The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1921, Image 3

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Mr. mud Mrs. Henry llockon ro
turned Saturday night from Hoehcs
tor, Mlnnesotn wlioro Mr. llechoihnd
Bono to coiiBiilt tho Mayo Drothurs.
Mr. Mnyo operated upon Mr llockes
for Btomnch trouhlo nml ho Ia very
mucli roliovcd. Ho will no to IIoIho
this wook for furthor troatmont.
Wlillo at ltocheBtor, Mr. Hcckcs bIs
tor, Mrs. Ilort McCullough, of Osh
kosli, WlBconaln, wliom ho had not
oon for 20 curs vlnltoil him, nml
upon tliolr return they stopped at
Fremont, Nolirnska, for a visit with
his brothor, John Ilockcn whom ho
had not hcoii for 28 yoars.
Hov. Ollvor, of Dohto, proaclied
hoth morning nml ovoiilng Sunday
In tho M. U. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllhur Drowning
nro mowng tins week to Payette.
Mrs. Charles W. Stewart, recent
ly oporatod.upon for nppondlcltlB, Is
Improving splendidly. Tho trained
U.lrno from Holsa In with tier. Her
daughter, who Iiub boon at tho 1' D.
Hohsoii homo, Ihih roturncd homo.
MIbb Dora Tnckot has lioon In
Payette Rovcral days this wook.
Mrs. Strawn Ib slowly Improving
from nor vory Borlous Illness,
slnco tho sunny days of last week will glvo this Friday evening a hot
oui mo storm on btinuay matio tno.n social to wlilch a number havo been
soft Monday. It Ib n pity that tho
control of tho roads In a way Is out
of tho hands of our own Highway
District Commlssloncra and nil work
Is In chargo of state englnnorn
Somo of tho level roads In this com
munity havo boon surveyed from six
to olght tlmoH l ongtnoers receiving
prlncoly salaries. Tho ro.idB were
uovor worBO than this wlntor. It Is
truo this has beau an umtBiinlly wot
winter but tho rondt torn tip anil
left without gravel alt over tho iIIb
trlct haH inado traol Impossible
Mr and Mrs, l'ttrhert cntortalncd
with a dollghtful party Friday ovon
Ing, honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. N'
Hill and family who moved this
wcok to Now Plymouth. Eighteen
of tliolr neighbors and friends wore
present to enjoy tho gamos and
muslo nml tho oyster suppor which
I Mr and Mrs. It W Smith, Jnrk
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Wnl-
I kor nttonded n ltnok party Friday
evening nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
It S. Kutch.
Miss Iterntco Hill nnd Mrs 13. A
I I.tnck dud daughter Miss Helen worn
In I'notto Baturday ami Sunday tho
week nml guests of tho lllomstrom
family. Arthur Muck wont down
flumln" to bring them homo.
Thursday afternoon of this week n
Mrs. I). L. lugard loft early Tues
day for Now York City to ho gono
a month. On hor return sho- will
stop at Cleveland, Ohio to visit her
When bids were opened IbbI Sat
urday for Idaho Cannery Company
property, Ira Dalzall bid It In nt
$7000. Ho expects to run tho can
nery and Is In corospondonco with
competent mon to operate It.
Tho Ladles Aid of the M. K.
Church moots with Mrs. It. 0. Gor
don Thursday, March 3rd.
I.rmt Saturday night was tho
birthday annlvorssry of Mrs. Ira Del
zoll nil bar cousin Vcrnla Klcli Tha
nolghbors took supper with thorn
nnd surprised thorn.
Mr. How a Is building n modem
chicken houso on tho ranch recently fllvur toa was hold at tho homes of
purcnasoi iroiii .. i,. iais. Messrs. Joel llaor nnd (Jpiitry Wnl-
MIsh Mabel Peacock was III and Uor )iy tl0 rr(GIIIB,lp W. C. T. U
tiwny from school lust wook. A Wnsblnctoii nrocrnm was bnl.l
Miss Laura Ilnzoltlno, lit sufforlng Tuesday .afternoon In tho school n
from an attack of tonsltltlH
A largo numbor of tho Frultlaud
pooplo wont to Outnr-o Wednesday
ovonlng to sco Itohin Hood.
Tho roads nro n llttlo Improved
Fru'.tland Tho best uumbors In
each room met In tho High School
Assembly room Frldnv afternoon ot
this wcok nt one to glo n program
Tho Frultlaud Amtisumonl Club iii:nxi:tts xf.w
iMrnmi:, "Iiakipixh"
Invest Your Surplus Cash
You arc sure that you Invest wisely when you
deposit with the ONTAKIO NATIONAL
BANK, because jour funds arc safe and y'eld
a fair rale of Interest.
Your account is invited.
5 per cent interest paid on Savings accounts.
tlushniiils who blame their wlvns
for remaining old-fashloncd nnd d'n-
Intorestod In the hilarity of llfo nro
taught a losson by "Hairpins," the
latest Thomas II Inco Pnrnmount
Artornft plcturn stnrr-ng Enid Ilou
nott, wblrb will bo shown nt tho
Majcctltr thontro WetfnoHilny, March
Itox Ilossmnrn had r Wfo who cur
ed moro nbout getting a reduction
on tho purchnso of n dozen smokot'
hnms than sho did nbout tho Faust
oporti nnd Insofar as purmnnout wrv-
i Ing of her hair was voncorncil. sno
uovor thought of It. Dm Itox didn't
llko hor domesticity nnd that's why
I his stenographer nppvnlcd to him so
' lint when Itox's wlfo discovered
tho truo stnto of ntfnlrs, sho got
busy nnd It wnsn't lotn fioforo she
wns considered tho most up-to-date
woman In Now York In fact, sho
wns so much up-to-dnto that Ilex
wns maris to ronllro how -wonderful
sho really wns. Thnt's whv ho bog
cod her to return to her former
ways of living and found real hnp
IiIiipm In domostlclty.
Miss Uennott never had n moro
fitting rolo than that which sho por
trays In "llnlrplns", Matt Mooro Is
mod In tno role or nor nusnanu.
ploture wns directed hv I-red
unimr tho nornoniil suporvis-
f Ion of ThomiiB It. Inco Tho sup
porting rompnny Is oxcollaul.
' VII'll
, I Nlblo
"Tht Itlght to loo" Hecond Offi'f
lug of Producer Huh Prom
inent Vi
I impi
S&" A.
i i mgicgrtww. i
Irrigate More Land
With Every Acre Foot
Expensive irrigating water is worth
saving, every drop. Tho best means of de
livering tho water to your thirsty acres is
also the most economical AMERICAN
This pipe is made of well seasoned and
specially treated Washington Yellow Fir
that, will not leak or decay.
American Wood Pipe will not rust out
like iron pipe; it last longer and costs los3.
It joints easily and fits tightly.
Ask our sales manager about this ideal
means of delivering every drop of your ir
rigating water to the land.
Ontario Yard, Geo'. McClain, Mgr.
Boise Payette Lumber
Tho photoplay nttinctton nt tho
Mnjostlo threntro next Sunday nnd
Monday will ho "Tho lltght to I.ovo,"
produced hv Oeorgn Fllxmnurleo nnd
fonturlng Mao Murray nnd David
Miss Murrnv has tho rolo nf nil
American girl, who lends n wretched
nro wiiu nor uusnnnn, nir Arcniunm
Falkland, English director of tho
Ottoman Dobt nt Constantinople. In
nu offort to compromlso his wlfo so
ho mny mnrry nnothor womnn, Sir
Archibald Instnlls n IVnco 8tnnlslnu
In his homo. A Colonel IVchnrd
Lorlng, plnyod by Dnvld Powell, nr
rlvos In tlmo to roscuo hor from tho
Prlnro. though In tho resulting mix
up, Lorlng shoots FnlMnnd dead. Ho
Is ncauttod In tho trial that follows
nnd ho nnd Lady Falkland sook hap
pluoss togothor,
Ily vlrtuo of an execution In Fore
closure, duly Issued by tho Clerk of
tha Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for tho County of Mnlhour,
dated tho 17th, day of Fobruary,
1021, In n certain suit In the said
Circuit Court for Bain Stato nnd
County, wherein Douglas Smith, Al
bert O. Lcator nnd William lluttor-
worth, Trustees, ns plaintiffs, recov
ered Judgment ngnlnst Louis J Oct
trlch, ns dofendnnt, In ttio first cause
of suit, for tho Bum of Ten Hundred
Fifty-four & No-100 (J10G4 00) Dol
lars, with Interest thereon from said
.list, day of August, 1012, nt tho
rato of six por cent per annum and
Ono Hundred Flvo nnd No-100
(lion. 00) Dollars Attorney's fees,
nnd tho further sum of Twenty-four
&. No-100 ($24.00) Dollars annunl
maintenance chargo, with Interest
thereon nt six percent por annum
from tho 31st, day of October 101 G;
and tho further sum or Twonty-olght
& 11-100 (128 11) taxes pnld, with
Interest thereon nt bIx per cent per
annum from the 1st day ot April,
1017; nnd on tho second cause ot
suit, for tho sum of Three Hundred
Hlghty-two Si 50-100 ($382 GO) Dol
lars, with Interest thereon at tho
rato of six por cent per milium from
tha .'list dny ot Aubnst, 1911, nnd
tho further sum of Six Si No-100
($6 00) Dollars maintenance, with
Interest thereon at tho rato of six
por cent per milium from tho .list,
day of October. 1010, nnd for tho
furthor sum of Six A. 75-100 ($C 78)
Doltnrs taxes pnld, with Interest
thereon nt tho rate of six per cent
per annum from tho 1st dny of
April, 1017, nnd tho furthor sum of
Thlrty-olghl Si No-100 ($.18 0(1) Dol
tnrs nttomov's fees, wlitch judgment
was enrolled and docketed In tho
Clork's offlco of until Court in sold
County on tho 25th day of Jatiunry,
IIY GIVEN. That I will on tho SCtlt
dny of March, 1021, nt tho hour of
11;30 o'clock In tno forenoon ot
said day, nt tho north main entrnnco
door ot tho Court Houso at Vale, In
said County nnd Stnto, soil at pub
lic miction to tho highest bidder or
bidders, for ensh, tha following des
cribed real praporty, to-wlt:
On tho first rauso of suit Lot
1IC of tho Jamloson Acrengo
Tracts, ns numbered dolgnatfd
on tho official plat recorded In tho
offlco of tho County Clork of Mnl
hour County, Oregon, lining n sub
division of part of Shcttou in, In
Township 10 South, Itnngo 43 IJ W
M., containing (1.2 ncres, moro or
And on tho second caiiso ot suit:
Lot 133 ot Jumlnsou Acreage Tracts,
nn nuinborod nnd doMgnntod on tho
official plat recorded In tho offlco of
tho County Clork of Mnlhour County
Oregon, being n suh-ittvtslon of part
ot Section 1C, In Township 10 South,
Itnngo 43 n. w. M , containing l r
acres, moro or less,
Tho nbovo real proportv with Its
annurtonnnros Inker,, nnd levied up
on ns tho property f tho nnld do-
fondant. Louts J oestrteii, in- vlr
tuo of a mortgiiFn gvn thereon by
tho nbovo nnmed dofendnnt or ns
much thoreof ns may bo npcessnry
to satisfy said Judgmont In favor of
Dowrlns Smith, Albert O Lester nnd
Vlll'nm Duttorworth, Trustno. to
gothor with all costs nnd dlsburso
iinnnts Hint havo or ninny ncruro
Dated nt Vnlo, Oregon, this 21st day
of Fobruary, 1021.
II. LRB NOR, sheriff
Ily C. W, Olonn. Doputy
Onto of first publication rebriinrv
24th, 1021.
Pnm of last publication, March 24th.
Onto ot Salo, March 2Cth, 1021, nt
11:30 A M.
that hnvo or may accrue.
Dntcd nt Vale, Oregon, this
any of rohrunry, 1021.
II. LED NOR, Shorltf.
Uy C. W. Olonn, Doputy
Dnto of first publication, February
24th, 1021.
Dnto ot lnnt publication, March, 24th
uuto of Su!o, March 201.1, 1021. at
11 A M.
Cortnln rosldonts of Hollvwood
might hnvo vlowod n startling malls
tic reproduction of T-ndy Oodlvn's
fnmd rldo wlillo ntttred In hor flow
ing hair had thov poopod from their
windows during tho sin nil hours of
n cortnln morning
It nil hnnnenod nt 3 o'clock In tho
morning while Miss Allison's newest
stnrrlng production, "Tho Morrlnpp
of wtiHam Asiie" wos no'ng rumen
I Tho script of tho Hereon vlrs'on nt
J tho story cnlls for tho appearance of
I the star In tnhloux In thn rolo of
iaay uomva.
Tho horso, n splrltoi ono. was un
accustomed to tho wnrs of en mora
mon, oloctrlclnns and others. It took
ono torrlflod glance nt tho scono
thou mndo for and arch Hint led to
tho streot.
Through tho fate wont horso and
' n flying glimpse of nnll n hut un-
I olnthod star, for tnreo iiiockb 'i
1 rncod un tho streot wliMo Mnl AIM
I son, holding tho rolns In ono hand
nnd hor wig in tho otner, olung to
hor position upon Its hack
"Tho Marriage of William Asho"
wns dranintlzod by Margarot Mavo
.from tho celebrated novol by Mrs
i Humphrey Ward. Iluth Ann Dnld-
win adapted It to tho screen nnd will
I he soon nt Dreamland Friday and
Hajis fed for ogg production
should got food containing tho food
olomentH found In the egg. An an
alysis of tho egg shows that It is
composed of nsh 12 2 jer cont; wnt
or fi5 7 per cent; protein 11.4 por
cont; and fat 8.0 per cent Tho lion
cannot counterfeit hor product, so
must ho supplied with tho nocossary
raw materials or sho cannot manu
facture tho finished product O. A
C. Hxperlment Station.
Now Is n good tlmo to overhaul
spray outfits, and to see that neces
sary spray materia) is on hand or
nnllablo for spray applications
which should be made during March
. O A. O. Experiment Station.
FORD FOIt SALR Good second
hand Fprd for sale, at n bargain, for
particulars see C F Funk at The
Palace Harbor Shop Ontario 12-tf
Hv virtue of nn Execution In Fore
closure, dulv lsued by tho Clork or
tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Ore
gon, for tho Count or Mnlhour. dnt
od tho 17th dny of February 1021,
In n cortaln suit In tho snld Circuit
Court for snld Stato of Count',
whoroln Douglss Smith. Albert O.
Lestor nnd William Uuttorwortli.
Trustees, as Plaintiff's, recovered
Judgment ngntn Frnnk Hecknmn
ns Dofondnnt, in tho um of Soven
teon Hundred Fifty & No-100.
($1750 00) Dollars, ntth Interest
thereon from snld 13th day of Aug
ust, 1011, nt tho rate of six per cont
nor nnnum. nnd tho further sum of
Ono Hundred Soontv-flvo S- No-100.
($175 00) Dollars Attorney's fees,
and tho further sum of Fifty & No
100 $50 dO) Dollnrs water ma'nton
nnce, together with Interest tboreon
nt tho rate of bIx per rent per nnnum
since the 10th day or August, IUUH
and tho furthor sum of Flftv-one Si
31-100 ($51 32k Dollars taxes paid,
togolher with interest tliereon slnco
the 10th dav of August,. 1010. at
tho rate or Six por ont por annum
Until pnld. which judgment ws en
rolled and docketed In th" clerk's
ortlco of snld County In snld County
on the 25th dav or January. 1021
DY GIVEN, That I will on the 2Cth.
dny or March, 1021, at the hour or
11 o'clock, In tho rorenoon of snld
day at the north main entrnnco door
of tho Court House, f Vnlo In sold
Countv and State, sell at nubile auc
tion to tho highest and host bidder
or bidders for cash tho following des
cribed real property, o-'lt:
Tho Southwest nuortor or tho
Southwest nuartor or tho Southeast
quartor (8WM 8WV, SR'J) or Soc.
Hon Sixteen (10), In Township Six
teen (1C) South, Hnnge Forty-three
(43) R W M . containing ton (10)
acres; togethor with ton (10) sharos
or tho capital stock of the Orchards
Wator Company, a corporation repre
senting water appurtenant to said
The abovo roal property with its
appurtenances taken nnd levlod upon
as the proporty of tho suld defen
dant. Frank Heckman, by virtue or
a mortgage given thereon by tho
above named defendant, or as much
thoreof oi may bo necessary to satis
fy said Judgment In favor of Doug
las Smith, Albert O Lester and Wil
liam Dutterworth. Triirtees, togethor
with all costs and disbursements
Emulsions llnc Value but Standard
I'liirtlro N Metier L'ntlftMniid
and Main Dependence
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vnllls, Fob, LImo-sulphur sprays
as n dormant or de!u)ed dormant
control of scnlo, rod spiders, pear
leaf bllBter mlto, twig mlne'r and
moss, Bhould not bo discarded for
oil oinutston sprays replies A. L
Lovott, collegu station entomologist,
to scores of growers who wrlto to
nsk him nbout tho oil sprays.
"Tho right tjpo of oil sprays will
effectively hauillo thorc samo Insect
troubles," snjs Professor Lovott,
"but tho oils vary gientty and our
knowledge of them nnd their action
Is by no menus cumploto "
Lime-sulfur, on tho other hand, Is
definitely known ns to materials,
method mid tlmo of nppllcntlon, and
results, It combines fungicidal and
lusoctlcldal value, and has Justly
won universal favor as n general
clean-up Bpray.
Tho plan recommenrtou to growers
Is Hint thoy uso tho tlmo-sulfur on
tho hulk of tliolr orchards, and lenvo
Binnll trial Plots of
trees for oil sprays Thou wntuh re
sults nnd check up.
Tho station Is llkowlse Imostlgn
ling tho various kinds and uscb of
oil omuMons nnd will glo its find
ings to tho growers
Oil sprays suffer oven moro from
rain wash limn llmc-sulfur whlah (s
nffectcd hut llttlo If It hns n chnnco
to dry beforo tha rain
For arlous reasons California ro
suits with oil cannot now be taken
doflnltoly ns uppltcublo to Oregon
(o.idltloiis. Mine-sulfur has passod
tho experimental stngo In Oregon.
Oils hno not.
Ily planting thrca or four vnrlotlcs
of cnbhago, vogotablo gardeners will
have cabbagn avntlnblo for tho mar
ket nnd homo uso during tho differ
ent seasons of tho year. Early Jer
sey Wakefield and Coponhngon for
early varieties, Glory of Eiikhulwn
for lata sutnmnr and fall nnd Danish
Ilalthcad for Into fall and wlntor urn
recommended as good market var
ieties, by tho O. A. C. department
of egctnhlo gardening. Drumhead
Savoy Is a good wlntor variety for
homo ubo.
The stately dignity of this establishment has builded
for us u reputation of which we are quite naturally
proud. Our equipment is modern and our staff
Undertakers, Licensed Embalmers
Ontario Purniture Co.
Savings Club
We pay 5 per cent Interest
compounded semi-annually
Step out from the crowd.
Be yourself.
Be an exception.
Be a successful somebody.
Build a savings account.
With a 'savings account you
are on the highroad to success.
Opportunity awaits beyond.
Every deposit brings you a
step nearer.
$1.00 opens an account
Ask for Escue.
Ontario National Bank