The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 03, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 9
gan1zations all report
that huhinems ii a h
rhen phofitahle
lliislni'KM Men Fiii'hInIi I'ltiuU For
Hliuw Poultry HuInIiik Third In
dustry la CnllfnrnlM Ciiu IU
Mnde Ijii'i'o Kndor llcic
Tho Itoynl Nolehliors Installed
tliolr officers far tho year 1021 on
Monday night of Inst wook. After
tho liiRtullntlon a fancy drill was put
on by tho team and a short pro
gram given. Lunch was served hy
tho Woodmon and tho remainder of
tho evening Bpont in a Jolly Boclnl
way. This was tho first open nicot
ine glvon by tho Neighbors nnd wns
a nrst class buccoss.
::! chance found to
MIkkIiik Agent of tho ItoUo Payette
Company Scried Term In Knn-
sns I'rlxon For Forgery
Had Iomk Senlemo
Tll, A.l.tltnl ntilHBlii II. ...Ha... D t. .. ...
. IIIU 1llllll lIIUIIItr 1U1IIII OlllfW I
AMI bo hold February 10, 11, 12 ,,,,.. i...i.,h
In tho lloyer Dulldlng on Oregon "'"""K1 "lKl
nirooi. ino committee selected to
hnmllo tho poultry show this yonr
aro all exporlonccd chicken men nnd
aro planning n big show. Tho fol
lowing nro tho cotnmltteo in chnrge:
Dr. A. Q. Moore, A. 11. Cain, Ornlinm
l'nrks, C. E. nibble and A. N. IIIc
koy. Dr. A, 0. Mooro wan solectcd as
chairman nnd A. N. Illckoy as super
intendent. W. II. Doo'lttlu will net
as socrotary.
Tuosday tho rntlrn commlllco met
nl tho rooms of tliu Ontario Com-
niorclnl Club nnd mnppcd out the
work to bo done. Tho members of
tho cotnmltteo ropart that tho pout-
Al Chanco, tho mUsIng agent of
tho llolsa l'nyctto Lumbor Company.
' may bo in Moxtco now, nt least that
lis tho gonornlly nccopteil vlow taken
'of his mystorlous disappearance and
tho total lack of any traco of his
' mnvitmntif U mtnrm Inivlhif nutnrln
Tho only thing that has beoti
loarncd by tho officers who nro
conducting tho search for tho miss
ing man is that of his prison record
prior to his coming to Idaho and
.. ' Oregon.
Mrs. Honry (Jrlffln who has boo.i According to tho records nnd pho
officially appointed social wolforo togrnphs secured by Sheriff Lee Noo
worker for Ontario Chapter Amorl-"r,)m "10 Lansing, Kansas prison,
on .Must llo
Mmlo In Knelt dnn Itefotti Re
lief Out I to Grunted I'liin
Couth Entlro JiirlNdlt'lliin
can lied Cross, rotttruod Inst weok ' Chnnco served In thnt Institution for
from Sonttlo whoro sho went to tnkol18 months ho hnvlng been convict
tho roriulrod course of training for '"''I on novcti countB for forgery on
her duties. Mrs. Orlffln Is now Novombnr 0, 1008. Howovcr ho was
ready to undortnko tho work noc- ""' received at tho prison until
ossnry within tho chnptor Jurlsdic- Ju,1 c 1810, wits parolled on Doc
lion which Includes nil thnt suction omlior IB, 1011 and his sontenco
try business hns Increased very mat- nr iim mni rr.,.. ti.n tini,.... . wns commuttorf on Junn 1. 1012.
ChffWSTt'wS cUaT nlS," " olll Hend nnd westward Hta minimum sentence according to
lu Million Hiaiton. ",u .! nn inu yi-nrs iiiiu hip
This civilian rollef work under "m1,m,m wn " years,
tho Hod Crosc uamo, must only bo
undertaken according to tho rules nrtrnnn ni nnr nnil
laid down by tho National organlza- k IKrlil IN l IlKr MUlM
Hon, ttud thoso regulations tiro rig- vliLUUil ULUI L I Hlll'l
standard lines of feeding and nttond
Ing to flocks It proved very profit
able, Fow peoplo realize that sales of
poultry products hnvo Increased
wonderfully In tho last two years
nnd that In Catlforutn It is now the
third largest Industry In tho statn
Tho rommittoo In chnrgo of the poul
try show, all oxporlcncod poultry
men, say that thoro Is no section
thnt Is moro fnvornblo for poultry
that In this vnllny and boHovn it
will bo ono of tho lending Industries
of this country within n very short
Bomo of tho boat exports on poul
try and tho marketing of products
will bo In Ontario to tnlk to the
peoplo on tho subject and It is hop
ed that ovory chicken producer,
lnrco or small, will bo In nttendanco
Last year Graham Pnrkn. oiio of
tho committed who hnd n two aero
ranch nour Frultland, with a flock
of 07 hens, mndo n not profit of
XGflG.OO from his lions. Mr. Parks
had a position nt Frultland nnd Mrs
Parks hnd much of tho work to
look nftor. Thoy not only sold oggs,
but hntched out and sold manv
chicks. Mr. l'nrks bought n tract of
land southwost of Ontario nnd has
gono Into tho chicken buslnoss on a
much larcor scnln than Inst yonr.
Following aro tho rules of tho
1. Tho show will in all respects bo
under tho control of tho commlttoe.
2. Transportation chnrgOB on ex
hlhltR must bo propatd In full.
3. Feed will bo furnished and
good enro glvon tho stock. Thoso
who ennnot nttond inny ship their
stock to tho show hall, whoro It will
rocolvn good enro nnd attention
and will bo promptly roturned nt
tho close of tho show or othorwlso
disposed of as exhibitors may deslro
4. Tho commlttoo will not bo ro
sponsible for losses or ncrldont, but
will take nil posslblo enro to provont
G. Tho Show Hall will bo open for
tho reception of exhibits on Wednes
day, Fobruary 0, from 12 o'clock a.
m. until Thursday. Fobruary 10, at
12 o'clock n. m., by which time all
exhibits must be In placo.
0. All live spoclmons oxcept Onmos
and dame Ilantnms, mutt bo exhib
ited In thotr natural condition
Plucking, coloring or splicing fonth
ers or any similar practices nro In
violntlon of this rulo,
7. nirds comprising pens must be
Reified by the oxhlbltor at tho
timo of entry and recorded on tho
ontry blanks, A breeding pen shall
consist of ono male nnd four fe
males of the same vnrlety and age.
8. No persons aro permitted to
linndlo or take birds from coops
without permission from tho owner
except Judgos or their helpers In the
discharge of their dutlos.
9. For tho purposo of this exhibi
tion the term cock shall bo a, male
hatched previous to 1020, cockerel,
a mole hatched In 1020, hen n fo
male hatchod provlous to 1920, pul
let, a female hatched in 1020. All
birds must to leg banded.
10. All specimens exhibited for
premiums must be the property of
the oxhlbltor. No violation of this
rule will be permitted.
11. No exhibits can be removed
from Hall until after 0 p. m. Satur
day night without permission of sup
erintendent. 12. All specimens showing symp
toms of disease will be Immediately
removed from building and return
ed to owner.
13. The latest edition of the
"American Standard of Perfection of
Poultry" will be tho guide for the
Judges In awarding prizes on all var
ieties recognized therein.
All eggs laid while fowls are In
the custody of the committee will be
donated to hospital, unless claimed
by tho owner.
Coops will be furnished by the
Show, but If an exhibitor has his
own coops the Committee will appre
ciate It if aroe are brought, thus
assuring sufficient. Coops should
bo 2'x2'x30" for single and twice
this length for pens.
Entry Fco
There will be NO BNTKV FEE-
Id. In no case can rollof bo grunt
rd until after tho social welfare
worker of tho chapter hns mada an
Investigation and obtnlnod tho noc
oMtiry information.
To undortnko this work it Is nec
essary that tho worker bo tralnod
to properly conduct the administra
tion of thut brunch of Hod Cross
work ami It was for this reason
that Mrs. Orlffln was sent to
tlo whoro she took training In tho
following branches; public
nnd sanitation, Juvonllo court work,
tuberculosis, public health centum,
orthopodlo work.
Itesldo this Mrs. Orlffln wns In
structed in tho provisions of thu
rollof laws of Oregon; In tho pro
visions of tho soldiors' rollof laws so
that sho will ba ablo to adlvso tho
ox-sorvlco mon who nro ontltlod to
nsslstanco how to obtain samo, which
Is a part of tho lied Cross program
at this tlmo.
All ensos whorolu relict Is noodod
should bo reported at on en to Mrs.
Orlffln. Thoro Is noma monoy In
the Ontario Chapter funds for this
purposo and It will bo so adminis
tered that It may do tho greatest
good posslblo according to tho plans
which hnvo boon mado by tho lied
Crojg nftor yonrs of experlonco In
handling this charator of public
IX U. Drown Nuiiicil 1'MNlilent, John
linrtfthi', Via) President and
1 lurry Idittltf, Hecix'tury Illg
I'MMl KnJojiHl lly Crowd
With tho Park school room crowd
ed with mon tho socond annual moot-
ing of the Oregon Slopo Farm I)u-
Ifjinll it nil tinltl lnut On t n oil ?n
nonith i ,.: ..,':... ".... :.:..
mu iiiuiiiiuii iiiu li'iiuim ui iiiu cuiil-
mlttoo chalrmoti wore received show
ing that a great dnnl of work had
boon accomplished during tho first
yenr. Among the reports submitted
woro thoso by P. M, Ilonls, Ooorgo
W. Lattlg, J, It. Drown, and I. I.
Culbortson. Mr. Culbortson urged a
marked reduction In tho yield of al
falfa; Mr. Lnttlg urgod bolter moth
ods of post control; Mr. Drown urg
od moro dnlrylng and diversified
ngrlculturo; J. I.. Drown told of tho
work to prcsont an ndoquato dis
play at tho county fair and urged
that work for tho coming fair he
started ut onco. For his work In
this connection a voto of thanks
was accordod Mr. Drown.
At noon tlmo tho men sat down
Hotel Men nnd Itv.sliturant Men Ah-
Miru Oominerclnl Club C'mmltte
That Hue! of Oily Will IU-
1'iirnl For llr Them
Everything Is In rondlncss for tho
Farmer's short course given under
tho direction of tho Mainour County
Farm Durcau which opens hero
Monday and contlnuo until Saturdny
Tho Commercial Club Committee
wntcn is co-oporatlng with tho Farm
Duroau In caring for tho visitors ox
poctod to 'attend has bcon nsBured
oy mo noioi Kccpors of tho city thnt
rooms fl.00 or loss will bo available
for nil who como, nnd tho restaurant
koopora ,tfavo agroed that meals may
bo had ior CO cents, so that tho
cost Horns of tho trip will bo kept
at a minimum.
Ono or two of tho spoakors listed
In tho program of last week will
not bo ablo to bo prcsont but othori.
of equal standing ns experts In var
ious lines will take tholr places. In
stead of J. I). Mlcklo, assistant man
ager of tho Oregon Dalrymon's
League, Mrs Merrill, socrotnry of tho
league will bo present.
Evory pbaso of tho busluosB of
farming as practiced lu this region
will bo given a placo on tho pro
gram, with cHpoclnl attontlon ac
corded tho markotlng fcaturos,
dairying and poultry raising.
Ontario Hnsket Dll Fiinx WKiions
Tuo Flint Oniiiitt IjinI IVIda)
Evening II. H. Glrlit Win
I'Voni Vnltv Ho)n Ix)i
To Alumni.
Tuesday night nn auto nm.f.ti.r in
turning east at tho comer of Ore
gon and Idaho Streets rail Into the
building occupied by Ontario Furnl-
luro uo just missing tho largo
Plato glass window. Tim nutft .
coiiBldornbly damaged. It was not
lonmed who tho drlvor wus There
oro no othor occupantB nnd the
driver escaped uninjured.
fawi-mriit HeliiK Exrnvntcd Under
Former 1obby Corner INir Mod-
em ltnrber Shop nnd Until l'ur-
lors Other ImpiovementM
Wtlllnm Wlsomnn, u Freahmnn In
tho Ontario High School, felt nnd
broke n bono In h'B hip whllo prac-,1
tlclng basket ball Friday. Ho Is at
tho home of tits slstor Mm. Ilobt.
Currlor and Is reported ns gottlng
along nicely.
A bnby girl was born to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Wilbur M nurke, of Illce.
With tho blttor tasto of defeat
still In tho mouths of tho Alumni
from tho late defeat of the football
game on Thanksgiving day at tho
hands of tho Ontario High School
squad, thoy salllod forth upon the
uasitot oair floor nt tho Ontario
opera house, with a determination
to "como back", It was thru this
determination and hard playing
that thoy woro victorious over tho
High School toam hy tho nnrrow
margin of 21 to 17.
It was a closoly contcstod gamo
from start to finish, each team play
ing a nam, tast and good sports
mnnllka gamo. At no stage of the
contest did It look llko n sure vic
tory for olther team, Dut the real
fighting spirit and doslro to win
which provnllod turnout tho gamo
made It one that will bo long re
membered by tho fans who wltnoss-
n n ninsit untlnf vlnir rlilrbnn illnnnr Cd tho COIltCst.
servod by the womon of tho flat nnd Tn8 Vale and Ontario girls nlso
following thnt Ivan E, Oakes ox- experloncod a very close gamo tho
nlalncd tho nlan of continuing same ovonmg noro, the scoro bo
With piles of dirt occupying spaco
jti Idaho nvonuo, and teauiB and
iicrnpporB Increasing tho accumula
tion there is evidence a plenty that
changes nro being mndo at tho Ida
ho Avonuo and Oregon Street cor-
nor of tho Mooro hotol.
T. H. Mooro, ownor of tho build
ing is adding ono of tho many im
provements planned for tho proper
ty and Is to establish k modern har
bor shop nnd bath parlor In tho
bnsomont bolng oxenvatod. Thoro
wilt bo an outside ontraco from Ida
ho Street, as well ns nn entrnnco
fri n tho man lobby of tho hotol.
Asldo from this Improvement, dur
ing tho past wook work was com
pleted on tho decorations of the lob
by and confectionery store on Oro-
gon Street, nnd tho cufo was opened
uudor tho management of tho hotel.
In tho room which will bo above
tho barber shop u storn of some kind
will probably bo established, so that
with thu confectionery store, enfo
and harbor shop the Mooro Hotol
will be a self contained Institution
whoro thu guests will bo able to gut
service of all kinds.
momborshlp and n commlttoo
rolled ovory man In attendance
V. V. Hlckox, O. W. Doan, E. D.
Conklln nnd Qoo. IC. Alkon all (it
Ontario oach mado short talks on
various subjects ns did E. W Dunn
of Pnyotto. Tho meeting was do
clarod tho most successful hold by a
community bureau during tho past
month. John Dartsho presldod as
chairman and J. II. Drown was tho
secretary of tho mooting.
20 In favor of tho Ontario
Advices from tho Internal rovonuo
Washington, Tuesday, Fobruary 2 nt offices to the offoct that a represen
tho F. J. Aker homo. Mm. Ilurko tatlve of tho. department would be
Is n daughter of M. D, Myor of in Ontario from February 2 to 10
Drogan. I wero received this weok. The re-
Mss Fern Crummott who has p'resontatlvo of the department will
been uttendlng Vale High 8chool bo located in tho City Hall where
visltod friends Frldnv nnd Snturday thoso who have business with him
In Ontario enroute to nakor where 'may be accommodated. There wllll
she will finish this year's school not be as many customers for the
work, gentlomnn to wait upon this yenr
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. McAfoo roturned as there were on IiIb preceding vis-
Saturday from an oxtendod trip to its,
California and numerous coast cities.
A baby girl was horn to Mr. and Harold Plant celebrated his thlr-
Mrs. Den Thomas Monday, Jan. 30. toenth birthday Tuosday with a par-
Fifteen chicks from fifteen eggs ty at which fourtoon of his young
hatched In the month of January
spoaks prettv well for our Oregon
ollmnte. That Is the record mado
by one of Mrs. Ed Derry's pure bred
Ilhodo Island Ited hens.
Darney I.lnkus and Louis Coskl
shipped sixteen carloadB of lambs to
the Chicago markets last week. Mr
Coskl accompanied them.
Phil Smith and Charles Davis,
veteran Harney county stockmen
were In Ontario Saturday. There
will bo plenty of range In the Har
ney country next summer, they aver,
for there has been almost as much
rain over there as Malheur count
has had this fall nnd winter.
Mrs. Suslo Morton returned Sat
urday from a visit to her son Esto
and wife at Harper-
This show Is not held to make mon
ey but to encourage the breeding of
a better class of poultry In the com
munity. PREMIUMS
First Premium Dlue, cash prize
Second Premium Red, cash prize
Tlilrd Premium Yellow, award only
frlonds wero present and Indulged
in games until a Into hour. Refresh
nonts wero served,
Horn nt Payette, Saturday, Janu
ary 20, to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Gra
ham, n daughter. Mr. Oraham Is
the manager of the Oolden Rule
storo In Ontario.
J. R. Rasmussen and wife return
ed Monday from Portland and Dak
er. Mr. Rasmussen took one of tho
higher degrees In the Masonic order
at Daker.
F. D. Dall has returned from
Ocean Park, California, where he
spent the past two months. Mrs
Dalle will remain In California till
Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Keller were
down from Parma Friday and visit
ed their daughter, Mrs. Harry Howe
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Reed of Jamleson at Holy Ros
ary Hospital Friday, January 21.
Mrs. DrvPogue u recovering from
a dislocated shoulder caused by a
fall a month ago. OF PltOMINK.VT
Mrs. Snruh McCartney, wife of tho
late James McCnrtnoy, panned to her
reward at tho homo of her daughter,
Mrs. Mluu Terwlltlgor In this city,
Tuesday, Fobrunry 1, 1921. Funer
al services woro conducted by Hev
w. V. Cochran nl tho McDowell un
dortnklng parlors Wednesday after
noon nt 2; 30.
Tho deceased wns 84 yours of ugo
Sho wns horn In England and came
to Canada, nt tho ngo of ulno years
and to tho states ulna years later
Sho was married to Win. Clark In
Io,wa at tho age of eighteen To
this union was born Oro. Clark,
now living In Portland; Mrs Ellz
aboth Canflold. Mrs. Ml mi Torwllll
gor and Mrs. Sadie I-niidlngham of
Ontario, Mrs. ltachel Griffith of
Mlnnrsotn. V'ni Clark of Dates,
Oregon, nnd Mrs Helen Duller, de
ceased, wlfo of Ted Duller of Oil
ing 10 to
Noxt Friday the Ontario boys will
moot the Wolsor Instttuto hero In
tho second conference game of tho.tnrlo.
soason, which is predicted to he n Mrs MrCnrtue - bad lived In
closo game. Saturday evening, also, Nebraska for 30 "M-h nnd the hol
Ontario will play tho Gooding High was taken there fir burial In the
School toam who aro touring this ! faintly burying ground, by Mrs
sociion or tne country on tneir wcex ward Canflold
end tour.
Mrs. C. F, Smith of Salt Lake
stoppod off here Tuesday on her
way homo from Tho Dalles and
Portland whero sho has been visit
ing with rotatlvos and with her sis-
Tho higROHt event of the Oregon
Club yonr occurred last Friday night
at tho rln t rooms when a "Happy
Pun van" nr "Dovk nt 4 9" unrlv wim
ter, Mra. J. F. Joyce. Sho will leavo ' given. Tho card room wns docoratod
10 rosemnin as uoiiriv as posHiuio
an old tlmo western saloon, at
for nor home at Salt Lake Saturday.
Mrs. Itnutenkratz, daughtor of
Mr. and Mrs. E, N. Wood, Is vory
111 at tho home of Mrs. Efflo Akors,
David Oraham of Juntura Is now
In Ontario having accoptod tho local
management of the Eastern Oregon
Land Company.
Mrs. Cochran, who has been visit
ing hor daughtor Mrs. Eugene Mc
Coy, left Tuosday for hor homo nt
Hanes, Oregon after a month's vlalt
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Vnn Vnlken
berg and daughters of Payette spout
Sunday with the Wm Walker family.
Judge G. L. King sold his residence-
this week to Holla V. Rusk
Tho price, received was $7,000.00
Judge King does not Intend leaving
Ontario but expects to build a mod
ern bungalow some time soon.
Joslah Carter, ono of Ontario's
pioneers Is leaving soon to llvo with
his daughter Mrs. Wm. 8oward of
Falks Store, Idaho.
Miss Roso Kroosaln loft Monday
for San Francisco hoping that a
change of climate will bo beneficial
as her health has not been of the
Mrs. Wm, nuckner, who with her
children has boon visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stewart
since Christmas, returned home
Mrs. Maggie Jiedell who has been
staying with her son W. E. Sake of
the New Cafe left Tuesday for an
extended trip to points on tho coast
and Honolulu,
ono end being a well stocked bar
(soft goods only) and oppr-vto n
"hot dog" stand, both of which wero
woll patronlzod. Tho remainder of
tho spaco was taken up by the dif
ferent games which wero very pop
ular In tho "good old days "
Amid tho uproar could bo distin
guished crlos of "llttlo Joo" "phoobo
for mo dlco," "wham bung fados
you a 100" In tho danro hall many
couplos shook n wlckod foot to old
time tunes playod by an export Ivory
Stago monoy was provided for the
occasion and It It could have been
turned Into real cash many would
havo gono homo richer than they
came. Six guns wore much In evi
dence and they spoke for themselves.
Sunday-go-to-mootlug clothes were
n Ix for this occasion and all who
appeared In them woro promptly ar
rested by the vigilant shorlff Tnk
Ing everything Into consideration an
enjoyable evening wus spont by
Word was rocolved by frlonds of
Roy Suto of his safe arrival lu Ja
pan, whoro ho wont lu Decomber to
tako his baby to Its gruudparents,
thus fulfilling thu request of Its
mother, who died In July at tholr
homo on the Doulavard. Mr. Sato
oxpects to return bore early lu
Mrs. L. H. Pattnn Is hero from
French, Idaho to epond severul days
with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Derry. Mr. Derry Iisb been quite 111
and she Is assisting in caring for
Mrs. H. O. Drano and Mrs Mon
tague spent Saturday lu Do'se
Tho "All Oregon Routo" for the
Columbia RIvor Highway from On
tario t0 Huntington was adopted by
tho Slato Highway Commission at
IU mooting tn Portland Tuesday af
tornoon on tho basis of co-oporatlon
outlined by tho County Commission
ers In tholr resolution passed in De
cember. This notion wns takon following
tho BUbmlsolon of onglnoors' esti
mates to tho commission which
showed that taking all of tho fac
tors Into consideration tho "All
Oregon Routo" was ns chenn na Ihn
lowest of tho altarnato routes and
choapor than tho most exponslvo of
tho proposed combinations.
Threo routes woro consldorod and
figures glvon o ntho cost of oach.
Tho cost of tho Portor's ferry routo
with tho brldgo thoro and ono at
Wolsor was placod at I7G0.000; tho
Olds Ferry routo was estimated to
cost $C7G,000 and tho all Oregon
routo was estimated at 1646,000,
but sluco this was tho only routo on
which co operation was offorod by
tho county nnd for which tho coun
ty would securo tho right-of-way It
was for tho state, tn reality the
cheapest routo.
With tho figures boforo tho Com
mission, Chairman It. A. Doolh ask
ed his associates if thoy woro roady
to proccod with tho designation, add
ing that hu wus lu favor of the "All
Oregon Route", nnd than Commis
sioner John D. Yeon mndo the mo
tion thnt that routo be adopted.
Commissioner W. D. Darratt second
ed tho notion and It carried unant-
Tho commissioners cnqulrod as
mnttvrs of right-of-way und othor
details and thoso fcaturos, togothar
with details of an amended agree
ment wero prcsontod by County
Judgo E. II, Test, Commissioners
Frank Vines and O. W. Doan, Hop
resontntlvu P. J. aullagher and Guo.
IC. Aiken prosontcd statements rola
tlvo to tho progress so far made In
socurlng samo.
In putting tho motion to adopt
this r6uto Mr. Ilooth oxplalnod to
IiIh associates that tho monoy for
tho construction of this soctlon of
tho road wns avnllabln now and
added that tho engineers would pro
cood to comploto tho cross soct Ions''
and specifications and advance thu
work nu fast as possible
Must Avrnlt IegUlniuro
The commlttoo thon asked that
tho proposition of tho County Court
for co-oporatlon ou tho Vale to Mc
Laughlin Drldgo section of tho Con
tra! Oregon Hlghwny bo advanced
for contract lotting, slnco It has boon ..
pending for moro than two years.
Judgo Test also asked that tho road
from McLaughlin brldgo to Harper
be survoyod. Tho commission as
sured tho commlttoo that action
would bo taken as soon as possible,
but until tho legislature determlnod
how much money tho commission
could have no definite promlsos
could ho mado.
Douldu thoso mutters thu Grant
County delegation requested the lo
cation of tho road from Pralrlo City
to unity, and woro assured that the
various routos would bo survoyod
and a location namod. Daker coun
ty was on tho Job with a dologatlou
led by County Judgo Joss Dodson
and socured a favorable adjustment
of Its financial co-oporatlon with the
commission Tho threo delegations
workor harmoniously to advanco the
lntorosts of oach othor In thu John
Day and Columbia Highways,
Twnty.FIVB Candidate To I! Mndo
Acquainted With MstcrltN or
Discoverer's Vo) nge Hnnquet
To Follow Initiation
Snako River Council Knights of
Columbus has boforo It a busy day,
Sunday February 6. At that time
twonty-flvo candidates are going to
bo Introducod to Christopher Colum
bus and discover the trials of a voy-
ago thru tho mystorlos of tho order
Thu commlttoo In charge of the
program Is preparing for one of the
largout gatherings of thu Knights
In years, Thoy nro coming from
tho Interior and from all points In
Snako river valley.
Following the Initiation ceremou-
les which will occupy all of the af
ternoon there will bo banquet In the
evoulng served by the lad'es of the
Woik Will Do Aihet'tlsed Following
Completion or Detailed Eetlmnti-H
From Slide To Huntington
Htirwy To Harper Will Do
Captain and Mrs. R. H. Duncau
and two children of Burns were
woek end guosts of Mr uud Mrs. I.
E. Oakes,