'"".W JffWHJ -wr,iw rt - ut . THE ONTARIO AliOUS ONTARIO, OiiEUON, TliUttSbAY, JANUARY 27, 1921 PAID LOCAL ADS I'OII HALE 1'OU SALE Hulck Koiidstor. f COO flrnt class Luiidltluu, will consider bnnknblo lioto. J, 11. Test, phono ltO-W, Onlnrio, Orogon. , tf FOR HALE Chevrolet Touilnij cur In i;ooil condition Cheap fur chhIi. Boa J. II. Cordon HAY KOll SALE $8.00 per ton, two miles wont of Ontario. A. U. Cain. tf. MISCELLANEOUS KOll BALE Half Ilnrso Power Century Thrco 1'linHO Motor, In good conilltlon, 800 J. II. Gordon or phono 60-W. tf, KOll SAMS Tent housu KixtO, Lluoloum covered floor, fitted with Hcrouim mid awnings on four hIiIoh. Lined and Htulnod. Itloal ,nutnmor hoilflo. l'rlca $ 100. Also bungalow Iiouro 12x14, $85.00. Phono 20G-W-3 8-0 p. FOIl"sALE OH TRADE For llvo fitock. Good liuilso, two lotH, deep well, gnrago and othor out buildings, Hox 041. Ontario, Oregon, tf ' LAUNDRY work dono. MrH. (Paul ariffln. Hox. 123. 0-0 p KOll SALE Plnno. Inn Struthcrs. Ilox. G14. CO p. KOll SALE A 1 saddlo horm), col or liny, sovon years old. Weight nhout 1200 pound, I'hono 20-M J. 8. Mnllot 800-tf KOll SALE llnrruil Itock cockorol. hrod from henvy liijors. $3 to $S. I'hono Din. Krultlnnd or address J. D. Dual, Payette, Idaho. It. 11. 1. 808 0-8 p. KOll SALE Oil TRADE For cat tlo or horses, my 1 0 1 tr flvo piissungor Ilnlrk Car, In first class incohiinlcul condition, turniH If wanted, Iiiih la-en run n llttlu ovur 10,000 miles. II, A. ArncBon. Ontnrlo. 800 tf KOll SALE 12 room modern lioiiBO, close In, on Oregon Street. Con bo runted na apurtinentii If doslr od. EoBy Inrnin Sua Mrs. T. II. I'ls or. I'hono 03-W. 48 Ii2. I'OTATOKS KOll BALE Any quuu'tlty. Qunllty guaranteed satis fnotory; sound, uncut, froo from d's case, nnd of Merchantable slzo. Prlco J1.G0 per liundroJ. Will trade for hogs or Hhoop. Try n sack. Wolfo nnd Qulnhy, It. V, 1). Ontnrlo, ry phono 34-11 Ontnrlo. 8SU-7 tf GRIFFITH ELECTRIC SHOP All kinds of Electric wiring. Tele phone 228 J. tf. roil ham: on trade Hcgis- lorod Shorthorn hull calf, rod nnd whlto, 8 months old. 111k honed, fluo hrond hack mitl nn all around kooi) Individual. Podlgroo traces hnck thru fine blood lo Imported "Honey sucklo." Will trndu for a Jllco calf, rattle un kind or size, griiln, hogs, or. n fair old Ford. Or what Imvo you? I would noil this lad on Reed terms to responsible pnrty. Cnll nt my rnnch imo linlf mllo wost of Hnako River brldgo on Oregon Nlopo or write V. W. lllnkloy, Payette, Ida. 8037-8 ;,M I.08T Ladle cold wrist watch, Elgin mnko, ongravod C, I. W-, flvo dollars rownrd for rotum to w. W Wood. 0358-9 p., TOR HUNT A flvo room bunga low on Main Street throe, blocks North of Mooro Hotel. Addross Hox 143. Iluxton, Orogon. 0308-0 WANTED to rent, Huntington t)powrlter, Mrs. W. O. Stownrt. 800 7-8-p , KOll SALE Kow young and vig orous Whlto Leghorn roostors from Corvallls' best pun. $3 each. Ad drosu box 05, Ontario, Oregon. 807 G-7 LOST OH BTOLLN Two yantt lug steers, brand left hip, (Ell con nected). Ploaao tnko up and notify J. J. Dltlard. 3D tf KO H RENT House partly fur uhout 1V4 mtlcH west of Ontario Mrs. 13. 1 Chonault, I'hono 20C-H-2 tf HREAOHY E8THAY Camo to my placo Octobur lht. 1020, roil heifer branded J II on right hip Double dulnp on brlskot. Owuor can haul samo by paying for ad and feed bill. Howard Tomplo, 2V& miles Northwest of Ontnrlo on Troumlale place. 5-1 0-p "IkMRDINg"- Can titko H few boarders by day, week or month Dunbar houso ono block back of Wil son Hotel. Mrs. Krcd Slcgut. 8047-10 p KOll UHESSMAKINO cnll Mrs7M IC. Johnson, 00-W. 0408-11 p MKJION AUXILIARY TO MEirT Tlio Auxiliary Unit of tho Onlnrio Post No. 07 of tho American Legion will meet In tho auditorium of tlm City Hall nt 1:30 -P. M. Jnmtnry 31, 1021, for tho purposo of election of offlrors for tho yonr 1021 and lo do eldu upon u tlmo nnd plnco of meet ing. All women who aro eligible aro ro iUCHtud to bo present and to bring their dues. Mrs. L. Adam Mrs. II. A. Krnsur conhheoational church Corner Idnho & 2nd St. 8. W. (I). J. aillnndars I'atar) Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Preaching, 11:00 A. M Subjcot; "Posltlvo Proof that thora Is n Cod" Christian Endeavor, 0:30 P. M. Pronchlng, 7:30 P. M. Bubjoct; "Tho Shepherd" Illblo Study, Tuosdny, 7:00 P. M. If you miss tho Orchestra music ou aro missing something worth whllo, wo will look for you noxt Sun day. ('. E. Convention nt I.n Grande. Kobruary 4. 6 nnd 0. Plan to go Worth whllo spoakors will bo thoro "Lei's Qo," UNITED PHESIIYTEIUAN CIIUHCII 10:00, A. M. Illblo School. 11:00 A. M., Worship. Lecture on Ilaptlsm. This lecture Ih not given with ft vlow of being controversial but to nciumtnt hearers with tho dlffortml vlow points on tho subject and somo of tho rcnsoiiH thcrofor. 0:4C P. M Young Poople's Society 7:30, Worship. 8toreoptlcnn Slldos on "Tun Virgins" will lm used. Evnugellstlo moetlugs will begin Kobruary fi, conducted by Evangelist Itov. M. C Dunn of Spokauo. JERSEYS Several High Grade Heifers and Ybung Cgws For Sale. Coming fresh this month, Prices right. IJames A. Lackey SfS Hfc mttm K How Much Better To be Protected It is always better to bo protected than to risk loss of your valuables by fire or theft. Avail yourself of tho safety and conven ience of our vault, where you can rent a Safe Deposit Box for. $2.50 and up per year. ' ' '- X iionaiBank Ontmp1G xr ssm-s' TkWcim -r a rr -wt tliUXUZ3 Jk' -O-fVi IV iiN GRANT, HAIlNEYii5L!? MALHEUR COUNTIES NOTICE OK UONII HALE Sealed proposals wilt bo rccotvod by tho Hoard of Supervisors of Klng iftan Colony Dralnngo District at their office lit Nyssa, Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, until tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday tho 23rd day of Kobruary, 1021, and Im mediately thoroaftor publicly opened, for tho purclmso of bonds of said District In tho sum of Soven Thous and ($7,000.) Dollars, dated March 1, 1021, In denoiiilnuUoiiB of ffiOO. each, ,and maturing as follows, to wit: Maturity Number Amount March 1, 102G 101 $500. March 1, 1027 102 COO. March 1, 1028 103 GOO. March 1, 1020 104 GOO. March 1, 1030 105 GOO. March 1, 1031 100 GOO. March 1, 1032 107 GOO. March 1, 1033 108 GOO. March 1, 1034 100 GOO. March 1, Itl.'tr. 110 GOO. March 1, 1030 111 GOO. March 1, 1037 112 G00. March 1, 1038 113 GOO March 1, 1030 114 GOO. Sald( bonds to bear Interest nt 0 per cent per annum, payablo' semi annually on tho first day of Septem ber and March, principal nnd Inter est payablo In United States Uold Coin nt tho office of tho Secrolary of snld District nt NySsn, Malheur County, Oregon, or at tho Klscal Agency of tho Stnto of Oregon In New York City, at tho option of tho holder. Said bids must ho accompanied by n certified chock for ton por cent (I0'r) of snld hid, nnmo to bo for foiled to tho District as liquidated dumngefl In tho event that tho buc rcssnil blddor falls to take up and pay for nuld bonds within ton das nflcr tho nward. Said bids must ho unconditional ns lo legality, and tho District will fur nish tho successful bidder wllh the approving legal opinion of Messrs Teal, Minor and Wlnfrce, of Port land, Orogon. Tho Hoard reserves the right to re ject any or nil bids. lly order of tho Hoard of Super visors of tho Klugmnn Colony Drain ago District. KHANK I). HALL, Bocrotary Klrtt publication, Jan. 20, 1021. Last publication, Hob. 17, 1021. NOTICE TO OHEDITOHS Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned has boon appointed oxocutrlx of tho estato of Nathaniel C. Long, decoased, by order of tho County Court of Malheur County, Oregon. All porsons hnvlun claims against tho said estate aro hereby notlflod to presonl them, duly veri fied as by law required, to tho un dersigned oxocutrlx nt tho law office of W. W. Wood In Ontiirlo, Oregon, within six months from tho date of tho first publication of this notice. Dono and dated nnd first publish ed this 20th dny of January, 1021. EL1ZA11ETII TIIEHESA LONG, Executrix of tho estate of Nathaniel (V Long, decoused. Klrnt publication, Jan. 20, 1U21, Last publication, I'ob. 17. 1021. Mirriipw.sT CIIUHCII Sunday Services 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Trenching, "God's Plan of Salvation It's Sim plicity" 0:45 P, M. Epworth I.eaguo, 7:30 Special Pregram: Song Sorvlco led by Vera Ostor Invocation Special Music Scripture neadlng Leonard Kox Talk "A Young Man's Temptations" . Loo Thompson Talk "A Young Woman's Tempta tions" Huth noberts Talk "Present Day Opportunities for Young Peoplo", Horbort Luscomho Talk "Tho Helpful Things a Young Person has Today", Nova Ashbaugh Talk "What the Church Means to Me" Heba Hood Talk by Pastor "Hefilnnlng Life's Voyago." A Methodist Clinic or Church Ral ly will be held nt Caldwell, Idaho, Kobruary 3 and 4, and another at Krultland Idaho, Kobruary 7 and 8 Dlshop C W Hums nnd Dr a Meck lenburg will deliver address at each of these gatherings. KOR SALE Canary birds, sing ers; P. O. Box. 374. Ontario, Ore. 0438-0 p EARLY PMIWINO IS IIEHT KOll WHEAT Six and a half bushels more whoat was produced por aero at tho Morn branch oxporlmont ntutlon farm from summor fallow lands plowed April 1 than on similar land plowed Juno 1. Tho gain of April 1 over May 1 plowing was 2H bushels per ncro. Tho gains tiro averages of eight years trials, Tho nvorngo yield for the period is given by D, E. Stophcns, superintendent, ns follows Plowed April 1, 28 7 hushnls; plowod May 1, 20 2; plowod Juno 1, 22.2 bushels Lands plowod oarly In tho fall with it moldluoad plow yloldod practically tho samo us tho land plowod May 1. nnd lauds plowod Into In tho fnll nverages tho sumo yield as those plowed Juno 1 In ollhor spring or fall plowing for Biiinmor fallow tho early plowing brought higher yields. liAYI.Ntt IU.OOI) TELI.H "Illood Will Tell" Is tho bonding under which James Dryden. Profes sor of Poultry husbandry at O. A. C. iiosrrinos tno buccosh or n Pacific coast mlllloiialro nnd an export poul trymau tn running ono of tho biggest trnp-nestod flocks In tho world, In tho Country flcntlomon for Octobor 23. Tho Investment tn the business Is $03,000, Eggs from one of the brooding pons sell nt $2 each. Ono Illustration shows n day's ogg pro duction G80G eggs from 0322 hens Tho breeding stock wns from high record, trnp nested lions with Ions; pedlgroes bohlnd thorn, and Profos sor Dryden calls this use of thorn "putting heredity to work." Ho has wrltton ii number of special poultry urtlcles for the Country Gontlomen nnd Is preparing still others. TRAIN SCHEDULE West Hound No. 17 Passenger 3:47 A. M Dnlly No. G Mall 0:26 P. M. Dally No. 10 PntJsoiiHer 4:30 P.M. Dnlly No. 23 PnBsengor 2 01P.M. Dnlly No. SG Passenger (Pony 0.33 A.M. Dally East Hound No. 18 PnBwingor 1:10 A. M. Daily No. 80 Passougcr fl'onvl 7:G0 A. M. Dnllv No. 4 PaBscngor 0:33 A. M. Dallv No. G Mall 2:20 P. M. Dnlly No. 24 Passenger 4:30 P. M. Dally Oicgou Eastern Hrnticli West Hound No. 371 Mixed Vnle-Crnno Departs 10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 373 Mixed Valo-UroKan DonartB 12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday No. 103 PaBscngor Vulo Departs 10:30 A.M. Sunday Onjy , East Hound No. 372 Mixed from Crane Arrlvo 2:G0P.M. Dully Ex. Sunday No. 374 Mlxod fiom Hrogan Arrlvo 4:G0P. M. Dally Ex. Bundle No. 104 Passongor from Vale 3:0G P.M.Sunday Only NOTICE TO CREDITORS In (he County Court of tho Stnto of OiCKon, for .Malheur County IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK W. K. HULERY, DECEASED Notlco Is hoioby given that on Dor-umber 22, 1020, an order of tho above entitled Court wns mado np- pnlnljng the undersigned, J. J nil lard, administrator of tho estato q( W. E. Hulery, deceased. All persons having clnluiH against tho aboo on tltlod estato wilt presold tho gnmo, duly verified ns by law required, to tho said administrator at Ills placo of business In tho City of Ontario, Oregon, within six mouths from tho date of tho last publication of tills notlco. J. J. DILLAHD, Administrator KIrst publication, Dec. 30, 1020. Last publication, Jan. 27, 1021. Professional Cards l)RS. WBESE & FOUTNElt OKKICE HOURS. 0 to 13 nnd 2 to B Offlco ovor KIrst Nutlonul IhuiK ndephono No 33 J. Ontnrlo tir. DR. A. R. ROBERTS Dentist Ht'tvtccn Ontnrlo I'liiirnin ,. Depot. Phone 52 DR. R. A. MOON CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN NERVE SPECIALIST Acute or Chronic Disomies Rooms over Post Olflco ONTARIO OREGON Ml. C. W. TYLER DENTIST Office In Wilson Hldg. Office Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phono 117 for Appointments. HAVE YOUR CAR .MARK JUST r.IKi: NEW Tho power of your auto on gluo co in os from the cylinders and this Is tho Only Shop In Malheur county that has a CYLINDER HOHING MACHIMC This permits us to do this nu curate machine work to u hnlr, and do It quickly. Now Is thu tlmo to havo out opgluo overhauled. MAR8HH.V.S MACHINE SHOP Ontnrlo, Oifgoii Have you seen tho Savings Club Ad of the Ontario National Dank? FRANK BRITTINGHAM I'honu 11 0-J Ontario, Oiegon Long Hauling a Specialty Wo Ahwi)N RcIIut tho Goods WELL DRILLING Special Equipment Speedy Hcrtlcu See O. B. Sanford Phone, l.'MV Ontnrlo, Oicgon The New Cafe Whlto ManugciiieiifWIilto Help Hark of Kirst Notional Hunk A Share of Your Pulruiingo Is Solicited ECONOMY Not in Buying Cheap Slioes, but Good Shoes BUY your footwear wisely and woll purclmso shoes of a ro llablo make UTZ & DUNN'S KOR WOMEN and get your mon ey's w'brth In extra valuo, comfort ablo fitting nnd beautiful style. UTZ H. DUNN quality In ftsolf Is economy. That name on a shoe Is a guaranty of genulno worth. Just now wu aro showing now ox fords nnd other tow shoo stylos from this firm. Wo'll lcavo It to you If they aren't "JubI tho prottlcst" you eor saw. Rader Bros. Co. Ontario, Oregon HMMHMHH JANUARY Is Bargain Month lor Electrical Appliances The time is short. Some lines of electrical goods are being closed out rapidly. Now is the timO to complete your electrical set. You'll have to Hurry 1 o get these ODD LINES being closed out at remarkable .- reductions. Ten Per Oont Discount on Appliances Percolators Hot Plates Heaters Wafflo Irons Heating Pads Ilotpolut Irons Five Per Cent Extra Discount for Cash You May Not See Such Prices for Yeara We look for a steady, normal year in elec trical merchandising, and this may prove to be your oiie-and-oiily chance at such bar gains. - Special Offer on Electric Oloanors Hoover and Ohio electric cleaners going at $5 down and $5 a month. NOW IS THE TIME TO ELECTRIFY AND SAVE MONEY Electric Shop Idaho Powor Oo. McDowell Company, Inc. Ontario, Oregon Has lU'cii Taken Oicr lly I'UNEHAL HIKKCTOIIH J. O. Pldllnbuilin At HugVAUen Undertaking and Embalming Licensed In Oregon, Idaho, Washington 1'HiucrnU conducted from tho Home, Cliupel, or tlm Church of Your 01 ui I co PROMPT SERVICE, NO DISTANCE TOO KAU Frco Kunernl Cor Sorvlco ' Offlco Phono Day and ,MKht SS7 Night Phono, 80-M, 178 THE ARUGS PRINTS BITTERWRAPS It In need of nurse call Mrs AgneB Owens. Phone 129-W. 862-4-8 Pd Look for the Savings Club ad tn this lssuo, by the Ontario National Hank. V I 2- 1