The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 27, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 8
Goirnior Olmll Sondi Hperlnl Me-..
wiRii Urging l-egUlntloit To Pro.
tret Scenic lli'iiullcs AIiiiik High-
uii)f Reapportionment Men- I
mo to Imi Censidered:
(J. T. IIcuiiiIbIi, Correspondent)
Thursday Sonntor Ronnls Intro
duced ono of Iho moit Important
.pieces ot legislation yet Introduced
nt this subsIoii. It wns In the form
of n Joint resolution to cronto n
Home Owners' lonn fund" of npprox
lm'atoly $20,000,000. An nmendment
to tho stnto constitution would lio
nocossnry nnd for thnt purposo tho
proposed net would ho BUhmltted to
tho pooplo.
Tho resolution provides thnt tho
ntiito Innd honrd, on hohnlf ot tho
state, may (ssiio bonds to oxtont of 2
per cent of tho total assessed nro-
porty valuntlon In tho itnto, ..not
withstanding limitations olsowhero
in tno constitutions rolntlvo to bond
Issues. It Is provided thnt tho bonds
boar Intorcst nl 4 per cont and thnt
thoy ho oxompt from taxation. Tho
bonrd would bo authorized to loan
tho moneys dorlvod from tho snlo of
bonds to ownors of real estnto In
Oregon upon notes secured by mort
gages or deods ot trust which shall
not oxcood CO per cont ot tho vnlno
of tho run! cstato. No loans would
bo loss than $200 or more than
$5000. Loans would not bo in a do
oxrept to owners who nmy occupy
tho real rstnto mortgaged nnd would
bo only for tho follawltiK purpeses:
payments of tho purchase prlra of
roal ostnto; purchaso of llvo sick
nnd other farm equipment and tho
mnk'ng of Improvements which In
uio juugmeni nt ,tno uoaio; wui in-J
cronso tho usefulness of tho real rs
tnto; for tho satisfaction of encum
brances oi tho land1 nnd for nny
othor purposes which mny bo uii
thorlzod by Btatuto.
Tho rnto or Intorcst chnrgod bor
rowers should not oxcoed by more
than 2 por cont tho Intorcst on tho
Sonntor Ilruco Donnls Is nlso au
thor of a proposed constitutional
amondmont whereby n fund for sor
vlco men would be created by bond
Issues up to 3 per cent of tho states
assossod proporty valuntlon.
A bill Introduced by Hcprosontn
tlvo Frunklln P. Koroll, In tho
houso, would prohibit nny parson In
flicted with nn Infectious disease
or with nny social dlsoaso In a com
munlcnblo form, from working In
a placo whom food or drink Is pro
pnrod, or offorod for sola or sold.
It requires porsons working In
such plncos to submit to a physical
examination whon roquostod to do
Governor Message
Monday Governor Don W. Olcott
delivered n apodal mossago to tho
loglslaturo In -which ho urgod th en
actment ot laws to prosorvo 'ho
scenic boautlcs along tho highways
ot tno stato. in connection with tho
spoclal mossago tho governor also
submitted flvo proposod laws to put
the plan Into offect.
Tho laws would glvo tho stato
highway commission powor to ac
quire rights ot way along highways
for mnlntonanco and prosoryatlon of
f. sconla beauties, would mako It un-V-i-ful
to destroy trees along a stato
h'Ahway without permission of tho
BttHo highway commission, would
authorize tho commission to acqulro
lands for parks and parking placos,
and roqulro porsons making any al
n''ratloiiB in highways or rights of
vay, to obtain porralt from tho state
highway engineer.
"No othor stato in the union has
been blessed with so many natural
glories as Is tho stato ot Oregon.
"Crowning all these glories aro our
forest growths." Tho governor dis
claimed nny Intention to deprive pri
vate timber owners ot land without
legal process. Ho said the timber
men, generally, woro eager and will
ing to co-operato.
Tho first display of firo works In
tho house was oxhlbltod this after
noon when tho resolution was Intro
duced providing for tho reapportion
ment and redisricting of tho state
according to the 1920 census. Re
presentative Kubli of Portland, urg
ed the adoption ot the resolution
He was supported In this by repre
sentative Durdlck and Overturf from
Dos Chutes county and Represent!'
tlvo Qallaghor from Malheur county
A heatod debate took place over
this measure and remarks back and
forth became very pointed nnd per
sonal. The resolution was adopted.
If a bill Introduced by Senator
Hume finds its way into the statute
books, holdup men whoso numbers
are Increasing everyday In Oregon
will be permitted to hang from the
end ot a rope. Hume's bill provides
that robbery or attempted robbery
upon a publlo highway when the act
or attempt Is backed up by a dead
ly weapon, shall bo punishable by
death except when the trial Jury In
its verdict shall recommend life im
prisonment. Representative Frank Davoy of
PORTliAND HUSINCNH mhv mi.-vii
WJion tho excursion of Port-
land business men was In th'n
section Inst fnll n pnrty of thorn
stopped nt tho Cnlrn hcIih.-iI
houso whllo waiting for their
ussoclntcs to como from NVssa
to tnko tho train for Vnlo. Tho
rortinnu men woro so plcaned
p wiiu mo
rccootlnn iirninleil 4,
them by tho tcac'iurs nnd ntndln
ot tho Cairo school that tlicv
dotormlnud rocontly to send a
mon'on,lo.of -V1.0 vl8lt' nn" this
week thoy did so. Tho gift
which Is highly nrizod hv thu
teachers nnd pupils nt Cnlrl Is
n hnndsomo frnmed likeness of
President Thoodoro Hoosovclt
and It now tins n prominent
plnco on tho walls of tho Cairo
Committer ApKlntoil To AhMhI In
Making Week, Profitable One
Fur llnnclirn Uiuliutui Men
To Open Homes Fur
At a woll attended and onthuslns
tic moating of tho Commorclnl club
mombors at tho City Hall Inst night
unanimous ondorsomonl wns g'von
tho advanco stops tnkou by Presldout
It. W. Jones and Socrotary W. H.
Doollttlo to assist tho Malheur Coun
ty Farm Huroau In ontorlalnlng vis
itors to tho city during tho ''armor's
Short Courso wook Pobrunry 7 to 12.
Several of tho mombors whoso
homes nro largo enouitli to Dormlt
Il.roxO- alr assurnnco thnt
would tirovldn nunrtors for rnncliorn
during tho woek, Tho commlttoo
nnmod by tho club, consisting of I).
W. Powers, Iarnu Ulncknby and I,,
I). Cockrum wuh Instructed to tutor
vlow tho hotols mid restrnuruntn to
mako special prlcos during tho wook
and tako chargo of outertnlulng tho
President Jonos nnd Socrotary
Doollttlo ench outlined tho purpoto
of the weok and Its possibilities for
publlo good, nnd outlined, too, tho
(advertising campaign which the club
bad undertaken for tho Turin Hu
roau. B. A. Frasor, E. C. Van Pot
ton, II. Li, Potorson nnd othor mem
bers voiced npprovnl of tho work
outlined and the duty of tho busi
ness inou to co-oporato.
ltniirheiH Pitt-en! Vii'ivn
V. M. Northrop of Dond Ox Klnt
and U, R. Conklln or Cairo who
woro prcsont woro called upon, and
assured the mooting that tho co-op-oration
of tho business was ossentlni
to tho promotion of prosperity In
this section, and assured thorn that
tho spirit shown by tho Commorclnl
Club would bo approolatod.
Iiivcstlgnto MaikotN
On tho motion of J. A. Lakuoss It
was decldod that an effort bo mado
to show tho Oregon Publlo Sorvlco
commission In co-oporatlon with the
Stato Chambor ot Commerce thoro
Is a markot for Malheur county hay
wost ot tho Cascades. This followed
tho report of Geo.' K. Aiken of the
rosults ot a mooting with tho Public
Sorvlco Commissioners at Salem last
woek. At this meeting Commission
er Corey told Mr, Alkon, V. F. Ho
man, and Mr. Northrop, that It It
wero shown that a market dooa ex
ist for tho hay ot this region that
they could bo assurod that tho rail
roads would grant a rato at which
the hay could bo moved.
W.'J, Plnnoy urged that unloss
modifications ot the hay quarantine
wero made that low rates would
not move the crop. He urgod that
further efforts bo made to securo a
modification, at least to permit the
shipment of hay to regions whero no
alfalfa Is raised.
B. C. Van Petten told of the ef
forts mado by the club and the
Farm Bureau, to have the restric
tions removed, and finally the mo
tion prevailed to have Mr. Aiken co
operate wit h Representntivo Gallag
her In an attempt to secure a re
President Jones brought up the
question ot adverse parcels post
f rates and urged that the transpor
tation committee investigate wnat
action could bo taken. This was dis
cussed at length and an Investiga
tion will be mado.
Preceding the meeting a dinner
was served by the women of tho
Congregational Chuch which was
very much enjoyed.
Marlon county has introduced a hill
In tho house In which It provides for
the exemption ot taxation of propor
ty In the value of $1,000 for veter
ans ot various wars, or their widojvs
romalnlng unmarried. This exemp
tion extends to honorable discharg
ed union soldiers or sailors ot the
Mexican war, the war ot tho rebel
lion or the Indian wars of the state
of Oregon, or the widow remaining
unmarried ot such soldier or sailor
Pnmler llienkH and Ituni Hut Meet
footed Mnrrdml CuptuteH Him
After Spectacular Chase
Hhot HnltN Hint
After a spoctnculnr chnso In tho
alloy back of tho Ontario Meat &
Orocory comnanv. thru thn llimtnn
Cnfo nnd ncross Oregon strcot, Night
niursnni j, li. uordon captured a
burglur whom ho cnught In tho
wnrohoUBo of tho Ontario Moat and
Grocery compnny nt 9 o'clock last
Tho chnso howovor did Jiot end
until Marshnl Gordon fired h's re
volver In tho nlr and scared tho fu
gltlvo Into submission to nrrest. At
tho City Hall this morning tho' man
gnvo his namo as Charles Unlllngor,
address, no ulnco In nartlculnr. Ho
will bo arraigned this ntternoou bo
foro Pollco Judgo C. M. Stearns,
cnargeu witn burglary.
Marshal Gordon cnught tho man
whon on making his rounds of tho
alloys ho noticed that tho padlock on
uio wnronouso wns broKcn nnd In
, vestlgatcd Its causo, and walkod In
on tho burglnr. who broko and ran.
but not fast enough for tho offlcor.
Glrlx Club Kntortnlned
Tho Olrls Friendly Club hold n
successful party at tho homo of Mrs.
B. M. Grolg, Tuesday evening.
Thirty-six mombors woro prcsont and
took part In tho dlfforont games, of
tor mooting tho Smiles Family nt tho
door and receiving a hearty wol
como. Ono of tho fontures of tho ovon
Ing wns tho writing of fnrowoll notes
to Miss Wilson by oach girl prosont.
Tho notes wero hound In nn attrac
tive manner and prosontod to Miss
Wilson who lenves Monday to tako
a position In School Gnrdon work In
Miss Wilson wns also glvon u mis
cellaneous shower by tho girls.
Tho next mooting will ho Tdcsday
February first nt tho High School
at 7:30 o clock. Final plans era
to bo mado then In regard to form
ing tho Ukelo Club.
Olga Cllno nnd Millard M. Wil
liams woro mnrrlod January 15th at
Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. Williams Is n slstor of Mrs.
John Ilrosnnn of Ontario, and It wall
known hero, having attoudod tho
Ontario schools a fow yoars ago.
Tho wedding was n quiet one ow
ing to tho rocont donth ot Mrs Wll
llnms' mothor, Mrs. Emily Jnno
Miss Josophlno E. Tnguo of Urn
gnu, Oregon, nnd Evan O. Allstrom
of Huntington, Oregon, woro tiultod
In marrlago, Tuesday evening of this
wook at tho Methodist pursonnge
Tho ring sorvlce was usod and Rev
W. J. I.uscombo porformod tho enro
mony. Miss Cnllln'n music pupils will glvo
a' recital at tho S. D, Dorman home
Tho Sllvor Ton glvon by tho On
tario Woman's Club was hold Wed
nesday attornoon at tho homo of
Mrs. B. O. Van Potton.
Tho Monday Drldge Club met v.-'.th
Mrs. O, M. Castleman this week.
Tho Tuesday Attornoon Drldgo
Club mot this weok with Mrs. Frank
Tho Imperial Club moots Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Drnno.
Fifty mombors of Ontario Post No
07 American Legion attended tho
smoker given at tho Oregon Club
last Monday evening. Startling
boxing bouts between II. M. Drown
and Elmer LeaVItt, J. II. Gordon and
W. O. C. Sullivan and a wrestling
match between 8. J, Mllllkln and
Dwlght Plerco entertained tho gath
ering. Dig oats and lots of smokes
mado tho evonlng ono ot tho blggost
In tho Post's history Four new
mombors were added to the rolls
Mildred Lillian daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Harry McCarty who lives
west of Ontario, dlod at Holy Rosary
Hospital Wodnosday, of flu followed
by pnoumonla. Age six yoars and
three months. Sorvlces will he held
at the Catholic Church, Rev, P J.
Stack officiating.
Nora Ruth Froman, daughtor of
Frank Manttord Froman dlod at
Holy Rosary Hospotal this morning,
ot pneumonia. Age eight months
Services will be held at the Catholic
Church Sunday, January 30, at 2
o'clock P. M. Interment In Catholic
Cemotory. Father Stack will offici
ate. Judge Will R. King returned the
first ot the week from Portland and
Chicago where he had been on legal
business and went to Vale to look
after the interests ot his cllenta in
the Willow creek" irrigation nega
tion. He returned from Vale Tuesday.
i r rr
HitL ni-uuuHiwinu
Cdlro HiiicMii Adopt New Plan For
Y'enrVi Work Kxecutho Com-
inlllw Nnined OrcKon Hlopo
Meet Hiituiilny
At Cnlro Grnngo Hall Inst Thurs
day tho Cairo Farm Hurcau ot nn
all day session complotod Ha reor
ganization for tho year's work. At
noon n dinner wns Bervcd and with
a largo aitcnunnco prcsont tho moot
ing wns doomod ono ot tho most suc
cessful yet hold by .tho Uurenu.
Tho progrnm of work outlined by
tho commlttoo solectcd for tho pur
poso was ndoptod nnd nn executlvo
comrnltteo consisting of G. W. Dean,
John"Kcogan nnd I. E. Onkcs was
named to select tho chairmen for
tho various projects nnd given pow
er to direct their work.
OrOKmi Hlopc To Meet
Tho mooting for tho fo-orgnnUn-tlon
of the Oregon Slopo llureau will
bo hold at tho Park 8chool on Sat
urday and plans nro bolng perfect
ed thoro for n rousing meeting,
J. II. Anderson Is down Irom Drew,
soy visiting his family.
Marcolln Dearborn who has been
qultu III Is now Improving.
YVm. Walker's mother of l'nyetto
visited him last week.
Mrs. Jennotto Evans returned from
Emmctt Monday,
B. M. Grolg returned from Twin
Falls this morning.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs,
Wultor Cohlck Wodnesdny, Jon 20,
weighing 9 pounds.
F. L. Osboru ot Spoknno Is In un
tnrlo this wook. Mr. nnd Mrs. Os
boru will loavo soon for Spokane.
Mrs. C. IC. Avery of Chicago was a
guost of Mrs. Horry nt Moore Hotol
botwocn trains Wednesday.
Mrs. Rona Hills Is horo from
Portland visiting with her nnronts.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Adam.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Konnody of
Hrocnn nro In Ontario, bringing their
llttlo dnughtor who Is under tho
doctor's enro.
Tho. Congrogntlonnl Ladlos Aid
will moot at tho homo ot Mrs. Jnmos
Dlven Wodnosday afternoon Febru
ary 2nd.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Plnnoy woro
In HoIro from Sunday until Tuesday
Lou Llchardson of Crauo Is In On
tario for n fow days.
II. C. Soy m our, Stato Londor wll)
bo in Ontario for n conforonce with
Miss Mnzlo Wilson tho latter part of
tho wook.
It. M. Perry roturnod Sunday from
Garden City Kansas whoro ho wns
called by tho sorlous Illness of his
Mrs. Honry Griffin hns returned
from hor trip fo Soattlo ami Tacoma
whore alio represented tho local Rod
Cross Chapter nt tho Rod Cross con
vention. Mrs. Noll O. Hodford loft Sunday
for Portland. She will visit tho
main mllllnory wholosnlo houses of
tho coast whllo away In ordor to
study tho now stylos for spring.
Mrs, M. E, Osborne's grandchild
ron of Twin Falls aro very HI with
typhoid foor. Eighty children o'
Twin Falls nro 111 with typhoid which
It Is reported is caused by the Infec
tion of the milk supply.
Mr- and Mrs. A. E. Hrocount nnd
Helen and Mrs. II. Croady left thiH
morning for Holso for a fow days.
Mr and Mrs. I. E. Chonault ot Ln
Grando vlsltod tho latter part of tho
weok with tholr son E. F. Chonault
and family.
Mr and Mrs. J. F Joyce went to
Dakor yesterday, Mr, Joyco bolng
ono of tho candidates lultlated Into
the mystorles ot tho Shrlnors at
the mysteries ot tho Scottish Rite
Masonry ut Dakar last ovonlng
J. M. Weaver is hero from Ilonlta
visiting with his son. J. II. Weaver j
who recently returned from Alaska i
whoro ho was employed In the rail
road construction work ns bookkeop
or. Ho Is here on n visit and will
return to Alaska.
W W. Cryder who has been local
agent for the Eastorn Oregon Land
Company for the past three mouths
has resigned his position effective
February 1, As yet no successor has
boon named and tho office Is In
chargo of Field Superintendent Geo.
E. Pollock.
Daltlo alfalfa has been tho boat
producer at tho Harrtey brand exper
iment station, either on dry or Irri
gation tracts, both forage and seed.
The six year average In rows 1 1
tons per acre, 4 4 tons under Irrigation.
Tho organization of tho It. O.
T C Unit nt thn Illeh Snlini.l
has now been completed. Mnjor
-I- Wall, tho enmmundnnt. iif tin.
K.O.T.C. unit nt tho llnlun lll.-li 4.
v ocuooi win nnvo ennrgo of tho
supervision of our unit until tho
Wnr Department Is ublo to ns-
Blgn iih nn officer on full time
Mnjor Wall or ono of his us-
siBtnntH will bo In Ontario each
Friday to direct our unit Two
shipments pf supplies hnvo been
rccolvcd from tho Department
nnd tho 100 now rifles nre ox-
pectod right nwny. A now cab-
Inct ensu Is being- built for thn
rifles nt tho High School build-
Ing Mnjor Wall In cooiicrathm
with Principal S. M. llouchnr
will Install nt onco n complete
systom of nrmy records for
ciiocKing nttondnnco at drill nnd
for handling all nrmy supplies
furnished tho unit. 104 hoys
nro now enrolled In this do-
A A Reed ot Hrognn. chairman
of tho Malheur County Farm Hu-
rcau's Horticultural committee- . ill
cd his committeemen together Imro
last Thursday for tho consideration
of tho proposal to unlto with tho
Idaho Fruit Growers for tho uiniket
lug of tho crops of this region. The
commlttoo adopted n resolution re
pressing thu dcslro for such co-op-oration
Those who attended the
mooting were- Mr. Reed nnd A A
Douhrnvn ot Hrogan, C C Hunt of
Nyssa, Goo. W Uttlg and P M
Ilonls of Oregon Slopo, A R. A I boo,
A. Ornmso, and E. II. Conklln of
Ontario; J L. Ingnrd and Fred At
strand of Frulllatid. Mr. Ilonls and
Mr. Reed woro Instructed to utteud
tho mooting of tho Idaho Growors
at Dolso this wook.
Tho Pythian Sisters Instnllod tho
following offlcors Wednesday, Jan
uary 20; E. C, Elhol Maxon; P.
C, Winifred Ponrmnn; B. 8., Ella
Ilrlttlngmnn; E. J., Mrs. Claude
Ilrlttlngham; Mnnagor, Lillian '.Un
mormnn; M. It. of C, Hannah MIDI
knn; M. of F Cnlllo Athorton; O.
0., Evo Poerman: P. T., Mnrln Mc
Gregor; C. It., Winifred Poorman.
After tho Installation refroshmonts
woro surved.
Homer Maddux visited In l'nyetto
C. R. Kmlson roturnod Monday
from Portland.
Mr and Mrs. E. C. Vnn Potun
tlHltors Monday. '
Win. MID. r has Ikmii uppoiutei
postmastor at lioulla, Oregon.
Dr. Jack Taylor of Holso was visit
ing with hl hiothr, i ol S. F. Ta
lor and fum'lv In Ontario-thin utiuk.
Mrs. Arthur Holland anil small
sou returned from Wo'ser Wooiiim
day after u few days lslt with her
Mrs. II. C, Hoyer who has been
sojourning In California fur the punt
two mouths returned homo this wook
greatly Improved In huulth.
Martin .Mourn who has been In the
U 8. Army for the past jour to
turuod to Ontario this wook. During
most ot his absence Mr Moore was
stationed In Now Jersey
E. W Ilowluud rnluriiixl Friday
from a three wook visit ut Milwau
kee, Wis. whom ho vsus culled by
tho llli)o8 of his mothsr Mm How
land visited in HoIhu during his ml-
Mr. and Mis. J. It ItnsmUMMUu
wore visiting In I'ortlunii tills wok
Thoy will return to HuKer tonay
whoro Mr. Hubiuushou will take tho
Shrlners degree tonight
E. L. llaos, formerly rullwuy pos
tal clerk on tho Ontuilo-Crunu train
nnd later transforrod to the main
lino run between Pocatnllo and Iluk
or, has recently boon asslgnod to tho
Salt Lake-Hutto division
W E Lees, owner of tho
block wost of tho High School
has offered thu proporty to the
Commercial Club or City for
$1,000 The property Is valued
at several times that sum, uud
the Commercial Club members
on learning of Mr Lees offor
as reported by Secretary Dee-
llttlo directed that efforts bo
made to offect tho purchase
Presldont Jones urgod that tho
block west of tho Grade School
also bo socurod bo that four
squares could bo used as a unite
lor park, play ground or other
publlo purposo.
11 '. ! 1X) AIKHHH RANCH.
Alfnlfu llnMiiiit Stock RnUlog, llnlry
Ing.Miirkeilng, llorllriilliiif mill
Poultry SpocmlUlM Ouiilng
Entertainment I'm-.
iilkliiil by Com-
incrclnl Club.
I roin Monday February 7 to Sat
urday February 12 Ontario will he
tho mcccn for tho rnnchors of thu
county who will ho In ultondanco ut
ho IccttireH of tho Hhort courso In
running nnd mnrkntlm- m-m ,.... -
by tho Malheur County Farm Huroau.
with tho co-oporatlon of tho Com
mercial club which Is nsslstlng In tho
ontortnlnmcnt features It Is planned
to iimko tho week thu most profitable
over plnnned for tho farmers of the
Hold Poultiy Hlintv loo.
lleHldo"tho locturos of the furm
pxports thoro will ho held during tho
last thrco days of tho weok tho an
mini show of tho Ontario Poultry
association. This exposition of tho
feutherod urlstocrnts of tho county
will bn hold In tho Hoyer building
at tho corner of Oregon street nnd
third uvouuo 8. W. Liberal pre
miums will bo nwnrdod tho winners.
Muuy EtpeitN ("inning
Tho Farm Huroau tu arranging
for tho course hns Koucht nnd .
cured somo of tho host known mun
in ngricuuurnl linos In both Oregon
and Idaho. Thu lecturers uro com
ing from Oiegon Agricultural Col
loge: from thu stnto experiment
stations; from tho big marketing
hurenus and from tho various
U. S, departments hnndllng tho
problouiK of alfalfa rnnchor, the
stockman, tho dairy man, the hor
ticulturists and tho poultrymnn.
Evory number on tho progrnm
which Is glvon below will bo worth
whllo, ns can ho seen by n brlof re
view of tho spenkors on tho various
On Mondny tho big number will bo
tho report of thn horticultural cam.
mlttoo of tho Farm Huroau on tho
projoct of ro-oporntlng with Idaho
Growors In the marketing of tho fruit
of tho ceunty:
On Tuesday ono of tho londlnir
lecturers will bo thnt on tho growing
of clover seed In this section.
Wednesday's program will bo of
especial Intorost to tho stookmnn for
on Hint day Rohort Wltbycomhu of
iiiu nuiiu WAfivi iiiiiiiii niuililll 111
Union will discuss tho "Fattening of
Cnttlo and Shoop "
On Thursday E 1! Fltts, dairy
specialist of O. A C will discuss tho
dairy cow and Its pine In agricul
ture, nnd J. D Mlcklo, nrslstnnt
mnnngor of tho Orognu Dairyman's
League will dlseiiBH thn marketing of
Dairy Products.
On Friday tho entire scope of co
operative marketing, tho big move
tnmit among tho formera of America
will ho d'sctiHsed bv Prof Hector of O. A (' and other
On Saturday tho reiithersd flocks
will (ommund ntteution with tpec!nl
IkIh to discuss (r fHMturn of tho
poultry Industry
Tho Commercial eluh under the
dlroctlnu of I'rw'dmit It W. Jnno
and Sperotnry W 11 Doollttlo Is
planning n number of fnuturos In-
eluding, porhnps. n luncheon nnd
dinner to thn visitors ttid oilier
ovnntH, details of which will bo given
next weok.
With tho largest nttondauco ro
, corded In years the nuiiual Sllvor
Ten of tho Ontario Womun's Club
was held yesterday afternoon nt the
homo of tho cIuIi'h proMldout, Mm.
E. C Vun Pollen Netirlv one huu
dred uomon gnthered dui'ng the af
ternoon anil tho KiiiMtM wero r waived
In tho beautifully deeoniied pnrlorti
of tho now home Spring foliage
sent from tho roast, rut flowers and
potted plants wcio effect 'velv used.
Mrs. Eltzahnth llnwl mmiI Mrs. O.
M Castlomnii pres'iled mi the tables
whllo vootyl solos huok' by Mm. E.
W. Hills, of Portland . Mm II. L.
I'otorson, Mrs F P Ryan and Miss
Catherine Conway added gnatly to
tho pleasure of tho afternoon.
Misses Ruth Unman. Margaret
Hlackaby, Thorossn Young aid Alice
Dorman served As tho r will l of the
uftornoon's entertainment tin sohol
nrsblp fund was I nc row mil bj almost
Mrs. Emily Jnno Cllne of Portland
a former resident of Ontario and
well known In this v'clnlty passed
awny at hor home. In Portland Jun
uary Cth.
Hor Immodlato relatives nro hor
daughters, Mrs Jf'n Hrosnan of
Ontario. Mrs. Iioulah Root and Mrs.
Olga Williams both of Portland.
Those from Ontario who attendod
tho funeral wero Mrs John Hrosnnn,
Mrs, T J nrosnah and daughter,
Miss Ella nrosnan