K -Kjgf ..., 9m1Wv- . m . - I. THE ONTARIO AKUUa ONTARIO, OliEUON, TiiUitsL-At, FEBRUARY 10, 1921 Professional Cards DKS. WEESE & FOKTNElt OFFICE HOURB: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 Ufflfi, over l-Mrst National Dunk 'lttinmj No 33 J Ontario. Ore DR. A. It. ROBERTS Dentist Ik-tuiH'ii Ontario 1'lmrini. . i. l)CHlt. Phono 52 litCHMK J. AJCIJIl ATTOItNNV AND ACCOUNTANT INCXMIH TAX ADVIHKlt l'ostoffico llulldliiK Ontario, Oivkoii OrriroH iiIho nt nut Mulio UullilliiK IIoIno, Idaho 1'henrs: Office IfllMtj Hew. 170-J. DR. R. A. MOON CIIIUOIMtACriO IMIYHICIAN NKItVK Hl'KClAI.IST Acuto or Chronic Diseases Rooms ovor Pont Office ONTAWO OIUCdON nit. c. w. tvi.i:h DENTIST Office 111 Wilson DldK. Offlco Houri 0 a. m. to 4 p. in. I'hono 117 for Appointments. WELL DRILLING Special I&iulpmL'iil Hpcrdy Service Seo 0. B. Sanford I'hono, 4B-W Ontario, Orrtftiii 1IAVK fouit UAIt MAUU JUST IJKK N1CW TIio powor of jour uulo an. glue coaios from llio cylinders and this la tho Only Shop In Malheur count that has a OVUNliKIt ltOlUNO MACllINi: Tills permits us to do this ac curate machine work to a batr. and do It quickly. Now Is the time to hare youi nslno orerhauled. MAIIHDKN'H MAC1IINK SHOP Ontario, Oregon TltAIN BClIin)UIiK West Wound No. 17 Passongor 3:47 A. M. Dally Ho. 6 Malt C:2flP.M. Dally No. IS l'awonsnr 4:30 P.M. Dally No. 33 Passenger 2:01 P. M. Dally No. .15 Passenger (Pony 9:33 A.M. Dally East Bound No. 18 Passongor 1:10 A. M. Dally No. 86 Passenger (Pony) 7:60 A.M. Dally No. 4 Passenger 9:33 A. M. Dolly No. 8 Mall 2:20 P. M. Dally No. 24 Passongor 4:30 P. M. Dally Oregon Kuatorn Branch West Uound No. 371 Mixed Vato-Crano Departs 10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 373 Mixed Vale-Urogan Depart. 12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday N. 193 Passenger Vulo DoparU 10:30 A.M. Sunday Only East Ilouud No. 372 Mixed from Cr'uno Arrlro 2:S0 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No, 374 Mixed from Drogan Arrlro 4:50 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 194 Passongor from Vala 3:06 P.M.Sunday Only The New Cafe White MAnngemenfWhUo Uelj. Back or 11rt National Bank A Khovo of Your Patronage Is SoUdtMl NOTICE TO CUED1TOIUJ Notlco Is hereby given Mint tho undersigned has been appointed executrix of tho cstato of Nathaniel C. Long, deccasod, by order of the County Court of Mainour County, Oregon. All porsona having claims against tho said cstato nro hereby notified to present thorn, duly vorl- flou as by law required, to tho un dersigned executrix at the law offlco of W. W. Wood In Ontario, Oregon, within six months from tho dato of I ho first publication of this notlco. Dono and dated and first publish ed this 20th day of January, 1921. ELIZADETH THERESA LONG, Executrix of tho cstato of Nnthanlol C. Long, doceaBOd I'lrst publication, Jan. 20, 1921. Last publication, Fob. 17, 1921. NOTICE TO CIlKDITOItB In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for .Malheur County IN THE MATTEIt OF THE ESTATE OK W. E. HULEKY, DECEASED. Notlco In horoby given that on Do combor 22, 1920, nil brdor of the nbovo entitled Court was mado np pointing tho undersigned, J. J. DU lard, ndmlnlstrator of tho rstnto of W. E. Hulory, decoascd. All persons having claims against the nbovo en titled cstato will present tho Bamo, ' duly verified as by law required to tho said administrator at his placo of business In tho City of Ontario, Orecon. within six months from tho dato of tho last publication of this! notice. J. J. DILLAIID, Administrator. First publication, Dec. 30, 1920. I-nnt publication, Jan. 27, 1021. bor Amount 101 600. 102 600. 103 600. 104 600. IOC GOO. 100 COO. 107 COO. 108 600. 100 600. 110 600. HI 600. 112 600. 113 COO 114 600. NOTICE OF 1IONIJ HALE Sealod proposals will bo received by tho Board of Supervisors of King man Colony Drntnago District nt their offlco at Nysua, Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, until tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday tho 23rd day of February, 1921, and Im mediately thereafter publicly openod, for tho purchaso of bonds of said District In tho sum of Seven Thous and (17,000.) Dollars, dated March 1, 1921. In dcnoralnuilnns of $500. each, and maturing as follows, to-wit: Maturity 1 March 1, 1028 March 1, 1927 March 1, 1928 March 1, 1929 March 1, 1930 March 1, 1931 March 1, 1932 March 1, 1933 March 1, 1934 March 1, 1936 March 1, 1936 March 1, 1937 March, 1, 1938 Mnrch 1. 1930 Said bonds to boar Intorcst at C per cont per annum, payablo semi annually on tho first day of Septem ber and March, principal and Inter est payablo In Unltod States Gold Coin at tho offlco of tho Socrotary of said District at Nyssa, Malheur County, Orogon, or nt tho Fiscal Agency of tho Stato of Oregon In Now York City, at tho option of tho holder. Said bids must bo accompanlod by a cortlflod chock for ton por cont (lOft) of said bid, samo to bn for feited to tho District an liquidated danmgos In tho event that tho suc cessful bidder falls to tako up and pay for said bonds within ton days aftor tho award. Said bids must bo unconditional as to logallty, and tho District will fur nish tho successful blddor with the approving legal opinion of Messrs Toal, Minor and Wlnfroe, of Port land, Orogon, Tho Board rosorvos tho right to re ject any or all bids. By ordor of tho Doard of Super visors of tho Ktngman Colony Drain ago District. FRANK D. HALL. Socrotary First publication, Jan. 20, 1021. Last publication, Feb. 17, 1921. SUMMONS In Tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Malheur John A. Flock, Plaintiff vs. May E. Flock, Dofolidant To May E. Flock, tho nbovo nam ed Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro horoby required to ap pear and aitBWor tho complaint filed ngaliiBt you In tho nbovo entitled suit on or hoforo tho oxplrntlon of nix weeks from tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, tho panio botng tho Inst day of tho time proscrlbod by ordor of tho court directing scrvlco of summons In Bald suit to ho mado upon you by publi cation; and If you fall bo to niiBwer, for want thorcof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rellof de manded In tho said complnlnt, to-wit: For n docreo of said court dis solving tho bonds of matrimony now existing between plnlntlff and dofon dont, and granting tho plaintiff nn absoluto dlvorco from you, and for nil othor relief doinniidcd In tho said complaint. You nro further notified that this summons Is sorved Upon you by pub lication In pursuance of an ordor of tho Hon. Dalton Ulggs, Judgo of said Court, which order wns made and entered In said cnuso on Febru ary 2, 1921, nnd directed that this summons bo published onco "each wcok for six successive weeks In tho "Ontario Argus". That (Into of tho first publication of this summons Is February 3, 1921, and tho Inst pub lication In on March 17, 1921. W. W. WOOD. Attorney for tho Plaintiff. My resldonco nnd post offlco nd drosn lj nt Ontario, Oregon. E8TIIAY NOTICE Ono black two yoar old colt. Ilrandod J loft shoul der p loft stlfol. Owner plenso pay ror this ad and call for colt. J. V. Phclan, llonltn, Oro. 9-10 WANTED A man to rldo ditch for Pnyotte-Orcgon Slopo Irrigation District for season 1021. Send bid nnd roforoiicos to J. L. Drown, Pay otto, Idaho. Tho bonrd reserves tho right to nccopt any ono of tho bids mado or roject nil. J. L. Drown, Prcs. 0-11. SUMMONS In Tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oiegon for the County of Mitllieur CORNELIUS RYAN, Plaintiff. vs. Mary Jano Janoy, II. N. Macomb, Dossa Macomb, Ocorgo W. IJIanton, Jr., Ellen L. lllnuton; also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, tttlo, cstato, lien or In terest In tho real cstato described In tho complaint herein; Defendants. To Mary Jano Janoy, 11. N. Ma comb, DcBsa Macomb, (Jcorgo W. lllantou, Jr., Ellen L. Dlnnton, and also all othor porsons or parties un known claiming any right, tltlo, os tnto, lien or Interest In tho real eg- tato described In tho complnlnt hero here in: DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you nro horeb) required to appear and answer the complaint filed ncnlnst you In tho .nbbvo entitled suit on or before tho expiration of six wcoks from the data of tho first publication of thin summons, tho biuiio bolng tho last day of tho tlmo proscribed by order of tho court directing scrvlco of summons In said cnuso to bo mado upon you by publication; and If you fail so to nnnwor, for want thcroof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court tn 4lin -flllnf ttntnHHiln.1 In tinlfl . .u. l..u .V.IU. UVIIIU1IKVU 111 P4IIU IU1II- plalnt, to-wlt: For a docreo of said court quiet ing plaintiff's tltlo to Lots Number ed 14, 15 nnd 10 In Mock 44 In tho City of Ontario, Malheur County, Orogon, and adjudging that you nnd onch of you havo no right, tltlo, lien, cstato or Intorcst In said real estate, and that plaintiff's tltlo to tho samo Is good nnd valid as against you, nnd for all other relief domnnded In Bald complaint. You aro further noMflod that this summons Is served tipon you by pub lication In pursuanco of an ordor of tho Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judgo of this Court, which said order wan mado and outcrcd In said caiiRO on Febru ary 2nd, 1921, and dlroclcd that thin summons he published onco each wcok for six successive weeks In tho "Ontario Argus." Thn first publication of thin summons is on Feb, 3, 1021, nnd tho Inst publica tion Is on March 17, 1921 W. W WOOD, Attornoy for Plaintiff. My rcsldcnco and post offlco ad dress Is nt Ontario, Oregon. "Try It Out Yourself says the Good Judgo And you will find how much more satisfaction a JittJe of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of tho uiuiuutv KIUU. Tho good, rich, real to bacco tasto lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put A tn two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco ye D11' PRANK BRITTINGHAM Phone 110-J Ontario, Oregon Long Hauling a Specialty We Always Deliver Uio Good 00000U Western Seed & Grain Co. Work we do's the high est grade Cleaning-dyeing is our trade. Wo profess that it is a profession this clean ing and dyeing and changing (lie color of clothes. It's an art to be able to tako your old faded blouso or skirt or suit and make it look fresh and new again it's worth n lot more than wo charge you. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Capital Cleaners ClenniiiK 1) I'lnjf l'rvaslwt Kill North lUtli KU'i'rt 1101HE, IDAHO TO ALL OWNERS OF DOOH IN MALHEUR COUNTY NOTICB 18 HKIIKIJY GIVEN, That tho County dog tax for tho yoar 1921 Is now duo and payablo to tho County Clerk, as follews: Males or spayed females, 1.00 each Fomales, 2.00 each "Any owuor or koepor of a dog or dogs who shall fall to apply for, or fall to pay said llconso feo, shall pay a flno of 110.00 for each of fenso" (Laws of Orogon, 1919, Sec. 180). This Act also provides that any dog not wearing a collar having tharoon tho llconso tag shall ho con sldorod an outlnw nnd shall bo kill ed by any peaco officer. Application may bo mado In per son or In writing, accompanied by tho propor foos, and stating tho longth of collar doslrod, to tho offlco of tho County Clork and llconso will bo mailed to you. II. 8. BACKET, County Clork of Malheur County, 1 t. Vale, Oregon NOTICK Tho Secretary of Stnto of tho State of Oregon has notified all peaco of ficers that thoy nro now ablo to hnndlo all applications for auto II consou as fast as they como In. All owners of cars must bo able to show their application Is In or thoy will bo prosecutod according to law. II. Loo Noo, Shorlff Malheur County, 9579-10 unrtB Boise. Idaho t Farm, Field and . Garden Seeds WESTERN SEEDS THAT GROW 1921 catalogue free upon request YOU don't use as much of Calumet a3 you do of most other Baking rowders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength. You save about half. You don't pay ablgprice for Calumet It's sold at a moderate price that rep resents anotlier saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fall because Calumet never falls below tho proven standard of "Best by Teat' It possesses the highest qual ity ever put into a Baking rowder, contains only sue endorsed by United State ingredients as have been offi cially endorsed b; Food Authorities. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength as the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World's Laraest, most Sanitary and Modern Baking Powder plants, Pound can of Calumet contains full 16oz. Somebakingpowderscomein 12 oi. Instead ofl6oz.cans. Be sure you get a pound when yoo want it. CIurot Gold Cake Reclpa Yolks of B eggs, i cups of gran ulated sugar, ?i cup of water, Yj cup of butter, 2Va cups pastry flour, 3 level tea spoons Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Then mix in the regu tar way. 35B iBuJICEla ffX--"&J Give It The X-Ray Test Hi'l'ori' you decide to invest your money in any venture which offers big dividends, give it tho searching test of thoX-Ray. You are always sure of bed-rock security nnd re ceive a fair rate of interest nt the ONTARIO-NATIONAL BANK. Your account is invited. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounta. . iNTAMCrfcoNAL BANK jjrajj a GRANT, HAUNEYJ? MALHEUR COUNTIES rvz: GOODYEAR TIRES . At Sears-Hoebuck and Montgomery-Ward prices. Don't send away. Ford Garage Ontario, Oregc )n ,Ci5iiJ Stock Tnnks and Pumps H. R. UDICK to have those ShLcie Oxartams We can save you money on COMPLETE NEW TOP i5og"ULil3LO A utoOo. Fstablished here in 1910 't I h 1 , im MSMMMMMMMNMMMtMMWVWWMMMMMWk