The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1921, Image 5

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    tWSrM7lr ' '
jr&-mr' -' fil "'"'w
Junu illlllor, Tor two yunrs rhltif
operator ill llio local telephone of
fice, nnil JiunoH McCiitin of Wulaor
woro iimrrliMl at tho Catholic Church
at WoIhui- Tuesday roliruary 8 Mr
MuCaiiu In a piniiilnoiit IiusIiiomi man
of Wolsor ami In oiiii of the firm of
N'ortlmii ami McCniin Furnltuie Coin
puny. Horn to Mr ami Mrs Henry Whit-
inoro Hunilny, rohrtinry 1,1th, a son.
Hamlall Hugo hoIiI IiIh hoilin JiihI
oust of Ontario to John llromiHU for
$8,000. I'ihwomiIoii Ih to he glvon
within a wools ami tho Bago nrc
moving to Nynmi.
MrM. it. 'J. MiiHtnril'H youiiKMt son
Iiiih boon qiilto III nt tho Monro Ho
tul. T. It. Monro mih In Ilolno from
Thursday until Mnnilny.
MIkhch Hollo tyhlo mill KIhIo Mor
ns or wolsor woro Mnnilny visitors
of Misses Mary mul Nolllo Morris.
Mr. W. K. Uowo of EntorprlRo in
hero for a fow dnys visit with IiIh
K. II. Johnson of Entorprlsn jnr
chnsotl tho Sorvlco Stntlon of Hnmor
Anderson. Ho took possession Sun
ilny. Mm. II. It. Anderson returned
Monday from a two wooks vlutt In
Mr. nnil Mm. Otto lllncknliy of
llnmcdnlo aro visiting relatives and
friends In Ontario.
Mm. W. J. Altnow rtml Mm. It 11
JohtiHton of llotitnh woro shopptnr
In Ontario tho flmt of tho week."
. Mr. anil Mm. Cliff Hocr loft Fri
day evening for n short vIkII In
Mm. V. J. I'lnnoy Ih rocovorlnc
from n sevoro attack of tonsllltls.
Ivan Onkos mndo n business trip
to HoIho Tuesday.
Mm. I.o Cockrum returned Tuos
day from Lour Hench, California
where hIiu has upont tho pnst two
months. u
The Right to Love
MIdh Iloltlo Cruinett of linker -Btopped
In Ontario Tucsauy on her LI
way homo from Vnle. wlmrn Him lirm 0
hi'i'ii visiting tho innt week .
Mr. anil Mm. V. F Ilomnu were
In Wolsor Stimlny.
Frank II. (llonn, Vnlo'H fur nior
chnnt pnssed through Ontario on his
way homo from Ilnkiv.
MIhh Crystal Slacoy of Vale Is
visiting Mnurlnn Jonen mul shopping
In Ontario for n fow dayH.
Mr. and Mm. Frank IoiikwoII,
formerly of Vale, Htoppoil In Ontnrlo
Tuesday on tholr way to Puyotte
whoro thoy will maku tliotr home.
Chnrllo (llonn, Doputy Hhortff, of
Vale wbb In Ontario TUOMcny.
Hov. P. J. Stuck returned from
Vnlo Tuomlny.
Mr. ami Mrs. l, It. Hrelthnutit
woro In Wolser Tuosday.
Tho Nnznrono Church has been
moved to tho cast sldo of tho lot
nnil nn addition Is helm; tut It t In or
der to nccommodntn moro people,
us meetings ro soon to begin unilor
tho leadership of Itov, I U. Martin
of Pnssnduun, Cnllfnrnln
Miss Evelyn OnllnRlior Is very III.
A, 11. Winter of Evotitt. WnshliiK
ton who hnH a ranch on tho Mnlhour
Hlvor Is horo for a tow dayH.
Miss Hose Fankhausor and broth
or Arthur of Humboldt, Nob. spent
Inst Friday In Ontario RUcsts at the
Irwin Troxoll homo. Thoy woro on
routo to Jnmlcson to spend tho sum
mor with tho Onrlitir family who re
cently purchased tho Jako Hosktnc
Mrs. Henrietta Mnrsilon Is ult(
Doctor Poruo Is nulto sick will
Inflnuiuintnrv rheumntlnm.
Mrs. A. M. Lackey loft Thursday
for 8t. Anthony to tnko Evelyn
Lnckoy, little daughter of Mr. nui!
Mrs. Horbort iJickey, homo to her
Donald Parker tins boon qulto III
this week.
Horn Frldav, February 18 nt Hoi
ltoary llospttnl, to Mr, and Mrs
I.oronr. TschlrRO of IlroRnn, n tlnugh
ter. PhM Dnstorday of Portland, of the
Ontario Concrete Plpo Company wnr
In Ontnrlo from 8nttrilay until Mon
day. Mnnilny ho loft for Helena
Montana whoro tho company has n
enncrcto plant.
C. I;. Minglmm, I'li'i i.asiorunv
and W. D, Jenne woro In Caldwell
A bnby Rirl w I'pmi to Sir i
Mm. It II Lockelt Thursdny, Fob
runry 17, nt Holy Ilosnry Hospital.
tS tnUult) In a ttnlty tunnlnt
trainer, trlth fmri toft raltr
and a mild, rtulral toat. It (
modern laundry tray 0 iro-intntwleni.
mtlmml ,. rimvcKvwz$
?n irrJt "f,Ulnt." rrlntlnt (l
avoided In the vaiUnt j trial
iu. lnu4, vcttr it imn
Ml by thtint llit (soli In a
falrlftarini itlnnintiaikil
$3: S sv,M
An intimate tale of a beau
tiful woman's love-life in the
eity of Sultens. Of a pure
souled young American,
married off for official hon
orsand consigned to the
ways of the Turk!
Gorgeous as a vision of
"Arabian Nights". A thrill
with intrigue and youthful
beauty in the unknown
places of Constantinople.
Sunday, Monday
A most onjnynblo birthday illnuor
pnrty was held nl tho John Wcavor
homo on tho Iloutovnnt, Tuesday tho
22nd, tho birthday or nearly nil
prosont bolnB WasliltiRtan'n birthday
It was a patriotic RnthurliiR. Those
illnnarB Imvo been hold by tho
Twonty-secoiulB for n numhor of
yours, and Is looked forward to onch
yours mid Is looked forward to each
Thoxu prosont whoso blrthdnyH
aro on February 22 wore: Mrs. John
F Wonvor; Miss Uln (lrniiiio; Mrs
W B. Mnxon; Mm. Kloctru IiiRru
liam: Mrs. Knto Wonvor; II. 8. Ilutli
orforil and Claronr Poorman. Thoro
wero also prosont Jmlgo mul Mm
n II Tost; Mrs. Kil Hillary; Mm
I.lrilo Tumor. i
Tho oldest ono of tho Twonty
socondB Is Undo Dick Ituthorford
who was olKhty-ouo yoam old that
A More Saving and Scientific Way
of Washing the ' Family Woolens
In nitr to trtnt flmflt
Mil, trcoUnt art twittd
in xl oiit matnlnntt
tmttUly CI 100 mUptll
i:akti:hn ktau kiddihs
i'av honoh t unci.h dick
8tur Chapter O. B. 8. hold Its an
nual Chlldron's Party Tuesday even
ing at tho Mimonlc Lodgo rooms. A
splondlil program was given consist
ing of rtadlnga anil songs by tho
children, and sovoral numbers by tho
Congrogntlonnl Sunday School or
chestra. Tho nttondanco of tho child
ren was also n honor of Unclu Dick
Uutborford's olghty-flrst blrthdav
Tho tnhlos woro nicely docorntod uid
thore was a largo birthday cal.o
After refreshments wero served the
romalndor of tho ovcnlng was spout
enjoying games.
The Girl's Friendly Club will meet
Tuosday ovonlug, March first, nt the
home of Mrs. W. V. Wood. Each
girl should come dressed as her fav
orlte movie actor or actorlne.
Tho W. C. T. U had a Francis B.
Wlllanl memorial service at the
home of Mrs. Parker Johnson Tuos
day aftornoon, Mrs. Dyer and M.s.
Wushtlays Imvc been !n vogue since Adam
(lonnctl his first shirt, but even yet you
often hear it said "Oh, anyone can do
the washing." , f
And anyone could io the washing the
old way, when laundering consisted chiefly
of tying the family bundle in the nearest
brook and leaving the cleansing to the
rippling waters. And most anyone can
still do "things" the rub-mul-scrub wny.
Hut we know today, that fabrics, like
people, have their cciili iritiea. We know
that to meet there needs of your clothes
i.pcciali7cd laundering methods must be
Take the "peculiarities" of woolens as
nn instance. Woolens our blankets, flan
nels, underwear, and sweaters arc com
jx4cd of the same substances ns our finger
nails and hnir. Unless washed in the right
way, in the right water, with the right soap
they soften, shrink,
and "felt."
Here is the method
wc use in tho washing
of your voo!cii9 it
is this method which
The Lnundryowucra
National Association
"Prepare both by running Into wather ten tnchn
of water in Inside cylinder. Adjuct temperature to
100 degree Fahrenheit. Add neutral map and run
wather until audi ore formed. Place woolent in
wather and run 15 minutes. Remove woolen to
pinning lutkct (to withdraw water) and tpin for
one minute after full (need U obtained. Discharge
tud from wather, and run in frroh water of same
temperature a uted for audi (use thermometer);
replace woolen in thii bath, and rinse three minute.
Puce woolen in (pinning bailee!, and run for to
minute after apced it obtained. Dry at ordinary
room temperature. (Woolent should not be dried
at high temperature.)"
Your laundress can hardly be expected to
know these numerous important details
it has- required long study by specialists,
and long experience by ourselves to work
them out. It is this practice, based on
knowledge, which distinguishes our pro
fessional service from the domestic.
Wc use other similarly exact methods for
the laundering of colored goods; for cottons
and linens; for silks; for everything you
send in your family bundle.
Why cling then to the old way with all
its work nnu worries?
The assistance of
our trained helpers
can be youra for the
asking. Try this im
proved service we
offer. Phone us to
day, and have us call
for your family bundle.
Pliilliilkiiim & Allen
successors to
McDowell Company, Inc.
Funeral Directors
Licensed in Oregon, Idaho, Washington
Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors
Lady Assistant
Hospital Ambulance Service
No- Distance Too Far
Office Phone 227 Residence Phone 227, 178
Dufflold woro nHHlHtuiit hoatcsaoa.
Monday ovcnlng, February 26, tho
Iloyul KolKhhurs will Initiate- u clan
of ton. After tho Initiation tho Hoy
ul Neighbors und Modern Woodmen
will onjoy a social hour. A program
lu to bo kIvoii by tho Woodmen who
will also proparo and sorvo rofronh
monts. A most enjoyable "Kid's" Party
wan elvon by Clara Inoi Woods at
hor homo lant Saturday ovcnlng.
Tho young folks camo drougod as
klddlo, the girls In short droscH
and tho boys In kneo pants. Thoy
brought with thorn thoir toys, dolls
and marbles, and games suitable to
tholr apparent age woro plnyod
Friday ovonlug Elonnor Woods
gavo a party attwhlcn olghtcon of
her young frlonds woro prosont A
most onjuynblo evening wuh spont
playing gumes after which refresh
ments were sorvod.
Tho Iadleg Aid Socloty or the
Congrogatlonal church will meet at
2:30 Wednesday aftornoon, March 2
at the homo of Mrs. J. A. Draper.
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Orelg enter
tained a numbor of frleniU Friday
evening. Tho evening was upont at
cdrds and dancing.
The Imperial Club Is mooting tVln
ovonlug at tho home of Mr. aud Mrs
II. O. Draue.
Mr. und Mrs, E. A. Fr.uor eutor
talned tho Carnation t.'luli Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Del Tnggurt entor
l talned with three tables of bridge
Monday evening.
Mrs. J. A McFall was hostess this
There wero twenty-two present
weak to the Monday Bridge Club.
The Tuesday Drldge Club mot at
the home of Mrs. II. H. Whitney.
Mrs. J, R. niackaby wub hostess
yesterday to the Wednesday Drldge
Dr. U. O. Payne was host Sat
urday evening to tho Pinochle Club
Tho Episcopal Guild met this nf
ternoon with Mrs. Ivan Oaltes,
The Woman's Club met this aftor
noon at the homo .or Mrs. Geo. K
nrunswlck records will play with
steol, tungsten or fiber needles on
any make of phonograph.
"Knee Deep In Juno" would bo an
explanatory name befitting Juno
that entertaining, vigorous and stim
ulating Fox Trot on Brunswick re
cord 2064 Ontario Furniture Co
Mr. nnil Mrs, Hick Lockott an
nounced tho arrival of n fluo baby
girl this wook,
Mrs. A. A. DorrlcK of Jamlosnn
visited hor daughter, Mrs. II. Kolloy.
last week. Mrs. Kolloy's a mul I
dnughtor, Clara, has boon very 111
with a cold, hut Is honor now
Thoro will bo a dancu at Jnmlo
son on Saturday tho 2Cth. Everyone
Is Invltod.
Ituby Kelley returned last v,uek
from tho linker Hospital, whoro ho
had undergone nil operation.
Paul Orautloul wom to Vale last
week to purchase n cement mixer
and nn outfit for all kinds of con
tract work. Ho Is having this ship
pod to Iirogan, where ho will begin
Frank Elms, whllo working In
Vale, fractured his knee Ho sout u
hurry call for Cyril Crawley to take
his place.
Kelley Ilrothors Imvo moved tholr
cattlo to the Malheur river section
to teed thoro for the remainder of
the wlntor.
Mr. und Mrs. John Kennedy wont
to Ontario Mondnr for a few days.
Mrs. J M. Addlngtnn returned
Friday from Itlvursldo, Calfornia,
where sho Iiuk been spondlni; tho
wlntor. Mr. Adillngton met her lu
Outralo and accompanied her home
from there
Mr. Hiid Mrs. Shirley Tucker of
,l,a Qrunile arrived In Urogan Friday
They expect to go out on tholr homo
stead soon, and make It tholr home,
running a dairy thoro inla mimmor.
Mr. and Mrs I.oreni Tsclilrgl aro
the proud parents of a baby girl,
horn last Saturday at (lie Ontario
M. Vllsmeyor ana his sister, Mrs
Pat Coleman, bave opened a restau
rant In tho hotel building dooil
luck to tho enterprise.
I.uko Cornell and son, Avery, left
Saturday for Walla Walla, whero
they will attend the Golden Wedding
Anniversary of Mrs. Cornell's moth
or and father.
Mr. Fred Doubrava, father of A
A. Doubrava, returnea from Ilolse
last weok. He has been spending
the winter there with his daughter,
Mrs. 8. n. McClaran
Mr. and Mrs J M Addlngton re
ceived word last Saturday of tho
death of tholr small grandson, James
Antrobus, In Rlverslao. California
He had been vory III all winter, and
latoly no hopo had been hold out
to the parents.
Buy Now
You need not wait longer to buy your
Spring Clothes
We have reduced everything in our store and tho
price is as low as it will be in the spring. So if you
Need Work Clothes
why wait? Our business is increasing every day.
It proves that the people are realizing that we are
Selling For Less
and our goods give satisfaction. Following is a list
of articles we are specializing on this week:
Heavy, full cut work shirts - 76c
Men's heavy weight overalls - $1.25
Boys' heavy weight overalls' - 75c, 85c
Ladies' house dresses - - $1.95
Ladies' flannelette gowns - $1.95
Men's work pants - - - $2.45
Heavy corduroys - - - $4.50
Work gloves - - 50c and up
Men's and boys' suits greatly reduced
The Hub
40 Stores
Where you save money