The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 03, 1921, Image 3

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V. f
"IIH. ,L
Decline in Price
We are pleased to announce
a material decline in prices of
Golden Gate Coffee
1, 2 1-2 and 5-pound cans
Just received a large shipment
this week
The Best Coffee i the market
Offer For Sale
Wood Ships and Wood Hulls
Blda will bo received on a privates competitive basis
in accordance with tho Merchant Marino Act at tho ofllco
of tho United States Shipping Board, 1319 F Stroet, N. W.,
Washington, D. C. .
Vessels showing tho various types, dimensions and
number availablo for sale aro as follews:
Available , . . . .
at niiTniiiriiTT -I'Ti-iii: imiikiibibu u. w
lirtadtli. 41 faet, Deulh. 11 feet I Inchest Uunkere-Co,
I.ITOi Leneth. 100 feeti
Breadth, 41 feet! Depth. II feel I incnesi uunKc-boi, eie.,
ITu'l Coniumptlon. il: Bpeed. JO. Btearolne Jlu, jj ?n.i1",7;
1 Trip, Kxp. aftii. II. P.. 1.4U0: Bollere, 2 Bab. & Wilcox Water
nr...t.. rHM ii.u in tiu limn, iij.iuu.
BfcHS! .TftfbJBffWJE. WS 1
IIaurin'TyV". d. w. t., 4.000. Length. Ill ft..
Turbine Weeti Bollere, 1 Btand, Water
Grain, lti.uu,
U..n.r. wn. n..l.H.f w t- 1 KrUi Tnvlh.
bally Fi.rconaumptton. 10s Speed. I; Btejmlnr IUdluii. 4.081.
Enilnei, I Trip. Kip",!. U P.. UOOj Bollere. 2 Btand, Water Tub..
Carro, Bale, llj.llt. Grain. lll,t. .
I alMn tVpK; Designated d. w. . Mils Lnfjh. ,174 ft. 4 In .
itr.iih. rt. I ln.t ueptn. le i
. 10: HdmiI. I
ual Consumption
i Steamlnr Iladlue, 4,015, Until),
I Trip. Exp. j I. II P.. 1.400, Boilers, 1 Bland. Water Tubal i;ar-o.
hW'feAWftlON CO. TWKD..I-t-d.w t
Finn. tmih til ft i Flrftadth. 41 ft.! Depth. II ft. I Dully rul
fona'umptlon. 10, Bpeed. 10, Knulnee. 1 Trip. Kip. ftl I. ! '
riA n.n. DtaH,4 U'biaf TiinAl.
A houso party wu given Friday
nlnlit at tho Amos Johnson homo on
tho Morton Island, dames and
dancing woro onjoyod by young ana
old. At midnight a ntco lunch of
cako, sandwlchos and coffoo was
sorvad. During tho later part of
tho evening tho forry was locked
and tho young (oiks did not got
homo until an early hour In tho
Itov. Cochran proachod at tho
School llouso Sunday.
Charloy I'lorco of Ontario sprint
Sunday with Fruncls Orlffln.
C. II. Mooller was a buslnoss vis
itor In Ontario Saturday
A number pf young pooplo of tho
community spent a ploasant ovon
Ing Tuosday at tho Jess Drown homo.
Wyatt Flock and Fred Jones of
Frultlantl spent Sunday at tho Orlf
fln home.
Mrs, O. W. Dean was an Ontario
visitor Saturday.
Tho teachers roport tho following
pupils as having boon neither absent
nor tardy tho past menth: Virginia
and Cloudlue Du Pro, Homer and
Eggert Ott, Mablo Illakloy, Jlmmto
Williams, Harold, Leslie and Law
ronco Albee, Robert Kaylor, Freddto
Mooller, Alvah Ingraham, Soreue
Monday tho Manning Brothers fin
Tho Park Improvement Club mot
with Mrs. C. A. Knrst last Thurs
day aftornoon. In rosponso to roll
call many splendid quotations and
vorsos woro given. After tho busi
ness mooting tho Library Committee
took chargo of tho program and n
vory lntorosling and helpful dobato
was given on tho subjoct "Hcsolvod
That Fairy Talcs Aro Qood For
Children." Tho nffirmatlvo was up
hold by Mrs. Sullens and Mrs. Tom
ltn whllo Mrs, Durroll and Mrs.
Ilrown brot out tho nrgumont for
tho negatlvo. Tho Judges wcro the
oldor Mrs, Dnvls, Mrs. Knrst and
Mrs. Lias, Whllo tho Judges advis
ed togothor on tho nrgumonts pro
sonted tho romnlnlng ladles hold a
gonoral discussion of tho subject
which wns vory bonoflclal. Mrs.
Tom Heslup gnvo n vory Intorostlng
talk on her work with fairy talcs
among small school chlldron. Up
on return of tho Judgoe Mrs. Lias
ns spokesman told of tho many
strong points brot by both sides In
tho dobato making it hnrd to do;ldo
tho question, hut Hint as tho other
two Judges hnd favored tho nogattvo
sho would uphold tho affirmative
Dollclous refreshments wcro then
sorvod, Mrs. Lattlg mid Mrs. Wil
kin assisting tho hostess. There
woro twdnty-flvo ladles prcsont.
On Wednesday of last week Mr.
Havorflold of Wolsor who hns been
foodlng his sheep In this locality
shlppod n' band of two thousand
head to Nobraskn to finish thorn off
on corn boforo putting them on tho
onstorn mnrkets.
L. L. Culbortson wan a business
callor in Caldwoll last Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Vincent, Mr
and Mrs. Otto Mlllor and Mr, Cul
bortson woro guests at tho woddlng
annlvorsary party of Mr. and Mrs
Qlonn In Payette last Thursday even
Mr. and Mrs. Phlpps nro tho
proud parents-of n baby boy who
arrived Monday.
Lloyd Culbortson roforcod a
gamo of basket-ball in Wolsor Fri
day night
Mrs. C. M. Attobcrry has been un
der tho doctor's caro tho past week
having hnd quite a bad hamorrhago
of tho lungs last Tuosday avonlng
Mrs. Oco. Thomas Is enjoying a
visit with hor fathor and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Joromo, who arriv
ed from Little Hock, Arkansas Sun
day for an oxtondod visit.
Mr. and Mrs Slonokor woro Sun
day dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs.
Tho Farm Iluroau hold an all-day
mooting at tho Park school house
last Saturday I Thoro was a splon
did attendance Moports woro given
Interspersed by musical numbers
and Interesting talks by visitors.
Tho speech by Oco. Alkon of Ontario
on Pnrrn rttirnnu wnrk nt thn nail
year and ltn possibilities for tho fu-
turn was especially Intorostlng as I
was also his report of tun progress
mndn on tho Columbia Hlghwnv pro
gram. A chlcken-nlo dlnnor served
by tho ladles of tho community nt
noon was onjoyod by all. Offtcors
for tho coming yonr aro B. L.
Ilrown, President, John Ilartsho,
VIco-presldent and Harry K. Lattlg,
Socrotory. All report tho mooting
as both Interesting and profitable.
Miss niancho Culp spont Sundav
with homo folks roturnlng to the
Ferrln Harland homo Monday.
Mrs. F. L. DoDord nnd children
Fioronco and Vorllo visited nt tho
Kllngbnck homo, Thursday,
Itov. Hollenbeck has bcon making
his headquarters at the Blgclow
homo latoly.
Largo lambing sheds nro being
built on tho J. P. MctJlnnls ranch by
tho sheepmnn who Is feeding sheep
Henry nnd Raymond Coloman loft
for California last wook whero they
will Join their fathor.
Tho Wall family vlsltod nt tho
T. M, Lowo homo Sunday. Miss
Sadlo Culver went homo with them
for a short visit.
Gcorgo Glnscock and family went
to Ontario last Saturday, whero
thoy woro guests nt Nowhlll homo
until Tuesday. Mrs. J, S. Glascock
nnd children, Allco nnd Johnnlo
woro Ontario visitors Friday, whoro
Johnnio had his eyes examined by
Dr. Fortnor,
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Qlnscock took
their daughter Emma to Ontario to
tho doctor Monday to soo about n
Rtrnnge breaking out sho has on her
Oral Hito left for Illlss, Thursday
whoro ho will visit frlondB and re
latives. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowo and
Mr, nnd Mrs. 8. D. Dlgolow took
Miss Sadlo Culver, an oplletlc to
Vale Thursday for examination by
tho county physician ns a prelimin
ary tq having hor sent to a stnto In
stitution. Her mothor, Mrs. Culver,
also accompanied thorn. Whllo In
Vnlo Mrs, Lowo called on Mrs. Ilruco
Kostor, stnto Vlco-prcaldent of tho
P. T. A. to consult on tho associa
tion work nnd concerning tho moot
ing of tho county council which
should havo takon ptaco In January
nut owing to una roans nnd Ilincs3
of tho Prosldont, Mrs J. 11. flmltli.
wns postponed until some tlmo In
Fobruary, tho dato not yot sot Mrs,
Kostor expressed hor deslro to moot
Jointly with tho Owyhee Warren
nnd Kingman Kolony P. T, A. In
tho near futuro.
Archlo Sinclair Is putting In his
tlmo os trnvolllng solicitor for tho
McCnnnon Company having tho ter
ritory of Washington, Oregon nnd
Idi ho to covor. Since tho first of
tho yoar ho has Interested sovoral
moil In tho business, Men who had
gono back to farming nro taking up
tho McCnnnon lino again.
An Informal musical was enjoyed
ht tho J. P. McOlnnls homo Sunday
ovonlng with Clnudo Smith, violin
ist, Mrs. Clnudo Smith, orgnnlst.
Waltor F.woll, auto harpist, Josso
Cantroll, violinist and J. P. McOln
nls, hanjotst.
Do you
it s toasted
To aal In the
delicious Hurley
tobaooe flavor,
XtfJh i i 1mZ
Tho Secrotnry of Stato of tho Statu
of Oregon has notified all pcaco of
ficers that thoy nro now nblo to
handlo all applications for auto li
censee as fast as thoy come In, All
owners of cars must bo ablo to show
thoir application Is in or they wilt
bo prosecuted according to law. II.
Loo Noo, Shorlff Mainour County.
957 9-10
New Clothes
for Old-
Tho pupils In tho uppor room who
woro nelthor nbsont nor tardy dur
ing tho past month are: rtuby nrnd
loy. Monnn Smith. Edith Baldwin.
Orvlllo Illgelow, Elba Pullen, Nina
Smith, Alta Ilradloy, Charles Huff
man and nornlco nnldwln, nnd
those from tho primary room aro!
Kennoth McDonald, James McEwcn,
Wornor Peutr. Josso Pullen, Delia
SchweUord, Lloyd McEwen, Orvllle
Mc Ewon, Oorgo Huffman and Mar
vin nnd Albert Cnrerton.
Tho evening evangelistic services
being conducted at tho school house
Hollenbeck of Nampa nave
J,sk nT.... A. &h. 4 Ia.a 1.V,Aa
wi "?''"ri "'r.'.'s.- s",' .'."vj - . tit its ft..
MCVUKUMHU yrriu. '.. Ii-' VC'.'i' Vn "iVinV iri..
uepin. i ii in.i uni" v, , i;--y --.-
P.. 1.400. boilers. I lladen Water Tube. Canto.
Breadth, 41 ft.l Den
Conaumptton, Hi pi
Trip. Kip.! i. ii
i. .. i.iw.
Bale. llt.Ull Grain. 151.011,
yEimiBTyPK neelpiated d. w. t.. I.BIIl I-enfh. JH ft i iireaatn,
41 ft, 1 In I Depth, if ft.i Jlunkera-Cual. 477i Dally ruel Conaump
tlon IOi Bpid, Ii Bteamlnr lladlua. l.S4. fcnlnea. 1 Trip. H.p.
I ft. P.. 1400, Dolleri. I Stand, Water Tube, Carso, Hale, lll.tlt,
Drain, 141.111
1 Lenrth. m ft.l Breadth,
m . ..a .. J AAI
1IOUUII TlfSl ueisnea u, w, i,, .yvu.
41 ft . Depth. II ft.l Ilunkera-coai, igoi uaiiy ryei ugneunivwui.
lit Bpl, ll Bteamlne Hadlue. TJM. Enslnee. Trip. Ejp.t I. H.V.,
l.Voo. UoJlere. t Stand. Water Tube; Canto. Bale, HT.IIOi drain.
aRATfl IIARHOH TXI'151 Utixnta u. w, ., .vvy. w....., ...
Ft!? ln.lBr.dlh. 41 ft.i Depth, II ft. lMa In., nunk'r..Coal
ai7-.r,v rsari. 'iv ictw? SoiVrfVi usssriia
4.000: Lensth, 1T4
Dally Fuel Conaumptlon, 10: Rpeed
Tube! Cara-o. Bale, 177,4171 Grain, 177,417,
TERMS! 10 psr cent cash on delivery. Balanc In equal semi
annual Installments over a period of throe years.
Dlds may be submitted for one or more vessels, or for any
combination of vessels; and must be accompanied by certified check
payable to tho U. 8. 8ht;plng Board for 2tf per cent of amount of the
bid. Bids should be submitted on the basis of purchaso Ma is and
whero Is."
The Board reerv the right to reject any and all bids.
SEALED BIDS should be addreued to-the Secretary of the
Indorsed "SEALED BID FOR STEAMSHIP (Name of Ship)" and
"Do' Not Open."
Ship and Sail Under American Flag
liv Ttnv
liMti announced to continue till and
.l.jHlnif UiilnaoilnV nvnnfnff. IJITCO
hhoaUB!"c. Sahatnctlol-d. are being reported and much
n ranch abovo Vale whoro they aro, Interest Is being shown.
Big Bend were business visitors to
Bonlta lust week. They returned
homo Tuesday.
Tho P. T. A. and school aro
planning a Washington, Lincoln pro
gram and social to be given Fob
urary I8th, tho proceeds of which
will go to tho support of tho little
French orphan, Plerro Bnrdln, whom
tho school has boon supporting for
tho last several years. It has not
been decided what kind of a noc!nl
U will bo yet but evervono Is In
vited to bo there roady for a good
'me ..
Jesso Cantrell and Walter Ewell
of Long Valley aro visiting friends
and relatives here.
Miss Dorothy Parsons was an
overnight guest at the Dellord
home Wednesday evening.
Among those from Owyhee who
attended the play "All A Mistake"
which was presented at the Kolony
by Big Bend talent are: Vernn Hlte,
William Schwelrer, Anna 8chweier,
Oral Hlte, Edith Baldwin, Vernon,
Mary, Oladys apd Donald McOlnnls,
Wm. Baldwin, Mr and Mrs, J. P
McOlnnls and Sam Watson.
F L. DeBord was a visitor to On
tario last Thursday.
Mrs. Victoria T. Schwelrer reports
two new pupils who are: Merle and
Joseph Shadow.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roberts and
family of Big Bend were dinner
guests at the Sinclair homo Sunday
Andrew and Oral Hlte went to
Ontario Monday where they visited
for a day or so with the Westfal!
feeding this winter.
O. W. Dean left Sunday for Port
land, llAITIBT OHimCII
Bible School, 10:00 A. M.
A place for everybody.
Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M.
Subject: "The Truo Church."
Junior Young People's Society
C:30 P. M.
By P. W. :30. P. M.
Oospel 8ervlce, 7:30 P. M.
Subject: 'The Blood tho around of
Safety and Assurance."
Prayer Service, Wednesday 7:30.
An Invitation is extended to you
to attend these services.
Sunday Serviced
10 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. U. Preaching,
"Dare to bo a Daniel."
J MS P, M, Ep worth League.
7:30 Illustrated address "In the
Footsteps of Jesus."
10:00, A. M. Bible School.
11:00 A. M.. Worship.
0M5 P. M Young People's Society
7:30. Worship.
Evangelistic meetings will begin
conducted by Dr. Dunn,
Dr. J. A. Mcfall
Eyrslglit HprclnlUt
HyrglnNNOM anil HMetnclr
Grinding Plant on PmtilMft
Phono H7-J For Appointments
lllnrknby Jmvclry Hlilg.
Ontario, Oregon
That is the promise that
we keep. That is our
method of doing our
work. Many a gar
ment looks ns if it wai
"all in" when all on
earth it needs is a trip
to this house. We'll re
vivify it and put tho
spirit of usefulness back
into it again.
Moil Orders Given Prompt
Capital Cleaners
Cleaning Dyeing Prraslng
mil North Kith Hteort
"i "
j,' . , W
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV JBaVHaViBBBBW
Reduced in Price
730 '
Deliverod at 'your Ranch
Ontario, Oregon
4H0ttt444Mf )
Osborn Millinery
always registers the first note of Spring Hats.
Watch our window Friday and Saturday, Jan
uary 28 and 29. Hats will le shown in won
derful combinations of satin, satin and braid
and flowers in all the leading colors.
Our special price on winter hats will continue
at $1.00 to $2.95. Waists at one half price.
Osborn Millintry
Ontario, - - Oregon N