',' I "J J '-l"i 'n I'llE ONTAltJLO ARGUS O.NTA1110, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1921 j f a' iSl'i iiii r I If? (Shtturtn Anjtta County Official I'npcr An Independent XcMspnpcr Published ThurmlayB nt Ontario, Oregon, find entered nt the Ontario post office (or distribution no 2nd clang matter. Q. K, Aiken, Managing Editor HUDSCUIl'TION On Year, J2.00 Till: 1.IVIJ HTOCIC MAItKKT Portland lins long boon looked up on an the loKlrnl tnarkot for tlio productH of OroRon. Yet It Is n fact ttiat It noHT hns nrhloved that pos Itlon In any of tlio prlnclpnl pro ductH. Tlio Ixiwor Wlllnmotto Valley fruit raisers liavo for yearn market ed prunes and other products undor Cnllfornln lnliels nnd thru Califor nia markotB. ICnBtorn Oregon yo.irly sends two thirds of Its llvo stock to tlio mar kets of Omaha, Kimmih City, Denver and Chicago. Hood river nnd other fruit contorH find tholr way to tho world markets thru other routes than thnt of tlio city on the Wlllnmctto and Colum hla. Tlio factB of tho mnttor nro thnt Portland Is not prepared to ho tho markot of tho Northwost, except In n superficial mnnnor. Portland Is tho retail nnd the Job bing contor of tho Northwest, and It hns tlio possibilities, If it has tho vision of becoming tho groat mnrket center of this productive region. Hut to accomplish this Portland must aid In solving tho great pro Mom facing thorodurnr of this re gion; the mnrkotlng of tho live stock of tho northwest. Tho peoplo of North Portlnnd hnvo clearly sot forth what Is noed- ed to aid In must hnvo nn outlat to doop water liors whon slio Is ready nnd caro for it. to rocelvo When tho Port of Portland advo cates woro seeking tho power to consolldato with tho Dock Com mis sion and lssuo moro bonds tho peo plo of Kastcrn Oregon woro told that It wob their purposes to provide niloauato ocean terminals tor tho uso of tho Block men's products, Why, then, are tliCHU f.nmu commissioners rofuslng to dredge tho channel to tho North Portlnnd yards or to pro vide for tho sumo In tho moaBUro thoy aro asking tho legislature to enact? Tho nowspnpors of Portland should Inform tholr readers on this point, for nil Eastern Oregon natur ally holds all of Portland respons ible for tho actions of tho comm's-Blnn. WHAT Till: TUAKI-'IO WIMj 11KAK Years ago It used to ho tho popu lar theory that railroad rates woro based on tho lnppy-go-lucky theory of, "all tho traffic will bear." TIiobo good old days aro passed. Wo now have our rates fixed by public service commission on a scien tific basis with tho end In vlow of providing rates that tho railroads can boar to do business and mako an ndoo,itatn Interest on tholr Invest ment. As tho result of the now system wo find that tho traffic of Eastern Oregon to tho const cannot move In that direction. It cannot hear tlio rates now In effect. There Is a real mnrket for tho hay of Eastern Oregon In tho Wll lnmotto valley and In tho Tillamook country. Tho dnlry men thoro want our tiny but thoy cannot afford to pay tho prlco at which It must bo sold over there to return anything , .. !... ....... A Itin pnaull tlintn this solution. Thoy , no nny movlng In that direction. clnlniB of this Important highway nnd hnvo nctton follow tho promise. Thoro Is no profit poBslblo from dolny. Tho Highway program has readied a point whero thoso roads not completed must bo forwarded at nn early dato It thoy aro not to bo crowded off tho mop by other projects. A good tlmo Sunday at thrco M. nt tho Men's Meeting. Come. P Ho nt tho Mon's Meeting Sundny. MAMIKim COUNTY KKAI, IISTATK TltANKFlllW UKCOKDITI) JAN. 1 TO .TAN. 8 from tho stockyards region to tho lower harbor nren. That Is tho flrnt grenl essential. Without such facilities tho stock mon nnd tho pnekars of tho North wosl cannot ship Iced moats to tho Atlantic coast or to tho west const of South Amorlcn. Without this tho market for moat products in this re gion Is limited to tho consuming public of tlio Northwest nlono. Unless this outlet Is provldod stock mon of this region will con tlnuo to soo rofrlgerntod meat from Australia and Now Zealand pnss thru tlio Pnnainn canal nnd going to tho Atlantic seaboard nt n lower rnto than thoy thomsolves can socuro on tho transcontinental railroads. Out hero In Enstorn Oregon wo cannot undorslnnd why this deep channel was not long ago provided. Wo do not undorslnnd tho rivalry of tho real estnto promotors of Port land, or whoover It Is thnt Is putting tho obstacles In tho way of tho lo glcnl dovolopmont of Portland as tho stock markot of this region. Whatover tho morlts of tho qunr rol of tho peoplo of North Portland with tho Port of Portlnnd commis sioners, tho only nspecl that Is of In terest to Eastern Orogon Is tho In Jury thnt U being douo tho basic In dustry of this roglon. This Injury Is directly roflected In Portland's fall ii ro to realize, hor own ambitious, for Just so long ns Portland neglects to provide ndoqunto facilities for tho dovolopmont of Its stork mnrkot, just so long will slio loso trndn from this region that should ami will bo The railroad rolls still bind this sec tion to tho Wlllnmotto valley, but railroad ciows nro being laid off for lack of business. That Is what tho railroads claim, nnd to a degreo tholr stntomont Is corroct. Hut tho fact Is thoro Is plenty of business to bo dono, yot It Is Impossible of accomplishment un dor tho existing rates. Aftor n whllo, perhaps, whon busi ness gets adjusted lo tho present rates nnd tho peoplo can so nrrnngo tholr produce thnt It will consist of materials which will stand tho In creased tariffs, business will flow smoothly. For tho proscat at least, tho 0. W. It. & N. could do nothing thnt will help this section moro than following tho lend of tho O. 8. I nni tho U. P. In nsklng for nn omor goncy rate on hay to tho West const country. At lonst 500 carloads of hay could bo moved from Malheur county nlono, If this woro dono. We bollovo that It would bo profitable for tho railroads to do this, for un less this hay Is moved thoro will bo n falling off In tho shipment of many othor commodities Into this section which can stand tho hlghor ratos. TIMi: FOU ACTION Two momhors of tho Stnto High way commission navo uenniioiy uo clarod tholr Intontlon to advance tho Huntington to Ontario section Pt tho Old Oregon Trail to tho contract let ting stngo. With this nssuranro on tholr part It Is tlmo for tho communities along the lino to urgontly prosont tho r Joined Together for th protection of depositors, and to aid in financing the country's business, are the Banks of the Fed eral Reierve System. Bank your funds with the ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK, a member of this great system. iNTAMOMioiw Bank OLDEST BANK IN GRANT, HARNEY? MALHEUR BOUNTIES VZL Houbcn McCrenry et ux to Marvin B. Eolkstend, Lot D, Illk. 2, Adrian. July 27. 1020. $100.00. Wm. C. Curtoirnn ct ux to Wnltor M. Starr. WU8E Sec. 10; WNE Hi NWU8EU, NV4SWU, SWUSW V. Sec. 1C-27-40. Oct. 7, 1920. $10. Sheriff II. Leo Noo to E. II. Swisher, Bb Sec. 36-1G-46. Oct. 25, 1920. $1,957.39. Sheriff Don J. Ilrown to Mnrtha Potorson, WNE"4. and 10 ncres In NEWNEU Sec. 29-19-47: also Lots 1 to 0, Illk. 84, and Illocks 86 nnd 8D, Wostflold Add. to Nyssn. Fob. 20, 1018. $876.85. S. E. Aborcromblo ct vlr to W. M. Aborcromblc, NSWBW, Sec. 28-15-47. Dcccmbor 31, 1920. $1.00 O. V. Pontlous ot ux to Lcnnlo Thnycr. Lots 1 and 17. Illk. 40, On tario. Dec. 31, 1920. $2,800.00. J. A. Smith ct ux to II. II. Kelly, Lot 4, Sec. 19-1G-43. May 14, 1920. $11,000.00. W. Ii. Tlchonor to T. II. Scnweard, NmVNE Sec 27-33-30. Dec. 14, 1920. $275.00. Llzzlo Klbbo to T. M. Seaweard, 8NWUNEU Sec. 27-33-30. Dec. 11, 1920. $260. Albert Glascock ct ux to Pando Sheep and Land Co. WNE, 8EU NEK Sec. 29: 8WU8WU, SWUBE U Sec. 20; NV4NWU, BBtfNWU Soc. 20-16-44. Jan. 5, 1920. $1,800. Lemuel McKlnney to Arthur John son, SSWU. SWKBEU Sec. 4-15-41. Dee. 31, 1920. $1,000.00. Frank Palmer to Phoobo Palmer, Lots 4, 6, 0, 7, 8 and 9, Illk. 2; also Lots 33, 34, 35 nnd 30 In Illk. 3, Hndloys Add. to Vnlo. Jnn. 5, 1020. $1.00. Chas. D. Bponco ot ux to Hobort Wobor, Lot 1, Boc. 33-16-47.' Jan. 3, 1921. $1,900.00. J. P. Dunnwny ot ux to Standard Oil Co., Lotsjl nnd 4, nik. 4, Hnd loys 2nd Add. to Vnlo. Doc. 29, 1920. $10.00. C. W. Aldrodgo ot ux to Earl V. Hull, Lots 18 and 19, Illk. 4, Villa Park Add. to Ontario. Jan. 5. 1921. $200.00. Prudenco E. Johnson o vlr to E. A. Pnddock. Lots 7 nnd 8, nik. 10, An nex. Oct. 20, 1020. $1.00. U. 8. A. to Harrison It. Potior, 8 KUSWtf 8eo. 28; NBUNWU, NB U. N'VSSBU Sec. 33-13-39. Nov. 2, 1920. Allon Tortor to doo. A. Russell, 34 ncros In NWUNWU 8oc. 20-18-45. Nov. 4, 1920. $800.00. E. W. Illnkosloy to A. M. John son, 1 ncro In EWBE Soc. 8-18-47. Jan. C, 1021. $1.00. U. 8. A. to Julius Topolt, Lot 1, 8BUNE4. NEU8EU Soc. 6-18-46. Aug. 21, 1.013. Mrrlo Limine IsmknI Earl Cri-son Crnlg nnd Lillian M. Maurltz, Jan. (1, 1921. Chas. Albort Ilrown nnd Tholmn Wollmnn. Jan. 6, 1921. Harry O. Tamhlyn and Ruth L. Thomas, Jan. 6, 1921. Archie, D. Moses and Blanche Eld rldgo. Jan. 7, 1921. Mon attond threo o'clock. tho mooting Sunday, aniFFITH ELECTRIC SHOP All kinds ot Electric wiring- Tele phone 228 J. tf LAUNDUY work done. Mrs. Paul Orlffln. Dox. 123. 0-9 p. FOIt SALE Piano. Inn Struthors. nox. 514. 6-9 P. FOU SALE A 1 saddle horse, col or bay, seven years oiu. weigni about 1200 pounds. Phone 20-M. J. 8. Mallet 860-tf A good time Sunday at threo M, at tho Men's Meeting, Come. Jigus The Things You Go By We Make Them Turner Bros. Barney Ontario Pete Professional Cards DRS. WKESE & FORTNER OFFICE HOUItS: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6. Office over First National Ilnnk Tote-phono No 38 J. Ontario. Orn UK. A. K. ROBERTS Dentist Hetitocn OnUrlu Pliarim, l)CK)t. Phono 52 Hours, 10-12: 1:30-5 flouso calls Evenings by appointment Mado Phono 158 DR. It. A. MOON cninopjtACTio piivsiqiAN NKUVK HPKCIAI.18T Acuto or Chronic DIsoascs Itooms over Post Offlco ONTAHIO OHICGON DIt. C. W. TYI.KIl DENTI8T Offlco In Wilson Dldg. Offlrs Hours 9 n. m. to 4 p. ra. Phono 117 for Appointments. ''!'"" in I i II i i' FOP BALE 10 H. P Fairbanks Morse Ons Engine, like now. 1-4 luch Parma Water Lifter with dis charge pipe. O. A. Kratz. FOR BALE OH TRADE For live stock. Good house, two lots, deep woll, garngo nnd other out buildings llox 041. Ontario, Orocon. tf. MAM DAY SAL AUCTION SAT., JAN. 15 Wo will want boiiig Chickens, Harness, Wagons, 1 or 2 Cure, Spuds, Onions, Corn (In sacks) and about 5 good Milch Cows Also will havo a span of 2 yenrs 011 Horso ColtB, one 3 year old Filly, Home smooth mouthed Horses, somo mnchlnory, Includ ing ono now (Inst fall) Jno. Dcerlllndcd, Cnnnod fruit nnd the us ual Junk. Ilrlng In your Btuff by 11:30 bo wo enn nrranco It. Como In and got n dato for your Public Hnnch Salo you nro going to hnvo later. You will find it hnrd to dato a good auo tlonoor soon, dates will bo taken that you want. COL. WILMER TAYLOR, Phono sati Auctioneer JIAVB YOUIl CAR MADE JUST LIKE NEW Tho powor of your auto en nine comes from the cylinders and this Is tho Only-Shop In Malheur county that lias a CYLINDER llORINO MACHINE This permits us to do this ac curate machine work to ii hair, and do It quickly. Now Is tho tlmo to hare your onglne overhauled. MAItaUJCN'fl MACHLM8 ftnor OaUrlo, Otk FRANK BRITTINGHAM hnaUM OntrU, Orga Long Hauling a Specialty We Alrrnys Illver the Ooodi IT. 8. SIAXON Tranifer Anything, Anywhere, Anytime Htoragn Leave erdek-s Wujrt Implomcat Rtnre Phono 92 HeMdenre Phone 4LW Ontario, Or2 Our Rate-- Have been fixed by the Public Service Commission after a thorough investigation. The Commission found that an increase in rates was absolutely necessary or we could not con tinue to furnish telephone serv ice. These increases should have come a long- time go when other prices went up. We have 'Buffered the loss in the Meantime, not you. Malheur Home Telephone Co. J. A. LAKNESS, Vice Pros, and Gen'l Mgr. WELL DRILLING Special Hqulpinrnl Spocdy Service See 0. B.'Sanford Phone, 48-YT Oatarle, Ortu The New Cafe White MAiiagement'AYhlte Help IlAck of Unit National Bank A Share of Your Putronajf Is BoUeRed Two ot the most homelike ho tels In PortUad, located lu the heart ef the shopping aad tha ter district. All Oregon Electrlo trains stop at the Henard Hot1, the Uevse of Cbear. Gzoslleat dlnlns room Id coaneotloa, Tbe IUU1 OermellDj, the Ueuse ef Welceme Is twe saert blesks tress the Seward, Our arewa busses meat all trails. Rates $1.51 and up. TT. O. Culvert son, Preprleter. JERSEYS Several Hih Grade Heifers and Young Cows For Sale. Coming fresh this month. Prices right. James A. Lackey f0hij s Farmers Attention! Now is the to look over your farm ma chinery and make a list of what repairs you will need for this season's work. Let us help you get them now tt lays later on at tho beginning of work. avoid da the spring RegardUss of what mak your machine it we can get repairs for you. We. also carry a cumplete line of John Deere machinery, Molin Universal tractors, and tractor drawn tooli. We will be pleased to hav yau call and in spect our lines, and w will do our best to pleaie and saye you money.- Geo. W. Wayt tKMttUUHfl ttttHIIIHmtMMMM(HU wow Xat TOdl Tliaacj--- rt mete We can y you rasnar h COMPLETE N1W lOP iSJogrxxliaoLTatoOo. ' Eatablished here in 1910 mmetttiittttti.ifMM)H)MMM))M(MH)U THF ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS -;. 4 I