The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1921, Image 2

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In? GDntatin Armts
County Official 1'npcr
An Independent Nouspnpor
Published Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and entered at tho Ontario
post otflco for distribution as 2nd
class nmttor.
Q. K. Aiken, Managing Editor
8UHSGIUPTION Ono Year, J2.00
Whon tho lato Theodoro Itoouo
vclt with his peculiar faculty of
coining fitting phrases described n
class of men as "undesirable cltl
Bens" ho forced thorn Into public no
tlco and mado them hunt cover from
public scorn and ridicule.
Tho kind of men ho described us
undcslrablo woro thoso who sought
to disregard tho laws of tho land and
foment trouble They were undo
Hlrnblo from tho point of vlow of
economic penco ntid prosperity.
Tills clnBH however docB not dos
crlbo all of tho undcslrablo and un
social citizens who mny ho found In
almost ovury community, in fact
thoy nro less to bo scorned than
that class of citizens who Iguoro tho
common rules of sanitation and en
danger tho lives of their follow clt
Izoiih by maintaining nuisances In al
loys anil vacant lots.
Citizens of this kind nro not confin
ed to thoso who do not know better.
Thoro nro many who nro possessor,
of great property who permit such
conditions to exist through a delib
erate intont. Thoso men concolvc
thomsolvos nbovo tho law, whose
power they aro ready to Invoke for
offenses against themselves but
which thuy Ignoro when It suits their
This Ib an unAmurlcau doctrine.
Thoro Is no man in Ontario or any
other town who is nbovo tho law.
That Is tho theory on which tho city
council is to act in Its Justifiable
campaign to clean up tho Infested
spots within tho city limits.
Tho council is wise In taking this
matter up for consideration now and
not waiting until warm weather Is
horo and flies begin to breed. It Is
nlso wiso in determining to enforco
tho law In tho only way It can bo
enforced; by prosocutlug thoso who
will not comply with its provslons.
Ab Councilman flteig woll said;
"tho city has spont hundreds of
thousands of dollars for water and
soworago systems, and citizens who
havo any rospoet for thomsolvos and
tholr nolghbors huvo connoclod with
both. It Is up to tho city to mnko
thoso who havo no respect for thorn
koIvob or tholr nolghbors comply
with tho laws."
Wo boltavo that oncompassM tho
situation. Tho pooplo of Ontario
havo discussed sanitation, for sever
al years. It has bcon n process of
education. Though thoso who havo
urged it in tho past havo not socur
od tho oiids ntmod at, real progress
has boon mado. Ontario Is a clean
or city than It used to bo. It can
bo cleaner still, and with tho united
backing of tho city council wu ho
llovo tho officers nro willing to en
forco tho law, If that bo nocossary in
oxtromo cases, Ono or two prose
cutions will solvo tho problem.
In tho moantlmo thoso who know
that thoy huvo unsanitary conditions
on property thoy own ought for tholr
own peuco of mind tako action be
fore tho city officials aro compollod
to do so.
50 good cigarettes
for 10c from
one sack or
Electric Wiring
All wiping done strictly
ot state laws.
We build up to a standard,
not down to a price.
Griffith Electric Shop
Telephone 228 J
8i:.i i.MMKiitAN'ix iu:m:
It Immigration Is not going to hi
prohibited entirely, as it nppurontl.
Is not to bo, thou It Is to tho wes
tern portion ot tho United Status to
which It should bo directed.
A prominent official of ono of tho
merchant marine companies mnkos
this suggostlon, and to substantlnto
his argument produces a "regular
westerner's" argument, extolling the
limato conditions horo prevalent, as
being that which would naturally ap
peal to the hnmoscokor from various
sections of Kuropo. To tho south
ern Kuropoati hu recommends the
Southwost, whllo to tho Northern
and Western Huropean ho points
with favor to tho I'aciria Northwost.
Thoro Is food for thought In his
Thoro Is plenty of room out hero
In the Wosl for tho desirable Imiiil
Kraut; especially from tho Northern
and Western countries of Kuropo.
From these eountrlo como tho
dairymen and farmers whoso stan
dard of living soon roaches that of
tho mitlvo American. Kroin thoso
sections, too, como the Industrious
skilled laborers for whoso sorvlco
thoro Is need to develop this region.
Tho Knstorn clllo aro ovor crowd
ed now. Advanced railroad rates
havo served as n check on tho west
ward progress of Immigration for
tho ICuropoaus too often nnd without
sufficient capital to start n journey
across tho continent. Ily taking
thoso prospective settlers through
tho rannma canal and Undlng thorn
on tho 1'aclflc const a favor will
have been done them anil tho wost
coast, too for there Is plwntyof room
horo for Industrious Immigrants
who will assist In developing tho re
source ot this roglon.
Only thoso residents of this sec
tion who havo lived In Northern
Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan
and havo first hand rtuowlcdgo of
tho task of clearing tho logged off
lauds of thoso ouco timbered re
gions; nnd havo sufforod tho rigors
ot that scml-artlc cltmato will np
proclato what tho farmers about tho
town of Darnum, Minnesota havo
dono to mnko tholr town ono ot tho
Important dairying and poultry pro
ducing sections of tho gopher state.
Uarnurn Is not n big town, nor
has It n great territory around It.
It Is not ns largo as Is Ontario, nor
has It as many farmers within Its
trndo radius. Tho cows of tho
ranchers ot that sociton must bo
kept in barns from rour to sli
months each yonr; whllo tho mead
ows do not produce tho volume of
hay that tho alfalfa ranches of this
region do.
In only ono particular nro tho
ratichors about Ilarnum mcru favor
ed than thoso of this regien: they
havo bettor markets. Ilarnum Is
ctoso to Duluth and Superior, mid
only 100 miles, too, from St. Paul
and Minneapolis, llcsldo this there
aro numerous logging camps not far
nway, and the Iron rnngo cities
draw on tho Hamuli, section for n
portion of tholr dairy products,
Whnt tho farmers round Ilanum,
Minnesota ran do, tho ranchers
around Ontario can surpass. The
Ilarnum figure given elsowhero aro
but u repetition of tho story ot
wealth that rolos In tho year round
for communities which bank on
dairying and poultry raising for
tholr prosperity.
desires to announce that ho
will bo at his offlco ovory nf
tornoon for tho purposo of FIT
TINO ai.ASSKS. Arrangement
may bo mado tor ovonlng ap
pointments, Eyes will bo ex
Offlco equipment includes
ovory modern instrument. FIT
and SATISFACTION guaranteed.
There are way and means of
mortgaging the future, and it Is u
serious question whether or not the
present generation luts a moral right
to pass on Its burden for thoso who
are lo succeed It. Only for Improve
ments which nro of n permanent na
turo, and from which tho genera
tions to como will heii'oflt, can bond
Issues ho justified.
Tho Orogonlan n few weeks ugo
called utteutlou to tho ract that the
pooplo of I'ortaud nro still paying
lutorost on tho bonds issued for tho
erection of n brldgo that was re
placed years ngo, and aro still pay
ing lutorost on the second structure,
which in its turn Is now almost un
fit for traffic and will havo to bo
roplacod with funds from u third
bond Issue.
Tho lutorost alone on tho original
bond Usuo has amounted to far more
than tho cost ot the original struo
turo, and stilt the principal Is up
paid. Think thoreforo what that
brldgo bus cost tho pooplo of Port
land. Is It not about time thut taxing
bodies adopt tho reasonublo policy
that whon a debt Is croatod thoro bo
established and maintained a fund
which will rotlro tho indebtedness
when It becomes duo? It this Is not
dono taxos nro bound to continue up
ward at an alarming rato and ulti
mately break tho backs ot property
n:n. lit to i'i:n. w
cigarette. Flavor ie
pealed in by toasting
fcy JKlwU &&XAr2
WANTED Second hand Ford
car. Seo Wnyt, the Farm Implement
man. tf
The New Cafe
White Mntingcment-Whlto Help
llnrk of First National ltntjc
A Hhnro of Your Pnlronngo Is
"There's More Real Satisfaction"
says the Good Judge
In a little of the Real To
bacco Chew, than you ever
got out of the ordinary kind.
The good rich taste lasts so
long you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often that's
why it costs you less to chew1,
this class of tobacco.
Any man who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put tifl ill two styles
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco '
RIGHT GUT is n short-cut tobacco
The Things You Go By
We Make Them
Turner Bros.
Edward Flfor to Ornco Flfor. Lot
32, Annex. Jan. 14. 1920. $10.00
Jessie C. Scott ot vlr to Cornelius
llyan, SHSWUBBtfNEU Sec. 8-18-47.
Jan. 11. 1021. It. 00
U. S. A. to Morris McCnrty, Lots
3 and 4, nnd BK8WU Sec. 30-10-43.
Feb. 3, 1021.
Shorlft II. I.oa Noc to Morrison
Land Co., NWUSEU. SBtfNWW,
N 14 8W U . S W U 8 W M 8oc 2 ; N W
SEW. SEUSEU Sec. 3-1743. Jan.
3, 1021. $172.33.
C. E. 8. Wood ot ux to Chas. I
llousor, BWliBWK, and West 10
noros of 8EU8WV4 Sec. 20-18-47.
April 21, 1020. $10,250.00.'
Charles Altscul ot ux to Oregon
& Wostorn Colon. Co. 8K8EH Soc.
3-1S-I0. Fob. 7, 1021. $350.00
Carl W. Fogtly ot ux to M. N.
Fogtly, Iots 30, 31, & 32, In lllock
9, lladloys 3rd Add. to Vale. Jan.
IS, 1021. $1.00.
I'oarlo E. Jamleson ct sir to I.loyd
A. Weaver. Lot 4, Mock 14, Eld-
rodgo's Add. to Vulo. Fob. 10, 1921,
David M. Hand to Frod Christian
sen, NttNUHi HKKvt HOC. i.'
10-44. Jan. 18, 1921. $1,500.00,
rlngton ot nl, NV4NWV Soc. 14-16-riugton
ot nu, NtfNWU Soc. 14-15-
42. Nov. 27, 1918. $1,000.00.
W. It. Harrington to Ella N. Har
rington, N'UNWH Sec. 14-16-4.
Fob 18, 1921. $1.00
David M. Hand to ltay Christen
son, Kl&NWU. 8WUNEU Boo. 22-1G-44.
Jan. 20, 1921. $1,000.00.
U. 8. A. to Wllllo Hoy Harring
ton, lift Soc. 14-16-41. Nov. 18,
U. 8. A. to John Honry Mays, NV4
Soc. 28-11-41. Nov. 18, 1920.
Francis M. Swlshor to Portland
Cattlo Loan Co. EtfNWU Soc. 1C
30-48; Fob. 4, 1921. $10.00,
Shorlft II. Loo Noo to Torosn E.
Mcltao, E14NWU. WtfNEH Soc
9 j 8BU8WU Soc. 4; NWttSEU,
NBWSWU Soc. 20-24-37. Jan. 3,
1921, $27.91.
Etta Cockrum ot vlr to O. C. Do
freos, Lots 10, 17 & 18, lllock 3,
Villa Park Add. to Ontario. Fob. 17,
1921. $760.00.
Shorlft H. Loo Noo to Ooo, It.
Jordan, Lot 8, niock 20, Outlook.
Fob. 12, 1921. $24.20.
Andrew J. Wood to E. A. Kor
nutt et ux, W1JNEV4, WSBU, B
WNWU, NBU8WU. nnd Lots 1,
2 & 3, Sec 30-27-39; also EtfNE
U, NBttSBU Sec. 25-27-38. Oct. 4,
1920. $2,000.00.
C. E. 8. Wood ot ux to C. B. Ami
don. East of 8EU SWii Seo. 29-
18-47. April 24, 1920. $0,750.00.
Earl MoMaugh to Myrtlo Dono
van, Lots C & 7, and No Vj ot Lot
8, n lllock 86, Ontario. Doc. 1C,
1920. $200.00.
Mnrrlngo Llcoiihcs IcnuciI
Chas. H. Williams nnd Mario Pal
mer. Fob. 19. 1921.
Complaints Filed In Circuit Court
John Getty vs Frank Potrlo. Fob.
14, 1921. Recovery on Note. $433.77
L. L. Potter vs. Hattle M. Potter.
Feb. 14, 1921. Divorce
Qrovo Drainage DUtr'ot vs Ore
gon & Wostorn Col. Co. et nl. Fob
18, 1921. Transcript on Appeal from
County Court.
Dr. J. A. McFall
Kjcslght HpeilallHt
Eyt'KlnxM'" mid HK'ctnrli'
Crliidlng Plant on Pirnilorn
Phono M7-J For AiHlntuirnts
lllnrknby Jewelry llldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Several High Grade
Heifers and Young
Cows For Sale.
Coming fresh this month.
Prices right.
James A. Lackey Zfi
your grocor for Cal
umet na''inB Powder and be
sure that yon get il the In
dian head on tiieoratiEelabel.
Then forget about bake
day failures. For you will
never have any. Calumet
always producer the sweet
est and most palatable foods.
And now remember, you
always use less than of most
other brands because it pos
sesses greater leavening strength.
Watch for particulars of
Dairy Cow Sale
The cows are here
S. P. Graham
a w zjrz m awmK i
Ffirt SALE Pnrn llhniln Tslnnrl
I lied Eggs. $1.00 per setting. L. D.
Gordon, llouto 1 12-17 P
VorJr Perccflu
1 wl-lA s
aij. rra&iiijrit
l) 1 .
Y: t k iaummv fcftiTotN m,ic:m
Now Remember-,
Always Use
There is no waste. If a
recipe calls for one egg two
cups of flour half a cup of
milk that's all you use.
You never have to rcbakc.
Contains only such ingre
dients as have been officially
approved by U. S. Food Authorities.
is the product of the largest, most
modern end sanltsry Unking Pow
der Factories, in existence.
Pound can of Calumet contains full
IQoz. Someliak Ing powders conic In
12 or. Instcsd of lOoz-cnnVllosuro
you get n pound when you want It.
4 cups sifted
flour, 4 level tea
spoons Calumet
UakL it Powder,
1 tablespoon su
gar, 1 teaspoon
tale, 2 crc. 2
cups of sweet
milk. Then mix
In the regular
John Deere Built It
For The Fordson
Wo can furnish you with
the plow that John Deere built
specially for tho Fordson Tractor.
It i3 made of New Process
John Deere itecL
That's why it is extra Hcht
nd strong.
It's tho lightest tractor plow
you ever saw weighs less than the
average ho.Bvdrawn ulLj,
It Is tremendously strong
beams s;e guaranteed not tu bend
or break all fiamo connections are
hot-rivcied no luoto joints no ylvo
anywhere it's the plow you can
depend on to stand the strains of
utilizing Fordson power under all
plowing conditions.
Becauoo of light weight and
dean s:ourlng qualities, it pulls
extremely light It's a real fuel saver.
Bee It at work once, and you will
appreciate how light it pulls.
Its correct lino of draft,
when hitched to the Fordson assures
Ideal penetration.
Its genuino John Deere
bottoms scour, wear well and males
good seed beds.
Its quck detachable sharea
are strong and dote fitting. Loosen
ono nut to remove a share; tighten
the same nut and the shore i3 on tight.
Its simple, strong power lift
works perfectly. Lifting mechanism
moves only when the plow is being:
raised or lowered na useless wear.
If you are planning to Duy a
PorJi)ubjuiU)wothlsj)low. Ask
us to show yo the John Deere No.
40 the pto.v that fits tin Fordson.
Geo. W. Wayt
LV.MJI -' ?!