The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 27, 1921, Image 2

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ullj? GDutann Anjmi
County Official Vnpcr
An Iii(lcu'ii(lciit NoMKiiihi'i'
Published Thursdays nt Ontario,
Oregon, and ontored nt tho Ontario
post offlco for distribution ns. 2nd
clnsa matter.
0. K, Alkon, Managing Kdltor
8UIISCUIPTI0N One Year, $2.00
tin; i-i:(iisiAium:
Lko ovory other luKlnlutunt tho
Orogon Inw-mttkliiR body now In boh
nlon In Snlem Is nppnrontly ongngi'il
In correcting the mlBtako of pre
vious mmIoiim, and no doubt, making
new onoa to bo corrected by succeed
ing gnthorlngft; If tho chnrnctor of
tho hills Introduced Is n proper cri
terion for Judumont.
So tar It Is apparent that tho big
fight of the solution will take place
over tho proposed bills for tho con
solidation of tho functions of tho
l'ort of Portland Commission nnd
tho Dock Commission of tho city.
An usual It Is In tho Multnomah
delegation that tho fight Is taking
placo. Tho l'ortlanders cannot ngrce
among thomsolvps and the men from
'tho sago brush nnd from tho coast
country will have to sottlo their pro
blems for them.
Thorn nro ninny legislators who
would attempt to solvo tho road
problems of tho Btnto, somo by onu
tnothod; others by practically stop
ping tho road program whero It Is
today. Tho tamper of tho good nmds
men In tho early days of tho no
slou has not been fixed, tho thoro
Is llttlo llkllhood of drastic rjail leg
islation getting tho approval of the
In this connection tho proposal of
(lovornor Olcotl to eliminate tho
iiunrtor mill road tax nnd divert tho
funds thus secured to tho roform
school Is not seriously considered, on
peclally by men from districts whero
llttlo or no road work has been
ilono. Neither Is tho proposal to re
duce llconsutt to 1 por oar grouted
with much favor.
If so absurd a proposition wore
outortalnod tho loglslatora of nocos
nlty would huvo to return to tho old
system of douhlu taxation nnd hnvo
iiutos taxed ns personal property mm
well ns Ilconsod. If this wore not
done auto owners would bo given 1111
udvnntngn to whloh they nro'not miw
titled. Kvon under tho proseut sys
tem thu llcoiiso for n high powered
oxponslvn oar Is lot than what tho
tax would be upon It woro It nwowwd
on tho wimo basis as nthor personal
If tho legislature wants tho road
program to continue until the s
(mil Is completod It will not tamper
with tho rovonuo funds noedod to rc
tlro tho bonds Issued thus far ;or
othorM up to the four per cent limi
tation. If anything Is dnuo It should
Ik) that which wilt Incroase, rather
than docrmiH) tho road revenue.
Such Is the prnpiwwl to Inoroaw the
gnsolino tax from one to two omits
per gallon.
If Miieh mi Increase Is made, It In
tho HiiKKustlou of tho Highway Com
mission, that tho fund thus necurod
be set mtldo for tho purpose of main
taining tho highways and that pro
vision ho made for continuous main
tenance, cither with or without co
operation with tho counties.
It U ilio theory of those propos
ing the luoruuso In gusolluo tax that
it will reach thoso who use tho roads
on n moro equitable basis, and will
yield at Iwist n half million annual
ly for tho upkeep of tho hlghwoys,
Thoro Is llttlo llkllhood that the
MUggoetlon of the commission that
tho legislature surrender to the com
mission nil rlKht to destKuate state
highway will bo followed, for legls
latlvo bodliw are not prone to cur
tail their own privileges
taxes. There's tho rub.
In theory Incomo taxes would bo
tho most Just to tho Individual. IX
ho earned no gurplus over 'say,
$2,000, It married ho would havo no
tnxofl nt all what n blessed stnto.
And It ho earned moro than that
sum, ho could nfford to py tho
taxes mnyho.
Itut what would happen to
II IJ. 1 Ul ' J
hoforo tho war as tho best pormnn
'u. .
Tho llvo stock Industry Is passing
through tbo long looked for read
justment period that ovoryoun nt all
fnmlllar with tho Industry know
must tnko placo beforo the hudnos
would get back on n firm foundation
Tho surprising thing has been that
things aro ns good ns thor are. No
tho ' groat amount of forced liquidation
stnto and Its institutions If n con-."ns taken placo. Tho Presidential
,,, ,., .,i f it,., nnnntn iii oloctlon. which nlwayi brings nhout
Hldorablo portion f tho people In , ,,,,, HtnKI,ntloti. Iiub passed nnd
nny given yenr failed to make tho B00ll n uw ingrqss and a now
said $2,000 or moro? Whero would President will ho nsked to pass what
tho money como from then? appears to bo much needed Icglsln-
v. i. iimt nii Mm ninfn i.n Uon tor Uio Industry. Already It Is
Nor Is that all will the state bo roportC(1 th(ll ,horo f) a ,otl,MK'up ,
any moro efficient In catching tho ( t,u ijiig.of certain foreign wools
tax dodger than Is tho national gov , for Import, tho would ho purchaser,
ornmont? rearing tnnt no mny got caugnt witn
lloforo nbnniloning tho present
systom, tho wo are in favor of Bomo
changes, the loglslnturo will do well
to look hoforo It takes tho loup.
That tho ilooplo of Oregon want
to do their part In showing appre
ciation for tho work of tho Oregon
men who wont Into tho sorvlco dur
ing tho world war, thoro I no doubt.
Hut how that can ho done without
sinking the ship of stnto In tho prob
lem which tho loglslnturo Is fac
ing. During tho past year many of tho
hoys hnvo been assisted In getting
an educntlon nnd given nn opportun
ity to rlso In tho. educational world;
whllo thoso who hnvo not tnken ml
vantage of this law nnturnlly feel
that Jhey also aro entitled to con
sideration. Just what will happen If many of
tho 48 state launch bond Issuee
whorowlth to flanco loans for tholr
soldlor Iioyh, nnd tho national gov
ernment doe tho same, Is not hard
to eo. Itut If by doing so It will
onnblo tho men to build homes,
launch huslnemt enterprise or pur
oliaso farms ot do nnyono of sovernl
things which If onco started will sot
tho wheels of progress turning, It
will bo worthy of serious conIdorn
tton. It Is a gigantic financial pro
hlem nt tho host.
Officials of the Oregon Public
Sorvlco Commission and of tho O. W.
It. .fc .N. nnd tho Southern Pacific
doclaro that thoy will establish a
low rato for hoy from this section to
tho Wlllnmetto valley and other
coast points If It can bo shown that
thoro Is a market In that region for
In conversations with a number of
dairymen of thnt region It wns learn
ed by tho writer thnt thoro Is n
market, to a limited dogroo at lonst, .. favor .i10 .otM
hut further evidence must ho socur- figuring, liarloy at 00 c, oats at COc
od. tabulated and olhorwlso proparod . hay at $25.00 por ton and pasture at
his Import product In tho protection
barbs of tho now tariff fence that
this sppotal session of Congross may
ostnbllsh. Fend Is ploutlflil and
must remain cheap. In order to
market tho enormous liny crop of
nearly ovory section of Oregon, much
wlntor feeding must be resorted to
nnd a brisk homo market for much
ot our feeding stuff ought to ho In
Tho desort section of Oregon,
which has formerly been used ns n
wlntor rnngo for ninny of our Inter
ior sbopliards, but which owing to
tho high prlca of sheet, during the
war period, was not used bocauso of
cortnln winter hazards, is now be
ing thrown Into uso for the cheap
carrying over of many ot our rnngo
flocks. Tho early fall rains hnvo In
sured a rank growth of nil desort
grnssos and n spring lamb crop far
abovo the avorago ought to result
from .this year's carry ovor of all
rnnco breeding owes. Tho spring
market, which hasboon exceedingly
poor for tho pnst year should ho ma
terially holpcd by purchasers from
Montnnn, Wyoming and tho Ilorky
Mountain State thnt hnvo oxpo-lenc-od
heavy winter lose during last
year nnd n Iamb crop ot hut fifty
por cent nt tho normnl.
Cattlo seem to havo reached the
bottom and a slight climb In price
might well bo looked for. Woro It
not for our nliundnnt liny crop tho
feedor and yearling end would he n
source nt somo llttlo concorn, but as
the food Bltuatlnn In entirely satis
factory nnd much outside range Is
everywhere reported theito unsold
animals may woll be put to tho pro
fitable task of gnrnorlug n feed crop
that might otherwise go ungnthored
StntlBtlos show that Orogon cnttlo
profits aro mndo from the rango run
ning ot cattle rather than from the
food lot. This yenr might show a
much better spring balance than Is
now looked for. Tho Orogon cattle
producer has materially Improved
tho finality of his animals by tho
bringing In and usn of pure blooded
hulls on tho rnngo and with good
toed, n high and deslrnhlo typo of
animal will bo offered tho rango
tato feeders mid shippers.
Horses nro steadily becoming moro
In demand. Decreased feed costs
nnd stationary or Increased gRsolIno
costs, Is swinging the pendulum tiacK
At present
cow wiiih MAititirr am-wm'a
Alfalfa growers who find no mar
ket for tholr surplus liny mny again
try tho dnlry cow us tho most prom
ising channel, A good cow will turn
ono ton of alfalfa. Into GO to 75
pounds butterfnt, with n by-product
ot 1000 pounds ot skim milk, which
Is oxcollcnt fcod for calves, pigs and
poultry, Bays E. II. I'ltts, dnlry ex
tension specialist at O. A. C. Many
growers had turned to' tho dnlry row
A fow sheep ownors apparently do
not know that failure to report sheep
scab Is punishable by a flue of One
Hundred Dollars to Flvo Hundred
.... a .. it 1 1 n P if
lessor Fltts tl.lnku they might woll Dollars. Tho "c" " '
consider now getting back Into tho agents throughout ho State , i re i
dairy game, thoroh building a per- Ing asked to report any offon flora
.. ninimn ni tiiih niu.ii.wi
lUr tiuiunvn w.
unt mnrkot channel for hay, hut sold
off tholr hords when liny prices Bonr
od nnd lobar was so scarce. Pro-
manont market for r-ny, saving hand
ling and Bhlpplng cost, romovlng on
ly a concentrated product for tho
farm, and receiving monthly liberal
pay chocks.
.,ntv nt .iPcllccnco may Bnvo them
selves any way from Ono Hundred to .
Flvo Hundred Dollara by couiplylns
with this statute
4J44JvJ)f,.tKK (XttKM-St4HSwtKt
Thuro In a growing tentlment
among legUlntors at Salem to onnet
n atatp Incomo tax. Tho purpose, of
course Is to "got tho moiioy" noedod
to maintain tho pace of government
nl efforts which hnvo become so
popular of Into.
Thoro la much to bo said lu favor
of tho theory of Incomo tnxet) lu
general mlud you wo said tho
theory not tllo prnctlco ot Incomo
(loalros to nnunuuro that he
will bo nt Ills offlco ovory tif
tornoon for tho purpoo of FIT
TING (1LASSKS. ArrniiBoments
mny bo mndo for ovonlng ap
pointments. Byoa will be i
Offlco equipment Include
ovory modem Instrument. I'l.T
and SATISFACTION guaranteed.
before action can bo taken.
MAi.iiKim iikaii itati:
C. C. Dodge et ux In John Dunphy
nt nl. WH8WVJNWW8WU Soc. 5.
18-47. August IS. 1020. $1.00.
Sara It. Combs lu A. S Mowi, W4
W14 Sec. 22: NKViNKV, Sec, 28;
and WHNWV, Sec. 27-23-10. Dee.
18. 101K. $350.00.
Sheriff 11. I.e Noe to M. II. Moore
100 acre In Sections 22 and 27. 27
8. Jan. 17. 1021. $1340.43.
John II. Woodcock et al to (leorgo
Kddy. KSKVi. 8KNKVt Sec. 3fi.
13-39. July 10. 1920. $1.00.
F. M. Dunn ot ux to Androw J.
Swnn. Lots 4 and 5, 111k. 1, Nyssn.
Jan. 18. 1921. $1,000.00.
F. D. McClaron to I.. K. Oroenslot,
NWUNKM Sec. 11-17-IS. Dec, 3,
1920. $1.00
Shorlff II. I.eo Noo to Frank II.
(lloiin, Lot 14, Illk. 3, Northwest
Townsito Add. to Vnlo; also Lot 3,
Kldrodgo Add to Vnlo. Jan. 3, 1921.
D. I. Horrold to 8. R. Oolmt. NR
ViNWU Sec. 11-17-45, Nov. 27, 19
20. $10.00.
Udwnrd J. Curtis to J. It. Dlnckaby
Com. Co.. NWUNWW Soc. 29-28-40.
Jnn. 13. 1921. $750.00.
Sheriff 11. I.oo Noo to Joshua A.
nandolph. NKVi Sec 34-17-41., Jan.
3. 1921. $147.33.
Sheriff II. I.eo Noo to Jamee I..
Stewart. I.otB 73 k "ft, lllk. 8, Villa
Park Add. to Ontario. Jan 3, 1921.
Itobert Ilanoy ot ux to C. A. Wy
mnn. WHNBM Sec 9-17-40. Nov.
Zl. JU.'U. fSUU.UU
Losllo ,. Hopo et ux to Hopo Uros
N4NWi. WHNKU Sec. 0-1 8-45:
U Sec. C-19-44. Jnn. 11, 1921. $10.
Mnrrlago I.tcenies It-sued
Lewis Daniel Frov and Vorgle Am
brose Jan 22. 1921.
Complaints Filed in Circuit Omit
Arthur I Uoumngoux vs. Archio
Kuykondnll et al Jon. 18 1921
Foreclosure of Mtg. $4,190.00.
It. D. Uurrow vb. Poto Davis.. Jan
18, 1921. ltocovory of monoy $100
KIngmnu Colony Dralnngo Dis
trict., Jan. 19 1921. Confirmation
proceedings. Wolser National Dank
vs. W. II. Wright et nl.. Jan. 19,
1921. ltocovory on Nolo $1,735.00
O L. King vs. It. E. Coffoy. Jan
20, 1921. Foioclosuro of Tax Men.
I.uelln Newell vs. I.awson Newell.
Jan. 20. 1921 Dlvorco.
Cretllt Sorvlco Co. vs M. F. Clark.
Jan. 20, 1921. ltocovory on Acct
Lloyd A. Wenvor v. Ponrl Jamie
sou ot nl. Jan. 22, 1921. Damage.
$15.00 por aero for the year's pas
turo run rout of 170 days, wo find
Hint 25.3 bushels of rolled barley,
37.8 bushola of onts, 1.7 tons of hay
will keop un average Oregon homo
working under avorago Orogon farm
conditions for n year, tho aKgregnto
cost of this feed Is $117.35 per ear;
front this should he subtracted
$39.00 value ot the manure, leaving
nn oxpouse of but $78.35 for tho
year's feeding. These figures show
really how cheaply a draft horse may
be maintained under farm condi
tions; fancy attempting to rompoto
with nuto motive or tractor power
with this bill of oxprfimo (Jood
drnft mares should nil bo bred In
tho spring and range mnron of fair
typo mid reasonable bone nnd slso
will bo n Increasing demand. Live
stock growers hno a right to be op
timistic about tho future of tho In
dustry. 1921 ought lo bo an nverngo
yoar. It will call for the practice
of thrift and good feeding and bet
ter farm and range care nt our animals.
Applloatlons will bo roooivod for
n night pumpman, also ono ditch
rldor. Stnto oxperlonce. salary and
reference Mnko application to Secj
rotary. Outnrlo-Nyssa Irrigation
Company c o Malheur County Rank,
N8i.a. Orogon 934 S-9.
Why Not Try
Mr. Clean andye
You'll Bo Satisfied.
Tho cliameU'i'' of tho .
cleaning and dyeing
. done by us is appreci
ated by folks who
havo hitherto been
difficult to please.
The reason "why our
work has attracted
such favorable com
ment is because it lias
deserved it.
Capital Cleaners
Cleaning, Dyeing,
loll-North lath St.
We Pay Five Per Cent Interest
We have .' a club, whidi if attended regularly, will as
sure happiness for yourself and loved ones. We haye christened
To join this club just bring in the amount of money you want
to start with ($1.00 will open an account), follow it up regularly
and by next Christmas it may mean worthwhile gifts for friends
and relatives, it may mean a trip home, or many other things that
may suggest themselves to you.
This plan gives ydu a
System for Banking Regularly
It is the only Successful way to
Accumulate Money
it makes
Savers, not Spenders
This club is equipped to handle'tho savings of the baby or the
biggest business man, try it and watch your account grow.
Join and have every member of your family join, and by next
Christmas you will be glad that we extended to you the invita
tion' to join ... . r . ,. t
See W. F. Escuc at the savings window.
Ontario National Bank
tCltt fwiV . f "'
4-..Hi-'-l-- Kt'4-M--i4-t4-i-l-M-i"t'M'V----
Westo Water System-
l'UNO MUST 1112 01.1)
Wo have a strictly high grnilo
piano In Payette. No reasonable of
for refused for quick disposal. Easy
terms If responsible. Write at once
It lutorostetl to Tho Denver Muslo
Company, Denver, Colorado 7-12
Maybe you've, heard of it. If not sec
it. A water system reduced from an
ordinary system to a system that
weighs 93 pounds. Every glassful
of water you draw out is from your
well with a 40 pound pressuie. Come
in and call for a demonstration.
There's A Westco Pump Ror Every
Ontario Electric Co.
l . .
Phone 188J
Ontario, Oregon
l I
4 M
M ,, ,