nMmamto Wflh J-i THE ONTARIO AUG US. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1921 :m Dj h 6 ti P o E 8 It II (1 I a I i r c t Xjocwtyx Mr. anil .Mrs. L Ailnm wcro tho host ami hostcsR for n pretty Vnl otitlno pnrty tit their homo Inst uon lng. Four tabloB of Auction wcro plnyod, and following refreshments two hours woro dovoted to music mid dancing. Mrs. Hcrschol Ilrowno gnvo n Kensington Wednesday nfternooti In honor of Mm. 8. W. Koupnl who Ih visiting hor mother Mm. Paul Cnyou. Mrs. Koupdl Is stopping In Ontnrlo enrouto from hor formor home In Ord, Nobrnska to her new ono nenr ltonnn, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cockrtim en tertnlned tho Onrnntlon Club Tues day o Piling. Mrs. It. V. Jones was hostess this week to tho Monday Hrldgo Club. Tho Tuesday Hrldgo Club met this woek.wlth Mrs. J. K. Wood Mrs. C. It. retursoii was hostess this wcok to tho Wednesday llrldgn Club. Tho Oregon Club gnvo n very de lightful Vnlentlno dance Monday uvonlng. About fifty couples enjoy ed the program. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Fortlor nro entortnlnlng tho Imperial Club this uvcnlng. The Woman's Club met this nlor- noon at tho home of Mrs. II. O Drnno. ' Tho "airl's Friendly Society held n Valontlno I'nrty at tho homo of Mrs. Ivan Oakos Tuesday evening. A mock wedding was staged nnd spent In plnylng games nnd dancing. Next Tuesday they meet at 7:fl0 at tho High School. A Valentino party was given nl tho Masonic Hall Monday evening by tho Woodmen and Hoyal Neigh bors. Tho Utiles of the Altar Society will meet with Mrs. Fred Clemo, Friday, February 2G. Mr. mid Mrs Herbert Paul enter tnlned at curds Tuesday evening. Tho out of town guests woro Mr,, nnd Mrs. Bottlo of Pnyotto nnd Mrs. Kouped of Ord Nobrnska. Josophlno Hock,. Infant daughter of Mrs. Mary Heck, aged ono yoar and tilnu mouths, died nt Vnto Fri day of pnoiimouln. Tho remains woro brought to Ontario Sunday nnd thu funeral took plnco from tho Catholic church nt 3:30 Sunday af ternoon, bolng conducted by llov. Father O'Connor. Entormont was In tho Catholic cemetery bosldo tho grnvo of tho child's father who died Juno Gilt of Inst year nnd was hur led hero. Mrs. J. F. Joyce entertained a number of lady friends at her homo on Tuosdny afternoon. Mrs. Fred W. Cnnflold went to Viilu today for a short visit with relatlvos. Hnrmnn Northrup of Dead Ox Flat wiih an Ontario visitor on Woduos dny. i Announcement to the women of Ontario and vicinity Jy'r'"iinirw-mijxwj.,' Morris Millinery and Novelty Shop Ontario, Oregon First Door North of Majestic Theatre POULTKV KA1BKILS 'IX) FOHM ASSOCIATION ( Continued from pago ono ) Payottoj 3rd, Nelson Noah, Ontario. Hon 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Parks Poultry Farm, Ontnrlo. Pullet 1st nnd 2nd, Parks Poul try Farm, Ontario; 3rd W. A. Fouls, Pnyetto. Breeding Pen 1st Parks Poultry Farm, Ontario. HOSE COMI1 HHODE ISLAND BEDS Cockcrol 1st nnd 2nd, C. S. John son, Ontario. Ptillot, 2nd and 3rd, L. Heady, On tnrlo. WHITE LEGHOHN8 Cock bird 1st, Archlo M. Larson, Wolsor, Idaho; 2nd, J. D. Denl, Fruttland. ' Pullet 1st nnd 2nd, Archlo M. Larson. Welser: 3rd. A. II. Cnln On tnrlo. , I Old Ilroedlng Pen 1st J. I) Ileal, I Frultland. . ! Young Hrccdlng Pen 1st, Archlo M. .Larson, WelRor; 2nd, A. II. Cnln. Ontario. I "IlllOWN LE0110HN8 Cock bird 1st, Harvey Ileiin, Now Plymouth. I Cockerel 1st, Nelson Noah, On tnrlo. Hon 1st, 2nd nnd 3rd, Hnrvey Ilenn, Now Plymouth. I Pullet, Dark Ilrown 1st, 2nd mid '3rd, Harvey Ilenn, Now Plymouth. Pullet Light Ilrown 2nd nnd 3rd. Nelson Noah, Ontnrlo. Cockerel, Dark Ilrown 1st Ilnr voy Ilonn, Now Plymouth. Ilrcodlng pen 1st, Nelson Noah. Ontario. IILACK LKOIIOHNS Hon 1st nnd 2nd, Mnrk Chris tnlnson. Pullets 1st, 2nd nnd 3rd, Mnrk Christiansen, Ontario, Cock bird 2nd, Oontry Crowley, Ontnrlo. Hon 1st, Oontry Crowley, Ontar io. BLUE ANDALUSIANB Cockorol 1st, R. P. Smiley, On tario, Oregon. HUFF OUPINOTONB Cock Hlrt! 2nd, B. O. Harter, On tnrlo, Cockerel 1st nnd 2nd, Mrs. D. A. llurrley. Now Plymouth; 3rd. B. (I. Hnrtor, Ontario. Hen 1st, 2nd mid 3rd, Mrs. D A. llurrley, Now Plymouth. Pullot 1st. Mrs. D. A. llurrley. Now Plymouth, Idaho; 2nd and 3rd, B. 0. Harter, Ontario. HOUDAN8 Cockorol 1st, 11. P. Shnwhan, Payette MBXICAN OAM B Dost Dlsplny-.II II. Flock. On tnrlo, Oregon. HANTAMB nost Display 0. II. Flock. On tnrlo; 2nd. Karl ItlchnrdHon, Ontnrlo. . ANCONAH Cockerel- 1st, Mrs. U. A Hurrloy. Now Plymouth. Ptillot 1st. 2nd nnd 3rd. Mrs. D A. llurrley, Now Plymouth. Hroodlng Pen 1st, Mrs. D. A. Hurrloy, Now Plymouth. aOLDBN CAMPINBS Cockorol 1st, W. A. Fonts, Pny otto, Idnho; 2nd, F. A. Ilntcllffe, On tario. Hon 1st nnd 2nd, Dr. A. 0. Mooro, Ontnrlo. Pullot 1st nnd 2nd, II. A. lint ollffo, Ontnrlo; 3rd, W. A. Fouts, Pnyotto HreedlUK pon 1st, F. A. Itntcllffo, Ontnrlo; 3rd. W A. Fouts, Pnyotto White nnbhlts Host Display nnd Host Pair, Carl F Johnson, Ontnrlo Siberian Haft- Host buck, Oco Wllllnms, Ontnrlo. Now Zonland Habblts -Best Pair You are invited to be present at the opening of the MORRIS MILLINERY and NOVELTY SHOP Majestic Theatre Building, Monday, February 21. You will have an opportunity of viewing the latest in fash ion's mode from a strictly new and impressive stock. LOCAL PERSONALS Mrs Jennie Mustnril wiib operated on last week for appendicitis at oil his slHter Miss Qeorgln Hull out Sunday. Holy Hosury Hospital. Grandma Thoninti Is iiulto 111 at her homo on tho cast side. Mrs. Stownrt of Frultlnnd was op erated on Monday for nppondlcltlB at her homo In Frultland. Dr Stcclhnmmcr of Vnlo brought Mrs. W. J. Hower to Holy Rosary Hospital Friday whero sho will bo operated on for appendicitis by On tario ploslclniiH, Miss Noln DoArmond was In On tario Snturday. Mr. and Mrs C. 0. Plnncy were In Ilolso Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Will Anderson roturnod Mon day from n fow dnys visit with her mother nt Caldwoll. Mrs. John Hcrvln spent Friday at Payette. 11. I). Jenne Is nttondtng tho Ir rigation School nt Vnlo this week. Mrs. C. F. Smith, of Salt Lnko, who has boon visiting In Ontnrlo for sonin time left Inst week for homo. Tho Latter Day .Saints have leased tho building South or tho City Hall and nro fitting tho samo up for a church. This church hns n member ship of about 100 In Ontario and vicinity. II. L. Potorson returned Tuesday from Council Orove, Kansas where ho was called by the Illness of his father. ONTAHIO DEFEATS HUNTINOTON Tho High School basketball team Journeyed to Huntington Frldny to meet tho Huntington High School team. Aftor a hard fought Imttli tho Ontario boys succeeded In win ning by n scoro of 40 to 14. Huntington accepted tho defeat In a Bfiortsmnnllkn manner, and roynlty entertained tho Ontnrlo team by tnktng them to tho how nftor tho game nnd then to tho high school whero games were played nnd n lunch wns served. Tho Ontnrlo High school will play tho Huntington High School team horo on Frldny Fobrunry 2G. Tho llnotip nt Huntington was as follows. Ontario M. Mooro, F S O. Dean, F 14 W. Ualo, C J. Wcnvor, O 2 J. Sulllvan.Q 14 II. Noeso 2 N. Znhlor Huntington Johnston, F Hrynnt, F 2 Hlrlow, C 12 Duff a Holt (1 PIcvIiih nnd Nest Dlnplny, J. D. Donl, Fruit Innd. Hlmnlnynu Itabblt Hest alr and Host Display, A. II. Hodges, Ontario. Flemish (limit nom I'nir, u n. Flock, Ontario, Oregon. Toiilouso Gecso Dost Pair. 1st and 2nd. Mrs. I). A. Hurrloy. Now Plymouth. nronzo Turkoys Host Pair, J. I) Doal Frultlnnd; Hnst Display, J. D. Deal: Urgost Hlrd, J. I). Doal. Frultlnnd. pecials for One Weak Saturday 1 9 to Saturday 26 innn - JJ- rn n rim n- n rur r 1 - y Waists aod Hos5iry Reduced Just as the season is opening we offer these wonderful bargains to you Wanstts' WansitsX Waists' In the newest spring shades. These taffeta, satin, crepe dc chine and georgette waists in four lots $20.C0 waists - - $15.00 $12.00 waists - - $9.75 $16.00 waists - ' - $11.50 Special lot for - - $3.75 Silk Fnber $3.60 silk hose $2.50 silk hose Sec Our New Ontario closing missions of i-'aiim week populah (Continued From Page Ono) tension Specialist In Mnrkotlng gnvo what ninny dcclnrcd to bo tho best lecturo of tho entire course Ills subject wns tho "Underlying Princi ples of Cooperative Organizations " Tho whole mntter wns handled In such n clear nnd positive manner, well Illustrated by blackboard dia grams, that no ono could fnll to grasp tho essentials to tho success of any attempt nt forming coopcru llvn marketing organizations and It Is snfo to say that fow, If any of his honrers wont nwny without hav ing acquired n now vlowpolnt In tho mnttor. Mr. Mohl continued his dis cussion tn tho afternoon nnd. nftor rovlowlng tho principles of such movements, proceeded to nnnlyzo various cooperative organizations now doing business In tho State nnd to explain vnrlous things In connec tion with thorn. Ono thomo In par ticular ran nil through his discus sion that was tho throo ossontlnls for success. VOLUME of BU8INE88, ADEQUATB FINANCES nnd EFFIC IENT MANAOEMENT. Mr. Ounn closed tho dny with n talk on tho vnluo of cost of production Hurvoys In determining tho feasibility of do voloplug mnrkotlng mnchtnory for special products. Tho last day of tho weok wns do votod to tho subject of poultry. Mr. Graham Park of Ontnrlo stnrtod tho program with n vory splondld ac count of his operations In n smnll wny with laying bona, Ho found It so profltnblo ns n sldo lino Hint ho Intends to mnko this his business from now on. II. E Cosby, Poultry specialist from tho O. A. C. gavo n lecturo on tho Incubation nnd caro of bnby chlx. nnd Mr. Archlo Lnr son of Wolsor gnvo n very highly np proclntod uccount of his oxporlonco In building up his largo poultry plant whero ho Is doing groat work In Improving his strain of chickens as woll ns conducting n profltnblo business with laying lions. In tho nftornoon, Mr Hrowstor. formerly poultry specialist of tho O, A. C, guvo.n snort tniK on me pouury buslness nnd vns followed by U. O, Upson, manager of tho Pacific Poul try Producors cooperative mnrkotlng association, who gnvo his llstoners n splendid nn'ount of tho experi ences of .the poultrymon of the Pa r'flc coast In mnrkotlng tholr pro ducts nnd the progress nnd success of tho now mnrkotlng organization. This organization now hnndles a vast amount of business nnd has n lnrge niomborslilp In Orogon nnd Washington. Many of the poultry mon of this section expressed n de sire to Join In when conditions nro favornblo for extending the organi zation to this territory, Tho con cluding lecturo was given by Prof. Cosby on tho subject of "Care, Feed ing and Management of Poultry." Professor Cosby proved hlmsolf a master of his specialty nnd gavo n vast amount of useful Information Tho attendnnco during poultry day was exceptionally good, tho hall be ing filled through the day. In a letter to the Argus this week Walter M. Olenn, brand Inspector for tho OrogoTl Cattlo nnd Horse Raisers association at Seattle says that Mrs. Olenn and son, Wosley wlll leavo to visit In Ontario sqon after school closes In that city, and he adds that personally ho hopes to see many Stockmen at Canyon City May 25 and 26. Mr. Olenn adds that all of the family are enjoy ing good health this wiuter. and Snllk and $2.50 $1.65 $1.75 fiber $1.00 lisle Spring Millinery. Our Prices jejb Georgia Hull Buy You need not wait longer to buy your Spring Clothes We have reduced everything in our store and the price is as low as it will be in the spring. So if you Need Work Clothes why wait? Our business is increasing every day. It proves that the peoplo arc realizing that we are Selling For Less and our goods give satisfaction. Following is a list of articles we are specializing on this week: Heavy, full cut work shirts - 75c Men's heavy weight overalls - $1.25 Boys' heavy weight overalls - 75c, 85c Ladies' house dresses - - $1.95 Ladies' flannelette gowns - $1.95 Men's work pants - - - $2.45 Heavy corduroys ... $4.50 Work gloves - - 50c and up Men's and boys' suits greatly reduced The 40 Stores PIANO AT HACIttFIOE THICK Wo have had loft on our bands stored In public wareltouso In Pny otto, a strictly high grado piano. For quick snlo to responslblo party big discount will bo given. Easy torms. Wrlto nt onco for particulars to Tho Denver Muslo Company, Denvor, Col orado. 11-12-13. FOIt SALE Oood seed barloy cheap; hay first cutting 8 a ton, second cutting 7 a ton. Two miles straight west of town. John Molonaar. 11-14 P. FOUND Pair of gold rimmed spectacles. Finder may havo same by calling at tho Argus and paying for this ad, it. WHITE LEOIlftRN baby chicks 20 per huridred. Hatching eggs $2.00 per setting, 110.00 por hun dred. Phone 206-W A. D. Cain. Two cars of baled hay that must bo turnod soon. Will trade for cat tlo, horses, sheep or Ford. Address D. O. nuby, Caldwell, Idaho. 10-12 Watch for particulars of Dairy Cow Sale The cows are here S. P. Graham LnsHe Hosiery and silk hose - $1.15 -1 hose - - 50c Will Please You Oregon Now Hub Where you save money AI'PllOVES HIIOHT COURSE MAHKIJT MIOIIT IMPROVE To tho Editor of tho Argus: Tho Short Courso School conduct ed by the Farm Duroau Inst wooU was tho best attonded of any ever hold In tho county and mnny tlraol subjocts were dlscussod. Dut we b Ilovo one Important ono was over looked. The pruno growors of tho Wlllaut etto valley aro loaded with prunes without a profitable" market, Just as the hay growers of this county aro Httuated with their hay. Dy refer ence to tho market quotations we find prunes retailing In Portland at ten cents a pound, while tmvnrlce domanded in tho Ontario stores Is twonty-flvo cent a pound. On thn other"hand we find the quotation on alfalfa In Portland, wholesale, Is nlnetoon dollars, while abound On tarlo It Is much loss Is this n case of mtsdlrocted of fortT Why does not the Willamette valley farmer raiso alfalfa and the Malheur county man devoto his at tention to the prunes? Surely there s some profit in .raising prunes, when the selling price Is twenty-five cents a pound under present condi tions. a sunscniBEit. FOR SALE Electric motor and pump for residence water system. Bargain. Call J. w. McCulloch, Phone 32 or Residence 125-W. "l