The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 03, 1921, Image 2

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(Hije GDutarin Argiw
County Official Paper
Ail Independent Nwpiiit'c
rubllsbed Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and entered at tuj Ontario
post office for distribution ns 2n
clnss rnattor.
,0. K. Aiken, Managlnc Editor
-wjivi wwi.
SUDBCIUPT10N Ono Tar, $2.00
Sunator Uruco Donnls' rosulutloli
calling for a constitutional ntnond
niont to permit tho iHStianco of State
Honda for tho purpose of creating
u fund tor homo building was un
doubtedly conceived In n desire to
do something constructive toward
solving tho housing problem In Ore
gon and tho unrest which has been
provalent slnco tho war. Hut wheth
er It will accomplish tho desired ro
Btilt Is somewhat doubtful.
Thoro In thlH to ho said concern
ing It: It calls for further extension
of tho bonded Indobtodncsg of tho
stato. Tho bonds must bo sold, and
It tho bonds could bo sold on stiito
credit, It Is reasonable to believe
thnt tho funds of building nnd loan
associations, whoso pnper Is based" on
tho samo kind of property, would
find n markot.
And that putn tho provisions of
tho proposed bond Issue on tho samo
basis as a building nnd loan associa
tion. It provides that no loan can
bo mado tor more than CO por com
of tho valuo of tho property on
which tho loan In Bccurod. Wo can
not boo tho advantages thereforo of
tho Stato going Into tho building
and loan association business, for
tho companies now oxlstont make
loans on Just thnt basis.
Tho ttmo has not yot como for tho
stato to Indulgo In moro business en
terprises than It la now engaged In.
Wo all want tho homo building pro
blom solvod, wo bellovo that Sana
tor Donnls has focused tho attention
of tho stato to It, and from his
resolution good will como, but wo
doubt that merely oxtondlng tho
Kioto's credit will solvo tho problem
It sootus too much llko an attempt
to null oursolvcs up by our boot
Tin: I'ouimir hiiow
Noxt wook Ontario will bo tho
host for tho nnnual poultry show.
This Is really on Important ovent.
It will servo to emphasize again tho
possibilities of this region us an
Ideal section for poultry raining.
It Is particularly appropriate that
tho show Is bolng hold at tho samo
tlmo that tho Farm Duronu's short
courso program Is In session, for It
brings to tho county export poultry
men whoso advlso und Judging of
poultry will ho of Immonso valuo to
tho mon nnd womon engaged In this
1'oultry rulslng Is a basic Indus
try. For Hb product thoro Is always
n market. Tho lions of Amorlca pro
iluco moro wealth ovory yonr than
do tho gold mines of tho nation.
Tho man or woman who has n flno
flock of chickens and caros for them
Is bottor off than ho who moroly owns
stock In n gold mluo. Tho dividends
nro moro cortaln. nnd should bo
usually alluring.
With cllmntlo conditions horo so
favorablo for tho dovolopmont of
chlckons nnd turkeys thoro Is no rou
moii why ovory farm In tho county
should not have a foathorod flock
working on Its pay roll.
In having this show tho business
mon of Ontario nro Just exhibiting
unotlior ovldenco of tholr deslro to
co-oporato with tho ranchers lit tholr
offorts to ninko tho buatnesa of ngrl
culturo moro profitable In this ro
glon, fully roallilng that as tho
rnnchorB prosper so will tho busi
ness of tho community Increase and
tho wolfnre of tho unttro community
bo promotod.
of Agriculture and othor ngencles
havo had an untold Influence., Tho
work tins been carried on In so
ninny different spheres thnt many
of tho ranchers themselves have not
realized tho work thut has been dono
In their bohalf.
Following thu organization of tho
Agricultural colleges enmo tho real
ization that theso could sorvu but a
small per contago of thoso to whom
tho mossago of hotter farming meth
ods should lio sounded. The men at
tho head of these Institutions deter
mined that- if tho ranchers could
not como to tho colleges thoy could
take tho colleges to tho ranchers.
Thnt resulted In the Inauguration of
"Farmer's Weoks" such as will ho
hold hero noxt woek.
It Is a trlto saying that, "know,
lodge is power," but Its truth is self
evident. In no buslnemt is UiIh moro
truo than In that of farming und
farming Is Indeed n business. In
fact It Is tho biggest business In
Amorlca, and thereforo Is ono In
which knowlcdgo Is Indeed essen
tial. There nro those who scoff at tho
work of tho "agriculturists," Just an
In ovory lino of endeavor mon havo
ridiculed tho work of tho scientist,
becnuso thoy did not know thnt tho
simplest fact connected with every
profession Is based on some scion
tlflo principle.
Wo boliovo that tho ranchers of
Malheur county nro ahovo tho aver
ago to ho found In agricultural re
gions. Irrigation calls for know
lodgo, nnd the difficulties that tho
average farmer In this section has
to overcomo call for a wldor know
lodgo of tho sclenca of agrlculturo
than In most mictions.
To havo the greatest success In
farming In this region o believe
thnt tho ranchers would havo to be
tho best educated cIuhh In tho com
munity. Thoro Is no business that
calls for moro varied knowlcdgo,
nor greater buslnoss acumen, for tho
farmer Is n producor and a merchant
as well. Ho Is n director of labor
and a nclontlst too.
Just ns In every othor linn of
human endeavor the business nnd
sclonco of farming Is progressing.
It cannot stand still. To do so It
would violate tho untural laws.
Thoreforo to keep abreast of tho
times tho ranchers of this roglon
should, and wo bellovo do, deslro tho
vory Intest Information avallahlo
concerning tholr buslnoss, nnd will
appreciate this opportunity to hoar
what tho men ongngod In tho ex
perimental side of farming havo
loamcd In (ho past yoar.
Tin: oitici.v of oil and (.as
(Ily W. A. Ilarllutt)
There scorns to bo u difference of
opinion among scientists an to tho
origin of oil and gas. Tho subject
Involves two guestlons, first tho or
Iglnnl materials from which they nro
derived, and second tho process by
which theso orlglnnl substance hno
been changed Into oil nnd gas.
Thoro nro two generally nccopted
thoorles tho Inorganic nnd tho or
ganic. Tho first theory Is tinned on
tho Idea that oil was n part of tho
original elements from which tho
earth wan formod, und doposltod as
metnllo carbides In tho center of tho
onrth. When subjected to liont,
gases woro formod which carried
tho hydro-rnrbon substance In tho
dirfaco of tho earth whoro thoy
woro deposited as n gas or liquid
I oil In any portiB rock or sand.
Orgnnlo Theory
Tho organic theory Is most gener
ally nccopted today among practical
NOTICB IS HKIIKIIV am,Ni ! " Koologlstn. That Is that oil nnd
That thu County dog tnx for thoRn" C0IM "om "' n s
yoar 1021 In now duo nnd payablo tablo organisms which oxlstcd In nu
to tho County Clork, as follews: Inland ocoan which some two or
Males or spayed fomalos, $1.00 ench
Females 2.00 eacli
"Any ownor or kooper of n dog
or dogs who shall fall to apply for,
or fall to pay said llconso fee, shall
pay a flno of $10.00 for each or
foimo" (I.awH of Oregon, 1919, Roc.
ISO). This Act also provldos that
any dog not wearing n collar having
thoroon tho llconso tag shall bo con
sidered nil outlaw and shall bo kill
ed by any peace officer.
Application may bo made In per
son or In writing, accompanied by
tho propor feoo, and stating the
length of collar doHlred, to tho office
of tho County Clerk and llconso will
bo mailed to you.
County Clork of Mainour County,
1 t. Vale, Oregon
Long strides havo boon tukon In
tho agricultural buslnoss of Ameri
ca In tho past two docades, It Is a
far cry from tho Isolatod farm of
twenty years ago to tho closoly knit
agricultural units thnt now aro
found In practically ovory stato In
tho Union.
In this advancement tho Agricul
tural collegOH, tho U S. Department
deslros to nnnounco that ho
will bo at his office ovory af
ternoon for the purpose of FIT
TINQ GLASSES, Arrangements
may bo mado for ovenlug ap
pointments. Eyes will bo ex
Offlco equipment Includes
ovory modern Instrument. FIT
nnd SATISFACTION guaranteed.
United States Shipping Board
lllila will ba received on ft nrlvat com
pelltlv lasU III ucoordanca with ths
Mrrvhant and Marina Act t th urtlc ot
tho Unltoil Ktatr Hlilpptne Hoard, 1119 V
Street N W . WathtaKion, P. C
Th ships offered tor sal Include it!
yiutii anu wooden sie.imers.
Th steal steamer are both oil and
ooal burners Th IWnl ha established
a minimum price on the vessels.
Trmt on SMtl Stssmsrs.
19 pr ootit of th purchat price la
oah upon delivery of th vessel, i per
cent In month thereafter. 5 per cent In
twelve month thereafter I pr cent In
II month thereafter, i per rent In St
month thereafter balance, of 70 per cent
In aqual aeml-aiinual lntallmenta over a
period of ten year deferred payment to
carry Inttreat at th rat of i per cent
per annum
Th two hundred and elchty-flve worn),
n steamer for sal are of ten different
typta, aa follow Nino paugherty. seven
teen Hallln ten l'enlnaula. all IMolflc
American Kiaherle. one Allen one l.ak
and Oeean Navltatlon Company, thirteen
McClelland, on hundred and elshty-alx
Ferris, thirty-one Housh. eleven (Iraya
Harbor Alao have a number of wooden
hull or various type,
Tarma on Wooden Steamer.
18 per cent cash on delivery. Dalanc
In equal semi-annual Inatallmenta over a
period of three years
lllds may be submitted for one or mor
vessels or for any combination of above
vessel, anq must ue acoompanieu oy cer
lined check made payable to the fnlted
State Shlpplnir Hoard for 2H per cent
of amount of the bid
Further Information may be obtained
by request snt to the Ship Sales Divi
sion, 1319 F Street N. W Washington,
O. C.
Th Board reserves ths riant to reject
sny and all bids.
Aids should be addressed to ths UNIT.
INQTON. D. C. and Indorsed "BID FOR
STEAMSHIP (Name of Ship)."
Ship and Sail Under American Flag.
thrco million yonrs ago was known
to rover a largo part ot this contin
ent. Kvldonco that such an ocoan
did oxlst Is found today lit tho fos
silized remains of fish, shells, wa
weed, and murlno plants, wliloh aro
ofton pleked up on desort hills and
far nhove any rocont wntor level.
At that tlmo (ho ollmato, even In
this part of our continent, wan warm
and tropical, as Is shown by tho fos
sils of tropical plants which havo
boon hurled In tho sands and shales
mid turned to solid rock, A swarm
ing mass of son-weed, sllmo, fish,
sunlls, ools, clams, soa-Horpouts,
and water bugs, somo ns small as a
match-head, on up to animals larg
er than elephants, lived In and
about this tropical Inland ocean.
As thero woro many land changes
In tho earth's crust at that time,
lurgo quantities of sand were wash
ed down upon this mass of animal
and vegotnblo llfo. Thoy woro bur
lod under tons of sand, and then
tho muddy waters abovo them laid
down layers of mud nnd clay, which
formed n now muddy 1 attorn under
thu water, and upon thl u new
form of animal and w table llfo
grow, which In the course of ago
was again burled undor wu.ds and
muds; until finally this ocean cut
Its wuy out through various rlvor
valloys to tho ocean; and those al
ternating layers of sand and muds
(which hardened Into shales) drlod
up und loft the animal and vegeta
ble llfo of tho ocean ontombod under
hundreds or thousands of toot of
sand and shale.
According to the organic theory,
our oil and gas deposits were dis
tilled by natural heat and pressure
from tho animal and vegetable Ufa
of that sea. This scorns reasonable
as oil has boon extracted from sea
weed takon from tho oconn, and
wlmlo oil has been In commercial
uso for ninny years.
Note In my next article, I will
attempt to show how those different
layors aro classified Into different
ages, and how thoy are bent Into
arenas nnd folds, which causes tho
oil nnd gas to travel through porus
Westo Water Sys
Maybe you've heard of it. If not see
it. A water system reduced from an
ordinary system to a system that
weighs 93 pounds. Every glassful
of water you draw out is from your
well with a 40 pound pressine. Come
in and call for a demonstration.
There's A Westco Pump For Evl ry
NFVUQ FftfiM RiiwiTA ts$tt$m338mtmmti
111.11 U 111111 UUItllfs T'"'''''''
, :-r'W
j nu iiuiuia ! arm iiurcnu Hold
their annual meeting today. A good
crowd was present nnd tho mooting
was called to ordur by J. L. Ham
muck at 11:00 A. M. For two hours
tho tlmo wns spent by hearing re
ports from tho dlfforont committee
men nnd planning the work for tho
now year. Somo nlco selections of
music weru rendered by Mr. nnd
Mrs, J. I). Jones nnd Mrs. rhclnti.
A dinner of hot soup, roast pork
loin, mashed potatoes, pic nnd cako
wns Borvod. After dinner thero wan
to bo n Bpecch dollvcred on Farm
Hureau Work by V. V. Hlckox hut
on account of sickness ho wns tin
nlilu to attend, so miislo was sub
stituted. Then enmo tho nomina
tion nnd election of officers followed
by a discussion on pests, nnd nil re
ports on Jack rabbit poisoning woro
good and many rabbits havo been
killed. Hut thoro aro many left nnd
ovoryono hns ngreod to keep up the
good work until tho winter Is over
If tho poison holds out.
Thoro Is about 3 feet of snow
und It Is still snowing. All roads
have been kept open nnd Hlolglilug
is flno.
Thoro will bo a box soclnl held
ut tho I'holan ranch February 11, to
finish tho quota of tho European
Ilollof Fund. Horu Is whoro we go
over tho top.
Abo Lowcllcu enmo up todny from
Drogau with u ton ot cracked bar
ley to help out with tho feeding ot
his cattle.
People from nil parts of Cow
Valley nro busy poisoning rabbits
and nro having good succohh. Hen
Jones said ho killed 37 at ono stab
In one night. Henry Alliinbnugh
claims that ha killed over 100 In
ono night.
Ontario Electric Co.
Phone 188J
Ontario, Oregon
f lifTHvl
FOR the physician and other profes
sional men whose work calls them
into all weather and all sorts of going
Buick is an efficient, dependable aid.
They can rely on this car for the sure,
rapid transportation which their im
portant affairs demand. The beauty
and ror mincss of the new Buick 1921
models make them, too, pleasing at all
times to the family.
Authorized Buick Service insures un
interrupted use of each Buick car.
Effective January , regular equipment
on all models will include cord tires
b o
o o
CARTER GARAGE, C. C. Carter, Prop. on.ario,orcBo
Phone 110-J
Ontario, Oregon
Long Hauling a Specialty
We Always Deliver tho Goods
Join the Savings Club at the On
tario National Dank.
Have you seen the Saving Club
Ad of the Ontario National Dank?
Stock Tanks and Pumps