THE ONTARIO AltUUS. ONTARIO. OREOOxN, TJJUliSDA . FEBRUARY 17, li)21 yjciiY SlUlliE FORDSON TRACTOR T)Kijivi-:iti:n at voun kancii 97:m. DREWSEY GETS NEW FAMILY DIRECT FROM EMERALD.ISLfc cigarette 20 Horso Power Tor Pumping, Grinding Ornln. Cutting liny Nun iiIiir your EnBllago cutter. 10 Horso Power for Plowing Harrowing Discing, Etc. Tho cheapest power avnlliiblo lit HiIh tlmo. Ask for tlio booklet, Tho Fordson at Work. Tlio Fordson lakes tlio some plnco In tho trnctor field ns tho Ford car In tho Automobile field, More for tho Money always. FORD GARAGE Ontario, Oregon Gasoline of Quality w CYV Ejr4 k5fcsvi w sioood sign You know it. It is the "Red Crown" aign on garages arid ervico stations. It is the sign ofqunlity in gasoline tho sign of an all-rofinory gaiolino with u continuous chain of boiling points insuring ready start ing, rapid acceleration and maximum power. Before you fill look for the "Rod Crown" sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANV . (GUifomU) "You Save Money says the Good Judge And' get more genuir.o cViv ing satisfaction, when you uso this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as .often. And a small chew given more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. Any mnn who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put u( in two styles t W-H GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco yRwnrinn u Stock Tanks and Pumps II. R. UDICK to have those Re id tJ7 e dl We can save you money on COMPLETE NEW '10P S?eg'xxixio.L.iJLtcOc. Established here in 1910 THf ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS Mil &wlti WI2 AMi TAKi: OIK OtJU HATS TO XI 1 1-3 HAIUV COW She's Noorioil Hern In Oiogon Tho Dairy Cow offers thu Bolutlon to n condition Unit In rotardlng th prosperity of Orogon. Alfalfa hay. tho greatest of all dulry feeds Is now a drug on tho market In this' statu. Even at $7.00 a ton there Ih prac tically no market for it. Through tho modlum of tho dntry cow out hay can bo transformed Into dairy products which find ready sale and thus market tho crops of tho fnrm at their real value. Tho Importation of dairy cows should have tho consideration of all thinking men who havo tho Interest of tho Mate at heart, llorbort Hoo ver said, "No greater cntaHtropho can happen to a peoplo than tho loss of ItH dairy herds, for tho total loss of dairy produco moans the ultl mato oxtlnctlon of a people. To pro vide supplies wo nuiHl build reserve Tho first reserve in dairy products Is tho maintenance of our herds " Dairying Is tho backbone of ngrl culture. It adds to tho fertility and productiveness of tho soli and yields a crop that ilnen not 'fall. Dairy products aro tho equivalent of ready money and there Is yet to bo found a dairy community that Is not pros porous. Tho Influence of nctlio dairying Is foil In all linos of local trado. Thero Is no question .about It. Tho dairy cow Is recognizor thru out tho land as the fororunnor of prosperity and tho peoplo of Orogon will do woll to foster tlio dairy In dustry and oncourngo tho Importa tion of dairy cows. Tho trend of farming today Is nway from tho ono crop plnn and townrd mixed farming, and mixed farming, to bring tho best mums, must liirludo I ho keeping of n fair slzo dairy hord, Tho best Insurance ngalnsl crop fnlltiro Is tho dairy cow. Com mny fall; wheat may fall; wool may fall; but tho farmer with a small hord of dairy cows Is assured of n steady Income all tho year round, yqnr In and year out. Tho State of Novnda, tlko Idaho and Malheur County Oregon has a superabundance of alfslfn hay for which they find no market. They will mnrkot It, however. In Its most valuablo form, dairy products, anil dairy cows are today Iwlng Imported Into Nevada In largo numbers. Milk and milk products to the to tal of $10,000,000 wus tho enormous sum realized by tho owner of dairy ratlin In tho little county of Htnnls Inns In California during the yrntr 1920 according to the nununl report of tliolr County Horticultural Com missioner. Tho productive alfalfa growing sections of Idaho offer tho mini" op portunities. Tho silo, nlfalfa, cows and pigs aro tho four sure comor stone of farm profits and soil fer tility. Thoro Is nothing to be com sectloiiH of Oregon offer tho snmo op or troble tho number of cows on each of her farms and literally ntlil millions to her Income and soil fer tility. All hall tho dairy cow bring more of hor kind Into Orogon. ATTItAOTIONK .Majestic Tl Mi 1 1 Thurs., Fob. 17lh T1IU SIN WOMAN IllENB FENWICIC Screen Magazlno Frl., Feb. 18th lll.Ui: HTKKAK MiCOV IIAIlItKY CAUKY Till: MOON ItlDKIlS First Episode Sat., Feb. 19 tiii: villaei: si.iaTii CHANLE3 NAY Snub Pollard Comody VAMSUINO D.UiCKlt Last Eplsodo Sun. and Mon. tin: TOM. (JATi: IULL HAUT "Let 'er Oo" Mack Slnnott Comedy Topic of tho Day Tuos., Fob. 22 ItKST OF l.l'CK ALL STAIt CAST International Now Weil., Fob. 23 DEEP WATHHS Toumor Special Two Heel Comedy IMUJAMLANI) tiihathi: Thurs.. Fob. 17 Tin: Ti:imoit TOM MIX Mutt and Jeff Comedy Frl. and Sat. 0x1: noun ALAN HALE Patho Nows 'in:r.i WATints", new touuneuu iMCTimi:, HTOUYOFTIIKHKA Maurlco Tournour'H latest produc tion, J'Dcop Wators," will bo tho at traction at tho Majestic Tlientro uoxt Wednesday February 23. Tho1 story was adaptor from F. Hopmnson Smith's popular novel, "Calob West, Mastor Diver," and tho scono aro laid on tho Now England const. Calob West, a man past his prime, and his glrl-wlfo, Dotty, aro tho con tra! figure in tho story. Dotty be comes attracted to a youth named Hilt Lacoy, and. thn alio does no1 lovo him, they run nway together Iditor, tho ship upon which tacay l traveling Is wreckod and Calob Woat brings tho body of tho young man to tho surface. In a dramntle scono tho loyalty of Dotty to hor husband as serts Itself and a touching recon ciliation takes plnco between tho two "Deep Waters" Introduces jn tho loading fomlnlno rolo Mr. Toumour's Intost "find" llarbara Dodfont Droerkou Christians plays tho nuilo lad, and others In tho cast Include Jack Ollbort, Lydla Yeamnns Titus, and George Nichols. Tho picture Is a Paramount. Mrs, Minnie I'egg. a sister or Mr Chester Stallanl, uUli her dim en, camo all tho way from Dubl'ii Ire land arriving hero l'rlday. She ex pects to makr this her home and wo wish to bid hor a hearty wel come Don DiuIh and (lane Rush wore passengers on tho Van stago Fri day morning. Lester McMullon was In Drewsey Saturday. Nearly everyone Is busy liauLng tlo those dnys. Whllo hauling saw dust to his resldeiico (Jhas. Miller had tho misfortune to turn his sled up sldo down 01 the Mllldalo gradu. Harry Clark purchased 10 tons or tho A. 1. Johnson hay at Mr. John son's ranch. Arch Mjors bought buy of John AVhlto at tho Jim Anderson ranch. Air. and Mrs. Jack Door and Louis Cnpps wcro pnsengors Monday on tho Van Btngo. , Tho Agency Division Vauuorros passed thru hero Thursday with a hunch of cattlo onrouto to tho Agen cy ranch. Urud Moss Is confined to his bed with neuralgia. Sooral Voiiuorr 1 nro In this vi cinity from Ilurni'. riding for em tio, Among them are Charles Alley and Itnlph Cattersou. Mrs. Cobom, a rlster of Mrs. IM Howard, has come from California to spond several mouths with hor. Chns. Llllard was a pn"senger Friday morning 01 the Van ntugo onrouto to Portland. Hummer Moffott Iumii busy this weok moving horses from the Kimball Flat ranch to tho Swamp ranch. Oeorgo linker, tho Juntura (larago man, cainu up to Drewsey one day Inst week. Mrs. John Schocklos has been III with tho measles. Dcnu Ooodman of Juntura has been seriously 111 with pneumonia. Mr. Goodman's uncle who 'Is a doc tor nt linker, Oregon, was called to attend him. John White has been reported as down sick with a bad cold. Chester Croddock camo from Hums to look after his stock nt tho C. T. Llllard ranch. Jack Woodward came down from Van to Drew soy ono day tho past weok. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Pipes who have been nt tho Ed Howard ranch tho past few wooks left for hoiu Friday. Mr. Pipes being quite sick 1 witn iiaa cold, I Mrs. Ituth Illloy has been visit ! lug at Mllldalo with her sudor Mrs Sadlo Ott. W. T. Van Do Voro was a liusl . iiosh visitor In Drewsey this weok and states thoro Is tots of snow on Pine Creel; Mrs. J. D. Smith was confined to hor bod for sovoraj days last week Noulo .Ink camo up from Juntura for a bunch of horses at tho Oood man and Frlosz ranch which ho took back down lo food. Dan Jordan gave n danco In Drewsey Saturday evening. John Corhenrt and Oeorgo Carroll wore tho musicians. Mrs. C. N. Drink wator served u midnight supper at hor home. KMryouo unending re ports a most oujoyuhle tlmo. It Is with ploasuro that wo loam of Lostor McMullen's reappointment on tho rond work on this sldo of tho mountain. Everyone l glad o hear that Lostor Is an the "Job" again Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jordan loft last weok for Swcot, Idaho after ho oral wooks vnll with friends und relatives hero. r lis toasted ifwy; jL mm oiffi Mrws t ...U...I it . MPlV tt Nampn, lmi enten-d t.iw luttl horo laud Is in the eighth gnrle. It. Ciil'(iMy reluinoil rnhrunry 4, from .VewttRle, Idaho, where ho lmn been inH'tiic for the ph1 m weokii, Tlif 'bnol had h Vlntlno sodlnl Monde: a wh'ch Vo a Struthors was elected to presld.i as postmnstor, and I.ealand Illuhloy ns assistant postmnstor. Will Harris Is moving hi family from Vol to his rniinh above tho Hot Spring. Last week oiioukIi hiiiiw fell to make It really look I'ke winter, but now. due to oxlremel warm weath er, tho ground has more th appear tnco of wet, muddy spring. See the Morris Mlll'iiery and No velty Shop Invitation. KAHL OIL rt- (KEROSENE) ECvcWfn STANOAtM OIL COMPANY! LOCAL PERSONALS Sun. mid Mon. CHOOKKI) STItKinS ETHEL CLAYTON Tho Daby Sunshine Comedy Tues. and Wed. OFF SUOlti: PIHATE VIOLA DANA XOTIOIJ W. U. C No. 17 District Meotlng, February IS, 1821 All mombors of tho Corp renuost ed to bo present If potst'de Dinner at 11:30 for all. This U an all day session. Meotlng placo nt Yoeman Hall, oer Thui-bton'8 Drug Store, In Pay ette, Idaho. Press Committee. Mrs, McKlenckey Soe all the New Spring stylos at tho Morris Mllllnroy and Novelty Shop. ' Mrs. J. H. Jlmmorsou of Payette visited hor daughter, Mrs, Larue niackaby this week. Mrs. W- D. Allen and daughter Dotty of nrogan wore visitors of Mr and Mrs. Ivan Oakoa last week end. Mr. Jesse Swan of Murphy, Idaho visited tho first of tho week with the Frank Ryan family. Frank Daker of nurus Is tu Ontar io under the doctor's caro Dr. W. J. Weeso was called to Harper Tuesday to care for Hendor son Hart who was kicked by a horso. Mr. Hart Is a brother of Mrs. Den Seaweard. Mrs. O. J. Applegate of Parma underwont a minor operation In On tario Saturday. Since Friday morning the rlvor has risen four and ono half feet and Is fatlll rising. February 11th bolng Mr. Jacob Stroup's S6U1 birthday, his son Streoter and wife camo over from Washoe bringing him a fine birth day cake. WILLIAM H. HAHTA HANDl CHIEFTAIN IX'THHTOLLOATi:" William S. Hart, who comes to the Majestlo theatro next Sunday nnd Monday Jn "Tho Toll Oato", Is said to havo tho most powerful drama tic role of his caroor as Dlack Deor Ing, tho bandit chlottaln In tho story whloh was written by I.ambert Hilly er and hlmsolf. Lambert Hlllyor Is tho dlroctor, This Is a typical tale of the west or southwest In tho days boforo the fences came; and the days of bold bandit bands, of promiscuous train holdups, of masked desperadoes, wild riders and Indians. It portrays with startling fidelity the characteristics of a picturesque page In tho history of tho border. Dlack Deorlng, leader of the ban dits, decides to disband and quit. A rival refuses and leads the baud Into a trap, selling them out for "thirty pieces of silver." All are killed or captured, Deerlng escapes. Ho sets out to revenge himself. He mets the woman who has been deserted by the traitor and his bettor manhood keeps him from wreaking his revenge upon hor In lieu of the real culprit. Tho latter meets his Just deserts. Deor lng goes South and out of tho hands of the law Into, It Is hoped, a better ltfo, his eyes opened at last to tho realization that thero are good men and Women In the world after all. Anna Q. NUsson and a tine cast of players are seon in the support. Mr Hart's famous Pinto pony Is also pre sent. Joe August A. S. C, made the photographic rendition , SAVES I THE K HAN DS 8 xKw 0 LSHiiiiiiiiH niTFSfrW'tlX 1 SKI I Accept the Invitation of the Morris Millinery and Novelty Shop Special Mail Order Service to You Ours is a special mail order service. 0 11 r promises aro kept in regard to tlio quality of the work as well. If you'd dress better, lot us help you. Mail Orclei s Given Prompt Attc uion Capital Cleaners CIeani,1Brj cins PrebsIiiR LIU North 13th Steert DOISE, IDAHO BLS