The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 06, 1921, Image 1

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    :rr,(jrMiij , i ii immtmtmtli
' !UUIL-Jli lLL Mil I I mtJSr
llilMnen Plumes to lo 9-1 K'i' Month
iiiruuenco niinicft intiiviiiiuii i.inr
',ss.iw Two Pnny Line ijiii.CMi
, Finding (Jlwii In IX'tult
o January 1. tclophono
3-jJi lurrllory covored by tlio
t-tmo Tolcphnno C'oniimny
rcicciuv Alito tho frco toll sorvlco
I k ruiiHL'ii uuiiruxiuiiuuiy iu
1't.ivviu jiimr inu nuu 1111 pui ii.u
trttl. I.hh 1.UI.....I.. vl.ln.l I.AlnnAti
"Ml linn iiibiii'iiu UAinivu iiuinruii
Onarlo nnil Nyssn linn been ordered
Hio f'ndlngH of t Jin commission In
lb telephone rntu enso which linn
liran ponding for mnny months woro
revived In Ontario Sundny nnil nra
lo dutnll ns follows
llolng fully advised In t lip prom
tics, nftur n full consideration of fbn
ttstlmuny nnd record Jttrroln, Ihu
tVnmlsslon innKoH IIm Findings ns
1 Tlint tlio Mnlhour Home To'o
phono Company In n rorpornttnu diilv
orgnnlzcd und existing undor the
lawn of tlio Btnto of Oregon, con
ducting n tolophono hiinlni'HH In Mnl-h'-ur
County, It Ih n public utility
engaged In tho ownership, inanigo
ment, operation and rontrol of n
plnnt and equipment for tho conven
ience of tolephono usors, nnd nn hucIi
utility h nubjrt In tlio provisions of
Chapter 270 of tlio Oonornl LnwB of
Oregon for tho year 10 11, and a
ncndinontH tlioroto.
3 Thnt tho cnpltnl stock of till
company Ih $44,275.00, alt of which
l-i Issued and outstanding Tlio
sto-k In principally owned by tho
M(rttiitTrWttrnU Tolophono and Tol
egrnph Company of Donvor, Colora
do, a subsidiary of tho American
Tolophono und Tolegraph Company,
There In also outstanding an indebt
edness of $48,000.00 In nhort term
this co.Wyv.WibJM,fl
HAIitllllin It. A
lllllllllll'J 111, II1.IIVII W. ,UHtlU,ll,n
an. lrn it'rtxr ll trnnW linn
n prnciitii ui ruiiiiuruiK i
Ontario and Nysta without Imposing
a nominal toll rharpo, no thin Una
may afford a faster and bettor sor
vlro than In poss'liln undor tho prov
cnt plan.
4 That as horotoforo Indicated,
iIia (.rnantit rnvnmia of MiIn r.nnin.inv
. ... ...
U Inirtoqunto to moot tho acMml op-
lioa, laxes nnil n rousonnino ruiurn
oa tho money prudently Invostod.
l lliliiill-iy iii.uiuti.
Thcroforo, tho present rntos aro
rounu io do iiisuiiicimu. iinroaauii-.
.I1a l.tnilnmlnln nnil tinllintll' ill..
.(,1a Itintlnnllnln nnil linlimlll' ill.
criminatory and not such nn to fur
nish a basis upon which to prodlcato
efficient sorvlco. Thnt tho fair, roa
malilo and not unjustly dlscrlmln
' ilorv rates, rules nnd regulations to
t applied by tho Malheur Home
Tlphono Company of Ontario, Oro
ron, for efficient corvlco In lieu of
thoto now In force nro named belew:
Wall Sot
Uollmltod UunIiioii. Sorvlce: Per Mo.
Individual Mno 14.00
Two Party Lino 3. BO
Extonslon with boll 1.2C
Extension without boll . , , 1.00
Extonslon holl only 25
Suburban lino 3.2C
Unltmltod Itosldonco Sorvlce:
Individual Lino 12.25
Two Party Lino 2.00
Four Party Lino ........ 1.75
Extension with boll 1.00-
Extension without boll . . .75
Extonslon boll only 25
Suburban Line 2.25
For dosk typo Instruments add .25
Thi above rates apply to Ontario, and Vale exchanges.
Itevolu'r In llunds of Friend
cldcnlly Knplodrs und Ilulli't
Kilters Hrcnst
,... ,,, u,nn,i.,,, ,
(1141 414 6 iiwwww
at the Uolder home, Francis Ilelder,
17 year old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
p j Itolder, was accidentally shot
through the breast by Fred Heights
man The boys wero playing with
a 32 calibre revolvor supposed not
to he loaded, and when the Heights
ran boy attempted to show young
T,Mr how to twirl tho revolver on
M llngor, the gun was accidentally
discharged, the bullot striking
Bolder in the breast, penetrating tho
luer and passing through the body
oair missing tho spine by about nn
inch. The boys condition has been
vory serious as it could not be
foreseen what complications might
derelop, hut at present he Is rest
jng comfortably and his recovery Is
At tho moetlnB of tho library
board hold Wednesday evening Mrs.
It. 0. Clement handed In her resig
nation. Owing to a now Btato rul
ing which ndmlts of only flvo mom
borB on n library board no ono will
ho olectod (o tnk hor placo, Mrs.
Clomont's rolgnatlon leaving tho ro
qulslto number on tho Ontario
The big masque bull given by tho
I.edlos Aid on Now Year's Kvo night
was a decided success. A largo
crowd nttonded, and mnny funny
costumes woro worn. Tho prizes
for tho two best costumes woro giv
en to Gladys Thnycr and Joa Silvers,
who rcprcsontod Indians, while
Churllo Parrot captured tho prlio
for lieliiK tho funniest, Ho was
dressed as n negro, and acted out
tho part, much to tho ntnusomcut of
te fTPI n ifliAnt t.Mft4lfltl llHt4- 1
. .i....,i.. .-
per was sorvuu ui imuiiiKui, unvi
which tho dancing continued until
woll Into 1021.
Fred arnmso of Ontario enmo up
for tho dance Now Year's Kvo.
Whllo hero ho visited at tho drab-
nor homo
Cecil, (lladys and Myrtlo tgan,
who have been spending the holl-
... ........ ... ..
nays wan ineir pnronin in uruKun.
loft Saturday for Corvallls to rcMimo
,.-. ,n MiiM,nii Mnr nn.i
Jack Weaver all of Ontario, attend-
od the Mr hop Now Year's Eve.
lluck Kddy of Ilrldgoport was in
IlroR... Mondar on business.
" ....... . ......
Mr. U acnaoy ui iriui;uiun iioo-
ed thru Ilrogan Monday on hi. way
to food horses down on tho rlvor.
Mr. Myers aim. In from his Das-
In Creek placo with eg., nnd cream
1 t week
"nertha and Gladys Pedorson spent
i. ... .... i.t k..Af UMivin
araunorrsiayinR lor me uniito, uu
Wilson accompanied them homo for
a short stny
Sylvia aradnor visited at tho iv,,.
' .
orson homo In Jamloson for a rew.
lavs last wook
It. W. Hood of nnkor mnda a busi
ness trip to Ilrogan last wook. Whllo
'-v'eU hi. parents. Mr. and
ffm T it" Tlnnfl.
- -
Tom Shotwoll of Hormlston, Oro-
iuiii oul"ii . iiu,B,Hi,p w.
Bon( vaflaoA thru Ilrogan on his way
(0 0nlta to visit (rionus,
Chns. Morfltt. aoo. nodflsh nnd
Stovo Covoch of Mnlhour, returned
from a buslnoss trip to Vale.
A birthday party was given at
tho nrogan Hotol In honor of tho
fortlotli nnnlvoreary of It. W. Itood.
Tho lronsldo stage Is making
slowor tlmo now nn It Is a slod team
Instond of a car. Thoy roport very
good slolghlng.
Chns. Soton of lronsldo Is down
looking for hoy which ho wishes to
buy as his crop "was short this sea
son. Tho surplus hay of this commun
ity Is all sold oxcept tho Eastern Oro-
gon Land Company's crop.
Earl Johnston from nenr Mainour
was In nrognn on his way to Welser
on a buslnoss trip.
Thos. O'Noll, finder of the rich ington in lienor couniy. .no ..
quarti ledgo In Mormon nnsln, was I hour delegation urgod grading of
In town today. Ho reports that he tho rouu irom nunwnt,iH iu v.
Is oponlng up the mlno and It tsltnrlo, which Is tho end of tho Old
looking hotter all tho tlmo. , Orogon Trull but no uctlou hud boen
Thos. Justice nnd Iloy nuchanan takon up to th'H mo-nlng. TIiIh
of Ityo Vnlley woro In nrogan today, section of road Is most Important to
They aro gathorlng cattlo. Orogon ns It Is not only n contlnu-
tntion of tho Columbia River Hlgh-
C. F. Escue returned Sunday from
Kunn, Idaho whoro he was callod by
tho death of a sister, Miss Cora fcs-
... Mloo Vopnn rnmo nut to IdRllO
.uv. ...a ...-
from Illinois for her heolth as she
had never fully rocovereH from the
'influenza which she contracted two
I years ago. Sho died last Thursday,
1 December 30 and was takon back to
Illinois for burial, tho funeral t0 be
hold at tho old home In Illinois
Thursday morning.
Mrs. Iteta Pederman who has heen
tear.hinir at the East sldo school baa
resigned and Mr. Roberta who has,
-- - ,
been teaching nt the West sine nos
6een transferred to the East Bide
where he has been made principal
Mrs. W. W, Howard takes Mr. Rob
erts place In tho West side school.
Miss Dolla Scoft, dlrectoress of the
Chautauqua entertainment which
has been held nt Dreamland Theatre
Miss Mazle Wilson. Miss Scott ann
Miss Wilson were former resident
of Pasco, Washington ana were.,wmmeu wuoro ... - -
agreeably surprised to meet In On- by tho llinoss oi nor inomer. wm
tarlo. Jjnraleson.
Will lU-cpnro Constitution and Hy-
Lawn to 1'roHcnt nt tlcnrrnl
Meeting to bo Held
Fifteen dolcgatCB from various
sections of tho alfalfa growing area
of tho county mot on Thursday. Dec
ember 30 nt tho City Hull,-Ontario
to continue Investigation on tho pro
posed alfalfa growora' association as
dlncuRsod In n mass mooting hold ro-
cently at tho Cairo Grnnga Hall.
After discussing tho mnttcr from nil
angles It 'wan concluded to prepare
a sot of constitution and by-laws for
submission at n meeting to bo held
somo tlmo In January. This mat-
tor was referred back to tho Farm
nureau Marketing Commltteo for
Probably tho most Important pro
gress In connection with this work Is
to bo found In tho declaration of pur-
noses nnd oblccts of such nn usrocla
- ..... ...
"" "" l "' '"" """
T,1 "-t-antllB foaturo Is the rocog-
n,on 0I l" ipor.unco ' "' b"w.
navmg auvanco iniormauun .ro..,
which bo can regulate tho production
'"""' wui, "''' "
-'ogaru w nay.
u i. o oni u.i u.o ,.r f , , ,
of mnrkatlnc lies In producing that
- --- - ...,
there will be a demand ad
Investigation woll In ndvanco of tho
tlmo of planting. Tho purposes and
Wk.U of an alfalfa growers as.ocla-
Clathorlng o : nforma Ion -to
culdo our production. under this
-- - - , ,
" - . -..-.-
meats and grades; standarlro wages
nd other costs; determine food re-
aulromonts for translont stock; do-
tormlno export demand, and pro-
! .
Tidily of food to bo offered for
"..',, ,, ,, ...... n..
sale locally and In o her sectlo s tha
'nro compotlllvo; guldo production of
ub.tltuto crop, and farm "so of feed
I.u lvn.lln.Hnn nt rnnlM. Illnrkfltl.
'etc., and advancing mombors,
- v ....-..... .
c , and advancing mem. "
II. Develop im Efficient marketing
ini; for Hnv. It was tho opinion of
thn rommlttoo that till, would 1)0
accomplished most llkoly by Unking
accompi.snou mo.i ,,.y -v
up with othor aosoclatlons In this and
othor statu.
Contract awarded to Grade ID.!!
Mlk on Oregon Trail Malheur
lH'lrKiitlon 1'iy.fH Grading From
Huntington to Ontario
At tho mooting of tho Stato High
way commission at Portland, east
ern Orogon affairs recolvod somo at
tention. Contracts wero nwardod
for grading 19.3 miles of tho Old
Oregon Trail, from Nelson to mini-
wnv but it also connects wltn tlio
Idaho system of highways and with
tho .Lincoln Highway.
The work of tho Commission is
, rather 8,owly duo pr.
. 7 .. ...- i
.uv n thn vnrnnpv nn 1110 cuiiiiuia
htihlv to tho vacancy on tho commls
slon caused by the death of E. E.
Kiddle, no ono having been appoint
ed as yet to take his placo.
P. J, Oallagher and Geo. K. Aiken
left 8unday evonlng for Portland ns
Ontario's dolegatlon to tho mooting
of tho commission.
Mrs. Frod O. Lacltoy, who recent
ly underwont an oporatlon for ap
pendicitis, was able to leuve the hos
pital Tuesday.
Paul J. Griffin is vls'tlng with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Orlffln,
nt Stevens, Washington. Mrs. Orlf
fln recently returned fro"i a visit to
relatives In Iowa.
Miss Cressie uranam oi .mniura i
Mrs. Jeanetto Evans has gone to
Old Council McctH .January I'ouitli
mill Tunis Oiri city Afinli To
New Adiiilnlstrnilou
Tlio Ontario old City Council met
Januttry 4 and after hoarlng tho ro
cord of tho rcgttlnr meeting hold
Monday night ndlpurncd sine die.
Following this, Mayor elect W. II.
Doollttlo and Councllmcn elect W.
L, Tumor, E. M, Qrolg, I. E. Oakos,
D. W. Powers and It. ft. Udlck woro
sworn into office by Judgo Clay M.
Slenrns. City ltccordcr. All tho now
councllmcn wore present oxcept Dr.
W. J. Woeso. C. M. Piatt, City
Treasurer also took tho oath of of
fice W. L. Turner was olectod
chairman. Tho following standing
committees were appeinted: Fin
ancing; Orolg, Turner, Powers;
Strcotn and Lights; Powers, Wccso,
Oakes: Water and Sewers: Udlck,
Qrclg, Oakcs: Health and Pollce:
Tumor, Qrolg, Udlck: Flro, City Hall
and Library; Wecsc, Powers and
Tha Mnyor appointed tho follow
ing City Offlcers: V. W. Chambers,
Water Superintendent; II. C. Farm
er, Marshal; Clay M. Steams, Re
corder; Artlo Peel, Street CommlH
slouor; Louis Krocssln, Flro Chlof;
and Dr. II. II, Whitney, Health Of
ficer. Theso appointments woro un
animously confirmed by tho Council.
Other appointments will bo mndo at
u following mooting.
Tho Council fixed tho salaries for
tho current year as follews: Water
Suporlntondont, $100.00 per mouth,
Including uso of auto; Marshal.
S 150.00 per mouth, Including euro of
hall; Ilocordor $150,00 por month,
Including colloctloh of wntor routs;
Streot Commissioner $176.00 por
month; Including team; Flro Chlof,
$20.00 por month; Health Offlcor,
$5.00 ppr month.
In conformity to tho Chnrtor a-
mondmont, tho Mayor's salary wan
flxod at $50,00 per month and couii-
cltmon $5.00.
Tho salarlcH of tho Ilocordor, Mar
,Ub, nn Wtttor Commissioner are
oach $25.00 lower than they wore
last yoar
Tho Council ndoptod u resolution
ordorln8 immediate collection of all
.,. rr nwor
dollnnuont asHOssmonts for sewer
and street Improvements.
Ono of tho Important Improve
ments undor tho roglmo of tho city
officials who are now going out of
offlco was tho paving of nlno miles
nt city streets.
Husy Week Spent At Vale llv Grand
Jury and Several True llll'
Tho January term of court opon-
od Monday and h Grand Jury was
In sosslon Monday and Tueadny,
making Its roport to tho Court on
Tho Grnnd Jury returned six true
bills nnd tbroo not Iruo bills. Tho
truo bills woro as follews:
Ono Indictment charged George
Howard with murder In tho first de
gree. This Is tho Vnlo murder enso
a recent ovent In which R. W.
Swoony wns tho victim.
Two Indlctmonts against b. L.
Shotler, charged with larceny of oil
well drilling machlnory, one from
Uoyer Bros, nnd the othor from W.
D. Meyer nnd his associates.
Also an Indictment was returned
against each of tho two Mexicans
who stole certain personal proporty
from Tho Toggery nnd Rndor Uroth-
ors Btoro In Decomber.
Not truo bills wero returned
against Lee Qrny for obtaining mon-
oy under false pretenses, nuiiuu
Sorvntlus for larceny nnd Helen Holt
for adultery.
Tho accused aro all undor arrest
and arraignments will bo made to
morrow. Howard has no attornoy ns yot
and It Is considered probable that
the Court will appoint an attorney to
defond him. Ills case, as well as
the Shotler case will be set for trial
on Friday and by all Indications
will bo trlod about January 18th.
Numerous civil cases havo been
net for trial tor the first week of
the regular term commencing Jan
uary 10, and from all present Indi
cations there will be close to two
weeks of Jury trials.
aim: iikincj ui:i'Aiiti:i),
David Wilson of Spokuno Is here
supervising tho ropnlrlng of the
buildings owned by Mrs, Wilson
which woro recently damaged by
flro. They will probably-bo finish
ed nnd ready for occupancy within
threo weeks und will probably bo ro
oocuptod by tho Dlueulrd Cato, On
tario Modern Prcssnry and McDowell
Furnlturo Storo, tho formor occu
pants. Owing to a misunderstand
ing with a local agent, no (nsumtico
was carried on the buildings,
Mr. Guy Graham Is at homo with
tho llttlo new daughter, Mary Jano,
who Is receiving n roynl wclcomo
from tho sister nnd brothers.
Rov. Aldrlch, of Ilolsc, district
superintendent, preached n most In
spiring sermon In tho M. E. church
Sunday morning. Rev. nnd Mrs.
Van Duson loft Inst wook for their
now homo In tlolso, tholr goods be
ing taken overland.
Misers Knthnrlno Mndsen, Elinor
na Gardner, Messrs. Paul Sargent,
Alter and Fred Schmld, Kenneth
Grlop, Lewis Russell, Floyd Spain
bower loft Sunday evening on tho
Hpeclnl train for Moscow, thn Idaho
Stato University.
Miss Fern Lluck left Saturday for
Lawlstou to rCHiimo her studies tit
tha normal nnd Miss Mnrgarot
Whcalou left Saturday to re-enter
school ut Pullman, Wiishlngton.
Miss Elslo Payer left Mqndny for
her studies nt thn College of Idaho,
Caldwell, after spending tho holldnys
Rov, Shoplinrd, Father of Mrs.
Charles Miller, after spending tho
hol'dsys with his daughter, loft last
Friday for his field of work.
Tlio Christian Endeavor hold n
watch party at tho M. E, Ilungalow
Friday evening nnd ontcrtnlnod tho
mombors of tho church. A very en
joyable evening wns spout.
Thursday night the Frultlnnd a
miisemcut company gnvo a dunce nt
Frultland hnll nnd II proved a very
delightful affair.
Mlxs Winifred nnsxou visited tho
past week among Frultlnnd frlonds.
Mrs, II E, Robinson, formerly
postmistress of Frultland, now of
Caldwoll, has boon railed to Dos.
Moines, Iowa, bocuuse of tho serious
illness of her mothor.
Llttlo Margaret Davis, daughter or
commissioner nnd Mrs. Milan Davis,
after a long slcgo at ninnchard Hos
pital with puoumontn, arrived homo
this wook.
Grant Onrdnor who has bsen a
student at thn WashlnKinn Slain
Uulvorslty, Seattle, tho past few
montlm, will remain nt home and
run tho Drug Storo for hlx father.
Auditor 11. O. Gardner.
John Lowls, son of Mr nnd Mrs.
Jny Iowlii. of Payetle, formorly of
Lostlno, Oregon, and Miss Mabel
Eldredgo, daughtnr of Mr. and Mrs.
Ooorgo Eldredgo. living near Frult
land, sllppod awny from tholr friends
Wednesday, Decomber 22 and wont
to Pnyotto whero thov sccurod a II
censo nnd woro married by Rev. Wal
ker, pnstnr of tho M E. Cluirrh nt
tho pnrsvmRo. TJoth thoso young
pooplo n'o woll known nnd woll llkod
and It Is hoped that tholr married
life will bo all thnt tho best con glvo
lo I hem. Thoy hnve gono to Los
tlno, Oregon nnd may remain thoro
on the fathor's ranch.
Mary Messoo nnd Codv Thomas
Rutlor woro married at Wolsor Sat
urday. Janunry 1st. 1021 nt Tho
Rectory by Father O'Callaghan
Tho attendants woro Mr. nnd Mrs.
Will Shlmlck, nnd tho Impressive
ring coromony wnB usod. Only mo
Immodlato rolntlves and n fow
frlonds woro prosont. A six o'clock
dinner wns servod t0 tho wedding
party by Mrs. Will Shlmlck.
Mr. nnd Mrs. nutler nro vory pop
ular, well known young pooplo of
Ontario. Mrs, Rutler graduated
from tho high school with the clnBB
of 1920 and wns for a couplo of
years employed nt the W. L. Turner
Music Store, later being In tho office
of tho Malheur Home Telephone
Thov expect to make their home
In Roiso but will be In Ontario for
a short tlmo.
Last Friday Murl Wayt was bltton
by a dog and was for a short time
under a doctor's care. Ho Is better
at tho present writing. While tho
doe has devolooed no symptoms of
rabies he l being watched by Dr
Moore, veterinarian.
NO. 5
Irf'iiwt TUN Week For lUilso To
Confer Willi ItoprcHcntallvcN of .
Irrigation Projects For
Judgo Will It. King nttondod cir
cuit court at Vale this wook nftor
cpondlng n fow days nt Uums on
legal business. Judgo King says
that although his law offlco In In
Washington, D. C. ho will rctnln his
domicile In Orogon nnd will vIbII our
soctlon from time to tlmo ns occa
sion may roqulrc. He leaves today
for Dolso whoro ho will confer with
representatives of proposed Irriga
tion projects In Idaho for which his
sorvlccs have been procured nt tho
WiiHhlugtoti, D. C. end of tha lino
with a vlow to procuring early con
struction work.
Judgo King Is vory optimistic re
garding reclamation possibilities and
predicts tho passago of tbo Slnnot bill
within tha next fow weeks nnd tho
passago of tho Smlth-Flutchor bill.
Tho Slnnot bill authorizes tho Sec
rotary of Interior to commence nnd
comploto Irrigation projects whoro
uver nnd whonovor nn Irrigation
district will provldo tho funds, the
feasibility of tho project first hav
ing beon approved by tho Socrotary
of Interior. It Is thought that the
O, K. of tha secretary will bo an as
surance to bond buyers that the
work will be carried on nnd money
expended by tho government will en
able 30-yonr Irrigation district bonds
to he sold substantially at par.
"Tho Slnnot and Smlth-Flotcher
bills aro In no wlso Inconslitant,"
remarked Judgo King. "Tho Slnnot
bill dlffors from tho Srolth-Flotchor
bill only In that It permits tho con
struction of projocta with prlvato
capital, or monoy advanced by Irri
gation districts, whllo tho Smith
Flotchor bill Insures bonds lu the
sume way and the bonds aro turned
over to tho Socrotary of tho Interior
nr.d tho government advances ths
funds without uwnltlng sale of the
buffds, Undor olthor scheme an nil
thorizntlon plnn will bo for a long
term af yoars, 1)1 annual sinking
fund to pay oft tho principal and
Interest In about 33 yoars."
Judgo King prodlcts tho passago
of tho Slnnot bill during tho prosent
sosslon, It having already passod tho
sonnto, and that tho Smlth-Fletchor
bill bocomo n law during the coming
session. "Tho Smith-Fletcher bill
will roclalm swamp and urld lands
of tho wost and south nnd Iibh bo
hind It tho utiltod support of nil
western and southern states, which
gives a sufficient mnjorlty In con
gross to Insure Its pasaago."
Judgo King predicts resumption of
reclamation work In tho Snnko rlv
or valloys, and remarked that pro
jects llko tho Dlack Cuuou nnd Gem
In Idaho and the Owyhee In this
county loso mora In crops not grown
every few years than would cost to
reclaim tho lands In them.
People of Wullmvu Cou 'Hy Urge K.
. McOulloy To Act As Huccouor
To Mr. Klddlo on The Hluto
IIIgliMny Ooinmlnaloi)
Owing to tho death of E. E. Kld
dlo thoro Is a vucuncy on tho board
of tho Stato Hlghwuy Commission,
leaving eastern Orogon unreprojont
od ns yot. Jny 11. Dobbin of Joseph,
Wallowa County wns offerod tho
post but rofused to'accopt It. F, D.
McCulloy Is bolng urged by the pen
plo of Wnllown county ns a succes
sor to Mr. Klddlo. As tho paper goon
to press Govornor Olcott has not ap
pointed tho now Stato Highway Com
missioner however.
Mr McCulloy Is vory much Inter
ested In tho development of eastern
Oregon, having beon engagod In bus
iness hero for many yoars both as u
merchant and a stockman. Promin
ent mon of Wallowa County who hud
boon urging Mr. Dobbin's appoint
ment nre now rallying to Mr. Mc-
Culloy's support.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Andorboric
left Monday for a visit with relatives
at Salt Lake.
Tho Womon's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church met
Wednesday with Mrs. Luscombe,
Mrs. T. n. Finer is visiting with
hor son Will Flser and wife at