TILE 0JHTAK10 AKO US, ONTARIO, OJtEGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1920. MMWSMtMMMWWMMMMAAMMMAAMi 'Tf MERRY CHRISTMAS ' RAIN-WATER-JONES ''w".... . OWYHEE OWYHEE TURKEYS COME TO ONTARIO FOR CHRISTMAS Ilud ModccK Is tho now Vnquorro Iloss of this Agency Division. nutJ has Just latoly returned from a cnt tlo drlro to Wlnnomuccn, Novndn. DIM Jonos accotnpanlod htm. MIns Alva Arnold of Ontario visit ed hor aunt, Mrs. J. S. Smith of this city. Poto nond loft tho Agency ranch this wook for a trip to Vnlo nnd tho lowor country. II. N. TIllotBon of Iloulnh Is very III, It Is reported ho Is BUfforlng from dypthorln, Dr. Hedges Is In his nttnmlnnen. Tlio Kimball Mat school closed Mr nnd MrB' ' '' "nord motor' Friday. Tho children roto a Xmas' "'I t0 Ontario Tuosday with a Ford ontertnlnmont nnd n largo Xmns box ,0BtI ot turkeys for the Christmas with gifts for Ml. Tho tenchor, Miss . Hnrkot. Alllo Slator loft this week to spend' Horn; to Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Huff tho holidays In Holso Idaho. man on Docombor II, 1020 a baby Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. II. It. Clark, daughter. a girl weighing 8 lbs. on December) Tho totoDhono lino which has boon Comings And doing of Owyhcii Folks Show Actlvo Community Life -Mnny Visitors There For Holidays 13th, 1020 Joo Llllard and Mrs. Cathcrlno Stockton woro united In marriage In linker, Oregon on December first. Mr. and Mrs. Llllard aro a( Portland visiting frlonds and rolatlves. Tboy oxpoct to roturn horn the first of tho yoar. Harry Ctondonen has beon In Drewsey tho past week ronowlng ac quaintances with old friends. Mrs. II. J. Clark rocolved her ap pointment as post mistress of tho Drewsey post office on Decombor 1, L. V, Ilrodflold has boon passing thru Drewsey onroutn to tho Lamb ranch with a load of supplies from tho Agency ranch quite often. Itay and Orln McMullon aro haul ing posts for tho P. L. 8. Company to tho Kimball Flat ranch. Milton Davis brought Mrs. A. II. Plpos In his car to tho Harry Clark ranch Tuosday of this wook. Tho Kimball Flat School olghth graders nro getting ready for the olghth grado history examination to ho given In January. Jim Murphy camo ovor from Ilou lnh ono day last week for a bunch of cattlo horo, ho also stoppod over nigni ni inn homo or his slstor, Mrs. Hllns Tlllotson. Mrs. A. II. Altnow la reported sor lously 111 at this writing. out of commission for tho past wook was ropatred by T. M. Lowe Thurs day, who found somo tangled wires near tho Cantrnll ranch. Several poles woro down near Ilradloy's, cut ting thorn oft entirely. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schwolzer nnd daughter Dolla motorod to Ontario Saturday whero thoy woro tho over night guests of Mr. Fula Thompson, returning Sunday afternoon, Miss 'Laura Iloobo, who teaches at Dallas Orogon arrived Baturday to spend her Christmas vacation with hor slstor, Mrs. Esther Frlor. Mr. and Mrs. Ooo. Olascock and family woro Nyssa visitors Monday. Mlssos Monna and Nina Smith spont tho wook end In Nyssa with tholr grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Dlnkloy. i Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Kllngback and daughtor, Doris, nnd Mrs. T. M. Lowo motorod to Ontnrlo Wednes day, whero Mr. and Mrs. Kllngback had somo dontnl work dono. Josso and Elba Pullon woro supper guests at tho Illgolow homo, Sunday evening. T. M. Lown and Win. fllonn at tondod tho Farm Ilureau meeting at Cairo Wodnosday at which a hay growors association was organized to confor with stockmen. Wm. Poutz, Fred 8ntvoly, Andy Hanson and doorgo Kroth went to valo Wednesday. Fred Snlvoly ro- turnod homo from Juniper Moun tain whoro ho has boon trapping slnco Scptambor. Andy Hanson loft Saturday for Uma, Arizona, whoro ho Intonds to work in tho mines this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Pullon and chlldron, Clarenco, Wlltna and Viola visited Sunday at tho Wni. McNary homo near Mitchell Dutto. Mrs. Robert Daldwln visited hor mother, Mrs. Mcintosh from Wod nosdny to Friday. Tho Owyhco P. T. A. held their rogular monthly mooting at tho school houso, Friday afternoon. Thoy nro planning an cntortnlnmont to bo glvon In Janunry to ralso monoy for tho little Fronch boy, Plorro Hardin, whom thoy havo bcon supporting for sovornl yonrs. Tho P. T. A Is nlso planning to show lanlorn pictures entitled "Tho Llfo of Christ" soon. Clarenco Doftord was ovor from his homo nonr Homodalo Thursday and Friday for a short visit with his brother Frank nnd family. Tho Union Sunday School took up a collection Sundny to bo sont to starving aufforors In China and Ar menia. It was also voted to Includo tho missionary monoy from tho birthday Jar", tho total to bo equal ly divided botwoon tho two. Mr. t Friar is a guest during mo holidays ot his brother Frank Friar nnd wife. Ilovorond W. F. Shlolds held tho monthly sorvico at tho school-homo Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Kllngback and family, accompanied by tho Mlssos Mlldrod and Evelyn DoUord did somo Christmas shopping In Ontnrlo Saturday. Miss Dorothy Culver Is a now pu pil In tho school. Archlo Slnclnlr sold a cow and two calvas to Dr. Smith ot tho Kol ony last wook. Mr. Sinclair Intonds to go on tho road ns soliciting ngent for tho McConnon Co. tho first ot tho yoar, Mrs. W. F. Prltchott, principal of tho Kolony school, and children, Wil son, Harbara and Snyder spont Thursday at tho DoHord homo. McEvons. who nurchasod 8. D. nigelow's hay took tholr snoop thoro to fcod lost week. fffftftfttttft! irixrn : ht SISSH'Tt9SHt1"'"''"''"' ttMSti4tSSttttMttH4 VT y 4- lj rMB BMJEBTO (MlhL -.,. CHR1IST BLUEBIRD AS DINNER lto8p. m $1.25 ADVERTISINGWASSOLD AT LESS THAN IT COST Ken In Old New York Tho Average Unto Wns .3 Cent under Aver age Production Cost Orogon Agricultural college, Cor vallls, Doc. Llko many Oregon newspaper in on n Now York publish er found It hard to bring his nd vortlslng ratos up to cost of produc tion plus ronsonnblo profit. Ho had Ida plant surveyed by T, II. Alvord of Livonia, assisted by tho Port Pub lishing company, and this Is what wns feund: Tho pnpor Is publlshod In n town of 1J)00. It Is nn olght-pago, six column wcokly, opornted by tho own er and two othor men. In tho first nlno months ot this yenr 60 porcont ot tho spneo carried paid advertising nt tho avorago rate of 17.9 conts por column Inch. In July subscription was Jumpod from $1.60 to $2.00, In nn nttompt to mnko ends moot. Even nt that, tho 10C0 subscriptions nnd tho 37 col umns ot advertising, aggrogntlug $S03G.G6 por year, fallod to produce production costs. This papor was told to udvanco Its rato to an avorago of 18.2 conts por column Inch to broak ovon, allowing tho ownor's sMnry, ront, Intorcst and depreciation. It was found that tho actual cost ot producing tho advertising Itself wns 14.4 conts por column Inch, nnd this mado no provision for carrying tho cost ot printing tho nows and od Mortals. "Advertising and circulation nro tho only sourcos ot lncomo for tho nowspnpor," says tho roport," "and Inasmuch as circulation lncomo Is novor nnywhoro nonr tho cost of producing tho nvorago country wook-, ly, tho deficit must bo mot by tho on- ' ly othor source ot lncomo that of advertising." (Tho facts of this story aro tnkon from Tho Sorvico Shoot, Issuod bv tho Now York 8tato collogo of agri culture, Cornoll, for Doc. 1920.) i Something He Will Like for Christmas What more substantial t.r lasting a gift can you give your son this Christ m s linn an ac count with the Ontario National B ink the best incentive for building a reserve fund. A per cent interest paid on saving- accounts. 1 I v i mmm SI .S8m II . - :eritaoNAiBiNK OLDEST BANK IN GRANT, HAliNEYANn MALHEUR COUNTIES 'JZL 44-4444-iMtl--4t-t44 .. . T See Mcfall and See Better Oyster Cocktail Consomme Olives RELISHES Salted Pecans SALAD Waldorf Celery) j - t m :::: -;: : ,, a ENTREES Pineapple Fritter and Sweet Sauce V Dressed Lettuce and Cheese Straws ' ROASTS Roast Young Turkey, Giblet Dressing and Cranberry Jelly Roast Young Goose and Potato Stuffing Roast Prime Rib3 of Beef, au jus VEGETABLES Duchess Potatoes Lily of the Valley Corn Southern Sweets Fronch Peas DESSERT English Plum Pudding and Brandy Sauce Bluebird Special Sharbet and Fancy Cakes Fruits ' Nuts After-Dinner Mints Cafe Noir CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Comor Idaho Avo. and 2nd St. N. W (D. J. Qtllandors, Pastor) Sunday School, 10:00 A. M Proachlng, 11:00 A. M 8ubject: "Xmas," Christian Kndonvor, 0-30, P M. Preaching) 7:30, P, M. Pilgrims landing In America, 8toro optlcan Slides, Dlblo Study, Tuesday 7:00 P. M. Wook of Prayer. Jan. 2nd to 9th. Subjects: Influenco and Example. A Wholo Llfo for Christ Tho Fruit ot Indecision. Tho Ore.it Decision. The Cnll of tho Othor World, Hopontance, ' Pilot Is 0 root Question You aro ospoclally Invited to th above services. Special Notice Christmas Program Xmas Eve to begin nt 7:30 P. M. No Charge, ex cept an offorlng which will be taken to help tho starving children of the noar Bast, Everybody eomo to heln I tho starving millions out of our pionty. Everybody como and help, what you give holps to sava "another child's Llfo. ?iri??iMllikH9kkHRXP94HFkkkkkkM '---- "iE3sssissssssgSgyjJw'lWi'Msssssssssssss1sssl WIUi Modern Scientific Optical Instruments Your Children's Eyes, tut well u tlio Older Poi-sou's Am Bnfo In Our Cars Nw ckargrs except whero ProfctfNlimal Hervlces nrs desired T Absolutely Ouarante All Our Work, rhonssi Offlro 147-J, Residence 10K-M It. J. A. Mcl'ALL Eyi-slght Specialist Offle: Blaokuby Juwslry Htors Ontario, On-gsH $ MUTIIODIHT CIIUHCU Sunday Services 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Proachlng, "Striking LUo's Ilalanco Sheet." 6:48 P. M. Epworth League. 7:30 P. M. Illustrated Lecture, A wonderful sot of Pictures presenting a Study of tho Church In Ruial Sections. UNITED ritESIlYTKIUAN CHUHCII 10:00, nibla School Lessen: "Tho Kingdom of Heaven on Earth." 11:00. Worship. Sormon Subloct "A Visitor from Heavon". 8'4S, Young Pooplo's Meetlne. LosBon Subject: "A purpose moot ing." ' 7:30 Christmas Exercises. Unforeseen contingencies havo fore- staiioa completing tho preparations ot tho entire Cantata of which an nouncement has boon made. Tho music will bo used, IT" o W. REED w. JOHNSON HORSESHOEING, BLACKSM1THING BLACKSMITH FIT SHOES Sent Parcel Post No. 1-2, per set No. 3-4, per set - 1 No. 5-6, per set Postage extra ORDER: SHARP, BLUNT, PLAIN W. JOHNSON Box 647, Ontario, Oregon $1.25 1.50 1.T5 ? t ann ok thanks We sincerely thank our friends and the Masonic Lodge for their sympathy and kindness during tho illness and death ot our beloved -hus band and father. Mrs. N. C. Long, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parker, Mr and Mrs, Harvey Long, Mr. and Mrs. Crltty Lang. 1 1 E&P H r&TTr- I At A llia EXPRESS AND, TRANSFER rhons ICJ -Itesldencv Plun liaj . H. 11. Caldwell Pros. Quiok Servico 13 OnlniU, Ocgou HEALTHY NEW YEAR Llcennsd to Traotlm in Onxnn and Idaho O. ). KRAT. tiinltjnil Fnclnrrr ' Member of Amor lot u Assoclntlau f Enelueers Bower systsais. water worko, psve- ssenta, ssscrets dr-olen, axrss- Ments. offlcs systscss ill Tilford Bldf., PortJans!. Oregon City Hall. Ontario, Oregon THf ARGUS PRINTS BUTTERWRAPS V.