r TILE ONTARIO AKUUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, TUURSDAy. JANtfAfcY 6, 1021 '.I.-JV- tti44t4P4M4P p-WWWWWWWWWWWiWW 9 P4 28 Price Reduction Effective January 1st, the price is reduced 28 per cent on all automobile sta'rting and lighting types of i E3ATTERBES The quality remains the same, giving you the max imum combination o f power, dependability, and long life. if Electric Service & Battery Co. Distributors Opposite Moore Hotel Ontario, Oregon pffoee this Valuable it , :: X . X . X . :::: o M X ix A. A bo i" ' b 4 Jo i ,., , ::i 1 1 A ::: BRITISH LOSE IN MANDATES FIGH1 Control of Commission Is Givon to Non- mandatory Powers. Geneva. The difficulty of any sin gle power or Influence dominating the league of nations wob dvmoustrutcd when the council of that body, In Bplte of determined protests by the UrltUh muni hers, decided finally to give con trol In tha permanent mandated com mission to non-mandatory powers. Tho commission will bo composed of representatives of flvo non-mandatory powers nud four of the mandatory states. , The first American treaties to be filed with tho leaguo of nations were put officially on record when Sweden presented the text of two agreements with tho United States. Under tho covenant of tho leaguo of nations the various countries must flic all treaties and agreements made since January 10 of thu prcsont year, even those In which the other contract ing party Is not a member of tho Icimue. The arrival of tho first American treaties, although they nro minor ones, wus un occasion of consldorublo Interest among tho lca.-.ue mothers and officials. A total of Gl treaties and agreements lime been filed with the league. Of thise, 1C were filed by aunt Uiltnlu, 11 by France, four by Sweden, U by Switzerland and IS by other nations which fill (I one each, acrmany, al though not n member, has voluntarily filed nine treaties. WW' " Gtalorf and A Sf CutU la UimUiv iiI l'lr IMc. Our Catita It lli umtard tth'tn. tot NwlhwcM i ro. cii.liitmtoort i nll Iuim ol S li, lice and PU'llt. I'crtilltctt. IVxiliiy rxl lk Sur tic. ipn)i arvl 6, ray n. lUiiy Sui.hu nj Luipinau (Planters GuideO giving- Information as to season, sou ami ciuxui. Put your land to work for profit You can't nfford to tit up your land or spend tunc ond labor on any but the best stock. Order Diamond Quality stock and be sure of netting the lincst strains and the rlcht varieties for your purpose. Get the Diamond Quality Catalog In your possession as quickly as you can. It will pay youi Aik for Catalog Ho. i OfTlM and StWoom 8.E. Cor. Front and V.mldil Sta. Yfi (h"J UrTaflrH WantMMaa SINN FEIN LEADERS ARRESTED DY POLICE Dublin. Arthur Griffith, founder of tho Slun Kiilu organization; Professor John MacNolll, Sinn Koln member of parliament for Londonderry City und thu Natlonul Unlvorulty of irohud. ' toKuthur with u number of others, In cluding Professor MucNolll'n son, wero urrcsted by tho auxiliary police. What Is descrlbod as the first of Mnnu liiinriiniAiit rnmit fnr ttm Irish republican army, It Is nuthorltatlvoly statud, will bo brotight Into operation I shortly. It Is situate I at Ilnll Millar. In Dundrumbay, county. Pcwn. und Is cupubln of accommodating 1000 prison ers, It Is imsrrtnl prisoners, will bo liable to bo Interned without trial and that membcrthlp In tho Irish repub lican urmy will be sufficient reason for luiurnmunt. Oilier camps arc In courso of preparation. It Is reported that the roundup tho last sovon days lias resulted In !!00 arrests. 4-r444-4'ltrt-tt4tf i: Hate - Hafts - Hafts A wonderful line of velvet hats at prices vray below cost. Lot No. 1- Priced to sell for $2.95 which includes hats, valued up to $12.00 Lot No. 2 -Priced to ill for 98 cnts, valued up to ?G.Q0. Pattern hats and all others at reductions just as big. t Oslboinm Millinery Ontario, Oregon B7RR CADES UP IN LONDON Oarr.ers Eight Feet High Are Erected In Downing 8troet. Loudon, Tim seUuro during raids In Ireland of Sinn Keln documents alleg ed, to gle dotalls of a conspiracy for damaging buildings In Hughtud, was said In pollco circles to bo the cause of tho erection of formldatilo barrt cudos at tho entrances of Downing street and King Charles streot. Colli streets lead from Whitehall to u group of goverumont departmental orriccn mid also tho official rosldonces of Premier Lloyd (Jeorgo und Andrew liuimr Law, tho government leader In tho house of comiuous. October Exports Largest of Year, Washington. Kxports during Octo ber Increased 'by nearly 1160,000,000 while Imports decreased approximately H.OOO.OCO, fore'gn trado figures made yubllc by the department of commerce, how, Kxports were valued at J762,- 000,000 againBt 60S,000,000 In Septem bcr, while Imports wore valuod at 362,000,000. 'J' ho excess of exports over Imports In October, amounting to J390.000.000, Is the largest In any one month of the prcsont year. Have you anything to sell? Have yoif anything to trade? What do you want to buy? Let your wants be known tell the people. An ad in The Ontario Argus brings business. Rec:pt:on to be Given Mrs. MacSwIney New York. Miss Jeunnette Ilankln, former coiigrefcswomuu from Montana, will hesd the American woniou'a re ceptlon committee of flva hundred xh!Ui will greet Mrs. Muriel Mao Swlney, widow of the late lord mayor of Cork, on her arrival hero on the I'ner Coltlc. Mrs. MacSwIney will be accompanied by her late husband's lister, Miss Mary MacSwIney. Doth ire to testify beforo thu American :omaiIn!on on Ireland organlted by Oswald Vlllard. JOHN S. DRUM Hfr j SjCSBjKl v VT t IS a John 8. Drum of San Francisco, who. was recently elected president of the American Bankers' Association. TREMBLOR SHAKES PACIFIC NORTHWEST Portland, Or. A largo part of thu Pacific Northwest was given u slight earthquake shock about 3:30 Sunday morning, Ihu temblor was felt In Cortland, Hcnttlo, Spokane, Tacoma nud other point. Sacred Heart hospltnl, on tho brow of tho hill In tho residence section of Spokane, seems to have had tho only unpleasant experience. Ono patient Is reported to have been thrown out of bid, statuettes rocked and the nurses wero alarmed. The oscillations seemed to contluuc for uonr'y ten minutes, ac cording to the seismograph at Gomi.nn university, with tho mutt severu ut tho beginning, 3:33 o'clock. Leavenworth, Wash., reports that many people felt tho quake, three dis tinct tremors causing buildings to sway and dishes to rattle. Plaster cracked In a house Just outside of damage was reported and local scientists declared that It was not an earthquake at all, merely a temblor. A temblor, they say, compares with un rnrtluiuuko for ! Htructlvenrss In about tho same fniMon us u domestic kitten stacks up wlih a wild rat. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Tho populntlou of I.oulavlllf, Ky., Is 23-1,691, of which i!H,"37 nro while, Tranquility In Mxlco for tho first tlnio lu 10 )onrn has resulted In a turn In tho tide of Mexican labor to Mexico Instead of from It. Klour touched u iihw low prlro In four years In Minneapolis, when the mills reduced prlcr to 8.35 to $8.50 a barrel for family patents. The 1920 population of Cincinnati conslstB of 371,540 white, 2'J,CJG lie grocs and 71 all other persons, Chi nese, Japanese arl Indians, a total of 401,247, the coxnm bureau rnnounced. Tho official ote of Pennsylvania state nt the recent olmlon shows that President-elect Harding recohid a plurality over Governor Cox of 715,013, tho lur.ist maiglu ever given a can didate. Representative Claude Kltchln, dem ccratle leader of tho house, suffered a stroke of paralysis while attending to business pertaining to his district at the postofflco department building In Washington. Drug uddlcts have Increased In num bers since the "dry" era began, but tho growth lu narcotic abuses Is not enough to occasion alarm and Is being held In check by renewed activity ol government agents, It was aunounced by the Internal revenue bureau. 4444$4444t.44 " Chiropractic is a Curative Science "It makes no claims to be n pniiat'pa for all the ills of mankind. "But it is a curative science that goes to the CAUSE of dis-oase and by re moving the cause, makes you well. "This is not a wild, unsupported state ment. It is a fact that is attested to by thousands right here in Oregon, among them manv of your own friends. "Statistics show that 85 per cent of nl chronic cases, and 95 per cent of all acute cases yield to Chiropractic ad justments. "Whv not investigate it for yourself? Consult your Chiropractor. The prin ciple is so logical and sound and the results achieved so undeniable, that your own common sense will be the guide." Dr. R. A. MOON, Chiropractic Ontario, Oregon 44t- j clxaca,l Concentration Makes More Efficient In any line of work or endeavor, concentra tion makes more efficient. You will get splendid results, when you concentrate on regular deposits to your credit with the Ontario Nationapank . 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts ationalBank UIjIJUST JUAmV. JUN GRANT, IIAIWEV MALHEUR COUNTIES i-nii iifcLi vmnuifc ar jm m Blshcps Will Meet in Portland. AOautlo City, N. J. 'ilia house ol bishops of the Melhod.st Episcopal church. In sosslou here, decided to sold its next semiannual meeting In Portland, Or., Mu 11. Swedish Minister lfed. Washington W. A V. KUengren Swedish miniate,- to ilia United State? died at the legation he.e after a brlel illness Allied Veterans Form World Council Paris, .n International council binding togother the War Veteraus as oclatlous of the allied countries wai organlted hero by delegates ropresent Ing the Untied States, Franco, Ureal Britain, Italy, P.cli,ium, Oreece, Jugo 8lavla ond Czechoslovakia and waj Joined later by Portugal, Poland and Roumanla. Harding Completes Canal Inspection Cristobal. Caual Zone. President eloct Harding left the canal zone foi the United States on the steamei Pastoros aftur a week's visit. The steamer will reach Norfolk Saturday Senator Harding vill procoed to Wash ington before his return to Marlon. Labor Union Are 8ued, St. Louis A But asking 90,00( alleged dmages was filed in the cir cult court here by three local res taurant proprietors against foui labor union organisations for alUfi damage to their business by picket, What? Coal Bin Nearly Empty? Fill it with Jesso Knight's Spring Canyon coal THE BEST HEAT PRODUCER YOU EVER USED. Spring is yet a long way off tho big cold snap is coming prepare for it now. Buy coal tho best you can get. If you were fortunate enough to fltock up with Spring Canyon coal last summer, we know you'll want another supply of the same good coal and it's always the same, clean and hot. Experience Proves It Tests have shown that Spring Canyon coal is the choapest-per-season coal that can be -shipped into your town. Ask the Man Who Uses it He Know Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Ontario Yard Al Chance, Mgr. t