ri, &V&U. (Pttf ut0 l4JI? , XXV AUTO LICENSES TO BE LEVIED BYJEW HOLES LeglMntlvo Hlib-Comnilttee on High- Wiijh Recommends Measure to I'lnro License Charges on Weight Rather TIiiiii Horso Power. SALEM, ORE. FEB. 14-Tho sub conunlttco of tho Joint roads high way conunlttco lino agreed Hint auto moliltcs will bo llconscd on n wolght basts, nnd motor trucks will bo HcoiiRod according to tlio width ot whoolB. Tho mib-conimlttco also fixed tho speed (or motor trucks on country rondo on highways ot mac adam. Tho Joint commission has not yot approved tho fow polntH on which agreements Imvo been reached, and It Is not known yet when that will bo approved. Although tho sub committee) has agreed on tho weight basin agalnBt tho present homo pow er basis, It has not decided whether tho tho basis should bo by classes or so much per hundrod ppunds. Tho factor may possibly bo $1 par hun dred. On trucks tho wolght Is limited to COO pounds an Inch of tiro width up to 10, COO wolght of truck nhd load, Abovo that, tho limit Is COO pountlH and an Inch tiro width, up to 32,000 pounds, beyond which no loads aro allowed except by special permit. Tlio width ot tires means tho width of all four tires. Tho fees to bo paid by motor trucks, traitors and soml-trnllers whon equipped with ono or tnoro solid tires shall bo based on tho total tiro width ot such vohtclus, as tot-, lews: Not ovor" 14 Inches, $3C00, over 14 Inches and not ovor 17 Inches, $42.00, over 17 Inches and not over 22 Inchon, fCC.OO, over 17 Inches nnd not ovor 20 Inches, $CG.00, ovor 2G Inches and not ovor 30 Inches, J IOC, ovor 30 Inchos and not ovor 30 Inches $120.00, over 30 Inches nnd not. ovor 1 40 Inchos $140.00. No account Is bolng takon for do proclntlon ot cars. VALE E!IM LECTURES Prof. W. I. 1'owem anil Olliei-n Vn' sent Vlcux of Dnilnage nml Ir rigation Problem to Wiiriu KprlngK Handlers Following tho Short Courso weok nt Ontario, tho Farm Huroiiu con ducted a school on Irrigation and drainage at Vnlo. Owing to th newness of tho work in thoso linos on tho rocontly consisted Warm springs project, tho 'ranchora about Vale havo shown a particular Inter est In thoso subjects and their In terest was manifested by tho at tendance Despite bad roads "on which automobiles could uot travel, thoro was an nverngo attendance during tho Ihreo days of forty to forty'flvo mon. Professor Powers of tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo whore ho Is head of tho department of Soils, Ir rigation nnd Dralusge, handled most of tho technical port of tho program. Tho first two das were devoted to raattors connected with drainage and such subjects ns "Whon and why sMIs need drainage," making pre liminary survoys for dralnago pro jects, tho aspects of drainage dlstrldt organization, Installing dralnago systems, and other topics were giv en attention. On Wednesday meth ods of proparlng laud for Irrigation and tho application of water under varying conditions of soils, crops dnd similar topics wero takon up and discussed. Horticulture One of County's Most Profitable A$sets at Present Time n i, mn-t interesting ad - dresses made during the Farmer's Short Courso week, which was me center ot attraction here last week, was that made by A. A. Reed of Drogan who is chairman of the Farm nureau'a Horticultural committee and who gathered statistics to show tho traportaneo of fruit raising In this county. Among other things Mr. Reed pre sented the following figures and es timates showing the extent of trult raising here. According to the assessor's books thero are 1772 acres of bearing apple ONTAItlO.MAMIEUK COUNTY, OWEUOX, I IHOO AN MAN COMK.S DOWN TO KIND MARKET KOIU'RUNEH Q. E. Hamstreot ot Drogan wag In Ontario this week as ho says, "to poddlo Bomo prunes." Mr. Hum strcot sought Ontario's whulcitnlo mon as tho logical buyers and suc ceeded In getting an offer for tho crop. "Peoplo up our way aru In terested In fcoIiiij tho .'dim Day High way located frcm Uti'ty to Prairie City, and In scoini; jmno mnliiluu nrico work done on tho Ilrognti to Cow Valley ecctHii ot tho Join Dnj Highway. Th'j hilns this wlutor havo sorlcusly Injured that section of tho road nnd something must bo dono or tho statu will loso Its In vestment In that section of tho rond," snld Mr. Hamstreot. CLOSING SESSIONS OE FARM WEEK POPULAR Attendance Grows Htendlly At IH Hirer of Extension Men Ranch er Interested In Oo-opcrntlo Marketing mid Poultry Last wcok an account of tho first threo days ot tho Kami Uurenu's short courso and a brlof summary of tho subjocts treated wan given. Tho Jnst threo days contained so much ot valuo that it Is hero reported for tho benoflt of thoso who wuro not fortunato enough to bo prcsont. Tho nttondanco during tho last days was bettor than during tho first threo days, thoro bolng about 7C parsons prosont each day, Tho sumo Inter oat was shown thruout and tho sponkora woro unanimous in uxptos slong ot satisfaction about tho wny questions woro flrod nt thorn at tho clouoot tho lecturos which showod In terest in tho work. Dlry Day drew tho largest ",..?."." 0 , cortaty would bo dltlons under which the proMiit ln idnnco of tho wcok. Perhaps this I . "'"' ,p ,. ',,, ,. cumbent was umplnyed wild It tondnnco was on account of tho ch'ef perform er. Prof. E. I). Flttn, tho renowned t Judge ot dairy cattlo. Or perhaps It was becauso ot tho awakened In terest In dairying. Anyway n good full program was put on boforo a good nudlonco. Tho first talk wbh on tho seloctlon and SU,V! dairy cattlo In whlrh Prof, Mils L0-0"L?Jh!.T.r:"w".. bulls Ho Illustrated a,;d explained howtotraceout pedigree, of regls-iv torod animaiB, it. v. uunn gavo a , iplondld talk on" dairy manago.no.jt i urobloms and Illustrated his talk with actual ftguros from operating dairies to show howdalryliiT ma "" "nuo "",i"LJ,".,."u .... ' J Ilian.o iiccoruiiig m uiu y n.-n-.. parts of tho business aro handled In tho afternoon, Prof. Fltts loclur od on thu care, feeding and man agomont of dairy cattle, and gao agemoni o, .m.ry .. ." V' Supported by Senator Btanflol.l. Is to many valuable pointers on ,lm lane- B law' which will result In th ing rations, etc. J. II. nrown o'.J J government bearing a share the Karmors Creamery of Payette do- 'ouur' ."" llvorcd a short address on the manu- facturo of dairy products, Mr. Ounn placed figures on tho board to show . .. -.. .,. i i ... i.r..o p.acou r.gures on iu , ,u ... tho advteablltty of dairying from thu , -?- r,rxn!"Z:Z:z ;,.;,, i . uuniuui!1. " '... ...n --w program with a talk on Judging: dairy cattle. stu,.yUof cS.r.UT. marketing or- ganrtanonB. 6"' ...,.....-... of tho needs for such organUatlon took Dlaco during which It wns brounht out that there Is a demand for organisation work to facilitate tho marketing of potatoos, Imy, grain, fruit, wool, livestock, poultry products, datry products etc. and tho mnttor. Of forming a farm bureau exchange was discussed. Following this discussion, Mr. Paul Mehl, Ex- (Continued on Last Pagi . trees in the county; 395 acros of bearing apple trees In the county; I AH. ...a n lina.lnv 'nntllA trAAR 111 an ucioo w " ,-. ...- ... the county; 105. acros of bearing Add to apple troes In the county this abojjt 30 ncres bearing pears. makes a total of 2573. This should produce net to growers at least $100 per acre annually or $257,300.00. Orchard districts are as follews: Drogan and Jamloson about 1000 acres; Oregon Slope 400 acres; Illvor dale, about 200 acres. Dalanco around Ontario and Nyssa with one or two orchards at Dig Dond district A. A. nEED. BUSINESS IMPROVING SENATOR-ELECT SAVS! i It. N. Stnnfleld Hero on IUihIikhm MIhhIom Monday Declines Con- dlllotiH Jmiioo Even I'm- HIiuVp Men Goes to Wellington Hoon. i'i v i it.,t. i Htnnfinlri ' senator ' '' Hslonod to a lengthy discussion I Docombor 4 for tho States by way ot e.nt Ln c renon in n O urlo of ! Proposed route, for tho emry ""Mook, Scotland, tho ship touched SSmmv ZZL 1 te?i w Ith ot the Columbia highway Into the Now York and Norfork, Vn. bo Monday on business connected with - , ,ore gong ,mok thni tho ,,, cou1,tv,"y Ho'S'Sns'tlc toi Z " " o" '" lh C""A l0 BR" rrft"C,8r whteh "2 wn'n X'SI tho UuZ. r comwll to reconsider th. mo-' hnI Jnnimry SO. the entire voy pcclally whon discuss ih tho riiniit nro4neosor.ni rnrmi- 8 tkl"K Hvo months, mental hrftlncs conditions In this TZZZl -.ng this tin.. Mr. Uussel, took "Morn wool was sold durliiR tlis Of- lirttior ami others urgel lM8"" "m,0- "10 'I' w'",l' "l ,nth of Jan mrv than In I 1 of c roientlim of that route. J. W.Mor. Ho decries conditions month of Jaminr than l all of tlio wnflimn-il llw cost of pro-' Irolmi.l ns terrible, and not u vrry prercdlng eight months." ho said. Mc .. "'"' . .'-! 1. . . , t.loasnnt .dace to sm.n.1 v.rtl.. "nnd more than CO per cent of tho remaining wool on l.nnd now Is ear- pet wool, so that ntatlstlcally nol Is bettor now than It h'as been for so.no tlmq. Heforo tho coming wool clip Is on tho market conditions will ro ovon boiler. Ycs. 1 bellove firmly that tho eomAiK wool clip will bo sold, tho not ut tho figures ul.loh pratnIM during tho war. The wills yh'ah wero closed for'n tlma aro rosumln operations in tho East and there Is ,, demand Tor woM that will roa- tliiuo, for there Is a market for tht product. Thoro are noiio who do-. clnro that the country Is overstocked with woolen goods, and tho gradual resumption of buying s proving that that mnrkot enn absorb wlmt Is l.o- I-.. .-.! ....... "I expect to leavo Oregon about IVbrunry 2C for Washington, but with so many detail, lo attend to now It may bo n.dny or two after S Mora I actunflloavo How-' ovor I'll bothero In time to be sworn in wlt.T tho other newly o.oot- . ect will, tho men Lore Interested In it- wt..itiAL.ti rJnfiirnllV I 11111 1U1 l,WIIOtlHWIWili -.... .... - InfnrOHtnil In It tOO. for I lQ kllDWIl ....... s Inou nlmiil It tnr n lilimlittr II1U1U Ul iiot thing I can to advance the Interest, of this soctlon for it Is burn that I n.r.rr b.ln. mtercts .n.llfa. -""""Z - ' Whon ho goes back to Washing - - as U , J - - - , . , . . B'onor Mr, Adams has had yonrs of oxporlonco in publlo llfo having boon n mombor of both Michigan nnd Oregon legislatures and speaker of tho former body during ono session. .Ho ha. recently disposed of his l.u.1- ,, , . ,,,, t,lU uohb iiuuronio position ,to bo of sorvlco In advanc ing tho welfaro of Orocon Ono of Mr. Adams purposes, In which no is ' . .... .n, .i..a nml uMini nlllilte "; ""' ... . , '. . uri in ,.ifc ,...... -. As tho fT8t step toward ino Biaio delegate it.. nn.uUnn Mit IsMtnl (nnVM plant In the party platform widow ing such legislation """"J ' ,V HIDAY Doatrlco Lodge !' 3. HebeWnh. hold Its annual oli'ldrtn's paity lr tho 10. OF. hall Friday ovu Fobruary 11, 1921, about CO lxdwr present. Mttle M'ea lie'en i-v sang a vooal o!o. Viola Draper gave a recitation. I.onora Jones a vosul nolo nnd Carl Poorman j recitation The evening was spent Hi plnylny gamos until the llttlo folks eiw tired. Dainty refroshmonts wero servod In tho banquet room, the children having first place. iH"r 'r HKKOr.TM UHI.Nd MADE 'IX) HAVE GOVIttlKOII COMMUTE SENTENCE During the nut weok a num- , ber of Ontafiani have been ro- quested uy let'er iroin vuiu t that he commute tho sentence t Governor 01 ott ro .us "ng that ho cominct" the sentence of death passed upon George Howard for the murder of George Sweenoy to llfo lTO a nrtannmont. So far as can be l. J. I learned few ot thoso approach- ed havo compllod with the ro- quest. Unless tho Governor dooa commuto tho sentence Howard 4- will hang nt the stato pentten- tlary a wook from tomorrow. TIIUWDAY, FEBRUARY fiTY GOUNCIL HEAkS fflUIJ ON ROAD Wiiter Hiipoilnleiiile.it ileu Author- II) to lllio Pump Help Willi, Ail- vlte of f it iiWnf ti- Rentals Must In- I'nlil Hcgiitiirl). At tho adjourned moling of.thoi31 Bflor bol,1 disabled nt sea In a . Oltv Council Monday nutht the clh V"lnK npprosrhes oneh way audf v"' ,,IB ro".lu "' "' r"'r- B"'"1 ronnctlmc llli llw """it. Cloorge K. Alkou told he moellnic of tho negotiations which " ! ' H'oj "' ,,f ' l'0 ""lo ri,,,,,' T ( '"""; V" f 1'1'nnr. '"' W- ' "v' nml others PnMiilo.1 v low. of the Hltustlon ...d Mualljr Jud. K. H. l "r ,,ml ln"tw,(l of, ,lUfftr!,'K with Mth olhor m u I He ,mi route " ncii prcs.-L h'.u" . on-Ri-J ,, '""" f'",,,l ovar RuU,MB M,Vr1oad Bt ., '' , ., , This sontlmont apiwrmilly. mot with W fori nr "Wo ililrort lo In any wiir Jooprdfe '"-"" " ' '! "'" TLZZ oilman lvmi 15. Oakos (lis mttr wir tl.t .... tl.u (Alllll II..III th Msreh " " "" " tncolli.K- ... JVslrr gueMlon I ,"'' T"'. council ronsldored making n ohnngo In tho pump man at th w.t.r pl.nl. but took no action on rover.,! "amos suggested. Kx-Ms or 1. W. Juno, w , was ; ,... hi. policy lo hold tho water supe - ini ' niir.m-.v mom and to employ whom 1m wlucl- M") Tlio council took jiotu of ilm fact llmt there Is outstanding $00 of ui..i..i.u .. -...-.n .... .... wntor from dslimiuoiit users after due notice IIuiIiicm. Men Listen 'Vi l.'clnnn lly IJteitM noil Am Told of Pliuix of MniKi'tliiK' Oignul41- lions Many Attend For threo liourn Inst Friday een lug CO Ontario busneaii mon llstan od to lectures on modern furni'.ng and markotliiK mothods as presented by representative, of extension work from O. A. C. yho wore here to -IU-cus thoee mntters llli the Farmers of tho county under tho auspices of thu Malheur County Farm Hureaii. Soorutory W. II. Doollttle pr'sldwl at tho meeting Introducing Prof. Paul Mihl who told ot tlir wuecessful methods of Oreuon Co-operatlvo So- clot I w, Prof Ounn who ilbM'iniMil the busliieas side of farming and what the business men of the towns could do to aid the farmer; J. H. Blown, manager of tho Payette Co- COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS SMOKER FOR FARMERS operative Creamery: '".JSr'Mln-. n.n-1.1 Mrs. E. u. Sear elub loader for Hoys and l.lrla ". Kru.iand. Idaho. and George K- Aiken who diseusseu tho dlfroreuoe between the co-operative movement lit Oregon and the Non Partisan League's program In North Dukota. That tho busliioea men ero In terested in the co-operative inove mout wns Indicate-)! by detailed ques tions dlroeted to Mr. Mehl nnd others dlirlng tho evening nnd Inter, when coffeo nnd doughnuts wore served by tho club committee, Louis Hurtle nnd A. L. Christiansen. It wuh Jho unnnlnious opinion of tho buslnoes men that the farmer's weok program be made un annual event. .j. ' CHANGE WA1VIW PRELIMINARY HEARING; JUDGE KIXIW ROND uimrirr Iji N'oo arrival this n.nrnlnir with A! Chaliee lie . j. mu nrralcned before Police i . . p M stBarn, this after- 4 !tJ nW)J n1(, wnbad preliminary i UoaHng- Ju(1bo gtoarns fixed 1 tU- lmj, at $3,000. which 1 chance ,,, not ,,r0liuc so was taken tf) Vale 4. 1 17, 1921 Ireland not proper place i oh hummer vacationists . I. J. Russell of 8tnnflold, Oregon, Is visiting his grandparents Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Stroup. The young man I hns JiiBt returned ftom a trip to Uol- fnst, Iroliuul where ho spent a month He toft Bonttlu on tho steamship, I U'estboro, tho 20lh of August, going by way of tho 1'anama Canal. Tho ship reached Holfnst October Tr una Biorm. weaving tnoio on TO FORM ASSf) Hiicu"i of SI.imV l.ulli'iiten nt llnnclieiH nml Timii I ut eiv t ImpIUh mill linllrates Nieil I'ur Itettvr O.giiiiUatloiis Here The poultry and pel stock show vhlch was hold last Thursday. 1'r iltiy and Saturday whs by all odds tho best hfltl hero In yours. Tho thuru weru not so many entries duo 'o the conditio., of tho roads and the lutouoss ot tho season, still tho show was aUeudcd by larger crowds than usual, Indicating In Itsolf n groator Interest In tho business. During thu show mcmhorslilp lists wero opened for a permaniiut as sociation to tako over tho show which hns always been under the auspices ot tho Commercial Club. In less than an hour 30 mombers wero scoured nnd others will be added this week and mooting hold nt un early date to comploto orgaiiUntlou. Mrs. Dlnsloy, secretary of tho Ida ho Poultry and Pot Stock associa tion nml other Idaho poultry fanciers weru hero mid declared tho class of birds shown to bo exceptionally high. Tlio following was tho decision ot the Judge: ' 1IAUHED PLYMOUTH HOCKS Cock lllrd 1st, C. E. Dibble, Pay ette, Idaho; 2nd, M. F. Fowull, On tario; 3rd Mrs. Hernial! 8ago, On tario. Cockerel bred cockerel 1st, 2nd and 3rd, C. E. Dibble Pnyotto, Idaho. Pullet bred coekorol 1st, C. B. Dib ble, Payette; 2nd, Fred Morton, Hon 1st, 3ml nnd 3rd, C. E. Dili- Hen V. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, C. E. nib ble, Pnyetto. Pullstt. Coekorol bred 1st, 2nd and 3rd, C. K. Dibble, Pnyetto. Pullet, pullet bred. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. C. E. Dibble. Pnyetto. Old breeding pen, Coekorol brod 1.1, 2nd and 3rd, C E Dibble, pay- etto. Pullet bred, 1st, Mrs. Itamlnll 8ui!o. Ontario. Yon n it breeding pen, Coekorol brod 1st. C E. Dibble. Payette. Pullot bred 1st, C. E. Dlbblo, Pny otto. 2nd, Mrs. It. Sago, Ontario. SILVER LACED WYANDOTT3 Cockerel 1st A. B. Flock, Now Plymouth, Malm. WHITE WYANDOTT8 Cook bird 1st, J. T. MoNulty. Ontario, Oregon; 2nd, Mrs. E. p. Moargnut. Fruttlaud. Hon -1st, 2nd and 3rd, O. D Atherlon, Ontario. Pullot 1st and 2nd, J. T Mc S'ulty, Ontario; 3rd E. I). Soargont, Krultland. SINGLE COMR RHODE ISLAND REDS Coil. Dlrd 1st. N. S Felthoiuu, New Plymeuth: 2nd. Parks Poultry Farm Ontario; 3rd, N H.nttti, un 'arlo, Oregon. Coekorol -1st, N S Kolthoilso. Now Plymouth; 2nd. W A Fonts, (Contlnuod on Last Page) Argus Story Indirect Means By Which Chance Was Apprehended Tho story which The Aigus carried tolling of tho defalcations of Al Chanco, formerly agent of tho liaise Payette Lumber company heie wus tho Indirect moans which luud ed him In the tolls of the law Jack Taylor, son of Col. und Mrs C F Taylor wrts tho direct ugont In tho mottor. for It was after reading The Argus story that Mr. Taylor told the Long lleaoh California chief of police about Chance and where ho could bo found. In u letter to his paronta, Mr. Tay lor told how he liad seen Chu.icu on tho streets of Long lleach for soma NO. 11 Compnny Such ns 111k Town Open Oocrs Apiroclnto Wins IlenrtH of Coiupnrntltcly Small Au- illenco Here Is Highly ArtlsUc Enthusiastic In its praise of the work of tho company, oxtravagont In Rcloctlng expressions to measure ap preciations ot tho work of the solo ists, tho nudlonco which enjoyed the rnro treat of hearing Ilobtn Hood Inst night at tho Majestic Is bus to--day telling those not present what thoy missed. No hlghor approval could bo given. In passing It should be suld that It Is Indeed a rare thing for suoh a production to bo presented In u town ns smnll as Ontario by a com pany such as that whtch Ralph Dunbar has gnthored tOBOthor, and tho management ot tho Majestic Is doscnlng of tho crodlt for bringing such nn attraction to tho city. The audience apparently agroed that It could nut pick a favorite from so many good singers, tho per haps the most emphqtlo approval was given William Dogan's presen tation of tho Armoror's soug, No bassa ever heard In this soctlon dis played a register nnd volumo com bined with smooth tonal quality such as did Mr. Deguu. Miss Ustty Maxtor's presentation of "Oh Prom ise Me,' was only equalled by Miss Thledo's solo number Ilctwesu them thero was llttlo to choose. Of course the audience appreciat ed tho situations in which the .her-, iff ot Nottingham found himself and liked tho manner in which tho en tiro company realized the possibili ties ot the soverul part, ot this moat popular American opora over writ ten. Those who hoard Robin Hood aro moro than nnxlou. to hoar the other Dunbar productions headed this wily and hope thoy will stop at Ontario. Thoy will It Ontario will ronllzo and support such bit; time attractions, OPERATION MAKICS POSH1I1LM ACTIVITY KOIl UTTLH OIIU, Mrs. II. R. Cnldwoll roturned from La Grande this wook accompanied by hor llttlo daughtor Maude Evelyu who has been In La Urando for the past olght months where tho was operatod upon for a congenital dis location of tho hip. From this dis location sho sufforod from birth and could not walk. Now .he can run and play as do othor children, much to thu Joy of hor parents. While she wus in La Grande .he stayed at tho homo ot hor grand mother, Mrs. D. W. Caldwell. PROMINENT CALDWELL MAN 18 KILLED WHEN TRAIN HITS CAR Word was rocelvod hero yestorday of tho death at Cnldwoll of Charles Turner, well known stock man ot the Snake Illvor valley and ono ot the fnupdors ot tho Caldwell Horse & , Mulo Company, According to the reports rocelvod horo Mr. Turner wns Instantly klllod whon No, 21 wost bound hit his auto at a cross ing near Caldwell, Mr, Turner was well known In Ontario and all the surrounding country. KNIGHTS OK PYTHIAS GRAND OKKICERH VISIT LODQE HERM John Clark ot Portland, grand chancellor ot thu Domain ot Oregon, and Waltor Glenson, also ot Port laud, grund koeper of records uud soul, made mi ortlclul visit to Armor Lodge No. 09 Knights ot Pythias ot this city lust ovenlug. They will nuikti an official visit to Advance Luilgo of Vale this evening. ' time and had visited with him the night before hi. copy ot Tho Argus camo. Ho then told the police of ficials ot tho presence ot Chance In the City and where he could bt found. In Lung Roach, Chanco assumed the alias of Stevens and had taken an Interest In a root estate firm, ac cording to stories appoarlng In Los Angolos papers, and had bucn there for threo weeks, following a short stay at TlaJuauu, Mexico to which city ho fled from Onturlo. Local officials horo expect Sher iff Lee Noe here today with Chaucu. I