I i 4 i i. I (fllje GDutanu Argua County Official Paper An Independent Newspaper Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and entered at tho Ontario post offlco lor distribution as 2nd class tnattor. O. K. Alkon, Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION Ono Yoar, $2.00 Tin-: itooHKVKir hiohwav Whllo all of us who llvo In East orn Oregon, far from tho conlor of activity In this stato, apprcclnto tho feelings of tho peoplo of tho Const counties In tholr dcslro for tho con Htructlon of tho Hoosovoll. or Const highway, It Is Impossible) on moral grounds to JtiHlIfy tho Holl-Norblad bill directing tho Highway Commis sion to sot nsldo two and a half million for Its construction, at this tlmo. Tho moral objection Is based on tho tnnnnor In which tho Itoosovult Highway wan presented to tho voters for their consideration; for It wan ono of tho potent nrguments of Its advocates that tho money was not to bo used unless tho United States Government matched tho sum thus provided. Hnvlng thus placed tho mattor hoforo tho voters tho advo cates of tho highway cannot In fairness to tho voters of tho state now nook by Indirection to accom plish Ui tit which thoy must rcallzo could not havo secured directly. It Is truo, no doubt, that had not tho possibility of govornmont aid boon entertained by tho Stnto High way Commission, and by tho peoplo of tho Coast counties as wolt, tho commission Itself would havo auth orized oro this, work on tho coast highway. That being truo, then tho coast legislators aro not asking for an unronsonablo amount. Granting that tho rouent Is not In Itsolt unreasonable, thoro Is still anothor phaso of tho mattor to bo consldorod; namely Its offoct on tho program proparod by tho Highway Commission, upon whom rovolvcs tho responsibility of admlnlBtorlng tho road funds. Tho commissioners thomsolvcn havo nnsworod that ques tion. Thoy assort that tho proposal will sorlously embarrass thorn, and result In tho ntoppngo of work on tho John Day and other highways now undorway. Wo bollovo that It would havo boon hotter for tho Coast peoplo to tinlto In placing tholr problem before tho Highway Commission Itsolf, or to wait until It could bo definitely ascertained whothor or not tho flov ornmont wlH co-oporato during tho noxt two yearn. Ily that tlmo tho prosont outlined 'program of High ways will hnvo boon comploted and tho peoplo will bo In a position then to dotormlnn whothor or not It Is udvlsablo to uuthorlzo additional bonds for road building, or whothor tho prosuut HcotiHliiK schedule will bo so adjusted as to permit of ox- tomlliiK tho road program without tho cooporatlon of tho federal gov ornmont In tho building of tho Coast Highway. Whllo Knbtorn Orogou Is truly tip probative of tho spirit of co-opora-Hon gtvon this section by tho peo ple of tho coast counties In tho vote for tho registration of Irrigation bonds, as was manifest In tho voto for the Itoosovolt Highway bill, yet wo do not bollovo thut this appro ulatlou calls for a repudiation of tho promises mado tho peoplo at that tlmo, or to subject tho Hall-Norblnd bill to log rolling In tho legislature. - "-- ' V A' .. , s. 1 iMklHlliE9Er!iw ' JBMrsVRBBBBlllKiAw FORDSON TRACTOR Reduced in Price $730 Delivered at 'your Ranch FORD GARAGE Ontario, Oregon THE THK BUSINESS HUVIVAL Every day tho signs multiply that business conditions In tho United Btnlcs aro Improving, lloports from tho Eastern market centers show that thoy aro crowded with mer chants who nro listing orders for goods, and (Uho tho furthor fact that tho manufacturers and whole salers aro nut now able to fill all thu demands made upon tholr Blocks. Thu reason for this condition Is not hard to find, Whou tho read justment started last summer and fall tho factories, not knowing how long tho depression would continue, closed tholr doors, and ondeavorod to liquidate their stocks, as thu re sult now that there Is u domand, they aro unablo to flit them. Tho natural result of prosont con ditions Is that soon tho factory whcols of tho Industrial centers will bo humming, workmen will bo ublu to buy greater quantities of thu goods which tho farmers produce; moat and Its by-products will find n belter market and tho circle of prosperity will spread until nil this region will feel Its results. Hero In Eastern Oregon wo can not reasonably oxpoct to feel tho full effects of roturnlug good times until this fall. This does not mean that an Improvement will not bo marked sooner than that. In fact thoro nro Indications of Improve mont to bo noted already; but since tho busluoss' depression was not foil hero as soon ns It was In tho Atlantic and Mlddlo Wcstorn states, so too will tho resumption of nor mnl conditions bo slower In mani festing thomsolvcs horc. lloforo conditions can bo fully normal hero tho last, and tho com ing wool crops must bo disposed of; cattle must bo on a higher level, and a greater diversity of product bo secured. Thosu ovents nro bound to como. They aro coming now, so wo hnvo reason to bo optimistic for tho future, DON'T MiA-Mli THK COUltT Not In years. havo tho roads of Mainour county boon In tho condi tion which thoy nro now; for not In yonrs has thoro boon a wlntor such as that which wo aro oxportonc Ing now. No doubt In a fow wooks from now, whon tho thaw comes and travel desires to start, tho coun ty court will bo blamod by mnny for tho condition of tho roads. Tho pooplo should romomber that tho court is not to blamo for tho woath or. All that tho court can bo ox- poctod to do Is to preparo now to got crows nt work at tho oarllost possible moment so that tho condi tions now existing will bo suffored for as short a tlmo as It Is posslblo to oxpect. NOTICE FOH PUIILIOATION Depart iiient of tho Interior S, Land Offlco nl Vale, Oregon, February 4. 1921. U NOTICE Is horoby given that Clay ton Orvlllo Douglas, of Payette, Ida ho, who, on March 3lst, 1910, made Homestead Entry 04313 for BW4 NHU. NttSBU. Soc. 10.WV4SWU, SEV48WU, Soc. 20. NWNWU. Soc. 20, T. 10, S.. n. 46, E., and who on Jan. 20, 1920, made Add'l. lid. Entry. No. 0C441, for SMNEU, NEUSEU. 8oc. 24. T. 10. 8.. H. 4C E.. Lot 2 and SEHBWU. Socllon 10. TnwnshlD 10 South. HangO 4C East, Willamette Meridian, 1ms filed notice of Intention to mnko Final Throo Yoar Proof, to establish claim to thu land above doscrlhod. boforo Heglstor nnd Hocolvor, U. 8, Land Offlco, nt Vale, Oregon, on tho 16th day of March, 1921, Claimant names as wltnossos; Dryson Hlco, of Payette, Idaho, George Harper, of Ontnrlo, Oregon, Hartley Soroson, Honry Crow, both of Welsor, Idaho. TH08. JONE8 Register. Two cars of balod hay that must bo turnod soon. Will trado for cat tlo, horaos, sheep or Ford. Addross D. O, Huby, Caldwoll, Idaho. 10-12 ONTARIO AIM US, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921.. PAID LOCAL ADS for ham: FOR SALE Chovrolot Touring car In good condition Cheap for cash. Seo J. II. Gordon roll SALE lotB 10 nnd 20 block 200, City of Outnrlo for $100. Wrlto C. It. Hallbcrg, Hnulor, Oregon. HAY FOH SALE $8.00 por ton" two miles wost of Outnrlo. A. H. Cain. tf. FOK SALE-Hnlf Horso Power Century Three I'hnso Motor, In good condition. Seo J. II. Uordon or phone 00-W. tf. VOll SALE 1018 Dodge cnr. In uulro Victor Orlop, Friiltlnnd. 0 p KLEN-ZA-HO Tho wonderful washing powder Is cheaper made than bought. Formula nnd flvo other vnluablo ones, COc. Western Ilnrgaln HouSo. Klmama, Idaho. 0-11 p, Look for tho SnvlugR Club ad In this Issue, by the Ontario National Dank. FOlT BALIJf onTToiiso" 1 Cxi 0, Llnoloum covered floor, fitted with screens nnd nwnlngs on four sides. Lined nnd stnlned. Idcnl summor houso. Price $1G0. Also bungnlow house 12x14, $85.00. Phono 20C-W-3 8-0 p. FOH SALE OH THADE For live stock, flood house, two lots, deep well, garngo and otbor out buildings, Dox G41. Ontnrlo, Oregon. tf FOR SALE OH THADE For cnt tlo or horses, my 10 is flvo poxsorigcr Ilulck cnr, In first clnss mechanical condition, tornis"lf wnntcd, tins been run a llttlo over 10,000 miles. II. A. Arncson. Ontario, 8CG tf FOH 8ALE 1 Majestic range, 1 Howard heater; 1 Hoosler cahlnot; 1 Iluffott; C chairs; 2 bed springs and mattresses, all nearly now. 1 good milch cow; 1 brood sow. A L, Wolr. Phono 180-W. 0448-10 p POTATOES FOH SALE Any quantity. Quality guaranteed satis factory; sound, uncut, froo from ills vaso, and of Merchantable slzo, Prlco $1.G0 por hundred. Will tr.tdo for hogs or sheep. Try n sack. Wolfo and Qulnby, H. F. D. Ontario, or phono H4-H Ontario, 889-7 tf GRIFFITH ELECTniC SHOP All kinds of Electric wiring. Tolo phono 228 J. tf. MIHCKLLANHOIIH Mrs, A. T. Chrlstonson, toachor of plnno, Phono 170-W. Gl tf. L08T OH STOLEN Two 3arl Ing stoors, brand loft hip, (Ell con nected). Plonso tnko up and notify J. J. milord. 310tf. FOH RENT Houso partly fur about W2 mllos west of Ontnrlo. Mrs. E. F. Chonnult, Phono 205-H-2, tf. RREACHY ESTHAY Camo to my plaro Octobor lnt, 1920, red holfor hrandod J R on right hip, Doublo dulap on brisket. Owner can havx) saino by paying for ad and focd bill. Howard Tomplo, 2Vj miles Nortbwost of Ontario on Trousdalo placo. C-10-p. PIANO MUST 111! SOLD Wo havo a strictly high grade piano In Payette. No roasonablo of for rofusod for quick disposal.' Easy terms If responsible Wrlto nt once If Interested to Tho Donvor Music Company, Donvor, Colorado. 7-12. HEMSTITCHING 12j cents por yard. 10 yards or ovor of one color lOo per yard. Wancho Andor son, Phono 42-W. 9-12 p. FOR DRESSMAKINO call Mrs. M. K. Johnson, 90-W. 9408-11 p. ANNOUNCEMENT We nro now locatod In tho building formerly oc cupied by the Bluebird Grill. Phono 90. Ontario Eloctrlc Co. 9-tf. Join tho Savings Club at the On tario National Hank. Have you seen tho Pavings Club Ad of the Ontario National Hank? Jerseys' Several High Grade Heifers and Young Cows For Sale. Coming fresh this month. Prices right. James A. Lackey gn Dr. J. A. Mall Ejcslght Specialist Kycghifc&es and Spectacles Exclusively Grinding Plant on t'lcinlset Phono M7-J l'r Appointments Ulacknby Jem'lry llldtf. Ontario, Oregon lALIIKUH COUNTY HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RECORDED JAN. l!l TO FED. fi Florence C. Metcnlf ot vlr to K.- 8. D. Laud Co., Lot 3, Illk. 0, Arcadia. Sept. 18, 100G. $240.00. F. W. Motcalf ct ux to IC. S. I). Fruit Land Co., Lots G nnd 0, Illk. 6, Arcadia. Sept. 18, 1900. $100.00. Wm. II. Isaac to Samuel P. Hal Inntyno et nl, WNW, WV4BWU Sec. 22; NEUNEU Sec. 28; W NWU Soc. 27-23-40. Jnn. 29, 1921. $1.00, Alvln S. Moss to Samuel P. Hal Inntyno ct nl WNW, W8WVi Sec. 22: NBHNKU Sec. 28; W& NWU Sec. 27-23-40. Fob. 2C, 1020. $29,000.00. Bhorlff II. Leo Noo to II. T. Hal oy, Lots 0, 7, 8, 0, and 10, Dlk 140, Wnrd's Add. to Nyssa. Jnn, 3, 1921. $49.47. Kntlirlno Francos Swisher ot vlr to John C. Drlscoll. Und. & Int. In BttSW4 Sec. 33-2C-10; W 14 NWU. NWHBWU Sec, 4; E 14 SHU Sec. 5; NEUNEU Sec. 8-20-40. 8cpt. 23, 1920. $l.d0. Walter O. Hnnna ct ux t0 Luon It. Schroodor. G8 ft. by 32 ft. In Lot 23, Ulk. G, Hndloy's 2nd. Add. to Vale, Jan. I. 1921. $1.00. Shorlff H. Loo Noo to CumlHo DesJnrdtns Estnto, 8WU8WU Sec. 23-33-40. Jan 3, 1921. $11.12. U. S. A. to Wm. E. M nrnoy, LotH 1 and 3, NKtfNWtt. NVjNEU, SWUNEU, NEU8EH Sec. 30-1 D 30. Dec. 31, 1920. Wm. E. McKnmoy to I.ola M. Mc Kamey, All of Sec. 30-16-39 less tho 3EU NEU. Feb. 2, 1021. $1.00. U. S. A. to Win. E. McKnmoy, Lots 2 nnd 4. SEV.NW'i, USWU, WV6SBU, SEUSEU Soc 30-10-39. Nov. 11, 1920. GENUINE kk BULL 11 DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for IUC CvffU.f1LLBPifK,j'3. . d Entirely New Equipment Latest Methods, Expert Work Suits Cleaned and 'Pressed ONE li OHO 8herlff II. Leo Noo .to T. M. Sea weard, 240 acres In Sections 23 and 28-33-39. Jnn. 3, 1921. $325.00 Shorlff- II. Leo Noo to T. M. Sea woard ot nl, N4NWUNWU. WW 8WUSEU8WU Sec. 3-33-40. Jnn. 3, 1921. $175.00. U .8. A, to Stephen S. Janegn, SEV.SWU Sec. 17; NNWU,SE',i NWU. WNEVi, 8EUNEU, and NEUSEVi Sec. 20-20-40. Nov. 18, 1920, U. S. A. to Stephen S. Juncga, BlJSEVi, SWUSWU Soc. 17; BEU 8EV4 Sec. 18; NBNB, 8W'4N W, NWUSWU and NWUSiiU Sec. 20-20-40. Nov. 18, 1920. U. 8. A. to elms. W. Culbortson, Lots 1, 2, 3, EttNWU, NEViSWVi. SWUNEU. mvUBEVt Sec. 31-20-40. Dec. 30, 1919. L. L. Culbortson to O. A. West, Trustee ot nl, NWU NEU See. 2G; NWUSEU Bee 22-16-47; nlso 8 NV UScc. 32-1G-47. TniBt Dtul to socuro $8,000.00. Fob. 4, 1021. G. M. Jackson et ux to It. E. Jack son, SEU8EU Sec. 7; WVjSWU Soc. 8; SB U NWU, WW NWU Sec. 17; B4NB' Sec. 18-; 7-40. Jan, 31. 1921, $10.00. T. M. Lowo ot ux to Huldnh Mnr lan Lowo, ENBU. 8WUNEU, NWUSEU Bee. 12-21-4G. Jnn. 20, 1921. $10.00 OoiiiplnlntN Filed In Circuit Court Ous Frols vs. Junturn Hotel Co. Jan. 31, 1921. Foreclosure of Tax Lien. I,. J. AKER , INCOME TAX ADVISER 'Will bo ablo to toet cllonts nnd ' thoso seeking Income tax asslntanco only by appointment mndo In nil . vnnco, on nccount of precsuro of work In othor lo nlltlcs, nnd such nppolntmunts mny bo made by writ ing or cnll'.ng nt his offlco In tho Postofflco Uulldlng, or by telephon ing Offlco 109-H; Hcsldoncu 170-J. CONOREGATIONAL CHURCH Corner Idnho & 2nd 8t. 8. W. (D. J. Glllnndnrs Pnntor) Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Preaching, 11:00 A. M, Subject; "Your Tools nnd Your Work." Christian Endcnvor, 0:30 P. M. Pronchlng, 7:30 P. M. Subject; "Tho Gunrnntco of Succchb " IHItlo Study, Tuesday, 7:00 P. M. Theso past fow days have boon winter. Como to church noxt Sun day and enjoy tho sorvlccs and tho nnmfortnblo room. Wo may call off tho ovonlng sor vlco and attend tho Presbyterian Hovlval 8crvlco. Will docldo at the Sunday morning service, lie sure nnd got out In tho morning s0 thnt wo enn know your desire. Report from tho C. E. DolcRntcn nt tho C, E. mooting. Como and hear tho good things. Tho students In tho Department ot Vocational Agrlculturo will at tend the I'nrmor's Wook hold hero noxt week. CLEANING PRESSING TAILORING , DAY SERVICE MODERN Phone 12 BULLY CREEK NEWS 1). C. Struthors gave u dance Fri day ovonlng which wttB well attend ed nnd nt which ovoryono demon strated onjoymont by stnylng till nearly daybreak Saturday morning. E. P. Hendrlx roturned Thursday from a bushiest! trip to Nninpn, ac companied by his nophow, Leland Highly who Is going to make his homo with his uncle. Tho Modem Health Crusado has been started In tho school hero, and tho pupils nro evidencing great In terest In tho project. Miss Jesslo Morrison, Lester Scott HusBoll Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott und children were over from Willow Creek to attend the dunco Friday. A' branch of tho county library hns been established at tho school houso with n collection of nbout forty-tiro books, under tho supervis ion of tho teacher, Dorco Dearborn. Mrs. Lowls Paddock, of Ola, -Idaho, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Jensen. Mr. anil Mrs. Joo Doedors and Hoy Kccnan of Whllo Star uttonded tho danco Friday evening. "HOIHN HOOD" COMING TO MAJESTIC WEDNESDAY Quito rccontly Ralph Dunbar's "Robin IJood" company, which is nchodulod fur tho Majestic, Ontario, Wodnosday, February 10 ployed n thrco duys engagement In Richmond, Virginia. Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch, ono of tho greatest nowspapors lnt ho south, liked tho DoKovon opora and oald so. "Thoso who caro for good singing nnd lovely music can henr tholr fill In tho rovlvnl of DoKoven's "Robin Hood" wroto tho critic of tho DIb pntch. "In thoso days of Jazx and so cnlled musical comody, this tune ful light opera comes ns n breath of good, clean nlr, after n whiff of some hot-houso variety, for tho mus ic is so Joyous and lilting that ono Just nits back and drinks It all In. "Almost ovoryono Is familiar with tho muslo from "Robin Hood" nt least tho famous 'Oh, Prunlso Mo', , and thorn Is song after song, nnd choruH after chorus, which, It ono has novor henrd tho oporotta, aro treats Indeed, or, If one has hoard. It, It Is Just us enjoyablo again. Tho company, which Is nppearlng In tho revival of tho DoKovon master plcco proved to bo an exceptionally good ono and met nil requirements. "Robin Hood" Is porhaps DoKor on's best known light opera, and It Is Justly so. Tho old-tltno stage liuslnii nnd grouping Is n novelty todny nnd qultu a rellof from tho moiIerR alLof-n-pcttorn shows. It nn opera thnt will llvo on nnd on, nnd will nlwnys bo onjoyod. Wo nro qulto lucky to be nhlo to honr It presontod by such a cnpnblo and wholly acceptable company. OPEN! I Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.50 PRESSARY a :i i I'ssmiarr: