The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1921, Image 1

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'lil'.'ii iii mill' mi-r-rlmmm
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"iim. r4
NO. 12
HKAitii committkii (jivkh
Jl-:iT OliKAN
(.'lly Health Officer ami City Miiifluil
Instructed To Inform Property
Owner of (Vuilltlon mill I'ul
Time I.lmlt On Otinplliinri
if Ito Arn'Mril
Forty-eight hours, following un
official notice, U tlio I lino limit
which tlio honltli rommtltoo. of the
city council, linn ilutormlnoil Nlinll
ho given proporty owners on whoso
promises unsanitary conilltlotiH nre
fotmil by tlio hcnlth officer or innr
iilinl. Thin In not n now honltli regula
tion. Huch nil orillniinco linn Iicoii
upon tlio statute books of tlio city
for yearn, but ImB not bcon onforcod.
It will bo In tlio future, Mayor W.
II. Doollttlo hnH iiiinoiiiiced, nnd In
thin tlio Muyor him tlio united sup
port of tlio ontlro city council (in
oppressed nt thn speolnl Meeting of
Unit body Moudny ovonlng.
I'lntt Order Issued
Tlmt tlio entire, public will under
Ntnnd Junt whnt tlio Council Intondn
to do, nnd how It Intonds tlio lieultli
regulations hIiiiII bo obeyed, tlio
Council dotormlnod that It would go
right down tlio lino nnd kco Hint
uvory clttzou comply with tlio law
To ntnrt with tlio liunlncnii dliitrlct
will bo Inspoctod, nnd tlio owners
of proporty notified to clonn up un
der the ponnlty of being nrrontod If
(hoy do not comply with tlio lnw
within tlio tlmo limit not by tlio or
dinance Tlio first Inspection wns mndo
yostordny nlong tlio nlloyn In tlio
North ond of tlio biiM-nsn d'strlct.
An tlio result T. II. Monro wnn noti
fied to clonn up ono of hi pIoccr of
proporty nt onco. Othor ardors will
bo Issued Immedlntoly upon n fur-
tlicr examination snld tlio mamberH
of tlio honltli commlttco Inst night.
My Rmslrr Miin( (Jo
Over tlio city In ninny plnres tlioro
nrn piles of filth from cown, horses
nnd chtokonn, nn well nn piles of
rubbish. All tliOHO munt go. Nor
la that nil. Rosldoncos located upon
both sower nnd wntor mnlim will bo
compelled to connect with thorn.
"Ontario hna spout liundredR of
thousands of dollarn to build nde
qunto wntor nnd soworngo nystoms.
Tlioy woro built not only for eon
vonlonco but for tlio protection of
tho honlth of tlio cttlzonn. Tlio
peoplo who linvo rotiport for them
solvon nnd tho honltli of their
neighbors hnvo couiiectoil with them,
nnd It Ih tho duty of tho council
lo compel tliOHO who hnvo not thin
respect for honlth nnd snfoty to com
ply with tho Inwii," 8nld Counclluinn
13. M. arolg.
"Thoro In no uso mnklng toinn of
tho cltlioiiH keeping cow's to clean
up, If wo pormlt big proporty own
on In tho business district to vio
late tho lnw," snld Dr. W. J. Wooso.
"Wo must ntnrt right In tho busi
ness dliitrlct nnd lot tho peoplo
know wo menn business. And aftor
tho promises nro onco clenned, tho
officers must compol tho property
owiyira to keep thorn clean."
Evory mombor of tho council
ngreod with these soutlmonts, nnd
Mnrshal Fnrmor told tho council
thnt It tlmt wnn whnt tlioy wanted,
nnd tho offlcors hnd tho support of
.. tho council In enforcing tho ordln-
h anco It would bo enforced.
Judge 1TX II. Test It Nnmei! President
of Ijite&t Organization I), W.
Power Is Hi-erotnry So
cial Event Planned
Tho Malheur County Shrine Club
was tho nnmoil solocteir for the lat
est orgnnlzatlon formed In this sec
tion. At n mooting In tho Masonic
Hall Sunday evening at which oomo
22 men from Ontnrlo, Vale nnd Nys
sa who have somowhoro and somo
time, "hung onto tho ropo", wero
proaont tho now organization was
Thero nre in tho vicinity nnd In
tho three towns nnmed some fifty
nion eligible for membership In the
club nnd many of those not present
have signified theh- Intention of
Joining so that an active club will
At the mooting Sunday County
Judge E3. H. Test wnn elected pres
ident nnd D. W. Powers, secretary
treasurer. It Is the purposo ot the club to
promote tho social life ot the moni
tors and to keep In closer touch
with Shrine affairs. Tho only com
mlttco appointed was that on enter
tainment which was s follews: O.
G. Luehrs, L. Adam. Hnrry Spolth,
D. W. Powers nnd Dr E S Fort
nor. Arthur Means and Hnrry
Spolth wero tho only out ot town
men at tho meeting Sunday,
Next Thursday will ho n busy dny
for tho todgo gout nt Arncln I.odgo
No. 118, A. l' nnd A. M., wjion four
cnndldtitos will attompt to rldo the
unruly nulninl. To got tho wor In
nnd glvo tho gont nuil bin victims
n rest between (linos, tho bomIimi
will start ut .1 p. m. iiiul will be
continued In tho ovoiiIiik follmvltiK
u dinner which In to bo sorved ut
C!.10. Invitations hnvo been extend
ed to tho member of tho order ut
I'nyotto, Nyssa nnd Vale to bo pres
ent nt tho ceromonlnl. A similar,
soBHton will bo held in tho nonr fu-
turo In order to accommodate the
growing list of candidates seeking
.lames ll'iilrt-oii Hail, llnither of
.Martin Hint of Tills City Dies
follow lilt; )ieiallon Perform.
vi I'olliiMlng Injury
JlllllOH Hondorson Hart, a wnll-
known rnnchor of tho Westfnll coun
try died nt tho Holy Rosary llosnltnl
Sundny ovonlng us thu result of In
juries suffered when ho wnn klckod
by n horso nt bis ranch nenr West
full. Mr. Hurt wns brought to Ontario
nnd despite herolo offorts to niivo
his 1 1 To, In which several phvslclnus
mid surgeons, Including his brother
Dr. Frank Ilnrt or Portlnud and IiIh
brothor-lu-lnw Dr. 13. slnrgnrson nl
so of I'ortlnnd, nnd local phvslelntis
nnd BurgooiiH woro culled Into con
sultation. As a final effort to snvo
tlio siifforlng ninn nn oporntlon wns
porformed hut without nvnll.
Mr. Hurt, tho son of Daniel nnd
Mary II. Ilnrt, wnn born nt Wuyno
County, Kontucky, Soptombor 22,
1883. lie wns uultod In marriage
lo Julia Churchill at Albany, Oro
gon, Novombor 22, 100f. Two boys
woro born to this union, tho first
who dlod when flvo months old, nnd
Toddy. Ho canio to Oregon with his
fnmlly when ho wnn only n year old
mid nftor spoudlng his boyhood In
tho Wlllamotto Vnlloy enmo to Mai
hour County whoro- ho linn slnco
mndo his homo.
Ills Immoillnto rolatlves nro his
wlfo nnd son Toddy, his mother nnd
tho following brothorri nnd sisters:
Samuol nnd Dr. Frank of Portland,
Oregon; Mnrtln of Ontario; Ivnn P.
nnd Henry of Harper; Mrs. Mattlo
Seaward of Ontario; Mrs. Schonk,
Rweothonio, Orogon; Dr. K Mnr
gason, u hrother-ln-lnw, of Port
lnud, who also attended the fuuornl.
Rorvlcos wero held nt the Motho
dlst church February 22, nt 10:110
A. M., Itov I.uscombe officiating
Interment wnn In Ontario cemetery
Washington' llhtliday Priigriiiii
(JUen Dinner Km oil and Pro.
Mdtlou To (Oiiiolldatit Schools
Ih Cousldeied
Tho Hlvordalo Farm Durenu held
nn nil dny meeting on Fohrunry 22
for tho purposo of colehrntlng Well
ington's birthday nnd Increasing
momborshlp In tho organization. A
program In which both young nnd
old woro prominent wns rondorod.
boforo which howovor, , n splondld
community 'dlnnor wns sorvod by the
lndlos. About ono hundred peoplo
woro prosont nnd an exceedingly en
joyable day spont.
After listening to sevorni recita
tions mid songs by tho boys mid
girls of tho community, tho matter
or school consolidation was tnkon
up. Committees representing threo
districts within the Hlvordalo Ilu
reau's Jurisdiction reported tho ro
sults ot preliminary mooting of tho'r
rospectlvo districts. It was thon de
cided to take a rising voto of thorn
present on tho simple proposition rf
whethor they woro in fnvor of con
solidation This resulted In pnr
tlcnlly a unanimous vote. The ma'
tor was then referred to the commit
tees for working out further dotalls
and arranging another meeting.
A discussion of tho Fnrm Hureu
as a farmers organization thon took
placo. This mattor occupied an
hour or more, and the Interest was
vorv keen tn what was said. A largo
number who had not previously al
lied themsolvos with tho organiza
tion expressed themselves as highly
In favor of doing so. Plans wore
then put Into operation for enroll
ing a larger membership among
those who bellevo that tho farmers
should havo a large and powerful
organization ropresontlng agricul
ture throughout tho Nation.
Frank Hammond, aged 07, years
who died hero last Friday Ivas bur
led at tho Cathollo Cemetery Wed
nesday following services at the
church of the Blessed Sacrament
conducted by Itev Fr Stack No
rolatlves ot tho deceased could be
found tho efforts woro made to do
so following his death last Friday
City Council Adopt New Hegula.
Ilium For IVrforiininrei, Peddlers,
I)iii)h ami other Business
At tho speclnl meeting of tho city
council Monday ovonlng City Record
er C. M. StcnniH presented for con
sldorntlon tho now city ordlnnncc
regulating nniusoments, drnyn, pool
halls, enrd tables, peddlers nnd other
business ventures subject to reguln-
After nn oxtonded consideration of
tho vurloim fenturos tho following
schedule whs ndopted: circuses, $20
for ono ring mid $1 for each ml-
mtlonul ring or plntrorm; minstrel
sIiowb K por dny; moving pictures! elork'ii offlco Wcducsdny morning
J10 per month, but undor thin pro-'""'1 urought tho order hero to Judgo
vision no chnrgo of moro tbnn Jl
per porformoiicu sbnlt Iio charged,
If more than $1 Is charged nn ad
ditional HceiiBo of $fi for each on
tortiltnment shall ho charged; tho
ntrlcnl shows $5 for first nnd $1 for
subsequent porforinniicos; musical
shows $2 nnd $1; lectures 2 mid
fl: morry go rounds $5 per dny;
roller skating rinks $10 per quart
er; shooting gnllorlcs $10, per
quarter; public dances $2; miscel
laneous performances $2 per day;
nuctloneers $1 por dny; bill postors
2 por dny or $G per yenr In nil
van co or each bill board of 8x20
foot ownod or used by him; con-
foctlonory nnd pop corn denlnrs $C
per qunrtor; sandwich wrgonn )1C
por qunrtor; drnymen, $10 por yenr
nnd $.1 for each nddltlonnl wagon
or trailer; billiard nnc pool tnbtcs
$C for each tablo per quarter; card
tildes $( por quarter; peddlers or
hnwkorn $7 por dny of using wng
ons, nutos ate; Peddlers selling ar
ticles of less thnn CO cents In vnluo
$2. CO per dny; soiling onto nppll
nncos $.1.C0 por dny; tnxlcnbs nnd
motor vehicles for passenger hire
$C per quartor; nutomntlc plnnos $C
por qunrtor mid must not bo played
aftor 10 P. M.
Tho regulations prorldod In this
ordinance nro In forco nnd effect
l'ii)elte-Co.operatlv( MemlKrs Ak
Ioral I'linn Ilurenii to Co-iiMmt
nnd Invitation Intended TVi
CtimnieiTlnl CIuli Also
To Investigate Jho nporatlona of
tho Orogon Dalrymon's League, n
committee consisting ot a rnnchor
nnd huslnoss mnn rrom Pnyotto
count v. nnd probnbly a similar dol
egutlon from Mnlhour County will
go to Portlnud noxt wcok.
Tho Pnvetto county rnnchors hnvo
dotormlnod to take stops to Join tho
lenguo mid hnvo Invited tho Mnlhour
dairymen to Join with thorn. County
ngont L. R. Ilrolthnnpt prosonted
tho plan of nctlon to tho Commercial
Club nt Itn mooting Inst night nnd
tho club signified Its willingness tn
send n ropresontntlvo, If tho Mnl
hour County Fnrm lluronu so doslr
od. Tho bonrd of directors woro
authorized to net In this mnttor If
nn Invitation to co-npernlo is ox
tonded by thn mnrkotlng commlttco
of tho Fnrm Durenu nt its mooting
In this connection T. W. Clagott
brought to tho attontlon ot tho club
tho advantages to bo dorlvcd from
closer harmony botweon tho husl
noss men and tho rnnchors nnd sug
gested thnt this could bo dono bv
tho club members affiliating with
tho Fnrm liureau.
During tho discussion K. M. arolg
declared that somo ot tho ranchors
might feel that tho business men
woro endeavoring to "run tho farm
bureau" If tbev Joined in a body,
but oxprossod tho view thnt the
Farm liureau bo assured that If nt
any tlmo tho club rotild bo of as
sistance It bo callod upon.
President II. IV. Jones suggostod
thnt tho club subscribe to four mom
borshlns In tho Farm Bureau for
tho club's agricultural committee
nnd secretary and that It bo tho
duMos of this commltteo to co-oper-nto
with tho Farm liureau In any
way possible to promote tho agricul
tural Intorost of the county. This
was presented as n motion by one
of the members mid adontod.
To Oct Out Booklet
Soerotary W. II. Doollttlo read to
tho club n number of roquests for
Information concerning agricultural
lands In tjio county nd said that
tho number of Inquiries Is growing
rnntdtv nnd thnt no dxscrlptlvo liter
ature Is available to answer tho
questions. It was decided to print
surh n booklet nnd W. J. Plnnoy of
tho Oregon-Western Colonization Co.
expressed tho belief that In such a
work his company would share In
tho expense.
During the ovonlng the subject of
dalrvjng and poultry raising receiv
ed the major portion .f attention
County Agent Brolthaupt discussed
tho future market for alfalfa and de
clared that tho dairy cow furnished
tho most profitable market for hay
Committee Congratulated
Thejgood roads committee roport-
oiL thai); the Highway Commission
had advertised tho Ontario to the
Murderer Who Wus to Hnvo (lone to
(Inllows Tomorrow Given Ixmger
Ix-nso on I.lfo When Judge
HIkiis Stay of Kecutlou
Ooorgo Ilownrd who was to hnvo
bcon hanged nt Salem tomorrow for
tho murdor of Qoorgo Swoonoy, tho
Vnlo tnllrjr, hns many months nioro
to llvo. .Tho nddltlon of bin dnvn
wi. uuiviiib uiu ruHuu oi an onier
slgnod horo Wodnosdny by Judgo
mi ttntti ! it... .. .. .
uniton iiiggn, pcrniitttng nn nppoal
to tho Supremo Court.
Attorney Jullen A. Hurloy .who
hns been empluyod by relnttvcs and
friends of tho condemned ninn filed
hln notice of appeal in tho county
Illggs for IiIb slgnnturo in tho after
noon. Tlio Judgo slgnod tho order.
That Howard expected to hang
wiih tho word Hint wnn sent from
Halom, nnd In hln preparations to
dlo ho had nccoptcd religious belief
and hnd tlnlly conferences with tho
prison chaplain. Ills ono request
wnn that ho boo hln nged mother
onco moro. When follow prisoners
nt tho penitentiary learned ot his
doslro they thomsolvcs subscribed
$70 to piJV her oxponso to Snlom to
which city sIiq went on Sunday
It Is hollo vod that tho nppcnl wnn
inKou to snvo tno comiomnod man
whon It 'wns found that llttlo sup
port wns nccordod tho effort to se
curo a commutation of sontenco
from Oorornor Otcott.
Al Chnnco who Is Hold In tho
county Jail chnrgod with misappro
priation ot tho funds of tho Ilolso
I'nyotto Lumber company while Its
ngont hoio, wns nn Ontnrlo visitor
on Wodnosdny, Accompnnlod by
uoputy uiiorirr cimn. w. aionn,
Chnnco was brought boro to assist In
nn effort to strnlghten out tho tan
gled nffnlrs or tho locnl offlco
Ontario Boy Win While Vnlo (JlrN
Am Victorious Vale Muter-
tains Visitor Following (lame
(3tt HpnrtNiiianslilp
Shown Visitor
Tho Ontnrlo High 8chool basket
ball team wont off tho floor victor
ious In tho gamo with Vale High
School at Vale on last Friday even
ing by a scoro ot 42 to 19. Tho
gnmo wns fast and dlsplnyod clover
tonm work on tho part of tho locals.
Vnlo wns outplnyod In ovory dopnrt
niont or tho gamo but novnrtlioless
put up n gamo fight to tho finish.
Tho Ontario team took nn early
lend nnd wns never ovortakon by
tholr ancient rivals. Tho outstand
ing foaturo of thn gnmo wan tho ac
curate shooting nnd oxcollont tonm
work of tho local High School tonm.
Much credit should bo given tho
Vnlo officials mid High School for
tho flno sportsmnnshlp thnt wns
uliowii during tho contest A food
was glvon tho Ontario teams aftor
tho gamo by tho Vale students. Tho
lino up of tho teams was as follows!
C. Agor c o Hale
p. Agor f f Mooro
Boswol! f f Doan
Bonnott g g J. Weaver
Purvis g g Sullivan
VIo OliN Win
Tho Vale High School girls tonm
won ovor tho Ontnrlo girls In a
woll plnved gnmo thfc snmo ovonlng.
This makes ono gamo won lor oncli
tonm, Ontnrlo hnvlng defonted Vnlo
In tho gnmo hero two weoks ngo.
Tho girls B. B. Chnmplonshlp of the
county will bo settlod In n third
gnmo to be held In Vnlo on Friday,
February 25.
Tho boys high school toam will
play Huntington High School on tho
locnl floor Frldny nt 7:30 P. M
Snturdnv night Conch I.nthrop
will Journoy to Payette with his
team nnd meet the fnst Pnyotto
High School nggregatlon.
Somo twonty Mnlhour county
memborx of tho Knights of Pytblns,
most of whom wero members of
Armor I.odgo of Ontario, Journeyed
to Wolser Mo'iday to attend tho sos
Blon of tho Wolsor lodge. Aftor the
Initiation ceromonlnl there wns n
dinner served to the rfucsta who re
ported a mighty good time on their
Slides section of the Columbia river
highway. In this connection the
work of the committee was approv
ed. President Jones declared that
for this piece of work alone the ex
istence of the Commercial Club was
Justified for years.
Prior to the meeting tho men
present enjoyed a dinner prepared
and served by tho Congregational
Ladles Aid
RIM niWn fAlimmRPAniiur,
, ...r.n...,,, l Z"l
mu mimmum mm NUifin
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kennedy enmo
down from Ilrognn Monday for n
short Btny. Mr. Konncdy reported
ii ncnvy mu ot snow m tho willow
Creok country, whoro thoro (s not n
gront deal moro snow than Is to bo
found In this section. According to
reports received horo thoro Is flvo
feet of snow In tho Mormon basin,
whoro Inst yenr thoro wns no snow
nt nil.
During tho past wcok tho hay of
mo upper willow creek lias been
practically oxhnusteu nnd tho much
cm hnvo begun to ship In h:ty from
this region.
Mrs. Kllabelli Stewart Pimiil After
Imuk IIIiicsh Wiw .lmoit ()c-
toKcuarlnn Pioinlnent CHI.
eni Hero Clilldren of
Mrs. Kllxnbeth Slownrt, who for
nenrly thirty-five yenrs hns boon n
rosldont of Ontnrlo nnd vicinity,
pnsscd nwny nt her homo In this
city Saturday nftowoon, Fohrunry
19, 1021, nt 3 o'clock, n't tho ngo of
sovonty-nlno yenrs, tliroo monthn
nnd twelve days.
Tho funcrnl took nlnco Mondnv
afternoon nt 3 o'clock from tho fain-
lly rcsldonco. tho services bolnc roti
ducted by her formor pastor, llov.
h. i.. Kiowors of Nampa, asslstod by
llov. (Job. Word of thin city, many
ploncor frlonds being prosont to pay
tholr last rcspocts to tho dopartod.
Tho following pioneers offlclntod nn
pnll bearers: D. B. Purcell, J. A.
Drnpor, B. A. Frnsor, W. F. Ilomnn,
II. W. Clement nnd A. L. McDowell.
Gntormcnl wnn In the Ontario cem
etery. Klltaheth Maddock wan the old
est child of Joseph W. Muddock nnd
Mnrgurot McDonald Maddock. She
wb born nt FJIhrldgo, ICdgnr county,
III. Novombor 12, 1841, whoro hor
girlhood nnd enrly womanhood wns
spent. Sho wnn married to Jncob
W Oregg. Octobor 20, 1857. In
1870 sho moved wltn hor husbnnd
nnd fnmlly to Oswego, Kan , whoro
her husbnnd dlod tho following year.
In 1874 sho was married to Henry
O. Stewart nnd thn itnmo yenr mov
ed to Oklnhomn, which wns thon
thn Indian Territory, -ettllng in thn
Choctuf nnd Chlcknsaw nations. Af
tor n rosldonco tlioro ot threo yonrn
sho movod to Albn, Mo., whoro sho
resldod for ulno yoar. with tho ex
ception ot two winters spout In Mc-
Donnld county, Mo., nnd Ronton
county. Ark. Hor second husband
dlod In 1878. In 188G sho enmo to
Ontnrlo, Orogon, nnd hna rostdod
horo continually ovor slnco, making
two visits to her formor homes In
Illinois and Missouri.
Tho docoasod wan mo mothor of
nlno children, four of whom sur-
vlvo hor. Tlioy nre: Joseph O.
Clrogg, Mrs. F. M Drnpor, Fred h.
(Irogg, nnd Jncob It. Orogg, nil of
Ontnrlo. Four of tho children dlod
In onrly childhood. Her socond
child, Mrs. Mary Bowon, dlod nt
Albn, Mo., in 1K79. Hno wns tno
mothor of Mrs. Bortha Cnrtor, of
Junturn, who with nor dnughtor,
Mrs. Ponrlo Tipton of Crnno, Ore.,
nttondod thq funeral. Resides tlio
four children Mrs. Stewart is sur
vived by olovoii grnud-chlldron nnd
eight gront grandchildren. Sho hns
n fllstor, Mrs, Mary A. For, of St.
Cloud Florida, and a halt brothor,
J. Q, Bradtlold of Albn, Mo.,
Tho Farm Buroau mnrkotlng com
mlttco hns boon called by Chairman
Poto Tonsen to moot on Friday, Feb
ruary 2G. Th mattor ot placing or
ders for seed potatoes will bo taken
up. Also plans will bo considered
for organization work along co-operative
mnrkotlng lines. Tho Payette
County dalrymon nro Intorostod in
ntflllatlng with tho Oregon Dairy
man's I.oaguo and wish tho Mnlhour
County dairymen to Join with them
In an Investigation of tho organiza
tion at Its Portland Offlco. If the
Farm Buroau Rxecutlvo Commltteo
officials will approvo tho expendi
ture, tho Bureau will likely bo ro
prosonted In this Investigation.
Othor co-operatlvo marketing organ
izations may also rocetvo attontlon
at tho samo tlmo, such as tho Pact
tic Poultry Producers, tho Oregon
Growers, tho Jackson County Farm
Bureau Exchange and tho Oregon
Wheat Qrowers.
"Undo Dick" nutherford wishes
to thank all ot his frlonds for tholr
kindly wishes for his birthday, and
especially tho Eaatorn Star ladles for
tho loving tribute paid htm at the
Eastern Star party anct tho beauti
ful and delicious cake made la hon
or of his olghty-flrst birthday,
5IKNT llllili PASSIM
Under New Division of U-glMuthe
Dlitrlctn Malheur Ila Hcprrsctit
ntlvo or Its Omi No Change. In
Senate Alignment U SInde
Two mnjor porforranncos nt Snlom
on Wodnosdny nffoctod Mnlhour
county. First tho Ho.iso and Sonnto
agrood on tho ro-apportlonmont bill
which makes Mainour n rcpresont
ntlvo district by ltsolf.
Tho second ovont, of ovon greater
Importauco, tho Stato Highway Com
mission nnuouncod that bids would
bo received nt tho April mooting for
tho grading nnd graveling of tho
Columbia ltlvor Highway from On-
mno nonnwnru io mllos, or to tho
Slides bolow Wolsor.
Thin nnd tho Kninoln to lt
Clrundo sectlonfl of tho Columbia
Highway nro tho only portions of
lllghwny In Enstom Oregon to bo
ndvortlsod for tlmt session. Uosldo
theso thoro nro sovornt ptocen on tho
Pnclflo Highway to bo lot. Tho to
tal inltongo to bo lot at that tlmo
will bo Columbia Highway 39 tnllon;
Pacific lllghwny 32 miles,
liistern Oregon Win
In tho fight for rcnpportlonlng
tho ntnto nccordlng to tho 1920 cen
sus tho ICnstern Oregon dologatlon
wo flRht o far as tho House
wn concornou out uu not win a
chango In tho Sonnto. Eastorn Oro
gon gains two sonts In tho Houso;
Multnomah county wins ono nnd tho
Const counties win ono; while Mar
lon county loses ono an docs Mnn
Relegation Confer With Senator
Hlanfleld mill Itenchoi SatU-
factory AKmcninut
J. C. (Pat) Cocll and W. U. Boat
woro among a dologatlon of stock
mon ot Silver Crook who returned
Sunday from Ontario whoro tlioy had
gono to moot with IT. 8. Senator
olect, R. N. Btantiold In regard to
rearranging tho stock ran go ot tho
Silver Croek country, says tho Burns
Tlmos-IIorald. Mr. Cocll roports
tlioy woro successful In getting to
gether and making satisfactory ar
rangements for tho coming soason
and If found entirely asreenblo to all
concorned this yoar it will bo mado
Mr, Stanflold rocontly purchased
a largo block ot rango land in that
soctlou from tho Orogon & Wostorn
Colonization Co. Ho movod In sev
eral thousand bond ot snoop and by
using tho rango ho had purchased It
mado considerable dlfforonco with
tho placing ot othor stock ot that
region. It was nocessary that the
local growers readjust to moot those
conditions and during laBt season It
workod a hardship on sonib as their
stock bad boon accustomod to cor
tain rango. Tho forost sorvlcu had
to roarango allotments on tho forest
to accommodato Kb grazing patrons
but thoy woro uocossarlly tompornry
until all parties Interested could got
togothor, especially ns tho atlotmontu
had boon mado for tho soason and
could not wall bo changed until tho
closo ot tho soason,
Mr. Cecil found Solictor Stanflold
fair In his dealings and tho stock
growers of tho region will adjust
tliorasolvoa to tho now ordor of
things. It is another caso of organ
ization, whoro tho stoak Intorost
wero In a position to deal with the
situation as an organization with
authority to speak for tho district.
This advantago Is reallzod by tho
cltlzeiiB of Silver croek and their
host men, thoso who tiavo big Intor
osts and havo tho bost Intorost ot
tholr neighbors at hoart, tako tho
actlvo lead In attending to tho busi
ness ot organization.
Ralph VickorB, of Snlom, was vis
iting his cousin V. W. TJrookovor In
Ontario tho past wook. Ho was ac
companied by his young son. This
Is tho first tlmo tht cousins had
mot in twenty-six yoars,
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