The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 17, 1921, Image 6

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(Dy E. U. Kltts, ProfosBor Dairy Ex-
teuslon, Oregon Agricultural
A good cow will turn omo ton of
liny Into 1000 pounds of milk with
06 pounds of buttorfat. Why not
try soiling surplus nlfalfn liny thru
products of n dnlry hord.
"Alfalfa Is soiling nt n much low
or prlco than for sovoral years," says
B. I). Pitta, professor of dairy exten
sion nt O. A. C. "In fact tho.mnr
Uot Is glutted In soino districts with
no outlot In sight."
"A mntcrlnl stnrt wns made In
dairying In nomo of the nlfalfn grow
ing districts Just prior to the wnr,
hut with hlghor prices for hay ami
n labor shortage there was n stnni
podo to soil tho dairy cow and take
whnt scomod like cnslor money In
raising and selling tiny. Now, with
conditions ngnln roturnlng to nor
mal tho dairy cow looms on the hor
lion as tho best channol for market
ing this Important crop. Tho alfal
fa grower who kept his cows receiv
ed prices for hay fed thoin, and now
tins u position of vantage as he still
line a good market for his crops."
A good cow yields 00 to 76 pounds
of buttorfat from ono ton of alfalfa
liny entcn, and in addition releases
100 pounds of skim milk that Is
Vnlunblo as feed for farm niilnmls.
Markotlng tho liny In concentrated
form of dnlry, pork and poultry pro
ducts saves handling and shipping.
It In trito conservation, Professor
Kltts points out.
Good cows can now bo bought ut
rensonnhte figures, nud alfalfa men
give serious consideration to this op
portunity for building up n perman
ent markot for their surplus hay and
nt tho Bnmo tlmo ndd a now InduB'try
to their community by engaging In
tho dnlry business. Tho monthly pay
check will prove a real asset, nud
tho farm will become Increasingly
Our New Directory
Goes to Press March 1
Have your telephone installed
in time to get your
name listed
Mr. Farmer: Spring work will soon com
mence. Then you will be busy. A telephone does
60 much for you for the small cost of 1 cents per
day. It is really a waste of time not to have one.
A maximum number of telephones extends the
service and makes it more valuable to all users.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
J. A. Lakness, Gen'l Mgr.
Savings Club
We pay 5 per cent Interest
compounded semi-annually
It's not so much the size of
your income as carefulness in
expenditures that really counts
in the bank book.
Peoplo with moderate incomes
are the most consistant. sav
ersthey got there.
$1.00 opens an account
Ask for Eseue.
Ontario National Bank
(JiilliciliiKN At IIoiiicn of llcsldcutH
I'miiiIhIi Congenial Matherlng
Ilonds Ho J tad Mall Carrier
Cannot Make Hounds
Arcadia now tins community sing
ings nt Ronio houso In tho neighbor
hood ovory Friday night. Last weak
It wns hold nt Chas. Dullnrds with
forty-soven present. Ilov. Young,
Mothodlst Minister from Nyssn, was
prcsont and mado a short talk. Tho
romalndor of tho ovonttiR waR spent
singing liyms and plnylng gnmes.
Tho next meeting will be nt tho
homo of Irn Dall.
Klbort Duller, Jr. sold eighty-four
hogs which averaged 186 pounds
oach to Mr. risk of Parmn at ten
cents per pound. Ho dollvereil them
nt Nyssn Friday and Mr. l-'lsk ship
ped them from there to Parma.
Mrs. John Hunt returned from
Holso Thursday morning.
Itnlph Fleming wns In this neigh
borhood Thursday on business. Ho
will lcavo for Oklahoma In n fow
C. W. Darrott went to DoIbo Wed
nesday on business. Ho spent Fri
day night In Nnmpn jvlth frlendi
nml returned homo Tnurfldny,
John Hunt wont to Ontnrlo on
business Monday.
Chnrllo Onssott will bo tho now
ditch rldor for tho Shoestring Ditch
this year, Mr. dnssott rodo tho
ditch In 1017 nnd wns will liked,
so Is wolcomod hack this year.
Tho mall cnrrlor botweon Ontnrlo
nnd Nyssn has been unnblo to reach
pnrt of his routo slnco last Wed
nesdny on nccount of tho bad ronds.
Joo Myers, tho champion well dig
ger of Nyssn, has Just completed a
now stock well on tho Dennl ranch.
R, II. Ilutlor Hr nnd wlfo wero
calling nt Jim ncnnll's 8nturday af
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rimer nnd two lit
tle sous of Logan, Utah, who havo
been visiting Mr. nud Mrs. Jim Don
nil for tho pnst threo months, re
turned Monday to tholr homo In Ia
Kan. Mrs. Smith Is a slitor of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Jeusou nnd little you
of Smlthvltlo, Utnh, nrrlvod Friday
night to mako tho Donnlls n short
visit. Mrs. Jonson Is a sister of
Mrs Ilonnll.
Ilov Illom, llnptlst minister of
Ontnrlo filled an nppolntmont at Ar
cadia Sunday afternoon. Quito n
fow woro out to hear him consider
ing tho bnd roads.
J. A. Onllegly, Prlnclpnl of Ar
cadln school, was quite 111 last week
with Orljipo. IIo wns nhlo to ho
hack at school Monday.
Mrs. Jako Klttcrcoh, who hns boon
suffering with rheumatism nil win
ter, In no bettor,
8nm Smith of Vale spent Sunday
ntnlit In Ihla iinliMilinrlinoil. IIo
camo nftor somo of his rnngo horsos
thnt hnd strayed Into this community-
Ilov. Young of Nyssn spoilt Friday
night with J. T. Long nnd family.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Long nro mak
ing an oxtended visit nt the homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnvo Dugor of
Following nro somo of those re
glsterod at Ontario Holols tho past
MOOIUJ Mr. nnd Mrs Hoy Stool
Emmott; f'hot Evans, Hlchlnud;
Win. Allou nud wlfo. I'rnno; Fnye
Krnll, Frultlnndj F. D Dall. Ontnr
lo; C M. Doaumont, Nyssn; Win J,
Oowor. Juntos Howry, F. II. Vonablo,
N. 13. Taggart, ('has. I,. Dateheldor.
Ooo. K, Davis, Mrs. L. J. Mustard,
Sir. . n nt d Joo Sorvntlus, Ivn M
Stoughton, Julian Hurloy, J. J Keo
nan, It 11. DoArmond, Vale; J. B
Dlomqulst, M F. Norinnn, Nnmna,
A. II. Morgnn, L. C. I'nrkhurst, Sol
llo Morris, Mary Morris, F I. Itoyer,
Wolsor; O. A. Cullman, O. M. Ilyder,
K. D, Conkllu, Cairo; C W. Dlnek
woll nnd wlfo, McCnll; ltoht It
Owrstreet. A I' Gibson, Nyssn; W
( I.. Desli, J C. Cocll, B. E. Purlngton.
.Durns; It. II. Dnldock, D. II. Mc
Nannoo. Portland; A. T. Scrltchfleld,
I'ayetto; A. M. Tnylor. llarpor; J F.
IHamstroot, II. II. Kolly, Drogau;
, Mrs. Al Holmes, Mrs. C. K. Ingnlls,
I Hagormnii, Iduho; 1). A. Decline,
Nampa; Thiol Lang, Oloniis Kerry;
Miss luilt, rnyotto; ic. v. uunn, ror
vail la.
CAUTBIl F, D. Fowler, Olenus
Forry; I', T, Conwny. Adnm Murruy,
M I'onrBon, B. D. Hardwlck. Jun
turn; Joff Cloor, Chns Plckorell,
Nyasa; S. F. Fnrrell, DoUo; Geo.
Turemnn, Parmn; Dick I.ockot, II
II Marondo, Drogau; C W Drown
ing. Payotte: C. A. Fowlor. It. M
Carlisle 8. D. Tudornnd wlfo, Vale;
Itobort Kail. B. W. Cnvort. Drewsey;
W. Q, lloso, M. A. Dutch. C B Argo,
Wolsor; I C Jones, O. B Anderson,
Holso; Tholma Savoy and sister,
Portland; Thomas Wnllaco, Fruit
land; llnlph II. Illco, I.eltoy Hall,
Glenns Forry; A C. Holly, Adrian;
S. F, Fnrroll, llarper: itol Mac
Arthur. Doulah; A. L, I'umiunck,
jDonlta; John M. DenDoor, H Kins-
Ban, council.
Frldny evening nbout twonty flvo
uolghburs nnd frloudB gathered at
tho J. N. Hilt homo giving them a
farowell pnrty boforo tholr dopnr
turo this week to their now homo on
th C. A. Strong ranch near Now
Plymouth. It was a delightful gath
ering In this huspltnblo homo.
Friday night tho Freshmen onter
tnlnod tho Sophomores nt tho School
Houso with a Valentino pnrty. A
largo uuiribor wero present nnd ro
port a splendid tlmo.
Saturday night tho C. B. Society
was entertained by a soclul and
vnlontlno pnrty nt tho homo of Miss
Olivo Hunter.
Saturday night tho neighbors nnd
frlonds of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Houdy
gnvo them a party In tho way of n
surprise Valentino party and lator
refreshments wero Borvcd nnd nil
prosent report n happy ovonlng to
gether. Sunday evening at tho chuo of
Endeavor Sunday School Supt. Miller
and Mr. Hansel gnvo a lecture on tho
Northwest on tho mlsslonnry work
of Jason Leo and HOinovory Instruc
tlvo nnd good pictures woro shown
of this northwestern country. Tho
Church purchusod tho lantern and
slides from Dr. VnnLuBcn,
Word comes that Mr. nnd Mrs.
Clnudo Drowning, formorly of Frult-
Itind nro tho paronts of n little son,
born Sunday, February, 13, 1921,
In Payctto.
Ilov. Oliver, of DoIbo, will preach
next Sunday morning at tho M. B.
Church. Ho will visit his brothor-in-law,
Arthur Holbrock, white hero.
Ilov. C. L, Walker, of Payette, oc
cupied tho pulpit Sunday morning.
Mrs. F. W. Smith entortulnod
Wednesday afternoon tho members
of tho Mutual Doneflt Club ut her
homo south of Erultlniid. Miss Ida
Kullandor, sister of Mrs. drover,
was a guest.
Mr. nnd Mrs, B. Thomas and Mrs.
Charles Winters woro dinner guests
l'rliluy of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Tho Woman's Home Mlsslonnry
Socloty will hold nn nproti and cook
od food sale tho Saturday preced
ing Raster, March 20th. All nro In
vited to como.
Mrs. William Iloudrox visited tho
weok end with hor mother, Mrs.
Puchort. Mr. Ilendrlv left lust weok
for Oklahoma, called there by tho
serious Illness of Mb father, who has
sufforod a paralytic stroke.
Mrs. Charles Stowart was operated
ou Monday morning of this week nt
Holy Ilosary Hospital ror appendi
citis. Thoy havo recently como to
tho Valley, purchasing tho It. M.
I.ovIh ranch.
Harry Hart was takou Monday nf-j
lornoon to iioiso io mo uarrucKs
hospital. IIo has had two opera
tions and Is not Improving as ho
Mrs. F. D. Spalnborger Is confln-
od to hor hod with Illness nnd many
around Frultland nro Ul with grlppo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Ilolloiibock
nnd Itobort and Mrs. James woro
guosts Saturday to a bountiful din
nor at tho J. B. Smith homo.
Misses Lois nud Jean Doomor aro
confined to tholr lomo with mens
los. Ilov. Thomas who hns boon
preaching nt tho Unptlst Church In
Frultland for six wooks loft Monday
for nnothor chorgo.
Miss Huth Shodo is spending sev
eral days this weok with Mrs. C. L.
Mrs. II. 1). Strawn who Iiob been
bo Borlously 111 the past week re
mains nbout tho smiio, although re
ported nomo bettor Sunday,
Tho ontlro roof of tho largo pack
ing hoitBO on tho Jcbb Dockwtth
rnnch envod In Wednesday undor
tho weight of tho largo amount of
Btiow, Two automobiles which woro
In tho building woro quite badly
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Itoyston lira
tho proud pnronts of n novon pound
girl horn Vnlontlno afternoon, at
tholr homo.
Tho Sunday school gnvo n Valen
tino pnrty at tho school Iioubo Fri
day ovonlng. About fifty woro pres
ent. Tho Hlhli' Class had charge of
tho entortnlnm -nt. Tho following
program wns rendered:
Song Mrs, Charles Johnson nnd
Miss Una Armstrong.
Song Meiisrs. Oft, Amldon, Arm
strong, Itolch, Durr.
Ilocltntlon Mrs. A. 0. Durr.
Song Dad Armstrong.
Song Mr. Oft.
D. C. Griffin attended tho Form
Durcnu lectures In Ontario lnst
On nccount of tho roads the mull
rarrlor has boon unable to cover this
part of his routo.
Mrs. A. F. Durr visited at tho W.
S. llccs homo Tuesday.
Ilov. Luscombo wan nimble In flit
his nppolntmont Sunday. '
Mrs. A. 11. Allien was mi Ontario
visitor Saturday,
W. G. Armstrong wun In Ontario
nn businoss Monday.
Tho Traveling Library was return
ed this wook and another set of
books is expected soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dellsle visit
ed at tho A, II. McGregor home Sun
day. Mrs. Perkins returned to hor
homo In Uaker Saturday. She had
been visiting with hor daughter,
Mrs. II. MrMurreu for th pust
Professional Cards
office neuns:
t to 12 and 2 to 6.
Offlrn over First Nullonal Dank
.L-lilionM No 33 J Ontario, Ore
ItecwfiMi Ontario Phurmm.
Phono 52
Pnslofflco DtilldliiK
Ontario, Oregon
OffU-iM nlMi nt BSl Idaho HulldlnR
DiiIho, Idaho
Phonos! Office 100-"It IU. 170-J.
"dr. r. a. moon
Acuto or Chronla Diseases
Dooms over Post nrruo
Tom Johnson of Nyssn wits In
Vnlloy View last week visiting old
Ilov. Dlom was unnblo to fill his
nppolntmont Sunday on account of
tho condition of tho roads.
Morton Allen stopped on his wuy
from Portland for a short visit with
his sister, Mrs. A. F. Durr, before
returning to his homo In Wlcht'a
A party was given at tho John
Kccgan homo Friday ovonlng. Danc
ing and gam o woro .enjoyed by nit
until a Into hour.
Mrs. G. W. Donn who hns boen
gulto III for tho past wook Is Im
proving. On account of tho bnd roads tho
mall carrier was unable to covor
this part of his routo Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Sundqulst has boon
qulto III for tho past weok.
II. McMurron was in Wolsor last
weok on businoss.
llnlph Hood moved Into tho old
Dean house this weok.
Mrs. II. McMurron wns In Payette
visiting frlonds last wook,
B, O. Ingrnhnm and fnmlly spont
Sundny with O. V. Hnlloway nnd
DIt. O. W. TV1.KH
(itrito In Wilson lildg.
Offlco Hours 0 a. m to 4 p. m.
Phono 7 for Appointments
Special Equipment
Speedy Herlic
Soo 0. B. Sanford
Plious, 43-W
Ontario, Orruon
HAVE VOUll (.'.Ml
Tho powor of jour uuto on.
line comes from the cyltudoift
and this Is tho Only Shop Mi
Malheur county that has u
This permits us to do this m
cursto machine work to w
hair, and do It quickly.
Now Is tho tlmo to havo your
UKlnti live. Iiuulfd
OnUrlo, (liryon
Phone 110-1
Ontnrlo, Oregon
Long Hauling a Specialty
Wo ADvnjn Dcllvi'i' tho Goods
Will bo nhlo to moot cllonta and
thoso sooklng Incomo tax assistance
only by nppolntmont mado In ad
vance on account of prcssuro of
work In othor localities, and such
appointments may bo mado by writ
ing "or calling at his offlco in tho
Postofflco Ilulldinc, or by telephon
ing Offlco 160-11; Ilosldonco 170-J.
Several High Grade
Heifers and Young
Cows For Sale.
Coming fresh this month.
Prices right.
James A. lackey 8ns
Have You Been To
Bankrupt Sale
We are. moving the goods out fast
Are you doing anything toward
Spring Housecleaning ?
Well, now is your chance
A. L McDowell Bankrupt Furniture Stock
J. A. SCHMIDT, Broker '
i, '