THE ONTARIO AU0U8, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1021 Di h G ti P o B H ll II d I t 0 WHY LOCM OIL WELLS TAILED TO PRODUCE Cnrcfnl Study of (leolofilcnl Htiur turos Nrccwnr) "Lowting" of Well Important lector (I (Uy W. A. Unrtiott. In previous articles I havo tried to explain tho origin ot oil nml gaH, Bhow how thoy havo trnvclctl through porus rocks, ami accumu latod in domes nnd anticlines, and how theso nntlcllncs nro measured out and located by measuring thu slopo ot under-ground strata which outcrop on tho surtaca o( thu ground. Although tho travols ot oil and ras was originally founded on tha ory and a study ot tho natural laws of rock prossuro and gravity. It haH been proven to ho one ot tho mi rent and moit practlcnl studies of nntur at phenomena. Just as tho theory or nlr-prossuro and resistance has mado It posslhlo to fly through tho clours; ns tho study of electricity has mado It posslhlo to turn our waterfalls In to electric power; and tho surveyor's transit has mado It posslhlo to re claim thousands ot acres of arid lands with abundant water supply; so has tho study of oil geology de veloped hundreds of producing oil fields which would liavo nover been discovered by chanco or accident. In tho selection of and tho drill ing of a successful oil or gas welt thcro aro a number ot scientific and practical operations which should bo followed. First tho geology of tho district nhould bo studied to deter mine whothor tho surface strata na turally covor oll-bcNrlng sands, Sec ond, tho woll-slta should bo located on tho top of tho anticline, whero tho oil will bo struck at tho shallow pst doptlt nnd In tho greatest quan tity. Third, tho proper drilling oqulpmont should ho unod to .go dawn to tho proper depth and to tlvo an nccurato "log" or test of oach strata as tho well goes down. Why Ionil Wells I'iiIIimI Tho history of oil woll drilling In Vnlo-Ontnrlo-Payolto district In tho past fifteen years, provos that thoso operations woro not followed, nnd It Is theroforo easy to oxptaln why tho oil nnd gas resources of this district linvo not boon successfully develop ed Walls woro put down without geological ndvlco or structural mnasuromont, woro put down on soma man's farm brcauso ho had a showing of gas, or bocauso ho had moro monoy In tho company thnn othors, or on somn hill so that tho drill could bo soon from n railroad or wagon road, pornapH to hasten tho salo of stock. Washhuruo'ri Uultod Htatea Geo logical Survey mado ot this district shows tow, if any wolls woro located on real oil structure. And tow of thorn wont down to tho required dopth, oven If they had been proper ly located. Then thoro aro rumors of certain woIIh having been ruined by tbolr drillers, who woro said to bo secret iiKoutH of and under pay of tho Stan dard Oil Company, which at that tliuo did not want now oil Holds do olopod so that It could bettor con trol tho oil market. How truo those stories aro I runnot say, hut I havo hoard of somo ory suspicious oc- riiranros In local oil drilling, nnd havo soon actual evidence of either great Ignorunco in drilling or tho actual purposo ot ruining an oil woll. Why llotary Illg Full Thoro aro sovorul varieties of drilling rigs, tho two main differ ences boliig botweon tho rotary rigs and Standard or churn drills. In using rotary tools, tho oil woll Is filled with walor from tho surface of tho ground down to tho bottom of tho stcol casing, and If tho drill Is down 2,000 feet this column of water dovolops n wolght and pros euro at tho bottom of tho hole of I 880 pounds to tho squaro Inch. If tho drill should penetrate an oil sand nt that dopth this water pros suro would drlvo tho oil back, un loss tho oil prossuro was groater than S80 pounds, In which caso It would blow tho wator out of- tho holu and bo a gusher woll. Tho doopost wells iu this district woro drilled with rotary tools and may have passod through productive oil sands, which would havo dovolopod big producora If. oponod up with churn drills. Tho churn drill uog only a tow buckots ot wator in tho bottom of tho holo, ana tliU Is ball ed out sovoral times day nlong with samples ot tho sand and shale through which tho drill Is passing. In explaining why test wolls in this district havo not boon moro suc cessful, Ilobort N. Hell, as Stnto Mlno Inspector of tho state of Idaho, roports. "Thoro havo boon a dozon for soil testa inndo In this territory, 300 to 1500 feot deep, in addition to tho doep test at Ontario, but It Is doubtful It much regard was I paid boforo starting thorn, to tno ESSENTIAL PRELIMINARY GEO LOGICAL AND STRUCTURAL STUDY for favorablo doming, and sovoral of tho well sites selected, In cluding tho most Important gassors, aro started on strata as flat ns a floor. "Thero aro many detnlls ot prac tical knowlodgo necessary In the de velopment and progress of a profit able oil or gas well, for Instance, it has been ropentedly experienced In drilling wolls in tho big success ful oil flolds of tho southwest that whon working under u high column water prossuro In u tu11 using ro tary tools, big commercially Import ant gas and olt snndB havo been muddled Up, scaled off and passed through without tho driller knowing of their exlBtonco, to bo later devel oped as big producers by moro close ly kept well logs and careful head work In adjacent wolls." SQUIRREL roiso.v WILL NOT ENDANGER LIVE STOCK Many farmers hesitate to put out poison for fear of killing their stock. Many who do put out poison throw it down tho holes and thus decrease ttH efficiency by wasting a largo part of tho poison. Tho propor way to I put It out Is along tho trails and In tho grass about tho holes. A tea spoonful to n tahlospootifut placed to n bait will kill one or moro snulr rols. It takes olght to ten minutes for tho poison to effect a siiulrrol nftor It Is taken Into its mouth. Theroforo, scattering tho poison so tho squirrel Is obliged to hunt It up, a grain at n time, doooasos tho amount ho will pick up In a given time. It takes from 30 to 40 times ns much strychnine to kill a horso, cow, hog or similar nnlmal as It docs to kill n squirrel. Tho possibil ity ot such an animal securing enough poison to harm It Is limited. In tho cxporlcnco ot thu Ulollglcal Survoy thoro Is no Instance of stock being killed by poison put out ns re commended. Chickens, quail, grotiso and sim ilar birds aro practically lmmuno to tho effect ot strychnlno nnd bno does not need to fear for them In putting It out. Howovcr, at 20 to 25 coutB a pound It Is oxpcnslvo chicken fcod nnd should of coiirsa be scattered whora tho chickens can not got at It readily. Turkeys, ducks, geeso and other domestic fowls aro easily poisoned and In districts whoro turkey min ing is Important euro should bo tak en In distributing poison, lloxos 18 to 20 inches long nnd open at ono end placed over tho land with poison kept tu tho back end havo been suc cessfully used In tho turkoy raising country. Ira N. Clnbrlrlson, Assistant Ulologist. 515 1': O: Illdg., Portland, Oregon, rehruory 15, 1921. IIAPTIHT CltimCH (E. II. Illotn, Pastor) Dlblo School, 10:00 A. M. Classes for all ngos. Como. Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M. Junior II. Y. I'. V., 6:30. Senior Young People's Service, 0:30. Dlblo Study Class, (1:30. Gospel Service, 7:30. Prayer Sorvicc, Wednesday 7:30. Chorm Choir Hehoarsal, Thursday 7:30. Professional Cards DRS. WEESE & FORTNER office neuns: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Office over First National Dank Telephone No 33 J Ontario, Ore DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dentist llctuecn Ontario Pliarum. Iomt. Phono 52 leslie j. aki:u attorney am) accountant INCOME TAX AI)VlHi:it I'ottnffh-o llulldliiK Ontario, Oregon Offices nlMi at fittl Idaho llillldlng llolsc, Idaho I'heuei: Office KID-U; lies. 1 70-1. DR. R. A. MOON CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN NERVE SPECIALIST Acuto or Chronic Dlsoascr Itooms ovar Pont (if. Ice ONTAHIO ORELON lilt. C. W. TYLER DENTIST Office In Wilson Illdg Oftlco Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p in Phono 117 tor Appointments. Western Seed Grain Co. & Boise. Idaho Farm, Field and Garden Seeds WESTERN SEEDS THAT GROW 1921 catalogue free upon request WELL DRILLING Special iilpnirnt Hpecxly Service Soo O. B. Sanford Phone, 43-W OuUrlo, Orruou HAVK YOUIl CAIl MADE JUHT I.I KIJ NKW Tho powor of your auto en gine comes from tho cyllndor and this Is tho Only Shop In Maluour county that has a CYLINDER llOIUNQ MACHINE This permits us to do this ac curate machlno work to a hair, and do it quickly Now Is tho tlmo to have your engine overhauled. MARHDEN'8 MACHINE SHOP Ontario, Oregou FRANK BRITTINGHAM Phono 110-J Ontario, Oregon I Long Hauling a Specialty J Wo Alwnjs Deliver the Goods Ii. J. AKER INCOME TAX ADVIHEIt Will bo nblo t0 moot cllonts and thoso Booking Incomo tax asslstnnco only by appolntmont mado in ad vanco, on account of prossuro of work In othor localities, and such appointments may bo mado by writ ing or calling at his otflco In tho Postofflco Hulldlng, or by telephon ing Oftlco 1CS-II; Rosldonco 170-J. Our New Directory Goes to Press March 1 Have your telephone installed in time to get your name listed PAID LOCAL ADS FPU BALE i'X)u ham: HOIWI AND MACHINEItY. Having a surplus of horsce and machinery, Including span of woll broko mares, and a 3 year-old Hold ing; also good farm wagon, nearly new, brass trlmod harness; McCor mlck mowing machlno. a spring tooth drag, nearly now; also a now walking plow and a few odds and ends ot farm tools, Theso w,lll be sold at bargain, Illversldo Addition to Ontario, or address, II. C, Secoy, P. O. Box 311. 11-12. Air. Farmer: Spring work will soon com mence. Then you will be busy. A telephone does so much for you for the small cost of 7 cents per day. It is really a waste of time not to have one. A maximum number of telephones extends the service and makes it more valuable to all users. FOK SALE Fresh caws, good milkers. Inaulro A. F. Durr. near Valley Vlow School Houao. FOR SALE Good seed barley, cheap. Two miles straight west of Ontario. John Molenaar. ll-HP, FOU SALE Chevrolet Touring car In good condition Cheap for cash. Seo J. II. Gordon FOR SALE lots 19 and 20 block 296, City ot Ontario for 1100. Write C. R. Hnllberg, Ranter, Oregon. HAY FOR SALE 18.00 por ton, two miles west of Ontario, A, D, Cain. tf. Malheur Home Telephone Co. J. A. Lakness, Gen'l Mgr. FOR SALE Half Horse Powor Century Three Phase Motor, In good condition. See J, H. Gordon or phone 60-W. tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE For live stock. Good house, two lots, deep well, garage and other out buildings. Ilox 641, Ontario, Oregon, tt. GRIFFITH ELECTRIC BHOP All kinds of Electric wiring. Tclo plfono 228 J. tf. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. A. T. Chrlstensen, teacher of piano, Phono 170-W. 61 tf. FOR RENT House pnrtly fur nbout lb miles west ot Ontario. Mrs. E. F. Chonnult, Phono 20S-R-2. tf. Two cars of baled liny that must bo turned soon. Will trndo for cat tlo, horses, sheep or Ford. Address I). G. Ruby, Caldwoll, Idaho. 10-12 HEMSTITCHING 12 tf cents por yard. 10 yards or over of one color 10c por yard. Blanche Andor son, Phono 42-W. 0-12 p. ANNOUNCEMENT We aro now locatod In tho building formorly oc cupied by tho Illuoblrd Grill. Phono 95. Ontario Electric Co. 9-tf. FOUNIJ Pair of gold rimmed spoctnclcs. Finder mny havo samo by colling nt tho Argus and paying for this ad, It. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks $20 por hundred. Hatching eggs $2.00 por sotting, $10.00 per hun dred. Phono 20B-W A. II. Cain. FORDSON TRACTOR DELIVERED AT YOUR RANCH S7JII. 20 Horso Power for Pumping, Grinding Ornln, Cutting Hay Run ning your Ensllago Cutter. 10 Horso Powor for Plowing Harrowing Discing, Etc. Tho cheapest powor available at this tlmo. Ask for the booklet, Tho Fordson at Work. Tho Fordson takes tho Bamo plnco In tho tractor Hold an tho Ford car In tho Automobllo field, Moro for tho Money always. FORD GARAGE Ontario, Oregon Um.11 Is THE OSBORN MILLINERY Always Ready With The New Styles First We offer tho largest stock of trim med huts, ready for immediate wear, featuring correctness of style and popularly priced, in this section of the country. Trimmed hats priced from $5 to $16.50 and tailored from $2.75 to $13 50 Special table of wonderful values priced to sell for $5.00 MADGE EVANS HATS for girls and young women. One lot of waists marked half price Osborn Millinery ONTARIO. - OREGON POTATOES FOR SALE Any quantity. Quality guaranteed satis factory; sound, uncut, free from dis ease, and Pt Merchantable size. Price 11.50 per hundred. Will trade for hogs or sheep. Try a sack. Wolfe and Qulnby, R. F. D. Ontario, or phone 34-R Ontario. 889-7 tt LOST OR STOLEN Two sari lug steers, brand left hip, (EH con nected). Please take up and notify J, J. Dlllard. 919-tf. I J We Are Always Prepared to care for the proper needs of our customers First National Bank Ontario, Oregon ' "A Good Bank in a Good Country" 4 i I