The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 06, 1921, Image 5

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Mr. iind Mrs, Calkins nrrlvod from
Kugono, Oregon Friday to upend
Christmas with tliolr son and dnugh
tor, Mr. mid Mrs. Trunk Morgan.
Miss llolun Scott urrlvod Christ
mas Kvu fur .a visit with lior moth
ur, Mrs. II. It. Scott. MIbs Bcott
has recently roturncd from Kuropo,
whoro olio has Bpout sovunil years.
Slio Iiuh boon tlui guest of lior sis
tur, Mrs. John Bunts, In Sioux City,
bIiico hur arrival In tliu United
Prank 11. Stuuu arrived ChrlstinaH
13vo to spond tliu holidays with his
Btstcr, Mrs. 13. 1-'. Pratt. Mr. Steon
1b on his return to his homo on the
couBt, tiftor an oxtundod trip through
tliu oust.
Mr. ami Mrs. Slowoll, Mr. and
Mrs. Kingman, Miss Kingman, Mr.
Harvu Otis, Mr. V. K. KdwardB, and
Mr. Koburt H. Ovorstrcot attended
tho survlccn hold for Mrs. Vnndor
pool at tho Ilaptlst church In On
tario Thursday.
I). W. JohiiHon spent tho Christ
liius holidays in Pnrmii with his
daughtor, Mrs. Floyd Anderson. Mr.
and Mrs. 0. Q. Johnson woro also
guests at tho Andorsou homo Christ
tuaB. Mr. I'rltchott spent sovoral days
with his family during tho holidays
Miss Ncob spent Chrlstmns at her
homo In Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Zotrolln modo a bus
iness .call In Vato Thursday.
Tho Ktngmana ontortalnod tho
lllodgett family from Nyssa and tho
rock family from Illg Bend Christ
mas. Dr. and Mrs. Smith ontortalnod
tho Martin family Christmas.
Tho Shnfor family woro guests at
Christmas dinner at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Heed.
Mr. mid Mrs. K. V. l'rntt enter
tnlnoil McssrB. Prank Stern, doorgo
O. Glascock, Wobb Otis and Harva
O.tls at dinner Christmas.
' Mttlo Opal I'owoll Is rjulto III this
wcok. Dr. Numbers Is attending tho
Kddlo I'owoll spoilt Christmas
holidays with his parents.
Mr. Kldrldgo and Miss Iltancho
Kldrldgo havo returned from Wash
ington to visit tho Moses fatuity.
Tho nuirrlago of Miss flolon I'ock
nnd Joseph limning was solemnized
at tho Cathollo parish homo In
Caldwoll nt lilglf noon Wodnesday,
tho twenty-ninth of Dccombor. On
ly mombors of tliu family woro
prosent. Mr. and Mrs Kingman and
Miss Ktiigman woro guests from tho
Kolony. Miss l'ack Is tho daughtor
of Mr, and Mrs. Chorion I'ock, who
rosldcd In tho Kolony sovoral years
previous to tliolr living In Ulg Dond.
Miss I'ock Is a pleasing violinist, and
both tho brlilo and brldgroom playod
In tho Kolony orchestra. Doth aro
woll known and havo tho host wlshos
of tholr host of friends, Thoy will
roaldo In Illg Ilniid, whoro Dr. limn
ing Is omployod.
Tho last rasslon I'lay giving tho
llfo of Christ was shown at tho
school building Tuesday ovonlng.
Miss Dornlco Martin ploasod tho nu
dlonco with two vocal solos, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. MrOlnnls won much
npptauso nftor playing tho banjo and
Harry Nowby was hurt last wook,
when ho attomptnd to crank tho ob
Htlnato tronchlng machine Sovoral
stitches woro noceasnry, and Mr
Nowby Is rocuporatlng In Nyssa.
II. Waltors' shoop aro now on tho
Waltors' and I'ratt's Kolony runchos,
and Mr. I'agn has chargo of tho
shoop. Mr. Waltors mado ono of his
froqucnt trips Into tho .Kolony
Eugene Pratt and Bruce Waltors
took somo cattlo l0 Vale Wodnosday
and will bring othor cattlo back.
Tho annual meeting of tho King
man Kolony Irritation company will
bo hold at tho school house- at ton
o'clock January olghth.
Tho rogular monthly mooting of
tho I'aront-Toachor Association has
boon postponed from tho aftornoon
of tho sQventh of January to tho
fflurtoouth bocauso of tho stago pre
parations for tho ovonlng concert.
C. M. Iloaumont Is oxpoctod to
bring tho carload of Jorseys 'n from
tho roast Thursday, tho thlrtooath.
Professor FiU, head of tho dairy de
partment at O. A. C. and a rocognU
od authority In tho wost, took tho
placo of U II nrolthaupt In the so
loction of tho cows. This ought to
Introduco a. good dairy stock In tho
Kolony fo oach cow Is accompanied
by a rocord and health certificate
Tho auction sale will bo hold Thurs
day January 0, at tho C. M. Beau
mont farm.
Tickets will bo on sale Saturday,
January first, for "Ye Old Tlmo Con
fort", which will bo presented at the
school building by tho Iloswoll
chorus under tho ausplcos of tho
Kolony P. T. A. Tho school rooms
whon thrown togothor will accom
modate approximately two hundred
persons, TtcketB, which aro .35 and
.IB may bo obtained from Mrs.
drooling, Mrs. Martin, Holley Bros.,
or Martha Overstreet In the Kolony.
In Owyhco Mrs. Mglow and Mrs. De
Itdrd will havo chargo of tho tickets,
and somo one will bo askod to soil
thorn In Dig Bend.
School Notes
Tho serving of hot lunches has
progressed very nicely. Tho follow
ing committee aro serving these two
weoks. Buckets: Merrltt drooling,
Tod Oruvor, Vernon Mcdlnnls, Rich
ard Smith. Cooking; Mary Mcdln
nls, 55ena Mosea, Eyelyn DoBord,
Amy Sinclair, Juanlta BIglow, Ruby
Iteod. Servlng: Richard Smith, Ver
non Mcdlnnls, Barbara Prltchott,
Anna Schweitzer, Dorothy Parsons,
Avery Christiansen, James Drlscoe,
Vorna Hlto. DIshes: Kugeno Pratt,
Coclt Smith, Mildred DbBord, Wil
son Prltchett, dorald DeBord, Mer
rltt droellug, Gladys Mcdlnnls, Tod
Margaret Ann Morgan Is back In
school after sevoral weeks absence.
The teachers and school children
enterialned with a program Christ
mas Eve A Christmas troo and can
dy treat for all were features of the
ovcalng. Elovon girls represented
fairies, nnd brought good cheer. Two
plnys, a boy's dialogue, and a bo
glnnors drill woro glvon, and Billy
I'arsonn, Euguno Pratt, Agnes Nich
ols, Holon Powell, Ella Reed, and
Opal PowotI gavo recitations.
Chas. Bullard and family, John
Vandorpool and llttla son Kenneth
woro visiting nt tho Ira Dall homo
Now Years day.
Jim Fleming nnd wife who hnvo
bocn In bad honlth for tho past fow
months Btnrted for Portland last
Wodnesday. Thoy go from thoro to
California to Bpont tho wlntor.
Mrs. R. B. Thompson was vlBltlng
for n fow days Inst wook with her
daughter Mrs. Ira Dall. Sho Is now
visiting nnothor daughtor, Mrs. Os
car Wcoso of Ontario.
Frank Edwards has moved with
his family to tho Jim Flaming ranch.
Airs. Edwnrds' undo, Sam Henry,
has rented tho placo for flVo yoars
and sho will keep houso for him for
n whllo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydo Long and
small son woro visiting at Chas. Dul
lards Sunday ovonlng.
Miss Tholma Thompson wnB visit
ing frlonds nnd rolattvcs around Ar
cadia Inst week.
Frank Edwnrds took Jim Flomlng
and wifo to Ontario Wodnosday
whoro thoy took tho train for Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. At Thompson aro
sick at tholr homo with what Is
thought to bo Flu.
Tholma Thompson and Philip Bnr
rott, former pupils, woro visiting tho
school Wednesday.
Miss dray, tho fifth grado tonch
or nt Nyssa, spout tho wook ond with
Mrs. C. W. Barrett.
Etbort Butler Jr. and sons havo
Just completed a nice bunk houso
with n concrete bnsomont.
Mr. Cnldwoll who lives on tho
Waylund ranch has rontod tho Ralph
Flomlng ranch for tho coming year.
Aro you going? WhoroT To tho
Rovlval. t
Miss Holon Andorson taachor of
tho Wolf Croak school nhovo Draw
soy Is spending tho holidays with her
mothor, Mrs. Jim Andorson at On
tario. Miss Volyn Boyorly and Honry
Richardson nttondod tho Mllldulo
danco Christmas ovonlng.
Montlo Dunton and Olon Bltz who
havo boon attandlng tho Ontario high
school aro homo spondlng tho Christ
mas holidays' with tholr paronts.
Tho Kimball Flat school gavo in
tho following report for tholr school
until Christmas: Pupils on tho hon
or roll for punctuality for tho past
four months are: Byron Dunton,
doorgo duld, Zota Dunton, Robert
Blockburn, Loron Dunton, Elolso Mc
Mullon, Zolma Dunton, Viola Cham
bors, Turner Dunton, Laura Brooka
and Lola Dunton. Those porfoct In
snolllng for the ontlro torm woro
Thomas Howard, socond grado, ago
olght yoars, and Robort Blackburn,
sixth grado. ago olovon yoars. Tho
second grado avoraged 15 to 18
words In a losBon and tho sixth grado
averagod 20 words a lesson. This
school has mado 100 per cont in at
tendant and tho taachor, Miss Ollvo
Slator of Boise doservos lots of pralV
A splendid program and Christmas
box with proaenta for all, was hold
on tho last day before tho Christmas
Clifford Richard who has been
seriously ill and had Dr Hodges of
Juntura to soo him left this wook for
Ontario to boo Dr. Carl Bartlett who
Is visiting his mother, Mrs. A. J
Bartlett at that place.
Mrs. J. D. Smith went to Ontario
Hi a rimt of the wook to meet hor two
daughters, Misses Frances and LucMe I
Smith who were returning from the
St. Torosa Academy at Boise where,
thoy havo been attending school, t
They oxpect to spond part of the
holidays with -Mr. and Mrs. A. J.'
Bartlett of Ontario, coming homo to
Drewsey next week.
Remombor tho Rovlval.
Tho Pnu Vnllnv rfundav School
hnd a. Christmas eve entertainment
which was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones were the
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Phelan
tor Christmas dinner.
hi., irinint r na whn lit attending
High School at Ontario spent Christ
mas with her parents Mr. and Mrs
Ooo. Lees.
Wm. Miller and family wero guests
of Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Hammock
Christmas day. .
J. L. HammocK has movea nis-cav-tia
tn tha t.aar rnnrh tn feed, having
bought the Loos hay and pasture.
Earl Weaver has returned to On
tario having spent Christmas at
Goo, Lees Is living on tno J. u.
Fahy place this winter where he is
feeding his own and Mr. Fnhy's
Following Is tho Christmas pro
gram given at tho Cow Valloy School
I. Seng: Christ Is Born.
II. "Lighting tho Xmns candles".
III. Song, "Silent Night."
IV. Recitation, Edgar Fanning.
V. Recitation, Cora Lowollon.
VI. Angel's Seronndo.
VII. Rocltatlon, John Phelan.
VIII. Rocltatlon, Aurll Fanning.
IX". Paper, Mr. Woods.
X . Song. "Tho King".
XI Rocltatlon, Johanna Powell.
XII Rocltatlon, Mrs. Jones.
XIII Rocltatlon, James Lowollfln
MV Song, "Wavo tho Dantm.'."
XV. Finances by Mr. Wood.
Coma to tho Rovlval. Adv.
FOR SALE: 10 II. P Falrbanks-
Morso dan Engine, like now. 1-4
Inch Parmn Water Llftor with dis
charge pips. O. A. Kratz.
FOR SALE 12 room modorn
houso, close In, on Oregon Streot.
Can bo ronUd as apartments if desir
ed. Easy torms Soo Mrs. T. B. Fis
or. Phone 93-W. 48 52.
FOR BALE Bulok Readster. 600
first class condition, will consider
bankable note. J. II. Tost, phono
110-W, Ontario, Oregon. tf
FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring car
in good condition Cheap for cash.
Soo J. II. Oordon
HAY delivered to any part of tho
city. Call Sorvlce Tiro and Battery
Co., Phono. 182. 847 5-tf.
Mrs. A. T. Chrtslenson, tenchor of
piano, Phone 170-W. 51 tt.
WANTED to rent pluno. Phono
OD-J. Miss Elizabeth O'Brien. 2-6,-pd.
Anna S. Alton, Professional nurse,
Phone 221-W. Payatto 2-3-4-5. I'd
KSTKAY Sovoral woaks ago
thero camo to my placo on Doad Ox
Flat a rod holfor. Sho has no horns
and would weigh fully 000 pounds.
Has no vlslblo branding mark. Own
er can claim eamo by paying costs
of advertising and feed. O. W. Lot-
tig, Payatto, Idaho R. F. D. No. 3.
FORD TRUCK Almost now to
trade for lots. Ed Holghtsman.
840 5-tf.
Woman wants work by day or
month. Good plain cook. Inquire,
Box 454 Ontario. 025 4-6 pd.
Tho Griffith Electric Shop is now
movod to my rosldonco. Wo aro hot
ter oqulppod to tako enro of your
electrical wants promptly. A. D.
Orifflth, Phono 228-J. 9244-5.
FOR SALE fresh cow. Phono
102-R 4. Pd.
FOR SALE Puro bred Poland
Cnlnu Boar, or will exchange for
grain. Ben Roso. 921 4-G.
tng steam, brand left hip, (Ell con
nected). Please tako up and nottfy
J. J. Dlllard. , 918-tf.
It in nood of nurso call Mrs.
Agnos Owens. Phono 129-W.
852--B l'U,
LATIONH You aro horeby authorlzod to re-
leaso Hay for shipment which Is lo
cated In tho following sections In
Mainour County which havo hereto
foro boon provontod by Quarantine
Sec. 26 26 27 28 9 30 31 32 34
36 30 T. 20 S. R. 46 E.
Beo. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
16 16 17 18 24 T. 16 S. R. 47 East.
Soc. 28 20 30 31 32 33T. 16 B. R.
47 East.
The following form of certificate
should bo used by you In tho release
of this bay and a very rigid inspec
tion must be mado to make sure that
hay tn question contains no Weevil
after same has been baled,
State Horticultural Commissioner.
First publication, Doc, 30, 1920.
Last publication, Jan. 13, 1921.
HOWE, Bankrupt.
To tho credltom of deorgo Howe
In the District aforesaid
Notice Is horoby given that on the
23rd day of June, 1920, tho said
deorge Howo was adjudicated bank
rupt, and tho first meeting of the
creditors of the said doorgo Howe
will be held in' Ontario. Malheur
County, Orogon, on the 2Sth day of
January, A. D. 1920. at the hour of
one o'clock P, M. at which tlmo said
creditors may attend and provo their
claim, appoint a trustee, examino
the bankrupt and transact such othor
business as may be necessary,
Rofereo In Bankruptcy.
First publication, Dec. 30, 1920.
Last publication, Jan. 6, 1921,
er please leave at Argus office.
lu tho County Court of tho Btnto of
Oregon, for Malheur County
Notlco Is hetoby glvon that on Do
cumber 22, 1920, nn order of tho
nbovo entitled Court was mado ap
pointing tho undersigned, J. J. Dll
lard, administrator of tho estnte of
W. E. Hulcry, decouned. All persons
having claims against tho nhovo en
titled cstato will present the snmo,
duly verified as by law required to
tho said administrator at his placo
of business In tho City of Ontario,
Oregon, within six months from the
dato of tho last publication of this
First publication, Dec. 30, 1920.
Last publication, Jan. 27, 1921,
In the County Court of tho State of
Ort-gou for the Cuuuty of Malheur
In tho Matter of tho Estate
Notice Is horoby given that the
underslgnod, executrix of tho above
namod cstato, has filed In the above
ontltlod court hor Final Account and
Report of hor administration upon
said citato, and that Tuesday tho
10th day of January, 1921, at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said dny
at tho Court House In Vale, Oregon,
has boon duly flxod by tho said court
as tho time and placo for hoarlng
said Final Account and settling said
cstato. Any and all porsons Inter
ested In said cstato aro horoby noti
fied to bo prcsont at said tlmo and
placo and flto their objections. If
any thereby, to said Final Account
and contest tho same.
Done and dated at Vale, Oregon,
this 7th day of Docombor. 1920.
Exooutrlx of tho cstato of
Sarah Francos Ryan,
First Publication, Dccombor 9, 1920.
Last Publication January 6, 1920.
West Bound
No. 17 Passongor 3:47 A.M. Dally
No. 6 Mall 0:20 P.M. Dally
No. 19 Passougor 4:30 P.M. Dally
No. 23 Passongor 2:01 P.M. Dally
No. 85 Passongor
(Pony 9:33 A.M. Daily
East Bound
No. 18 Passongor 1:10 A. M. Dally
No. 86 Passongor
(Pony) 7:50 A.M. Daily
No. 4 Passongor 9:33 A. M. Dally
No. 6 Mall 2:20 P.M. Dally
No. 24 Passongor 4:30 P. M. Dally
Oregon Iutstcrn Ilrnncli
West Bound
No. 371 Mlxod Vnlo-Crano Doparts
10:00 A. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 373 Mlxod Vale-Brogan DopartB
12:30 P. M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 193 PnsHongor Vato Departs
10:30 A.M.Sunday Only
East Bound
No. 372 Mlxod from Crane Arrive
2:60 P. M. Dally Ex. Bunduy
No. 374 Mtxod from Brogan Arrlvo
4:60 P.M. Dally Ex. Sunday
No. 194 Passcngor from Vale
3:05 P.M.Sunday Only
Several Hih Grade
Heifers and Young
Cows For Sale.
Coming fresh this month.
Prices right.
James A. Lackey fe
Lloensed to Practice lu Oregon
and Idaho
Municipal Engineer
Mombor of American Association
of Engineers
Bower systems, water works, pave-1
menu, concrete dnslgn, assess-
ments, office systems
408 Tllford Bldg., Portland, Oregon
City Hall, Ontario, Orogon
The Things You Go By
We Make Them
Turner Bros.
Those wishing tholr pianos tuned
will please leave orders with Mrs.
Charlie Cox.
FOR SALE Buff Orpington
roosters, pure bred stock. 2.50 each.
Also Mammoth Pekln Ducks. 300,
single or $6.00 pair. Hans Oft. On
tario. Phone. 209-J-2. 855-4-7.pd
It Can't Leak,
Because It's Made
in One Piece
EVER been scnIJcd by n leak
ing hot-water bottle? This
can't happen with a Kantleek.
Kantteek Hot-Water Dags
can't leak. They are "one
piece" vatr bags moulded
from pure toft rubber Into a
single piece no joints or senmi.
Moit hot-water bottles are made
In sections and cemented.
Cement cracks- bag IraVi'
We guarantee a Kantleek for
two yenrs or a new bag free.
Ak to see the Kantleek,
xou may neeu it tonight.
1 v xuu Biay neeu II tonignt. y '
Will Trade
I Six Cylinder,
enger Touring Car
in first-class mechanical condition. Now
over-size Cord Tires all around. Has been
run 1,100 miles.
For First-class Dairy Cows. Would
take smaller car as part trade
Or Will exchange Al Alfalia Hay
for Dairy Cows
Phone 377F22 Payette
WovIs Tbo Time-
to have those
TFto oLixvoci
We can Have you money on
Sogu-ine AutoCo.
Kstablished here in 1910
Very Good Reasons
When Inviting you to transact your business through
our Bank, thore should ho sumo reasons why. There
are plenty of them.
Our financial standing Is
fleers are obliging and cour
ly direct. Our stockholders
lty. Our funds aro kept
proof vault and aro fully In
ties are modern. Our loana
lources adequate. Wo aro
satlsflod customers. Aro
wo cordially Invito you to
The first National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
A Good Hunk In A Good Country
nnnniiv w ohm -- -
Seven Pass
beyond quostlon. Our of-
toous. Our Directors actual-
are leaders In tho commun
In our flro-proof, burglar-
sured. Our banking faclll-
ore conservative, our ro-
proud of our Bank and Its
you ono of them? If not,
open an account today