The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1921, Image 7

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Hy virtuo or nn Kxocutlon In Foro
eloauro, duly tusucit by tlio C'lork or
tho Circuit Court of tlio Htato of
Oregon, for tho County of Mnlliour.
dntoil tho 9th, tiny of Pelirunry,
1021, In n certain mill In tho mild
Circuit Court for snlit Stato mid
County, wlioroln It. W. PwnKlor, im
ndmlnlHtralor of tho KbUiIo of
Thouinn Crolhors, DocoubciI, tit.
Plaintiff, recovered Judgment
against John McGlvorn mid Nancy
McOtvoru, im Defendants, In tho Hitm
of Bight Hundred NInoty R. No-100,
($800.00) Hollars, with Intorost
thereon from Balil CtlK day of Jnn
unry, 1017, nt tho rnto of nine per
cont por annum, mid tho furtliet
Hum of Ono Hundred Forty ft No
100, ($140.00) Dollars attorney'
fees, and tho furthor sum of Hovon
teon ft 20-100 ($17.20) Dollars
costs, and tho furthor mini of Five
Hundred ft No-100 (K'00.00) Dol
lars, with Interest thoroon nt the
rato of nlno per cent pur annum
from tho 23rd, dny.of January, 1017.
and tho further sum of Ono Hundred
Nlnoty-ciBht ft Gl-100 ($108.1)
Dollars, with Interest thereon at the
rata of six per cent por annum from
tlio 4th, dny of January, 1920 for
taxes pntd, which Judgment was en
rolled mid docketed In tho Clerk's
office of said Court In said County
on tho 7th, duy of Kohrunry 1921,
UV (11VKN, That I will on tho 12th.
day of Mnrch 1921, nt tho hour of
2 o'clock In tho afternoon of wild
day. ut tlio north main entrance
door of tho Court House nt Vnlo.
In sntd County mid Statu, sell nt
putitlo auction to tho highest anil
host bidder or bidders for cash, the
following described real property,
Alt of Pluck Two Hundred t'orty
ono (241) In tho City of Ontario,
Mainour County, Oregon, according
to tho official plats and maps of snld
city on fllo and of record !i Iho
offlco of tho County Clerk off Mnl
liour County, Oregon together with
tho tenements, horcdltumints and
appurtenances thereunto belonging
or In anywise appertaining.
Tho nbovo real property with tlio
tonements, hereditaments mid ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or
In any wlso appertaining tnkun mid
levied upon as thu properly off the
said doffondniits, John McUtveru mid
Nancy McOlveni, by virtuo of n
mortgage glvon thereon by tho above
named dofondnnts, or so much there
of as jnay bo necessary to satlsfj
said judgment. In favor of II. V
Swoglor, as administrator of tho Bs
Into of Thonuis Crothors, DecoiiHOd.
togothor with all costs and dlshiirs-
ments that havo or may uccruo
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 9lh.
day of February, 1921.
II. LBB NOB, Sheriff
Hy C. W. aionn, Deputy.
Dato of First Publication, Fobrutiry
10th, 1921.
Dato off last publication Mnrch lOlh,
Dato off snlo March 12th, 1021. at
2 I M.
In tho ('limit Omit off the State or
Oregon, For (ho County off M'llliciir
Sylvia 10. Morgan, Plnlntlff.
Qtiy P. Morgan, Defendant.
To Ouy P. Morgan, tho ul.owj
named Defendant:
You nro hereby required to appear
and answer thu complaint filed
ngnlust you In tho nbovo ontt'led
BUlt on or botoro tho oxplrntlon of
six weoks from tho (Into of tho first
publication off this summons, the
snmo bolng tho Inst day off the
tlmo proscribed by order of tho court
directing Horvlco of summons In said
suit to bo iiitiilo upon you hy publi publi
cateon: and If you fall so to answer.
for wnnt thereof, tho plnlntlff will
apply to tho court for tho relief ilo
mnnded In tho snld complaint, to-wlt:
For n ileoreo of sntd court grunt
lug tho plaintiff a dlvorco from you,
and awarding plnlntlff the ctiitod
of Mildred I.licllo Morgan, tho min
or child of plaintiff and dofendnut,
nnd granting plaintiff nu undivided
one-third Interest In your land In
Mnlliour County, Oregon, doscrlbd
ns tho B.J4 of H.B. off Sop II.
and W.Ml of B.W.U of Sec. la, In
Twp. 17 8. II. 40 K. W. SI , nnd
awarding plnlntlff reasonable ali
mony, suit money ami nttornoys feot
out off your property, mid for all
other rolloff demanded In sntd com
plaint. You nro 'further notified that
this summons Is served upon you b
publication In puriiiinc or nn or
der of tho lion Dnlton lllggs, Jodie!
off snld Court, wlilclt order was innile
and entered In said caimo on Feb
2, 1921, nnd directed that this num
inous bo published onr-n o-ch week
for six successive wenks lit tho "On
Inrlo Argus." Tho duto of tho first
publication of this Miitnmoiis I Feb
17, 1921, nnd tho last publication
Ii on Mnrch .11, 1921.
Attorney for I'lalntlff
My reslilotiro mid post office ad
dress In at Ontario, Oregon.
In Tlio Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
Oregon for tlio County of .Malheur
Mary Jano Janoy. II. N. Mucomb,
Dohdji Macomb, Ocorgo V. Illaiitoii,
Jr., Bllon L. Illanton; also all other
persons or pnrtlos unknown claim
ing any right, tltlo, ostato, lion or In
terest In tho real ostato doscrlhod In
tlio complaint heroin;
To Mnry Jano Janoy, H. N. Mu
comb, Dossa Macomb, (loorgo W.
Illanton, Jr., Bllon I.. Illanton, and
also all other persons or purtles un
known claiming nny right, tltlo, os
tato, lion or Intorost In tho root os
tato doscrlbod In tho coiuplnlnt hero here
You and onch of you nro horoby
roqulrod to appear and answer the
complaint fllod ugnlnst you In tho
nbovo ontltlod suit on or boforo tho
.expiration of bIx wooks from tho
dato off tho first publication of this
summons, tlio same being tho Ins'
dny of, tlio tlmo proscribed by order
of tho court directing sorvlco o'
summons In said cause to bo mud?
upon you by publication; and if you
fall so to answor, for want thoroof.
tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
for tho rollof demanded In said coin
plaint, to-wlt:
For a docrco of said court qulot
tiiB plaintiffs tltlo to Lots Numbor
od 14, 15 nnd 10 tn Hlock 44 In
tho City of Ontario, Malheur County.
Orogon. nnd adjudging thut you and
each of you havo no right, tltlo.
lien, ostnto or Intorost In said reul
estate, and thut plulntlff's tltlo to
tho samo Is good and valtd as
against you, and for all other rollof
domanded In said complaint..
You aro further noUflod that this
summons Is servod upon you by pub
lication In pursuance of an order of
the Hon. Dalton Itlggs. Judge of this
Court, which said order was made
and entorel In said cause on Febru
ary 2nd, 1921, and directed that
this summons bo publlshod once
each woek for six successive weeks
in tho "Ontnrlo Argus." The first
publication of this summons Is on
Fob. 3, 1921, and tho last publica
tion is on March 17. 1921.
, Attornoy for Plaintiff
My residence and post office ad
dress Is at Ontario, Oregon.
J. 8
FOH SALE 75 Shares Owyhee
Ditch Stock. Enough to water 150
acros. Sell all or any part. Easy
terms. Wrlto for particulars.
Fischer, 201 Sonna IJIdg.,
FOR SALE Tont house 10x16,
Linoleum covered floor, fitted with
screens and awnings on four sides.
Lined and stained. Ideal 'summer
house. Price $160. Also bungalow
houso 12x14, $85.00. Phone 205-W-3
11-12 p
That Slide Irrlgntlou District, MhI
hour County, Stnteof Oregon, ninmlr
to Issue, nogotlnte mid sell, mid
horoby Invites sesleil bids for, the
negotiable coupon bonds off snld
3lldo Irrlgntlou District, First Sor'o
authorlznd ut an olixitton held with
in snld district on Oetobor 11th
1020, In tho amount of Ninety Flvr
Thousand Dollars, tho funds to b
derived therefrom to be used for do
fraying tho nocessRry oxpensM off or
ganliatlou off snld district, construe
tlon off works mid svstom and mnln
tontmco nnd operntlon of the snmo
or any ono or more of snld pur
All bids for mild bonds must Ik
scnlod bids fllod with I. Yant, Sec
retnrr of Slldo Irrlgntlou District o'
Wolsor, Idnho, on or boforo tho hou
of 2 o'clock P. M. on tho 28th dn
of Mnrch, 1921. ut which said hour
nil bids will bo opened, mid inns'
bo nccompmilcd by nn uncondltlonn'
certified chock In tho sum of 3
of tho prlco bid. sntd check to ho
held ns llquldntod dnmngos by Slide
Irrigation District In tho event the
bidder refuses to take up and pay
for said bonds If snld hid Is accept
ed. Knch bid shall specify tho rnto of
Interest, nnd tho prlco in lawfu'
money of tho Unltod Stntes of Amer
ica bid for (A) bonds not bonrlng
tho cortlf lento of the Securities Con
misslon of tho Stnto of Oregon, (11)
bonds boaring tho cortlflonte of tho
Securities Commission of tho Stnto
of Orogon, nnd (C) bonds hesrltm
tho certificate of the Securities Com
mission of tho Stato of Oregon and
upon which Interest Is guurnnteod by
tho Stnto of Orogon for not to ox
cecd thrco yonrs, or for olther of
tho snmo.
Tho snld bonds shall ho negotiable
In form, nnd pnynhlo In gold coin
off tho Unltod Statos of America off
tho prosont standard or weights and
fineness, or In Its equivalent, and
shall benr dnto tho 1st day of Jan
uary, 1921 nnd shall boar intorost
not to oxcood aft por annum, pay
able soml-annually, said bonds to lit
In denominations off not loss than
$100.00 or moro than $1,000.00.
with Intorost coupon attached for
onch semi-annual Installment off In
torost, tho principal of said bondr
to mnturo serially in nnnuul nmnuuti
npproxlmntely equal, prlnotpnl mid
Intorost, In not loss than ten yean
nor moro than twenty yoars aftoi
Tho noard of Directors rawrvof
tho right to reject any and all bids
offered, but If snld bonds are sold
will dellvor tho snmo free of ex
change or transportation charges to
any city of thu United States, tho
purchaser to furnish tho litho
graphed bonds nnd to remit tho
purchaso prlco froo of oxcliango to
tho bank to bo doslguntod by the
Dated this February 14th. 1921.
By W. D. Patch, Chairman
I. Yant, Soorotury.
We havo had left on our hands
stored In public wnrohouse In Pay
etto, a strictly high grade piano. For
quick salo to responsible party big
discount will bo given. Easy tonus
Write at onco for particulars to The
Donvor Music Company, Denver. Col
orado. 11-12-13
FQIl SALE Good sed barley
Cheap; hay first cutting $8 a ton.
second cutting $7 a ton. Two
miles straight wost off town. John
Molenaar. 11-14 P-
FOH SALE Eleotrlo motor and
pump (or residence water system
Bargain. Call 1 V. McCulloch
Phono 32 or Resldenco 12C-W.
In the Circuit Com I r the Hlntc of
Uncoil for Mnllictir County
U. L. King, I'lalntlff,
II, U, Coffey, Defendant,
To It, K, Coffey, defendant, lit
the Namu of the Htnto of Oregon,
; you aro hereby required to appear
una answer mo cuiupiiiiiii men
against oii In tho nbovo entitled
suit within 03 dttys from tho dnto of
thu first publication thereof, or for
wnnt thereof plaintiff will apply
to tho Court for u docrco In fore
closure off Delinquency Tax Certifi
cate No 131G (luted, .-.tig. 1st, 1016
assigned to plaintiff :y Malheur
County, Oregon, Oct. 20th, 1917 and
fr tho sum off $7.00 with Intorost
thereon from Aug. 1st, 1U17 nt tho
rnto of 1C per cent per annum nnd
for tho foreclosure off Certificate of
Delinquency No 10G0 for delinquent
Taxes for tho yeur of 1916 duted
Aug. 1st, 1910 and (or tho sum of
$5.49 with intorost llioreon from
Aug. 1st, 1916 at tho rato of 15 per
rent por annum, And the further
sum of $3.66 taxes paid for tho yeur
of 1917 with Intorost thereon from
tho 6th dny of April, 1917 at tho
rato of 15 por cent per annum mid
for thu furthor sum of $3.70 with
Interest thereon from April 6th.
1918 nt tho rnto off 12 per cont por
annum for tnxos paid during tho
year off 1918 and the furthor sum
off $7.78 with Intorost thereon from
tho 20th dny off December 1920 for
taxes pnld for tho yours of 1919 nnd
1920 nil on Lots Numbered 1 and 2
In lllock No. 74 In tho City of On
tario, Mnlliour County, Stnto of I)ro
gon, together with costs and dis
bursements In this suit,
This .Summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for Hlxly
throo Days, In tho Ontnrlo Argus n
Weekly Nows-pnper published In
mid of general circulation tn Mal
heur County, Oregon, under mid by
virtuo of nn order of the Hon.
Dnlton Illggji, Circuit Judge of
tho nbovo entitled court, dated Feb
ruary 21st, 1921.
Duto off First publication. Fob.
24th, 1921, Date off lust publication
April 28th, 1921.
C. MrdONAdlLL.
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Itostdence, Ontnrlo, Oregon.
In tlio County Court or the Slate ol
Oii'Kou For Malheur Count)
HARNEY lIAlllkVLL, Deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given hy A. L.
Cockriim, administrator off tho es
tate of Harney llnrrall, deceased,
that ho bus filed In the County
Court of tho Stato of Orogon for
Malheur County, his Flnnt Account
and Petition for Distribution off said
ostrto, ami thot tho 25th dny of
Mnrch, 1921, ut 11 o'clock A. M.,
ut tho County Court room In tho
County Court House ut Vale. Mnl
liour County, Orogon Is set ns tho
tlmo nnd plnco for hearing objec
tions to sold final account and pe
tition for distribution, and all pur-
suns having objections thereto should
appear nt snld time and place, nnd
show cause, If nny exists, why snld
Final Account should not bo up
proved and allowed, and said estate
distributed In accordance with snld
Petition for Distribution.
Administrator off tho Estate of
Hnrnoy Ilarrall, Deceased.
First Publication. Feb. 24. 1021.
Lust Publication, Match 24. 1921
lliqiiii'liiii'tit of tin Interior
U. S. Land Offlco at Vnlo, Oregon,
February 4, 1021.
NOTICE Is hereby given thut Clay
ton Orvllle Douglas, off Payette, Idn
ho, who, on Mnrch 31st, 1916, made
Homestead Entry 04313 for SW4
NE4, N 14 SB 14, See 19, WH8WU,
8KU8WV4. 8eo. 20. KUNWli, Sec.
20, T. 10. 8., 11. 40, tt and Who
jii Jan. 20, 1920, made Add'l. lid.
Entry, No. 05441, for HV&NHU.
NE14 8BV4. See. 24. T. 10, 8., It.
45 IC. Lot 2 and HEUHW't. Section
19, Township 16 South, ltmigo 46
East, Willamette Morldlau, has fllod
notice of Intention to make Final
Throe Yoar Proof, to establish claim
to thu laud above described, boforo
Register and Receiver, U. S. Land
Office, nt Vnlo, Oregon, on tho 1 5th
day or March, 1921.
Claimant uumos ns witnesses:
Ilryson Rice, or Payette, Idaho,
Oeorgo Harper, or Ontnrlo, Orogon,
Hartley Soroson, Henry Crow, both
of Wolsor, Idnho.
T1I08. JONES Register.
Notice Is horoby given that the
undersigned administratrix off the
ostnto off Joseph W Xcliolo. do
coaied, has (lied In the County
Court of Malheur County, Orogon,
her final account of her administra
tion upon said cstntot nnd that Sat
urday, tho 26th day or March, 1921,
at tho hour or 11 o'clock A M. or
said dny, nt tho court tiouse In Vale,
Oregon, tins been duly fixed hy snld
court ns tho tlmo aiil place for
hearing said final account, mid set
tling snld ostato. All persons Inter
ested in said ostnto aro hereby notl
fid to appear at said ttmo nnd place
nnd fllo their objections In writing,
if any there nro, to pntd final ac
count and contest tho snmo.
Dono nnd dated and first publish
ed this 24th day of February, 1921
Administratrix of the ostnto off
Joseph W. Si-holes, deceased
W. W. WOOD, attorney for ostnto
First Publlcntlon, Feb. 24, 1921
Last Publlcntlon, March 24, 1021
Following uro some of those reg
istered ut Ontnrlo Hotels tho past
MOORE: J. 8. Athertoii, II. V.
Mustard, (1. V. Wlldbnbor, Mrs. It.
E. Woant, Geo. Fltzslmmuns, Rus
sell lloston, M. 15. Davis, W. F.
Prltchott, Leo Noe, Mrs. L. Mustard,
Vnlo; John A. MoDevllt, F. 8. Ilttll
ey, Poise; II. C. Stewart, Mr. and
Mrs. I. P. l.lnrt, 8. I). Stewart, West
rnll; C. II. Ilnuok, W. P. Ilnrton. K.
P. Hnlpln, Numpn; Urnro M House,
8 A. Ilnlloy, Hums; F. W. Orny, Wy
ninu Jonson, Ira K. Hay, 0. 1).
Hntikos, Wolsor; C. P. Itagsdalo. A. J.
Wllllnms, llukor; O. W. Thompson,
American Falls; L. It Heamguard,
Hates, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. J. I), l'slr
limn, A. M. Taylor. R. L. Merchant
H. L. Hart, Harper; II. L. Mitchell.
Jerome, Idaho; L. A. Cornell. A. II
Cornell, Mrs. Elmer Moltham. J. A
Kennedy, Hrognn; Phil Knslerdny,
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Conk-
tin, Miss Mildred Conklln, Cairo; D.
McLend, Harper; A. C. Mnnltnun,
Pnyetto; Home ulid Arthur Fank
hnusor, Humboldt. Neb.; Mm. 8. M.
Molthmu, Ironside; r. J. MaRen
holmor. Chlcngo; Mrs. W. A. Dickin
son, Llttol, Wash.; A. 11. Winter,
Bvorott, Wnsh.; S. D. Slownrd, Wost
fnlt; Mr. mid Mrs. W. J. Altnow,
Mrs. It. R. Johnson, Ilouinh; Mr. utid
Mrs. Win. Allan. Crnno; II. 8, Jnrvls,
Jninleuon; 8. 8. Williams, J. 8. Sotz,
CARTER M. 11. Myers. M. I.
Sholtou, Hrogan; Hon O'Dell. Art
Mnglll, Clint Huffman. W I). ICeeuy,
Vnlo; Frank Duhnrkor, Payette;
John Eraser, Angus McLean, Owy
hee; W. C. Tomlln, Harper; Syllvla
Lowls. Hums; Frnuk flnrgls, tlrnco,
Iduho; Frank Wngnor, C. E. Glnshy,
T. P. Goves, F. M. Pcarco, Wetser;
Ileiir) Gulllcksoti, Crnno; T. Har
rington, Joo Machos, Nainpn; Clint.
A. Huckmnn, Caldwell; Joo Drlpps,
Nyssa; Ralph Turomim, Jiinturn; F.
(1. linker, Cambridge), Idaho; Chas.
T. Huwkes, Caldwell; Tomplo Seng
gin, Wutson; J. L. Hammock, A.
Uwellon, Honltn; John Vogt, Holso.
' E8TRAY-Camo to my nlnce.
nbottt 2 mllos northwest of Ontario
on Mnlliour rlvor, one Jersey cow.
dnrk head with light s:rlp on back
and crumpled horns, coming fresh
soon. Owner may have snmo by
paying for cost of caring for nulmat,
und for this advertisement. Robert
II. LeRoy, Ontnrlo. 12-14.
Uurr Wants young calves,
phono 200-W-2, Ontario.
PLAIN SEWING by hour or piece.
Phono 113-J. Mrs. C. L. Cook. 2t.
ROOM FOR RENT Two blocks
north and two blocks west off grado
school. Mrs. Plorce. 10-11
Wo havo n strictly high grade
piano In Pnotto. No roasonablo off
(or roffused for quick disposal. Easy
terniB It responsible. Wrlto at once
If Interested to Tho Donvor Music
Company, Donvor, Colorado. 7-12.
West Hound
No. 17 Pnasonger 3:47 A. M Dally
CISC P.M. Dally
4:30 P.M Dally
2:01 P. M. Dally
9:33 A M. Dully
No. 5 Mnll
No. 10 Pnssouger
No. 23 Passenger
No. 85 1'nMonrjor
East Hound
No. 18 Pnssongor 1:10 A M Dally
No. 80 Pusscngor
(Pony) 7:50 A, M Dully
No. 4 Passenger 0i33 A M Dully
No. C Mnll 2:20 P.M Dally
No. 24 Pnssongor 4:30 P.M. Dully
Oregon Eastern llninch
, West Hound
No. 371 Mixed Valo-Crnno Departs
10:00 A. M Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 373 Mixed Vnlo-llrognn Departs
12:30 P.M. Dully Ex. Sunday
No, 103 Passenger Vale Departs
10:30 A.M. Sundny Only
East Hound
No. 372 Mixed from Crnno Arrlvo
2:60 P.M. Dully Ex. Sundny
No. 374 Mixed from Hrogan Arrlvo
4:co P.M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 194 Passonger from Vnlo
3:05 P.M. Sundny Only
I f&jy. Record Crop
Mmkmx. w
manufacturers sav
" clean your crankcase 0
Engine operation causes steady accumulation of road
dust, carbon, fine metal particles, and other impurities
in your crankcase oil. This contaminated oil circulates
through your engine, impairs its performance and ulti
mately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs.
Your Instruction Book says'fiush out the crankcase
regularly and refill with fresh oil," But these important
Instructions are often disregarded; cleaning tho crank
case is a job generally disliked.
To meet this need, Modern Crankcase Cleaning Ser
vice has been established by first-class garages and
other dealers, co-operating with tho Standard Oil Com
pany. These garages and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil,
the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and
other impurities, and does not impair the lubricating
efficiency of fresh oil used. The cleaned crankcase is
refilled with the proper grade of Zerolene.
Look for tht garag or dtaltr
displaying tha sign shown balow,
it means "Bcttir operation
and longer engine life," a atr
vlca promptly glvan at a nominal
, calol hushing oil Fi'jWLNMU Jfiyyry
r "for better operation n
and rUnlrriT.ulda Ii tha
Standard relrrrncafor
vrowrri i( tha Northwctt,
ot Smh.TrM-aaiid I'lanli,
Suppliaa, iipraya and
Jprcr, Dairy Supplloa
axul ujuipmtot.
plunted, und every
acre cultivated, yield tho
biggest return. Diamond
Quality Seeds arc tested
and adapted to tho clima
tic and soil conditions of
tho Northwest. You can
"bank" on big crops when
you plunt Diamond Qual
ity Seeds.
Aih for Catalog No. 101
TUt rJr i
and form
no habits
Tliey work
and form
no habits
hi i ma
Thqy vork
and form
no hnblN
Al dd (OflO
S)Uie$ only
5 I
The Ontario Pharmacy
to have those
We can save you money on
Fstablished here in 1910