The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 20, 1921, Image 1

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    irumriA .WWlEIW
NO. 7
(inn Cliil to rifjteiit Piny, "Tim
VmK'(l Slim," Under Direction
of MInm'm Cuilron mul All
hot ( Program I))' Iliinil
Tho Ontario Pnront-Tonchiir'B Ah-
elation Iihm plmuioil u entertain-
ont in honor of tlio High School
titd nnil OrchcBtru to lio glron nt
o High School AHHomlily llooin on
uirsdny uvonlng, Jnnimry 27, un-
r tho illroctlon of l'rof, M. I).
minim, Tho iitctnliorn or tlio imnil
Li' hocn timctlcltiK two iilghtH n
uk iilncu tho opening ot school nnd
great itt'ul of tlntu nnil cnorgy Iiiih
en put Into ninkltig n Btrong mua-
il organization.
In appreciation of tho work that
being ilono nnil of tho ndvnntngeii
ho derived hy Btudontn nnil coni-
milty. tlio Pnront-Tcarhur h Ahho
illnn Iiiih nrrnnged for tho proiluc-
,11 uf "Thu Wonilci! Man," n play
John Hendricks llango, to he
tin hy thoSlKinn Club of O. II. 8
hrnrwits for tho piny bcgnn on
irmlay nnil. uro being directed hy
Hti Caboon nnil MIhb Abbott, ndvls-
of tho Club.
rnllnwItiK Ib the cast of charilC-
o Worsted Mini
...MIbb Huth Cnliccn
tli'iico Wllloughby
Dorothy Edward
hollndn DoWItt Alinn iloninn
lirtto lliiwklim Albo Ilorvln
irlnnnn Huth lloiimn
Iscllln Uln (Irntnno
uilenco IIopo Cochrnn
uniiim Holm Hood
nclto Kvolyn Stewart
II Hoy Mnrgarotto Potior
Tho Imnil will also entertain with
number ot Melodious.
An admission or 2Sc will ho turn
over to tho Sigma Club to ilufrny
lenses for tho piny. MomborH of
i Ilnnil nml Orrhcstrn will bo glv
cnmpllmtmtnry tickets.
DAt tbo next mooting nt tho Ontnrlo
Immorclnl Club n commlttoo will
appointed to assist In i.rrnngln?
tho Annual I'oultry 8how.
It In hoped to Hocuro tho Btoro
Ihllng formorly occupied by Doyor
01. which Ih roomy and n flno loco-
Tho poultry lnduatry la font ho
ming ouo of tho greatest In tlio U.
In 1019 tbo vnluo ot It oxcoodod
i billion ono hundrod nml fifty
lllou dollars and It In growing rop-
each yoar.
This Hcctlon Is Bplontlldly adnptod
poultry anil egg production and
Miy pooplo nro making n flno pro-
from their flocks.
I tils year's bIiow should bo hotter
I mi any hold In tho pout as tho In
Mry hnn dnuhlod In tho past two
and many birds of high stand-
will bo shown.
riio dato of tho show will bo de
led next w.eok, but It will probably
noiii m tho first wook In Fobru-
(noth plaintiffs In casoa tit-id dur-
tho Inst ot Inst wook and tbo
r if this wook boforo Judge Oil-
I Kgc nt Vale woro uwHUltd
fM-,cy Tho first cu. I'nit of
Iflor Arnwlno vs. R. V. Stnnflold
derlarod to bo ono of tho tunst
torly foupht casos trlod bofnra tl o
irt In sovoral torms. resulted In a
diet for tho plaintiff. A similar
ult was tho result of tho case of
i. J M, Paterson vs. Dr, V. 0,
wo To try thoso casos tho court
d night sessions. ,
rho annual appearance of i dog
inor In Ontario was maVUM
"lay whon. "Ducon" tho voluablo
Ito rolllo belonging to F. J. Clomo
no homo dylnK from tho offocta
itrychnlno Dr. A. O. Mooro was
led and though evory effort was
no to Bavo tho dog he died. A
lo dog bolonglng to Frank Mc
MopIi who llvos across tho street
m Mr Clomo Iiob disappeared
1 It Is bolloved that ho too was a
tlm of tho poisoner.
Mrs, n, A. Grady and son left
esdar for a vIhII with hnr RtRtnrn.
I. Win, Plughoff nt Huntington
ft mrs. i-rank McQeo at Lowlston,
bo From Lowlston she will go
Dillon, Montana to visit with Mr.
lady's mothor.
D C Anderborg and wlfo returned
turday from a visit with Mr. An-
"norg's mother at Salt Lake City.
y stoppod off at Pocatello and
'so on their way home for a few
y visit.
Tho mall routo batwoon Hock
vlllo and WntBon, which has boon
illBcontluuil for a lone tluio, hnu boon
put In opurntlon again tlio first trip
bolng mndo by II. U. Symo, of Wnt
boii, who hn tho contract for carry
ing tho mall, January 13. Senator
Chamberlain n Bhort tlmo ago pro
Bontoil a petition from' tho pooplo In
tho vicinity of Ontnrlo, nntl Wntoon
to tho pOHtoftlca department nBklng
for tho ro-OBtabllshmont of tliln mail
I routo with tho result ntntcd nbovo.
iiio poopio or wntBon nnvo boon In
convenienced by tho discontinuance
ot this routo bolng without "their
mnll for a month nt n tlmo.
('omiiilttco Outllncn Proponed Pro-
Kriiiii of Woik for Now Ycnr
Urgt Co-operation with Com-
nii'rt'Jiil llodb'H lUiovt
At tho Cairo Grange Hall today
tho mombon ot tho Cairo Farm Ilu
reau nro holding an nil day kcbbIoii
for tho ro-orgnnlrntlon of tho burcna
for tho yoar. llenldo tlio program of
huslncBs thuro will bo n dinner to
which tho various mombors nro con
tributing tho onto, and In tho even
ing tho Orange will glvo n-dnnco.
TuvHday morning at tho city ball
tho program of work commlttoo con
hinting of E. II. Conklln, A. Uramso,
P, Countrjmnn, Seymour Hosa, 8. I).
Dniinnn and Ouo. K. Alkon consldor
id proposnln to bo submitted foi tho
activity of Jho vii'Ioub commlttoes
foi the yoar.
Ilosldo tho program outlined by
tho county oxocutlvo cammltlco thu
Cairo commlttoo decided to add there
to n commlttoo whoso business It will
bo to promoto tho poultry Industry
'n thlr section bo that tho builnoss
will roach n point whoro an adequate
mnrkot will bo Justtflod It was al
so dorldod that nn oxocutlvo commit
too ho formed which will bo om
pnwored to romovo commlttoes which
do not function, uud this executlx
commlttoo will bo urgod to co-opor-nto
with tho proper commlttoes of
tho Cnmmorclnl Club of Ontario to
promoto tbo advancement of mutual
Tho commlttoo also urgod that ef
forts bo mado to lmprovo tho market
roads In tbo Cairo district, particu
larly tho Valley Vlaw road, and that
a study bo mado of school probloms
to uncertain whothor or not school
busos might not bo Installed to tako
chlldron of thai soctlon to tho
Hchuols of Ontario,
Mrs. Eloanor Jamlcson pnssod,to
hor reward but Saturday night hav
ing roachod tho rlpo ngo ot eighty
nlno years. Sha had rocontly movod
from Ontario to Emmott, Idaho, hav
ing lived In Ontario for somo sovon
or eight years. Sorvlcos woro hold
at Emmott Monday and sbo was laid
to rest In the comotory thoro. Hor
Immodlntn rolatlvos aro hor husband
Jas. F, Jamloson, a votoran of tho
Civil war, hor daughtor, Mm. Joan
otto Evans omplorod with Dn. Wtcvi
and Fnrtnor, and Mr. and Mrs. I, J.
Dickson, hor son-in-law and daugh
tor who a short tlmo slnco movod to
Kmmett to tnko r.dvantjigo of a now
business opportunity.
Sho wns born nonr Pittsburg,
Ponna., movod to Iowa, thon to Cal
ifornia and lat'or to Ontario.
Hor doparturo Is a distinct loss
to hor lovod ones and frlonda bo
ciiubo to each yoar of hor llfo was
nddod tiwcatnoss, boauty and frag
ranco. Hor example of pattont
faithfulness Is a loss; her oxample
of un80lflBb devotion to duty Is n
loss; hor oxnmplo of regular nttond
nnco nt public worship In tho house
of prayer, even tho tho Impaired
hoarlng forbid hor hearing n Bor
mon, Is a loss.
Ono of tho most valuable assotH
for youth Is tho example ot rlpo ox
perlonco and tho testimony to tho
truth of otornnl verities by the aged.
Sho drank dally from tho rlvor of
tho Lord's pleasures and was roady
for hor crowning.
She waB a lifelong mombor of the
United Prosbytorlan Church.
After an exciting case in tho dis
trict court, Geo. Howard was found
guilty of the murder of Ooorgo W.
Swoonoy. At 7:30 p. m. this evonlng
tho Jury returned a vordlct ot first
dogroo murdor, which may mean a
doath penalty. , He will recolvo his
Bontenco Saturday at 1:30 p. m.
R. W. Jonos left Monday on a
business trip through tho Interior.
County Agent L. If. Dreithuupt
who has been 111 tor more than a
weok Is vory. much Improved and
able to bit about again.
Miss Pauline Sellgman left Satur
day for Qoodlgg, Idaho whore she
will attend Gooding Colloge.
Agricultural Department Huud Hep.
rtwntnllve Hero to Htuily Mar
ket Hlttintlon In Optimistic
C. C. (Ilguoux, assistant fluporvlsor
of ugrlculturo rf tho Union Pacific
.ystum wns In Ontario laBt Saturday
to sccuro Inlormntlon rolntlvo to the
amount of hay jet unsold In this tcr
Though ho dcclnrod that tho re
duced hay rato had not yot ncblovod
tho bonofltB which tho pooplo ot Ida
ho ii rid ot Mnlhour county had hopod
from It no yot, ho dcclarod that In
bin opinion judging from tho data
collected In various sections that the
bonoflts would bo mnnlfost In this
region In tho noxt two or throo
months whon thq liny ot Colorado
and Nobrnska woro movod to market.
Tho low rato ban nffoctod thoao re
gions already and thoy bolng nonror
Bccurod tbo first advantage.
I. Iko every other student ot farm
probloms who has been In this ro
glon Mr. Olgnour Is an advocato ot
iltvnrtdtlod farming nn tho propor sol
ution of tho markotlng difficulties
of tho pooplo ot this soctlon.
In tholr effort to bo of lmmodlnto
assistance tbo Union Pacific official
lire gatborlng data among tho buyer.
of bay an wall aH tho shlpporn nnd-j
linvo added tho County Agent or Mnl
hour County nn tholr list ot Hiobo
who will rrcnlvo tho bullotln IbbuoiI
wuokly fhow'ni, thoso who nro In tho
market for hay and other farm pro
O. II. Hobs shipped tho first throo
cnrloads of alfalfa meal, January 13,
from tho Alfalfa Products Company
mill of Ontario. Two carloads woro
ahlppod to Momphls, Touuossco and
ono to St. Joseph, Missouri. Ordors
for moal hnvo boon rocolvod all win
ter, and bad tho weather boon such
an to permit grinding and hauling,
sovoral moro enrs would havo boon
placed on tho mnrkot.
It. W, Jonca mado a business trip
to Ilakor Inst Thursday.
W. F. Roman Is In Portland on
J. A. LaknoBS was In Dakar on bus
Inoss last wook.
J. F. Joyco, county ruaft runstor,
roturnod tho first ot tho woek from
Watson whoro ho has boon looking
after road work.
Mlis Lucllo Rollins, accompanied
by tho two young daughters ot Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Cox, Marguorlta and
Clomontlno, havo roturnod from a
flvo months visit to tholr former
homo nt Grlnnoll, Iowa. Thoy woro
accompanied homo by Mr. Cox's
Mothor, Mrs, Anna Cox, ot Iow.i
Falls, who camo to visit hor son and
family. Miss Rollins Is spending tho
wook ond In HoUo,
Mrs, II. L. Fox Is roported nutto
111 again.
Mrs. 8. F. Taylor Is on tho sick
list this weok,
Mrs. Cora Roaglo and llttlo grand
daughter, Miss Laura Grogg, return
ed Frldny from a visit to relatives
at Cnldwoll.
Miss Elinor Randall who has boen
ill for sovoral days at the home ot
Dr. and Mrs. II, H. Whltnoy Is able
to bo up and about again.
Tho Robokah Lodgo Initiated two
candidates Wednesday night, tho
work bolng conducted by tho Pay
otto Lodgo.
Mrs. J, R. Kldd, of Hunttngtop,
who Is vory 111 was brought to Holy
Rosary Hospital Tuoaday ovenlng.
V ftR- fll.tA.l t?m vIbIIa,! .villi
hor sisters, Mrs. Lee Drown and Miss
Mario Frost at Payette Saturday and
Sunday. Sho was accompanlod by
Miss Gladys Franklin,
Frod Rice wns In Payette Satur
day. Mrs. J. R. Grogg vlsltod Payette
Mrs. Helen Struthers Is visiting
In Dolso.
Mr. and Mrs. Ardon Reed ot Dro
gan nro In Ontario for a short time.
George Wayt was a DoIbo visitor
R. T. McIIaley of Prairie City was
an Ontario visitor Friday and Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Drown of nar
ren Valloy were In Ontario ovor Sun
day. Mrs. Charles Perkins ot Canyon
City stopped In Ontario, a few hours
Saturday on her way homo from
Drogan where she has been visiting
her daughter,
Mrs, 8. D. Staley of Montpeller ar
rived ttylay for an extondod visit
with her son and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Rasmusgon.
New Tank Will Hnvo Cninrlty of
110,000 OiiIIoiih of OiiNiiIine
Lubricating OH to Oomo in
Hulk Now Oftlco Too
Tho capacity of tho Btorago tnnkb
of tho Standard Oil company In On
tario will bo moro than quadrupled
whnn tho lmprovcmontB contomplnt
od for lmmodlnto construction art1
Tim company has purchased four
additional lots adjacent to tho pres
ent plnnt, doubling tho ground Bpnco
owned by It, and 1b already ansoni
bllng tho moterlal to start tho orec
tlon of a gnBolIno tank which will
boCO foot In dlnmotor nnd 30 foot
high. It will havo n capacity of
440,000 gallons of gasollno. At
ptetcnt tho Btorago Bpaco of tho
plant hero Is but 80,000.
With this IncroaBo In capacity for
Kauilno tho company will uso ioiiio
of tho present gasollno tanks for thn
Btorngo of lubricating oil whlcti it
bus hitherto handled hero In barruls
Ili'Bldo Incronslng tho tank stor
age tho company Is to Increaso Itn
warehouse spaco.robulld Its offlci and
innke tho local station ono of tho
largest distributing plants In tho
With this additional Btorngo ca
pacity tho days of gas Bhortago aro
ovor in this Boctlon Is tho bollof of
J. If. Test, local agent for tho com
pany. "Wo hnvo somo of tho matorial on
hand now for tho conBtructlon of tho
tnnkB nnd I oxpect to boo tho work
Btnrtod very soon. Whon this build
ing Is completed Is will bo pors'blo
to plant n lawn, lay- out drlvoways
and otherwlHo lmprovo tho appear
anco of tho plant," said Mr. Test.
Tho auxiliary unit ot tho Ontnrlo
Post No. 07 of tho Amorlcan Legion
will moot In tho auditorium ot tho
City Hall on Saturday January 22
at 3 p. m, A full attondanco Is
urged as Important business is to
bo considered.
John Lawronco from tho uppor
John Day Valloy stopped In Ontario
a fow days in his way to Drogan
whoro he is feeding cattlo this win
tor. C. E. Dlbblo of Payette was nn
Ontario business visitor last Satur
day. Mr. Dlbblo enmo ovor to loam
what had boon dono toward tho
holding ot a poultry show horo this
P. M. Doals ot Oregon Slopo was
In Ontario Tuesday to nttond tho
mooting of tho orchard mon.
F. M. Northrop of Oregon Slopo
nnd his son woro In Ontario Monday.
Mr. Northrop loft on No. 19 for
Miss Lucllo Hlggn who has boon
III for sevornl days bo far recovorod
as to bit nble to return to Eugene
to tako up her work at tho Unlvor
slty. Homor Maddux made a trip
around the Dolse-Caldwoll loop on
City Recorder, C. M. Steams left
Tuesday morning for Dolse and re
turned today. Whllo he was gono
Mayor W. If. Doollttlo was In charge
of the office.
United Sohator-oloct R. N. Stan
flold Vas an Ontario visitor last Fri
day evening roturnlng from Vale
whoro ho was a witness In tho Am-
jwlno vs. Stanfleld caso,
1 Col. William Hanloy loft last Sat
I unlay for his homo In Durns after
Interviewing tho hay men of tho val
ley rolattvo to tho formation a hay
growers association in Eastern Ore
gon, L. O. Olson o! noise, formorly of
this city was a business visitor bore
last Saturday.
Sonator Druco Donnts of Union
county and his son John, and Judgo
Phy of La Grando woro in Ontario
Sunday onroute from Vale whoro
thoy wont on business.
Dr. O, E. Howo, formorly of On
tario spent tho groator portion of
last week and the first ot this in
Ontario and Vale.
Mrs. Elmo Poarson of Wolser was
In Ontario Monday to spend tho day
with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rader.
A. A. Reed of Drogan spont tho
first of tho week In Ontario on bus
iness' In connection with the forma
tion of a growers organization
among tho fruit men of the county,
Mr, Reed is chairman of tho Farm
Rureau's horticultural committee
which Is at work in an effort to
solve the markotlng problem of the
irult man.
It O Y A Ij N 11 1 O II It O It H
Tho Royal Neighbors will Inatnll
tho following offlcerB Monday even
ing, January 24.
Oracle Nolghbor Lulu A. Ilrown
Vlco Oraclo Nolghbor Alma C.
Past Oraclo Nolghbor Graco Llngol
Chnncollor Nolghbor Mngglo Howo
Hccordor Neighbor Mnmlo Socoy
Receiver Neighbor Alvn Dufflold
Manlial Nolghbor Myrl Hlnghnm
Inner Sontlnal Neighbor Emma
Outer Sontlnnl Neighbor Clarn
Manager 3 years Neighbor Kato
Manager 2 years Nolghbor Graco IJ.
Consider Proposition to'joln in Idaho
ANKOcintlon for Marketing nt
Products of Malheur
A. A. Reed, chairman of tho Hor
ticultural commlttoo of tho Malheur
Farm Durcau Is holding a mooting
horo this afternoon ot tho mombors
ot his commlttoo tor tho purposo of
discussing tho proposal mado tho or
chardUts ot this county Joining with
tho Idaho frultmen to mnrkot their
crops co-oporatlvoly.
A number of orchard men from
NyBsn, Oregon-Slopo, Drogan and
Jamlcson nro horo nnd tho plan will
bo thoroughly discussed boforo ac
tion Is taken.
Mr. Reed Inst weok attondod d
mooting ot tho Idaho association In
Dolso and bollovcs that by co-operating
with tho mon on thnothorsldoot
tho rlvor results bonoflclnl to Mat
hut county mon can ho obtalnod.
Veterans of tho a. A. R. In tho
valloy aro not so numerous now ns
thoy woro In yoara gono hy. This
wns omphnslzod at a meeting of
Sherman Post at tho Y. M. C. A.
In Pnyotto Mondny, January 17, at
which G. L. King of Ontnrlo was
oloctod and Installed commandor of
tho Post. Thoro woro only nlno old
soldiers In tho party, but at the" W.
R. C. which met nt tho samo tlmo
there woro 40 present nnd thoy gnvo
tlio old Boldlers a happy party.
Among thoso who went from Ontario
to attond tho mooting wore: Judgo
and Mrs. a. L. King, R. 8, Ruthor
ford, Mrs, M. E. Oaborno and Mrs,
Noll O. Dodford,
IS I I S It U I T E I)
Tolophono servlco botween Ontnr
lo and Nyssa is demolished. A farm-
or cutting down a large troo on the
boulevard Monday let It fall across
tho lino. Rural linos and toll lines
connecting Ontario with points east
ward, and Ontarlo-Nyssa linos aro
all out. A crow Is repairing linos
today, All toll service from Ontario
Is rautod thru Payette. - Nyssa
Is now cut off from tolophono com
munication with outsldo points.
A, R. Albee, formorly state frlut
Inspoctor for the Payette district of
Idaho has succcodod E. D. Sargoant
as managor of tho Darrows-Ordway
ranch six miles southwest of tho
city, Mr. Sargont has returned to
his own ranch on tlio Frultland
Donch, Mr. Albco moved from Pay
oteo to tho ranch last week and Is
now In chargo of tho property.
A son was born to Mr, and Mrs,
II, E. Stowart Tuesday, January 18,
Mrs. II. T, Smith ot Payette visit
ed last weok with Mrs. Kittle Wal
S. D, Llndsoy has Just roturnod
to Ontario from an oxtended trip In
tho upper country. Mrs. Llnchjey is
making hor homo In Ontario.
Miss Holort Dlggs arrived Satur
day morning from Baker to spend
sovoral wooks tho guest ot hor unclos
and aunts, Dr. and Mrs. W. J, Woeso
and Judgo and Mrs. Dalton niggs.
Mrs. R. A. Griffith is at Holy
Hosary Hospital and will undergo an
Mrs. I, E. Oakos attonded a moot
ing of tho P. E. O, society Tuesday
at tho homo of Mrs. II. E, Young in
Vale ,
Miss Jessie Ownboy ot Dakor was
a weok end guest at tho home of Mr,
and Mrs. Goo. K. Alkon.
The small daughter ot I, D, Minks
who has boen very ill is convalescent.
Flmt Gaiiio of Hnskct Hall l'l)cd
juhs BdAon H.HUB in Victory
For Ontario
Tho Vnlo High School basket ball
team mot tho Ontario High School
team horo Friday ovonlng nt the op
era house, nnd received a vory sub
stantial drubbing from tho local
team by allowing a final ocore of 29
to 18 to bo piled upon thorn.
ThlB wnn Ontario' first gnm ot
tho tcason nnd many of the ' fans
turnod out,
Coach Luthrup oxprcsicd satisfac
tion In tho mannor by which his pro
teges ncqultted themselves but be
lieves thoro will bo decided Im
provement In tho team boforo tin
next gamo. .
Ontario High had a slight advan
tage ovor Vnlo by playing on th
homo floor whllo Vnlo had the ad
vantago of moro practice.
Tho gamo was full of thrills and
at tho last gavo ovldonco of a close
score Vale started tho scoring whon
a foul gavo thorn a froo throw and
a basket. This was soon tlod how
ever, whon Sullivan throw a basket
on a foul and Dean brought th
crowd to tholr fcot whon he added
two points to tho local's scoro in tho
noxt play. Tho Ontario boys having
onco gnlnod tho load maintained It,
to th end ot tho game. In all fair
noes however, It must be raid that
tho Vale team held tholr own very
wol! In tho first part of tho game and
trrnntly rodcomod thom?olves In thu
last few minutes ot play thus over
coming somo of Ontnrlo' load and
tho battles ondod with acora ot 29
to 18 In favor ot tho locals.
Tho lino up was as follews:
C. Agor F 4 points, Williams F. 4
points, P. Agor C 10 points, Pur
vis G, Doawell O.
H. Noose F 6 points,, L. Weaver
F 8 points, O. Dean C 19 points,
J. Weaver O, J. Sullivan O S points.
A number of business mon ot the
communities of Wolsor, Payette and
Ontnrlo nro forming n co-oporntlve
organization for the purposo of drill
ing four tost wolls, for oil., ono on
each of tho .four most likely struc
tures or domes adjacent to the throe
towns. Tho sltos aro to bo selected
by compotont oil geologists.
It Is tho plnn ot tho organization
to scientifically and economically
test this field for oil and commercial
r.aB, which aro known to exist her
Tho quantities can bo determined on
ly by tho drill, llocont geological
Investigations and reports havs given
thts field u high rating making It
worthy of n thorough test. Develop
monts In other Molds who.-o similar
geological conditions oxUt havo be
como proven oil fields nt great value.
Wolser, Payette and Onturlo will
each furnish acroago for this venture
and tho uumbor ot acroj bolocted
will run Into tho thousands. It will
bo situated on both Bides of the
Snako rlvor oxtondlpg through the
valloy from Nyssa to Wolssr.
Whllo tho vrnturo may seem lo
-omo to be a now Idoa it is not to
others and tho Idea if community
development, which i orlflnal and
logical, is meotlnK with enthusiasm
and applniiBu on ovory hand.
It Is ovldont to (luxe who Imm
fnmlllarlzod themselves with th
plan that It In tho moat fair snd logi
cal proposition yot proposed fo
proving nnd dovilopug this field
A comparatively .recent Industry
which hnB add'id raairially to ths
vaiue of natunl gas la tho extraction
of gasollno without deprecating Its
value for healing and lighting pur
poses. Stock will bo subscribed for the
purpose of raising monoy to bo us
ed for tho drilling nnd testing. There
will bo no promotion stock, and all
monoy raised will be used for actual
Tho retrenchment policy of tho
Short Lino hit Ontario durlou the
paBt woek with tho result that five
men umployed about tho stations
have boon Inyod off, ono Is to be
"bumped", ond -the soctlon crew ha
bean pructlcally cut In two, Among
the mon let OJt In tho retrenchment
program' nro the follewing: Painen
&er Agent-J. 0 Lauder: Dill Ctetk
J E. Phent'y! James Stump, John
Sherman and V E. tlvram wr
I ouso men end nhftckers Frol Nl
son, warehouse man Is to be bumped
by one of the employes from th
Nyssa station. II. O. Drane Is again
both freight and passenger agent.
Mrs. Henry Griffin has gone to
Seattle to represent tho local Chap
tor of tho Red Cross at the Red
Cross convention In that city. Sha
will be gono three weeks.
Mrs, Don Fowlor, of Olenns
Ferry, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. R