn Association or America, she
waB milked four times per dny. Cnrl
Gockerell performed this tnBk, miss
ing only four mliklngs In 30f days,
In Itself n roniarkuhlu record.
Hours of opening. Dally except
Frldny and Sunday afternoons. 2:30
to G:30. Kvenlngs, 7:n0 to 9:00
A valuablo reference work recent
ly added to thu Malheur County Ll-
lnn. no tl itlMlimllOrV IlllflirV fOT
stato documents. Is trio now two
volumo compilation oi uregon iiiwh.
t. ,.,.tniiio nil Iiiwh in force In Ore
gon, Including tho ennctments of
tho special 1920 session Tho ar
rangement Is generally tho same ns
that or Lord's Oregon Laws, nnd
I thero Is u tuble of comparutlvo sec
tions between this work and Lord's,
Among tho contentH aro tho Act of
l,(iugro8s admitting Oregon; Liiwb of
tho Unlled States Delating to Ore-
gon; Codo of civil procedure; (litner-
ul lawn.
nrr.i rnnrh nil llm
Good Layout for n ilnlry. John Cc
It. F. D.
All thu world dances In Hpnlu.
Dollbes, tho groat French writer of
bewitching Pallets, gave Us u tone
picturo worthy of Vnlosquoz when
ho painted In sound tho dancing
"Maids of Cablx". This IlruiiRWIck
record Number 10021, ns sung by
Miss Hea, will bo found an over In
creasing delight, llrunswlck records
run ho obtained only nt Ontario Fur
nlturo Co. Adv.
or Incase
townslto I
FOH 8AL1-J 1018 Dodge lt
stcr. A l Condition, Phono V(
(Jrolp, Frultlnnd, 1 2-13
KLION-X.A-HO Tho womloi
washing powdor, chenpor mndu t)
bought. Formula nud G other
uabln oiioh, GOc, This ml nnd
bring thoin all Discount to iigoi
llox 24 Klmatim, Idaho. 12-13-
See our lino of hand made sweat
ers nud novelties Morris Millinery
& Novelty Shop. Adv
Leslie J. Akor, Income Tax ,
visor will bu In his office at Outn
Suiidny Folirtinry 27, to meet die
and thoso who need Income tax
I)r Vim WnterB will hold sorvl
In tho Mniumle Tomplo Sunday ov
lug, Februnry 24.
Holy C'omiiiunlnn nt 7;1G
Sorvko nnd Luctiiro ut 8!00
All Invited.
Spring Opening of
Coats and Suits
jA UM W-r3M M H i m mil-
In This Spring Display There is
Style, Quality and Value
And you'll bo agreeably surprised to find that you can
choo80 from thorn tho gurmont you want at n prlco you can
nfford. Stylos rungo from tho most modish nnd drossy mod
els for misses to tho moro tailored for tho consorvntlvo matron.
Tho mntorlnls aro not only good looking hut they aro all-
wool by nctunl test. Tho linings nro most honutlful nnd nro
guarontood ror two seasons' wear.
Export doslgnors glvo to I'rlnurs thoso good linos, whllo
oxrollont mntorials nnd tailoring Insuro tholr rotninmoiit ns
long ns tho gnrmont lasts.
It Has More Than Style -- A PRINTZESS is Always Individual
You nro suro to find your own Individual typo nmong tho many now
IVintzcsv creations ni.d tho labol gunrantoos workmanship of Infinite
care, togothor with authentic stylo and ondurlng charm.
National Silk Week, Feb. 28 to March 5
February Ushers in a Colorful, Alluring Assortment
The New Silks
.Gay with the new colors, rich and beautiful in weave, and offering a
wealth of costume possibilities. Also at much lower
yi ices man tnose of last spring
Now Spring Foulards of the
very latest patterns nnd
Hgured Georgetto Cropo, 40
Inches wldo. all tho new
colorings. Vnrd $2.75
Heavy Cropo de Chine In all
tho wanted shades, yd.. .$2.00
Plain Colors Georgetto Crepe,
bout , quality, yd $1,75
colors, yard
Satins, Taffotas, Poplin, Fancy
Skirting and Shirtings, nil at
nearly half the last year's