The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 06, 1921, Image 2

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uJlje (Shtforin . Argua
An Independent Nottptipci
Published Thurmlnys at Ontario,
Oregon, and entered at tho Ontario
post office for distribution as 2nd
class matter.
0. K. Alkcn, Managing Editor
SUDBCIUPTION One Tsar, $2.00
Mnlhutir county Is fnclng a real
rond protilom ai tho result of tho
long continued rains nnd lack of
frost In tlm ground this v Inter.
WhureuM tho county hud n sturl
on a permanent system of hlBhwnyn,
It will find, perhaps, that by spring
till tho roads In tho county will be
practically gone.
The olio exception promises to he
that soctlou of tho John Day High
way from Cairo to Nyssn. That road
Is still good and Is standing tho
strain of unusual wear because It has
ndoquato drainage, together with a
heavy coating of gravel. Hut first
of all It Is holng saved by Ub fine
This road justifies tho specifica
tions of tho Statu Highway engin
eers. It demonstrates Mint those of
us, nnd that Includes tho mnjorlty,
If not nil of tho good roads uiithusl
asts of tho county, wcro wrong In
criticising work dona on that road
Wo complained of tho deep barrow
pits, tho' narrow crown and irhar
features that did not suit our tin
tutored Judgment.
Of courso conditions this cur tire
unusual; hut roads must bu built to
caro for unusual conditions. Ilusl
Hess must go on during unusual sea
sons, and thoroforo wo tiro to bo con
gratulated that wu havo botoro us
an oxnmplo of uhat roads In this
section must bo to meet such win
ters as this.
To mnko posslblo rvaionnbla tra
vel In tho spring would It not bu pos
xlblo for tho good roads enthusiasts
of tho communities, tho farmers
along tho roads, to assist tho county
road crows In gutting tho roads In
nhapo quickly In tho spring.
A good roads man has suggested
that under tho direction of tho
county's road force a number of
drags bo prepared nnd a Borlos of
good roads days bo hold when tho
trucks- of tho communities haul
thoso drags over tho highways,
It Is posslblo thai such an effort
would result In a groat deal of good,
If properly arranged and supervised,
and wo bollova that tho county 1ms
n forco Mint can do that work, any
way It is worth considering.
ti:i,i:phom: iiati: mm:
Whllo Ontario will not bo enthus
iastic over tho incroaso in telephone
rntos Micro Is no doubt that when
tho pooplo lako Into consideration
Mm facts dlsclosod In tho findings of
tho commission glvon alsowhorn In
Mils I mi no, Mint they will not bn In
dignant over tho rlso.
Compared with Iho Incroaso In tho
cost of opuratlons. nnd tho further
fact that Mm earnings havo proven
Insufficient to meet depreciation It
was InoWtublo that soma Incroaso bo
It should bo understood that tho
increase grnntod was not so great us
tho company reqttestod; for that at
loast tho patrons will bo thankful.
Having receded Mio Inrrmiso not
od, tho company ran bo hold for Im
proved sorvlco, and In this connec
tion It cun bo said for tho company
that tho sorvlco hero compares favor
ably with that given In other com
munities, both largor nnd smuller
than Ontario Ken so it Is not all
that It should bo
Thoro Is ouo point In tho commis
sion finding that will not ho appro
clatod by tho business men of tho
communities served, namely that In
which by Inference at loast, tho com
pany Is criticised for having extend
ed Its country lines Into torrltory
which does not pay tho cost of sor
vlco. Wo bollevo that tho business men
of tho towns would rather pay slight
ly hlghor rates themselves than havo
tho torrltory surrounding the towns
without telephone connections to tho
city. In fact wo want tho phono
lines extended, not reduced, tho of
courso thoro are limits beyond which
tho company cannot reasonably bo
uxpoctod to oxtend Its lines.
Ontario for oxnmplo should not bo
without phono connections with Its
neighbors on tho north, Tho city
cannot bo told that Its trado radius
Is to bo doscrlbed by an are to tho
west and south only
Concerning tho toll charges to
N'yssu which hno boon allowed by
tho commission, regardless of tho
contract mado with old Independent
Company, thoro will bo somo objec
tion raised, tho in tlmo tho fooling
of animosity will bo allayed, no
doubt. This too should result In bet
ter sorvlco for thoso who use the
lines for business only
Taken all round and viewed from
ovory angle, and especially that
which views sorvlco as tho first con
sideration to bo considered, wo be-
llovo that tho rates mado by tho
commission aro fairly cnuttablo and
wo trust will result In Improved ser
Prom all over tho stato of Oregon,
and Its neighboring stato of Idaho,
thoro Is being sounded a domnnd for
reduction In taxation. And It Is ap
parent that Micro Is a reason. Taxes
aro mounting
Tho trouble hero In Ontnrlo, how
ever, can bo laid directly nt tho door
of tho tieonte. Tho Increase In stnto
taxes nro to bo found directly In Mm
measures approvod by tho poeplo:
furthormoro wo bollevo that they
would npprovo of tho laws thoy pass
ed wcro thoy submitted to them now,
so thoro Is nothing to bo gnlncd by
bolated protestations.
What Oregon needs nnd needs
badly Is tho election of assessors
who will place values on proporty
where they should bo. It is foolish
to talk about high taxation when in
fnet tho valuation of Oregon proper
ty hnB so slightly Increased during
tho past ten years, as revealed by tho
tux rolls.
It Is useless to discuss tho question
of taxes until wo havo somo syslom
of securing tho enforcement of tho
law by Mm assessors. Oregon's pop
ulation has Incrcnsod greatly, and
tho tlomnnds of tho pooplo for all
kinds of frills In govornmont havo
of necessity Increased tho cost of
Hera In Ontario, so wo nro told,
thoro aro homoo vnlucd nt from
$2. COO to $3,000 on tho tax rolls nt
anywhoro from $300 to $500. Blnco
practically all of tho resldonco pro
nortv Is nsscsscd on that basis no
gross Injustice is dono, but that bo-
Inc true tho tho levy Is high, the
chnrgo can hardly bo sustained that
tho tax paid Is excessive It only
socms so.
Hod tho valuation placed by tho
assessors kept paco with tho Incroaso
In values It would not havo boon
nocossnry for tho pooplo to voto ad
ditional mlllago lovles for tho tint
vorslty and agricultural college It
Is thus that tho studied efforts of
cttlzons to keen their valuations
down havo been defeated After all
tho mounting taxes rosts with tho In
dividual tnxpa)or
ltabllshmont of n radio depart
ment for receiving wireless news . lid
kcoplnr In touch with Amorlcm
Legion posts tnrougnoui uouisiann is
nnnouncod In n recent liuuo of Tho
l'ollcunalro, tho official nowspopor
of tho Louisiana department of tho
Through co-oporatlnn with nmn
tours In towns whoro (tier nro Leg
ion posts, a constant liaison will bo
maintained botweon tho Legion nows
papor and tho local posts. Arrange
raonts havo already boon mado for
this sorvlco from Shoveport, Opol-
ouses nnd I'rnnkllnton to Now Or
loans whoro Tho Pollcnnnnnlr is pub
lished. Hy tho uso of tho radio
sorvlco, tho press shoots of nows
from all over tho world sont out
dally from tho Arlington station will
bu rocolvod by tho Loglon organ.
This sorvlco Is conductod by tho U.
8. Navy for ItH battleships anil
Ilumcmbor tho Rotlvnl. Adv.
ni:c. U7 to iu:i hi
Mary B ICIrkpatrlck to K. II.
nrumbach, NWtfNWU Sec. 24-21-40.
Aug. 26, 1920. 11,050.00.
Leonard Qlllosplo to Lillian Stan-
dish, NyiWMNttNKliNHU Soc, C-
18-47. Dec. 10, 1920, $1.00
Emplro Lumber Co. to W. E, Loes,
IaiIs U, 12, 13, 14, nnd IS, In lllk.
208, Ontnrlo, Juno 24, 1920. $400.00
Itobort Van Qllso ot ux to Itoso 0.
Colo, Lots 9 and 10, Dlk. 21, Toutsch
Add. to Nyssn. May 14, 1919, $3,-600.00.
Win. Q. Jenkins ot ux to Pleter
Tenson Lot 4, SBU8WU, NEUSW
U, Sec. 18; NEVJNWVi Sec. 19-19-
47. July 23, 1919, $40,000.00
Luella Long to J. O. Lamhersou
Lucy A. Thompson ot vlr to Es-
thor lloston, Und. 1-13 Int. In V
NEtf Soc. 9-19-44. Dec. 27, 1920.
IIopo liros. to S. Humphrey, Und.
28-109 Int. In Lot 6, Dlk 25. Eld-
rodgo Add to Vnlo. Dec. 29, 1920.
Sheriff II Leo Noo t0 J. W. Oraff
ot al. SWUSEtf Sec. 2; N'WNEU
Soc. 11; NViNWVi, NWMNEU Soc
12-23-46, Doc. 29, 1920. $1,392.00.
Donald McDonald to Donald Mc
ViSEU. Lots 3 and 4, SBUSWU
Sec. 19-18-37; also NEUSEli, Sec.
24-18-36; also NHSWK, EV4NWV4
Soc 29-18-37. Doc. IS, 1920. $1.00.
Interstate Land & Loan Co. to
James h, Stewart, Lots 73 and 74,
Dlk 8, Villa Park Add. to Outarlo
Jan. 7, 1915. $1.00.
Complaints riled In Circuit Court
Laura I. Ltttlofleld vs. Xeno E
Llttlo Mold Decombor 2S, 1920. Di
vorce and Alimony
Tho recent visit of Horbort Hoover
to Kansas, following tho rocent visit
of Mr. Unruch, Is nn encouraging
fact. It la encouraging becauso It
Indicates that somo of tho best brains
of tho country nro concentrating on
tho problem of tho distribution of
farm products. This Is ono of the
groat problems of tho prcsont day.
Thoro Is too wldo n gap botweon
tho fnrmor and tho consumer, bo
tweon tho prlco tho farmor receives
and tho price tho consumers pay.
Wo do not attempt to say what It
Is that Is amiss. Wo do not know.
In fact, uo ono appears to know.
Tho farmer does not know. Ho only
knows that, notwithstanding tho In
creased prlco ho has received dur
ing tho pnst fow years, his profits
havo boon smnll, nnd now that ho
seems to ho facing n decrease In
prices for his stuff, ho will suffor
serious loss If not financial ruin.
Tho consumer does not know. He
only knows Mint ho has been paying
a price for food products so much
greater than ho pnld under normal
conditions as to arouse tho bollof
that tho farmer must hnvo been
mado rich boyond the drenms of
avarlcu. Tho consumer, not knowing
whoro to place the blnmo, has pine
od It upon the producor. Tho farmor,
not knowing whoro to placo tho
blame, tins lumped It bodily and In
dlscrlmlnntoly upon what ho tortus
Mm mlddlomnn, hut with no specific
or, apparently Intelligent Idea as to
what ho moans by "tho middleman '.
Tho situation Is In n tnuddlo.
Tho problem will not bo. solved
by shooting blindly Into a musind up
condition. Incriminating oratory on
tho ono hand and seeking to "pass
tho buck" on tho o'lior, will not help
tho farmer or the consumer. It will
not reveal tho point wo hnvo missed
nor discover the cog that Is looso
In our Industrial organization. It
will roqulro tho Intelligent appli
cation of tho best buslnoss minds of
tho country to work out plans to
correct tho ovll and closo up tho
gap botweon tho fnrmor and tho
producer without doing Injury to
olthor. Tho Interests of tho fnrmor
nnd tho consumer nro Identical. If
both clnssos nro to enjoy prosper
ous conditions. Tho fnrmor must
rocolvo n fnlr profit. Tho consumor
must pny only n fnlr prlco. It np
penrs obvious Mint Mio shorter the
gap botweon tho two the holtor for
both. And yet, nn lll-consldorod,
hastlly-dovlscd schemo on tho part
of olthor to shorten tho gap for tho
sol fish Intorcsts nt either might
provo n disaster to both.
Thoroforo, welcome tho entrnnco
of tho Hoovers, tho Ilnruchs, and ov
ory wlso mnn of tho business world
who honestly seeks to find tho cog
that Is loose In tho Industrial ma
chlno II J. Wntors In tho Kansas
City Weekly 8tnr
Threo hundred volumes covoring
the Mold of American activities In
the World Wnr hnvo beon rocolvod
thru tho modlum of tho Amoricnn
Legion Wcokly ns n stnrt of n com
ploto legion wnr llbrnry, which will
bo established In n room at National
Hendqunrtors. Tho collodion of
books Includes volumes dealing with
tho history of units from compnnlos
to divisions. It contnlns Mm pro
ducts of hand presses in French nnd
Gorman print shops ns well as mora
ambitious output of londlng Now
York publishers
virrnitANs contkol moh
Although the victim of n murdor
In Jacksonville, Mo., wns a formor
sorvlco man, mombors of the Amorl
can Loglon post at Moborly, Mo , a
town nearby, wcro cool-headed
enough to qulot a mob of onraged
cltlzons, which threatened to resort
to mob vlolenco Tho Legionnaires
wore successful In persuading tho
nngrv crowd to permit the man nc
ciiBod of tho murdor to be placed
safely in Jail to await trial.
hi.ui: laws not wanted
Tollowlng tho action ot tho United
Service Post of tho Amoricnn Isglon
in Jlronx County, N. Y. which sent
roprosentntlvoa to Washington to
fight tho passage of the proposed
"blue laws" by Congress, other posts
lu all flvo boroughs of Now York put
themselves on record against tho
proposed legislation. In Now Jor-
soy, Hubort Ilocko Post, of Teaneck,
oxpressed a similar sontlment.
HALIj put to good use
Tho Turn Vereln Hall nt San An
gelo, Texas, lost its unploasant name
when It was loosed recently by mem
bers of tho local post of the Amer
ican Legion and remodelled Into n
modern opora house at a cost of
$5,000. The first attraction, n local
talent minstrel show, earned $1,539
High class shows will bo booked for
the theatro by the post-
Professional Cards
L "I
9 to 12 and 2 to 6
Office over First National Dank
relephono No 33 J Ontiirju. Ore
llclnerii Ontario l'liarnin.
Phono 52
Hours, 10-12: 1:30-0 House calls
Evenings by appointment Mado
i'Tiono 158
Acuto or Chronic Diseases
Itooms over Post Office
Offlco In Wilson llldg.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Phono 117 for Appolntmonti.
FOR SALE On TnADE For lle-
stock. Good house, two lots, doop
well, garngo and othor out buildings
Box 641. Ontario, Oregon tf
Como to the Revival,
Are you going? Where? To the
Revival, t
Tho power of your nuto nn
Kino comes from tho cylinders
nnd this Is tho Only btiop in
Mnlhour county Mint has a
This pormlts us to do this nc
curnto macblno work to n
hair, nnd do It quickly.
Now Is the tlmo to havo your
englno ovorhaulod.
Ontnilo, Oregon
Special Equipment
Speedy Service
See O. B. Sanford
Pliouc, 4B-W
Ontario, Oregon
"Permanent as the Pyramids"
Concroto is tho Foundation of all Pormanont
If You Aro Building For Pormananco Uso Concrote
Concroto Irrigation Pine
Concroto Drainage Pipo
Concroto Foundations
Our plant is equipped with modern machinery, our
methods of are those Kiiiiiod thru years
of experience, our labor is skilled, our product is
best obtainable. You gel the benefit of ever. ljg
of cement used.
Ask Satisfied Customers
The test of any product is its service. Our concrete
pipe has been used in many ol the IhkbohI and nesi
drainage and irrigation systems in this sccton. Ash
for information, let us refer ou to those who lime
used our product.
We will gladly furnish you cut filiates on your con
templated improvements.
Ontario Concrete Pipe Co.
C. E. BINGHAM, President
Ontario, - Oregon
I.oiik DMnncn nnd I.ocnl HniilliiK
Anjthlnjr, Anywhere, An) tlmo
Lcnvo orders Wt Implement Store
Phono Hi! Itcsldcnro Phono Jl-W
Ontnrlo, Oregon
Phone 162
neildonce Phono 115J2
II. n. Caldwell
Quick Sorvlco
Phone Iftli Outarlo, Oregon
Sent Parcer Posf "
No. 1-2, per set - $1.25
No. 3-4, per set - - 1.50
No. 5-G, per set - 1.75
Postage extra
Box 547, Ontario, Oregon
The New Cafe
White MunaitcinenfWIilte Help
Ibick of First National Hunk
A Shnre of Your Putroniijro U
Phono 110-J
Outarlo, Oregon
Long Hauling a Specialty
Wo Altvnjs Deliver tho Goods
See McFall and See Better
iV" 4 l " ( V Mil tmrM , f
- 1 N4 IV i LmWmm. I I
With Modern Scientific Optlcnl IimtrumenU
Your Chlldrcu'ii Kjox, t Ht-ll m the Older !'ortou'H
Aro 8fo In Our Cure
No charge except whero ProfiwHloiml Bert Icon me dt-Mied
Wo Absolutely Ouurante AH Our Work
Phenes: Offlco 147-J, IleMdenro IO0..M
mUitP'?lmAlJi . . u "jwlltUt KpcclulUt
Offlcei HlucknbyJenlrj-Storo Ontario, Oregou
ipi 1i8&1
Two ot the most homelike ho
tels In Portland, located In the
henrt et the shopping and thea
ter district. All Oregon Electric
trains stop at the Seward Iloto1,
tho House of Cheer. Excellent
dining room In connection. The
Hotel Cornelias, tho House ot
Welcome Is two short blocks
from the Seward. Our brown
busses meet all trains Rates
$1 SO and up. W. C. Culbort
son, Proprietor
McDowell Company, Inc.
Ontario, Oregon
Has Ileen Taken Over Hy
J. O. Phlllnbaum & Hugh Alien
Undertaking and EmMming
Licensed In Oregon, Idaho, Washington
Funerals conducted from the Home, Chapel, or ,h, niurth of
Your Cholc
Free Funeral Car Service
Office Phono Day anil Night SU7
Night Phone, 80-M, 178
JlpppH (1
A r
I 'I
w ;