THE ONTARIO AUUUS ONTAltlO, OREGON, TUDUSLAY, DECEMBER 23, 1920 MALIICUH COUNTY KKAL ESTATE THANHFKIIH llKCOUDhM 1IKO. 11 TO DF.O. 18. D. M. TnBRnrt ct ux to Ivan Mush libs, NV48EUNBU Sec. 24-18-40 Alls. 23, 1019. $3,000.00. Wm. A. PouRlmnour ot nl o Unit ed States, Ditch 11W. Sec. 3G-21-4I), Oct. 13, 1020 $1.00 Emily U. Illgby to John Doswol', SHUSEV Sec. 3C-18-44. Nov. 23, 1920. 11.00. John HohuuU ot ux to Kmlly U. Illgby. SWW8BU Soc. 36-18-44. No vombor 23, 1920, John E. Holley ot ux to Dnnlol T. Hotly, Loin C nnd 7, Ulk. 2, Ailrlnn. Doc 14, 1020. $1.00 Danlol T. Holly ot ux to John R Holly, LotM 10 & 20, 311k. 2, Adrian. Doc, 14, 1020. t. H. Korfoot ot ux to William Iloswol), Lots 4, C, C, 7, and 8, Ulk. 10, Ontario Doc. 2, 1020. $2,103.00 AzcuenaRn Llvo Stock & Land Co. to Jordan Vnlloy Cattle Co, nofor volr Slto. Fob. 1, 1920. $1.00. A. IS Mcintosh ot ux to Emanuel Drown, Lot 1, Irrlg. Lands Corp. Soc. 31-19-47. Dec. 11, 1920. $2,000. Vlncont McKonna ct ux to Ilecso .Tonkins ot ux, Lots 11, 12, 13, 111k 129, Ontario. Nov. 1, 1920. $3,000. 8horlff II. Loo Noo to Wm. Grif fith, Lots 8, 0, nnd 10, Ulk. 8, Ontiy lo. Doc. 13, 1020. $2,882.40. Dortha Anderson to Thos. H. An dorson, 13 Soc. 6-27-40. Nov. 2, 1020. $1.00 U. S. A. to HURh A. Martin, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, BWH Sec. 30-26-40. Nov. 11, 1920 Clnrn Mabel Morton ct vtr to Sor on Hanson, Lots 4 and G, Dlk. J, Plnoharts 1st. Add, o Vale. Dec. 10, 1920, $1,300.00. U. 8. A. to Chortotto A. Howland, SWUNWli Soc. 3: Lots 2-3, 8V4N WU, BNBU. Soc. 4; BBUNEVJ Soc G-17-46. Nov. 11, 1920. Themis W. I'onn ot ux to Dlnlne May, Portions of Lots 4-6-6, Sec. 18-18-47, Mar. 10, 1920. $420.00. Elinor C. Cono ot nl to Unltod Btntcs, Ditch Il-W. 8oc. 36-21-46. Nov. 23, 1920. $1.00 U. 8. A. to Danlot 8. Merrill, WV4 8WV Boo. 2; NWU. WNEU Soc. 11-16-40. Juno 11, 1010. U. 8. A. to Trod Lontor, Jr.. 8W U NE,i, 8BU8BU, WHSEVi Soc. SS; NEU Soc. 33-16-41. Aug. 6, 1020. U. 8. A. to Prod Lontor, Jr. B BWtf Boo. 28; 8E Soc 33-1 C-41. Aug. C, 1020. John Kntckrolim ot ux to Hornard IJ. Illloy, BEH8WH Soc. 23-33-40. Doc. 0, 1920. $600.00 Mrs. Edna It. Franklin ot vlr to W. II. McKny, Motes & Hounds In Soc. 29-18-46. Doc. 17, 1020. $760. Kmplro Lumbar Co. to E. C. Van I'otton, Motos & Honds In Ontario. Juno 20, 1917. $3,600.00. E. C. Van I'otton ot ux to Van I'otton Lumbor Co., Motos and Hounds In Ontario.' Jan. 17, 1019. $3,600.00. Thos. F, Coward ot ux to Van rot ton Lumbor Co. Lots 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, nnd 12, Ulk. 1, Adrian. Sopt. 18, 1010. $2,660.00. Arthuro Claypool to Kathorlnt Claypool, Lot 2, Soc. 1-18-43, Dos. 18, 1020. $1.00 FAJtM AND HOME KKMINDKltH Ownors of dogs that kill, wound or chaso domestic nnlmnls In Oregon nro llnblo for all damages thus caus ed. Anyono who socs a dog thus on gaged or under such clrcuniBtanco an show unmistakably that ho has been bo ongaged, Is authorized by tho Ore gon laws to pursuo and kill such doR. I'olltlcnl feclunco, O. A. C. Flues nro usoful In potato utor- ago bins In drawing off tho moist warm air. Thon If the doors nro oponnd on a cool day a draft will bo created sufficient to carry off this air and lowor tho tomperaturo to pro per dogreo proferablo 36 to 38, F. Farm Crops, O. A. C. l'olnt or jUBt oil on tho floor not only koops tho floor from splintering but saves tho housowlfo much work In cleaning tho floor nnd In luundcr Ing tho chlldrens' clothes. Home demonstration, O. A. C. In trying for n stand ot clover In localities whoro clovor Is not com monly grown It Is hotter to Inoculato t)io seed rather than take n chance of gattlng a weak stand or no stand for lack of clovor bnctorla. Any soil that has produced a Reed crop ot clover In rocout years needs no inoculation. If In doubt write for conditions to O. A. C HnctcrloloRy, O. A. C. Illch, high yloldlug pasturo Is tho best nnd cheapest coursa of groon food tor livestock whon available. Sllngo has many advantages In cor- tain seasons ovor other systems. Soil ing Is llkowlso usoful In connection with tho othor plans In soma ot tho districts of Oregon. Farm Crops, O. A. C. Nlcotlno sulfate Is a powerful re pliant for tent caterpillars, but It they do oat follago sprayed with It tboy aro klllod nlmost Instantly, With soap nddod the nlcotlono solu tion Is an nlmost portoct codling moth ogg dostroyor. Entomology, O. A. C. 1IOYH TO WASH DIHHUS "With your urm around your mother after you havo eaten your Christmas dlnnor, boys, tell her to go Into tho parlor and rest and you'll wnBh tho dishes," said Pres ident W. J. Kerr In extending Christ mas woll wishes to tho O. A. C. Btu donts Just boforo tho holiday vaca tion. "Ent your Christmas dlnnor tit homo It you can possibly do so, and show appreciation ot tho sncrl flco your family Is making to glvo you tho advnntngo of college educa tions Thoro novor wns Just such n dlnnor, as mother prepared for you, nnd thoro novor will bo nnothor Hko It. Chnrtorlzo your Christmas visit by service to your parents and com munlty." VOTEItM MAY HI-STItAIN IIOOH Orogon voters may keep dogs from running nt largo In any county election precinct or city, by mujorlty, voto nt any goneral or special olcc tlon, points out Iloy It. Howott, ot tho O. A. C. political sclcnco depart ment. Tho voto will bo ordorod on petition signed by 100 or moro legal votara of county, 16 or moro of elec tion Dreclnct. or 12 or moro of In corporated town. If ownors allow dogs to run nt largo unmuzzlod nf- tor electors voto against It, thoy nro subicct tn a flno of $10 for first otfonco nnd $26 for anch succoodlng otfonso. It Is tho duty of tho law ontorclng officer to kill alt dogs found at largo unmuzzlod. ahtiht CHuncw (Chti. H. niora, raster) CAUI) OF TIIANK8 Wo wish to thank our flondi and neighbors for tholr klndnoss during tho lllnoss nnd nt thu doath of our son, nnd for tholr sympathy and floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. W. Klnio and son. Wo nro In tho market for bnlod timothy hay, feed oats and potatoes, Must bo good quality and prices right. Only products that will pass Inspection at tlmo ot delivery will bo accoptod. Mall quotations to East Orogon Lumbor Company, Entorprlso, Orogon. ' 848-3. Thurlzto Erlcksou to Georgia Hull, Lot 10, nik 297. Ontario. Oct. 26, 1919. $200.00. Trent Johnson ot ux to Wm. E. Loos, Lots 6 and 7, Dlk, 7, Ontario, Doc. 10, 1920. $3,000.00. Mnrrlngti License Imuc1 Chan, P. Noth nnd Margarot Wat ers. Doc. 13, 1920. Clms. 11. Flock and Doris M. Jamos. Dec. 14, 1920. Will Jonon and 0lo Taylor, Dec. 18, 1020. Our Wish For. You Christ, our Bavlour, born nt Chrlet- in a s was tho bright and morning star, Light ot all tho coming ages, In tho wondrous days nfar; May a vision ot His glory Do yours on this Christmas Day, Lovo and Fnlth nnd truo dovotlon Diets your llfo In every way. (Unknown.) Christmas Cantata, "Tho Christ mas Mossago," Saturday night 7:30. An offering for Fnmlno Sutfcrors will bo taken. BIbU School, 10: P. M. Uoralng Worship, 11:19 A. M. Tepic: "Whon Josus comes to Earth Again." Toung Peoples' Service, :8 P. M. Oospel Service, 7:80, P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7:3 P. M. Watch Night sorvlco Friday, 7:30 Itov. Mllo O. Dontly, Stato Evan gelist boglna a special Evangoltsttc mooting Jan. 2, 11:00 A. M, You nro invltod to all ot thoso sorvlcos -van.tEo untly ItoaOMtS.ovItJ Tho Sunday School of tho llaptlst Church will prosont a Christians Cantata, ontltlod "Tho Christians Mossago", nt tho Church on Satur day night, to which nil aro Invltod. O. E. Pollock of tho local otflco of Eastorn Orogon Land Co, has glvou slxtoen boves of candy to tho Ontario Chaptor of Hod Cross for, distribution Christmas, Murray nnd Carl Morton nnd tholr fnmllloa woro horo from Old Forry visiting rolatlvos and frlonds this weok. si CDRISTjIMS GReTII$$ W JijgWgSifcidbir sM lit KHT 'e YNMIHJ' JrTF' ClSEl wW f&- eeg sr7 MMMMMMMta JZJp -I 'Tis Christmas Time that Bright and Happy Season when all the World looks Beautiful. We're printing this to let you know that Our Best Wishes are added to those you have already received, and w trust this will be the Jolljest Christmas that you hava ever known. epepil u timnmtmmatmtiataann,Twrj wrrirtTTTT-r tui-rr r t44$f4'e-4 aaamma0o, First National Bank 444t4t4-tk4- ;-!vvv m We are slash ing prices on Holiday Goods . KM m :::: tl m nt m twvvwww I mWwM I As we still have a big stock of Christmas Goods on hand, and not wishing to carry them over, have decided to cut the prices and give you the benefit. Our loss vill be your gain, so come to see our store and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to save some money on your Christmas buying. All Leather Goods will be sold at 33 1-3 per cent off All Dolls will be sold at 40 per cent off This does not include kewpies Buckskin Mocasins will be sold at 50 per cent off Holiday Stationery will be sold at 10 per cent off Fancy Perfumes and Perfume Sets will be sold at 10 per cent off Christmas Books will be sold at 10 per cent off Toilet Setsand Manicure Sets will be sold at 20 per cent off All Pyrolin Ivory will be sold at 1Q per cent off ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescriptions Our Specialty ;;' '''''t"'"''t'"t"''iH' TtTTTTTVTTftTTMtftT?fffM?ttfttlf 9 V 9 W tf ?? f '' . We take this opportunity to wish our custom ers and friends A Merry Christmas and ' A Happy New Year E. A. Fraser V A n --