The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 17, 1921, Image 7

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In our service to the Public we are continually striv
ing to show uusurpassed quality in every action
Ontario Furniture Co.
Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer
Lady Assistant
when Desired
Phillabaum & Allen
successors to
McDowell Company, Inc.
Funeral Directors
Licensed in Oregon, Idaho, Washington
Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors
Lady Assistant
Hospital Ambulance Service
No Distance Too Far
Office Phone 227 Residence Phone 227, 178
Bring .Her Into Oregon
She'll turn the low-priced hay
crops into butter fat worth
$1,000.00 a ton
The minute the Dairy Cow begins to consume the
unstable hay crops of Oregon, she begins to bring in
a cash return to her owner. Butter fat is ready money
Dairy products are a continuous crop that never fails.
Put the Dairy Cow on the job.
A Corner Stone of Prosperity
The Farmer .
The Cow
The Feed
Build upon this foundation. Help increasfc the im
portation of good dairy cows into Oregon.
We'll do our share. We'll make it possible for the
progressive farmer to obtain the equipment necessary
in the production of milk and butter fat by extending
such term, as will enable payment for same out of the
profits of the cows.
McNulty & Co.
IS'? If vM W$y i P& w Ml ' J!f
-$ it . M'-JLaHRKl ii kt
IMjJMteMrkiHfclMMMHbMBflU&M dsBaaaBMBaBVBBsl
My Virtue of nn Execution In Fore
closure duly Issued by tho Clork of
tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Orogon, for tho County of Mainour,
dated tho Oth, day of Fobrtmrj,
1921, In a certain suit In tho said
Circuit Court for said Stato and
County, whoroln It. W. Bwngli-r, nH
administrator of tho Estate of
Thomas Crothors, Deceased, nn
1'lalntlff, recovered Judgment
against John McQlvorn nnd Nancy
McOlvcrn, iib Defendants, In tho sum
of Eight Hundred Ninety & No-100,
($890.00) Dollars, with Interest
thorcon from snld Cth, dny of Jnn
uary, 1017, at tho rato of nine per
cont per annum, nnd tho furthor
sum of Ono Hundred Forty & No
100, ($140.00) Dollars attorney's
foes, and tho furthor sum of Seven
toon & 20-100 ($17.20) Dollars
costs, nnd tho furthor sum of Five
Hundred & No-100 ($500.00) Dol
lara, with lutorost thorcon at the
rato of nlno por cont por annum
from tho 23rd, day of Janunry, 1917.
and tho furthor sum of Ono Hundred
NI;ioty-olght & 61-100 ($198. Gl)
Dollara, with Intorcst thereon at the
rato of six por cont por annum from
tho 4th, day of January, 1920 fo
tnxes paid, which Judgment wos on
rollod nnd docketed In tho Clerk'i
offlco of said Court tn said Count;
on tho 7th, day of robruary 1921.
BY OIVEN, That I will on tho 12th
day of March 1921, at tho hour or
2 o'clock In tho aftornoon of slid
day, at tho north main entrnnco
door of tho Court Houso at Vale,
In said County and Stnto, sell nt
public auction to tho highest and
best bidder or bidders for cash, the
following described rent property,
AH of Dlock Two Hundred Forty
ono (241) In tho CHy of Ontario,
Mainour County, Oregon, according
to tho official plats and inn is of snld
city on fllo nnd of rbcord In tho
offlco of tho County Clork or Mai
nour County, Oregon togothcr with
tho tonomonts, hereditaments nnd
nppurtonnnccs thereunto belonging
or in nnywlso appertaining.
Tho nbovo real property with the
tonomonts, hereditaments nnd np
purtonnnccs thorounto belonging or
In any wise Appertaining tnkon nnd
levied upon n tho property of tho
said dofeiidntits, John McUIvorn nnd
Nancy McQlvorn, by vlrtuo of n
mortgngo given thorcon by tho nbovo
named defendants, or bo much there
of as may bo nocossary to satisfy
snld Judgmont In favor of It. W.
Swaglor, as administrator of tho Es
tato of Thomas Crothors, Dcceasod,
togothor with nil costs nnd disburse
nionts that hnvo or mny nccruo.
Datod nt Vnlo, Orogon, this 9th,
dny of Fobrunry, 1921.
II. LEE NOE, Shorlff.
Ily C. W. Olonn. Deputy
.n. i. i nli """-'""" " Saltl bonds to bonr Intorcst at 0
Datoof lasi publication March 10th, JWg V.TrS'dSf'S-D'l'.'S.
ntft'nf .! M.h iah. imi. t bor and March, principal and Inter.
,,7 m 0 pnyabio n unltod States Gold
"' , Coin nt tho offlco of tho 8ocrotnry of
said District at Nyssn, Mnlhour
HUMMON8 County, Oregon, or nt tho Flscnl
In Tho Circuit Court of tlio Htoto of Agency of tho Stato of Oregon In
OroKim for tho County of Malheur Now York City, at tho option of tho
CORNELIUS UYAN, l'lalntlff. holder.
vs. Snld bids must bo nccompanlod
Mnry Jnno Jnnoy. II. N. Mncomb,1 by n corilflod chock for ton per cont
Dossn Macomb, uoorgo w. Wanton, "; oi snm mu, onmu to no tor
In Tho fit cult Court of tlio Htulo of
Oiogon for the Count) of Mnllu'iir
John A. Flock, l'lalntlff
May E. Flock, Defendant
To May E. Flock, tho nbovo nnm
cd Dofondnnt;
You nro beroby required to np
penr nnd nuswor tho complaint filed
against you In tho nbovo entitled
suit on or beforo tho oxplrntlon of
six weeks from tho dnto of tho first
publication of thlR summons, tin
Bfimo being tho last day of tho time
prescribed by order of tho court
directing sorvlco of summons In said
Butt to bo mado upon you by publi
cation; and If you fall so to answer,
for want thorcof, tho plaintiff will
npply to tho court for tho rollof do
mnndod In tho snld complaint, lo
wlt: For n docrco of said court ills
solving tho bonds of matrimony now
oxlstlng botweon plaintiff nnd dofen-
dent, nn ii grnnting tno plaintiff nn
nbsoluto divorco from you, nnd for
nil other relict demnnded In tho said
You aro further notlf'cd that title
nummons Is served upon you bv pub
Mention In pursunnco of nn order of
tho Hon Dnlton Dlggs, Judgo of
said Court, which order was tnndr
and onterod in said cntino on Fobru
nry 2, 1921, nnd directed that this
summons bo published once ench
wcok for six successive wookn In tho
"Ontario Argus". That dnto of the
first publication of th's summons Is
Fobrunry 3, 1921, nnd tlin Inst pub
lication Is on Mnrch 17, 1921
W. W. WOOD. '
Attorney for the l'lalntlff.
My rcsldenco nud pout offlco ad
dress Is nt Ontnrlo, Oregon.
Sonlod proposals will bo rccolved
by tho Uoard of Supervisors of King
tnnn Colony Drntiiago District nt
tholr offlco at Nyssa, Mnlhour Coun
ty, Oregon, until tho hour of 2
o'clock I. M. on Wednesday tho
23rd day of Fobrunry, 1921, and Im
modlatoly thereafter publicly opened,
for tho purchnso of bonds of snld
District in tho sum of Soron Thous
and ($7,000.) Dollars, datod March
l, 192J In donomlnui ons of $500.
each, and maturing as follows, to-wlt:
Maturity Number Amount
March 1, 1920 101 $C0O.
Mnrch 1, 1927 102 GOO.
Mnrch 1, 1928 103 GOO.
Mnrch 1, 1929 194 GOO.
March 1, 1930 10G GOO.
March 1, 1031 100 S00.
Mnrch 1, 1032 107 GOO.
Mnrch 1, 1033 108 GOO
Mnrch 1, 1934 109 GOO
Mnrch 1, 193G 110 GOO.
Mnrch 1, 1030 111 GOO.
Mnrch 1, 1037 112 500.
Mnrch 1, 1938 113 GOO
Mnrch 1, 1039 114 GOO.
Jr., Ellon LH Ulanton; nlso all othor
porsons or partlos unknown claim
lug nny right, tltlo, ottato, lion or in
torost in tho roal cstnto described In
tho complaint heroin;
To Mary Jano Jnnoy, II. N. Ma
comb, Dcssa Mncomb, Ooorgo W
Ulanton, Jr., Ellon L. Ulanton, and
nlso all othor porsons or partlos un
known claiming nny right, tltlo, oh
tato, lion or Intorost in tho roal os
tuto described In tho complaint horo-
You and onch of you aro horoby
required to appear nnd answer tho
complaint filed ugnlnst you In the
abovo ontltlod suit on or before tho
oxplrntlon of six weeku from tho
dato of tho first publication of this
summons, tho same being tho last
day of tho tlmo proscribed by ordor
of tho court directing sorvlco of
summons In said cnuso to be mado
upon you by publication; and If you
fall so to answor, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will apply to the court
for tho rollof domandod in said com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decroo of suld court quiet
ing plaintiff's tltlo to Lots Number
oil 14, 15 and 16 In lilock 44 In
tho City of Ontario, Mainour County.
Orogon, nnd ndjudg ng that you nnd
each of you hao ho right, tltlo,
Hen, ostdto or intorext In said real
estato, and that plaintiff's tltlo to
the samo la good and valid as
ngatubt ou, and for all other rollof
domanded in said complaint
You nro further notified that this
summons is served upon you by pub
lication In pursuance of nn order of
the Hon Dalton niggs, Judgo of this
Court, which said ordor was made
and entered In said cause on Fobru
ary 2nd, 1921, and directed that
this summons be published once
each week for six successive weeks
In tho "Ontario Argus." The first
publication of this summons is oh
Feb. 3, 1921, and the last publica
tion Is on March 17, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff
My resldenco and post offlco ad
dress is at Ontario, Orogon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
executrix of tho estato of Nathaniel
C. Long, deceased, by ordor of the
County Court of Malheur County,
Oregon. All persons having claims
against tho said ratato are hereby
notified to presont them, duly veri
fied as by law required, to tho un
dersigned executrix at tho law office
of W. W. Wood In Ontario, Orogon.
within six "months from the date of
the first publication of this notice.
Done and dated and first publish
ed this 20th day of January, 1921.
Executrix of tho estate of
Nathaniel C. Long, deceased.
First publication, Jan. 20, 1921.
Laat publication, Feb. 17, 1921.
foltod to tho District as liquidated
damages In tho ovont that tho sue
cossful blddor falls to tako up nnd
pay for said bonds within ten dns
nflor tho award.
Snld bids must bo unconditional as
to legality, and the District will fur
nish tho successful blddor with the
approving logal opinion of Messrs
Tonl, Minor and Wlnfroo, of Port
land, Oregon.
Tho Hoard rcsorvos tho right to re
ject nny or nil bids.
Ily ordor of tho Uoard of Super
visors of tho Kingman Colony Drain
ago District.
First publication, Jan. 20, 1921,
Last publication, Feb. 17, 1921.
IHmrliiifiit of tho lutorlor
U. S. Und Offlco nt Vnlo, Orogon,
February 4. 1921.
NOTICE Is horoby glvon that Clay-
ioii urvuie uouKinu. or I'avetto. Ida
ho, who, on March 31st, 1916, mado
Homestead Entry 04313 for SWU
NE',S. NH8EU, 8ocl9,WWSWU.
SEW SWU, Soc. 20. NV4NWM, Soc
29, T. 16, S., It 46, E nnd who
on Jan 20, 1920, mado Add'l. Hd.
Entry. No. 06441, for 8NEVt,
NEU8EU, Sec. 24 T. 16, 8., It.
4G E Lot 2 and SEUSWU, Soctlou
19, Township 16 South, Kongo 46
East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed
notlco of (Mention to mako Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to tho land abovo doscrlbod. beforo
Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th
day of March, 1921.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Dryson Itico, of Payette, Idaho,
Qeorgo Harper, of Ontario, Oregon,
Hartloy Soreson, Henry Crow, both
of Welser, Idaho.
o. THOS. JONES ItoglBter.
West Dound
17 Passenger 3:47 A. M. Dally
6 Mall
19 Passenger
23 Passenger
85 Passenger
6:26 P.M. Dally
4:30 P.M. Dally
2:01P.M. Dally
9:33 A.M. Daily
East Bound
No. 18 Passenger 1:10 A. M. Dally
No. 86 Passenger
(Pony) 7i6d A.M. Dally
4 Passenger 9;33 A. M. Dally
6 Mail 2:20 P.M. Daily
34 Passenger 4:30 P. M. Dally
Oregon J Eastern liranch
West Dound
371 Mixed Vale-Crane Departs
10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
373 Mixed Valo-Drogan Departs
12:30 P. M. Daily Ex. Sunday
No. 198 Passonger Vale Departs
10:30 A.M. Sunday Only
East Dound
No. 372 Mixed from Prane Arrlva
2:50 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
Ne. 374 Mixed from Ilrogan Arrivo
4:60 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 194 Passenger from Vale ,
(:05 P.M. Sunday Only '
John Deere Built It
For The Fordson
Wo can furnish you with
th plow that John Deere built
specially for the Fordion Tractor.
It is mado of New Process
John Deer steel.
That's why it Is extra light
and strong.
It'o the lightest tractor plow
you ever caivwelghs less than the
average hoise-drawn tulLy.
It is tremendously stronu
beams are guaranteed not to bend
or break all fiame connections are
bot-rlvrtod Hi loom Joints no glvo
anywhereit's the plow ou can
depend on(to stand the strains of
utllitlng Pord-on powor under all
plowing conditions.
Because of light weight and
dean scouring qualities, It pullt
extremely light It's a real fuel saver.
See It at work once, and you will
appreciate bow light It pulls.
It9 correct lino of draft,
when hltchod to the Fordton aeturei
Ideal penetration.
Its genuino John Decra
bottoms scour, wear well and mike
good seed beds.
Its quick detachable shares
are strong and close fitting. Loosen
ono nut to remove a share; tighten
the same nut and the sharo Is on tight.
Its simple, strong powor lift
works perfectly. Lifting mechanism
moves only when the plow Is being
raised or lowered no useless wear.
If you aro planning to ouya
I'ordson bo una to see this plow. Ask
us to show you tho John Deere No.
40 the plow that tit the Fordson.
Geo. W. Wayt
They work
and form
no habit-
They work
and form
no habit.
They work
and form
no hablti
Ontario Pharmacy
Very Good Reasons
When Inviting you to transact your buslnoss tbroueh
our Dank, thcro should bo some reasons why. There
aro pleuty of thorn.
Our financial standing Is boyond question. Our of
ficers are obliging and courteous. Our Directors actual
ly direct. Our stockholders aro leaders In the commun
ity. Our funds aro kept in our fire-proof, burglar
proof vault and aro fully Insured. Our banking fasllt
tles aro modern. Our lonns ure consorvatlvo, our re
tources adequate Wo are proud of our Dank and tu
satisfied customers Are you ono of tbemT It ot,
we cordially Invite you to open an account today
The first National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
A Good llauk Iu A Good eMBkrj
,. -,