THE ONTARIO AKUOS, ONTARIO, OltEUON. rill.HblA. JANUARY 27, 1920. l ' -- - - H U"-ltl-ll JMUIIl .11- 1 1 1 '- ' at ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! To Music Lovers and Theatre Fatrons : The Management Desires to Thank ITS PATRONS OF THIS CITY AND VICINITY FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE AND HEARTY CO OPERATION2 THAT HAS ENABLED US TO BR1NO THE BETTER CLASS OF ENTERTAINMENT TO TUB CITY. AND TO ANNOUNCE THAT UNDER A LIBERAL GUARANTEE, ARRANGEMENTS ' HAVE BEEN COMPLETED TO PRESENT RALPH DUNBAR'S FAMOUS PRODUCTION of America's Best Loved and Greatest Comic Opera "ROBIN HOOD" Now on Triumphal Trans-continental Tour following Sensationally Successful Engagements In Leading Cities With Sime ConipWtt AlbStar Ceil of Operatle ArtliU and Wondrrlul Chorui. OoAraAteed the beet tlnihif enieroble chorui ea.lour. SpUndlJ Orchestra of Symphony Players Includlaf tololtl from both St Louie and Mlnneapolli Symphony Orcheitrai. Sum LUh Sccoic aad Mechanical DlipUr "" durlei the four monlht" run at the rtk Theatre, New York, nil two jreers en.tour A FEW MEMUEItS OF THIS NOTABLE COMPANY JtLSIE THEIDE, Coloratura Soprano, for two ytare "Mold Marian" In thli Company ALBERT PARR, T.nor, 3rd Sca.on as Robin hood Late of Metropolitan, New York TOM BURTON, "Th Sheriff" Lato of Princeie Opera Company, London, und Alieo Nielwn Opera Company ' BETTY BAXTER, "Alan-a-Dalo" Lata Contralto with Mr. Dunbar Salon Singer" . WILLUAM WHITE. Dasto, "Friar Tuck" Lately leadintr comedian with Arthur Hamtnerileln Mayor of Toklo." "Sometime." "HiRh Jink.' etc. ,. DUANC NELSON, Dano, "Will Scarlett" Lately "Tho Kino In Lohengrin and Zunlea In "Carmen." Capital Theatre. N. Y. MARY BAKER, "Annabel!" In Mr. Dunbar's original company MADELINE HARTFORD. "Dame Burden" ,,,,, ... .., HARRY LONGSTREET, Baritone, ai "Little John," third teaion with thli company CKOKCC OLSON, n ''Sir Guy of Ciiborne ' f OnCIICSTRA UNDER direction OF VALENTINE. THE NOTED CONDUCTOR Although there It .mall ehsnee for .profit to the mn.emnt on ll.le ens.gem.nt owing ".'".."jE.""1.', n,hVbI to brine thli attraction, till wo are well repaid In the knowledge that we are giving the people of thli city me on muttul attraction of the preient leaion, NnTPiOnlnif la the eaneelty builneii nlreJ to everywhere by thli attraction, no telephone orders will be re telved 7 Peata laid awayISd'we w".h ! to Impre.. on our pattoni the necenlty of prompt reply for m.ll order m that you may iecure the choice location!. TO OUT.OF.TOWN PATflONSi A ipeclal block of icali are being held for out-of-town eubierlbere and orden will be filled In the received THIS WILL POSITIVELY HE THE MOST NOTADLE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON Subicitpllon and mall ordera now received when accompanied by ramlltanca nd lelf.addreued envelope MAJESTIC FEBRUARY 16th ictE W, mm j arXm w 'A L xmSJP' 1 Jit. eeeaajajtajaen a JHftW MRNUM ' t TXTTTT.TAM vr H Jaresonhs y$ WHAM on faw Ovey's ivlumbkanic novel Ike lASTtfDUANES .IWIWXIllj MAJESTIC Sunday and Monday "ROBlli HOOD" FAMOUS OPERA TO BE SUNG HERE -H- 4-4ti4t4 Ontnilo l'olks 1( Honr Itcnl UnUrrsnl Trent In Greatest tijicrnlic Acltloeuieiit of Aincrl enn Composer. "Oil, promlBo mo, that somo day You and 1 Will tako our lovo toeothor to Somo sky: Whero uo can bo alono and faith Hcnow. ' And find tho hollows whero thoso Flowors grow, , TIiobo first sweet vlolots of early SnrliiR. Which cotno In wlilsporB, thrill um lioth ami slue Of lovo unsponkiiblo that Is to he, Oh promise mo, Oh promlttu mm Tills famous old song Is known to every oiio s ho has heard "Itohln Hood" sunn, hut what they do not all know, Is that It has no pluto in the original ncoro of tho operu, hut wuh nn Interpolation lllio "Tlio Last Iloio of Humnior" In "Mnrtna . Wlillo Mr. Do Kovon wrote tho beautiful melody to which It Is sung, Ills col laborator, Harry U. Smith, .'.Id not wrlto tho lyric. Tho words -ero written a mil or of years ago y t'lomeiit Sco ., the famous KiirIIbIi critic, and woro Mist read at u luncheon In London, when Mrs. Kendal, the great actress, took prltio In the fact thaUlm author hail tlodlcatod tho HonUmeiilul vursts It, her, and rotil thum nlo.itl. Imaglno hor chagrin when tho Countess of Warwick unfolded a poper with tho Idoutlcal versos upon It, which Scott had dedicated tw Iter fair kolf. Iloforo tho lunchoou uns over, two thirds of tho fair ttox pre. sont had oxhlhltod ulmllar proof of chlvalrlo attontlon. I This famous oporn "Itohln Hood' is now prouueuu uy uaipn ijuniiiir, nnd will ho sung at the Mujocttc Thoatro, Ontario, Wednesday, Feb ruary 10. TK.VAH MADi: IIAIUTAIll.H IIV IIANODIW) UHAlj l'ldHTKHH Osborn Millinery Store always registers the first note of Spring Hats. Watch our window Friday and Saturday, Jan uary 28 and ill). Hats will be shown in won derful combinations of satin, satin and braid and flowers in all the leading colors. Our special pi ice on winter hats will continue at $1.00 to $2.95. Waists at one half price. Osborn Millinery Ontario, - - Oregon I "" -TeeeeBWeTTeA. JJL-HIJell ' ' WW "Only n fow months have passotl since thou when I had my momomblu sojourn with you nnd yet In that short tlmti Ruiiolt and Mooro hnvo crossed tho Dlvldo Ilka Ilangorsl" Tho last two words of this trl- buto by Znno Uroy to "Captain John Hughes and his Taxas Unrig- urs" epitomizes tho body of mon who havo contributed tho most pic- turosquo pago In tho history of Texas and ono of tho most tragic in tho history of tho United States. "l.lko Ilnngorsl" thnt said It all "dontlomou," wroto Zano (Jrey further, "I havo tho honor to dcdl- cato this hook to you, with tho hopo that It shall fall to my lot to tell tho world tho truth about a utrango, uulauo anil misunderstood body of moil tho Toxas Rancors who ( miuio mo great i.ono mar utnio huhltnhlo, who navor know peaceful rtt mid sleep, who are piisslng who suroly will not bo forgotten, anil will somo day como Into their own." Novor has thoro boon a moro do voted law organization than tho Tox as Itnngors, whoso rccortl stands a lasting documont of fldolltv to tint' and of fearlossnoss In tho n' rrlKhlful olth Not ovon tho won derful nr-lilovmenta of tho Catintllxn Northwest Mounloil I'ol'rO' wlio iovor havo boon known to drop a trail though It lot) over thousands o' nilleH of tho frozon wnt to on the Arctlo circle, or roun the world outrank thoso of tho Texas llnnaor who, as Zano Oroy so aptlv ronutrk cd, "Made tho I.ono Star Rtato hab itable." And now, hnppllv, also as Zrtnn Groy prodlctcd, tho Hangors "are coming Into their own " Through tho plcturlzatlon by William Pox of tho famous Groy novols the peoplo of today are being pormtttod to gllmpro tho stressful, embattled life led by tho men who "mnilo tho I.ono Star Stato habltahlo " Tho groatost of nil. "Tho I.aBt of tho Duauos" has Just boon filmed with William Far num In the rolo of "Ruck Dimno. K1UTH 1Y IIOUDIM AHH 1)10 nuTi'itns TKimoii island" Uoudlnl, the famous Illusionist and solf-Ilborntor, In n thrilling, screen molodrama, "Torror Island," will bo tho ottrnctlon nt the Majoa tic Thentro for Saturday, Jan. 29 To savo some sunken trocsures of ships that havo been sent to the bottom fon fio xiottvo of the tale I)ut thoro Is, In addition, a skull shapod pearl upon which n man's I'fo depends, n lovely girl, kMnappe' bv her villainous rolatlves; a submvl'to built on a startling plan; Sritli Sen Island adventures enough thr"'i it Is declared, to make tho ordinary jadventuro picture seem tnmo tn com parison. I Abovo all, Hnudlnl himself In tin dorwater stunts that draw upi n his exceptional powers to tho last de gree Is the outstanding featuro of tho picture Ho escapes from a c'oto ly bound safe whll under ver, fights a smashing bnttlo with n div er ! tho bod of tho ocoan. nnd por- f niH other halr-rnlslnc feits tbat are declared to surpass anything ho has ever done on the stage MTKST (51SH COSH'DY From I)utclies to Mitpjark MnKi-r In "Mttlo Miss RelK'lllon.' Hae you eer stopped In front of a restraurant window to watch a young woman, clad In spotless white, enticing steaming flapkacks to loop the loop and land In a neat pile on a plate? What would you say If you were told that the young lady was none other than tho Grand Dutchess of HiiigraviaT fropauiy you woman t beltevo tt Rut. according to "Little Miss Robelllon," Dorothy Qlsh'j lat est screen comedy, that's exactly what happened The picture will be on vew ft tho Majestic Theator next Friday, January 28 iattealeafleal .r V3HBIFW5 SVik3ilf7T AW 0lJ5!SUIMW' "" Z'.A f&CPammourilCPiclum iiU r Dorothy Glsh In LITTLE MISS REBELLION" Majestic Friday, January 28 JESSK L.LASK.V pretenh HOUDI IVI TERROR ISLAND vjaffammoiinLtfrtcmftL " KjCflctuiv n.vBeM MM. Mm mmmm nam!lmtf!jm& aBaaaaBaaaaaaaaapST jfif JaaaaaMJsT J aaaaaaaKt li aaaaaTllBaaaaaaaaaf eaaaaaaaaVHIffrDBaaaaUSKMBaR ' lfibSaaaaaHHalt A. MAJESTIC Night Saturday Matinee s