The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 10, 1921, Image 6

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Tlirco of tho tuoHt romarkablo
doath-dofylng stunts ovor tried bo
foro tho camera will bo done by
Tom Mix, tho screen's dnrodovll,
In his latest Wllllnm Pox produc
tion, "Tho Torror," which Ib com
ing to tho Dreamland Theatre noxt
Wednesday. HocaiiBC ho was requir
ed to risk his Ufa in tho perform
nnco of tho stunts Mix determined
to get himself Into flrstcluss physi
cal condition by trnlnlng every da
for two weeks previous to tho begin
nlng of work on tho picture
In this first stunt Mix falls down
upon n wngon polo between two
rear horses of a fwir-horso coach
during n ruimwny scone Ho was
forced to hang beneath tho polo
his body Just a fow Inches above the
roadway as tho horsos dashed tnnd
ly on. Mix hung so low that n cam
orn following him In an nutomoblle
at breakneck speed could photo
graph him below tho bellies of the
Aftor this sccno Mix swung about
to tho top sldo of tho polo, climbed
to tho bark of ono of tho horses,
grabbed with ono arm tho girl hi
had rescued from tho outlaws, lift
ed her to his side and, cutting tlir
trncos, galloped on while tho aban
doned conch wont to destruction
down tho hillside.
Tho second stunt ondangorcd tho
lives of two, and followed tho res
cuo of tho girl. Mix had to climb
soventy-flvo foot up tho ropo of n
rrnno In n qunrry filled with Wot
or, with tho girl clinging to his
bnck. I.uclllo Votingo, an accom
plished actress nnd nutto an athleto,
Is tho girl Mix carried on his hack,
nnd In vlow of her weight 13C
pounds Mix's task was tho more
Tho final big stunt of tho pic
ture takes plnco In tho Odcon dnnce
hnll, nnd hoforo It had been accom
plished "on location" flvo "extras"
"woro Injured and furnlturo nnd othor
proporty to tho extent of $32,000
was damaged.
Mix dashed Into tho dnnce hnll
owned by ono of tho outlaws on
his trusty mount Tony, nnd limned
Intcly all rushed to cover. Leaping
from his horso to ono of tho gns
chandeliers Mix held up tho outlaws
nt tho point of two revolvers, while
his horso swept through tho room,
upsetting tables nnd chnlrs and
damaging proporty generally. While
Tony was wrecking tho furniture
Mix was swinging bnck nnd forth on
sovornl chandeliers. Tho culmina
tion of tho stunt wns reached when
Mix, after cleaning up tho outlaws.
Jumped from a chnndollcr to tho
back of Tony and galloped out of
the hall and nway.
Ilov. Hunt, of N'ampa, camo down
Monday to neslst Kov. Hollcnbcck
with tho ovnngollstlc sorvlccs which
ho has been holding hero for the
last threo weeks and which nro to
bo continued for another week nl
H. Walters has suffered tho mis
fartuno to losa quite n number of
sheep from what appears to bo a
contnglous mnlady of some sort. Tho
Dcsorat Company Is reported to hnvo
lost qulto a lurgo number from a
similar ailment.
Sovornl men of tho community
took down tho old wooden fenra
surrounding tho cemetery. Tho lum
ber was sold to Henry Slippy for
$33.00. A woven wire fence with
b-rbed wlro top will soon bo built
nround tho eomotory.
Joo Mendlola wont to Vnlo Satur
day to tnko out his naturalization
papers, While thcro ho attended
tho basket-ball mntcli between Pay-
otto and Vnlo.
P. I.. Dollord caught his first coy
oto in n trap Inst wook.
Itovorondu Hnllenbeck nnd Hunt
mnko their hendqunrtcrs at tho Illg
olow homo most of tho tlmo. l'rny
or mettlngs hnvo been hold recently
at tho Hlto, Kllngbnck, and Smith
Phillabaum & Allen
successors to
McDowell Company, Inc.
, Funeral Directors
Licensed in Oregon, Idaho, Washington
Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors
Lady Assistant
Hospital Ambulance Service
No Distance Too Far
Office Phone 227 RcHidence Plmnc 227, 178,
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. nigelow, nc
compnnled by Hov. Hollenbcck woro
guests .to dinner nt tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Clnudo Wilson, of Nyssn,
Sovoral enterprising farmcra niong
tho river hnvo boon putting out rab
bit poison lntoly
Hov. Shields, or Nyssn, hold tho
monthly services nt tho school hotiso
Sunday afternoon. Owing to bad
roads In this community ho rodo
ovor from tho Kolony on horseback
accompanied by Mr. Ddrn, of Hint
Kugeno Prntt, Jr. had tho mlsfor
tuno to brenk his front teeth while
building a fonco Inst week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. liny Cnutroll nnd
dnughtor, Dottlo Dello, woro guosts
to supper nt tho Kllngbnck homo
Wednesday ovonlng.
(Henri McOlnnls wns mi overnight
guest of Herald Dollord Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krlnr onter
tnlncd Mr. nnd Mrs. ('has. Schwclzor
nnd dnughtor Dolla and Miss Knto
Whipple nt dinner Sunday ovonlng
Mrs. T. M. Lowo Is suffering with
nn nttnek of "grlppo."
Hov. Hollenbcck spent soornl
dnys nt tho Kllngbnck homo InBt
ChnrlcB Schwolzor wns n Onto City
visitor Friday.
Hov. Hunt wnB a supper guest nt
tho Kllngbnck homo Saturday oven
Kenneth McDonald spent Saturdny
nl tlm ttnTtnnl tintnn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W Smith nnd
son Leonard wcro guests to dinner
nt tho KlinglincK liomo oniuruiiy.
Frank Friar nnd Doc l'ullrn nto
supper nt tho lllgelow homo Tiiurs
Miss Mnry McOlnnls spent Thurs
.iu t,i,riit ultli Mlmi Mildred Dollord
Miss Vornn Hlto visited with Miss
Junnltn lllgelow Inst Sundny nrtor
noon. .
HI.. I. I Drnll ntlll llllll Will
,ii, n. ... . ...... -- -
tnr. who wnro nt tho Dollord homo
i,i Inioliinna. worn clients there to
supper Thursday.
Arch In 8lnclnlro rnmo homo I rl
dny for a short visit with his fnm
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Vnnfosson nnd
huh Vlrcll who have been visiting
in. Mm nniil four niiiiitlis nt tho Clltr
onco Ileeco homo loft Inst Wodncs-
dny for Denver uoiornuo, wnero mey
lntond to lotnto.
Hl. Qtwlln f'lllvnr MPtlt lllllllP Willi
John Wnlls Sundny for nn Indefinite
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. I.owo mode a
business trip to Ontario Wednesday
Mr. I.owo nttondod a salo on the
Frod Pullon was a suppor guest
nt tho SchweUor homo Inst Sunday
ovonlng. , ,
arnndmn Hrndloy spent tho week
end ns n guest of Mrs. T. M I.owo.
Miss Huby Wilson who visited nt
tho J. V. McCHiinls homo Inst wool
rotumud to her homo In Homodnlo
Mrs. ('has. Uradloy lias boon "on
Joylng"(?) nn nttnek of I.n Orlppo.
Noah MIHor of Long Vnlloy who
hns been visiting with hl dniightiir
Mrs. Hny Cnntroll returned to bin
homo last Wodnosdny.
1'I.AIN SBWINO by hour or piece
Phono U3-J. Mrs. C. I.. Cook. 2t.
Chicken Food is The Secret of
Successful Poultry Raisini
The New Cafe
tt'liltn MniiiigfineiifWIilto Help
Hack of l-li-ht Xntlimnl Hank
A Share of Voiir I'ntroungii Is
4 ' ,,fi,i'tfrtlzi2i355A
. &
t' "r
T' '4
Have You Been To
Bankrupt Sale
We are moving the goods out fast
Are you doing anything toward
spring housecleaning ?
Well, now is your chance
A. L McDowell Bankrupt Furniture Stock
J. A. SCHMIDT, Broker
. &
. ,&
. ,&
' &
, &
. $
I &
Ty aaa A6Cv-A-&uvtwfcKfwtMiwS)vfcfctX&.&s&Kfe&
You cannot expect o get real results
when raising" chickens unless those
chickens are well fed and cared for.
You can do this if you use our
Commercial Meat Scraps
Oyster Shell
Dry Bone
Chick Food
Pratt's Poultry Remedies
We Buy Poultry Products Too
Beside supplying Poultry Foods we
buy Eggs and Poultry of all kinds.
We pay CASH and furnish you a
Steady and Certain Market for all your
Poultry Pi oducts.
The Independent Market
Ontario, Oregon
Arrow Flour
This is Positively the Best
Flour in Ontario
Let us have a trialonly
E. A. Fraser
M44tMtS4 i